FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Rob Holbert from Lagniappe - Mobile Morning - Thursday 7-11-23

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11 Jul 2024
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News Sports weather from Dr. Bill Williams traffic info from Kane and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton our wig Boy from Dan and Dalton FM talk one of six five it is seven minutes after eight o'clock on mobile mornings grid to have you long sunshine right now we may have a Bit of sunshine today as it turns out and a lesser chance of rain So we because of the cloud cover yesterday the rain in the morning the clouds all day 87 are high yesterday, but a muggy eight muggy 87, but 87 nonetheless and greatly appreciative With the more sunshine as the weekend rolling into the weekend goes along we'll now exceed the Normal high temperature of 91 degrees the next few days. So just get ready We were talking about this because we both try to get some walking and hiking and during the middle of the day and I mean if I had my druthers, I wouldn't do it at 10 10 a.m. Yeah, but that's the best I can do I want to start rucking. I want to start rucking. I have the backpack. I don't it's not like it's my old school backpack So it's probably 15 20 years old. Yeah, but I've tried just throwing some dumbbells in there Doesn't work really I need to get that they have like these rucking Plates. I don't know what rucking is it's just walking with a lot of weight on your back. Okay, basically. Well It's like you're in the military. Yeah. Yeah, right? You get all this stuff. So it just adds a little weight to the walk Okay, that's what I'm trying to get into yeah That's not a bad idea now rucking could Lead me straight to a coma. I mean Walking in the middle of the day at my age. Anyway, you know, I'm not that I'm elderly But you know, I'm kind of risking a little bit. Yeah, so if you were to pile some weights on top of me I don't think that would be a good idea. Good advice. I don't even know what I'm saying. I don't buy anything new I have a five-year-old and a three-year-old. I'll just piggyback rides. Yeah, you know walk a mile three miles with the five-year-old on my back They're though very physically abusive Like a a rocking backpack that punches you in the face. Yeah, you'd be like taking a You know like a monkey along with you that just scraping at your face and kicking you from what I've seen but yeah, anyway all that to say that Be careful out there. We're glad we don't have a lot of rain less accidents Maybe on the interstates and such this morning But to that warm weather it is going to be very very hot So whatever you do just please be careful and go ahead and drink a lot of water Terry texting in to the trooper at mile marker 29 and a half of 65 southbound who is changing the tire of the white SUV Thank you. So, oh nice hopefully he's out of there now Terry sent this about 20 minutes ago But yeah, thanks to the straight state trooper who stopped to help that Stranded motorist with the tire change that's frightening when and thankfully it hasn't happened to me but Lose a tire or have an issue and you're on the interstate or highway. That's some dangerous times right there for that state trooper Just nothing makes me more mad than seeing a police officer who's pulled someone over or who's trying to help and People don't get out of that lane. That's right next to it. I see it over and over again. There's not much that's more frustrating I had a friend Killed on the side of the road. Oh man. I had some car trouble on I-65 north of north of the Dali part in bridge and Got out of his automobile to go back to the trunk area exactly I don't remember exactly everything that went down with it all was 20 years ago, but Yeah, that was very serious and very sad and Terry said he's changing the tire on the bridge So it's 65 southbound on the Dali part in bridge. I would imagine everybody be careful. Yeah, good good stuff there so it's been Every hour it seems there's a new addition to the should he or shouldn't he drop out Biden's story and just kind of as a an overall You know highlights of the things or low lights for the team Biden that happened yesterday First off you had Nancy Pelosi who hopped on morning Joe. I don't think the your normal morning. Joe's ran I guess they had backup anchors. I didn't see Scarborough or Minka But Pelosi very non-committal in that little later in the day yesterday Probably the most to this point most devastating person to come out against Biden's reelection is George Clooney Yeah, who is a big player in Democrat politics and of course What looked he appears to be tight friends with former president Barack Obama and he was a major part of that Big Hollywood fundraiser just a few weeks ago. Yeah, we're Biden looked lost And you still have team Biden who were surprised by the debate were you not watching at the Hollywood? Performance a few weeks ago. Also, you've had speech writers for Obama who've stepped out now Favro and a couple others Who have also said yeah Biden does not fit for another four years. How about the hot mic moment? So you had George Stephanopoulos who? Interviewed Biden was the first big interview after the debate ABC News Friday night I think is when that aired and Stephanopoulos asked him the questions that that interview really didn't do a lot to Alay the fears of some Democrats who don't want him on the ticket anymore. Well TMZ Got Stephanopoulos on a I guess you can call this a hot mic moment. Okay. It's tough to hear what Stephanopoulos says We'll mention it after but here's what that sounded like. Do you think Biden should step down? You talked to him more than anybody else had lately and you could be honest I don't think he can serve four more years. That's what Stephanopoulos said on the TMZ hot mic Huh was that intentional? Did he know he was being recorded? I don't know. It looked like he didn't know but you know how these games are played He was Pelosi kind of snippets from her talk yesterday on morning Joe. I want him to do whatever he decides to do Let's just hold off whatever you're thinking Either tell somebody privately, but you don't have to put that on the table until we see how we go this week And so it's funny, you know Biden's come out three or four times and said I'm in yeah I'm in the race. I'm not leaving the race and then Pelosi yesterday says we still have to see I mean whatever he decides he decided. This is like if I got invited to a trip or to go do something And I kind of didn't want the wife to come or maybe I did But she's I say hey, do you want to come it come to this event or come to this thing and she says yeah And then I go Well, let's just see I mean, we'll see if you want to go and she's like yeah, I want to go and I'll say Yeah, but I don't know we'll just have to kind of see how things shake out See if you still really want it. No, I want to go This is I'm at low C in that situation and my wife is unfortunately Joe Biden in that Analysis, but how's that relationship going? It's like Biden said he's doing it. Yeah, and you're still not committal No, you're right and since Monday things seem to be quelled down it seemed and then but the drum beat goes on We wake up Tuesday morning and the news. Nessus basically is it's all kind of taking care of Biden's in people are behind him Mm-hmm, but that's not the way it's gone from then to now and you had the Democrats in the house who caucus Tuesday to talk about all of this and Since then I believe three more have come out publicly So you now have nine house Democrats who said Biden needs to go yesterday for the first time we heard from Democrats senators who are meeting with team Biden today the first was Colorado senator Michael Bennett and He talked to CNN Tuesday. So he actually two days ago said Biden is not on track is see Trump is on track to win this election and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the Senate and the House And then he was asked should Biden step aside and senator Bennett said we should be having a discussion This is something for the president to consider so he didn't publicly say Biden needs to step out but One senator yesterday did and that's Vermont senator Peter Welch Became the first to publicly call on Biden to withdraw in an op-ed in the Washington Post We can't unsee what we saw age was a big issue going into the debate It was an opportunity that the White House saw to put that to rest but coming out of the debate it intensified it And that's a real problem. So it also was a congressman out of Maine that made a Statement as well. It's just interesting that to This him being a US senator, of course, that's the bigger deal, right? But that they're geographically way up and almost to the Netherlands to you know The rest of the United States, but they feel comfortable enough to come out and say he's got to go. Yeah, almost like they don't feel attached to necessarily to What anybody else is saying or politically what's right or what's wrong? It's kind of like now He's got to go. Yeah, and it all depends. I think on the pressure. They're getting from constituents and how tight the races They're in are. Yeah, really. I mean outside of US representatives The New York State Congress and even the lieutenant governor They seem to be the state the the blue state pushing most for Biden to get out because they've seen their numbers shift So much in Trump's favor over the last four years I mean Biden won New York in 2020. I think by 20 points or something like that And that's now according to several pollsters New York is in play for Trump It manhattan went is going more towards Trump. It's amazing And I don't know how much that trial had to do with that or not But now you have state congressman the lieutenant governor of New York who are saying now he needs to go He's hurting our local races. Yeah, right now you've been to be you have you have relatives who live in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, yeah in kind of the western part of the state I guess and as It's been stated about Pennsylvania. It's Philadelphia one side Pittsburgh on the other side in Alabama in between. Yeah, right And you can vouch to that right? It's pretty rural is pretty yeah, right thinking New York State the same way so you got long island in New York City and then on the far end of the state you've got Buffalo but Buffalo is probably more right leaning than anything But you've got a good bit of that state that it could be Convinced mm-hmm to go the other way you're people who are not necessarily hard-line Democrats and I think that You say everyone's kind of measuring their words here closely We've got there was a story in the Wall Street Journal a couple of days ago that came out We we've got the some audio from the co-writer of that article. Okay, and what's really interesting about this Adulting it's got to do with the team and the people around Biden that Unbeknownst to most of us and it's interesting now. They really dig down and find all this out like oh, well Thank you Wall Street Journal. Yeah, you know what our people are willing to talk. There will work initial I guess that's probably it too, but really identifying people who they are and what their role has been in Shielding Biden and the lengths they've gone to during Not just recently but his entire presidency to keep him out of making big decisions to keep him out of traveling too much Because he won't they don't want to get tuckered out keep him for being asked questions by people He doesn't know what they're gonna ask and they so he's gonna have a big boy press conference today You say that's the first one since November I think November was last time he had a real presser where he took questions and I still would say you know I'd put real presser in quotes. Yeah, cuz are they gonna how is this gonna work this afternoon? 430s when he's supposed to talk as they wrap up the NATO summit We'll see if any big announcements come from that But you're right that article is interesting so many people we've never heard of we'll get into that when we get back This is Ukraine top-gun theme right there the F-16s now. Yeah, when will that movie come out? When will that story play out? What's the? inclusion of it all all right, so this is really some shocking news the story from the Wall Street Journal says senior White House advisors for more than More than I'll say more than a year easily. They have aggressively stage managed president Biden's schedule and movements As age has taken its toll on him, but we all know now We know that all clearly America does from what happened at the debate Emily Glaser is co-writer of the article She talks a little bit about it well to start Biden has had fewer news conferences and interviews than any president at this point in their terms Going all the way back to Reagan. He's had fewer small meetings with lawmakers as his term has gone on according to visitor logs And ultimately what we're hearing is that Biden has good days where he's sharp and detail oriented and bad days where he's forgetful He symbols over his words and struggles to really convey his thoughts and the issues that the bad days are more comfortable and are worse So that's got a large number of lawmakers and major donors very nervous. They're nervous. They're mad. He's got this team around him That people he's known a long time that he trusts and they've dismissed travel suggestions of her worries that he didn't have the stamina There was an idea for him to make a weekly cross-country trips in 2022. They said nana. We're not doing that these people are powerful I mean, they're calling the shots. We've been saying who's calling the shots here. Well in some regards It's this team around him when the 81 year old president took to the stage last month's debate his performance in the 90-minute event stunned members of of his party. So even people in his party They're elected officials lying to it. So who's the team? Obviously Biden has worked in politics for decades So he's built a really trusted circle around him that includes a needed done Super shutty Mike Donilon and a Thomasini Anthony Bernal These are all names of top top Biden aides that have really shielded him and stage managed to schedule his movements his personal interactions You know, we're talking about things with us lawmakers international Politicians and donors where it can get very scripted and there are certain accommodations made that we are told are highly unusual for president and that's the distinguishing factor here It's not just that Biden is older. It's also his forgetfulness You know confusion around what might be going on and that this is happening sometimes not all the time But it's happening more frequently and people are nervous. She mentioned donors there, right? I remember Hollywood Now Clooney is said when he's stepping out you're out, but they made that all those big donations Inside the last month, right? And a number of these deep-pocketed donors. They're really really frustrated at Mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg He's co-chair of the Biden campaign. What he's done He's a Disney guy, right? I'm not sure. I think I think he's he's a Disney executive anyway He's been very aggressive in almost I Mean they've got a lot of money So the money's there, but someone's gonna make the sales pitch. He's the guy making the sales pitch saying I've been around him He's doing good He's sharp and he's kind of shaking people down to give the money to Biden Yeah, he's he's either just being thrown under the bus by these other big donors or he was lying to their faces this whole time That's exactly right. So here's what she's got to say about him But look a number of large donors are also really angry with Jeffrey Katzenberg. He's the longtime Hollywood mogul turned entrepreneur who's co-chair of Biden's campaign and He has told people that Biden is sharp and in command and a number of donors feel that they've been lied to or misled You know as recently as six weeks ago We reported that one entertainment executive had lunch with Katzenberg and he asked Katzenberg point blank whether Biden was too incapacitated to win the election Katzenberg responded absolutely not that he sees him. He talks to him all the time. He's solid the mental acuity is there Now look people felt very differently after the debate the other week and the questions are just coming in hot and heavy And it's not just like one night or one event where people saw Biden and he may have not you know performed his best You know it was on the public stage for everybody to see yeah, everybody sees it So if you were somebody who was a donor I mean you got a go on your face you feel you feel you're you're embarrassed You're you feel like you've been flim flam do you And but that's I mean but before they not been paying attention though That's the whole thing. I know they're throwing people under the bus now here. You got Katzenberg go He's he's giving you information Like he's an insider like I gotta tell you man He's sharp and you feel like now you've got information other people don't have that's number one number two your pockets are empty because Katzenberg Did that as well? And so now you're sitting you're saying what in the world was that performance? I think people have been swayed by people in power Katzenberg and then those protectors of Biden They're passing out information like oh man that he's hey you let everybody know you know you know you're in the know He's fine. He's fine and then you make these donations and then what happened at the I think that's why Clooney's so angry I mean Clooney got flim flame. You're saying why didn't they know well? Yeah? Well Clooney didn't say anything after the disaster at that Campaign event that he hosted. Yeah, he waited until after the debate right and I think most people are probably right that He had to probably get to go ahead from his good buddy Obama to go ahead and send that out there I doubt he would have done that without Obama saying yeah Go ahead and send it and we talked about that relationship Which was political in nature more than anything Obama and Biden's not like a you know They're not besties. No, and then the Michelle Obama's made that known to be very clear Biden fan well and damn you he says the Obama third term and I you know I Thought that for a long time and maybe it's still a case and I know they have a lot of the same priorities But it sounds with all this reporting coming out like Biden kept a real team of loyalists closest to him right that maybe weren't his Obama Linked but you still have plenty from the Obama team. You've got Jake Sullivan and some others who are Holding some really heavy roles, but it sounds like he kept some people really tied to him who would take care of him He was he was in Washington for 30 years before before Obama ever showed up think about that Yeah, it's a Dan adult and FM talk one oh six five and mobile mornings eight thirty And we'll be back after the news eight thirty four FM talk one oh six five and mobile mornings So we'll talk with Rob Holbert from land yap here in just a minute this segment brought to you by one eight hundred gap junk Trebin and his crew They do great work and they've been doing that for over 16 years here on the Gulf Coast making junk disappear It's you look great reviews. They get hit this every time they hit the street Then you get more great reviews. I mean that says everything you need to know Yeah, on Google if you just Google one eight hundred gap junk mobile you'll see the reviews right there to the right side of the screen 283 all of them five star Google reviews and this one from Patty just a couple weeks ago Said the two young men went above and beyond moving the items from several sites on the property They worked hard and were very respectful They've earned our companies repeat business and so many of those reviews sound that same note that Patty did they're respectful They work hard. They're just great at what they do and if you've got some junk that's been piling up for days or months or years Have them come out and take care of it for you. Whether it's at your business or your home Have them make that junk disappear. They'll be in and out in no time You can get on with your day plus free on-site estimates with all inclusive pricing no hidden fees No surprise charges after everything's all said and done set that appointment up today the phone number 1 800 got junk Or you can set the appointment up online at 1 800 got junk calm. You want to know what's going on around here? You got to read laying there. That's just the bottom line because it's breaking news every day We use it as a resource here Rob Holbert. We appreciate it a lot, man Thanks for always being there and and never sleeping through the day and making sure if there's breaking news You've got it in in land. Yep online You there Rob The yeah, we're glad that you you guys find it useful. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of stuff out there guys They're working hard all the time putting stuff up. You know, we're averaging about 50 stories a week online, so There's a lot of stuff there. We love it and a lot of good sports stuff this week I saw you put Tommy Hicks and Randy Kennedy to some good work as we head towards football and all these summer sports of course as well let's talk about the sport of the Mobile City Council and I've kind of gone back and forth about whether to subpoena or not subpoena city employees and then an Accidental subpoena goes out to former chief pryne. He talks with the special counsel anyway And then they decide well, we don't need to subpoena these city employees. They'll come and do it voluntarily, but one of those Gulf Coast Tech Center commander Kevin Levy I guess he interviewed with the special counsel bill of Thanos for he says five hours, but The special counsel wanted more documents more information more talk time with him and now his attorney Chris Callahan kind of pushing back on that Yeah, so that it's probably gonna Force their hand a little bit if they don't come in and do it voluntarily. So yeah, it's it's You know, I think To me how to just talk to him as much as he needs to be talked to, you know, I don't know what but issues there are I'm not privy to that none of us are But you know, I think that they need to get to the bottom of it and that's the only way to do it and Transparency is the best thing at this point It is and I'm not sure how the Zogby act if it plays into this I mean the Gulf Coast Tech Center does that make leave via city employee? I'm not sure How all that works because a big part of the mayor's conversation with the city council was well if you subpoena some of these city employees that Kind of goes against the Zogby act. So I Guess we'll see how this plays out. It was a 45 day window for this Investigation to be done with and I think we're probably coming to the the end of that very soon Yeah, it's getting close on that and I think that you know, hopefully They'll just get it get these things done and they won't be a big bunch of fighting about You know documents and things like that. Hopefully that will Very you'll get done and we can get a report back and see what what happens right breaking story You've got the this morning in land. Yeah, it's got to do with the airport authority and their purchase of Nearly 300 acres of land that was formerly with the housing authority And I think it's on either side of Michigan Avenue the Boykin Tower is on Once they're both on the south side of I'm sorry the north side of the interstate But you have the the Boykin Tower on on one side of Michigan Avenue and then the RV tailor I believe on the other side So anyway, the the delay was getting people Moved out. Yeah, move moved out and and house and everything like that What what are the plans for that for those for those acres? You know, I don't know exactly what the plans are. I know the airport has been that that land has been something that Everybody has talked about going to the airport for some time. Yeah now. Mm-hmm. So that's not a surprise at all and I think that's You know, if you've been through there, I actually end up drive. I drive through there quite a bit And so it is kind of ghost town, you know, I've been driving through here lately wondering when it's gonna happen and so it has happened It, you know, what they're gonna do with it. I'm sure is just expansion of airport, you know Facilities and things they need over there, but that that's been the plan. Yes. It is coming to fruition at the point Yeah, yeah, and I know it's been the plan and I've been aware of it for some time as well The one thing that I'm trying to figure out is it's with the interstate cutting between yeah the interstate right in between the Mobile International Airport is now whether that and that that property to the north side of it It's totally separated by the interstate So it's not like you could make your way from one part to the other unless more construction is gonna be happening So we'll wait and see yeah, and I think they're putting out three new contracts for bid for the airport next month So maybe we'll get some more information there, too, and it'll come out inland. Yep I'm sure just like this story you guys have been followed closely Rob Auburn and their association with matrix LLC, which of course was a major newsmaker a few years ago and Alabama power involved in this as well kind of lay this story out for us Well, it's basically the story of the Alabama Power Foundation, which People maybe aren't really aware of that, but Alabama Power has a charitable foundation that they hand out millions of dollars across the state every year usually somewhere in the range of 15 to 20 million dollars a year and They donate to all these Little things you see, you know small parks or small You know charities and they get thousand dollars a year or five thousand dollars there But they also give away large sums of money to some bigger players across the state And one of the biggest is Auburn. They give Auburn a tremendous amount of money over the last 10 years They've given Auburn 15 million dollars out of about a hundred ten billion dollars. They've said that they put out so if they It's a large chunk and it's gone to form this thing called the McCrairie Institute Which is for cyber security, which is a cyber cyber security institute I think tank basically it doesn't teach anybody it's just about we're thinking about the grid all the time and You know really up until now it hasn't really done very much They're trying to do a little bit more I think but You know, there's really not a lot of production, but it has done it's hired a lot of former Alabama Power employees Employees and favorites So there's a lot of money there plus it has given matrix and another group called the Hawthorne group That is very close with Alabama power. They've given them contracts worth more than a million dollars a year So you look at that the story is about that, but it's also about just how this foundation Hang on Rob Colash when I think the vast majority of citizens of community. Yes Yeah, so so I'm sorry we you dropped that for just a second there But you're tying all this to Alabama power in the Colash problem. They've got up up the river Yeah, no, you're back I'm back. Yes back. Yes. So anyway, I think what I was saying is just that I think when people think about what What makes Alabama power? Powerful in the state politically One of the big things is this foundation and the money they give away Just in 2022 for example, they filled out more than eight hundred thousand dollars to Organizations in Mobile County alone. Wow You know some of those are Chamber of Commerce some of those are our groups that Spoke in favor of Alabama power bearing Colash. It's not just political donations It's this this other kind of donating You know in particular with Auburn Auburn just will not they won't say what the money goes for they hidden a lot of this and tried to deny public records they've done all sorts of things that are just I'm asking questions. Well, what are you doing with this money? They don't want to tell you so it's a it's kind of this deal where they transfer foundation money to another foundation and somehow it ends up getting back to These groups that they have relationships with or to people that used to work with them Yeah, it seems shady. Yeah on his face you guys are investigating and you know picking up more stones and I Guess those of us who are out here showing hundreds of dollars out for power bills during the summer It's it's not doesn't make you feel good to know that they're spending you know hundreds of thousands millions of dollars with these different donations and then getting hired on at these places very I don't it's all these different whether it's a state-run organization Like we've seen with aldot and some of their advertising money. Yeah, or some of these utilities It seems to me and maybe I'm wrong. I don't think I am but land yap seems to be the one of the few if only that are doggedly kind of following these trails and saying hey What are you doing with all this money? Well, I think it's important to look at it and you know it the Alabama power says that this money does not come from rate money that it was donated by investors That stakeholders in the company donated hundreds of millions of dollars to give away You know, but nobody, you know, that's what they say. There's nobody really who can check that except for the public service Commission I don't know it just seems It's an awful lot of money to be just giving away and you know when your power bills are that high? You kind of wonder what what's the purpose of it? What is is the power company supposed to be there to be Santa Claus for everybody is it's supposed to be there to have its own News organization is it supposed to be there to advertise all over the place is that what it's about? I don't know. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me for a Monopoly to advertise or to give a bunch of money with everybody, you know, it doesn't make a lot of sense Yeah, you know they do it in it We've got one of the more compelling races about to happen in the fall here Well, you know, you got the presidential race on top, but Caroline Dobson versus Shamari figures This is fascinating in so many ways the personalities the political charm of one and the kind of political Newness, but still there's something about Dobson that seems to be Rooted in in real life. So I know that they met with some movers and shakers downtown the other night and land. Yep was there Yeah, we had a reporter there. They were meaning coastal 150 it went down one of the local breweries and had kind of a relaxed evening where everybody was sitting around and talking and They were both there. We asked them some questions. We we asked them about Colash for one, but a number of different things They had some interesting takes on it mostly just talking about what their race is like and what's going on with it right now But you know Brady Peter you went down there, and he got a good story on it. Definitely one worth checking out Yeah, and Dobson who of course notoriously went after Dick Brubaker during that primary runoff She's kind of been less aggressive towards her Democrat opponent Smart figures, but we're starting to see more of that here these last couple weeks She's been talking more about how he's lived in DC for so long Yeah, and and then also with the Biden performance at the debate. She said hey white and figures speaking up So that's gonna I think end up being a really close race We saw that with some of the numbers the turnout during the initial primary That'll be fascinating and of course you got national money involved in it too because it's such a big race nationally Yeah, so that'll be interesting to see I know Lanya We'll be covering it all the way through great stuff in this week's issue including the Clotilda controversy regarding the Wall Street Journal and commentary from our own bin Yeah, so I encourage people to check that out plus all the great sports news this week Rob How can folks find the print issue on stands and better yet? How can they sign up to get land yap online? Well, you can find us in all the purple boxes around our community, but also you can go online at Sign up for lane yet daily. We're doing stories all the time every day So you're missing out if you're just reading the paper and you can do some It's a dollar to start with and just 650 a month after that. So give it a try and the nappy's issue. That should be coming out soon, huh? Nappy's issue hits next week folks. Wow. It is it's time It's coming the winners will be announced next Wednesday. Fantastic. Thanks Rob. We'll talk again next next week All right, you'll have a great weekend. You got it Robert land yap land yap mobile dot com coming back They can start to break a story in Turnerville from the From the phone reception. We have yeah, we're working on a story in Turner. That must be what it is. I'm sure Coming back. We have a ton of text. We haven't gotten to yet two five one three four three oh one oh six If you want to jump on plus if we can we'll get into this new proposed legislation banning members of Congress from trading stocks more on that coming up on mobile mornings Interesting stuff. It's eight forty nine Dan and Dalton in mobile mornings It is eight fifty four on FM talk one of six five Dan and Dalton mobile mornings good to have you long And now your chance to win yeah a couple more pairs of tickets to give away this week And we'll give one pair away right now to see the keep the party going tribute to Jimmy Buffett featuring the coral reefer band A lot of artists will be up there on the stage including mobile's own will kombra show Thursday August first at the Wharf amphitheater tickets Right now at as low as thirty three dollars fifty cents This is the keep the party going tribute to Jimmy Buffett and now caller number five at two five one three four three oh one oh six caller number five you win the pair of tickets and you'll be at the Wharf August first to see this great tribute concert to our Own Jimmy Buffett so a lot of people views that same number two five one three four three zero one zero six to reach out to us on The text line that's right and we've been talking about a number of things this morning Nick said as far as the state testing scores And how reading has been a little better math is hit the skids also bismal for certain fourth graders Nick says the fourth graders with the lowest scores were the ones most likely affected by their first two years of school Halted by covid shutdowns. Yeah, we're gonna feel that reverberate four years to come Agree gardener in that same theme says on these student proficiency tests How do the numbers compare to pre-covid covid years had the worst proficiencies ever so an increase against the covid years? Not very impressive now. I don't think they were doing these tests pre-covid these specific ones that they're looking at now But gardener goes on the Biden administration's using comparisons versus covid years to make them look good Yeah, especially when he talks about jobs. Yeah, he said I would be suspicious of anybody that's making comparison against the covid years to show Improvement squirrel Vereen says take a survey to see if people who work in the heat still do hot outdoor activities in their off time Like if you work in attics all week, or you go into the blue angel show this weekend you go out snap proficient Yeah, maybe we'll put that up on the website. That's a fair question We're talking about dogs earlier in AI trying to make it so you can hear what they have to say as tech You said I bet tax money pays for the Dog bark study. Can I just say we are going to the dogs? Leo by the way, I didn't have to break downward scout was thinking that the dog that I had that passed away Not a little Charlie, but scout was before him He had such a level of devotion to me that it was it was he didn't have to say anything you were simpatica Like you your brain waves are on the same he he he some dogs just happened to adore you and he did dogs Don't really bluff do they now? They're pretty straightforward. They're emotions Yeah, he was ridiculous high level of love my worry would be if AI gets dogs Where you can start understanding what they're saying? What if they're just the meanest, you know, they're calling you fat and Slow, you know everybody's slow to these dogs. You might be a little slower getting to the getting him food in the bowl Leo we were talking about the Ukraine F-16s at the US is backfilling for these other countries Leo says giving jets to Ukraine is a really bad idea. Our founding fathers warned of a warned us of involvement in foreign country wars I'm afraid the deep state wants the US going hot with Russia before Trump can be elected Thank a Democrat for getting us here Doesn't have a lot of Republicans Back to you know a lot signed off for Ukraine - yeah I'm just I was thinking about this yesterday a lot too much probably and if this did pop off really popped off then you had Poland striking Russia or vice versa or whatever, you know NATO gets involved is that when China jumps and they say all right We're going Taiwan right now. North Korea. All right. We're going South Korea right now You're in the world war at that point. Yeah, where are we putting us troops? If that's the case I feel like we would have more of a focus on the Pacific and China and hope that you're open that Europe Yeah, can hold their own against Russia as you're right and And what does the timing? What does November mean to all of us? How does November expect the timeline of any of these possible movements? Yeah with the election of what didn't even mention the Middle East Iran Israel Things are ready to pop off hope not though 859 Dan and Dalton back with you in the morning