FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Cameron Smith from talked about Biden - Midday Mobile - Wednesday 7-10-24

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106-5. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that. You know Sean he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah what's wrong with the beer we got? I mean the beer we got drank pretty good don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a bade council. I had no dollar bounce in. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it you're bad. Last question were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. By the way we go FM Talk 106-5 at midday mobile. Glad to have you here on this Wednesday. Coming up later this hour my friend Dr. Sean Power's University of South Alabama Marine Sciences and Dolphin Island Sea Lab and the big judge for the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo joins us to talk some sharks in the second half of this hour. It was yesterday. I started off last hour talking about decorum and words and stuff and seeing how things have changed and kind of a book ending by mother and my children and finding myself and you know being a gen X right in the middle of it like I can see both sides of it but decorum has changed you know in language out there the way it has in clothing just go to Walmart and see what folks leave the house in but it was it does get attention. You get some stodgy political speech and like board, board, drill running out the corner of your mouth and then you hear Trump is free styling and you pay some attention. This was Trump down at Doral as golf course down there which I had Trump didn't have it back then. I don't think in the 80s I was a standard bearer. I had forgotten about that till I heard Doral a standard bearer at the golf tournament down there pro golf but don't even know who was playing but I was carrying the sign telling you who was playing down there all those years ago but Trump was in Doral and Cameron Smith's going to join us to talk about this and had this to say here's Trump doing the I didn't say anything this is just what other people say in talking about Chris Christie. Well eating in Nevada and a waitress came over beautiful waitress and I never like talking about physical she's beautiful inside because you never talk about a person's look ever you never mentioned the other day I got very angry some man called Chris Christie fat and I said sir and then he said he was a pig I said sir Chris Christie is not a fat pig please remember that he is not a fat pig please take it back and the guy's looking to be like real now we have to defend people you can't go people fat so I said about nine times he is not a fat pig alright Dan joining us to talk more about that audio and a whole lot more but he Cameron Smith from and the Triptych Foundation how about it brother well I'm glad that the president is finally sticking out for Chris Christie against anonymous waitress with everywhere I mean that waitress that called him a fat pig I mean that's just not called for and and you know Trump lover has commented about physical appearances it's not like him to do that it makes the clip even funnier but it goes back to the old school idea like school yard stuff like I'm not saying I'm not saying you're an idiot I that's the last thing I'm going to say I'm not going to say that I mean we get that we get that hustle I got to ask you this well it was highly entertaining and Trump has a habit of being highly entertaining is it a best practice for a guy who's leading in all the polls right now no unequivocally not there's literally three things that he should be talking about Joe Biden's physical and mental infirmity inflation and immigration and if you want to throw on foreign affairs as a bonus go for it but otherwise stay in that zone I'm excited about whoever's been tackling Donald Trump and keeping him on discipline on message because what have we been talking about since that debate Donald Trump no we've been talking about whether Joe Biden is fit to even be president let alone run again that's the narrative that helps Republicans come November I think it showed some drawn the debate too because of the mic muting that if you could just like you're saying if you could just get out of the way it's like a it's judo man you know if you just get out of the way and let Biden be Biden it helps you more than having to even say anything about Biden yeah and we knew this was going to be a close race from the get go we knew that this was going to be tight because guess what it was tight in 2020 we know it's a rematch what we know now is man there's some serious questions about Biden's capacity that's enough to push this into Trump's favor what do we know about Trump voters the strongest most ardent Trump voters are actually Democrats voting against them they feel compelled they don't care about Joe Biden's whether you can run the country or not they hate Trump enough to turn out right so that's what keeps them passionate to really put these questions in the minds of independent voters is a winning strategy for Trump but it's bigger than Trump Republicans are looking at the House and the Senate and we saw from senator Bennett Democrats are very concerned that Trump could win in a landslide being a for Trump but that means we Republicans have the White House House and Senate and that's a big deal yeah I've heard that is that is that just people just getting excited on the Republican side or do you think that's doable for bicameral and the executive yeah I think it's quite do right now Biden is such a damaged candidate that to be clear and you now talked about it Trump isn't exactly a rock star candidate it's just that Biden is that bad you're looking at a doddering old man who does not have the capacity to be in office right now and that's not just my opinion it's their opinion of everybody who looks objectively at that performance with their own eyes and ears and it's seen all of this stuff going along this isn't just one event if it were everybody has a bad night this is the culmination of what we've been saying for quite some time that Biden is fading and I think that that's the story and what happens there is that shaps enthusiasm for democrats independence say you know what if democrats are willing to fall in line behind somebody they know it's failing to the detriment of the country well then they just must be partisan hats and that hurts them down ticket and they they're starting to realize that they just don't know what to do about it okay I when didn't plan on talking about this but I'm gonna ask you what you saying that what about AL2 do you see that you know here here's this pretty close race if you look at the turnout you know the number of people turn out in the primaries for the Republican and for the Democrat you got figures you got Dobson does the Biden effect let's say the unmotivated voters out there because of Biden that would vote Democrat does this help her I'm do you think this trickles all the way down to AL2 it only helps her I think she's only she only gets wind in her sails from folks having questions and frankly the big issue I understand I mean race issues in Alabama are always thorny but if you're seeing Trump picking up significant portions of the black vote we'll give what do you really think somebody's gonna pull Trump and say hey I'm four Republicans because they're more in line with where I want to be and I'm tired of Democrats just assuming that they get my vote I think that trickles downstream to any Republican on the ticket and I think that that makes that race in play however and this is the big yes and this is the trap for Republicans if Democrats say you know what we're gonna get wiped out in this election cycle and we can't have that and they figure out a way to get a Michelle Obama or even Harris I know that for Republicans she's a horrible politician she's at least coherent some of the time and that takes that advance that Trump's making and cast it into question and I've said this people don't like to hear it but if Michelle Obama jumped in that race Trump that the polls would on the split Trump would have a serious serious battle on its hands but right now sticking with Joe Biden I think that does but even racist like the one in Alabama into play in ways they weren't before all right I've just joining us starting the Cameron Smith and we're let's look on the Republican agenda here this next week it's convention time you know I was talking about this the other day I've never been to convention honestly I don't think and I'm not a card carry-in kind of conservative I don't think I'd want to go to a convention but it's a big deal who goes to these I mean like who who when we see the shots of the floor and the people saying they're who who gets the credentials so these are the dedicated folks that really enjoy wearing secrets I don't know a better way to say it they they're really into partisan politics these are the folks that your party chairs folks who are very very into partisan politics they go it's a C and B scene type environment and I've been to these things before you don't learn a whole lot thinking that like a high school pep rally but for a party that's basically what this is if this is Trump's it is a party for Trump and he will get to talk and everybody will talk about how amazing he is and how we're gonna Republicans are gonna save America it'll be off however I think the party for I've been reading through it yeah that's the thing right this is part of what I mean it's already out but I mean when you have the convention it's like okay and here's our platform yeah I it's literally like you and I just sat down and kind of wrote some stuff like how about we don't have dudes in women's sports okay cool next um it's very and wavy doesn't offer a lot of how do you do that what are the specific mechanisms as compared to the 922 pages of project 2025 that offers a ton of specifics the Republican party platform it says a lot of general things that it's better than saying nothing which was the party platform a while back which was hey we're just with Trump uh but this just it just looks a little thin and kind of weird I probably wouldn't have done it no okay and I'll agree with you as thin looking through it it looks like uh me trying to you know get through on some late term paper I had to turn it in college or something like that but if you put out okay it's not because people have been hidden conservatives they're like heritage foundation agenda 2025 this this this this something like that that comes out of that was attached to the RNC that gives ammunition to the democrats to make ads to attack you know pick the amount of 900 and something pages there's got to be some things they can make ads on that would sway independence you know or suburban soccer bombs yeah and maybe so I'm writing about it I'm actually reading through it because there are a lot of folks there the the Alabama policy institute for example is listed as a contributor or uh I forget the name but it's an affiliate that has worked on this and so there are a lot of familiar organizations and faces folks like Rick Dearborn who are the white house deputy chief of staff Russ Vaught director of OMB you do see a lot of Trump people I I think understand why there's a political tactic that says run away from any specifics but when I'm reading through this thing it's talking about a lot of specifics that conservatives are going to like and that okay so Trump's made his position on abortion pretty clear leave it to the state well heritage foundation may say we want more on the federal level okay fine they'll ignore that part but did you know in project 25 2025 they basically say hey there was a mistake here in the trans-pacific partnership and we recommend entering back into that which is the right right play for free trade and for heritage foundation to basically say this was fine to get rid of it and now we need to get back into it the the vague ramaswami came out and said the same thing today so there's a lot of things that I'm actually really encouraged by and I like specifics because if it's what you believe and it's what you want to do you should be honest and upfront because the media is going to attack you anyway they if you read the attack articles about project 2025 it basically says well Trump is disavowing a thing that his people had a rolling warning it says nothing about what it actually is it's just conservative stuff by and large and so I don't actually think it's a huge problem but trade policy and things like that are not you know well for for wonks and nerds it's one thing it should be for more Americans but it's not the kind of stuff that you make campaign ads it's about look I mean look what happened with the road decision and remanding to the states it was a big big money maker and vote getter for democrats so to see I guess pragmatically that the republicans kind of in this platform have backed off of this it's maybe they're just trying to make sure there's no handles here for the democrats yeah sure it's a political strategy but my point is on the issue abortion being the key issue that hurts um hurts republicans with independent voters Trump's made his position very clear and I don't think that he's lying now democrats are saying well Trump's lying he's gonna sign a federal abortion ban he's he's emphatically said that no he wants it left to the state vote your conscience and I think that that's the political winner I understand why evangelical voters are very you know they feel like they got left out to dry that you know Trump has now sort of done a 180 for a political expediency to which I respond are you at all surprised by this how in the world did you think that this guy was one of you and he's not and he said that okay but I asked this question yesterday where are you going to go ethangelicals now some people said they would not vote they they would vote for everything else on you know on the ballot but not vote for the president but I mean you're not going to it's not like you're going to go sign up to vote for uh Biden or your rfk jr or Cornell West or jolston and I mean so where are you going oh and the the outrage is manufactured like all the all the even evangelical voters that new Trump's background that knew his character that knew some of the stuff didn't connect with them and they said I'm gonna hold my nose and vote for him okay fine that's was your choice so to now say I'm just shocked by this that he would do things political reasons and not because he's a principled man of character you need to mean I'll put it bluntly you need to shut up because this is what you signed up for you knew the deal and now when it doesn't go your way you're acting upset and outraged that he's not he's not the thing that you made up that he was so you could vote with him in the first place well but he's but he's the person up you're not going anywhere well he's the person that's closest to it that can win right yeah and so that if you I have no problem with the pragmatic voters saying I don't like it you know I know that he's a political preacher that doesn't have a lot of strong evangelical values and he's not connected there but he's a guy that is going to be with me most of the time that's a pragmatic vote but some folks did this game in their head where they said hey he's really this thing that he's not he's really a you know ardent pro-life supporter he's a you know strong Christian he's a fiscal conservative that's my favorite he's a fiscal conservative that's been my beef no I'm not yeah that's been my problem that definitely has been my problem but no no no I'm problem problems always been consistently himself yep he is actually told people no I'm I've never been a conservative in that traditional sense and yet people say no you are you are and that's why we're voting for you listen to the man he's telling you what he is and remember this camera when you you tell the evangelicals there you just told him to shut up you didn't say that people say shut up you don't say that you see that's not the right thing to say that people are saying shut up yeah I mean that to me is you're not calling him a fat pig you're not calling him a fat pig no I'm not calling him a fat pig people say to do that people will say christy is a fat pig but you didn't say he was a fat pig the same way you didn't tell evangelicals or shut up but people say shut up that that's I think am I putting words in your mouth you are because in this sense that I am saying shut up I mean to my christian brethren who I love dearly when you did the mental gymnastics to believe something that wasn't true and now you have to deal with the consequences of that that's on you so don't whine about it just accept it and move on because you you signed up for it and you deluded yourself that's your problem not Trump all right for the people that uh you want to go beyond just texting me with upset of what you have said how do they find you online to continue this conversation at d camera smith on act please come after me on this one because we're gonna go all day because i'm not messing around on this camera man I appreciate it we'll talk again soon hey Sean all right there he goes camera smith if we're coming right back there's more of mid-day mobile hello i'm scott armstrong with kimco metal buildings if you want a sustainable and cost-effective solution for your building needs we've got you covered kimco has been designing and constructing commercial quality steel buildings since 1965 we will meter exceed high wind load structural requirements and help with the building process from planning to completion we're located in daphne check out our website at or call us at 626-0594 that's k-e-m-k-o you can now do more without it costing you more alabama's attractions have come together to offer the all-in-one ticket that downloads to your mobile device no matter how many attractions 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this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five right welcome back FM talk one oh six five midday mobile wanted to have you along have a check-in with my my traveling buddy from lcm motor cars david the prairie who was just at last we talked to you were in uh florida man how how'd that work out well we got home from florida late last night uh back in the office and we leave this afternoon headed to Houston so we bought 26 cars um between just uh in monday and tuesday so we got uh great selection out there add that to what we already had um little highlights we got a 15 toy at a forerunner a black forerunner it's a limited and it's got the brown baseball glove leather interior that's a rare combination it's got the good wheels and everything it is a two-wheel drive um so it's not going to burn up the gas and we've got a few trucks we purchased um over the last couple of days got a nice little toy to wrap for just clocked over a hundred thousand miles um less than ten thousand dollars and you know you get five hundred dollars down um you know we can help you do the buy here pay here program see what happens all right we'll give people directions to come check out that new inventory we're at highway 90 and plantation and theodor it's one mile south of it and a 15a you can give us a call at two five one three seven five zero zero six eight or go to the website a lot of vehicles on the website aren't going to have pictures because they are in route they just loaded nine a while ago and they're getting the rest unloaded up as quickly again they're that fresh y'all i love it man i appreciate it we'll check back in with you later the week in the week thanks all right there he goes uh david mccreary checking in from lcm motorcores do uh let's see dan and daphne said way back when you were betting that no one would replace biden and yes i am i've stuck with that one and partially that that was heartfelt at that point and then just my personality i'm not gonna now everybody's saying something different i gotta be contrarian right and stick with the biden will be the candidate but dan's way back when you said you're betting no one would replace biden i said michelle obama scares the heck out of me i still say that she's horrible but she'll get the votes if she would get votes uh he and then uh dan text me the harris obama ticket oh i don't i think it'd be obama harris but i don't know if she would go for that you should i mean anybody in politics pretty strong personalities i don't know if they would who would be the type you know would harris i don't know uh irish indian said john you're spot on as to russia ukraine war drawing in many more countries wars now gaza wider middle east sudan bian mar ethiopia hayde chicago a hundred wounded nineteen dead in four days sounds like walter kron kite is reporting for vietnam you know what irish indian's talking about there and if you didn't hear it last hour i put the stories up on our uh twitter our x-feed um two of them coming out of this note nato summit and i've been talking to y'all about this for years now how the overton window keeps getting moved and what's acceptable and and those kind of things and here you go it's happened again as they're now going to let the f-16s from i think i think the dains or the denmark nether lens are are sending f-16s to ukraine we'll probably backfill there so that was one of the stories and then this deal made between ukraine and poland where poland is going to run their anti-missile batteries to shoot down missiles coming from russia into ukraine if they can imagine that that missile could hit poland okay so poland is now going to be firing ordinance out and over ukraine to shoot down russian missiles and they talk about maybe more advisors in in ukraine sorry y'all goes like this every day and time okay shark week coming up next everyone getting