FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Cartoon Character would be best President - Non alchol beer - Jeff Poor Public assistance - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 7-10-24

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10 Jul 2024
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News. Sports. Weather from Dr. Bill Williams. Traffic info from Kane. And one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. Good morning with Dan and Dalton at them talk 106-5. Nearly 7 minutes after 8 o'clock now on mobile mornings. Good to have you along in the 8 o'clock hour will return up your voice 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. That's also the text line. And we'll go over some of those texts as we roll through the hour including what cartoon character you think would be a great idea for President of the United States. Yeah. So amongst, well, in our talks about, you know, the NATO summit, everything that's happening here in the city at the City Council meeting yesterday, the two big talkers this morning. What cartoon character do you want to see as President? And also, what's the deal with this non-alcoholic beer becoming so popular? Athletic brewing which had $90 million in sales last year. They've valued that company at $800 million. And I've seen more and more people with these non-alcoholic beverages out and about. It's not really been something I've ever even tried. I just want to know how many of you out there do drink the athletic brewing or other non-alcoholic beers? Why? On the text line, they're kind of telling us it's changed that these, they're brewed to taste like the Grant Brew. Right. I guess the, so people like the taste of certain beers. The non-alcoholic technology has gotten really good, I guess. I guess. The ability to brew it up. Used to be odeules. Also, we had someone on the text line who said he got pulled over by marine police and he was trying to explain, it was a course non-alcoholic, which I don't remember that one. All of the different companies, which I think they're all basically under one or two major umbrellas when it comes down to it, but you had like, you know, Heineken 0.0 or something like that. Yeah, I guess, yeah. But has their own zero alcohol version. I don't see them out. I don't see them very often. There's a store I got to see. You know, you've got the beer coolers now where you walk in, kind of be a cool. But to have $90 million in sales last year, I mean, they've got to be somewhere. It's top 20 now among breweries and they don't make alcoholic beer. So I would love to hear from you. I know some of you out there like these things. And I've never tried it. Just tell me more about it. Why you drink it and how it tastes. We'd love to keep that conversation going throughout this hour. All right. So the NATO summit, it's going to be over before we're done. It's like it's a three day summit. Mm hmm. It started yesterday, days, day two, so done by tomorrow evening. If they're going to get things done here and there's a lot on the table, it seems like there's a lot that they would want to address and or get done in only three days. So Zelensky arrived in Washington on Monday night. The summit kicked off yesterday. We really don't have a whole lot of news from the summit. I guess something did happen last night where they got together. Well, Tuesday, even US and some of the NATO allies announced they're going to give Ukraine more patriot batteries and additional systems to strengthen Kyiv's air defense against ongoing Russian aerial barrages. And Ukraine is also saying, please don't. We don't want any restrictions on where in Russia we can we can assault with your weapons. Right. They want more weaponry, of course. They want leeway. They want F-16 jets too. And yeah, the big ask is, Hey, let us let us attack as deep within Russia as we want to. Yeah. And also, of course, the other big ask is they want to be in NATO. And it seems that it's been trending that way for some time. I guess in their communique, they're whatever the kind of, I guess, platform they're establishing here this year, they described Ukraine's path toward NATO as irreversible. But there's also, of course, you had the report last week, I think where they said, I think it was Biden who came out and said, no, Ukraine is too corrupt to be in NATO. Who knows more about the corruption in Ukraine than Biden? Well, Victoria new one might, I'll get to her here in a little bit in what she's had to say about this. But yeah, it's clear what Zelensky's aims are coming over here. And last year at the NATO summit, there was a bit more controversy because the communication, I guess, at that time between NATO and Zelensky was worse than it is now. And Ukraine felt a little burnt last year by the discussions at the NATO summit. This year, they've said they've tried to keep the lines of communication open a little bit more. It's the summit here last year? No, it was in, it was overseas. I can't remember exactly where it was. Here's my question for you. Here's the, I don't know, it was the $6 million question for what, but anyway, maybe $60 billion question. Well, you know, well, you know, when you when you have this autocrat like Victor Orbin, there's no telling how much money he's got in his account right now. So he's the guy from Hungary. And he's been to Russia. He's been to, he's talked to Zelensky and in Kyiv. And then you were doing that story yesterday. And at that moment, he was touching down in China. So it's like, wow. And of course, NATO and the European Union, not happy with all of these independent moves by him. He's now the. So Hungary took over as the EU president. They do a rotating presidency for six months. Hungary's turn now. And Orbin, of course, is the prime minister of Hungary. So he took it upon himself to, you know, try to work out at least a little bit further along the road of peace. And then the US came out and said, when you're, well, not just the US, but I heard a quote from somebody like, no, when you're talking with Putin, that's kind of a disingenuous thing, because he's in no way going. You're not going to get closer to peace. That's the stance of any US and the, and the union. Anyone who tries to have a discussion with Putin, you're immediately labeled a Russian sympathizer and that you're trying to appease Putin, whether it's Tucker Carlson and in the interview he put out there, which was not edited, you know, full hour and a half, maybe maybe two hours of that interview. Putin lesson on Russian history. It was. Yes. And then Orbin, who is the EU acting president, they get mad at him for even talking with Putin. They said he was trying to appease him and appeasing him doesn't work. And then watch it to seeing that photograph of him and G in China was like, man, guy kind of gets around, unscheduled and unannounced until it actually happened. Yeah. And then at the opposite end of, you know, this NATO summit, you had the Indian president, I think, Modi, Moda, and he was meeting with Putin yesterday, gave him a big old hug. And so Putin's kind of showing off his connections that he has in the rest of the world as this NATO summit goes down. And you were saying, and I think you're right on with this, that none of this is by accident, right? That the NATO summit was on its way now, it's here. And all these actions are being now viewed by the world. Yeah, there's a lot of gamesmanship going on, of course. And you can see it in the news this week as well. And whether it's the New York Times, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox News, they all get hit with these leaks and sources that just kind of happened to come out the week of the NATO summit, where NATO will be encouraging, well, themselves, and of course, the taxpayers of their countries, that we need to go all in even further in on money for Ukraine and providing them with more weaponry and keeping this war going. I just saw a New York Times article yesterday headline, US officials say Russia is unlikely to take much more Ukrainian territory. And they describe in all of this how the spring and early summer offensive from Russia, they've taken some ground in eastern Ukraine and they've gotten closer and closer to Kharkiv, which I think is the second largest city in the country. But New York Times from some of their military sources who mostly remain anonymous say, actually, we don't think they're going to take much more ground. You also have a Wall Street Journal article that came out yesterday headline, Russia seeks to boost Trump in 2024 election, according to US intelligence officials. So if you've been in this game long enough, which at this point, you know, if you've just been paying attention the last six, eight years, it's no coincidence that these stories are coming out this week. It's just, and maybe they're accurate. Maybe, you know, according to the New York Times, maybe Russia won't take much more Ukrainian territory. Maybe they are moving heaven and earth in order to help Trump win the presidency online. But I don't think it's a coincidence that they're putting these stories out this week. They're doing as much as they can. And I don't think Russia and I don't think Putin or some savior. I think he's a really bad guy. But they're doing what they can to put him in the Trump most, well, the worst light possible for this week. And also say, hey, this isn't over. Ukraine can actually win this when everything I've read. And it's so hard to tell exactly what's going on over there. We do know there's been a ton of bloodshed on both sides and that Ukraine is being pounded their entire infrastructure being pounded day and night. You had the children's hospital that was bombed last week, then it resulted in, well, bombing on other cities as well. I think over 44 dead from all of that. They said that wasn't a coincidental timing on that either for Putin. But everything I've read has this at best for Ukraine at this point, a stalemate on the current lines. And Ukraine doesn't seem to be taking back much territory. They're losing more and more men as this goes along. They're not losing as many men, apparently, as Russia is. But Russia has a lot more men to give to the war effort. Yes. But in spirit, I'm sure that they're probably releasing prisoners and stuff like that. That's pretty much sounds like they're just taking people out of prisons, putting them on the front lines on train. These are not the most motivated soldiers, for sure. That may be affecting it. And also, again, remember what I've read that event, but the article, you know, and gosh, I forget where I read it, but in any event, the writer who's very, you know, submerged in that event over there, that's like her beat, is that that war. She simply said that the war ends when Russia leaves, that the Ukrainian people are fighting their fight. They'll fight and they will continue to fight because they are motivated and it is their land and it's their country. And they're going to keep the fight up. It's the motivation of Russia, you know, Putin, how long does he, at what point does he say, you know, I think we had, we got enough here. We're good to go and do they keep the land and all of that stuff. And also, I just read that Orban, I didn't realize this, but he's kind of breaking rank a little bit by what a European leader would normally do. And he's backing Trump in the election. Yeah, he's actually saying it out loud, where that's kind of not cool to not back the current US president in a race like that. I think just keep your nose out of it is generally what's done. All of these NATO leaders and allies of the United States, they don't want to upset either side, right, depending on who gets in office. So yeah, that is kind of a breaking of protocol for him to do that. But it's also what people expected. They have in some ways similar politics. Sure. But it's, I don't, it seems like the end game for NATO, which is really the end game for the US. And they haven't put a whole lot out there. We know they're not really trying to talk with Putin about how to end the war. They just say over and over again until Russia completely leaves Ukraine. Yeah, even the annex territories that this war won't end. So that leaves you with two end games, either Ukraine loses, finally loses all their people and we say, well, that's that. We did what we could. Or this eventually evolves into NATO troops, you know, going into Ukraine and helping to fight against Putin. That's the only two ways this appears at a land as long as Biden is in office and the NATO leaders continue on this path. And when you say the two options, it's trending that way. It's trending toward NATO involving itself in that way. Yeah. I mean, just in the last few weeks, you've had Biden say that they can have limited airstrikes into Russia, which was a moving of that red line. And of course, Zelensky and Ukraine went even further strikes into Russia. But you also had over the last week, in addition to the airstrikes, you had Biden say basically in this story wasn't massive, but that contractors, even American contractors, that they will soon, if not already, allow them into Ukraine to help out even more. And how far they help out does that mean they'll have, you know, their rifles in hand shooting across at the Russian front lines or what exactly that role will be. But yeah, it's escalating a little bit of the time towards that being the case. Yeah, it is. And it's just very interesting, this NATO thing in the European Union as well. How much sway they I mean, it's the fights in their backyard, right? It's, it's Europe's fight right now. So we shall see which sort of troops end up on the ground and the independence, like you said, as well, many of them from America. 820 Dan and Dalton FM talk 10065 and mobile mornings. Morning from Dan and Dalton FM talk 10065. Well, we've seen certain talk show hosts their opinions begin to change as events around Bill Marge, a good example of that, always very, very left, right? But that's what we always knew him to be. And you can see him not pleased with a lot of things going on in the left that he's outspoken about it, right? And you've others that are on there like John Stewart that you don't really see, I don't know, I don't, I haven't seen him. I don't watch the show where I don't even know where you can find him. Apple TV. Yeah, I think he's on Apple now. So, but since the, since the debate, it looks like Biden is now, he's fair game. This is Stewart on his show. He'd been home for almost two weeks. He was jet lagged. How big is that fucking jet? That's the kind of laughter. Normally you would, that audience would reserve that for a Trump joke or a joke joke about a conservative. Yeah. And he also played a, played a clip of Biden from calling in the, it was, it was, remember he had two radio station interviews that one day. One was in Philadelphia where they gave the questions to the host, she ended up leaving the company because of that. The other I think was a radio interview, it was like in New Hampshire or something like that. And I think that's where this cut came from. Okay, so this is, and this is Joe Biden speaking. And he's just kind of trying to make his point about how he's the first to do this, first to do that. But it comes out sounding like he's a black woman or something. Here it is. I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, the first black woman, served with black president. I mean, it's not going well when those clips are played. And you can hear the audience reacting to it. So it's just interesting that that's going on right now. Right. Yeah. And I think Stewart has been one of these who has been less afraid to go in on Biden over the last few years, but still, you know, where his bread is butter. Sure. I mean, even in the clip that I saw, you know, what they, many on the left are really playing it up. And I guess they believe it. I don't know sure. They'll play those clips and laugh at Biden and everything, and they'll say, but he's still a better choice than or, but keep in mind what's looming. I think it's at the end of this, what he was saying was, look at the choices we have. We have that guy who's not fit for a, a bake sale. And you have Trump, who of course is painted in the worst possible picture, maybe some of the actions end of democracy or January 6th. It's going to forever paint Trump a certain way by certain citizens. That's the way it is. It is. Yesterday, Peter Deucey with Fox News was asking Corinne John Pierre, the press secretary questions, just like so many others in the press. And he went back to that story that came out that Biden is only good for a certain part of the day. I think the first report, they said, what 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. He asked, what happens if there's a major international event outside of the time that Biden is with it? Say that the Pentagon at some point picks up an incoming new. It's 11 p.m. Who do you call the first lady? He has a team that lets him know of any of any news that is pertinent and important to the American people. So he has the team. And we all know that that Biden isn't necessarily making all of the decisions all the time. Yesterday was supposed to be a big day on the future of Biden as the Democrat nominee. And it looks like even though they kind of aired out without Biden in the room, their grievances, Democrats are just going to, at this point, go along with the whole thing just kind of fizzled out, right? Yeah. And you had, well, now seven House Democrats who have publicly, even after yesterday, called for Biden to renounce his bid. How many have gone back? Well, the five House committee leaders who privately over the weekend said that Biden needs to rethink running for a second term. At least one of them has now flip flopped. That would be Jerry Nadler, the House Judiciary Committee ranking member. And remember on Sunday in a call with lawmakers, he said Biden should withdraw. Well, after the meeting yesterday, he said at this point, he's the best candidate. He's the only candidate. Remember, only he can withdraw. He's been very clear that he won't. And that's the end of the story. He said during the meeting, more than two dozen members spoke up and aired their opinions. Some said they were still on Biden's side through thick and thin. He had some flip floppers and then still several. We think the best move would be to drop out. But as of right now, it looks like Biden is the in state of course, raising stuff, eight 30, Dan and Dalton, mobile mornings. A 35 FM talk, one of six five mobile mornings. It's a Wednesday. Right now we head over to McConnell automotive and talk with Louie Arrata. Hey, Louie. Hey, good morning, guys. How are you? We are doing great. A other day of wet roads. It looks like coming for a lot of us today after we've seen several like that previously. And you know what that means, Louie? That means car accidents, dings and dents. And at McConnell automotive, you have just the right people to fix those dings and dents. Actually, welcome back to the body shop as we speak looking at the new thing they're doing back there. And that's right. We looks like everybody's got a little rain going on having those unfortunate accidents. Don't forget four seven six forty one forty one. But take care of all your insurance needs. Try to set you up with a rental car and get anything, you know, happen with your car and come see us if you want to buy something. You can check us out. We've got plenty of a lot of beautiful looking trucks, half ton, three quarter ton. I know the rodeo is coming up. You need a truck to pull the boat. We've got pre-owned and we got them to three quarter ton, half ton, one ton, just whatever you want. So just give us a call two five one four seven six forty one forty one. Come back. Come on. See you. Say hi. Yeah. And of course you have a lot of slick rides out there. Some good looking ones and but you also have work trucks available too. That's right. We got plenty of work trucks. We got a couple of, actually got three, half ton, regular cab, long wheelbase, V8s with the towing package, a lot of construction people like those trucks. And we got three of them sitting here. So come on by and see us. All right. Thank you, Louis. Thank you. That's Louis Radak. Go see him at McConnellautomotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65 and the website So there's a lot of you have been responding on the, on the, on the text line this morning after we talked to, I guess it was for seven o'clock, talking about They've got a poll going. So these are, these are the American citizens all around you have voted for the cartoon character. They were, if a cartoon character was going to be president, I guess it's got to do with the situation we win right now with Biden and on some level, I guess the choice being Biden and Trump. So why not a cartoon character? Batman, who I don't really think of as a cartoon character necessarily, but I guess he started out in the comics. Well, and you know, Batman, he's like the most revenge minded superhero of any of them, right? I mean, the other than the villains, the left would destroy Batman for his vengeful behavior in office. Yeah, and he's rich, you know, he's loaded. They won't like that. He can't be bought and he's revenge minded. So it seems like they'd look at him as a worse version, like a meaner version of Trump. That's what I would think. So just, just, just trying to look at some of these. And then you think, you know, I mean, you can't get much more virtuous than Superman. I guess he's got his, I guess he's got some character flaws. I'm not sure. Yeah, but he was not born in the United States. So I don't know if he's even eligible. You can't. Okay, there you go. On another planet. Superman came in at number three, Lisa Simpson is number two, by the way, would not be good. President Spider-Man, does that sound like a good idea? Wouldn't Lisa Simpson be the second best saxophone playing president? She would. She would. She would be number one. Ranker would put her behind Clinton. That's right. So we pop a smurf. You know, I think Supreme Court for Papa Smurf. I don't know if he needs to be president. Bugs Bunny, that one, I don't, you know, come on, Bugs Bunny. Well, you know, Biden's in the bunker and he's in the hole. So you've got that. Would there be a more incompetent president than number 14 coming in at number 14, Charlie Brown. He's incompetent at everything. Yeah. And yet some of you want him to be president of the United States. Yeah, Linus might be a better president than Charlie Brown. Linus is thoughtful. Charlie Brown's a dodo. Yeah. Handkill from King of the Hill is in the top. Oh, okay. He's, yeah, he's my number one, then he's my number one candidate out of all these cartoon characters. What are they saying on the text line? Well, you had Jason who said American dad. Did you ever see American dad? Pretty funny, sitcom. I think that was a Seth MacFarlane one as well. He's like a CIA dad. He'd be, I guess he'd be our, he's really, he really has some dumb moments. What cartoon character doesn't, right? I like Archer, by the way. You ever seen Archer? I love Archer. Yeah, Archer's fun. That is a great show. Chris in Orange Beach said cartoon character for president. How about Richie Rich? Wait a minute. We already have him. That's Trump. That's what Chris had to say. And then he says Joe Biden is Elmer Fudd. And Fudd did not make the list for record. He's not on the list. He's not on the top 20. Jimmy Beimannett says Elmer Fudd. Yosemite Sam. Okay. Yosemite Sam would be a great president. Yeah. Joel is pretty quick trigger. He does. Yeah, we might need to keep the nuclear briefcase away from Yosemite Sam. Joel says Bozo the clown. Textured here says Yogi Bear. All right. But, you know, our enemies, all they got to do is put out the picnic basket, right? Yeah, I've got him right where he wanted. He's, he falls, he falls for that trade. He does. Chris and Daphne says Jeff Dunham's old man puppet. Yeah, I think I guess that's what we have right now, right? Is the old man puppet Don says, I think roadrunner should be our new president with the coyote as the vice president. And I think someone else said roadrunner too, because you've had, you know, you've had the coyote trying to catch it forever and they just never catches up. Well, you know what I think that's got to do with two? It's got to do with the energy vacuum that we're watching and with Joe Biden, he's got to go to speak, gets up at 11 and then watches the prices, right? And he's kind of ready for a meeting and then he's napping at four. Yeah. So the roadrunner brings what America needs. The energy. Yes. He can work all day, all night. Just keep it rolling. He's good. Yeah. Textured here. Hank Hill for president. Yeah. This is you, Hallman. Hank Hill for president, proponent for propane powered everything loves football and loves America. That's right. That's exactly why I think that would be the best president here. Another one here by Biden is Elmer Fudd, potlicker Robs is Trump should be deputy dog. And yeah, others saying Biden is already a cartoon character. Okay. Jaybird with a picture of the old man from family guy. Herbert, I think was his name Herbert the pervert. Anyway, the old guy there. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. So keep them coming to five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Also this is what we've talked about. By the way, not taking, not making the top 20 was Popeye. Popeye who I say, just Secretary of the Navy. Yeah, he should be the naval commander. And he's, you know, but he's a rank and file guy though. He's not, he's not, he's not ROTC or he didn't. There's no, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of officer in Popeye's. He's just a guy that's swabbing the deck and all that. So maybe that's a little over his head. Well, maybe, but you also know you won't be getting the woke DEI stuff. No, no, sir. No, sir. Yeah, he's going to keep it straight. Yes. Some other texts we've got in this morning, rock and roll doctor. Yeah, commenting on this city council story. It's interesting. You know, the city council said that they didn't really need to subpoena anybody after the mayor and others from the city said, Hey, everyone's going to go along with these interviews. You don't need to subpoena them. We might run into an issue with the Zogby Act if you try to force anyone who works for the city to interview before the city council's special council. Yeah. Well, yesterday they did vote and it was unanimous vote to give the special council the power to subpoena Kevin Levy, commander of the Gulf Coast Technology Center. Now, Levy and his attorney, Chris Callahan, said he's already sat voluntarily for hours of interviews, five hours at the council. They said, yeah, but the special council saying they're not turning over certain documents and things that we want to see. Yeah, that's right. And so we need to subpoena him. Remember Chris Callahan from the election season, of course. Yeah. And I think we're talking about the same Chris Callahan. I would think so. So yeah, him getting involved, that's interesting as well. We talked about the popularity now of non-alcoholic beer. And this all from a story about athletic brewing, which I think strictly makes the zero percent alcohol beer and how they had 90 million in sales last year. They're now a top 20 beer company. And I've seen more and more people out there with them. A camera guy says people drinking that are smoking weed. This Texas says Walker Hayes promotes one. Yeah, I heard his interview with fine bomb. I guess Walker Hayes had a pretty, pretty big fight with alcoholism and still does, of course, if he's an alcoholic. And that was one of the things he did was come out with a non-alcoholic beer and makes them available at his concerts. I didn't know that. And Walker, a good guy, mobile guy, St. Paul's, and he was up in Nashville for years. And finally, he's carved out a decent little career here with some hits here more recently. Well, you had the Applebee song that put him on the map. And it's so funny. I guess as a dad, I can relate to that now. He doesn't party anymore. Well, who says he doesn't? And he wrote that song after going out to eat with his family. They wanted to go somewhere fancy. Yeah, like Applebee's, which I was able to relate to, coming from Groville, anything that we sit down to eat. Yeah, like, wow, this is a nice, you know, outback. Heck yeah. Yeah, Applebee's. So just being a family man, he went out to Applebee's, he wrote that song, which became massive seven or eight kids. So he is a family man, for sure. Yeah, that's a lot of kids. He's a family man as it gets. Jason says, how do police officers deal with a stop involving non-alcoholic beer? You know, they could smell it. And why just smell drunk? That's a good question. I mean, can you, if you have a non-alcoholic beer, are you legal to drive with one of those in your hands? I know. I know it'd be confusing. It would be confusing. And also you have all this CBD, which is quote, unquote legal. Yeah. How do officers know that it's not weed? Like I said, other than testing it, people who take so many different narcotics. Now, I mean, there's a lot of people probably shouldn't be behind the wheel and aren't drunk at all. They're just on their stuff, whatever that legally integrated. Yeah. Let's see here. Mike says, athletics IPA and their ale is awesome and tastes like beer. I love the IPA. I asked Mike, does it taste like a real IPA that has alcohol? He said, yes, sir. So a lot of texts on this, this morning, let me see if I can get to a few more. And I know we have somebody on the phone lines right now as well. A couple more texts, just a second. Oh, we talked about Mike Gundy. Speaking of alcohol, kind of wall-papering over the arrest of his star running back, Heisman candidate Ollie Gordon, who had a DUI and Mike Gundy came out and said, Hey, if DUI is 0.08 and you look at the charts, that'd be about three or four beers for someone my size. It's what Gundy said. He said, I've probably done that a thousand times. You didn't have to say that, Mike. Maybe unintentionally putting the spotlight back on him. He does that for about every five years. It doesn't have medicine. Mike Gundy is Clover Valley Lane Kiffin. And Heywood said, Mike Gundy in trouble. Same Mike Gundy that let the world know he was a man a few years ago. That was a long time. That was like 2009. Was a long time ago. Let's see. We'll go to the phone lines here and Joel in summer day. I want to talk some about Will Ainsworth, the Louisiana governor. Is that right, Joel? Yes, sir. He kind of rubbed me wrong with that interview, making a comment that like highway 45, that I call it death 45 because as many people have been killed on a two-lane highway, that the infrastructure for roads is kind of not important as the road infrastructure for North Alabama. It kind of rubbed me real wrong on that subject right there. I thought the same thing when I first heard, and he was talking about highway 43. So he's talking about the widening of the West Alabama corridor on 43. He wasn't talking about 45 there. But when I heard him say, why are we putting this money into Southwest Alabama when it could be used up here? I took offense to that too. But then he said, his main issue is that John Cooper, an adult in the state, aren't doing everything they can to get matching money from the feds. That's right. There's a better way to spend this money and get more money from the federal government at the same time. I got you. You know, South Alabama, it seems like we're the red-headed step child of Alabama because the Bay Bridge is 20 years behind even highway 43. Look how long they've been trying to come up with something with highway 43 from. I mean, look how far 43 runs before it turns into a towards Wayne's, bro, a four lane. I mean, it's just really dangerous, and I don't know. I just took it the wrong way. Maybe I need to replay it a little bit better. But it just seems like, you know, even the BP oil spill, North Alabama got BP oil spill money, and it's like, why? Because of that money to the state down here on the coast. Yeah. And I think because of that, thanks, buddy. Thanks, Joel. I think because of the BP oil spill and then everything regarding this bridge, that's why I and so many of you are extra sensitive to that. When you hear other people from other parts of the state, especially someone who might be the governor soon saying, why are they spending that money in Southwest Alabama and needs to be spent up here? I'm extra sensitive to that. But once I looked into it a little further, I think you're saying it's just being misspent. Yeah. And also the fact that that was one of those interviews in Sand Hill in North Alabama, he was in North Alabama at the time of the interview. He might have felt more, you know, more less aware of the fact that the interview, in fact, was going to play in South Alabama. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Maybe he was, you know, playing his cards a certain way. He didn't have his guard up. But what we can talk to Jeff about that? Yeah. And Jeff will join us here in the next few minutes as we get ready for the Jeff Poor Show at nine. Also real quick, your chance to win a pair of tickets to see the tribute to Jimmy Buffett. Keep the party going featuring the Coral Reefer Band, this show at the Wharf on Thursday, August 1st. Tickets on sale now at for as low as $33.50 and right now, call in number five at 251-3430-106. Call in number five, a pair of tickets to keep the party going, a tribute to Jimmy Buffett. It supports Buffett's nonprofit charity singing for change. Call in number five, you'll win a pair. It's 55 on mobile mornings and we have got ourselves a winner. We sure do. Congratulations, Joseph, picking up a pair of tickets to see keep the party going, a tribute to Jimmy Buffett featuring the Coral Reefer Band and featuring a lot more names that you probably know including Will Kember right here in Mobile and support. Jimmy's charity singing for change, tickets as low as $33.50 and that's at That's show Thursday, August 1st at the Wharf. We'll give away a couple more pairs of tickets as we wrap this week up these next couple days. 855, Jeff Poor with the Jeff Poor Show joins us now from the Fair Hope, you're a good morning, Jeff. Good morning, dad. How are you? Doing great. Jeff, of course, a lot going on nationally and in our state. You got the NATO Summit, you have the questions about Biden's presidency and then you had some really great interviews and you've been playing some of them this week. One of those was with Wes Allen, the Secretary of State and he's kind of been on the national news scene after, well, I think 18-19 may have been the first to report it last week or two weeks ago about the voter registration cards that are going out and sometimes to illegal immigrants and now Republicans kind of taking that and saying, "See, it's happening." Right, so they're sending it out along with whatever the title and benefits of social safety and that stuff, voter registration cards and some people legitimately are eligible to receive these benefits but not everybody and there's no filter there and that's what Wes Allen's getting at and I mean, it's just a, I mean, do we think, and then the other thing about this, guys, do we think people that are receiving any kind of government assistance, I mean, where do you think they're going to vote? There's a lot of questions here about that and Wes Allen's bringing them up. Right, and the argument I've seen is that, well, even if these illegals aren't going out and voting in states that still allow the ballot drop boxes or for people to kind of gather up all these votes and take them in, that Democrat operatives are just taking these ballots and filling them out and taking them in for them and not every state has a check on the federal elections and that proper identification is being used. Yeah, I think that's a fair criticism. Especially blue states, I don't know, there's sort of this notion that more people, more people to vote the better but there's no, they don't really take it to account eligibility. I don't know, it's always been a Democrat hobby horse. You know, but it's funny, you're guessing the nine o'clock hour, John Merrill, when he was the secretary of state, he was all about getting as many people to vote as he could, remember? Yeah, he would tell every appearance how many registered voters the state had and how much that had increased. I'm not saying it necessarily a bad thing, but I think it does seem rather targeted. It's not like you're going to the John Birch Society meeting with a bunch of ballots to fill out or applications to fill out. Don't miss it, guys, John Birch members. Don't forget about Tuesday. So you have Joey Clark, hour number two, and then former state Senator Dick Brubaker and hour number three, that'll be an interesting conversation as his former opponent continues to campaign. And the next segment, guys, listen, I'll explain Merrill, I mean, not Merrill, but Ainsworth's comments about 4th Alabama. Okay, okay, they'll give you some clarity on that. Yeah, we do have a call to ask about that. Thanks a bunch, Jeff, your show's on the way, have a good one. Thanks. All right, that does it. Jeff Porsche on the way, and then Midday Mobile. Mobile mornings will be back tomorrow morning at 6 right here on FM Talk 1065.