FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Sean talks Biden's Big Boy Press Conference and Trump VP candidates - July 12 2024

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12 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone. And I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that. - This is painful and it will be for a long time. - Don't fuck, baby. That's right, this man knows what's up. After all, these are a couple of high stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. - This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. - Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. - Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got great, pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? - So this is a brave council. I had no doubt about them. - That doesn't suck. - If you don't like it, you're bad. - Last question, were you high on drugs? - Last question, kiss my (beep) - By the way we go, FM Talk 106.5. Midday mobile hour number two on this Friday. Glad to have you here. 3430106 gets you through. 3430106 were a text or a good old fashioned phone call. We'll take those as well on this show. And last night, so watching the present last night and I didn't get started with it right away. There were a couple of y'all that were texting me like, "Well, did you see this, that, and the other?" And I'm like, "Oh gosh, you know, it's just mowing." And I ran in and said, you know, this presidential big boy press conference is messing up my mowing time out here, but it got in. It was an interesting day. I mean, earlier in the day, before the big boy, big boy, big pants, press conference for President Biden, the moment where he, at the NATO conference, where he introduced Zelensky as Putin, it's not like he said Olensky, Zendaya, I mean, just the name and how he tried to spin it. So President Biden, could you mess it? I mean, I guess you could mess it up normally, but well, okay, here it is. So the president yesterday, introducing Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as, well, here we go. And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. (audience applauding) President Putin, he's gonna beat President Putin. President Zelensky, I'm so focused on beating Putin, we got to worry about it. Anyway, Mr. President- - I'm better. - You are a hell of a better. He's so focused on beating Putin, which by the way, that's interesting too. Are we focused on beating Putin or supporting Ukraine? I can just talk about what the congress been. Where's the goal line on this? You know, and I've been pretty steady on this since the beginning. I understand the Ukrainians desire to defend their homeland. I get that. And be like, "All right, Ukrainians are corrupt. "We're other corrupt." Which is now our new reason, we won't let them in NATO, right? But so are the Russians. I mean, the, it's, it's the United States, corrupt. But yeah, there's a special level of corruption that is Russia and Ukraine. That still doesn't take away from the fact that I believe these people that live in a town in Ukraine, that think they're Ukrainian, right? They feel like Ukrainian won't wanna fight for their sovereignty, I get that. But our commitment and how far we would go in that, when does it end? Be, show me the finish line in this. Have we not learned from our mistakes in the past? So then you had, of course, following up that great performance here at the NATO summit, the president facing his big boy, big pants, press conference where he actually took questions from the White House press corps. He also in his conversation talked about who, well, who might be the, this is messed up. This is like sometimes when somebody tells you something that it's like it's messed up two different ways. Like I have to undo. You have this wrong and this other thing wrong. You know, you've heard somebody say, whatever. It's a, you know, the sky was purple when I used my football bat. You know, it's like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. There's a couple of things you gotta work on here. That was Biden actually, as he talked about VP candidates. - What concerns do you have about Vice President Harris's ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket? - Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President to think she's not qualified to be president. So let's start there. - Okay, let's start there. Let's start there. As we, some of them, I guess low lights from last night. It's, did he have moments with the teleprompter in front of him and coached up that he seemed like he was the, this isn't a giant compliment, but was he the Biden of two years ago? - Yeah, maybe for two or three minutes at a time. And I guess maybe he had gotten to bed on time. He did talk about the bedtime yesterday. - Residency is the most straining job in the world and it's 24/7. How can you say you'll be up for that next year in two years, in four years, given the limits you've acknowledged that you have today? - The limits I've acknowledged that have? - There's been reporting that you've acknowledged that you need to go to bed earlier and your evening around eight. - That's not true. Look, what I said was, instead of my every day starting at seven and going to bed at midnight, it'd be smarter for me to pace myself a little more. And I said, for example, the eight, seven, six stuff, instead of starting to fundraise at nine o'clock, starting at eight o'clock, people get to go home by 10 o'clock. That's what I'm talking about. - Well, and if it was, listen, if we could move all things in Washington earlier, it might be fine. Maybe at my age, I believe in that. Like, when there's a music show that comes to town, I even started saying this a decades ago when I was working in music radio, hey, if we could make that show at eight o'clock and instead of 11 o'clock, it might be better for some of us out there. But the basic question is, if you're only ready during this window, the 10 to four window and something pops off internationally, how are you gonna do it? He also, it's not Joe Biden's fault, it's not the President's fault, it's... - I always have an inclination, whether I was playing sports or doing politics, just to keep going, not style. I just gotta just pace myself a little more. Pace myself. In the next debate, I'm not gonna be traveling in the 15 time zones a week before. Anyway, that's what it was about. That's what it was about. And by the way, even with that, I love my staff, but to add things, add things all the time. Very good. I'm catching hell for my wife. - Okay, so there he's airing of the grievances there with the staff and the wife. And by the way, when he said the 15 time zones, the time between the travel of those 15 time zones, however many there were, and the debate was he had a week at Camp David, hanging out at Camp David for the debate. So I mean, just 'cause you did something strenuous a week before, you're telling me you can't recover from that. Well, how's it bear out in the polls out there? And then you pick the poll and get the different result. Let's go to this. This came out today. And this is, so we're gonna take it to the most liberal of entities doing this poll, right? It's NPR PBS News poll out there. So you know where it's coming from. I mean, I wish polls were just polls. And you could say it doesn't matter who's polling, you're gonna get the same data. But it's not. It depends on how the questions are asked. But the story here, Biden is plus two percentage points against Trump, despite concerns about Biden's mental fitness. Now, there were many polls last week that had things earlier this week, had things swinging plus four for Trump, outside the margin of error for Trump. Now, this one is a Marist poll conducted by National Public Radio and PBS. And it says this, just days ago before the start of the Republican National Convention, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump continued to be closely matched up against registered voters in the head to head match up and a multi candidate field. There's some interesting parts of that too, to see when they take, Robert Kennedy Jr. in and out, how it tweaks numbers on polling for both sides in different states, says Biden's support remains relatively unchanged from last month, despite the view of many Americans and he lacks the mental fitness to serve as the president. It doesn't, it really doesn't, in maybe y'alls poll, but there's a bunch of polls where you've seen, you know, Barrist maybe comparing your poll to your poll, which all you can do, but there are other polls out there that show something actually different, something actually happening quite different from that, but onto their narrative here. Says however, Biden outperforms Trump on whether each either candidate has the character to be president of the United States and buy more than two to one Americans who are more concerned about a president who lies and they are about someone who is too old to serve. Okay, this is what comes out of this Marist poll thing. Okay, but it's influenced obviously by NPR and PBS. And this idea that we're branding here, right? We're branding as the Biden is, he's older, but he's a good American with it and he doesn't lie. He does lie, he does lie. And like I said yesterday with a caller, Trump lies as well. Trump likes to do, his mostly are in overstating things, right? But I mean, be honest, he does, but it's a different thing. I think in comparison I made yesterday, you know, my favorite of the Joe Biden made up stories, Joe Biden who was busted for plagiarism, right? So President Biden, back then, I guess he said it as president as well, his story about being the struct driver, right? You know, he's, you know, Scranton Joe, right? He's trying to be, you know, regular blue collar, truck driving folks in reality. He tells a story about him being a long haul trucker. In reality, he was at like a political deal where they put him in the passenger seat of a semi and went driving a loop or something like that. So that's, that's what he did. He rode in a semi with a professional driver. He tells a story like he's a, so he makes that story up a whole cloth. What Trump would do in that situation, this is my ass rotation from yesterday. So you have this, this event happened. Both men, you have Trump, you have Biden. Both men sit in the passenger seat of the, of the semi truck and they pull a trailer around and do something for some kind of photo op, whatever it goes. At the end of it, Biden tells people down the road, you know, at a presser the next day, he's a long haul trucker. Trump tells everybody that he's the best passenger that trucker's ever had. Both of them are lies, right? You know, but the driver said to me, sir, I've never had a passenger as great as you in my truck. You're the, that's a Trump lie. Biden's lie will be, I'm a long haul trucker. So for them to come out and say that the decisions between someone who's too old and someone who's lying, they're both lying. So quit lying NPR and PBS. Said both candidates remain flawed in the eyes of Americans and majority say neither should be on the ballot. Kamala Harris, Gavin Newson and Gretchen Whitmer do not improve the Democrats' chances against Trump. Okay, here are the numbers. Here's the meat. Among registered voters nationally, including leaners, Biden receives 50 to 48% in two-way presidential match-up. Two percent are undecided. Biden and Trump were tied 49 to 49% last month in the pre-debate poll. Among voters who have an unfavorable impression of both candidates, okay? Which I think it's got a lot of people out there. Four percentage points separate Trump and Biden. So voters that are just not pleased with either choice. Which I think there's a lot of folks out there. It's 47% Trump votes, 43% Biden. There's that 4%. Said Trump was previously plus seven percentage points over Biden among voters who dislike both Biden and Trump. Then it says Trump at 43% and Biden at 42% are competitive among registered voters in multi-candidate field, which includes Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cardinal West, Jill Stein and Chase Oliver. This is why they want to keep Kennedy at all off the ballot in so many places. Two percent are undecided in that poll. In June, Trump was 42%, also one percentage point up against Biden at 41% with Kennedy polling at 11%. As the only other candidate with support in the double digits, among those who say they definitely plan to vote in November's election, Biden's at 45% and Trump's at 45%. Now, for them, the headline here, once again, you point these things out 'cause the headlines catch people's attention and there's just some of us that read through the rest of the story, the headline that be flashed here is Biden's up 2% points against Trump. But in reality, go to the last, the last sell here on this poll. It's among those who say they definitely plan to vote in November's election. So that's real likely voters. Even the NPR PBS poll shows it as a dead heat. So what do you think? Where are the real numbers? 'Cause you can talk about this how Trump under polls. We've talked about this before. People that get a telephone poll, and I don't know why, but that my vote for Trump don't want to say they're gonna vote for Trump. It's their secret. They go in there and go, "Yeah, I'm gonna vote for Biden." And then they go to the polling place and vote for Trump. I don't know why that happens, but where do you think the real number is? Because there's some, I mean, you can go find, listen, on the flip side, you can find some, you know, the mega extreme crypto patriot poll that'll show you Trump at 75% and Biden at 25%. We know that's not true either. So where's the real number? And does what happens at the RNC Convention Milwaukee help or hurt Trump? Because right now I think the benefit, I talked about Karen Smith earlier in the week, the benefit is as Trump stays in the limelight some, but lets Biden, unless the president, take the limelight, then he continues to injure himself. Biden will do enough damage to himself that Trump doesn't need to get into the fray. But you may disagree. 3430106, you're coming right back. More midday mobile. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Right, 125 FM Talk 1065 midday mobile. Glad to have you here on this Friday. Time to check in with my buddy David McCrary at LCM Motor Cars. And last we talked, you had been in Florida, bought a bunch of vehicles to come back here at LCM, have they arrived? They have. We've got 20 of the 22 on the ground out front. We got the detailers there doing the ones that need it. The majority of them are ready to go. I mean, that's a nice group of colors. So just remember, we'll get the buy here, pay here program with $500 down. Good credit, bad credit, ugly credit. It doesn't matter, we can help you. I'll tell you what, a lot of people take advantage of it. I've noted this over the years. When I pull up at a traffic light and how many vehicles have at LCM sticker on the back of it. There's a lot of us out there. So obviously a lot of cars being bought. Yeah, we've been busy this year. This is going to be a good year. We've, hopefully, the customers keep coming back in trust and it's we do a lot of repeat business, which says a lot about how we treat our customers. That's for sure. I'm being one of those customers can agree. You all want to tell folks how to find you. If they want to come by and see you today, tomorrow, how'd they do it? Oh, we're highway not even playing taste in theater, or it's one mile south of IT and a good 15A. Then give us a call at 2513750068 or go to the website, We should have pictures. I think James got all the pictures done yesterday. So it should be a lot to look at. - David, thanks, man. We'll talk next week. - Have a good day, baby. - All right, you too. There goes David McCreary at LCM MotorCars. Grab some of these texts here. Okay, first up, traffic text from Pat. Let's see. I-10 westbound backed up from the Bayou exit to Theodore. So that is westbound. It's going towards Mississippi, y'all. So I-10 westbound backed up from the Bayou battery exit to Theodore. So there we go. To the, let's see, where was I in the text line here? Jason, all right. Jason says, "I'll put $50 on general Michael Flynn for VP." That's the sleeper pick. That's it. Don't look at odds when you give that. Yeah, your mind works that way. I don't see it. I don't see Michael Flynn. Coming in as VP check, but Jason does. He's putting 50 on. So what, Dalton will be figuring out the odds. We'll call whoever, the book he's out in Las Vegas. Okay, see, and just instantaneously, Dalton appears from the command room in there. And he's got a book in his face like he knows something here. So what? - Leanne and I were looking at these yesterday and from BetOnline.AG, but whatever to this other side, electionbetting Right now they have the GOP VP nominees. They're giving Vance a 42.3%. - Okay. - Odds. - Chady Vance, top. - He's the top odds getter right now. That's actually-- - Welcome to Burgum. - So Burgum is right behind him. Well, not right behind him. He's sitting number two in these odds, but he's at 13%. That's what they're giving him. - So from 40 something to 13. - Wow. - Vance, according to this site, his odds went up by 16% today. So I don't know what they're hearing out there. - Behind Burgum is now Rubio, and Tim Scott's dropped below Ben Carson. So they've got Vance, Burgum, Rubio, Carson, Scott, Youngkin, following that. Rama Swami, and even Sanders, the former press secretary. He's now the governor of Arkansas. - Where's Sanders? Where's she? - She is at 1.6% behind Rama Swami, but ahead of at least Stefanik and Byron Donald's. - She should be like in third and fourth position. I mean, some of the names you named, I don't see the Rubio thing. I don't see it happening. - I don't either. - Sanders to me should be above Rubio. - Now the Flynn thing, there was some talk of that because I guess some election paperwork had been filed that was giving some people the thought that maybe he would be the choice. Youngkin is, to me, the dark horse that I think he could possibly choose as has been mentioned around all these others, yeah. - Hold on, we'll run through a few more of these odds when we get back. (upbeat music) - This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. - At 135 FM Talk 1065, Midday Mobile, it's a Friday and it's also time to check in with my friend Ron at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry. - Ron's been telling us about the steady growth for gold and silver, but a benchmark day today, Ron, for pricing, what did it do today? What gold do? - It broke $2,400 again. I think every time Biden has a press conference, gold and silver has been going up in all the other battles. So he's been doing, helping the metals market out. - Give us an idea. I mean, not looking for the exact number, 'cause I know, but $2,400, if we went back a year or two, I mean, what kind of growth have we seen? - It's not phenomenal. It's not like you're looking for in the stock market. We look at it, you want it slow and steady. And if it stands steady, people who are like, they might invest in it. Well, I don't look at it as an investment. I look at it as a way to protect your cash, protect your stocks 'cause of the dollar worth the drop and as it's been doing lately, and it's all set by the rise in the precious metals. So it protects your other assets. People do look at it as an investment and it can happen. It can make you some money. - I look at it as more as a way to protect the stock bonds and things of that nature. - Yeah, as a part of a healthy diet. - Yes, sir. - Cash, equities, you have gold and silver. Speaking of precious metals too, I'd like to ask you from time to time, 'cause I think it's just cool to talk about platinum and palladium, what have they been doing? - They've been creeping up along with it. I mean, because it's whenever the dollar is affected, things that are priced in US dollars tend to go up too. So the dollar is down today. And by quite a good plus, there's a lot of enthusiasm in the market as far as people deciding not. Deciding that now might be a good time to get in. So there are not just large institutions buying. There was a lot of mom and pop people buying at the same time, but we've seen a lot of activity here at the shop. - Well said. If y'all want to get an education about precious metals and check out the different ways you can hedge with precious metals, go talk to my man Ron. How do they find you? - They can find us on the web at Give us a call at the shop, 2517251590. Just go out on the web, like I said,, and just choose a call and do a thing. Come by 2204 Government Street, but a lot of people will call first with the questions and then we'll advise them if we think they need to make a special trip or whatnot. So call first before you're coming in. A lot of times we can help you out without even leaving the conference of your own home. - Good deal. Ron, we'll talk again soon. - Thank you, Sean. - All right. There goes Ron at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry. By the way, read a few of these texts that had come in earlier. This one from a name textor. Hello, a name textor said, "This is all a media op. They know Biden will lose so the power structure and their media partners are trying to push him out. He's not leaving. The only thing that has changed in the past month is the media and power structure now know he's going to lose. He's been fumbling and bumbling around for four years. It's just that they know, now know that they can't win with him. I think I've moved to the wrong. Somebody had texted here about the money thing. Oh, there it is. It's David and Pharaoh. Thank you. David said, there's a story circulating today that donors are withholding PAC money to force Biden to step down. This is the only way forward. Dalton, my theory is a big donor comes in and buys Biden out. - Mm, buys them out because money for the big guy. So how much would it be if a donor, I mean, these people bundle all, is it 50 million? Is it 100 million, say, here you go. It wouldn't be, it wouldn't make the nightly news, but dude, here's the money, you know, just walk away. Pay him to walk away. - Someone had the theory that last night, like so many of us in the SEC and college football fans have seen over the years, they said the reason it was delayed so long was because Jill and Hunter Biden were back there like the agent, Jimmy Sexton, seeing how much they could get for the buyout before they send him out there today. It's a buyout. - This is brilliant. I had thought about that. And if you had, if presidential, you had buyouts. So they said that was, and then, you know, so much talk about, well, if Biden's out, it has to be Kamala because of all of their Biden, Harris campaign, money, it's all been raised for them. And I think it was Wall Street Journal or somebody wrote about that and that's partially true. But a big bulk of it is not necessarily tied directly to the campaign. Something like $90 million, which is still a huge chunk, but they can take that money, give it to the DNC and then turn around the DNC and give it to another. - Yeah. - And I think like you've said so many times, I mean, the issue wouldn't be moving the money around. The issue would be moving past Kamala Harris. - Correct. - How do you do that? This texture said, Sean, I think it's on the VP stakes. Sean, I think it's going to be Ben. I'm guessing, Tom, I've been Carson, who's been a guest on the show a couple of times. And it says, I think it's all, I think it's been all the way. I mean, that's why I think they just got him on the sidelines. He's going to be absolutely perfect. You can't argue with that, man. If you're thinking, if you're talking about Ben Carson, maybe they're talking about, and I'm a fan of Ben Carson's. I mean, when he was running, I had him on the air, I've had him on the air when he was HUD secretary, 'cause I'm a fan, I don't think I would choose him as a VP. - The only way I see it being Ben Carson, and I think Trump really likes him a lot, but if people you like, it might not be for the VP, though. - If Trump decides his number one factor in the VP, outside of them, hopefully being a conservative, or at least in the Trump cut, if it is that Pence thing, where he wants somebody who won't steal the spotlight at all, you look at, and Bergham probably fits that mold as you had her better than Carson. - Yeah, Ben Carson would not, at least would I've seen from Ben Carson, he would not be trying to push in front of Trump. Like, hey, look at me, like Rubio, I think would. Rubio, and I think Vance, you know? - J.D. Vance has aspirations there. - What they say they love about Vance, though, is with him being an author, and so tied into the Silicon Valley world, that he will be able to, and has been able to, kind of, make MAGA more academic, like, maybe lay out more what the Trump MAGA movement is, because it's tough for a lot of people to put a finger on what exactly that is. They think Vance is the guy who can, kind of, be the professor, I guess. - That's good, because if, I think that's fair, because when it is not defined, when it's all about hype and bumper stickers, and yeah, we'll show them and all that stuff, right? But when you do that, and don't put actual the academics, then you let other people define what a movement is, and you've seen that happen. You know, you'll ask people what MAGA is, and they're gonna get all the flags and bumper stickers versus telling you what to actually, you know, make America great, what trade policy is, all those things. But once again, the Republicans have rolled out, and they're no different than Democrats. Now, they've rolled out their platform at 16 pages. - Yeah, I mean, it's not, they used to be 100 and something-- - And also don't discount Vance's connections to Peter Teal and the rest of Silicon Valley. - The crypto bros and all that. - Burgum has a lot of money, but Silicon Valley has a lot more money. - They do. This section says, "The Sleeper's RFK Junior." I would say, "Ain't, no way." What do you say, Don? - There's no chance, I don't think. - What, I mean, you said Sleeper, so you don't think he's the odds on favorite. Maybe, I mean, we talk about how moving him out of the race would affect both of their odds. If you're just looking for the votes for the general. - How do you put, people have this idea, and listen, I go listen to RFK Junior, I think it's interesting to hear, 'cause I like things that are different. But the number of conservatives that get this, you know, on for RFK Junior, is based around one stance, the vaccine stance, okay? There's a whole bunch of other stuff out there. Y'all go look through, and I'm not hating on the guy. He's being himself, he's being, that I think, there's no way. - No way. - No left of Biden on a lot of things. - Yes. So just 'cause he has the one, you know, the one thing, it doesn't, no, uh-uh, and then we'll get back in the state. Jim and Sim said, it ain't about the money, it's about the power. But Jim, why do you have the power to get the money? So if you just cut out the middle man, and give him the money, then maybe he walks away. All right, so if you didn't hear earlier, Dalton came in here 'cause we're talking about the Veep Stakes, you know, you've got a convention next week who it might be. Right now, leading like pre-season super mega favorite is JD Vance. - Yeah, and I look 40, what is it? - So he, this as of right now,, they have him at 41.7%. The odds of him being named the GOP vice president. When I was looking at this, let's see, just yesterday, well, they don't give you exactly what it was yesterday, but over the last month, his odds have gone up. Let's see, by, over the last week, his odds have gone up by about 20%. I think earlier this week, Vance and Bergen were kind of right there together. The money today has moved Vance as a very heavy favorite. Now, this election betting odds has him at 41.7%. I went over to this bet online.age, which actually takes money, which gives me belief. If you risk money, you invest capital. You've done your studying, you know? - Right, yeah. - The federal government just spends money, or colleges will spend money on a poll. They don't have, they don't have to pay the bills. - Yeah, this is the market. - Yes, this is the market figuring it out, and they have Vance is actually better than 50% odds. Like, it's, you're either betting against him, or the field, pretty much. He's at minus 120 there, which will probably be what the odds are for like, you know, Georgia, Texas, if they play a neutral site game this year, but it's him against the fields. They're saying Vance is very heavy favorite. They've also have Bergen, second best odds, and then you start to get longer and longer with Marco Rubio, seven to one odds. Then they have Tim Scott, Ben Carson, quite a bit behind Tim Scott in this odds, and then Jungken and Gabbard, with the same odds there. I'm telling you, and I've been saying it for a month, I think it's more either Vance or Jungken. I think that's who it's down to. - You're super Jungken. - Yeah, and I think he's more than a sleeper. You look at what he's done in Virginia. Now Vance, you've got the Rust Belt, you've got Ohio. You've got all of that. But with Jungken, you have a proven Republican. - But would Jungken not get that? So you always have to do the game of deduction. Would, Jadie, I agree. Rust Belt, he's the Prince of the Rust Belt. He tells the hillbilly elegy, right? He reads, but would he get those votes? But would Jungken not, would those people not vote for Jungken? I think they vote for Jungken. - Right, and he's proven, right? I mean, for Vance to win in Ohio, that's still good. It's still a great win for him, but Jungken, much more political experience, and he won in Virginia, and he did it on-- - Which is, with Vance, is a blue, it's a purple state. - Suburban moms went for Jungken. That was a huge thing in Virginia, and that's something that Trump really needs. - Okay, but then if you just play this game for a second, if you're a Suburban mom that just says, Trump is distasteful, there's no way, his VP pick is not gonna make you go. - Mm-hmm. - Oh, but his VP pick is, you know, so there-- - And then, you know, what I've been saying, I think Trump needs to pick someone who makes him assassination proof, and I think several other people have said that. Like, if you pick Nikki Haley as your VP, there will be people out there who say, how can we, they're gonna wanna get rid of him anyway, but if Haley's the VP-- - Or if not Haley. - Or if Vance is the VP, I think if Vance is the VP, there's gonna be people saying, "Well, maybe Trump isn't that bad." - Right, but if you have Nikki Haley there, you can't, although I say you can't bring her in because of where she is politically on being a Neocon, but then again, people like to, you know, wash their memories of what happened when Trump, who got a lot of attention in 2016, when he was trying to get us out of wars, did a good job, hired in John Bolton. John Bolton, he goes to bed at night, dreaming of wars he can get American boys and girls in. - Yeah. - So, Nikki Haley's a little bit cut from that same cloth. - Yeah, that was one major, major issue that a lot of people had with Trump in his first term was he thought he'd be really great at delegating things, and some of the people he brought in, it just didn't seem like he was, maybe, I don't, it seemed like for some of these people, we've been paying more attention than he was over the years. - Hey, quit making this Q show on that where you go, well, you know, that was just the legacy, the legacy of Washington telling him who to put in, his whole thing, you voted for him because he makes his own decisions. So, don't get a Nikki Haley, don't get a John Bolton if you wanna get people excited about the idea that you're not looking for another war to involve the United States in. - Right. - I mean, you bring Nikki Haley in on the flip side of what you're talking about at Yunken. I would actually say, Trump, I like Trump, but Nikki Haley, I don't know who else I would vote for, but I would say, you really screwed up the ticket to me if you put Nikki Haley on there because I'm looking for somebody who's not in his ear trying to get him into wars all the time. - Yeah, yeah, and, you know, on the other side, you'll argue, well, Trump, he can handle having this, this many competing voices in the room, and he wants a Neocon, and he wants a isolationist, and then he gets everything from them, and then he makes the decision. And that's fine, you know, Bolton was in the office, he didn't start any major wars while Bolton was in. - No, but you know what he wanted to. - He wanted to, yeah. - Oh, my gosh, the, buddy says on the text line, I'm hoping it's Tim Scott. I'm a big Tim Scott fan, I don't think it's gonna be, I don't think he's VP-ready at this, I don't know. The only thing about Tim Scott, I think Tim Scott could be the way Jeff Sessions was, kind of a Sierra No to Bergie Act. So Tim Scott is a thinker the way Jeff Sessions is a thinker, and if you're talking about that consensus administration, having somebody like Tim Scott who's a thinker and measured, talking to, but if they have that kind of relationship, if he can come in and say, you don't have to think about it this way, Tim is one of those people like Jeff Sessions was, these are, these are thinker, these are nerds, and I like nerds, you know? And so, but I just don't know that he has the, I don't know if he has the chops for it right now, Tim Scott fan, but I don't know if he has the chops either. And you also have to think a lot of these VP quote unquote, candidates, they have other positions in mind for them. So, you know, Ramis Swarming, well, what do you like to be VP? Is he the best option, probably not? There's a spot in the administration for Ramis Swarming right now, so a lot of them are being scratched out just because they're putting a different position. - Right, this texture says if Trump picks Vance and I'm the DNC, this is smart. It said if Trump picks Vance and I'm in the DNC, I'm providing the GOP base that Vance was an ever-trumper because chaos and suppressed turnout. I see what you're saying and the logic you did, but I think the political energy with everything that's come against Trump, that gets washed out. The DNC could do a whole thing and say, this guy's an ever-trumper and he's bringing them on the ticket, I could turn that around and I'm the Trump administration and say, hey, I'm for talent, even if you fought against me. You know, how many foreign nationals, how many people from the Russian Army now are from provinces that were at war with Russia, he gets the best of them, brings them in. You know what I mean? So I do understand what you're talking about, but I just don't think it would matter. Mr. Plot quit, Mr. Plot quit. He says Tulsi, yep Tulsi. I mean, probably Mobile County's biggest Tulsi Gabbard fan, right, do you agree? - Oh yeah, you're a big fan. - Big Tulsi Gabbard fan. That's not happening, not happening. - No, I think a lot of people are her fans, because she says things you just, you don't hear. - Correct. I don't hear the Washington establishment say it for sure, and that's something I appreciate, whether it's RFK, whether it's her, even when it's Bernie Sanders sometimes, your politics, sure, I have my politics, but I wanna hear you be different and honest more than anything. I think these people, while they're not 100% honest, they're honest more often than the others are. - Right, well, it's not a high bar, you know, so. Supermom said, I have not heard Byron Donald's in the mix, but my fingers are crossed that Trump picks Donald's as a VP. I think Donald's would be a smart pick. - Yeah, his odds are, well, they've plummeted since about a month ago, you know, this one site has him at 1.4% odds, just ahead of Tom Cotton, which I would also not appreciate if Tom Cotton were the VP. And yeah, so Byron Donald's very long odds. Remember, he's only spent a couple of years in the house, and JD Vance has as well in the-- - Well, that didn't keep you from being a VP. Heck, Obama had been in Washington. - Yeah, good point. - Was he in a full Senate term? Maybe going into, I don't know if he was in full Senate term, but he nextly knows he's a presidential candidate. - But you forget, he had all the experiences of community organizer before that, so. - That's all you need. Organize yourselves, and we'll be right back more bid day mobile on FM Talk 1065. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - This is midday mobile, with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. (upbeat music) - All right, 156 FM Talk 1065 and midday mobile. All right, by the way, I just noticed, so my friend Devin was talking about the, people already packed over for the Blues Show this weekend. Of course, the Blues are flying, the practice run, of course, big show coming up tomorrow, but also. And I know there's a list of a bunch of other things going on, like very important things, like a vintage clothing event. But outside of that, I'd like to point out that it didn't make the list over there at Channel 5. Roy Martin, Young Angles Tournament. Way to get those kids into the fishing. And it's, even if you say, well, I don't have tickets for it, you won't take the kids' fishing, you can get the tickets on site. You can actually, the JCs are really cool about this. With the kids, you can go fishing tomorrow, get the boat, go fishing, catch a fish, come in by the ticket and then enter the fish. And then you get ice cream and potato chips and all kinds of good things. And sometimes I let dad have that too. So it's, and mom. All right, to the text line here at 3430106 Brandon says then you have a Trump Donald ticket. Ah ha, versus a Donald Trump thing. That's funny, Brandon, I didn't think about that. David, this is, what happened to him and check in on him? David said, if it was my choice for VP, I'd pick Michael Savage. Well, be interesting. He's a thinker, for sure. Do you think Michael Savage, you talk about two people yelling, you imagine him like pushing his way in front of Trump. I don't think Savage would do a good job playing second fiddle there. Mr. Platt running worried about Rama Swami like Vivek, Rama Swami, this is the one we're talking about. Pat says, "Mama taught for VP and brings in that, brings in that TikTok vote, right? Ah ha, doesn't have better, is gonna close out our week, I think. Absolutely." So he texts this for his choice for VP. He said, "In this situation, the lights would dim, Trump would take the podium and say, let me introduce my running mate. The lights would go black." Silence would fall, and then a screaming voice in the dark starts with, "My name is Kid, yeah y'all fill in the rest of it. Have a great weekend, we'll do it tomorrow morning. FM Talk 106-5 outdoors." Gotta, my man, Brandon Bunsford, joining us from recreational sales and service trailers. Everything you know about a boat trailer, he's gonna talk with us about that tomorrow morning at seven on the outdoor show. All right, fine bomb next. Good stuff, done that meta.