FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

(PSR) Prep Sports Report 7.13.2024 w/guest(s) Doug Barber and The Legend Series w/Don Jennings

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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coming to you live from the eastern shore Toyota and Hyundai studios. The Thompson tractor prep sports report. Here's your host Randy Bergen with coach Rick Cleveland and coach Mark Leseter. And good Saturday morning to you and welcome to the Top's Attractors Prep Sports Report as we're coming to you live from the eastern shore Toyota and Hyundai studios right here in South Alabama. We are happy and tickle pink that you are with us today. I can tell you that for sure and both you coaches are looking good. I always have to say that you don't know why I'm attracted to saying that to you. But have you been working out? Yes, you look like Rick. How you doing brother? I'm doing great Randy. We've had a great week. We've had Taylor and Turner with us all week at the beach and it's been a whirlwind of a week. I can tell you it's been great. So you've had your grandchildren here and that is fantastic and big Turner hanging out with us right here in the studios this morning. I see him right there. We'll put that mic down and you put that mic down until everybody hello here Turner. Speak up loud and clear. Will you say good morning? Good morning. Howdy boy. You say good morning to your daddy? You know he's listening. I'll tell you what that he looks like a ball player. He looks like a ball player. I'll tell you the truth. Hey we got a great show lined up for you. Got the double D's coming. We got Doug Barbara is going to be on with us. He'll be part of the leadership tribute to Pat Taylor, coach. Yeah Pat Taylor is a very well respected administrator in private schools all around the southeast and Doug is sure had a lot of respect for him. Sure. And leadership is Doug is really into the leadership. I mean he's he's he's done such a super job as the head of school there at UMS Ride and but he's always learning. He's always learning and he's always seeking out those people like the Pat Taylor's. We lost Pat Taylor a week or so ago and Doug is going to honor Pat today during our leadership seat. Well very good. Very good. And then to start our second hour boy you talking about the legend series continues. It's a good one right here. Don Jennings, coach Don Jennings is going to be on with us. I had the opportunity you know Dan obviously and Dan has been very successful and major league baseball. I had the opportunity to play against him many years growing up him from Fair Hope and then we played senior Babe Ruth Babe Ruth and all that and let me just tell you all I ever heard was what just what just went by. I mean by talking about BB's he threw BB's okay I'm telling you. You know it's a funny thing that happened to him Mark. This is interesting you and Randy. Dan tore his ACL his senior year in football. He worked so hard that he pitched the opening game of baseball season to get back in shape. He said Don had him running that stadium and yeah and of course he Don was a head baseball coach at Fair Hope and a lot of the old timers say that Don was the genesis of that program getting going in the direction that it went on for years and years. You're familiar with that better than we are Randy but yeah that's how hard Danny worked to get back to be able to play baseball and of course baseball is taking them all over the world now. So yeah that's a pretty good story. Very good very good success. When Randy talked about that ball coming by not even seeing it of course I recognize that. But I remember in Alabama I'll never forget this we were getting ready. Alabama I was working I was just working for the baseball team. I was on work study and Coach Schalenberger was talking he was in the dugout talking about who LSU was throwing that night and he says this kid's throwing he can throw it. He can throw it. How fast can you throw it? He said well put it this way he could throw a strawberry through a battleship. You got to pick him. I win. He meant he could throw it so hard that the strawberry would actually go through the battles. That's pretty good but I've never heard that before. Barry Schalenberger was full of those kind of teams. He was. He he's also a pretty good tennis player. I don't know if you know that but he was but so one of my stories with Barry is this. He walks out to me one day and it's a game it's a non-conference game and I want to say it was against a North Carolina team. It may have been North Carolina Charlotte and he walks out and I'm on the dish that day and he walks out and he says cleave. What's wrong with your glasses? Coach I don't wear glasses. He said well you damn well better start wearing them. That's a way to get started. How long did he stay in the game? I don't think I ever toss Barry. I don't want it to but he don't always start talking tennis with me and so to get me on that side but boy he told me about those glasses. I'll never forget that. I'll go and you know when I was that this is so much so much fun when I was at Alabama. I was working like I said working work study with the Schalenberger and Roger Smith and Coach Nethro figured it found out that I could actually knew how to grow tomatoes and so way down in the back part of the bull pen there was like four or five tomato plants growing tomato and so Coach Schalenberger come down there like in May or something like that he'd say how are them tomatoes doing Mark? I said they're doing good. I promise you we're putting ready to play Clemson one night. He comes up and he says mark him tomato. Are you gonna write tomatoes out there? I go yes. He goes would you go pick me a couple of them? I'm gonna have a tomato sandwich for this ball. I see them. That's him. That's him. Went in there picked him too tomatoes and he took them back up to the office and cut himself from them sliced him up from tomatoes and had a tomato sandwich. And let me tell you that he was a heck of a baseball player. He was very good. He got it started for Alabama. He did. He was something special player. I got your baseball. I still have a baseball signed by him at my house and I don't know why I did is it was the first night baseball game played in Alabama history. They never played and have lights and they finally put flights up up there at the field and we had a night game and so I just I thought that was big. I was in like 80 79 or 80 and I asked him to sign it for me and I still got saw it yesterday. I was cleaning out some stuff in a cabinet and there it was. That's pretty cool. That is uh that is very neat. That is very very neat but uh all right well and then of course market 945 you'll wrap up the show with a camp great segment. Yeah we're going to talk about pride a little bit today and how pride can can grow in us and what problems it can cause. We're going to talk about a man from the Bible named Usaya. Yeah it's a pretty good old story. That's a good story Mark. Yeah that's a good story. Pride cometh before the fall right? Yeah that's yeah good stuff. We'll do that at 9. 945. We're talking about the golf course Randy. I'm going to pride cometh before the fall. We're not talking about the golf course. Can I throw a shameless plug in here? I'm excited about our show following this the Southern Fairways Radio Show and this this week is always one of my favorite weeks because our buddy Bobby Hall, PGA Teaching Professional and Director of Golf at Quail Creek, is in uh is in Lake Tahoe. He's been doing it for almost 30 years as the head rules official there for the American Century. Used to be called the celebrity championship but that's just called the American Century Championship. Got all the celebrities out there. Steph Curry won last year but we always for the last couple of years Peter Jacobson always comes on and he'll be on with us today and uh and then Bobby will throw a surprise in there. Now Larry the cable guy comes on. We've got John with John Elway on. We've I mean we've just had a cast of characters. Joe Thizer has been on with us uh I mean just if you're uh uh what they call them uh and they play Monday through Friday on during the day soap operas soap operas Jack Wagner Jack Wagner. He's been on with us. I mean we just we just got a whole plethora of folks that have been on with us tonight. So it'll be interesting to see who he has lined up for us today but uh it'll be a fun show. Got a lot to get into and um can't wait can't wait to talk with Bobby out there. Just beautiful. If you have an opportunity you watch it on tv this weekend and if you're not a golf fan turn it on and watch these guys. These guys I mean Larry the cable guy will be on and he is absolutely hilarious. Alfonso Ribeiro will be there. Um they have some pretty delicate good athletes out there so turn it on Michael Jordan. I don't know if Michael's there or not. He may be maybe not maybe not but uh always fun always fun to watch these guys. Always and Bobby does such a good job you know and folks y'all need to go out to coil creek and take a look around out there and play a little golf. It worked very hard to get the course back in and play in order the way they want it way they've always kept it but the people out there are just so friendly and so willing to work with you to help you get there get your tea time set and get on the course just a good place and can find stuff on Facebook. Bobby's putting some uh yep video clips of the yep how to play different holes out there. That's and that's that's pretty neat. That's pretty neat. Speaking of which uh Turner was talking about Clemson a while ago Trevor Lawrence scheduled to be on with us. There you go. So we'll see we'll see if in fact that happens but all right hey we'll take a quick time out when we come back more the tops and tractors prep sports report. Welcome back to the Thompson Tractor Prep Sports Report brought to you by alpha insurance. This segment presented by green and phillips attorneys-in-law. Now back to the show. [Music] Wow. That's what you start your Saturday morning out right there with Prep Sports Report a little steely down a little peg. Man good stuff. Hey welcome back to the Thompson Tractor's Prep Sports Report Randy Bergen coach Mark Laster. We got two cleavings in the house coach Rick Cleveland. Turner Cleveland hanging out with us uh always always good stuff. It's always good to have your grandchildren around and tell you no doubt about it. Nothing like it. I'm gonna tell you it's been the most fun week I've had in a long long time with that Rascal right there and his sister. We've just had a time. What y'all been doing? Well we've been fishing. We've been to movies. This guy swims. He wants to swim. He can swim all day all day long and he wants me to time it. So I'm timing him. He's phenomenal and we we we got a little card game that we play and now Turner doesn't want to talk about that because he wore me out last night. I got Beatwerson. Randy beats me on the golf court. Yeah right. I mean they wore me slap out so but we've just had a blast and uh kind of saying now you know me oh sappy old man. I when I let them out of the car and they get in the car with their daddy to go back to Atlanta. Yeah I'll have a few. I'll have a few tears. All the way home. It just tears me up but he and I are going to Boston here in a couple weeks to see the Red Sox and the Yankees and well that'll be neat. Yeah we're looking forward to that. We really are. That'll be. I don't think anybody will throw an inside fastball in that game. No it'll make me a lot of that. Dude got beans. That's why I'll throw some chin music on here. Congratulations. Oh my goodness. Hey we got a lot to get into. Let's start. You got the AHS A coaches clinic happening on the starts on Monday coach. It starts Monday. It does and it's a huge event in Montgomery at the Renaissance Hotel here in Montgomery. There is all-star games everywhere starting on Monday as a matter of fact I got baseball and golf uh be played with all-star teams that were selected back during the year uh back during this last school year and those kids will be playing um this uh Monday and then all-stars have volleyball and basketball and other sports soccer uh different things going on during the week but the coaches are there for uh clinics where coaches come in from all around uh mainly from the state of Alabama but some from across the nation who come speak at the different venues uh inside the uh renaissance there to talk to specific groups um like Tuesday will be a specific group of people there. Wednesday uh is football uh and thirst or let me make sure I got all that right I've got it written down here that the um the football groups come in Wednesday afternoon and then third day Thursday the speakers will be talking uh all day Charles Kelly fact I think starts it off uh Wednesday morning he'll be the first speaker. You know his daddy was a longtime coach in Alabama member of the central board uh of control here in Alabama for the AHSAA. Lavon Kelly's his name comes down at um I want to say Skipperville maybe he comes down in that part of Charles Kelly was my choice to get the head coach and job at South Alabama. Uh Charles very well known recruiters throughout the country worked at Florida State uh worked at Auburn several times and just a tremendous tremendous football coach uh but he has a pedigree of Alabama high school F and that's why I just just really think the world of Charles you ever get a chance to sit in and talk to him or he's a lot of fun. I will say this about your meeting the good old boy network will be alive and well come Wednesday and you're a part of that network Mark Lasseter. What? Well you I mean it's not a bad thing you know that that good old boy network. You said old. Yeah the good you you have not qualified. The good old boy network is alive and well and y'all will be assembled I'm sure at one of the local hotels and y'all be telling more lies and Carter's got liver pills. Well that's it is a big social Wednesday night. It is that. And uh coaches from all over the state come and it's so good to see everybody come in there uh old friends old guys we coached with coached against will be there. Old nemesis. Old nemesis. That's right. That'll be a few old enemies in there I'm surprised. Oh I know I know that happens. But anyway the that that goes on Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and wraps up Friday with athletic directors and principals meeting. All the coaches are required to come in there it's best to be a head coach from your varsity and middle school teams to take test uh to pass the test to qualify your program as being a part of that if you don't do it you get fined. Well well and let me say this to you coaches that listen around the state now more I hear and talk to coaches there's more of us that hear our voice and we recognize so you better go take that test because if you try to take it online they gonna kick your fanny. They are because it's hard. I'm telling you as hard as it can be. I've taken a basketball test the last couple of years and I'm telling you right now it takes me about four hours to take 50 questions. What makes it what makes it so difficult? Well they want you to be in Montgomery. Okay. They want you to be there for the clinic. Right. So they give you a test on online that will just knock your socks off. The wording of the question is so difficult. Okay. Sometimes you miss one word in that sentence. Right. And you're messed up. I remember take it. I remember Terry got me to do the basketball scoreboard test. Floor have mercy. You talk about a duck out of water. Yeah. I was like what in the world? I mean how could it be the scoreboard test? Well you had to know the rules about how to do this or how to do that and what if this happens and what if that happens and I'm sitting there going. And it's like when a foul is called if their hand is open. Right. That's not a foul. That's a violation. If their hand is if their fist is closed it's a foul. Right. You better stop that clock right now. Right. Right. Right. So I mean you know you do that too on a violation but I mean just little bitty things. But you better go. Coaches go. Go. Just go for one day. Go and take the test. Take your test. Go back home. Go fishing. I agree. But this week athletes can work out at their schools now. Yeah you can work out. You just can't compete and you can't practice. Right. You can't take them out there and do any type of practicing with them. You just can't. And so you all about that changed. All you can do is work them out and it may be that you could I don't think you can even practice them. Well can they go out themselves and work out or practice themselves. But at the same time you're doing that then they're somebody wherever they're at. If it's on school ground somebody's liable. Yeah. So we discourage that. Got you. You know. Yeah it's a big deal. It's really a big deal. And you know the thing that about this one is Heath Harmon's going into that blind. I mean he really is. He hadn't had time to prepare for this and as a new executive director of the Alabama High School Athletic Association he is the one that's in charge of this. And I'm telling you he's lucky that he's got Kim there with him because Kim Vickers can just about run the whole thing. But it'll be tough for Heath being the first time that he's assembled all the coaches in the state of Alabama and he addresses them. And there's going to be a lot of tough questions. That's a big thing. Yeah. That time when he comes up with that first address is a big deal. Yeah. Because he kind of sets the tempo for what his time is going to be like regardless how long he's been there. He's got to set the tempo and he will. You know these guys didn't get there because they didn't know what to do. I think but he's relying right now on his staff to get all the other. I mean you got hundreds of vendors and groups of people different entities that they have to deal with. There's a lot going on at this clinic and a lot of people working to make it happen. Well we need to say this publicly ring. I'm sorry. We're going to support Heath Harmon from day one. Sure. Absolutely. All the way through. Absolutely. All right. Let's take another time out when we come back. Let's talk about some new sites for the Super 7. We'll do that as the Thompson tractor prep sports report continues. Welcome back to the Thompson tractor prep sports report. The pop's market communication lines are open at two five one three four three zero one oh six. Here's your host Randy Bergen with coach Rick Cleveland and coach Mark Leseter. [Music] Today what we're not far from football we're not far from football can't wait so excited about it. Welcome back to the Thompson tractors prep sports report. Coach we got some great sponsors to show. One we got to talk about like we do every week. Chris Garrison is great staff. Yeah those guys at Premier Collision you know when you talk about people or in stores that take our body shops that take care of your car. Premier Collision takes care of all of your auto body repair needs. They're located at 1177 sledge drive right here in Mobile and at 101 Schillinger. Two locations Midtown and in West Mobile on Schillinger and you can call them at either one of their numbers put to one downtown is two five one four seven eight forty five hundred two five one four seven eight forty five hundred customers say excellent work customer service and you're treated like family fantastic service and high quality work looks fresh off the showroom. Mark Leseter can attest to that. I mean he's got a 1947 sonata. Wow that looks brand new. It does look brand new. It's something special and so they couldn't be Premier Collision could not be any nicer to work with and all three of us can attest to that. You can go by and you can see Chris, you can see Kim, you can see Tyler. You want to talk south Alabama football now. Sit down and talk to Tyler. He can tell you all about him and but we certainly appreciate everything that they do for us here at PSR. Yeah there's no doubt about that. Hey let's talk about the new sites for super seven. That's got to be pretty exciting. I know we were talking a little bit about it before the show. Coach what your thoughts? Well I know that there's a lot of a lot of places that would like to have this and people are right off the bat are going to say well now that we've lost Alabama and Auburn don't think we've lost them for good. At some point in time they may work out where they can come back in but we're going to have to see how this 12 team playoff evolves in college football but we know that Jacksonville State people would want Jacksonville State to have it. Would want Troy to have it. Would want maybe Huntsville to have it there to stadium that they're building. They're building a brand new stadium there in Huntsville. Joe Davis stadium that they're that they use for baseball wouldn't wouldn't quite work. So Mobile Danny Cordy and the Mobile Sports Authority really really really making a big push to get this super seven here. I think where it's going to end up going and and I'm hopeful that Mobile gets that opportunity. I think Birmingham is going to really make a strong push at protective life stadium on a 10-year basis. I think they're going to ask for a 10-year term deal where they host football and basketball. Now they got a lot of plus is going for a mark. They got enough boxes for all the corporate sponsors. They got four locker rooms at protective life stadium. You got to have that. Those are the things that Hancock Whitney's working on here in Mobile. Danny Cordy is working hard every day to work with Eric and those guys out at South Alabama to get you know to get those facilities to meet the standards that super seven needs. I don't think money's a problem. I don't think there's an issue there. I just think that Jacksonville's already pulled out. They don't they can't handle it. Movie gallery stadium I think in Troy is I think that's another problem. They'd have to house teams in Montgomery I think. I don't think there was going to be the question I was going to have because you got to have some a lot of hotels available. You do that and so Birmingham's got everything. They do. They've got everything they're centrally located. Mobile has everything with a couple of exceptions at the stadium that they got to work through. I think Birmingham's really going to make a strong push on it's like I said a 10-year deal to host football and basketball and you know if Mobile can't get it worked out then I'm all for Birmingham doing both. You know it's not a bad it's not a bad drive for anybody. It's worse for us in Mobile than anybody. True so but it's still not bad. It's not. It's not but that's reverse if you're in central and north Alabama you got to travel down here but that's right. There's some pretty neat opportunities down here in in the time you're not playing or if you want to make a couple days extra out of it there's a lot of stuff you could do down here. What kind of a revenue does it generate for the the that city or that town? Well I don't know the numbers on that but I'm going to tell you this if you host it I think you get probably anywhere from 75 to 100,000 to host it but you got to think about security. You got to think about all the things that you got to you got to pay for to get it here. So how much money do you make? Well you're working with the university now you're going to have to you have to pay them something. I don't know how that works out. I really don't. I don't either. I don't have any idea the inner workings of all that kind of stuff but the whole thing is about when if you put it on can you can you accommodate the thousands of people that are coming? Right. And because there's people coming from everywhere Mobile can handle that. Absolutely. You know that's that wouldn't be a problem. Mobile's only issue is going to be the locker rooms at the stadium because it's got to be four. It really has to be. Unless they have figured out a schedule change that we don't know about. But that and then the corporate sweet corporate suites. I don't know if they've got enough because there's a lot of corporate sponsors. Then there's a place for all the coaches to go and I'm sure Danny and all those guys are working at talking and figuring out whatever they can because they're going to throw a proposal at it and I'd love to see it. I would tell you. I really would. You know because one thing that we do we do in Mobile is when it comes to state events centrally we travel all the time. And you know you got to take the soccer state championships are always in the Huntsville. You know they got a great complex and they run it great. They do. They really do. Huntsville also has the wrestling state championships which and they do a fantastic I mean I can't say enough about how what a great job they do. All I can say is that's a long way to go. Well it is just not nearly the numbers either. You're not talking about the same numbers when you're talking but that's because they only bring four for soccer. Correct. And so that's what 28, 28, 56 teams and all boys and girls. So but there's a stagger too. I mean it goes over two or three days also and they stagger it how they run it through there. So it does I mean it's not it there's just the soccer and the wrestling are not as big events. Right. They're not the big media attractions that the basketball and baseball and football are just because of those three sports and the followings that they carry with them. And baseball and soccer has now moved I mean but I'm sorry baseball and softball have moved to Oxford and Jacksonville. Right. So they're playing the Chocolaco part there. They're playing softball and baseball there and then they're alternating baseball between Jacksonville State at Rudy Abbott Field up there. So that's not going to move I don't think. I think that's going to stay right where it is. And football and I think what Coach Harmon will do is they'll they'll have to make a decision on what's best for everybody as far as site location is concerned. So you know we'll see we'll see what happens with that. That's pretty interesting topic and it's a topic that everybody in high school is talking about. Well the playoffs begin on November the 8th you know and that's that sounds like it's a long way away. It's what I can tell you as you know both you all know when football starts it's like we're back to another Friday night. Right. I mean we didn't we just played last night. I know. So but I know you're excited about your team this year. I'm excited you know this is I was thinking here I think this is my 42nd football season. Thus there again Rick was talking about the good old boys. You now qualify after 40 years. So when you get on 40 years when you start Medicare you can you can get into the group. Oh my goodness. You've been very careful when you start talking heck out. I love it man. I'm telling you. I'm thankful and happy that I am exactly right where I am. But yeah football's coming up. We're excited about about the season coming up. It's going to be a lot of a lot of fun watching the kids and see how they matured from last year to this year and see where they where they go. Now we've only got about a minute left here in this segment of course Doug Barber is going to be a and our leadership program our leadership statement coming up next. But talk a little bit about your region change. Has it changed much over the last year so. Well we dropped down to 3A. Right. Because you're going up to 4A. We were in 4A the last couple of years. We moved back to 3A. And of course our buddies at Brute in Alabama. T.R. Miller. They had gone to 4A when we went up there. And then we dropped back down and so did they. You just can't get away from them. Hoping Hubbard and his crew would stay. But no actually that's a big rival game. And it's a lot of fun. We're playing Flowminton again. An Excel are back in our our region. And so you know those those teams that I remember that we played back in the time we we start to season off with Coach Rivers and his bunch from Saint Michael. I think that's our opening game. And his son Gunner at the quarterback there. Yeah and Gunner is gunslinging it from what I hear. He's throwing a ball and having a really good summer. They've had a great 7 on 7 summer over there. So you know that's who we open up with and that'll be a big test for us. And we'll be looking forward to that ball game. You mentioned Flowminton I can remember and I think it was probably one of the last years I did play by play for for Bayside. Went to Flowminton in their yard and won. And then they went on to win the state championship. Yeah that was a big win for us that night. Exactly was. We got in and upset them and they weren't expecting that. But they were just getting better. Yeah. Every week and man they were they ran that five offense. Holy cow. Holy cow. That's a nightmare. It was pretty good. It was pretty good. That was a great win for Bayside. All right we'll take another time out when we come back. Let's talk. You won't want to miss this. Doug Barber. D. No you gotta say the Doug Barber. Yes. We'll be up next. Welcome back to the Thompson Tractor Prep Sports Report. PSR is live every Saturday from 8 until 10 a.m. Now back to the show. [Music] Take it out more. I need to always start that. This is your song. Jojo. Well you say that about every song it comes on. Well I know. That's easy. Sooner or later we're going to hit the right song. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey we certainly welcome you back to the Thompson Tractor Prep Sports Report. Randy Bergen, along with Coach Rick Cleveland, Coach Mort Laster, Tara Cleveland hanging out with us right here in our Eastern Shore Toyota and Hyundai studios. And time to go to our Pops Midtown communication lines and welcome in head of school at UMS right. Our buddy Doug Barber on the line with us. Doug how you doing my man? I'm great Randy. How are you guys? We're doing fabulous. Doing fabulous uh. You know I was just thinking as well I'm gonna just stop because you already messed with me coming in leading into this Randy. I mean talking to the three of you I was just like going to church with your family you know after you've thrown half the stuff around the living room. You guys really know me so let's let's keep it on the. Let's try not to take a few part down. Okay uh I was fixing to tee you up too. I ain't gonna lie but I'm Rick I'm gonna pass it over to you. Yeah well I can tell you this. I'm not going to do that because I love this guy. I do love him. He's the only man that can call me sappy without me picking him up. Yeah I can tell you that but uh we lost a we lost a man that is near and dear to your heart uh a week or so ago Doug and yeah we've started a leadership segment that really you had more input into than you know but um and I know that you want to uh spend some time this morning talking about uh Pat Taylor and we want to just let you have it and share with us the all the fond memories that you have of Pat and uh all the things that he did for so many. Thanks Coach and you know so we uh Pat Taylor many of you may may recognize that name a long-standing uh administrator at St. Paul's Episcopal School and also was the head of school at Jackson Academy uh for 10 years so I think all in all uh in his consulting he you know he did about 50 years of service uh in schools and that's always you know we just saw uh Pat Galley retire uh this summer with 52 years and it's just amazing that someone can put that much time and energy and effort into into other people and and that's what I think of when I think of Pat when when you you guys mentioned the leadership and you know for me for us when we think about leadership it's you know those people that have influence uh and and other people's lives and I don't think uh I've ever met anyone like Pat Taylor that that poured so much into to other people um I can tell you from a personal experience what he's done for me and what he did for me um in my career and encouragement and challenges and opportunities and he did it for so many I know Palmer Kennedy he's head at Jackson Academy would say the same thing Jimmy Messer who's head at uh Presbyterian Christian would say the same thing Chris Brazil at Cottage Hill just list goes on and on all of us who have had opportunities to work in schools uh in independent education in the state of Alabama state of Mississippi uh you know Pat Taylor is the name that resonates with a lot a lot of people you know Doug I think one of the things one of the things I wanted you to share and I know you will can you kind of give us his background because yeah I'm not sure that I mean he's he's got a very story background yeah well Pat I think grew up and he grew up in citronell um and did his undergrad and working for law school but my understanding was he started at St. Paul's in 1972 um and then and was kind of going to be a short-term history teacher just for a little while while he was starting from the LSAT and uh just kind of fell in love with with education and met his wife Sherry there but uh ended up staying at St. Paul's and doing some really really amazing things I remember uh you know 25 years ago 25 plus years ago first meeting him and what he was doing with innovation and technology really was was was ahead of its time and you know as I was thinking last week at his um at his visitation and all the people who were there you know the former students and the former colleagues that were in I mean you know that certainly tells you a lot about your life there were people from from from Tennessee there were people from Mississippi there were people from Alabama Florida all there representing him but really to me when I think of Pat and his leadership it's all about growth and and what he did for all of us and what he did for so many schools you know he was Rick he was really involved with accreditation and and did a tremendous job and hundreds like literally hundreds of school visits and you know that's how we that's how we learn you know we we we take our own things back to our own organizations our own schools and and we apply what works but but but he was a real big proponent of getting out there seeing what other people are doing and it gives you you know gives you more ideas or it validates what you're doing in your school and I just think he was you know you know several days before he passed I mean I would still get texts from him and so many of us would in his last text me gave me so many suggestions and demands that I feel compelled to do all those so I appreciate the end of him leaving with that a fine fine gentleman and and just an incredible southern gentleman but boy he loved he loved schools and he loved students man he really really did Doug I know that his input and we got about two minutes in the segment but his input has been so vital to so many and young and old alike it didn't matter what age the the heads of school were he was still looked at as a mentor to everybody that was around and running schools yeah and that's you're exactly right Rick and and you know I think about just the different opportunities he's given us to do so far he visits you know he he created this idea that that he would take heads of schools or leadership teams to different states and they would do so far that they would come like from to mobile for instance in the spring they were here and there were schools from Arkansas and there were schools from from here you know and they would come and they would visit they visited St. Paul's and UMS and St. Luke's and Faith Academy you know and you go in there you get to see these things and that was that's what he did he brought people together you know because he knew that that that people and their influence and their leadership you know those those building blocks are what make schools sustainable and boy he was just just really committed to that you're right it didn't matter you know I saw him you know take somebody like Brock Reeves last year who was at our leadership conference and and spend as much time with him as he did with anybody else so didn't matter to Pat if you were interested in schools and interested in leadership he was going to be he was going to be interested in you. Doug we're visiting with Doug Barber Doug I got to tell you now is Doug gonna hang over with us no that's it yeah okay hey Doug we're about right that's about right we got to have you back on some time I don't get to say a word it's good to hear you boy the way I like it you too brother oh there you go he drops the mic he walks off Doug Barber right there ahead of school you're best right hey we'll take a time out when we come back we visit with uh dog Jennings in our legend series coming to you live the Thompson Tractor Prep Sports Report presented by Alpha here's your host Randy Bergen with Coach Rick Cleveland and Coach Mark Leseter and we welcome you into the second hour of the Thompson Tractor Prep Sports Report we're coming to you live from the Eastern Shore Toyota and Hyundai Studios located right here in south Alabama and we are very happy to have you on board with us this morning I am your host Randy Bergen along with Coach Rick Cleveland Coach Mark Leseter. Coach we are very excited as our legend series continues to have this gentleman on the line with us Randy you know when you coach for 46 years there's people that make an indelible mark in your life and we've had the opportunity mark between both of us almost a hundred years of coaching and wow the guy that we're recognizing today is is one of the one of the one of the guys that is at the top of that pyramid uh Don Jennings has coached all of his life i mean literally he's a graduate of Viagra high school the University of southern Mississippi and he and his wife Margaret have spent their entire life in education um has two sons that are man i'm telling you talking about a daddy that's proud of his children David is a scout for the Baltimore Oreos and Danny is a assistant general manager of the Washington Nationals want to welcome coach Don Jennings on to prep sports report in our legend series good morning coach how you doing pal doing fine Rick how are you doing this morning well i'm doing great coach and you know i doing research i kind of felt like i was back in a film room because i'm looking at your pedigree and and and i didn't realize this coach Terry never told us this and even bullet who knows everything about everybody on our staff i didn't know you played wide receiver for the mobile tarpons oh yeah well they actually this mobile bucket near ten years and i thought i was starting wide i split in for those four years well i did not know that so that's interesting and that it's interesting to me because if there's a guy that is a defensive guru more it's Don Jennings no doubt and and he spent time playing wide receiver after graduating from college and coming home to mobile coach what what got you into coaching tell us the genesis of that you know i i really i'm in a coach back when i was a teenager that back in old days we had baseball in both field didn't that was before uh uh we had baby Ruth and all that little league and everything just had the multi-year recreation department had teams and it's called tiny high-speeded community things somebody's old people may remember that but uh at 16 years old our coach the midget group in there we played for the championship and no in that that kind of hooked me on coaching and you know when i got up selling this i ended up uh being a coach and that's uh got me there and as far as uh before i went into school coaching i worked out Berkeley after this place and they closed it and i needed a little bit more too so i went back to showing this and got my degree where i could go into coaching started out sets in my high school 48 years later i hung up that's that's my story guy coaching you had stops along the way at Davidson and Fair Hope and Robert Stale and Murphy and ums right and uh talked just a little bit about the people that influenced you while you were a young coach that that kind of kind of nourished you during those early days of coaching uh well i just started out with that work with Laura Harold who was head coach except someone that hired me and he had a system and everything and way of doing things and i picked up a lot there um of course he left that one year called and they all became the head coach at that time and uh worked with him while in three years i've been three years on the head coach sets in the hostage and it's been the baseball coach at that point right right all the other things was you know we're talking about uh we influenced me i guess you know like Joe Dean I would say i hope it was a very hard note aggressive type guy i don't want to see him everything i learned a lot under him i learned a awful lot of defense and then uh W.C. Mater's came in the last year i would tell you and uh just learning how to coach under him was a lot of things that i learned there and of course you know working with Terry at Mercy and Larry Henderson Terry you know you pick up something from everybody along the way but just seeing how Terry ran a program was very special coach one of the things that that i've always known about you is you are so organized and to the minute i mean to the detail every detail step what step what arm soul and so forth was there anybody that influenced you there because when you talk about Joe Dean when you say Joe Dean i think about Don Jennings because of defensive football you two guys are at the top of the list top chef when it comes to defensive football where did all the in the particulars of the the finite things that you teach where did that come from was that something that Joe told or was it just something that you got really that's something i just myself i guess it uh when i coached the position it was something i was really on for playing it with i had to study that position and and i did and all my laughs since i watched the NFL games and i watched how those guys would play that position and watch their footwork and what they did with a hand on and everything and i just kind of got that in my way of teaching to start with a seat right and own up the ladder and just getting everything right cross all the T's and all the I's we're talking to Don Jennings in our legend series and of course long-time coach for most of you people that are listening now statewide you you recognize the name as a defensive coordinator at UMS right with Terry Curtis for many many years um coach when when you got into coaching you obviously had a real love for baseball and was the same was the same love that you had for baseball did you have that for football as well or was it something that just grew into as you developed into a coach i was probably younger you know into baseball because i would go in a summer up to visit my grandmother in Birmingham and i would get my grandfather and uncle would take me to Rickwood Field i'd say to go Rickwood Field with that major league game here in the last couple weeks with Giants in the Cardinals and that just kind of got me into baseball early and later on you know in high school i got into football and well even before they had in middle school seventh grade i guess seventh grade was the first year i'd actually played football and uh that just kind of fired me up getting into football and of course when i played with the carpets i think that really made me want to be a football coach and that way you know you always feel like you're going to be the next player brian or then it's my body and i found out i want to don't think that but i tried to do the best i could at what my assignment was well we're visiting with coach Don Jennings in our legend series we got about 45 seconds left here so i'm going to save my question for you for our next segment because i want to talk a little bit about uh in fair hope being in fair hope what you did there and you're coaching there and your sons and also i want to talk to you a little bit about uh southern miss and uh maybe reflect back on a little bit of that but it's it's fun to have you here with us and uh Rick is always our legend series brings out the best in the coaching that we have it absolutely does and you know the one thing that we'll talk to Don about as we get into the next segment is we'll talk about those particulars more because you've been a defensive coach in the last couple of years what coach Jennings has done is he took and let me tell you something he didn't always when we were at UMS together he didn't always get the best players and coach that's something else we want to talk about is kind of like how we drafted players that you had missed when we knew what our roster was because uh coach Jennings and i had a couple squabbles because he had some players that i wanted well that that is that's going to kind of lead us up to the last part of the segment uh i want to ask him what it was like for coaching all these years with coach Terry Kurz what was it like when y'all were in a room by yourselves together because uh there might be some stories that need to come out on that but we're gonna we're gonna have to talk about it that's for that we weren't in the room but he was on our hands i don't think all right well let's take let's take a quick time out when we come back we'll continue our legend series with a infamous Don Jennings don't go anywhere more of the tops and tractors prep sports report welcome back to the Thompson tractor prep sports report call or text the prep sports report at 251-343-0106 on the pop's market communication lines now back to the show and we certainly welcome you back to the Thompson tractors prep sports report Randy Bergen coach Rick Cleveland and coach Morick Laster and Rick i tell you legend series with one of the most respected coaches not just in the state but in the south for sure coach Don Don Jennings on the line with us yeah and coach i gotta i gotta go somewhere with you that not a lot of people know about so i i want you to bear with me here now okay and just bear with me because you know i spent some time at Fairhope and it wasn't nearly as good for you you know when you were coaching at Fairhope you and Jodyne used to sit in the car and blow on the windows to fog them up and y'all would sit there and die ground defenses on the windows when they were fogged up tell us about that story that's what i'm believe for you're out down a road with you know we go straight to him somebody right than the other somebody like that and he blew on the window and then parking X and O up there and he's talking all his time and as he put that first X and O on the and it started disappearing so as he walked pokes further along and time he gets to the end all the X and O's are going and i'm sitting there going on that's your match of three thoughts oh my goodness and i can't figure out what he's saying but he's X and O's if you disappear it should go down a line coach that might be the best story i've ever heard i'm just telling you i'm just telling you Randy i know you want to ask something about baseball we were talking about baseball with the coach ginnings here and of course coach i grew up playing with your son Dan i played over in bayonet of course him and fair hope and uh we got to play in high school together or against each other and bay brooth and senior bay brooth and very much enjoyed well i can't say i enjoyed playing against him because it's like all i heard every time i got up to the plate was yeah i heard three of those oh you can go sit down now i never i've never had a lily nice good player coach he um he got hurt his senior year and i want you to tell us just a little bit about then and how he was able to play his senior year after he got hurt he had an ACL injury didn't he yeah well he was on a football team as a safety but he's actually been a quarterback you know and so we were having quarterback problems and yo took Dan going back into quarterback this week and against Murphy and you know big ball game and he ran an option and a guy grabbed him behind on his shoulder pads and twisted his knee and he had operation on it and so i thought well he's over through the football that's the senior year so we don't get him ready for baseball and i made him go out on the bleachers that fair whole pastor and run 50 of those they would say and they got strong enough to play and when we played the first ball game it was against Ronnie Powell Davidson thing who played in the tournament i did uh oh they had uh and it was a municipal park that's where we're shot right right no so he um pitched that night against him and showed him out and threw a two hitter against him and i said well he's ready so that's what happened to get him ready to play well i got to tell you one of your friends sent us a text and said and this is Glenn Vickery he said coach non-ginnings put ball one county baseball on the map he is responsible for the upgrade in baseball in ballwood county that's coach i've heard that from so many different people and and then for Glenn to share that with us this morning that's and Glenn knows a little bit about baseball too yeah he was all right i remember Glenn in hospital he was a he was a great pitcher he could throw a ball he had a little real woman but uh it's it's fair hole they they weren't bad when i got there but then the year before i took over they hit they won two ball games and then uh we kind of turned it around from there but uh i remember i'm firing a baseball game yes fair i guess i must have been coaching to set some but when i and it's fully and fair hole were playing each other you're in spring training so i'll walk out on a ball field and here comes both teams with the shells on from football they had to gain pants on and gain jerseys and the football shoes and all had a you know had to head on the so they had in the fair hole pit and i said man this this is not baseball i'm singing in mobile county and they weren't playing that many games but it got better and i know john lee coached baseball it won't time for i got there when we was open to set some uh uh coaching was there but uh then they weren't bad but uh it the amount of games they played were less involved at playing in mobile county so we up to schedule on that and it kind of took off from there well coach you sure are i mean you're you're so well thought of over here that anytime i'm at a baseball game and they know i coached at ums and they they always ask how's non-genings well i always tell him he's in the wake room i mean he's in the film room right now while we're watching this way he's in the film room uh coach i want you to talk about the relationships y'all had at murphy i always thought that y'all had such a wonderful staff that that came together and and y'all just had a great thing going at murphy while you were there yeah we are uh when i first went to murphy get larry and this was a head coach and um did a good job good coach and uh on our defensive staff we had uh ronnie roberts went on to be a principal in several schools and uh jim sutta ate and went to uh ums with us today you know action coach a good defensive back coach and uh uh we we just got along good together and and you know went to conventions and all at the uh they with each other at the football touch though and uh right just powered around each other and we were you know your relationship did you were you on that staff you may have been already going to ums with teary then but did y'all play in a state championship game against all stun of decatur uh no we played in two state championship game one larry hunter from the head coach uh we played in i think it was 89 and 90 and uh first first one we should have won felt like and you know play in uh aniston and then uh we played uh jesslyn leer out of bermanham in a second one and like if we could still be playing them probably wouldn't cross 50 yard line but uh anyway we got to the state championship twice there on the back well and when when you played jesslyn leer they had an offensive line that looked like an nfl offensive line if i'm not mistaken 300 pounds they had i think the center was 285 but everybody else thought 300 pounds so they were big and strong yeah you know coach uh coach jennie's coach lasseter i was just wanted to ask a question you talking about some of the old memories you had i always like to hear uh coaches tell about games that you remember or certain plays that you might have remembered that were some of the most memorable for you as in your coaching career and whatever whether head coach assistant coach whatever can you tell us one of those games or one of those uh experiences you had it was probably one of the most meaningful you ever had oh boy you know what i remember about ball games more the things that games we lost game games and went wrong and in those experiences i still remember those hey the the wins i don't i didn't dwell on them too much after win let's get ready you know it's late next ball hey coach we got we got a hard break right here on us let's take that real quick hang tight we're back with coach don jennies as our legend series continues right here on the tops of tractors prep sports report welcome back to the tomsantractor prep sports report brought to you by alpha insurance now back to your host randy bergann [Music] babies in the running round, they're having a big crowd, look more good, got a sedan, can't not keep dancing. good gracious. look look at turn, look at turn, turn of like what is this? hey welcome back to the tomsantractor prep sports report a little boss gags hey i i i i i i i i i i promise you don jennies knows who boss gags that's steely Dan i can promise they ain't no doubt coach take it away you know coach i got to get personal now i got to really get personal now about something that's stuck in my crawl for a long long time oh lord we had a we had an offensive tackle in the state championship game it was 17 for 18 and on one particular play he blocked three different people he was a junior this year and i come back after the season and jay procious playing dead gum lab back i think it's great. Don jennies is done stole the best offensive lab when we had and he said well i'll let you use them every once in a while i did one game i called j procious four times don't sit on the headset keep price on the bench he needs to read i know how did that happen no how did that happen coach well what happened was jay it was a man jennies he was a not greater and tenth quarter he was a line biker okay so we'll let y'all can have him for one year put the next year there you go we're going to leave them to the line biker so let's how that happens so so the deal is you we borrowed him from you and sudah right there you go there you go that was the lean least thing you know you but you better ask Margaret to forgive you for forever lending he'll be okay then that had to be a closed-door meeting with you and tarry ninth grader and tenth grader the line biker i want my line biker back coach there's all kind of stories about uh how we went about putting players in positions and it was always fun coach i won't i mean that but you know we didn't have a lot of depth no and we won state championships with if i swear if we had to a certain players went down we wouldn't want a state championship that's how thin we were so and we're we're talking about a four-way stew is trying to go offense and defense to play 22 players so it uh it got thin and uh it it was always a big hassle in the spring when we started with the players on one side or the other and in the fall and listen if don ever said that's where he's staying everybody shut up that's where he stayed i'd say that because when when jerry took over murphy high school program he said three things i want i want a quarterback running back in a rather safer and y'all can have the risk that's what happened he sent the players after those three and then the rest uh i think so that's the scramble to get what they needed but i had that was an ace in the hole i had to play that ace several times at your meal and i can attest to that terry terry was pretty forth right when he said now he's he's staying there he's staying there and don would just sit over there okay okay my time's coming my time is coming around that's right that's as much fun as i've ever had coaching i want to tell you that Don talk a little bit about spring training you and i talked about this at one time and i was an advocate for doing away with spring training Don said well i ain't gonna tell you what he said but he said no not doing away with spring training talk a little bit about that you gotta have that that's that's what gets the kids the young kids ready to play and you can kind of you know go easy on your older guys that knows what they're doing they would think but it's a teaching time if you don't have that you're going to the fall and you've got three weeks to get ready for a ball this is important you think fun americans and uh you know it's blocking and tackling and you know that old coaches used to say it's dark with blocking and tackling and i say now it's not that's not the first thing the first thing is signing 11 people is willing to run into somebody else why don't and once you get that then you teach blocking and tackling yeah that's true well i can tell you this i don't know of anybody that i've ever coached with that ever did it any better than teaching blocking and tackling and coach you you were that guy that slanted you were you talk a little bit about your your your theory on slanting those defensive linemen and and that's that was unique to me i coached in four state championship games at daphne and we played Jeremy Pruitt and Hoover and he started doing that deadgum slide and stuff and all that stuff and then when i got to ums i said well i've seen this before now i ain't nothing like what nah does talk a little bit about it we at murphy four went to ums went up to southern this and made with air coach and staff and they showed us a certain type of slanting defense and we came back and programming to fit in our plan and that's how we got into doing that and we also basically were our base defense was a 50 straight 50 defense hardly ever played it to every now and then we call it so what my thinking was that guy liming in front of you know we're gonna slant left we're gonna slant right we're gonna hit him in the face and that gives him a little indecision right there just being able to move and the next thing was at at ums the very first year we had the liming it was there left over for us and we played mcgill early and they beat us and then we didn't look good on defense and i told tell you i said look these guys right here are offensive liming we're trying to use we've got to move on and everything we can't do it so we put them on offense and took uh backup line backers and put them as they as down liming we had 172 pound right tackle a week side tackle and we moved you know we just got smaller people in that could move and because we were not ever big at ums we had one two big guys every man but we were small we had that first day of spring training when we go off in that weight room and look at all those kids sitting on the floor and in short the thing sure i said oh just gonna be bad but we ended up winning you know you won a lot of games with them coach you won a lot of games with them those kids were smart they did what we told them to do and and we had no problem different wise wasn't everything and they just played good football for the most part they gave it everything they had and you know you get that out of a kid you got a chance of winning coach i want to ask you a question um mark you get about two minutes about two minutes before this period ends what um if you had to give advice to a young coach just getting started what would your advice to him to be to how to be the best coach he could be well first thing be loyal to your head coach you know a lot of coaches i've seen young guys they not they don't they were going to be the head coach right now just listen and learn that's the main thing learn how to coach because when i got in i looked back now i thought i knew everything you know now i know so much more that i did not know then and and that's the way it is in life everybody thinks they know everything when they're young but they find as you get older it's not the things you know you know you know you want a clear show on TV with that kind of stuff it's the wisdom you gain in making the right decisions and different things like that so i just say just listen and absorb things and if you go to the you know somewhere where they're talking football or something maybe get one thing out of it that's happy then line the other next thing is i've always heard that the best coaches winning coaches are organized and learn how to organize everything you do you know things you know things right there you know put you on the right track that's right well coach you you learned it at a pretty young age because by the time you were at the places you were at you certainly implemented that to to the highest degree and and coach we talked to a lot of coaches but i can tell you this every coach we've ever talked with that knows ums right and murphy has the utmost respect for non-genics and you can count three guys in here on psr that certainly consider you a legend of our sports and not just one sport but in those in both baseball and football yes and uh we want to thank you and please say hello to Margaret for us and we are we are so thankful for what you've done and thank you for what you've done for so many young men and women in high school sports well we appreciate you i hope they all got something out of it i just well my best i could do that's all you can do we that's all you can do coach and you have certainly done that and thank you for spending time with us this morning we look forward to seeing you soon and god bless my thank you enjoyed it god bless you thank you very good good talking to you Don coach Don Jennings right there i gotta tell you i thoroughly enjoyed that that was as funny that was some good stuff right there i never heard that i have never heard the story of the fogging up the window that's that's the classic well you can give Danny credit for that time he'd get to x on there and put the old in x go away go away and then by the time he got done all of it was going i was supposed to remember that's great good stuff oh my goodness good good good stuff coach Don Jennings well i'll tell you one of the very very best no doubt all right we'll take our final time out when we come back mark has got the camp grace segment don't go anywhere boy the tops and tractors prep sports report this segment of the tumps and tractor prep sports report brought to you by camp grace now back to coach rick cleveland camp grace is located in west mobile is the summer home of camp wrap i hope camp mash camp smile and camp sugar falls as well as the home of outback mobile and is shared by many other community organizations throughout the mobile area camp grace is a place where god's love is bestowed freely upon others the true definition of god's grace you know as i was thinking about the uh grace segment today i was thinking about something that i've dealt with in my life um and i i guess i i probably have to do with it every day rick you know i just one of those things and it's called pride my own personal pride pride and me in what i do and i say that to let you know that um all of us have an ego all of us have something that we feel like we do well and we feel like we can and uh be very good at but there's also a place in there of humility uh that we've got to have to balance that out because pride can take us places we don't want to go it it does for me uh and if we lose sight of what we're really doing um it'll take us to places that we don't need to be and we're not going to be very effective in what god had actually called us to do you know um in the bible and second karenthians there's a story of jziah who was actually one of the judas better kings he became king when he was only 16 years old he had a long reign that was full of military victories he was one of the few uh kings who had a personal relationship with god and was successful due to him having that personal relationship with god and allowing god to guide his path yet he started to grow proud and he went against god's law he was proud because of his power and his victories and his strength that god had given him he decided that he would offer incense up to god something god had commanded that only the priest should do when the priest resisted jziah and tried to tell him that it was not his place he grew angry with them while he was arguing with the priest who had dared to go against him god cursed him with leprosy and he was forced to live by himself for the rest of his life what the what is the moral of that story set and long ago ancient juda the moral of that story the purpose is so we can learn from king jziah's example his success is um was because of god um giving him the power to to um do the things that he had done and not and not because of his own strength or his own power so when he lost that edge of god's power and god said let me show you what what you are or where you can go and he got leprosy which meant he would have to live by himself for the rest of his life we have to learn from our baddie from bad examples so when we read that bad example we read there in karenthians we understand that uziah's pride cost him his kingship cost him and the whole story there is for us to know that pride doesn't have to be over ruling an entire nation or ruling a a school or a community or a state or or a net anything it could just be in your relationship with your wife or your children or your parents however it is if your pride becomes so that you feel like you're the one who has done everything and your power is such that you can just go ahead and do whatever you want regardless of god's law god can always find a way to put you back in your place you know it's funny no it's not funny it's very serious but i can remember coach k to basketball coach at at Duke for so many years talking about pride and he said pride has to do with one thing and one thing only and it has to do with self-respect how much do you respect yourself for the way you live your life on and off the court and what is the feeling that you get from a particular accomplishment is it one where you go out and boast about it that's not worth the time that you spend to talk about it is how much you respect yourself and you respect the game and you're proud of the accomplishment that has been that that has taken you to the point where you want to get to to be as good as you can be not only in your sport but in your life and and the bible talks about pride a lot it tells a lot and lots of stories about pride and when you talk about pride when it comes to your teams you know those teams that respect each other and when i say and coach say been talked about this all the time indirectly you know if you don't respect that guy that's next to you the guy that's playing next to you then you can always do everything you can to make up for what he can't do by you trying to do what he can't do and do what you do pride cometh before the fall and that's why those teams that are successful have enough pride in their teammates and their coaches and when they say pride we're talking self respect right and that scripture is all about self-respect so well you hit home with that more that's uh that's good stuff and that's you know i think about playing in the golf tournament tomorrow and i don't know if i respect my game enough to win please come watch mine then hey i gotta tell you it's been it's been a fun show today it's been great to have Turner here with us and uh Turner you want to say this is your opportunity to say hey to your daddy real quick you better say it too now because that's your coach yes you pull that mic up here you go you better just say good morning dad good morning dad and i love you love you oh yeah that's great stuff great stuff guys it has been a great show but you got another great show coming up go have a big show tell it southern fairways is is on the road today so thankful to all of our guests Doug barber Don Jennings appreciate you being here remember this no matter what you do no matter where you go he is always with you