FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Failed Assassination of Trump - Mobile Mornings - Monday 7-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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We'll see you in the next one. >> Thanks for joining us. >> Thanks for joining us. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> We'll see you next week. >> The air this morning on MSNBC, they're probably most iconic show with Joe and Mika. Mika? Mika? Mika? I think it's... >> Now you've got me in a twisted breath of a brain. Yeah. >> I think it's Mika. >> Yeah, I think it's Mika too. So it's not on the air and the reason being, they have so many, they have a bunch of guests that come on that they rotate through and zero of them like Donald Trump at all. And so the fear was evidently that they were like somebody, may say the absolute wrong thing, live on our air and then we're going to have trouble trying to get it all back. >> Yeah. >> They're huddling up today and they're just doing this kind of the wall-to-wall coverage on. >> Yeah, the wall-to-wall, right, wall-to-wall of the assassination attempt itself. And Friday, before we left here, I was talking to Sean and Leanna and you may have heard me. I don't know who I was guessing what the three big things would be today. And I said, I think Bayway will be the $550 million and I said, I think Trump will name his VP this weekend and I said maybe Biden will drop out. Well, Saturday evening, and whatever anyone else out there was doing, I was in a movie with the kids and Sean's the first person to text me, Sean Sullivan, and he says, "Can you believe this?" I'm like, "What? I'm watching the minions right now." And he says, "Someone tried to kill Trump and of course that's exactly what happened." And, you know, we're talking millimeters and it would be a completely different story. If he hadn't turned his head to look at that chart on immigration that he was telling the crowd about. Now, he said that there was about 55,000 there in Butler, Pennsylvania. I'm not sure what the actual official count was, very rural area and the tweet that I read earlier and I feel like a lot of people feel the same way after everything that happened on Saturday and then all of the response over the weekend. And I'll read it again. This is Clint Russell. I don't know who this person is. I just saw his tweet, but he said, "You know the country is in rough shape when there's an assassination attempt and the only real debate is to whether or not the government was in on it or they're just so blanking awful at even the most basic tasks that we can no longer tell the difference." And that's the question. How could this possibly happen? A parent, there's the FBI saying a lone wolf, 20 year old, there's a ladder leaning up on this business that is 130 yards away from where the president is speaking. He's able to climb that ladder with the rifle, shimmy, you know, army crawl. You have people in the crowd saying, "Look, there's a guy right over there with a rifle." He gets these shots off, but everyone's seen the video of the counter sniper team on the roof behind Trump where he was looking apparently right at that area where the shooter, where the shooter was located. And there's reports that he had it had his scope trained on this shooter crooks for three minutes, maybe four minutes, and was waiting for the go ahead to shoot. That's one of the reports. There's so many reports out there, right? It's hard to parse the truth from what's not true and just a catastrophic failure or was it something more sinister than that? It's amazing we have to ask that question, but ask RFK Jr. What do you think about all that? So here's the shooting itself, this is as the mayhem breaks out. Trump is pointing out these numbers of illegal migrants. Take a look at what happened. We heard that one female Secret Service agent saying, "What are we doing? What are we doing?" And there was just a lot going on there that it took way too long to get Trump off the stage. And then they let him run the show, right? And it resulted in an iconic photo and moment, especially with the American flag behind him in the blood over his face. It should have never happened, though. Yeah. It should have never happened. There's plenty of experts who say just as much. Yeah, former FBI assistant director Chris Swecker, he was on Fox yesterday. He was one of the best guests I saw the way he broke it down, because I'm sitting there thinking, "Can you please tell me how all this happened?" He says basically that the Secret Service has got a lot of explaining to do after what happened on Saturday night. This was a security breakdown from start to finish. And the primary goal, the primary mission of the Secret Service is to prevent this type of action and then react as swiftly as they can to get him out of the danger zone, neither happened here. No. So I don't want to issue harsh judgments, but it was definitely a security breakdown. Yeah, he talks about what should have been swiftly get him out of possible danger's way, which they were down on the ground for a good 20, 25 seconds. And then the struggle with Trump himself, like he's running the show. And yeah, in that audio. Like you said. Which from Wall Street Journal, the audio they had that Dan played earlier this morning, it's so crystal clear. And he's saying, "Let me get my shoes. Let me get my shoes." Later on, he said that the Secret Service tackled him so hard that he came out of his shoes. There's two of the most iconic photos from that happening. One where he's on the ground at Secret Service is over him. And he's got his head in his hands and he's looking down and you can see the blood trickling off. And then the other one, of course, what we mentioned, where he gets up and throws that fist in the air and mouths the word "fight" with that American flag behind it. So from the point where he was grazed by the bullet to getting him to the car, that's another thing that Swecker said just went wrong. This was a security breakdown from start to finish. Hang on, sir. Let me get that again. It's right here. He talks about them. They wanted to whisk him to the car. Well, that was the job at that point, but that's not exactly what happened. When you agree? Right. Here we go. With Reagan, when he was shot, they had him in the car within seconds. In this case, as Jonathan said, it was a lifetime before they got him off that stage. And look, it was a great moment. When he pumped his fist, that'll go down in history as one of the most dramatic moments. In this country's history, I think, but it should not have been allowed to happen. But if there had been a second shooter, there would have been plenty of opportunity to take him out again. So this breaks every rule of the Secret Service's protocol and just general executive protection in general. A lot of the focus this weekend has been on who makes up the Secret Service these days and the shift towards diversity, equity, and inclusion and making sure that there were more women in the ranks and say what you want to say, and maybe there's, and I'm sure there are some women out there who can do the job and do the job well, but assigning a five foot whatever tall female to with her body, protect the six foot three, two hundred and whatever pound president, the math ain't working on that. And you add to that the total lack of for some of these Secret Service agents, they just look like they hadn't practiced. And at one point, she is in front of him when he's, wait, wait, wait, I want to put my fist up. Get my shoes, blah, blah, blah. She leans down while they're going off stage and leaves his entire belt up unprotected. Then when you see them getting him into the escalator, whatever vehicle it was, and they're protecting him and that you have two women right out in front that are surveying the crowd, they look totally panicked. One, at first you can't get her weapon out of her holster, then she can't reholster it when it's time. Another one's fiddling with her sunglasses, major, major issues with the Secret Service. Yeah. And if you think the doll just pick in, watch it over again and you'll see those examples of what he's talking about. Swecker now says everything's in the FBI's, the ball's in their court right now. The Secret Service, they can't investigate themselves, they're out. But in this case, the FBI is not just investigating the incident, they're investigating the protection and the security strategy around it. That's why you didn't see a Secret Service at the press conference last night. They have a conflict of interest. They can't be part of the investigation even though the FBI is playing nice about that part of it. But the FBI has exclusive jurisdiction in this case in the case of an attempted assassination and they will tear this thing apart. They will bring every resource they have to bear. They will go through this, as we mentioned earlier, I mean they're obviously dissecting this person's life, his home, his media, his social media, his electronic devices, his friends, et cetera. You all already were talking about this in terms of the investigation into crooks? The investigation into crooks, the fact that the Secret Service, they rarely put out a statement. You don't really get many press releases from the Secret Service. It's right there in the name, right? But exactly. It's right there in the name. But as it turns out, after this would appear to be an amazing colossal failure. They put out a statement. And they are, they're pointing the finger at local police. They blamed local police for failing to secure the rooftop and insisted it was outside the perimeter that the federal agency was tasked with protecting and you have to wonder how that could possibly be the case when that is the nearest large building with a perch that someone could-- Like you're sitting in a press box in a football game. Right. Instead, securing and patrolling the factory grounds of ARG International Inc was the responsibility of local Pennsylvania police. According to Secret Service Representative Anthony Gulliami, Secret Service was only tasked with covering the grounds where the Trump rally took place with local police being recruited to assist with those efforts and secure the area outside the rally. Galton, there was a metal detector to get in, right? You have metal detectors so you can enter. So the chance of someone bringing a gun in, the threat would be on the outside. The threat would be because when you look at it, he was perched in a perfect position if he's any kind of shot at all. And was Secret Service, if what they're saying is true, it is possible there was a failure on their part and local police, neighbors who lived near that those grounds and there's a lot of residential around there. So they were never visited by any law enforcement agencies, local or federal, in the days before or during the rally. So no one was doing their homework to see what that situation looked like. Is there anyone dangerous within that? And if you just think about the properties themselves, okay, you're the Secret Service. You should have a pretty good idea of what to do. You're there a couple of days in advance. You've got to be looking around saying, "Well, that'd be a spot where somebody could be." Right? That'd be a spot where somebody could possibly be. We're going to be here looking over all of that. It doesn't really make much sense. And we'll have some audio from Florida Congressman Corey Mills, who's a sniper, talking about just that here in just a little bit. There was also reports, and you played the audio earlier. There were several attendees who saw the man. You played some earlier. I think that was the most widespread footage that was on BBC. And there's another one here that I'll get to in a minute, but a local cop in AP was the first to report this, spotted the attempted assassin just moments before he tried to kill the president after rally-goers spotted crooks on the roof. Police were notified. One officer climbed a ladder to investigate. Remember, this is the ladder that looks like they just leaned it right up against it. He climbed the ladder that crooks put next to the building and said that he climbed this ladder. And then apparently crooks turned towards him, and with his rifle, the officer then backed down the ladder once crooks turned towards him, and crooks immediately took aim and shot at the former president, of course, grazing his ear. You mentioned earlier-- Sounds a little bit like you evolved it, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, major failure. And Swecker mentioned earlier, Secret Service is a conflict of interest. They can't investigate it. It's FBI jurisdiction. A lot of people are arguing that the FBI has conflict of interest. Also, you think about the Attorney General, who has levied a bunch of charges. He's been going after Trump for some time now. The FBI Director has also been involved in a lot of that. So that's why how clean is this investigation going to be? James Comer. And Mike Johnson, the House Speaker, of course, have both said, "We're investigating this. We're going to look into it and believe here in the next few days they're going to have the Secret Service Director testifying before the House Oversight Committee." Yeah, and also someone from the House talked about the request denied. Now, I don't know that this is a fact. But the way he told it was that there was more detail or more personnel requested for Trump at Israeli, and it was denied by Mayorkas. Now, have you heard that? I didn't know it was Mayorkas. I didn't know they were asking for extra security. That was what the sitting Congressman said we'll see. We have a lot of text. We'll get to those also that audio from Corey Mills and Eric Prince, the founder of Black Water, former Navy Seal, what he had to say about this entire thing. We'll get to all of that throughout this hour, a texture here. You know, I said there were two iconic foes. I totally forgot about the other one. That picture of the bullet going right past Trump's head. Yep. What? I know. Absolutely insane. And I turned on Fox that night to watch the Braves. And you were shocked what came up on that screen, I'm sure. It's 821, Dan and Dalton, Mobile Morning's text or call 2513430106. Morning from Dan and Dalton, 825, House Republican lawmaker, Mike Walts from Florida, who made the accusation that Secretary Alejandro Mayork has denied stronger secret service protection for former President Trump multiple times. He says they have very reliable sources telling me that they have been the repeated request for stronger secret service protection in President Trump for Israelis denied by Secretary Mayork, as they, on the other hand, are denying that that happened. But anyway, that's the story I was talking about. And you played audio all morning, the BBC news interview with the rally goer. This person, I think, was right outside the rally, so they were doing kind of a tailgating thing. Yeah, that's right. You saw the shooter, you know, climb that building. Here's another witness, and this one was actually inside the grounds there, watching the speech. Just take me back. What were you doing before the shooting happened, and then what did you see in here? I was just hanging, standing there like everybody else, waiting for Trump, and as Trump started, I noticed two officers that were looking for something or somebody, so I was looking around myself and seeing a guy on top of one of the buildings go in between one building to the next, and I went and told the officer that he was up there, and when I went back to my spot, I heard that people could still see the person from where they were standing. So I checked that out, and I went back to tell the officer that if he came over there, he could see them, and when I turned my back, it's when the shot started, and then it took me a second or two to figure out exactly what it was, and then it was just getting out of there. Now, some of these texts doesn't have meta, tried to watch MSNBC coverage for a few minutes this weekend, and was absolutely blown away with how they downplayed the event, CNN wasn't any better. The big discussion this week was going to be who's the VP, and are there going to continue to be calls for Biden to drop out? From the coverage I've read, Axios, Politico have both talked with plenty of different sources in the House and the Senate, and kind of what I've gathered is, at this point, those months to go, this race looks so out of reach for the Democrats, at least the presidential race, that they're turning their focus now into saving seats in the Senate and the House, and basically what they're saying anonymously is they don't want to put any fresh blood up there, because Trump has such an overwhelming advantage after the tragic events of this weekend that they might as well just keep it with Biden. That's kind of been everything I've seen so far. Of course, things can't change. Kurt Digger said Secret Service had a fail, but God's Angels did their job. That let's you know God wants Trump president. You know, that same flag that was in that image or is in that image of Trump raising his fist, they said before the rally, it had gotten tangled up, and there's pictures of this out there. Maybe I'll try to find it and retweet it. It looked like an angel, the American flag. They said, "Look like an angel." I thought it looked more like maybe a bald eagle, but an angel as well, some people were saying is, you know, was there a divine intervention there? You're talking about coverage, by the way, CNBC, one of the outlets. Yeah, MSNBC. MSNBC. How about the headlines initially, up for an hour or two, CNN and the Washington Post? Yeah, they said basically Trump falls after loud noises at rally was like one of the first that ran. And they didn't change it for a long time, knowing that that was way wrong. On the page of The New York Times yesterday morning, they had the picture of Trump raising his fist. They cropped out the American flag. I guess it was just a little too powerful to keep that part of it in the New York Times photo. Joel says, "And nobody will lose their job. Watch what I tell you." I don't like that the federal government is investigating the federal government. I'll tell you that much. I would feel better if Comer and some of these other Republicans in the House are able to take a better look, Texas says, "Sounds like the shooter got off about seven shots before he was neutralized." Is that correct? Yep. It's tough to tell for my untrained ear what shots are his and what shots are from the counter sniper team. Yeah, I think there's a pause in between and if you look at that, like, there's your evidence. It was maybe five or six from him and then a bunch from the guy's taking them out. A lot more text to get to plus some folks who really know what they're talking about. Eric Prince and Cory Mills, I want to bring up what they've discussed this week and also we have some calls we'll get to as well, 2513430106. I think you can, 834 FM talk, 106.5 and mobile mornings on a Monday. Right now we head to McConnell Automotive and we'll talk with Louis Radham. Hey, Louis. How are you? Good morning, guys. How are you? We're great. Another warm day, probably some rain this week on the way, but a beautiful day at McConnell Automotive. Get the selection of vehicles, trucks, SUVs, cars, anything anyone wants. Anything you want to pull a boat with? We got it. I promise you. With that, I don't know, just about all weekend and watched a bunch of boats come in a stop and they're being pulled by the beautiful GMC trucks. We got plenty of them, half ton, three quarter tons. Also got a couple of hummers in it. Y'all want to come by and see that. Those are, those are some fine cars. We got some great horsepower in those cars, we got 300 miles on the range and got a bunch of work trucks in, got some work truck vans, anybody looking for that? We're going to have a great day today, it looks like, and it looks like the weather's going to cooperate. So come by and see us. Yep, and if you aren't able to make it by, Louis has mentioned it a bunch of times, but, everything you need there as well to find your next vehicle. Louis, we appreciate you this morning. Hi, thank y'all, come see us. Alright, Louis, you'll find him at McConnellautomotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65 and the website, You see, I guess it was the night of Saturday night on CNN, David Axelrod was there and talking with Anderson Cooper, he said that Trump will now be greeted as a martyr at the convention. So a guy gets shot and immediately he puts on his prognosticating hat and, you know, okay, sorry about you getting shot, man, but now you're going to have the advantage that you'll be greeted as a martyr at the convention. And you're saying there's Democrats now that are really just saying it's over, basically is what they're saying. And somebody was talking about when Reagan, when that attempted assassination happened, they said, well, there's four months to go, and while Reagan enjoyed a boost in the polls after that attempted assassination that by the time November rolled around, he had lost that boost. And then I went, wait, the 1984 election, Reagan won almost every single state. I think that assassination, I don't have the facts in front of me, I don't want to say it, but I thought that was early into his administration, like in '81. And he was elected an audience. So you still had, you had a lot of time in between the shooting and the election is how I remember it. - Damn Yankee says, looking on how all branches of the military have gone woke seems to reason that the Secret Service is probably ultra woke. It's painfully obvious. Another texture here, if the man would have took the shot when he saw the rifle, they wouldn't have to cover him with a little girl, forget Secret Service and get a few good old boys watching him, problem solved. Dell texting in, this was a mission critical failure. The site commander failed to collaborate, protect and guard the life of the president. Rock and roll doctor, FBI run by Ray slash Obama slash Biden are now in charge of the investigation into the attempted assassination of their political enemy. I'm sure all of that will be on the up and up. John says, can you imagine if the unthinkable had happened Saturday, would we have a ghost convention tonight? Would they have canceled the convention? A lot of theories out there about what would have happened if the unthinkable had happened Saturday, if that shot had been, if Trump had not turned his head, or if the shot had been a little further to the right, he would have died right there and civil war. What would have come from that? Would there have been violence in the streets, maybe? Will there be violence in the streets, maybe? But as far as the election is concerned, people are saying, hey, we could have been looking this week. They're saying, okay, everybody's coming up with their own opinions in their own theories. If Trump had been killed, they would have probably nominated someone this week to take his role as the candidate. And that would have likely been Nikki Haley as she was in the race longest other than Trump. And then you probably would have had them go ahead and move Biden on out. If Trump is no longer a factor, and who do they move into his stead, would it be Kamala or would it be Hillary? We would be looking at a completely different situation. But butterfly effect, you know, we can argue all day or talk about what may or may not have happened. If something else had happened, it's just, it's impossible to really not look. And this is a easy pot shot, no pun intended on my part, Democrats can say what they want about gun control. They're doing the shooting. Scalise, a guy driving from Illinois or Missouri, a Bernie supporter, a Bernie supporter. Last night, a guy obviously had a registered Republican, whatever. I mean, he gave to a progressive group, the day that Biden I believe was when I graduated. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, weirdo or not, certainly no fan of Trump and more than likely, you know, it's Democrat political feelings. The Democrats are the ones pulling the trigger. Yeah. So, remember Trump actually, and I don't know how close it was to being a real assassination attempt, but back in 2016, he was doing a rally, I think in an airport hanger in front of Trump Force One and someone in the crowd, I don't know if you remember this, everyone was like, "Duck, watch out." And Trump kind of turned around and ducked and the cops got this guy. I need to go back and look and see, I think he had a weapon on him. Wow. That was an assassination attempt, I believe, then, with no shots getting fired, man. And let's get a couple more of these texts. Bill said that local cops that saw the shooter could have, the local cop that saw the shooter could have fired his pistol up into the air after moving behind cover. So the secret service snipers would not have shot him. The shots would have triggered Trump being covered up and moved to safety. King of all unnamed textures said, "I wish someone would ruffle some feathers with a Teddy Roosevelt comparison." I've seen several actually make that comparison. Someone, I forget who was, said Trump is the toughest president since Teddy Roosevelt. I mean, that's pretty tough, pretty tough, pretty savage response to get up off, regardless of whether Secret Service should have allowed him to do that or not, right? Another texture, Joe, people who weren't there to look for potential shooters saw the shooter, but the people who were being paid to look for shooters didn't see him. Strange. Another strange thing is a 20-year-old we're talking about here, the shooter, with apparently no online life, no military background, no military training at all. I guess he was on the rifle team or tried to get on the rifle team at high school. Absolutely. That's really weird in itself, and I don't know what's going on there. Seems more like a mental issue than a Republican and Democrat issue. You can say that, but look at the rhetoric, and I mentioned it earlier. This kid, I say kid, this piece of dirt, 20 years old, so if he's 20, if he was going to turn 21 in September, and Donald Trump, 2015, 2016, really, that's when he started catching this heat from the national media, and where they started labeling him as the worst thing ever, right? So for a major, major portion of this person's life, and so many others that are 20, 21, 22, think about 13-year-olds, 14-year-olds, all they've heard is that Trump is Hitler, and that he's the end of democracy. I mean, just go look at the Biden-Harris Twitter page, and one of their tweets, at least one, they have Trump and Hitler in the same meme, and like just how about the rhetoric from the current president just last week, July 8th, it's time to put Trump in the bullseye, and we can't waste any more time being distracted. I have one job, and that's to beat Donald Trump. I'm absolutely certain I'm the best person to be able to do that. And of course, Saturday, he said, he said, the idea that there's political violence in America like this has just unheard of, it was just not appropriate, and we, everybody, everybody must condemn it. I've got them all saved, and we can go down the list, but you've all been watching it for years. Trump's Hitler. It's the end of democracy. We can't let some have been even more direct. Someone, I saw one over the weekend, where she and she was a democratic, she was elected official, maybe in Congress, I believe. She said, he's worst, he's worse than Hitler, and I'll tell you why. And so she talked about those guys having their own ideology, their own plan for the future of their nation, no matter how skewed it was, but she said, he's doing all this, and he really doesn't have a plan. He just likes to be in charge. He's worse than Mussolini or Hitler, and she said it on the line. And now they're trying to act like their rhetoric had nothing to do with this. Give me a break. Let's go to the phones real quick, and then we'll get some of this audio. James Engineer, good morning, James. Hey, good morning, guys. You know, this is a failure, the only thing I was listening to you about some of the people that called in about the officer maybe being able to shoot in the air, but you know, this is one of these sacrifices that we're sworn to when we get into the military. The guys in green that got up on the stage were looking for a probability of a second shooter in the audience waiting, and they did their job. They basically did their job to pile on top of him because they didn't have a protocol in place for the car in a time frame, how long it would take to get up there to load him into it. They had to keep it in a secure place so people don't plant bombs up underneath the vehicle. Although, if it's a presidential vehicle, most of those are even bomb proof, they can take a pretty hard charge. The problem I have is the perimeter and the officer assault. If you have a roof, you raise your head up, he sticks a gun at you. His mission, the guy with the gun is going to try to kill the president. You drop your head down, you stick your head back up and shoot him. I mean, it's that way because he cannot shoot the president while you're occupying him. If you have to keep popping your head up, now the problem is that most people are scared. You're in the middle, you're trained beyond that. Thank you for the call. You're trained not to be scared. You might be a little scared, but something overrides that and you do your job, and that didn't happen here. It reminds me of you of Aldi, and it's like you have one job right now, you have the opportunity to take him out. What is your, you go down the ladder, now what is your, what's next? From the footage we've seen of Secret Service up there on the stage, and then when getting him into the vehicle afterwards, I saw a lot of fear. I saw a lot of trepidation. It was not a good look. And let me read this. Eric Prince, former Navy Seal, founder of Blackwater, military contractors, well-known and becoming more well-known by the day. If you get a chance, read or listen to his book from a few years ago about founding Blackwater. Let me read this. Hopefully this is from his Twitter page, he put this out yesterday at noon. Maybe after the tragedy yesterday in Butler, Pennsylvania, we can all recognize that unaccountable, bloated bureaucracies continue to fail us as Americans. Donald J. Trump is alive today, solely due to a bad wind estimate by an evil would-be assassin. As the graphics show, and he has graphics with this, and I've tweeted it, you can find it at Dalton Norway, retweeted it. As the graphic show, the full value of wind at just five miles an hour was enough to displace the unconfirmed but likely light 55-grain bullet, two inches from Trump's intended forehead to his ear. Said DJT was not saved by a secret service brilliance. The fact that Secret Service allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yards to a pre-planned event is either malice or massive incompetence. Clearly, there was adequate, uncontrolled dead space for a shooter to move into position and take multiple aimed shots. Watching the news reel, one can hear how proximate the shooter is by the very short time lapse between the crack of the arriving bullet, supersonic, to the boom of muzzle blast, sonic. The law enforcement sniper, he said unclear if Secret Service and newsreels was clearly overwhelmed as his face came off his rifle instead of doing his job to kill the shooter. Clearly they were watching the shooter but apparently have a no "first shot" policy. The only positive action was an apparent, and I'm not sure how this could be from the one behind the stage, but this is what Eric Princesseng. The only positive action was an apparent 488-yard shot by one Secret Service sniper, which dispatched the assassin, but after the assassin launched at least five rounds wounding Trump and killing and severely others in the crowd. In my old business of providing diplomatic security in two active war zones, we were expected to execute the basics or we would be fired. Clearly, Secret Service failed at the basics of a secure perimeter, and once shots were fired, their extraction was clumsy, and left Trump highly exposed to follow up attacks. It looked like they had never drilled together because those responses should be effectively automatic. Will there be accountability? That's not the Washington way. He continues, "Unserious and unworthy people and positions of authority got us to this near disaster. Merit and execution must be the only Decidic factors in hiring and leadership, not the social engineering priority of the day. Sadly, nothing in Washington reflects that any longer. Donald Trump is right to question the competence of those protecting him because yesterday, they failed in almost every way. Nature abhors a vacuum, and there are always other options. Most importantly, as Americans, let's come together and run a proper, valid election so we can get back to what matters, a merit-based society that judges on character and skill, and nothing else." Any which way you want to watch that video, right after the shooting, Dalton, it just looked so bumbling. There was no real—who was in charge? It was one really big guy. He looked like he belonged there. There were two smaller women, they wanted to protect him and get on top of him right away. I'd get all that, but getting him to the car was a disaster, and for him to be able to stand there and become a target all over again, whatever you practice, whatever the protocol is for that extraction, I guess, as he called it, Navy SEALs, Special Forces, they train. You would think these people train as well, but it didn't look like it. You don't think those women or that woman was ex-Navy SEAL? You don't think that—and that's another problem. They all look back. If we are stacking our Special Forces with people who are unable to do the job just to meet certain quotas, that's also a very big problem. I'm back from Virginia Beach to tell you that's not the case in the SEALs, not the case. But it's 8.50 with Dan Adalton, Mobile Morning, should have you long. Good morning from Dan Adalton, Mobile Morning. My name, Texas, says this, oh no, actually it's Anderson from Foley, Dan Bonjino is beside himself of being a former Secret Service, and think about that, and think about people who know the ins and outs of all this, well, you quoted one, but people who are at the highest level of security have been Secret Service in the past or Special Forces or Navy SEAL or whatever. What is your opinion of what we witnessed over the weekend? I'd love to know more. Also, a bunch of guests today as we've kind of laid the groundwork for everybody else here on FM Talk 106.5 and Jeff Pore coming up next, he'll have Dale Jackson on in hour number 1, sure that will be very entertaining. Hour number 2, State Representative Shane Stringer and also Congressman Gary Palmer and the third hour Baron Coleman. Sean will have Congressman Jerry Carlone again today, and obviously things have changed since the last time he had him on Friday, and tonight on PAGs, Joe, Joe PAGs, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Prince, the guy I just quoted, Eric Prince, so that'll be on PAGs tonight, nine to midnight. I wanted to play this audio. I've been talking about it all morning. Corey Mills, representative out of Florida, former sniper. Here's what he had to say on with Jesse Waters about the countersniper team and how Secret Service should have had all this, you know, ready to go. Let's bring in Florida Congressman and former U.S. Army sniper, Corey Mills. What kind of shot was this, Corey, from 130 yards? Look at the end of the day, this is a shot that your basic training boot camp soldier is requested to make within their nine week period. This is one of the easiest shots, and they train all the way out until 300 or 500. And when I was doing the counter sniper, it wasn't with the United States Army, it was actually when I was with the State Department and was doing this exact thing, which is trying to look at going out with an advanced team, establishing what the perimeter is. And then as a sniper, when you would set up, you'd put together your range sketch or your range fan cards, and that would tell you where you're 100, you're 200, you're 300, and you'd identify the areas of threat that you would be able to mitigate. And if there's multiple targets, you understand that your elevation and windage knob wouldn't have to be messed with, especially at 160 yards. You could literally just look quickly glance and know from the reference point, whether it be a building, whether it be a lone tree, whether it be a parking lot, maybe it's a road. Bottom line is that this is massive negligence to the point of me speculating on what was intentional and what wasn't. And so he has a lot to say. That's really good stuff right there, really bad stuff that he's talking about, of course. But Secret Service, as we mentioned this morning, saying that was on local police. Secret Service was just supposed to have the actual grounds where this was taking place under control. I mean, I can't, I can't imagine that that is true. I can't. Now they're saying it. Secret Service, like we said, it's in the name. They don't talk. They don't. They don't talk to police as well. Suddenly there is one. But the fact that that they, anything that was outside of the grounds was not for them to concern themselves with. When with the metal detector, people getting in, you almost knew that that was mitigated. It would be elevated and outside the grounds where you would have your greatest concern. I'm sorry. It's insane. And my only theory, oh, I have a lot of theories, but is it possible that with the RNC and Milwaukee this week, that maybe that's where the A team was. And you would think the A team is with Biden, right? So whatever team was assigned to Trump, maybe, maybe he even had a backup to them that was with him in Butler, PA, while the other team did some advanced scouting. I don't know. I'm just looking for some kind of reasoning for how it could be this catastrophic a failure because I don't think any of us want it to be the other option, which is, like Eric Prince said, malice. He questioned it. He did. A lot of people have questioned that. And Prince did. And then this guy just did. 40 miles. 40 miles. A lot of really great texts. Keep them coming for Jeff. Keep them coming for Sean on midday 2513430106, and we will be back. What? Tomorrow morning at six. We will be here. Dan and Dalton, Mobile Morning's on FM Talk, 106.5. (dramatic music)