FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Biden's Big Boy press conference - Mobile Mornings - 7-12-24

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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(upbeat rock music) News, sports, weather from Dr. Bill Williams, traffic info from Kane, and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's Mobile Mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. (upbeat rock music) Where's Ben and Dalton if I'm talking 106.5? Text line 2513430106, or if you wanna use that to call us, you can do that as well here in the eight o'clock hour. Give us a ring and join the show. We got a lot of things to get to here in the eight o'clock hour. We can slow things down and look at things more with an opportunity to discuss. And we'll try to do all of that. I think the main thing that the whole nation is looking at right now is the behavior, I guess you would say, of the President of the United States. And he was on the big stage yesterday. The big boy stage. Yeah, the big boy stage. How about, did even the White House call it? I thought, you know, I heard someone say that the White House was calling it that. Then they said, no, it was more of a media creation. Regardless, we all kind of knew, you know, it's time for him to be a big boy. Which sounds like something that Jill Biden would say to him. Like after the debate when they had their little post debate, rally, there was off to another room. They had all their supporters there and she went, you did such a great job answering all of the questions. Really? It was like, are you talking to our president? Or are you talking to your grandchild? Yeah, second grader. But anyway, that was the debate. That was a while back. He had the NATO conference this week. He's had an interview with Stephanopoulos, which really didn't call many nerves among Democrats. And then last night, everyone kind of decided, all right, this is the moment. Will Biden show that he has some ability left? Or is it all the way gone? And I think, you know, he had a very low bar to clear. Let's start with that. If the debate was the bar, he had a low bar to clear. And yes, that's true. And his speech, you know, before that, that was a teleprompter speech where he was talking about NATO and Russia and he didn't really miss too many beats on that relatively, you know, compared to how he normally is on a teleprompter. So teleprompter thing went fine. And then he started taking questions. We'll get to that. But the two biggest flubs from Biden yesterday that you've no doubt already heard about or will be hearing about. The first big flub came as they were wrapping up the NATO conference and you had all these leaders there. And you had Zelensky, who was literally standing beside Biden as he, the president, Biden, decided to introduce Zelensky there at the very end of the summit. And this is how he chose to do so. And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. President Putin is going to be President Putin. President Zelensky, I'm so focused on beating Putin. We got to worry about it. Anyway, Mr. President-- I'm better. You are hell of a better. And during the press conference, he actually referenced that part of his day. I think this was the clip where he referenced part of that day. And he also kind of went after his staff here at the end of this clip. I think this is the one where he references the Putin thing. Let's-- OK. Let me play this right here. This is it. All right. Reporter here asks Biden. He says, I don't know if you've noticed, but a lot of these leaders that have been in town this week, there have been reports that they aren't satisfied with your ability, your mental ability as president. And this is how he answered that. No officials here are saying off the record that your decline has become noticeable. Hasn't this now, frankly, become damaging for America's standing in the world? Thank you. Did you see any damage to our state in my leading in this conference? Have you seen a more successful conference? What do you think? And the Putin piece, I was talking about Putin. And I said, now, at the very end. I said, here, I'm in Putin. I said, no, I'm sorry. Salinsky. And then I added five other names. Look, guys. The idea-- anybody suggests that we haven't had an incredibly successful conference. How many times did you hear in that conference? I don't know if it sounds too self-serving, but other leaders had the state in thanking me, saying, the reason we're together is because of Biden, because Biden did the following. Look, folks, this is a-- well, anyway, I thought it was the most successful conference. I have attended a long time and find me a world leader who didn't think it was. Yeah, well, we'll probably see some of the response from those world leaders now that-- Yeah, that's the thing that I'm interested in, Dalton. There they were. The world leaders were there. We were saying, OK, press is saying one thing. International press is saying certain things. Our celebrities are saying one thing. Celebrity-- George Clooney, who we all hold in high regard. He's saying things. What are the world leaders saying? And I guess that's still kind of waiting, right? No, there have been leaks as that reporter referenced. And all these articles that have come out this week, where they've said-- I mean, even yesterday, during that NATO conference, the Italian Prime Minister Maloney, I think is her name, they were waiting for Biden and Stoltenberg, the NATO leader, to show up together. And I guess they were running late, and she did this massive eye roll, and then looked at her watch, which I don't know if she was wearing a watch or not. She was just kind of doing that. Can you believe how late they are right now? So I think they are, in some ways, fed up with the way things have been going. But what are they going to do? This is the US, and they are NATO, right? And they depend on us for everything, basically. The other big flub was very early on in the question and answer portion of the press conference. When Biden came in, back in 2020, he described himself as a bridge to the next generation of Democrats, and that he chose a vice president who he felt would be ready to act as president on day one, if she needed to. And he was asked about that, and then the big flub came around. What concerns do you have about Vice President Harris's ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket? Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President, but I think she's not qualified to be president, so let's start there. Yeah, so he accidentally called Harris, Kamala Trump, and Randy texted in. He said, Biden's idea is genius. With Trump as his Vice President, Trump could step in and finish Biden's next term, and then run again in 2028. I don't think that was part of Biden's plan there, but probably not. He was in another question just like that when he was asked, would Kamala fair better against Trump? Or what would you do if you find out she would fair better against Trump? And the whispers came here. You earlier explained confidence in your Vice President. Yes. If your team came back and showed you data that she would fair better against former President Donald Trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? No, unless they came back and said, there's no way you could win. Me. No, I'm saying that. No, Paul says that. Mr. President's case. Thank you. And he kept trying to wrap the presser at the very end, or his staff did, Corinne John Pierre. Yeah, it wrapped it up and get it done with it. He just was not getting the message. He was standing there. You see that. Think about that, Dalton. We see that we could be at a press conference. We could be at a cocktail party, whatever. And you could watch some of that going on, and you're watching how uncomfortable this whole thing is. And you can see that the people are trying to get Mr. X out of the room. And he's completely unaware. This is the President of the United States. He should be kind of aware of those cues. And he also, the questions he took, he was very upfront that he had a list of journalists he was going to call on one at a time, and he made his way down the list. That was, to me, the most, I don't know, I wouldn't call it anxiety-inducing, but the most maybe thrilling part of the press conference. And I was wondering how he'd remember who the last journalist he asked, so he could go to the next one after rambling for about three or four minutes. He got to all of them that he was supposed to ask on. No Peter Ducey questions. He did talk about one of his excuses for performing so poorly during the debate. Remember he said he'd been traveling too much prior to, and he actually blames his staff here. - I always have an inclination, whether I was playing sports or doing politics, just to keep going, not style. I just gotta just pace myself a little more. Pace myself. In the next debate, I'm not going to be traveling in the 15 time zones a week before. Anyway, that's what it was about. That's what it was about. And by the way, even with that, I love my staff, but they add things. I add things all the time. Very good. I'm catching hell for my wife. - I'm catching hell for my wife. And that question he was answering, well, he was asked about his bedtime, which was one of these things that was put out there that, hey, the president's really only good from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. He was asked about that. - Residency is the most straining job in the world, and it's 24/7. How can you say you'll be up for that next year in two years and four years, given the limits you've acknowledged that you have today? - The limits I've acknowledged that have? - There's been reporting that you've acknowledged that you need to go to bed earlier and your evening around eight. - That's not true. Look, what I said was, instead of my everyday starting at seven and going to bed at midnight, it'd be smarter for me to pace myself a little more. And I said, for example, the eight, seven, six stuff, instead of starting a fundraiser at nine o'clock, start at eight o'clock. People get to go home at 10 o'clock. That's what I'm talking about. - I will say I endorse his idea that we have events that end earlier. - Yeah, we both feel that way. - But that was his response to the old bedtime story that came out this week. A couple more clips I wanna play for you. It was a very political press conference. It was not so much a presidential press conference outside of him answering questions about his own abilities. He went after Trump and he went after the Supreme Court very hard last night. And here was a part of that where he makes it pretty explicit who they're going after for the remainder of this campaign. - What do you think are democracies under siege? Based on this court? Do you think democracy under siege based on project 2025? Do you think he means what he says when he says he's gonna do we have a civil service? Eliminates the Department of Education. Makes you, I mean, we've never been here before. And that's the other reason why I didn't, you say hand off to another generation. I've gotta finish this job. I've gotta finish this job because there's so much at stake. - And last one I'll play for you here when talking about why he is staying in the race. He said something that, well, I've said previously, a lot of us have, but the polls aren't always accurate. But you get enough polls that look one way. Anyway, here's Biden talking about that. - How accurate does anybody think the polls are these days? I can give a series of polls where you have likely voters, me versus Trump, where I win all the time. When the unlikely voters vote, he wins sometimes. So bottom line is all the polling data right now, which I think is pretty mature because the campaign really hasn't even started. I mean, hadn't started in earnest yet. Most of the time it doesn't start till after September, after Labor Day. So a lot can happen. But I think I'm the best, I know I believe I'm the best qualified to govern. And I think I'm the best qualified to win. - So there you go, a bit of a roundup of the hour and five minute press conference he had last night. - That was late starting. - Very late starting. - They just kept delaying it. You know, yesterday morning we reported it would start at 4.30. By the end of the morning show, they'd pushed it back to 5.30. By the time it started, it was 8 p.m. central. So wow, from the beginning of the day, they'd moved it back three and a half hours, which means he was staying up later, right? He wrapped it up Eastern time, right around 10.05 Eastern. And I thought maybe that would be enough. Like, I thought it was good news for the Republicans 'cause he went out there and I thought he didn't a decent enough job that he would be even harder to kick off the ticket than he already was. But even more Democrats came out after and said, "No, it's time for him to go." After that conference last night. And I've been trying to keep up with how many in the house. I think you have two in the Senate, two Democrats in the Senate that have called for him to step out. And the count I had yesterday for the house was around 15. And then after last night, another three more, I believe, called for him to step out. So 18 Democrats in the house now calling for that. - So the response to Biden last night, Belton, and this is the Washington Examiner I'm looking at, of course, that's a very conservative newspaper. Here are some of the headlines from last night. Biden survives big boy press conference, ends day bruised. Okay. Biden stumbles through big boy press conference. Biden relies on note cards during brief remarks with Zelensky. So those are some of the headlines that are responding to the coverage of Biden last night for, do you say minute and five? - Hour five. - Hour and five. So, you know, not really, and I don't know what the mainstream is saying or the MSNBC this morning or Morning Joe and all that. So I don't have any idea. - Well, you had Joe Manchin, a Senator who referenced yesterday. He said, "We'll know by this weekend." So they were kind of waiting for this NATO conference thing to end. And Manchin says, "We will know by Monday whether Biden is really, really sticking in, like he wants to do, or whether they'll find a way to force him out." And the Biden team clearly knows where Obama's money lies right now. And they think that he is working with his, you know, a lot of the Obama hangers on to get rid of him. Here's just part of the Morning Joe yesterday, hold on. - The Biden campaign and many Democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this. If Joe Biden believes that, that's not going to get him out of the race any faster. - Obama and Pelosi and Clooney, growing number of representatives, asking for him to step out. - Question. If you've got to ask the President of the United States about his bedtime, should he be President of the United States? One thing. - Is that rhetorical? - It's rhetorical. - hasten Willis with the Washington Examiner wrote a piece that we'll get to around the corner more on the Trump side of things, so he's responding. - And a lot of text to you too as well. - Very good. 822, Dan and Dalton, mobile morning. FM Talk 1065, the Gulf Coast Weather Authority, and Dr. Bill Williams. - The Gulf Coast can expect mostly sunny skies today with a few showers and thunderstorms and afternoon temperatures in the mid '90s. This is at meteorologist Dr. Bill Williams for FM Talk 1065. This WKRG Newsbreak is brought to you by Roy Lewis Construction, delivering on their guarantee to provide a commercial construction project that stays on task and on budget for guaranteed quality from Star Wars. They have left over pine straw from a previous job. But after finishing the job, the Scammers handover of Paine Strahl is back. It's something we covered a couple years ago in Fair Hope. Now city officials say Scammers are back at it again, where they go door-to-door offering pine straw at low prices. They sometimes say they have leftover pine straw from a previous job. But after finishing the job, the Scammers handover of Paine Strahl is at the time. When finishing the job, the Scammers handover of Bill, that's much higher than what they said and they try to pressure people into paying it. The Foley Police Department is taking a new approach to show folks what it's like to be an officer. They recently launched their cardio with the COP program. You can learn about law enforcement while seeing what it takes to pass their fiscal training tests. To sign up, look for a link on the Foley Police Department's Facebook page. Alabama A&M's bid to buy the Birmingham Southern College campus has been rejected. In May, Alabama A&M offered to buy the Birmingham Southern campus for $52 million. Last month, they made a second offer of $65 million. Birmingham Southern closed in May. 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They specialize in personal injury, wrongful death, bear time, nursing home abuse cases and more. Hedge Copeland Personal Injury Attorneys. For a free consultation, go to and I'm Kame with you at the Talk 106-5 traffic. [music] Thank you, Wet Willy. We can't do it. If I'm talking on a 6-5 on local mornings on this Friday morning, a Dr. Bill said, "Well, I think it's ranking for the weekend. The weather scale wasn't bad. It's just going to be really hot. It's going to be sunny, but it's going to be really hot. Maybe some afternoon showers, high heat index. Stay safe out there on the water with all this heat. Of course, you have the Roy Martin Young English tournament. On our side, you've got the Blue Marlin Grand Championship on the other side, and then next week we roll into the ADSFR. So it's going to be hot. Texture here said Biden's whispering is creepy. And Texture Here, a song by Winona. Winona Ryder, I guess. Grandpa, tell me about the money you stole. Tell me, how do you get out of this hole? Winona Judd. Why not a Judd? Okay, thank you. Tell me how you get out of this hole. Grandpa, how'd you know that, Dan? I'm just joking. Grandpa, maybe you need to go to bed. Something ain't right in your head. Grandpa, now you're falling down. People are calling you a clown. Grandpa, it's time to stop. You don't need to go until you drop. That's pretty fitting. Yeah, I forgot that those were the lyrics of that song. That's wrong. Even though I've played it a million times, but I didn't realize how. If those are the real lyrics, that's pretty close. Texture Here, why drop out of the race if the election is rigged? Joel. Let's see. Joel, lots of text this morning said, "That is one creepy dude." Thank you, Joel. Yeah, I guess he's doing it for effect, the whispering. Like, instead of-- Oh, it's having an effect. I had a friend of mine that seriously, when his boy was little, when he really wanted to get his attention, he would, hey, he would calm it down. And you'd watch that little boy look up like, "Oh, daddy means something right here." So I think in a way, that's what he's trying to do. It's not coming off his head. Ryan, he pulled it off with George a lot better than Biden's doing with our country. And you can, you know, in broadcasting, which really, anytime you speak to the press and you got a camera in front of you, you're your broadcast. Yeah. You use things like silence, even though we don't want too much silence. You can use it as a tool and whispering as well. So I don't know if that's his intent or if he even knows he's whispering. Josh says, "It's depressing to hear our president speak. What would George Clooney think?" And we know now what George Clooney thinks. I'm looking at a headline. This is an opinion piece in the Washington Examiner that says, "Who the heck cares what George Clooney thinks?" So maybe we'll get to that article. We are going to get to one from Hastings Willis about the way Trump is playing all this right now. That's on the way. Maximus says, "I'm kind of torn. Biden is a disgrace on the world stage, but yet he needs to stay so we can whoop him in November." Well, anyways, he, anyways, he says that a lot. He also says, "What's the other one?" I keep, he used it in the debate so many times. He's got his go-tos, right? He needs his go-tos. That's the point. It's 8.30 with Dan and Dalton, good morning. ♪♪ 834, FM Talk 106-5 in Mobile mornings on a Friday. Right now, we talk with Louis Orrata from McConnell Automotive. Hey, Louis. Hey, good morning, guys. How are you? We're great. And it's going to be hot, but it should be a nice weekend out on the water for a bunch of folks. And I've got tournaments. It is fish and tournament season. And, you know, there's some big boats that are being taken out there, and they need big trucks to pull them. And you have just the prescription there in McConnell Automotive. That's right. We got a great selection of 3/4 ton and 1/2 ton trucks. I pull my boat with a little 1/2 ton truck. So, you know, come on by and see us. Like I said, it's going to be a great weekend. A lot of people out there fishing. I hope everybody be careful. And we're going to be out there working. And you needed anything. Just give us a call. 2-5-1-4-7-6-4-1-4-1. Like I said, we got great selection. Got some low interest rates. And what else can you ask for? You guys, yeah, you cover it all. And while I'm partial to the trucks, of course, really anything anyone's looking for. From work trucks to SUVs to nice sedans, you've got them all. We've got every bit of it. And we've got a great situation going on up in Nashville right now. We've got some high-end stuff up there. A lot we got. And so, if you need anything, I'm making some wild stuff. We got it. Just give us a call. 2-5-1-4-7-6-4-1-4-1. Thank you, Louis. Have a great weekend. Thank you. Louis Arata, you'll find him and the whole team at McConnell Automotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65, and the website, It does seem like a long time ago that Trump and Biden went head-to-head in 2020. And there's so much to take in with all of that. And we've been through it, and we can rehash it if you want to. But basically, just remembering as Biden was presenting himself to the country coming into office or trying to win the election, he was like the calm head. He was going to be a unifier. Uniter, yeah. Yeah. Uniter, unifier. He was going to lower the level of chaos, right? He was going to be the adult in the room on and on and on. It's like everything has kind of been reversed here, as we are heading into this election. Because now all the attention is on, Joe Biden, for all, absolutely. I would say the wrong reason, aside from a complete scandal that would be unearthed by the press, which is like, that'd be nice. Which, you know, honestly, this whole thing is keeping that scandal from being discussed or the actual scandals. This is a scandal as well. Right. Right. That's kind of where it is the president of the United States mentally. Is he capable? So that's kind of like kept all the other potential scandals remaining in a closet somewhere. But... And you know the press doesn't want to talk about those skills. No. They just missed the boat on those as well. Well, and they really haven't even so much as apologized for the way that they prosecuted Trump in the press prior to the 2020 election. So, okay, we know all that. But now we're watching something that we didn't like that. We were texting that night, or it was like, "What do we look like? We've never seen anything like that debate performance. We've never seen anything quite that shocking." And every political pundit and/or voice or texture or whoever that's been on the station since, it's pretty much said the same thing, like, "I don't know what to make of that." Right. Yeah. I mean, we all knew that it was bad for Biden already. Yeah. And the most surprising thing about the debate was that they would let him up there in that condition. Right. Right. It's handlers. And that it was... I don't know if that's as bad as it gets for Biden, but it was close to it if it wasn't as bad as he gets, men, you know? Right. It was bad and it was as bad as it could get for the nation. Everybody was just shocked. And that's why last night was such a low bar to clear. Yeah. Because I've never seen anything like that debate. That was the bounce back. He had to bounce back from an 11 run inning, you know? He was on the mound that he gave up 11 runs or whatever. So last night he gave up four. Hastings Willis is a writer for The Washington Examiner. And like I said, if you have to ask the question to the president of the United States about his bedtime, right there, should he be president of the United States? Willis talks about... As President Joe Biden was elected in 2020, in part, here we go, with a message of being the stable, reliable alternative to the chaos of former President Donald Trump, lately those roles have been reversed. Trump has largely avoided the spotlight since the now infamous June 27th presidential debate. So Willis first talks about the way Trump is playing this by being kind of quiet. Yeah, this is very much out of character for Trump. He has stayed pretty quiet, if you kind of look through the headlines. For most of Biden's presidency, if you went to a major news headline, news outlet, to their website, you would see more stories about Trump than you would have out by, even two years ago, that was the case. That has totally reversed since the debate. All the coverage now is about Biden. And Trump, yeah, has been uncharacteristically quiet. And some would say uncharacteristically disciplined. He has made sure to stay quiet, I think, on purpose to let Biden get all the attention. Obviously most of this attention on Biden is very, very negative for him, should he even be in the race? Is he all there? You know, there are questions about if he has a talk in terms of some of the sort of beef. And Biden has, excuse me, Trump has been totally fine with letting Biden take that spotlight. So far, he has been kind of like very measured, very, which I think is for Trump's sake. People that want Trump to win the election, that's what he needs to do. And then, of course, you've had, you know, they've shifted the spotlight on to this project 2025 and attacking that maybe because Trump had been so quiet. And then the Supreme Court, and then, you know, and they've shifted to the Supreme Court in a Trump disavowous project 2025, right? And then you get the GOP party platform leading in the next week's debate. And it doesn't, it doesn't have the same level of pro-life promises that have been made in mostly all the other Republican party platforms. And so he's catching it from the left and inter, and independents who are saying this project 2025 is Wacko, which it's a 922 page paper. There's some Wacko parts in it, I think generally, if we went the route by project 2025, a lot of that would make America a lot better. But then he upsets a lot of the pro-lifers by not putting it on the platform. So I'd say that would be the main controversy he's faced these last couple of weeks. So where are the Democrats and all this? And Willis addresses this in his piece in the Washington Examiner Dalton because he says, you know, this is not like, I think it was Dingle, Debbie, Debbie Dingle from Michigan. She's like, we got to stop talking about Biden. Well, it's like, you know, when there's a rumor or in your neighborhood about the one lady that lives at 2829, Grand Street, and the rumor is so big, everybody's talking. You can't stop. Well, that's what Biden is right now. He's not even a rumor. You've got to address it. He's the president of the United States, and his performance was so bad. And then of course, last night was, I don't know, it was not the complete bounce back that he wanted, right? He had some moments. I'll say that last night. He had some moments. And he had, yeah. And so anyway, where are the Democrats on all of this? And that's what Willis is talking about here. Yeah. Yeah. The Democrats, I think I appreciate it about this too. Maybe that's not the sign of how it's working out well for Trump. Yeah. They want to be talking about Trump. They want to talk about how he's a threat to democracy, he's views on abortion. They're trying to tie into this thing, 20 project 2025, which is this 900 page document prepared by the Heritage Foundation and some other conservative groups. They're trying to tie Trump to that, but it's not really catching on. I thought Debbie Dingle, their representative from Michigan, had a good quote to CNN last week. So we got to not talking about Biden. We need to get back talking about Donald Trump. So I mean, making it very clear there where they want the focus to be, which is back on Trump, back on the, you know, the chaos they face around Trump. And you remember in 2020, I think that was part of Biden's appeal, right? He was sort of the relatively boring, reliable, safe alternative to Donald Trump. And again, those roles in totally reverse word, Trump now seems like, you know, the, the same reliable one and Biden is the one facing the chaos. Yeah. And that's because, that's because Biden simply is in public speaking off the cuff and it doesn't look good. And there was, did you see there was also a focus group that the daily show had of black voters, six black voters. And how did that go? Three said they'd vote for Trump, three said they'd vote for Biden. And then the clip I saw it had the three Trump supporters talking about why, why they'd vote Trump. And I'd play for you. I don't know if I edited it out in any, if there were any cuss words. This is the daily show we're talking about here, but right. One of the, that's not how they expected it to go. Yeah. One of the Trump supporters said, listen, Democrats have been making promises to black folks forever, forever. And then they don't always or often follow through on a lot of these promises. And there was references in that interview to illegal immigration. And how many illegal immigrants are coming into these cities and, you know, kind of displacing a lot of the black people and where they've lived forever? Yeah. Isn't that amazing? There was a song from Stevie Wonder in 1973 called You Ain't Done Nothing. You know what it is about? What's that? Democratic politicians. Really? Coming to the city and saying, well, politicians, but they were the Democrats coming to the inner city around election time saying, hey, we got your back. This is going to prove this is going to get better. This is going to get better. Just vote me in. Yeah. So the fact that that was 1973, that song came out, Stevie Wonder was a kid himself. He's like 20 years old. He saw it or not, pun him, no pun, but he recognized it. And so I think it's, it's, I guess the, the, the, the black Democrats never felt like they had a really an alternative, I guess. But it's been, it's been something that's been talked about for decades. Yeah. And I think the biggest shift in the polls have been black men moving off of Biden and on to Trump. This is again, these are polls. Yes. Yes. But I do see more conservative blacks on the internet taking to stand, having podcasts and talking about all of these, these, you know, they, it's almost like it seems like plain as day, like, yeah, there's going to be, I, I've been feeling this shift maybe because I've been reading things from black authors and black conservatives and been more aware of those opinions than in the past. But I think it's not just, I don't think it's necessarily something new, but I think it's now, it's more proliferated. There's more black conservative voices out there. Yeah. And so I'm hearing them. I'm reading them. I could definitely see some sort of a shift that could affect the selection. Yeah. And there's quite a few on Team Trump, right? I mean, you know, Byron Donald's, Tim Scott and plenty of other black conservatives that have been along with Trump on the campaign trail the whole way, Ben Carson. And I think that's actually probably helping to shift those numbers as well. They got to lay it out. Yeah. Three or four that three or four of them, it wasn't just Donald's and I was involved in that. They almost had kind of a tour. They went to city to city and they talked to people. And I think, you know, the Democrats have just done a very poor job all this time, just kind of keeping pretty much keeping the, a lot of communities tied to the government, tied to government, helping them out. And that's the only way out. And there's a lot of black conservatives now are saying, that's not the only way out. In fact, that's the worst way that we should be, you know, well, that's, that's as bad as we could act for our, for ourselves and our own interests. One last article regarding, regarding this national election and how things are going in the polls. I wanted to get to this yesterday, I didn't have time. So new polling, and this was from the National Public Opinion Reference Survey published by Pew Research. So this isn't, you know, this is Pew Research. They probably might lean one way or the other, but they're not like, it's not like you're getting a poll from the Heritage Foundation, right? Or from, from some far left polling company. And I've noticed, and maybe you have two, that these newer generations, so I'm millennial. I think if I looked at the polling, millennials probably, it might be pretty even, but they're probably still more liberal than conservative, although that may be changing. But this Generation Z, which is, I had to look up these years because I always forget. So millennials were 81 to 96, if you were born during that time span, okay? Generation Z born between 97 and 2012. So a pretty heavy portion of Generation Z now eligible to vote. Generation Alpha is the newest generation, 2013 to present. And if you've looked around online, it looks like this newest generation, especially Generation Alpha, everyone is either going to be, you know, AOC or the other way, or JD Vance, right? And that seems to be the way things are splitting out. And they've got this poll from Pew Research. Young people appear to be flocking to the Republican Party. It says this Pew Research poll has drawn significant attention from analysts because it shows the GOP leading among those under 30 years old. The survey found that among all respondents, 47%, I think this was just 30 under, 47% said they were Republican or leaned Republican, 46% said they were Democrat or leaned toward the Democrats. And notably, this poll was commissioned before the debate. This was from February 1st to June 10th, they pulled five, they pulled 5,626 US adults. The New York Times chief political analyst said by subgroup, the headline is age. NPRS found the GOP ahead on party ID among 18 to 29 year olds. The, that number in the 2020 recall vote was Biden plus 20. So he was up 20 points between 18 to 29 year olds after 2020 and it's shifted. It's Republican plus one now, four years later. In an earlier post, he said NPRS found leaned party identification at Republican plus one. That is the first time that this particular survey has given the GOP, a party ID edge. So that's significant, but it will affect other polls like that Ipsos poll that recently showed Trump Biden tied. I'm telling you, the younger folks, they're seeing all this go on and they might even be socially liberal in a sense in some, in some senses, which younger people generally are. Yeah. I think they're seeing how crazy things have gotten in the schools and, and internationally, they're looking at these wars that they may have to fight, you know, if your prime are about to be in military fighting age, you might be seeing how everything's going on. You know, the last president didn't have any major international wars going on. I think a pretty major shift and this is a big, big time poll as far as the future of the country. A quick question for you here, Dalton, you, we can all read the polls. You know, it can also read those polls, the publisher or editor of the New York Times, the news management at NBC or CNN, when they, if they see a shift like that, when they almost wouldn't be their job to present the news in a different way, to not, to not, to follow the market, to follow the market. I mean, we, we, we could see a shift in, we talked about the strangle hole that the media has and the way that they do what they do, which we don't have to get in it. We know what we're dealing with. Could that possibly change because the media money-wise begins to follow the market? Yeah. I, maybe it would make sense, but do they do what makes sense anymore? I don't know. Not a sense of duty there, they, they, they, they lean left out of a sense of duty, I guess. Yeah. And you know, how much do these big media outlets, I mean, a lot of what they do is just kind of pressure from advertisers and donors to, and, and much less who's actually watching their show, you know. Yeah. But that's a major shift. 20 points up Biden was in that age group four years ago. Where is the shift in the way the news is presented? We haven't seen it yet. Not yet. We might. I think it's 852, Dan and Dalton, Mobile Morning. Morning for Dan and Dalton, FM Talk 106.5. It's time to give away some tickets here to see, keep the party going, a tribute to Jimmy Buffett featuring the coral reefer band, the show, August 1st at the wharf tickets right now at as low as $33.50 and right now, caller number four at 251-3430-106. Caller number four, check out the tribute to Jimmy Buffett, you'll get a pair of tickets that August 1st show at the wharf again tickets on sale at as low as $33.50. Unnamed texture says every four years, you people, I guess that's us. What do you mean you people? You people. I know. Talk about what you've done for black people, Republican Democrats, when in fact neither has done blank anything, thanks. Okay. Well, we're just having a discussion on this, but I don't, I guess I don't know. Anyway, that's, that's, hey, that's what the text lines for. Another texture Democrats thought they had the youth on lockdown by making it illegal for anyone to work before they were 16. The reason you do this is so they never have to pay taxes and believe the statement only rich people pay taxes. It also makes it impossible for them to have their own vehicle, et cetera. Nice to know the young people are waking up and becoming Republican. And hopefully we talk about this next week. Bill said, did I hear Anthony Wiener's ex, Mary George Soros's son? That is right. Who am I? Like Soros. Wow. Anthony Wiener has a podcast by the way now. Yeah. Well, I won't listen to that.