FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Beyond the Blockchain 7-9-24 the panel people and guest Peter Toler, talk of crypto Q protocol

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

welcome to beyond the blockchain with Scott Tindall a discussion of blockchain technology cryptocurrency and why it matters to you hey folks welcome into the show here on Tuesday night Tuesday Tuesday and we're gonna have a good show tonight I think I'm pretty excited we are we're gonna talk about some news in the beginning Sierra Catalina I was always gonna join us from our New York I mean our New Jersey studio sorry and then Johnny Glen JG he's uh he's on the mend today he's out today but we have a special guest in studio Peter Tobler Peter Tobler sorry the the PT Arbarist himself is going to talk to us he's gonna tell us how tree rings are now changing the way I a high of artists that may or not be true partially yeah but Peter is gonna tell us about this cool project that he's part of called Q protocol which is something that is new to me but I've been learning about it since we've started to talk about it so that's gonna be fun but you know it's one of those things oh I also fell ahead tell Peter Sierra I had you know how this goes I had to educate Peter and say all right the last segment of the show it's called beyond beyond the blockchain and we may talk about anything colloqued aliens and trash planets that was on the on the the Tesla space colloqued aliens in track oh that was on Sierra's Tesla space oh yes she was talking about that we went there for a while that was that was quite fascinating Sierra I was lurking in the background on your X space today so that was a good first episode wow I'm glad that you were there well I you know I was in and out of it today the thing with Sierra's X spaces is they go on for days so you just have to pop in and out whenever you get a chance because yeah you know you're not gonna be able to sit there and and go through the marathon that Sierra does Sierra I happen to pop in today when somebody was talking about something completely unrelated and after like ten minutes I was like are we still here here we are God bless you for moderating those spaces and God bless you for doing with that sometimes I do I don't really deal with it most of the time usually if someone's like hammering on about something I'm probably taking a little break which was definitely what happened when you came into the room I definitely knew when we lost you we also lost about 20 others well let me tell you what happens when I don't tightly moderate Peter when when Sierra put you on the on the block you go to the bench you go to the bench son like she's like I'm not tolerating this she runs a tight ship she's like I'm not tolerating this garbage you better give me something I'm interested in yeah I wanted to talk but I just was gonna let anybody else cuz he had what's that guy was dating an astronaut or training what he was an ex military special ops guy Marines I believe not I believe I do know and he does have plans to join the Mars mission or personal goals but he is not yet an astronaut okay the Mars mission leads me into what we're talking about later in the show which is about vast space so Sierra you introduced me to fast this is a remarkable company there's basically working on putting humanity into stable environments where billions of people can live in space are foreign planets and they're based out of California and they got a general counsel job open and I was like maybe I should be the attorney for this company putting people in space yes you should that be pretty cool space law is such a real thing so a buddy of mine one of my very very best friends from law school who is actually also from Mobile he is the lead counsel for space force and really yeah and it was telling me about some of the stuff and so then he was trying to get me to come join him but you have to be under 40 to join the Air Force you can't join the Air Force after the age of 40 yeah can't join the Air Force after the age of 40 doesn't matter if you're an attorney or anything else now get this even one step further you can't join the FBI past the age of 37 even if you want to go be an attorney for the FBI you have to be 37 or younger before you can sign up did you tell him you didn't appreciate that I said you know what the only people they can discriminate based on age is the damn federal government yes we're president yeah 35 well yeah we're not ready for you yet we had a wait once your 35 country is not ready for you you're way past us get knowledge once you get 35 the country may or may not be ready for you but certainly not now all right folks we're gonna win the break when we come back we're gonna be joined by Sierra we're gonna talk a little bit about some of the vast base stuff Peter's gonna tell us about cute protocol and we're gonna have a real good time see you in a minute I'm beyond blockchain welcome back to Beyond The Blockchain with Scott Tindall hey folks welcome back into the show here on a Tuesday night if you listen on the podcast we appreciate you can listen to this show anywhere you find your favorite podcast you also listen live on FM top 165 listen live or you can texting your questions or call us at 25-1-3-4-3-0-1-6-5 but tonight you know we get a good start to the show going but Sierra how you doing my friend I'm not wonderful it is not a tech on the East Coast this week but doing great well that's okay we're down here on the Gulf Coast I saw a meme today that was like what's it like to visit Alabama in the summer and somebody responded was like have you ever been cremated that's about right yes hey is here you're you and I were talking earlier on x-a-day about vast space can you tell our listeners a little bit about what vast space is working on and like what what does that mean for humanity is really exciting they are building in layman's terms the first space hotel and yes there will be artificial gravity so unlike the way that the astronauts on the ISS are floating around I'd have to scrap in to go sleep and use all of these innovative measures to combat the lack of gravity vast is actually creating artificial gravity space station it's really exciting the rope map looks incredible and and this is not like crazy science fiction this is something yeah they've got they've got this centrifugal force here can maybe you know rotation yeah they've got like a barrel rotation to centrifugal centrifugal force that's creating the gravity needed for their space essentially space stations or their space hotels but you know what's crazy to me is this is not science fiction this is science fact like people have done the math they understand how this is gonna go now they just have to build it and implement it and Sarah you can create me from our own but you know SpaceX and Elon's reusable rockets are going to be a huge benefit to this as we really drop down the cost of space travel isn't is that correct absolutely so it's the the vast station is going to be in low earth orbit and we will essentially be able to travel to and fro it's modular so the starships will be able to attach to it with seamless ballon boarding on to the station and they have a pretty ambitious roadmap which has their first demo launching in 2025 and a fully functional artificial gravity station completed hopefully by 2030 and it's not a science fiction so the way that it works and you are absolutely right there's this centrifugal force of a large spinning structure in space it provides a pole that mimics the gravitational environment that we are accustomed to here on earth I can't help but think of the carnival ride the gravitron yeah if you don't know the gravitron you are missing now I saw the other day Sierra I don't mean to interrupt you so the other day you could buy a gravitron $50,000 what and I was like I was like if I was a good millionaire and just had $50,000 a blow I would own a gravitron there's no doubt if I was like Mr. Beast I would totally yeah if I was Mr. Beast I would buy a gravitron and say I'll give a million dollars to whoever can say on this the longest then I would get trillions of views online because you know what that's what makes Mr. Beast genius is he knows that every project he does is actually gonna make him money based on all the views he gets but you know what Mr. Beast a real genius is he and his friends spent years going through every single YouTube video to figure out what is the right optimization what should the thumbnail look like what how many minutes should this be how many man I had a lot of respect for Jimmy I we're not friends I just like to call him Jimmy and pretend like we're friends you know but you know Mr. Beast is the dude I like that guy a lot. Sierra the previous subject you were talking among your X account right now and do you have any links for that that I can share to my audience oh absolutely let me send them over to okay thank you I'll link y'all up via text we all link up through X also you know that that's her X account right that is that is the Sierra Catalina okay yeah there's only one you know she you know we had a conversation a few weeks ago about how did I get my name Scott Tyndall on X and G-mail because I'm so old that when it started I was there so Sierra had somebody else it was you know trying to claim it so she became Sierra Catalina one and now she's number one there you go everyone everyone knows D. Sierra Catalina yeah my account got hacked many years ago but it was fine I did have the original Sierra Catalina it just they literally changed to the display name to a patch you're you're gonna bade them that was probably like when you were 12 or 13 years old yeah that's Sierra Catalina one Sierra if you look for mine it's at PTR wrist on X and if you want to watch any YouTube video explanations for according to Scott your light years ahead of both of us but the YouTube channel is at the crypto arborist if you want to look it up there you know I think Peter's the first person to put tree rings and crypto together but I tell you what you know what's really interesting Sierra so so Peter and I have known each other for at least in years now and the way we originally got to know each other was I was running this duck boat company downtown and you know like the duck boats in Boston we used to run that here in Mobile and every time we would run across an issue that tree hanging too low or whatever people were like man give me a call we'll try and if it makes sense you know we'll try and clear this path for you and the other thing you need to know Sierra is in Mobile people lose their minds over trees yes they do they lose their ever-loving minds over trees so Peter's job is not easy I'm sure like the other day we cut down a tree in Cathedral Square yes it was a water oak that was dead and people lost their minds lost their minds so alright so we have a lot of listeners from Mobile tell us about this water oak that was dead so you got it so you got Cathedral Square which is right in the middle of downtown correct tree goes down people lose their minds yeah so well so whenever whenever you look at a tree you gauge it for risk and people are the first priority and basically in a nutshell you check to see a part of the tree the whole tree what what is the likelihood of it going to fail and if it's going to hit somebody because humans are the first priority for safety seems reasonable yeah so this tree was dead like you could hit it and and you could hear reek a lot echoing all the way through the tree so took a little while to get down there you know it never rains and mobile trees never fallen ever into mobile right so we got down there we took it down and people didn't like it but guess what in November we're gonna plan a brand new tree in that space and it's gonna be great why November is that when the trees are gonna grow the best that's when it gets cooler yeah that's that gives the tree the best opportunity the best opportunity to yeah correct you know people want that tree right now but you know what November seems like a better time to get that tree plan it yeah Sierra just sent you my link tree I hope that helps you find everything yeah I'm just checking out your stuff now I also want to let you guys know that my Tesla and Friends group is apparently live casting our radio show to their face so we've got 50 extra listeners on hey you know 50 listeners on X 50 listeners live on terrestrial radio hey there's there's some great listeners I mean I know I also show intelligent people on earth when you're your space dude every time I check in somewhere like dr. Scott walkers talking to me about how to rebuild the international space station I'm like this dude his brain is far beyond my capacity what do you though like it's cool though and and thanks for everybody's listening on X2 that's awesome like we're glad to have you here Scott is among them so you know that you think that he is a genius what she is yeah and yeah there are some incredibly intelligent people that I get to engage with in those spaces you know on this show they get a little bit of a little bit of Gulf Coast culture you know we'd like to help you we're not really southern we're we're more we're dignified yeah we're dignified so like I tell people all time like the culture from like New Orleans to Destin along the coast we might as well be our own state we're far different from people from outside of this area but you know we still speak slow but we don't think slow see era talking about that I just sent you a link tree to a different social media brand that I have called Mardi Girl mobile Alabama cool that we told Sierra the other day that Mardi Girl started the mobile yes we're educated and everybody so so what happened is two years ago I actually live streamed all the Mardi Girl parades on my arborist channel well it took off and then I learned about search engine optimization and not blending subject matter together so I started this channel two years ago and it's now blowing up so Sierra send it to your friends it'd be much appreciated they wouldn't watch Mardi Gras parade yes there's a lot so something I discovered is a lot of people moved away and the other states don't go hey is what is it oh okay and a lot of people can't watch Mardi girl from their local news channel so guess what I started live streaming it I even got a couple of shirts and stuff and it's it's doing great it ain't really the same to you hit with the honey bun in their eye though hey what what's everybody needs a honey bun in the eyeball so speaking of that the typical live streams are way up on a balcony somewhere far away and I did it right I bought a media pass got to keep captain cutting him downtown happy got a levy captain kind of campaign you got to pay the tax a cap yes sir you do and but that got me past the barricades to where I could get up right next to the float and people are like wow it's like standing next to the barricades so it's it is cool I've checked out the page so what's fun about being in in nobiolis for three weeks you get just like life is different you got these Mardi Gras parades every night you get these bands these these parades they're right throwing throwing their throws it's like it's like time traveling to a different space and time and you see everybody you know yeah are you well I tell people the mobiles biggest little city in america yes you don't have a choice but to see that by now yes that Peter's a little different than me because I probably wouldn't have gone and got the pass I'd just jumped the barricade and told the mayor to deal with it but you know your city your city employee I get it you can't be doing these crazy entrepreneurial things like like some of us that being said you know I typically ask the mayor before I want to do something I don't and I don't always go rogue but sometimes I go rogue and the number one question is I am off the clock while I'm filming Mardi Gras that's just so everybody will know that is just to put that out there you know you got a double dip in that Mardi Gras no man hey not not like all these cops and sheriff's officers that are all making overtime I mean we spend millions of dollars in overtime for these guys to ride around in their squad cars to wave at us right you know what I've always told people what if you want to rob a bank rob a bank in west mobile during Mardi Gras because every cop is downtown I'm telling you man you can get in and out you can get in and out there you have two hours worth of coverage yeah because can't no cop get outside the barricades uh-huh I mean they're stuck they're stuck in the parade route and going nowhere they they're not going anywhere fast so that's for sure new um I'll tell you and I'll tell you I don't know if you Catalina uh if you watch the video about how we trim the trees I mean uh before my Sierra sorry before Mardi Gras that's an even bigger process do you know what we do Scott tell me we ride on a Mardi Gras float and trim it oh that makes sense because you want to ride the float and see rotating into low correct how many people from Oakley raise absolute you know believe it or not about your so the first year it caught everybody by surprise they were like what is this going on and then and then the following year people put their lawn chairs out when they know we're coming and the members of that organization bring their beads and throw small little beads here and there they want to see you cut them trees yes all right when we come back on be on the black chain we are finally going to move into cute protocol and we'll let Peter tell us a little bit about welcome back to Beyond the Blockchain with Scott Tindall hey folks welcome back into the show yeah Scott Tindall we got fill-up on the boards keeping us between the white and the yellow we got Sierra and then New Jersey office and we got the P.T. Arbrist himself Peter Tolar here in studio with us Peter we were just talking about mobile and our obsession with trees which makes your job one of the hardest in the city I would imagine yes but that's not what we're really here for I would love to do a whole another segment when we have time and actually I feel it may be better for like Dan and Dalton in the mornings to do some segments with you here on the show like that would be pretty cool I think I think our listeners could learn a lot what we're here now on the back half of the show is we're going to talk about this cute protocol so Peter called me a couple days ago I said hey man looking into this thing some of which think about it take a look at it I mean if you you know what your thoughts are and I was intrigued and I said well you got to come on the show and talk about this so Peter at the P.T. Arbrist is his ex-handle also what's your what's your crypto handle it's on youtube it's slash at the crypto arborist the crypto arborist they can only be one they can't be many that's correct all right so tell us a little bit about X protocol how you got involved and what you think about it and like what's the potential in the future for it so Q protocol was I discovered it on the X platform in the developer Ros Von Costen he's overseas I think he's in Germany somewhere around that area and Ros if you're listening to him from wrong I'm sorry you'll have to correct me on that but Q protocol basically what it is it's a decentralized finance project where you take ethereum and you burn it to to mint q q tokens okay and basically what happens is when you burn that ethereum to create q tokens q has a value right and then what happens is you're paid ethereum rewards first off reminding your q tokens and then here's here's what caught my attention about it it's a community driven project and and in the white paper a light paper whatever it's called it lays out that if you stake those tokens every day people come in there's been days to where there's been five ethereum there's been over a hundred ethereum paid into this pool and what happens is is after that 24-hour period if you have q token staked you're in this rank system to receive a payout of eath okay there's been some days to where you'll receive like point zero three point zero five there's some days we you we've received an eath an entire and in one day and that's what really caught my attention so i was i've been trying to look into it and it it seems like q is trying to do emerging of ai decentralization with blockchain technology right sierra have you when you looked into this can you help me explain you're so much better of a technologist than i am can you let me explain what's going on here with q and and what the program looks like i it's today is my first time discovering the project so i just very uh briefly have the oh yeah just give me a kind of just give me a kind of art understanding uh sure it seems to be a decentralized marketplace for ai tool um right uh so these these sierra do you see the five in the drop down one is like add lonam one is medis the these tools what the remind me of scott is when open ai first release chat gpt no and you can ask it basic questions and do things okay and what the founder is doing is they're slowly developing those ai tools on this protocol to where it'll start functioning more like your benchmark tools like uh chat gbt or what's the one that you're jibbering on is one i use correct yes but what's interesting is on this as you're using it you can also receive a benefit of the eath returns so explain to me all right so tell me it's not a honey pot right i put my eath in do i how how do i get my how do i get my returns out so basically what happens is is you deposit your ethereum it pays you in q token okay and then what happens is the payouts are every 24 hours so in other words you deposit your ethereum in in 24 hours it pays you an ethereum and on the website which is when you go on there and you do what's called mint cycles you can do between one and a hundred once you pick your miner now here's the here's the key what does money mean how what are we mining what are what are we doing here so basically in a nutshell and in the kindergarten explanation yeah you're burning yeah okay you're burning q uh you're burning ethereum to produce q okay now the long-term portion of it is is if you stake your q and every day in this community pull of ethereum that's paid in right you receive a portion of those rewards every day yeah and i understand that i'm just what i want to figure out is like all right so we talk a lot about uh deep in on the show which is decentralized physical infrastructure networks they're trying to solve a problem um healy mobile is one dmo is one high of mapper is one with q here what are we what are we trying to do so basically the founder's vision is to create an ai marketplace for tools i mean this this project is july the ninth it's been out less than two months oh wow so it's it's big time in its infancy sure and you know as well as i do you get in on the right project early down the road well i always get people to benefit the doubt earlier on in the project right yeah it's like a lot of times you're trying to figure your way out you're stumbling along and you think your idea is one thing in six months later you're like oh you know what we actually have we actually have something that's better served to do this so the earlier the project the more benefit the doubt i give to any of these things um i guess what i'm trying to do for our listeners is help them understand q protocol all right if they want to let let's let's back up if they want to get involved in q protocol what would be the best way for them to do that okay so basically i would recommend do it on a mobile phone or you could do it on a desktop and you go to the website mine q dot ai and then you connect with do y'all talk about metamask on the show very uh very often yeah we've talked about this metamask for sure okay so basically what you do is you go on the site mine q dot ai you'll see three buttons you'll see registrars a minor and then below that you'll see connect as a minor and that's that's two different functions on the protocol creating a minor for the protocol that's beyond my realm of comprehension and study but connect is a minor what'll happen is you'll connect you'll put in your metamask uh passcode and then it'll take you to this this big layout screen if anybody's on your desktop right now this is really the best way to explain it on the left hand side of the screen you'll see a plus and minus uh little bar with a zero in between that's that's where your minor screen is there's a drop down right there and there's five different minors there here's the key part to the protocol in the beginning if you that you pay what's called our protocol fee to be able to mine for q and the protocol fee is payable in ethereum so what happens is you can do one or one hundred it will show you your fee and it will show you your estimated q rewards and ethereum rewards in that screen follow me so far yes so far i got you okay and then what will happen is it'll show you uh on the screen when the cycle will end and once that cycle counts down to zero it will then pay you in your estimated q rewards and then your and then your uh estimated ethereum rewards as well here's what you don't see initially on the user interface once you meant q over a 24 hour cycle and then if you stake it after that in the next 24 hours based on how much ethereum has contributed to the next cycle that is an additional set of rewards that you get from q protocol okay i'm tracking you what i'm trying to figure out is how does q protocol and and this may be something that we need to talk to the founder about because i don't know yes or clearly how does q protocol determine what is the value that's been created to determine the payout okay i can tell you that right yes so so this founder has a very unique system the way he sets things up so the value of the payouts is based on the ethereum gas measurement over a 24 hour period so it's it's a goi based payout project some days the payouts are big some days are small just based on the how busy the network is right there's a there's a site that if you go to my youtube channel actually you could go to to x or youtube it's a it's a site that's mine stats you'll see that and there's another thing called it's another person who made up stats you'll see a chart that shows you the amount of guay per cycle one thing that's all explain what guay is for people who our listeners are they're sophisticated but they they don't know all the crypto jargon okay so guay is the term that describes ethereum gas and there's and explain what gases gas is the transaction fees on ethereum it's like a credit card fee so like when i go to the gas station i pay a three and a half percent fee to use my credit card right so what you're describing is this is the ethereum's version of that gas fee and this is the the guay correct that's the fee and it takes a few times to repeat it in your mind and then you eventually get the concept yeah of course all right i think people understand the concept i just want them to have an analogy to be able to bridge from one place to the other yes all right when we come back on be on the blockchain we're gonna tell more about q protocol and then we're going to get yum beyond the blockchain here on fm top one of six five welcome back to beyond the blockchain with scott indell if i was welcome back into this show you listen to be on the blockchain and uh fill in the boars peter toller the pt arborist here in studio DC air Catalina in the new jersey studio our buddy johnnie quinn out tonight but hopefully back next week we always like when john is here he's got such a unique perspective to provide um all right peter we were talking about q protocol let's let's go with the next step what's the next step i want to get involved in q protocol what do i need to do so for first step go to mind q dot ai that's your first step m i n e right like not mind but like yeah m i n e q dot ai all right and then i'm going to show you on the phone right here see it so you can follow me then our listeners our listeners can't see your phone so you got to explain it as you go so i'm on an iphone screen i have this is in the web browser on the metamask application okay all right it's connected you'll see where it says choose your minor and then it will drop down and watch this so it say you pick this one called adlunum all right okay and you can do what is adlunum and that's that's just a name of one of the ai protocol is on the side okay it's it's a series of ai protocols you're choosing one correct got it and on this this one the estimated q rewards is 1.16 and then the protocol fee is 1.065 ethereum okay now on this if you go to you can see do i need to deposit that eith to burn it correct okay right you would deposit so watch this so like if you pick a different minor metas you notice so the numbers change ever so slightly on there then what happens is you notice i don't have enough funds in it right now because i've already done my mining for today then what will happen is is after 24 hours your estimated q rewards will be here all right your estimated eith rewards will be here and then down here you notice i have set uh seven and some chains of q staked right so what happens is this estimated eith that's up top versus estimated rewards in current cycle right what happens is the staked rewards don't show up until the end of the cycle yeah that makes sense yeah i get that and then what happens is the next day you have a choice you can stake your q you can and then your unclaimed eith see right here where it shows up you can you can uh claim it you can put it back into q to create more q you can send it somewhere else use it for something else there's a person that uses this they have 15 q stake right now and even at these where the network is basically brand new yeah and also when eith hearing is not being used very often they're still claiming five or six hundred bucks worth of q a day doing nothing sure yeah yeah it's all about figuring out the protocol and making sure what what's right is right for you and um as we like to tell all of our listeners do your research yes go out there do you own research check it out we'd love bringing people like peter on to tell us about some of these new things this is just we only have a small amount of time this is an appetizer going out there learn more about it so i can tell you this i've been documenting my journey and another person that i knows journey on q protocol on my youtube channel yeah i've been showing how to claim how to mine how to do it all if you go to my channel the crypto arborist on youtube it explains start from the first video look at a couple of the other videos and you'll see another one that says tracking the rewards of 11 q stake on q protocol good that's that's perfect that's what our listeners want to know how do i learn more how do i because we we just have a limited bit a bit of bandwidth here until our friends all time like we could do a three four-hour show and we could still wouldn't cover it all you could spend the hours on this um so that's good to know they can go out there check your youtube they can check your twitter um they can they can look at these things uh Sierra we're gonna go to a break in a minute when we come back from the break can we talk about vast space i can't wait oh well look i actually actually phil tells me we're coming up to the end now um tell me about vast space in it and you know we talked about it briefly i'm convinced that i'm gonna go apply for their general counsel role um what what role do you want to do do they have a tree row oh a tree what what about trees on marsh we're we're gonna need oxygen farms and safe we are going to sign me up no so peter says we're gonna need oxygen Sierra says we're gonna need oxygen farms in space peter says sign me up we're building a team right now this is like the avengers let's go this is really let's go man hydroponic gardens right peter how many trees per human do we need so it takes seven full grown trees to produce enough oxygen for one person well Sierra how long we're gonna need a lot of trees Sierra we have a lot of talking to do yeah we're gonna need a lot of trees can we do some micro trees absolutely do they still do i still need seven or do i need like forty nine you know i don't know we need to do the research yeah oh oh and i will give you this little tidbit about q they're actually going to have what's called a token factory on q protocol we can make tree token well i'm not averse that i'm just trying to figure out how many trees i need yeah what about a bonsai tree dude i love it do all trees count the same yeah do all trees provide the same amount of action or there's are there some trees are giving off more oxygen than others i think that's our question here i i will check into that yeah you know there's a bonsai club in mobile no but i love the answer of i will check into that yes there are too many people to go i know the answer let me tell you i am humble enough to say when i don't know it i just don't know it that's my favorite part of you my friend thank you like sympathy i i do the same thing i'm like i really don't know but i bet i can find somebody smarter than me that can tell me yes and if i can't then we got other problems yes sir oh Sierra i'm really interested now in how many bonsai trees we need oh i'm i'm going to find out on this space station on on the centrifugal fusion you know vast station it's pretty good yeah and actually that was pretty good uh the you have a stuttering for fuel force but that's okay uh thank you for the whole force that's my that's my southern accent there a larger spinning space station uh spinning barrel spinning yeah yeah the giant spinning barrel that we can live in uh but a barrel wow around the central body yeah you know just easy stuff you know yeah you just get a bunch of rednecks down there trying to follow five bunch of rednecks trying to figure out space travel and living in of the great future dimensions you ever seen Babylon 5 feel you ever seen a terrestrial radio station like to talk about some centrifugal fusions in spinning barrels in space barrels in space and bonsai trees to produce live supporting oxygen and oaks that uh horizontal rings that have dead people under them infuriate people and dead people under them yeah oh my god only on only on beyond the blockchain hey we're gonna send sierra a tree guardian shirt from my channel what yes i used sierra i used artificial intelligence to create a tree care superhero decked out in mobile purple and gold marty growl colors with a tree insignia on his chest all right sierra you need to know purple and gold is important because green that's no one's yeah we don't claim that New Orleans wants to be purple gold and green marty growl that's their thing that's right we're just purple and gold you're gonna learn oh we've we've had multiple conversations about sierra coming down for marty growl and just have a good time so she's like sign me up all right folks well i wish we could do i wish we could do this for three or four more hours but chanel gives us one so uh we will sign out tonight on beyond the blockchain and catch peter on his twitter and youtube pages you heard all the links kits here it's here kadaleen on his work one fill and i you can find us everywhere you find uh the internet and you can find this show anywhere you get your favorite podcast like subscribe and follow guys help me