FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Whoopie Goldburg - Ammunition Machine - Erica Thomas from 1819 News talked about Prine investigation - Midday Mobile - Wednesday 7-10-24

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot to tough. Yeah, I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal We got drink pretty good don't it did you hear what I said? So this is a Bade Council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't shock If you don't like it you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? I don't care if he's poop this pants And that's how we get started with the midday mobile on this Wednesday Glad to have you long actually speaking of that clip from with the Goldberg will get you the full clip But looking up here on one of the monitors in our studio has a Biden there at the NATO summit saying NATO It's stronger than it's ever been probably maybe Bigger and that maybe that was one of the problems here speaking of which in just a little bit. We'll get to a story Some some international news international news in the mix here about a deal between Poland and Ukraine what could go wrong there? remember the other day when Vladimir Putin went to North Korea for a junket a fun junket and I said, you know This is probably not real real good since they've signed a mutual protection agreement between North Korea and and Russia Well, how might this work out with Poland and Ukraine? We'll talk about that in a little bit But yes with the clip that started it right there on today's show. We'll have some Some choice audio throughout today's program But this is whoopi Goldberg on the view and talking so now you've heard Clooney You heard the national news there say that Clooney is Asking Biden to get off the ticket So the actor probably will carry more weight than any elected official, right? George Clooney say he loves him You know sure and true up like Joe Scarborough fashion. Oh, he's an amazing man But it's George Clooney asking me to get off the ticket Well, what does would be Goldberg say about Joe Biden? That's what people want to know people stop me in the street all the dang time Sullivan What does whoopi Goldberg think about Joe Biden? I don't care if he's Pooped his pants. I Don't care if he can't put a sentence together Show me he can't do the job and then I'll say okay. Maybe it's time to go now He had a bad night the first time that he went out and debate and debated with Kamala Harris and everybody wanted him to quit that and say you can't talk to women like this And you're doing this right you're doing that wrong. He came back said, you know what? I got it and gave four years So yeah, I have poopy days all the time All the I step in so much who you can't even imagine Now I'm not running the world But I don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point so cogent so thoughtful The really the rhetoric that will go down in American history as pivotal points the whoopi Goldberg poopy pants speech as we do By the way welcome to midday mobile. I'm Sean if you want to be part of the show the telephone Telephone number the same as a text line 251-343-0106-3430106 also if you have that very cool FM talk 1065 app amongst all the other things you can do there like get the streaming in the station the podcast post there first or Traffic maps weather information social media feeds all that in one place You can also send us a talk back message by recording with the microphone icon there on the front page So many ways to get in touch today and I'll be lots to talk about but Now that I set that up Playing that clip maybe think about something about decorum because later on in the show we will have Clip from from present Trump right, which is it not anything I think is particularly out of character for Trump, but Trump is Trumpin and I started thinking about the decorum thing and where we are and I look at the difference between My children and my mother Right and I got a pretty cool mom But decorum I was trained up in decorum in my house growing up. There are things you Didn't do in certain companies things you did you know things that were allowed things that were frowned upon things that were verbotan And I think about it this way to you verbal decorum does this track along with dress code Does it is there been a change? I mean, yes, we can go to the the internet pages full of the people of Walmart what they will show up to the to Walmart in And I'm not a fancy dresser. Oh But certain levels of dress to do things right it comes from the way people dress to travel in airplanes right I Wonder if the words being used or how you talk in a public setting there is Just more real. There's something about it to me that I'm like, okay, well, you're getting a more real take when Trump says this or Whoopi Goldberg says that or is it a move in the decorum of vocabulary the same way how we dress how we would go outside the house Didn't you ever get snatched up by your parents? Like you're not going outside the house like that You're not getting it. You know whether be sloppy or Yeah Boys will often just I've got one teenage boy that young teenage boy. They'll just I don't care if I've mustard on my shirt I'm going that's the shirt I have on Those kind of things for decorum or the level of dress, right? What are you wearing to this? It should you have a collar on she's not you know those kind of things? I think these things have been Made to be passing Where it's like a tenant a keystone in my mother's world and like non-existent my children and gen X folks like me Bunch of y'all out there. I wonder if we're not in the trenches We're not the Maginot line of that discussion of decorum and action and words not that it it told My children several times that like I know all the bad words. I know you know all the bad words Okay, I'm not ignorant to that. We all know all the bad words and incredible combinations of those bad words But when you're in number one when you're in front of adult your father Or more importantly any other adult, you know use those words and I don't use those words in a certain situation, right? You know you have decorum Same thing with how you address you're not dressed. I wonder if we're going you know we This area for gen X where we are you know, we are parents. These things are definitely not okay. Our kids just like oh, oh, I don't care We're in this kind of like yes. Sometimes. Yes. Sometimes no Where we move on this idea of? Decorum out there and I wonder if that's the new because when you hear a politician say something like that You like yeah, but they're just talking real talk Are they talking real talk or is it that? The this is corn is not as important anymore It's just interesting to see where that goes. All right, so what we'll get calls in text here three four three zero one zero six Coming up in about about 15 16 minutes Erica Thomas from 1819 news Talk with her about Mobile City Council meeting yesterday and a couple other stories in the mix. Also, we will talk to Cameron Smith Male dot common hour number two. That's coming up. And yeah, we'll get to the poll in the Ukraine story. Also There's this local story That has my attention here. It actually Affected the building that the opulent The the gilded FM talk what oh six five studios and offices are in I affected the mailboxes here where we are This arrests for male theft and how this Caper was pulled off. I want to get into that line up story in just a little bit Let's go the phone so before we go any further and look here press this button and I press that button and it's a fireball in Mobile Hi, Bob. Hey, John. We'll do it a fantastic job. Thank you. Thank you. Thank my call No problem. My next question my next question is Besides being a third or fourth place actor and comedian Who in the holy name of Jesus that group we go first? She is she's never did narrow. They're just actors Well, I'll tell you what Whitby Goldberg probably has in today's world Probably more daily views of course in De Niro De Niro with film, but that show unfortunately, you know, you can't account for taste I forget what the old uh, I think that's the old actually and we can't know there's no accounting for taste But don't that show the view gets lots of views. So whoopi's got an audience for sure out there, but yeah, but they're all Democratic views Mm-hmm And and I used to think the world of bobber strike bobber strike they ended her thinking But she said that Trump gets elected. She's moving out of the country, but she didn't She didn't leave does she remember? She didn't yeah, she was supposed to leave, but she didn't leave I don't think oh I can say what do you want? We didn't help you back your back, right? If you paid support the United States of America Because I'm sorry if we if we have much more what's going on now We're not going to have the united united states of america Well, we'll see you know, here's the thing In fireball work with me here for a second. I was thinking about this over the weekend That the democrats are saying this is an existential crisis this election in other words If donald trump is elected if donald trump is elected is the end of democracy Right. Uh, we're told that it's the end it's the end of everything at the same time I see democrats positioning to run in 2028, so I don't know If it's the end of democracy and everything's going to go totalitarian and trump's going to take over as a dictator Why are they getting their campaign stuff ready for the the following presidential cycle? I just let me scratch my head Let me let me say this All right, I have just turned set me one yesterday. Congratulations Why thank you very much all the money that I've paid in the And it's some security there won't be given to be illegal. I didn't think it comes into the country Not even legally. Well, that would be the definition of illegal, but here's the rub that the majority Of who's taken your social security money out of that lockbox Is the federal government that you know, we often say well, you know We owe all this money to china and that's true and and other investors But the majority of the debt owed by the united states of america is to be the people that money that's been taken out That's not there that's supposed to be there going forward if you look at the actuarial tables for social security You look at somebody like me who had a birthday last week and turned 52 Uh, you got a lot better chance of getting your social security than I do Right exactly right, but it was a democrat but it's not the illegal aliens. It's a major driver It's the federal government spending it on everything. We got area issues. We're not having a having a porous border I agree But uh, yeah, it's your federal government that's you said hey, we'll get that money back to you soon Yeah, yeah, I think we like they always do They should did federal government lies to through their teeth I mean, we'll never see that money and look at the amount of people that never made it To be able to grow social security That's all the money that they paid in all their life They it just and and the federal government didn't put anything into the so security it was all our employees and The four years that put the money in self security Yep, well, I mean that that should be so it's a You're telling me that every republican candidate and every democrat candidates talking about that on the campaign trail, right? Right. Yeah, not a one of them is talking about the The the the situation with social security not a one of them is doing any kind of stumping about social security I I've listened for it and I don't hear it. I agree with you. This is a big big deal But it's you know the second somebody says well We might have to tweak and adjust something to make sure that uh, social security stays solvent Uh, they they their opponent comes out and says they want to take everybody's money away And then no one talks about it. So we do not have an honest discussion about social security I would say this i'm up against a break. I Gotta run, but I appreciate it and happy birthday to you All right, thank you very much y'all Fine y'all. Thank you. Thank you very much. Appreciate it man. It's speaking of birthdays I was looking a bunch of smart alics out here. One of my gifts is here in the studio. It might take some pictures of it speaking politics and presence they gave me the Hillary presidential playing cards I have here in this week thanks a lot y'all With all the possible presidential candidates for 2016 on the dem inside. This is good stuff Thank you. Not thank you You This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 10065 Right to 1223 FM talk 10065 mid-day mobile Jump through some of these texts here The sector traffic update. Thank you a name texture eastbound i 10 Around the Loxley exit. It's a parking lot. So eastbound i 10 around the Loxley exit a parking lot Who knows what happened there? We'll give you updates there, but thank you for the update From from unnamed texture. Hey wood says decorum Home training social acceptance decline in home training. Oh, okay decorum minus home training Minus social acceptance decline in the home training plus increase of outside influence And shift in societal mores equals a less eloquent and proper interaction Yeah, I mean, it's uh You've got to Hey, just i'm wondering where we are in that right? I think gen x I think we're in the in between I can see both sides Right, uh, think about my mother uh starly with Decorum and home training and all that and my kids are like a heck with all of it. So I don't It's a weird place to to be uh, but people love it right and we'll get some uh some audio coming up next hour from From former president trump candidate for the presidency if you hadn't heard uh And he does this stuff and and people like yeah, so somebody's talking real. So I don't know. I don't know what we expect maybe we Is it a change that happened more quickly or has it happened over time? I do want to Get this story about pulling you cranks another one just hit here as well The remember I've been talking about this since the word go When when Russia invades you crane and our responses have been this like Well, we will do this but not do this. Yeah, I've talked about the overton window moving moving or what's acceptable? What we'll do what we won't do Uh, what will end up in the story coming up right now? It's not us we the united states, but we are nato A big part of it, but a member but obviously a big part of it Now, uh out of the nato meeting here f 16 jets will be sent to ukraine from denmark in the netherlands According to anthony blinken new u.s secretary state anthony blinken so There we go First batch. Hey, this from roger's first match of us built f 16 fighter jets already being transferred to ukraine from denmark in the netherlands And we flying over ukraine and skys this summer. You know, they'll say well, we're not We didn't do it The the deans did it, right? You know, but no, but I guarantee it will backfill the deans will give the f 16s to ukraine it will backfill there And if you're ukraine and i've i've had so many people killed and this war going on you're telling me i'm not gonna Try an iron eagle mission to fly right there to the kremlin and send missiles in come on It could but we'll say probably this I hadn't even read through the whole story But it'll be they can have the f 16s, but they can't use them in an offensive action against right It's this rheostat. It's this overton window moving all the time. Say what you're going to do and do it We're going to have nato troops in ukraine before this is said and done. I said this a year ago So blinken speaking at event on the sidelines of the nato summit washington said a robust package for ukraine Would be unveiled over the next couple of days that will build a clear and strong bridge for ukraine's nato membership How about we figure out like peace You you crane It's self Ukrainians Even though they've got tar on their heels and they're at home fighting Like you'd fight like a dog if you're fighting for your town your your your county They're not going to win against russia in the long term They're not Oh, well, well then we'll have to bring in some assistance to help them, right You'll see how this is happening. I sometimes I feel like i'm chicken little here Then this story I'd pull from from euro news dot com who doesn't love euro news I picture all the editors there having black turtlenecks on But at euro news dot com this headline poland and ukraine sign unprecedented military agreement Said heave has committed to exploring new ways of shooting down all russian missiles and drones and Ukrainian airspace That are headed in the direction that are headed in the direction of poland together with war saw Ukrainian president fall of america zilensky announced yesterday zilensky shared the news of the security agreement Saying the unprecedented document also includes forming and training new volunteer Ukrainian military unit the Ukrainian legion on polish territory Okay, so the rub here is The the poles are going to be using their material To shoot down if they can say the russian missile. This is this is this crap we're dealing with here If they could say that the angle of the dangle on that russian missile could possibly Because they don't have you know could possibly at that angle make it into poland then they're going to start shooting them down so so the poles are going to be running Same thing we did for israel right shooting down, you know iron dome and then using our Using the warships to shoot down iranian missiles incoming So then where how far is it from there to say hey, it'd be cheaper if we just use this to take out The point of operation sites that the russians are using the launch the missiles and then you have poland There as then you bring you bring nato into this I know that there's a lot more things that you know We back here stateside and we want to talk about these social issues, you know and the woke agenda and all these things are And I believe there are important things to talk about at the same time. There's a damn world war The cauldron the the metal top on the pot's going We're like yeah, maybe we ought to turn the fire up on that one I so If you're going to do it do it if not you're you're dragging this out And you're going to end up in a year's time or six months time the new idea will be like well We'll have the america, you know, we have We have contractors going in you crying They'll be like yeah, but we want to make sure the contractors are safe So we probably need to send some made of troops in and us troops in to defend the contractors that are assisting the Ukrainian troops See how this stuff goes But maybe i'm just one of those damn isolationists. They always talk about all right coming back arachatomas joins us This is mid-day mobile with shawn selvan on fm talk 1 0 6 5 like 12 35 fm talk 1 0 6 5 mid-day mobile on this wednesday by the heavy along the Yeah, I can tell you what i'm gonna Put these stories up. I just mentioned one from one from roiders about the f 16 jets From from the Danes from Denmark and the Netherlands being sent to Ukraine You say well, that's them doing it. Well first of all it's nato member, but You know how this works right that that they would send those f16s to Ukraine and then we'll backfill for the Danes i'm sure And then on the other side here to the from euro Where everybody's wearing black turtlenecks at euro news, but the story that Ukraine and polo made a deal and polo's like hey man They probably didn't say it like that, but i'm saying like hey man We'll shoot down russian missiles coming into Ukraine if we can have a Just some idea that they might come into Poland so we're doing it to defend ourselves And then if that if that's real successful, what are the What do the russians do? All right, let's bring it back to the very calm world here at home at the mobile city council Well, maybe not it's our friend eric autonomous from 1819 to talk more about that. Hey erica Hey, how's it going son? I could not hear you before you Yeah, me on this poll so I don't know what I was I was ranting I was ranting about nato and and Ukraine and Missiles and jets and all that kind of stuff. So uh, I don't know what happened there, but i'm glad to have you on Let's uh, let's let's do this yesterday's mobile city council meeting when I tuned in It was like I obviously didn't stick with it long enough because they're like I don't know handing out awards and talking about You know rezoning buildings and all that kind of stuff Obviously, I missed the meat of it until I saw your stories That it was a a heck of a mobile city council meeting when it came to The investigation into the prime firing and all and bring us up today. What all happened yesterday? Well, so it really wasn't the city council meeting it was more the the Meeting the work session that they have before the meeting and I tell people all the time that you can go to your city council meetings I'm so happy when people do because you know, you can't really complain about a lot if you're not if you're not being Active in your local politics and your local government what you can't complain. So I always say yeah, but here's the rub Okay, here's the rub, but it's on a Tuesday morning when everybody's working You know when they've done these a few times a year they'll do a thing where they go Hey, we're doing a special meeting and it's going to be Whatever it's going to be at five o'clock in the afternoon. They're like wow look at the crowd I said yeah because they're not at work. So most understandable, but also the city of mobile as far as Any ordinances or resolutions that they have they are very transparent about these things They are online days before the meeting So people can look to see, you know, if there's anything they want to ask about You don't have to be in a council meeting, but they also lost during all these meetings including the work session But yep, I'm a nerd that watches that that i'm like a mobile city council for shut-ins, right? That's Right. I watch it for fun sometimes But but the work session is where the meat of things happen. That's where the real discussions happen That's where you're going to get more detailed information about things then once you get to the council meetings All they're doing there is voting on what they've already talked about So sometimes we do see more Dialogue during the council meeting just because these council members want to inform the public about things that they may have talked about in the work session Um, where they have their work session is a smaller board room So there is room for the public, but it's not as much as where they have their actual meetings I really do wish they had their council meeting in the council chambers I mean their work session meeting in the council chambers because then more people could go to both Uh and people like me like I love it. So You know, it's like seeing live theater It is for sure. Well with that theater a couple things. First of all This headline attorney calls out possible retaliatory behavior by mobile officials compromise special council investigation All right, put that in Sullivan ease for me. You know, i'm slow. Tell me what happened Okay, so we all know about the special council investigation that really erodes from Allegations, I don't want to say allegations, but Claims that former police Steve paul pryne made before he was actually fired This was after he was put on administrative leave and of course everybody knows where he went to tell those details On Sullivan show he said then with you and he had all of these claims Of possible improprieties and he's been extremely careful through this entire process to say I'm not making allegations of criminal behavior. I'm just saying You know, there's possible improprieties here. The the visual isn't great And so these things had to do with the city administration some communication issues the golf case technology center Um, and so we get into Uh, I think it was february. Was it february when he was put on administrative leave? I think that's right. Yeah, I think that's right So so after that then he went on to even more, you know, news outlets Including 18 19 news and went into great detail about some more things. Well, so the special council investigation Wasn't they put it into place. They started that after pryne was fired Um, and they said well, we're gonna have our own council investigation just to look into all these claims that he's made in the media Um, and it was very it's a very narrow investigation It's a 45 day investigation. I don't think that giving it a time Like that is a very good idea. It should probably be you know, investigate until you get to the bottom of what happened not No, and I see both sides. I'm with you because you put a you put a timeline on it Then you may not get everything done, but then I guess they're worried about the pushback on You know, if you make it open ended, the thing goes on forever and the billing goes on forever, but go ahead. Sorry Well said that sits there almost up. I think they've got about 10 10 or more days Until that 45 days that they need these people to Come in for sworn testimony. They're asking for emails and materials that are related to these claims that pryne made If you don't remember the claims you can go on 19 19 and and check out the story. I put links to all that in there um but They are now saying the commander of the gulf coast technology center kevin levi He's already been interviewed for five hours under oath But now he refuses to do a supplemental interview And he is refusing to hand over documents that he was asked to hand over on july seconds He's just saying he's already he's already said his piece and doesn't have to answer again or I mean What's the yes? He is he is out Well, he has got to now because yesterday they and i had to be subpoena power So he doesn't have a choice now and his what he did was he stepped away from the apony that the city had chosen to Kind of represent and guide through these city officials For this investigation, he stepped away from him because he said, I don't think this this is a good look You know to have all of us being represented by the same person. I would rather have my own um My own attorney so he got his own attorney and that just happens to be also a judge judge Callahan Um, chris call him. Mm-hmm. So after they enacted these These subpoena powers yesterday His attorney said yes, we're going to hand over these documents, but I feel like, you know, there's This investigation has been compromised, which is also something that the prime has said he feels like You know people are talking to people under the table that shouldn't be talking to people and that sort of thing possibly um, and so Just once again this investigation comes into question But on top of that chris callahan says that that kevin levi was also Uh, he had put in a notice of a claim so a complaint basically About something to do with all of this which he didn't go into detail about that, but he said Because he's complaining which if you'll remember back in november beef prime Put in a complaint or grievance. That's right And that kind of started the ball on all this. Um, really I mean, that's that was my question. I'm quite Well, okay and and with the subpoena power with this handover You know, this is something that uh, the city council can Do they give it entirely to orennis and the affirm or is it like ask us For subpoena for this person that person you know i'm saying is it by person or is it overall now here? You had the power to subpoena anyone This is by person. Okay, it's calm that you have to come to the council and say hey We want to subpoena so-and-so and they make a decision That's correct because before they were going to Kind of do that blanket thing for all city officials Uh, but they decided not to do that just a couple weeks ago And then now here we are we need one because they said at first, you know All these city officials all these officials involved in this investigation have already agreed And like I said, he did agree. He did under us do a five hour interview uh with the special council, but Since then some other things have come up And this the special council says oh, we need a little bit more information from you and he's like well, no i'm done Yeah, because i would imagine i mean i don't know specifically this case, but let's say you're questioning people and i've you know Question this person and i feel like it's the entirety but i go to the next person And in their testimony to me they bring something up about the person i'd already Interviewed that i got to go back and ask them right i mean that You know, i just think that there's something a lot bigger here going on behind the things that we don't know about Obviously i'm trying to figure out what that is exactly. I just don't think this This real house lives a mobile situation would be coming up in a council meeting with all the drama for no reason You know, you're not if you don't have anything to hide and i'm not saying he has anything to hide but i'm saying there's something else to this You would just hand over your emails hand over your documents, you know You're dating somebody and they say can i see your phone you say no because you don't want them to see what's in there You know, but but if you there's nothing in your phone for you to worry about you just hand it over so So you think they're hiding something they got said they got tech they got text from some other girl on there Is what you're thinking i don't i don't know if kevin lee v i'm not saying that i'm saying this There's something else in this investigation that we did we are not aware of there's something Going on i don't think that lee v has As far as his attorney is concerned he said, you know That they don't have anything to hide And that's not the reason why they didn't want to hand over these documents. They feel like being even asked for Information after they already did a five-hour interview is showing something else is up. Like why do you have to Why do you have to come in and ask for more stuff after five hours? Did you not? Did you not? Well, yeah, they're saying like kind of like i'm putting words in people's mouth just trying to say like you're picking on me Right. Yeah, yeah, but the same time. I don't know what happens just like you i'm because I don't know parts of this But it seems like if i'm interviewing another person after i've interviewed you and they bring you up in that interview and say something That you did this or that or the other than i need to come back and ask you if you did Right I don't know that's what happened. We don't know going on here. That's it. We don't know yet and that's why I really think we have to ask the hard questions here What is it that happened from the time he interviewed until you know the time You asked on july 2nd for more interview What happened with kevin levi in the city during that time? What did anything happen? What happened between the special counsel and the attorneys because these attorneys that are representing the attorney that's representing And levi is is not happy right now with how The investigation is going he was notified by another attorney for another client That his client would go in to be asked for another interview And so that's it's pretty right there that there's some type of conversation going on between the attorney for the city of fizzles and the special investigators and so And they're talking about his client Why would they why would it? Why would the investigators need to inform another attorney for another client about his client You know part in the investigation. There's just no need for that Right and there'll be of course more to come people want to get more of these stories and more where do they find you? You can go to 18 19 Uh, you can find all of our stories there. You can also email me. I'm sure what all I said is very confusing. It's a lot It's very It's very it's a lot of stuff. So uh, you can always email news at 18 19 And I will get that And I appreciate anybody's input Good stuff. Uh, we appreciate you Erica. We'll talk again next week Thank you. God bless. There she goes. Erica Thomas and we're coming right back This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk one oh six five quite a 1253 fm talk one oh six five midday mobile going to have you along on this wednesday Sigma the show brought to you by my friend my buddy trebet. So train up and known each other long time and he has 1-800 god junk in existence. I guess they were doing it a year or two before fm talk one of six five started uh betray homeboy local guy and local crews working here with 1-800 god junk at your homes your businesses your storage units wherever you got junk and mobile involved in county you need to get rid of it Use my friend tre with 1-800 god junk now, of course being my buddy I've done it personally and done up with this radio station several people here have as well But you can go beyond that. Uh, I go look at the google reviews the hundreds of google reviews from folks that You've said this before for somebody to stop what they're doing and go online to say something positive Is a big deal. I mean people are real Real easily will go to web and go my uh, my uh iced tea had uh, not enough sugar in it or whatever right? They'll go complain online about anything but to get somebody to go online and say man that was really a good surface Says a lot and there are hundreds of those reviews out there about my friend tre and his company 1-800 god chunk Big stuff too. They get rid of big stuff like not just you think boxes and things inside houses and couches and they got that but above ground pools trampoline storage buildings that kind of stuff they can get rid of as well So you got that kind of project something in your way junk you need to get rid of use my friend tre with 1-800 god chunk It's easy pick up the phone. The name is the number. Give him a call at 1-800 god chunk or go online to 1-800 god Get that appointment set and see what i've been talking about. All right, uh, the story you heard it, uh, updated their wk or g news this from uh cbs 42 same same much news here though said a A company is installed computerized vending machines to sell ammunition and grocery stores in Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas allowing patrons to pick up bullets along with a gallon of milk I don't know if they were just being they use bullets throughout this story And maybe they're just trying to do it because you try to use a different word, but that isn't accurate They're picking up ammunition bullets the thing that comes out the end of the cartridge you got the brass you got the powder got the bullet but Nobody cares about that except for a few of us nerds said american rounds That's the company american rounds said their machines use an identification scanner and facial recognition software to verify a purchaser's age And are as quick and easy to use as a computer tablet Depends on what you're trying to run on there, but advocates worry that selling bullets There we go bullets again out of vending machines will lead to more shootings in the us where gun violence killed at least 33 people on the independence day alone so that's the rank of so that will will Accessing vending machine ammo Will that lead to more gun violence? We do a critical thinking on that here's what I think will happen though If i'm writing a screenplay what you know hollywood that wants to take away your second amendment rights their movies are like non-stop violence Not all of them There's chick flakes, but other than that right there shoot them out How about some one of those movies where like the the the hero has to go like uh into a grocery store and Swipe his car to get more ammo to keep shooting it out with the bad guys That'd be interesting to place like you know you do product placement where like hey I'll take a sip of coca-cola and they could place those in a movie action movie Says the company maintains age verification technology means that the transactions are secure or more secure than online sales Which may not require purchaser to submit proof of age at retail stores where there's a risk of shoplifting There isn't a risk of well. There's a risk of shoplifting, but i'll tell you this Not that I know because I Might not even have a firearm. I have somewhere between zero and 500 firearms Somewhere between probably zero and but when I go by ammunition for those non-existent firearms. It's like they're carrying some uh What was the old thing that was always going to explode the night? Okay, the heart stuff, but you know The nitro stuff it's like they're carrying nitro Up to the front of the store like i'm like, okay. I need to uh box of this box that Uh, well, we'll walk that up here. Oh, okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm of age. Look, I'm old Uh, but yeah, so now they're uh, so the whole story is it's they've they've they've got this vending machine in these stores. I think the closest one to us is in tuscaloosa, I think You go look at our facebook page. We and it has a story and some input on that on facebook page, but You read the story. It's like this thing's going on And then there's like five paragraphs here about all these groups are saying that this is going to lead to more gun violence I don't know. What do you think hit me up on the text line three four three zero one zero six Cameron smith al dot com tripping foundation joins us shortly [MUSIC PLAYING]