FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show- Tuesday 7-09-24

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09 Jul 2024
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more much more than this I did it my way yes there were times I'm sure you look back to the jump-force showed up and talk for those six five they should stay with us on on this Tuesday morning text if you want to get in really a time two five one three four three zero one zero six joining us now it is Tuesday we do this one do your days we got our member public party chairman and John Wall with us chairman good morning are you I'm doing well it's good to be on the show hey thank you for coming on we do appreciate it uh let's start here chairman uh I mean watching the watching the way things are kind of going and going heading into the conventions here I mean it's just been a been a heck of a new cycle for republicans hasn't known you know it's been very busy and actually comes to you this morning from Milwaukee so we're we're getting things on the road to be moving um hard to believe we're only a week out from the convention right now it seems like uh I guess you want this to go on it will be calling it kind of this this turmoil within the democratic party as long as possible for republicans to really do anything that there were well you know republicans are resigned to kind of watch this this civil war erupt between democrats right now you know and I think that's really good for us because look the bottom line is and and I don't know how the democrats figured out they were in this position now but either way whatever way they go it's going to be a very serious they're going to have very serious problems whether you take keep fighting whether you replace them there's going to be people unhappy um they don't have a consensus they don't have a really strong group they don't they don't know what the best option for themselves moving forward is that indecision is exactly where you want your opponents on the republican side we're concise we know what we want we know our candidate we're all behind our candidate we're moving forward and I think that gives us a real advantage at end of ending November. Yeah that their problem chairman is they they may have polling and data and everything that tells them what they need to do to win but right now the harp thing for them is just getting everybody to go along with whatever the program I mean this is like they're heading into battle and they don't have like really a consensus on what the tactical response ought to be they they they're doing some weird thing with project 2025 that's not going to work I mean they're really they really got some problems well you know I actually brought up project 2025 because I'm hearing more and more about this and what I'm hearing from everyone whether republican or democrat is people are confused what is project 2025 in the bottom line yeah they're trying to say okay what will America look like it Donald Trump gets re-elected 2025 and and they're trying to pin all these negative things the trouble I think this is gonna backtrack on those people's mind are gonna go well it's gonna look like what 2017 looks like which means lower gas prices lower cost of living a more secure border and a safer foreign policy it's hard it's gonna be very hard for democrats to paint the picture of what what a what a Trump presidency is gonna look like a 2025 that is actually a big negative to people because we see what a Trump presidency is this is not a this is not a hypothetical we know we know what it's gonna look like and we know the fruit so I think this is gonna fall flat on their face to be honest yeah I mean even if it is on paper effective people just they're not this is not what they're losing sleep over i democrats always try to manufacture things and it's it's like um it's very linsky I guess but but but now is not the time for that that they got they have bigger problems and these little gimmick trick plays that they're running maybe they work you know and some circumstances in a midterm cycle but i'm watching this and I saw it let's just terrible about all of it chairman is just how much the media and everybody play it from the same sheet of music it's so obvious it's so contrived it's just so like wow they got they had to actually had a meeting about doing this and that that's like but but i agree it's gonna fail but it's it's easy to spot these sort of things as they develop yeah you know it's talking to someone the other day it's kind of sad what we've seen happen to the america american media it's so obviously biased there's there's not even an attempt anymore a journalistic integrity um but i guess just completely one side it completely biased and worse than that it's it's negative but like if if you have it so whether on the state level or the federal level if you have a truly conservative person some of you who really believes in in that the foundation principles of our country and freedom and liquidity and in base um you know one of the biggest things now is attacking people's faith or if they have religious you know convictions and how anyone should actually stand there for what's right it's attacked so brutally by the media and that really i i realized that a while back just how how much of a tool the media is for scary things um whether between republic and the democrats or even within republican circles well within the public say the republican primary like they're going to hit the true conservatives they're going to hit the people who are actually standing at the fighting and and try to steer that process and i think the the unintended consequences we as an american people have got to be vigilant we've got to realize almost to the point of if the media saying it assume it's wrong and i think it's really sad that we've reached that point but it's really where we're at today's journalist journalism but it's like we're not supposed to notice that um you know what do i seven two thousand twenty four and if you watch these these public affairs programs all sunday morning uh c_n_a_b_c_ cbs mbc all have questions about project twenty twenty five did they just happen to uh uh you know are they just like what were the all independently they all independently came to the same thought the same idea exactly the same things on the same day right yeah no no we all know we all know you know remind me he didn't use a democrat but there's still something to clean here there's an old quote from um uh i uh rosa nelson but in rosa nelson and it says there are no coincidence in politics and that is so true they don't even hide it that i mean it's like insulting but i but but this isn't the first time they've done this and and i tell my listeners us all the time chairman when you when you see these kinds of talking points they're talking points that's what you need to uh or recognize when you see everybody talking from the same uh using the same lingo the same um the same uh words or whatever to describe something there there there's somebody in a communications role for the campaign it's sending them these talking points it's just not a coincidence it did this is like hey we would like you to say this and if you could do this for us maybe we could get you some face time with tony blickin or kamala harris or whatever and they go along with it and that's sort of the state of journalism right now that it just kind of works that way yeah no that's absolutely right hey it's we've become it's it's punditry rather than journalism um you know it's all we come in opinion piece um rather than actual true true journalistic integrity but i mean and this is not new you know i remember back well you know in 2016 um early on in the 26th race before Donald Trump got into it um you know there were some emails that were uh went public from between cnn and um between cnn and Hillary Clinton's campaign where Hillary Clinton's campaign we're we're asking cnn go after Rand Paul because Rand Paul is being us in the general election polls we don't want him as a republican nominee and that was that open like those those emails got released but it was the communication between Hillary Clinton's campaign and cnn would was that open and direct and if if you had a candidate for president on the democrat side being that open and direct with with the mainstream press imagined how much more from actual the city democrat uh president and so i think you're right that this is this is not genuine this is not something that's natural spontaneously selected in the media it's all pre-programmed it's all thought out in advance and in an attempt to attack yeah i love though it is not working the american people are seeing the right no they're not i mean but that that's why like they're they're doing the same thing over and over and over again and it just it's it's crazy how they haven't learned from their mistakes but um anyway chairman uh my my frustrations with the media and the left wing establishment and this is what it is it's not uh uh those will probably persist forever tell me this uh let's talk about r and c coming up and um the platform and i guess you're aware of the controversy there but what do you say i mean i don't think these platforms really matter but there's a lot of people upset about the abortion language yes no and and look it the platform does matter um you know i and it matters because the republican party is not great because of our name yeah we're we're not great because of of being the grandal party it's about the values we represent and if we ever lose sight of those fundamental values we're going to lose sight of what makes us who we are what makes america what we are you know the these these fundamental concepts that all that are created you are endowed with any of the rights that come from our creator um we we lose we lose who we are and we lose a chance to save this country so in that regard i think it's incredibly incredibly important and privileged areas for the party to stay grounded in the right principles and fight for those principles and and our elected officials don't always do what they're supposed to do they don't always follow our platform but we can always point to the platform in the party standing for what's right well this is this platform i just was looking over a little while ago it's a good platform there there are obviously a couple areas that i i do not like or that i wish would be stronger um but overall i think it is a strong platform that talks about the right issues and and does keep us in a in a strong position do you worry that you know the republicans are abandoning the the pro-life cause i mean and i'm not saying that they're and they'll say they're pro-life they'll pay lip service to it but let's remember like this pro-life movements really want brought republicans to the dance i mean if you go all the way back to 1980 and Ronald Reagan ended building this coalition of republicans of conservatives of bringing the social conservatives in and now it feels like well the cultures change and we don't really need them as much but i mean well what do you think in that well look i i think this is incredibly concerning i think you're absolutely right i think the party there's there is a a contingent within the within republic and elected officials that want to get away from this issue um and i think it's coming a lot from our consent from the consultants from conservative consultants who who are say running points that this is the issue that's hurting us but i would submit to them the issue why it's hurting us is because they are not communicating a clear and concise message of why we're pro-life and why a pro-life position matters so yes this this issue is a problem for republicans but it's because of how we've handled it over the last two years and have allowed democrats to define it and in the mainstream media we've all we've accepted the premise they have set up and i think that's where we are probably gonna have got to go a better job or like the officials or consultants on the party itself we cannot allow our enemies to define the talking points on our issues we need to be for ourselves reject their premise and talk directly to the american people and we need to do that on the issue of pro-life this platform is not as strong and pro-life as the last one was and i i i think i think that's a mistake because i think we have to get that we have to hit it on we have to talk about it and we have to explain why we are pro-life don't just try to bury it don't just try to water it down let's actually talk about why it's important well even the abortion ban that federal abortion ban been in there for 50 years and now it's not um is it i mean do we should we read into that is that the direction of things now or what do you think well that's our thing it said it said i think what we saw was not a initially we can in the pro-life position itself is the platform still mentions that we're pro-life so much that we're you know we're against abortion we want to you know make things you know find other routes beside the portion i think what has been taken out is the stronger rhetoric and the more in-depth conversation about it and i think that's where we need to we actually need that language we need to be talking about the direct policies why it's important why why government should always respect life you know when you think about world history governments that don't consider life precious usually have a very bad end and i think this is a fundamental a fundamental issue that you cannot escape you cannot run from and you cannot compromise on life is sacred and it is literally one of the number one duties of government to protect and secure life because without life all of the rights are with us i mean at some point and you know the does this does this approach is it does it have an impact is it do you start seeing do you just spear it this social conservatives and maybe don't have them as active in the in the process as you need them especially as close as our politics is in this day and age i absolutely like look you know we saw this we talked we talked a lot about that um the house district up in north Alabama house district and and we know what happened there you know democrats talked about the issues that excited their base or the republican candidate did not talk about the issues that excited the republican base and we saw the power of turnout in that special election now special elections are going to are far more about turnout than a regular general election i get that at the same time it highlights how important turnout is to elections and i think that's what we have to remember when you're running a race it's not just about convincing moderates you don't have to go to the middle it's about turning out republicans and where we've won recently as a republican party the areas where we have been we were having impressed or over performed many areas like gwen youngkin in virginia talking about floramorites and the social issues and and and what's happening there are schools it's been you know ronda sandes and florida talking about you know pushing back on the woke agenda and protecting our children from these old policies and i think we've got to recognize that in order to win you can't just go to the middle you have to excite the republican base you have to talk about the issues that affect people and i think if you do it and you do it wisely you actually pick up independent the democrats you just have to hit the issues that on and explain why we believe what we believe chair we got to leave it there but uh we're going to be watching the uh proceedings going into the r and c real close if folks want to find out more about the alabama republican party where can they look well we we have a lot to stay connected and look the next couple weeks are going to be busy with the convention follow us on our social media social media accounts at alabama republican party and then of course our website chair would stay safe we appreciate it absolutely good to be on the show all right we'll be right back this is a fib talk 10065