FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

FM Talk Outdoors 7-13-2024

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11 Jul 2024
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It's time to talk about the outdoors in South Alabama, hunting, fishing, and getting outside along the Great Gulf Coast. It's time to take it outside with FMTalk1065 Outdoors with reports, stories, how-to information, and Dr. Bill's Marine forecast. Here's Sean Sullivan and Mike Ward. And the way we go, FMTalk 10065 Outdoors on this, we're Bart and Young Anglers Saturday. Yep. Off the diet. Yeah. I'm trying to—you know, when they rebrand things, Elon Musk is trying to get everybody called Twitter X. Everybody's calling it Twitter. And I think the JCs have done a better job over time to get us a quick call on the diet and call it the Roy Barton Young Anglers tournament. I think JCs have beat Elon Musk at least at this with the rebranding. Maybe so. But the older you are, the more you remember the diabetes— The diet. The diet. See, I said this the other day. I live between both worlds. I can say diet, but I know better than I say Roy Barton Young Anglers tournament. So the Utes out there, I hope they're catching fish today. We'll talk about the big rodeo coming up, less than a week away, and the 91st Alabama DPC fishing rodeo. We'll do that later on in the show. Tottie McNichol from the JCs will join us. I want to say this before we get into our first discussion with a friend of both of ours on the show, OK, I finally have had my feelings heard. So they sent back out on Thursday, the Gator Hunt stuff. Yep. They finalized it. Really? And again. Alternate for Coastal. So I put, you know, I always put in for the Southwest Zone, which is the Delta, and the Coastal now stuff South I-10, and nothing on Southwest Zone. And for those of y'all who haven't followed this, I've been putting in for the since the lottery system, or the point system came back. Yeah. I've been guiding people Gator hunting for 20 years since this thing's been going on, 18 years, however long it's been going on. Been around a lot of Gator, still always the bridesmaid, never the bride on this. So if y'all feel badly about, if you didn't get drawn for a Gator tag for this year, we'll go have a beer and lament these things. Yeah. So I am into alternate for a couple of cases, but I'm an alternate, I guess, whatever that means. Again, for the Coastal Zone. All right. Without further ado, mentioned we bring on a buddy of ours, and a buddy of both Mike and I's Brandon Lunsford from Recreational Trailer and Recreational Trailer Sales, and the guy that keeps Mike's boat and my boat on the road. Hey, Brandon. Hey, how y'all doing? I'm good. I'm good. I'm glad to get you on here because, you know, we could do a lot of things on today's show with rodeo coming up and talk about, all right, here's tactics for catching a bigger snapper or a trout, or here's what, you know, here's what I'm doing with rigging it. This net, everybody's already done that, but I have a worry that there's a bunch of boats are fixing to get pulled to the island pretty soon that hadn't been pulled to the island since last year. And guaranteed that, I guarantee. Yeah. And you got to get there to catch them. That's the number one thing. That's right. It is. And so, yeah, for people who don't know, so Brandon Lunsford, Recreational Trailer Sales and Service. What do y'all do? I mean, trailers are part of it, but wouldn't we? We do everything from sell you a new trailer to picture trailer that comes in on a flatbed. We can do whatever you want us to do, whatever you can dream of, any kind of repair or sales. Yeah. You've got, you know, we'll talk a lot about boat trailers right now, but, you know, non-boat trailers, he's got a bunch of those as well. I thought this was important. So there's lots of this in just a conversation we had the other day. Or somebody hauls to the island, like you said, to catch them, you got to get there. If somebody hadn't moved that boat in a while, moved that trailer in a while, like, what do you, I mean, in your business, you see the bulk of the trailers that have a problem in town. What's like your, it's a number one, number two, number three thing we need to check. What do you get the most people coming and go, Oh gosh, it's not, this isn't working. Yep. The number one thing we see are hubs and tires. That's your two most critical things on a trailer to get you there and your axles on top of that. Most people let their boat trailers sit there for six months and they just go hook up to it and say, Hey, we're, we're had a fish and everybody's worried about the boat cleaning it up, getting it ready, surfacing it. But nobody wants to pay attention to their trailer for years. They just don't, they don't think about it. And that's the most critical thing on there is, you know, getting you there. Yeah, nobody, nobody thinks about it until that's all they can think about when the trailer isn't, you know, they're on the side of the highway or the interstate or going over a bridge. And I'm trying to throw anybody under the bus who got a good example. So my, you know, right here with us might call me, what was it, last year Mike or two years ago? Last year? Last year. Yeah. Last year. It's like, Hey man, I'm making some noises and all this. I was like, well, where are you Mike? He's, well, I'm going fishing this morning. I said, well, I'm down there. I'll, I'll ride by there and take a look at it. Well, how old your trailer Mike? Four or five. It was, it was four, five years old. Yeah. And I said, you know, when Mike came in, I said, buddy, I said, you're, you know, you're lucky you made it here. What do you mean? I said, well, you know, your brakes are coming apart. You're, you know, I mean, you're hooves. You have the caps of rust out of the end of their full of water. You have no brake pads. What do you mean? You know, trailer. Five years old. He's like, well, I didn't know, I didn't know I had to do all that. And I'm like, well, Mike, that's right. You know, if you take your truck in, you know, maybe every, you know, five thousand miles get your old chains. If y'all ever seen Mike's truck, people who don't know Mike personally, Mike's truck looks better than one in the show where he can drive a truck for five years and it's immaculate. So just complaining on that side, maybe inside it. No, it's perfect incentive. Yeah. And it's not him. It's just everybody's just so consumed with the boat and the motor and the tackle and all that. And they just just overlook and, you know, we get, you know, so many, I mean, I've had, you know, five, six people call me and say, Hey, man, can I get my trailer? My lights don't work. Hey, man. I'm, you know, I got a hub just fell off. I mean, can you get me? I'm going fishing tomorrow. I'm like, Oh, I mean, this doesn't happen overnight. You know, it's not like you, you know, it just happens. So it's, you know, salt water is brutal. You know, my thought Brandon on my trailer was, you know, I've just gone back and forth to Dolph and Island, you know, about four or five times a year. I don't put a lot of miles on it, so my thought was, you know, I'm not wearing this stuff out. It's not like I'm taking it down to Florida every other week to Miami, Mobile, Miami or something. So I'm not really utilizing it a whole lot. So my thought was, you know, it's not, it should be okay. But it was not. We had to do, we had to do a whole redo on my, on my brakes on my, had to put everything on hubs, the whole nine yards. Yeah, and it's in the, the number one killer that nobody thinks of is salt water. I mean, you go down there for 30 in the morning, you back your truck in the water and you said, truck sits there all day, then you back it in again at, you know, dark, you pull it home. You rinse it off. Well, you, you've really done nothing for as a salt water, you know, you know, getting a salt water off. Cause it's dried on there, but I have, but I have started doing something that you told me. I, I've got a pump jug of salt gum. So when I pull it out, when I lost my boat and I pull it out, I take salt gum and spray it all over my breaks and everything, my hubs, my breaks, everything. So you're doing, you're doing this after, once you launch, you're not in the morning, once I launch, go to, go to, go to put the trailer up, I think I've seen it, Brandon, what is this stuff? What's salt? Yeah, it's salt away. It's, you know, you can, it's the same thing you flush your motors out with, which everybody should be doing through, automatically with their motor, you know, to the same concept with your motor. So I just use, I just use hose water and I'm doing this wrong. Yeah, a lot of, you know, that salt water dries in your motor, you can, you know, flush it when you get home, but a lot of it stay in there. That salt away neutralizes the salt, you know, it'll, it'll neutralize it. So I tell people, if you can't do it, you know, when you put it in or pull it out, when you get home or, you know, once, you know, once every month or so, just go spray all your axles and hubs and breaks and all that down and let it, you know, do its job. I mean, the fresh water is not going to do it. Well, I'm just learning something new here. Now I'm another additional worry. So that's something that, if you put it on before, so it needs to be after, it's not like a preventative. You don't put it on there and it keeps us all from getting on. No, it's something, it's a preventative. You do it afterwards, you know, and the biggest thing I might say, and he said, well, I don't only pull for five times a year, but a braking system on a boat trailer is not near as complex of a car. Your pads aren't going to blast near as long just because, you know, your rotors will sit there. Your boat will sit there for months. You've got to pull it down the road. You've got rust that builds up on your road or it's going to put some, you know, it's going to wear your pads fast. Or your pads just don't wear, you know, the same as they do on a car. And the second thing, you know, Mike has electric over high dog brakes. Well, people don't pay attention to their game and they're like, well, hell, I don't know what that would set up right now. Well, and you have it set real high. Well, you can, you can wear out your brake pads in less than a year. So there's a lot of variables that go along, you know, along with, you know, tearing your brakes up prematurely. I tell you what it applies to all of us, whether we're running trailer brakes or not. You said hubs, Brandon. Yeah. So your recommendation as are you using the, the Zert fitting type or, or you just putting it in with the rubber cap, I would like, what, like, what is the go to for your hubs? What do you need to do? Man, my go to, you know, hub, a lot of people, there's these vortex hubs over there with a screw on plastic crafts. We replace more axles from those screw on plastic caps than any axle out there. Okay. Just made a note. Yeah. So that doesn't work. Yeah. Yeah. The metal caps with the rubber fitting with the Zert fitting in there, um, you can use a buddy bearing. You know, they work. They did, they do the same thing, but the problem you run into with those, everybody, and whether it be the posy loop or the buddy bearing, everybody thinks they need to pump a pile of grease in their hubs every time. Well, you've got to leave room for expansion with that grease. So if you pile it full of grease and this slap bull, you get going down the road about halfway the island. That grief has to expand. Well, it's either going to come out the front or the back. And if it comes out the back, you normally, it'll take the spring of the seal with it. So therefore you're going to compromise with water there. So, um, holy cow, I've now figured out that, that happened to be, and I couldn't figure out what that's what happened. That's why the water is getting in. Yeah. Yeah, you've got to leave, you've got to leave room for expansion. So if you have the posy loop with the little rubber cap, you know, I tell people, hey, pump it till you see the grease move a little bit and stop. You've got to leave room for expansion. You don't want it coming all the way to the front of the cap. The buddy bearing the same way, if you look at it, you pump it and it'll be, you'll see that spring move out and compress and when it stops, you stop pumping. You keep going, well, it's just going to, you're going to push the grease out the back of the hub. And even on that one, I like to stop about halfway because you still got to leave room for expansion inside that hub. That's the number one thing. Leave room for expansion for heat, especially right now. The road's 140 degrees. So you can imagine what your tire is going to be, your hub's going to get. For sure. Coming right back more with Brandon Vunsford from recreational sales and service, some of the things that may make you sleepless tonight or you get out there and tackle these things on your boat trailer before you head to the island next weekend. We'll be right back. All right, welcome back, FM Talk 1065 Outdoors. The show where you can learn by Mike's mistakes and my mistakes with trailers from our buddy Brandon Vunsford. Brandon Vunsford made them in the path from recreational sales and service. Brandon, I want to go back to the hub vidic and you used, you know, buddy bearing was the only brand name I knew, but you threw a couple more out. What'd you call those? The Pausey Lube. Okay, Pausey Lube. And with these, you're telling us, because this is, I mean, this is a thing I think a lot of us are guilty of is if it's full, then let me just fill it up a little bit more. There'll be two more pumps in it, you know, for the, and you said that is the wrong thing to do. That's the wrong thing to do. And if you, if you do overfill it, if you fill it up with grease and you can flush your grease out of there, but you want to basically, and you got to be careful because that little cap is when you take the plug off and you stick your finger in there, that little cap is sharp. But if you take a towel or something, it just scoop out the old grease in there where you can see the end of your nut, you'll be fine. But if you have that thing slapped, packed full of grease, then it's got to go somewhere. It's going to come out the front of the back, more unlikely than that. And then you said it blows out like the seal out of the back. And now here, I think I've done the right thing and I'm getting salt water in there. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Okay. I, so really, I mean, that's, I think I, I open it for a lot of folks on those. And then the other thing, you know, we went through Mike's travails with his trailer breaks and all that. I also am a problem child for you. And, you know, you're looking at axles. We had, you were fixing some stuff on my trailer the other day. You looked at my axles and you were pointing out that like I would walk by and go, well, there's rust on everything on a trailer. And you said you're within a year losing those axles. What did you see? What do I need? What do people at their house need to look for on those trailers? Well, you're, oh, Mike, yours, you have spring axles, Mike has torsion axles. Their spindles are welded to the end of the tube right there. So normally they are plug welded also, but that flange right there where it's welded, you can't, they can't galvanize that. They can put a galvanized paint on it, but it just starts to rust right there. That's where your rust is going to start. So once that weld, you know, basically rust out, your spindle is going to start peeling off the end of that axle. So that's a tail tail sign that, hey, you're on borrowed time. Okay. So this idea that like, I got a galvanized trailer, it doesn't matter, but those parts there at the end can't be galvanized. Yeah. No, they can't. They can't dip them. Sounds like you're going to have new axles pretty soon. Yeah. We have been talking about that. Yeah. And he's actually Sean's got pretty good life on it. This trailer, you know, it's fairly 24 years old. Yeah. You've got some age on it. He's got, you know, they're original, but it's a lot of people, you know, they just have, you know, especially people who are dunking them all the time. I mean, it's, you know, we see even on torsion axles like Mike's, I mean, you see, you know, seven years, sometimes seven, eight years and, and like the ones Mike has under his trailer, they're, you know, they're $1,500 apiece and you, you know, times that by three. Mm hmm. And that doesn't, you know, that doesn't include brakes. Yeah. No, it doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't, the monitor disconnected online that when I, when I got it, your brakes were disconnected. Yeah. Yeah. Ooh. Yeah. That's why I drive slowly. You had a pretty good sized boat. Yeah. And that, and I want to get to that. It's a good transition for something else that Brandon told me the other day. And that my trailer is a little undersized for my boat and people would probably come back at your brand and say, it's the trailer they sold me the boat with Brandon. Yeah. Yeah. But you didn't have twin one fifty four strokes hanging on back of it either back then, you know, they had a just one big two stroke that, you know, it was 700 pounds less when you, you know, deduct the, the weight of, you know, you're adding another battery, another motor. I mean, it's the way to add up, you know. So just the idea that if you buy, because, you know, if you, people think, okay, well, I bought the boat with this trailer, yeah, that's a trailer that can haul at home. But you know, a lot of times I guess if they're trying to sell a boat package or something like that, they sell you, you know, just enough trailer versus the trailer you need if you're hauling to Venice, you know, so I mean, how do people gauge that? What kind of, what trailer do they really need? I mean, you know, most, you really got to size it to the boat, you know, just say, you know, a lot of people like you're on the, you're on the borderline. I mean, you're both probably going to say give or takes, you know, I would say every bit of seven thousand pounds loaded out or maybe a little bit better. Well, you've got two thirty five hundred pound axles. That is seven thousand pounds, but you got to deduct the weight of the trailer also. So. Oh, yeah. You're going to be a thousand, you know, I would say a thousand two thousand pounds over easily. So you technically need to be on like a ten thousand pound trailer, which gives you eighty six hundred pound parent capacity, which I tell everybody, you know, a little bit too much is, you know, better than not enough. No. And we do that with so many other things, engines, tackle outdoors gear. We get, you know, go up, make sure you have enough enough and there's this part of that whole chain until I started talking to Brandon about the, and think about that the weak link here is how we do trailers absolutely. And I sell more new trailers for that same reason is, and I'm not going to mention any names, but there's a, there's some of your big box dealers that they will, they will skimp on seven hundred dollars and I'm talking, I don't know a while back, I'm talking today on boats that they will save seven, seven hundred to a thousand dollars on a hundred thousand dollar rig and put too small of a trailer. I've seen it, Brandon, I know exactly what you're talking about, but you know, people may not know that they, that's good to hear because people just assume and we all know the danger, but you know, well, they, it's the trailer they, they sold it with must be fine. Yeah. Yeah. You see, I mean, it was a month ago, I had three twenty five, see hun ultra is coming here that we're going out of town and they were on seven thousand pound trailers and they were uncomfortable with their, well, what's my problem? I said, well, you're, you have the wrong trailer and they're like, well, my boat's only two years old. One of them was about five years old. I said that, you know, they sold you the wrong trailer, you know, so and, and unfortunately they spend, you know, eighty five hundred dollars on a brand new trailer. Brandon, I had that happen to me when I bought my twenty five foot my Maco with my first trailer that I had and it was fine. It was, you know, pretty close to the right size for, for the twenty five foot Maco, but I went and called it like a thousand pounds of snapper and a heist and everything and it was in my front ice chest and I pulled a boat out of water and the whole trailer turned in. It just went to a V. I mean, it just, it just buckled right in the middle, turned into a V. So you're exactly right. I mean, it's fine if you don't have anything very little gear in it and, you know, not much of it. Yeah, you're saying a good point. Gas or ice or fish or whatever. Yeah. If it's stripped and empty coming from the dealership, right? That's fine. There's no fuel in it, no ice, no rods, no extra batteries, no fat friends, no ice things. You're, you're thinking it's fine, but that's not reality. That's right. I've got that out. So every time I buy a trailer now, it is way overboard. Yeah, you, you can't oversize. I mean, you can on some of your smaller boats, but these, these bigger boats, you know, 21 and up. I mean, you, it's good to oversize them just a little bit. That's right. Speaking of 20, like the number gets your reaction this because I don't know what the, you know, the workings of what the axles are for, but I do know I see a lot of pretty decent sized bay boats, not the giants, but the medium sized bay boats on single axle trailers. You know, and I'm like, that's got to be a lot of weight on one axle. Yeah. Yeah. And you'll see them in a good tail tail is you, especially on these bay boats, you'll see they'll have, you know, three foot, almost four feet of bunks hanging out past the trailer. And that's a good indication right there that, Hey, man, they, you know, this, you know, you're way too, too small to trailer or the tires mode a little bit. Yeah. It's not, it's not straight is this, the tires angled a little pigeon tote or whatever they call it. Yeah. You mentioned tires too at the beginning. The things on our list to check, let's check those tires. What are we looking for? And the biggest thing you that I see is people like I had a guy come in here yesterday and he pulled up and he was like, man, what's that? Yeah. Some burning on my trailer. And I was like, well, and it was a big custom aluminum bay boat. And it was probably 7,000 pounds. It was, it was undersized, you know, far as the trailer was, but he hadn't pulled the boat in two years and he had 15 pounds of air in his tires. Oh, man. Okay. It's, you know, it's 140 degrees outside. So naturally those tires smelt like they were, they were melting because, you know, even on a car, you know, low air pressure, basically, you know, ramps up the heat on the tire. You know, you overheat a tire because you're putting more surface on the ground and it's just designed, you know, and the air actually helps cool the tire down. So that's the number one killer on a trailer tire is air pressure. And then you see a lot of these trailers. They're putting the really cheap buy supply tires on and a buy supply tires really, you know, 50, 55 miles an hour. That's about your, your max speed on those tires. I mean, you, I had a guy come over and had to put a new truck tire on a trailer. He came from Mississippi and he put a new trailer and he came from Pasco, Google on Interstate here. Well, his tire almost blew out. He was running 80 miles an hour, of course, but the buy supply tires are not designed to run. So what is that? Tell us what that tire is. A buy supply tire has like nylon cords rather than radial, you know, you're steel belted, you know, the framework inside the tire, your, the inner workings of the tire, they're radial where basically if you, if you, I tell people you, you know, you look at the tire when you're going down the road on a buy supply, there's nothing to hold the center of the tire, basically to the road and the inside of the tire starts to, you know, to cave in. And then you start riding on just the outside edge of the tire. So, and then you, you wear out that outside edge where your radio won't do that. Yeah. What ply tire? I mean, that makes a difference too, doesn't it? And that's one thing I do is I don't, any tire I stock to sell. I don't stock anything under a ply, whether it be a 13 per 14 inch tire. You start getting into the 15s and up, like on your boat, Mike, I would, you know, a 14 ply tire is what I would put on there. You can get by with a 10, but a 14 is pretty much well bulletproof. Yeah. And what do I have on that on mind, you know, I, I think you do have the 14 ply on yours. Okay. Yeah. I can't remember. It's not normal. We would have dressed it, but you know, especially these people go into these, the keys with these big bones, um, I have a, probably a dozen people that we, we, uh, I mean, it's our trailers that they go to the keys every year or go to Bahamas trip. And, uh, we started putting 14 ply tires on these things and we don't have a problem. And you know, as, so we got the tires fixed, I want to get, and I do want to come up the trailer a little bit. But before that, what Brandon got me looking at two a year or two ago was the way I was trailer in that boat. And I, you know, draw a tight hitch and I had the, you know, the normal drop down thing. And he said, you're not even, you're not, you're not pulling this right. And went to, went to an adjustable hitch. And even the other day adjusted it, right? I mean, that that's a big deal too. How you're pulling. Yeah. And you, and that's a big thing too. Also, I'm glad you brought that up. It's pulling the trailer level. I mean, you see these people and I'm on the island all the time. I go riding around the morning, my golf cart drinking coffee and I'll see people, the gas station, they'll have a, you know, a 25 foot center console, 30 foot center console, whether it be tandem or triple axle and the, you know, the back tire isn't even hardly touching the ground. The front tire, I tell them it looks like it's about to give birth. I'm like, Hey, you, you need to pull this trailer level because when you, when your front end is down and your back is picked up in the air, naturally you're putting the majority of the load on the front axle or the front two axles. So in that basically put stress on your bearings, puts, you know, undo heat, you know, your tires. I mean, that's, that's a big killer right there. Tell me like the easiest way for somebody who's going to hook that boat up for next weekend to check that out. Like, is it, I mean, is it just eyeing it or cause I mean, I had it the other day that I thought it was right. And then Brandon made another adjustment or do you put a level on it? What do you do? You can, you can eyeball it. I mean, you can pretty much eyeball it, but I, I mean, if you want to get technical with it, I tell them, you know, if you're, if you, you know, the back of your trailer is that, you know, 22 inches or 24 inches and you're front of your, you know, front of your trailers at 20, you know, if you took a tape and measured from the ground down, you know, from the bottom of the trailer, you need to, you need to be a even measurement. You know, each front back needs to be the same in measurement or around the same, you know, so if you're at 24 and 20, well, then you need to split the difference and be a 22 front and back. Great to you. Yeah. And you know, those, those adjustable and it's interesting because I thought, well, you could just get it with a regular drop. And I guess if you had the same boat all the time, but I trailer a lot of different things that getting that truly adjustable, you know, trailer hitch made a big difference. Exactly. Yeah. That's, that's the, that's the really the only way you're really going to do it a single axle. It really doesn't matter. You can buy a hitch and try to get it, you know, just a regular standard hitch and get it somewhat level, but you, you know, to be perfect, you need to get a adjustable hitch. And they are something an expensive, you know, 120 bucks, but it'll save you a lot of money in the long run. Got to end a lot of heartache and not getting to go fishing. Yeah. Yeah. That's the road. Now, just a couple of minutes here left, but let's come up on that trailer. We've come up, you know, beyond axles and hubs and these things are the main things you see fail. Anything we need to look at for bunks and rollers and those kinds of things. Yeah. I mean, just look under there, look under your trailer with the bunks and just make sure, you know, check your U-bolts, make sure none of them are, you know, severely rusted where they're about to break because we see a lot of people that, you know, they'll, they'll say, Oh man, I put my boat in the water. My bunks floated off. I mean, that's not something that just happened overnight, you know, you need to, you know, it's, you know, like, I tell people it is the, you know, people just don't pay attention to the trailer. It doesn't take five, 10 minutes, get up under your trailer, look at it, look at your hubs. I tell people, I'm like, Hey, take pictures. If you have concerns or questions, man, take pictures, I'll let you text them to me. I'll look at it for, Hey man, you're good to go or Hey man, you need to address that like now. Yeah, he can. He can. As I've sent him pictures and like, he's like, send me a picture of this, this. He goes, Okay, well, this is what's going on. Yeah. All right. Let's do that. And hopefully, hopefully the trailers are good, but they're not. They want to text pictures to you, come see you in person, Brandon, how they find you. We're 5985 Rangeline Road, phone number two, five, one, six, six, one, nine, nine, five, two. I do answer my phone on the weekends and, you know, I do offer advice on the weekends. If I'm available to meet you up here or I've got some in the area that can meet you, I'll definitely, you know, I'm here to help you. That's for sure, we do appreciate it and I appreciate it. Sean appreciates it and all the fishermen appreciate you. Thank you, Brandon. I appreciate y'all. There you go. Brandon Lunsford for recreational sales and service and hope like me, you learned a little bit about that trailer under your boat or a lot of me taught me a lesson. That's for sure of both of us. All right. Coming right back, we'll talk some rodeo Tommy McDickle from the 91st Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo joins us right now. Welcome back. FM talk. 106 five outdoors. Sean Sullivan, Mike Ward, glad to have you all along and it is boy Martin Young anglers tournament Saturday, meaning we are less than a week from the 91st Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo. The big boys. Okay. We're late. Big boys tournament. I look for every year you and I don't know, so Tommy McDickle finds president of communications here with the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo you and how many other people? 4,000. 4,000. I think those numbers are something amazing. People that have not heard that it's not just us saying it. It's Guinness World Book of Records, right? It is and they came down in 2011 and verified it and it seems every year we are beating that number. So when you come down to the side and you see the event, you're literally witnessing something that's never been done to a world record every year. So it is the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo. The 91st kicking off was already kind of kicked off with Roy Martin, but let's talk about next week and get people on schedule here. Ask the frequently asked questions. When do I have to have my tickets purchased by Tommy? 5 a.m. Friday. July 19th. How can I buy tickets? You can go to follow the link or you can go to one of our tickets. That'll be on the website as well. Okay. So y'all have heard this. You got to have them. None of this. You got to have them for five. Go ahead and get them today. Go ahead and get them today. They're done. All right. So your ticket is bought by then and then you buy your ticket, but also that is just the start of the magical world of the rodeo because there's jackpots and things to get into as well. Oh, yeah. Jackpots, prizes. Every year we give away our contender boat and a random drawing for anyone who weighs a general open competition, legal fish, this year we are drawing a second 17 foot reaper duck boat from Neil Foster's Marine and that is eligible to speckled trout jackpot. You would have to have a speckled trout jackpot ticket and weigh in a speck. A legal speckled trout. A legal speckled trout. Okay, but it's going to be drawing from. It's not the, so if you enter the jackpot, you bring the legal trout in. What if I don't, what if I don't, what if I'm not number one on the board on that? You don't have to be number one. You just have to weigh the speckled trout and it'd be legal. Mike. Yeah. Mike needed shut down a little bit of the king mackerel fishing catch trout here. Catch one. Yeah, catch a legal trout and that's pretty awesome. It is. And it's something that just came this year and we were fortunate enough to get that sponsored by Foster's Marine and we're really excited about it because it's, it's just something else to draw people to the time. And if people have not, if y'all look for these reaper duck boats, it's like everything in the world has gotten better and higher tech. If you grew up duck hunting out of a 14 foot aluminum boat, it ain't the same thing. Just go. A little noisy. Yeah. Go check out what the, the reaper is, this next generation on these duck boats. All right. And a reminder too, like you said, anybody who weighs in a legal fish, even if you're not in the speckled trout jackpot or any jackpot, you just have an overall ticket, open ticket, you weigh in a legal fish, you could win that contender. Okay. 25 foot tenor bay boat with a two 50 Yamaha motor. And it's, it's pretty much got trailer, it's boat motor trailer T top doesn't have to have T top on it. I know it won't. That I'm not 100% sure I know in the past Bob Conklin would put a T top on on off this year. Yeah, generally there is a T top, but I'm not sure what, what form will come in this year, but it will, we will have one on display at the rodeo site along with the reaper boat. All right. Let's also talk about the entertainment going on. It's all entertainment. So it starts this weekend with the kids, the Royal Morning Young Angels tournament. So when the kids come away, our way stations open from nine AM to five PM, we will have kids activities and fladables on site for the anglers when they come in. So it's really more than you come in, you weigh your fish, you get your hot dog, your chips, your blue bell, ice cream and, and your drink and just have a good time. And kids love that. I won't tell you what, they can't wait to get off the boat and go get them a Coke and a hamburger. You mean, a hot dog? Yeah. Well, I have stole a couple of ice cream from. What? No, they come in and they pull off a, you know, 10 minutes, 12 minutes fish, but you think they need a front end loader to throw that thing off the dock. That's right. That's so excited about it. I love taking kids fishing on that tournament. Yeah. It's good stuff. And then for the, for the big tournament as well, we talk about what you'll see it with Roy Martin today, but the big tournament as well, the expansion of the docks. I mean, y'all have been kind of like a building boom going on at the rodeo site over the last, it's, and maybe I was wrong, but it seemed like for years is like, it kind of looks the same. Kind of looks the same. Kind of looks the same. And then I don't know. 10 years, something happened. And y'all start. That's right. We did it a big boom. And like I said, we're getting more and more interest every year. So we had to expand to, to accommodate all that. And like we talked about, trying to get it more efficient through our way station and on our docks. That's a big... Getting another dock now, too, right? Yes. We do have a dock seven. So we've actually had a couple more slips to pull into in our shower or dock. We've also added that platform between our dock one and two. We didn't lose any slip space, but it does create, you know, a lot more elbow room down there on the dock. So that's just something to make pretty much everybody's life easier. I'll tell you what, all the boats that's coming in, especially at last month and last day, all of the folks, y'all do a great job getting everybody in and getting everybody out. Oh, yeah. And that has a lot to do with our way station. Dr. Sean Powers just really knows how to kind of work the operation. And we have a lot of women and sea lab folks inside the way station that just know the operation is very fluid to them. Yeah. Okay. Also, as people come in from, we're talking about people coming in and weighing in fish, but the people want to come look at fish. Talk about that and kind of, and then we'll get into sharks from that too, because that's a big draw. Yeah. Free to spectators. So our site can accommodate plenty of people, plenty of viewing space for the fish coming through the way station. So it's free. You just walk through, walk through our air conditioning tent, pop out the other side and live road, yeah, and you can see fish on ice there too, but they do in the live tank this year? Yes. There's this tank along with our big game hangers, and there's just a lot to see when you go. I don't think if you get down there, after the way station opens, you won't have a good opportunity. Oh, yeah. I mean, there's stuff to study on ice. And then you go watch, and I know Tommy doesn't, but if you would watch the way the traffic flows, people look at the fish on ice, and then they start gathering at that live. People love to see a lot of speckled trout in a tank. They just gather around that joker. And then the thing that does get the crowd real fired up, sharks coming in. Sharks coming in, yep. So we, Dr. Marcus Dreyman is our shark expert. As they call them, shark is Dreyman. They do call them shark is Dreyman, and it's, it's just something we've, it really brings a lot of excitement. When you bring one in. It's the biggest thing. It's a really good shot. What do the TV cameras do when they come down to the rodeo site? Where's the shark? That is correct. Does that tell you what they want to see? And it wasn't there for many, many years. I mean, it was there for a long time, and then it went away for a long time. So goals and tiger sharks are in this year, which are, could be, I mean, who knows what they catch, but there can be some monstrous big bull sharks and tiger sharks. And all the kids want to see that. Every kid wants to see a shark. The kids, the grownups, what, and the watch is kind of a key. We matter to. Yeah. They want to check them out as, as well. So I mean, you never know when they're coming in, but usually it seems like people are way in those sharks daily, what I've seen in like last year, like there's a good chance that one's going to come in on Friday or one's going to couple coming on Saturday, too. Oh, yeah. Well, I believe all together we had a 14 shark caught last year. Right. And like I said, it was going for a little while, but, um, and then came back. I think that I'll have to do with the, the research that not necessarily Dr. Powers and Dr. Marcus Dave, but people like them have done the research and, and we were able to accommodate. Okay. The other question here, I'm going to pose it this way. Hey, Tommy, I can go buy, you know, I'm, I've had my rodeo shirts every year. I can go buy those at the store here, right in town. No, sir. No, I can't. Can I, can I just get a mail order to me? You can not get them online. You can not get them mailed. We, uh, what gives come down to the rodeo side. You got to see this stuff. See, it's marketing. You also, I mean, there are people absolutely every year I'll talk to. They said, Hey, Sean, what's going on? They, I'm down here. We got to do whatever this evening. But I can't, they drive down to make sure they get their shirt. Mm hmm. Yep. And we'll open up Saturday at noon, uh, for the Roy Martin tournament. And then again on noon Thursday during the, uh, Liars contest or day of the Liars contest. Yeah. So let's talk Liars contest as well. That is a, you told me the other day when we're talking that y'all cap this thing. You trying to, you trying to minimize the number of liars on Dolphin Island. What are y'all doing? We're not trying to minimize the lives. We're trying to minimize the time it takes them to live. So if you give everybody, you know, X amount of minutes, once you get to, you know, five, 10 people that, that, that really starts to add up in the evening and, uh, quality ever quantity, I guess. Yeah. So it's, uh, but so somebody gets down there, signs up, first come, first serve. How's this work? It will be first come serve, uh, first serve, uh, will start taking entries at five p.m. Uh, if you come on side, just ask for Tommy, uh, somebody with the radio will be there. Just get old to me and I'll get you signed up. All right. This contest gets it all kicked off for the big rodeo, the 91st Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo and everything they need to know, I guess, on the website. Yes, sir. All right. Good stuff. Tommy, uh, we'll be seeing you at the rodeo site. Yes, sir. You will. All right. Come in right back. More of FM talk. 106 five outdoors. I'm solving like Ford, glad to have you here and, uh, ready to fish. I'm ready. I'm fired up as you can get, so I've been buffing and waxing my boat. Good. Trying to get it to look good for the rodeo. No, I'm, uh, I've been fixing and wiring, making sure everything's working for the rodeo. So there's a difference. We're both been working on the boats pretty steadily, mine's just to make sure everything's running. You know, it gets to a point on your boat that if you don't keep it waxed, buffed, and waxed, it got to the point, I had it ceramic coated about, uh, about four years ago, three or four years ago. I had ceramic coated. It was good, man. I'd get blood on there and you could just take the water hose. Yeah. You're telling me, yeah. And just wipe it off. I may just come right off of the water hose just about. But now I've got to the point where I have to go and really take a rag and rub, rub, rub. Right. And now. Do you reapply that stuff then? Can you get another coating or? I just waxed it. Okay. I think I have some really good high quality wax and, uh, I'd wax my boat, but I would hate to waste the wax. Why? It's, it's, it's, you know, it's, it's, uh, it's, it's tough now. There's a certain point where you, you know, you buff it, you'd be surprised how good it looks. I got to fix, I got to fix some, some wiring arrays in the, the cluster here. Well, maybe you need to get it where it cranking run for you. Right. No, it runs just fine. No, it's just, you know, on the, and so I'm running a cuddy cabin. So I got a whole series, another series of wires that run down below, right? And then I have for lights all up top and I, you know, it's one of these things we've all done it. Like this light's working. Yeah. It's on the same lead, but this one didn't, but it's good. If you go, but it's, that's the world I'm in right now. You just got to make sure the air condition is working then that air conditioner thing works that to icy breeze. I think we talked about in the past, this little thing that you, cause that like last week and stuff camped on the boat for a few days. And, uh, yeah, now it needs ice is going to be the hungry icy breeze, but it's one of these y'all. And I know a lot of people go, oh yeah, I know about that. That's a swamp cooler. It's not a swamp cooler. It's, uh, some of the same ideas, but it's a, it's like an ice chest and you put ice in it and it has a little reservoir in the bottom where as the ice is melted, there's ice called water, runs up through really like a, each like a heat pump unit would be on your house. Yeah. It runs through, takes the heat out, there's a call through coils, you know, and the heat then is melting the, you're, you're exchanging the ice for the cool air coming out of it. And it's not like an air conditioner in some house, but in a cutting cabin on a small boat like mine, you put it on for two or three hours, it gets it cool enough to go to sleep. And listen, I had a new air condition put in my house this, this week. Yeah. And the guy, the guy. I know. Well, and your fish in the rush, that's a whole different, that's a whole different story. Yeah. Uh, but anyway, they had one of those, uh, uh, uh, whatever you call it, an attic with them. Now that's why you didn't think about that. Yeah. Well, I've played working in an attic before in the summer. That's a genius. Yeah. They blow a little cool air loam while they're up there in that 150 degree temperature in that. I never even thought about that. It worked great for me. Said. So that's, it's a, it's a good deal. Yeah. Yeah. And it's not only, I only take it if I'm camping overnight on the cutting cabin, like if I'm just fishing, I don't take it, but because it's just one more thing on the boat. You need more ice. You need a big ice chest with lots of ice in it. I got a big ice chest, but I got a big ice chest, you know, as much as I love pursuit boats, their ice box they put in the back of the fish box is about as insulated as much as aluminum can. Hey, before we finish up for the today to looking forward to another big event. So we've got, of course, the rodeo now, but coming up in September, G and D farms outdoor expo. It's September 13th through the 15th, that's a great deal. We're going to be out there. Yeah. We're going to be out there. We will be out there. We'll be out there. We'll be out there. You're not, you'll be doing double service between bikeboards, Liberty safes. And did I tell you FM talk one of six, five outdoors on site? You didn't tell me that. Yeah. We'll get an overtime pay on that. Yeah, overtime. Double what you and I normally make on the show, what you've made on the show, I'm going to do that times a hundred. Oh, man, that means I get two coaks. That's right. There's going to be big money, but that's coming up in September and it's, yeah, we'll get, as we get closer, we'll get our buddy Lee Davis back on to talk about it, but it's a outdoors event, the kind of one we've been asking about for like hunting stuff. And it's going to be there at the grounds, September 13th and 15th. So it'll be something you need to put on the calendar now. We'll see you then. All right, good luck to the Utes out there fishing right now. Next week, we'll be getting ready for rodeo. I'll be on assignment next week. Yeah, maybe we'll all be on assignment, and we'll just say, yeah, all right, good luck. Get your trailers fixed. Go have fun. Yep. [MUSIC]