FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-09-24

2h 1m
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09 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. I don't think he ain't done it this way. No. Good morning, and welcome to the Jeff Porchow. And if we talk 106.5, thanks for being with us on this Tuesday morning. Do appreciate it, 2513430106. If you want to be in touch with the program, text me. Let me know what's on your mind. Comic complete suggested whatever. Some kind of Co-Tilda reference as our friend, Irish Indian, had pointed out yesterday. Hit me up there. I didn't get to that more in a moment. And kind of hash that out. I was talking to Sean Sullivan or Handoff yesterday about that. Anyway, coming up on the program today, Secretary of State, West Allen, a programming note here. And we got a few more rounds here to go. Went to the Cab County last week for an event hosted by the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader, Nathaniel Edbetter, and Steve Lewis, respectively. We had a bunch of people up there kind of interesting. We interviewed and pre-taped. And we're getting through those today. Be West Allen, you'll hear from him. You'll hear from Mark Giddley, a state representative from Hokes Bluff, East Alabama, right outside of Gadsden. The best way to describe it. Like if you're headed from Gadsden to Atlanta, not that you ever would, you would go through Hokes Bluff. So that's coming up in the 10 o'clock hour. Then live our Tuesday regular. Alabama Republican Party Chairman, John Wall, will make time for us. And a big week coming up. All right, going on nationally, we'll talk about. Once again, text on 2513430106. I think it's over, guys. I think Biden's your nominee. The Biden coup is over, as I've been told. And I'll tell you why. And this kind of-- this probably tells you what you need to know. Look at AOC and other members of the squad coming out behind Joe Biden. If there's no energy there in the far left flank, then there's not going to be enough energy to unseat Biden's nominee. Now, look, that's as of right now. This isn't to say, I don't think that Biden-- I mean, he could step in it again and put himself back in jeopardy. But he weathered the storm. He beat-- here's what it looks like to me. Obama world would probably like to see Biden walk away. I think Clinton world absolutely would want-- is more pushing for this. But Obama world not really-- not really as Gung Ho maybe as Clinton world. Do you ever remember what the Democratic Party establishment is in 2024 and who's in it? And like, there's no real Biden world, is there? They're all kind of different parts of pieces from prior administrations. And here's what it looks like to me with these guys sort of-- you could tell, like, what do you see? Korea, Jean Pierre, like, their hearts aren't really in it. There's not that, like, with Obama, there was this cult of personality. People wanted to go die on the hill for Obama. They just wanted to please Obama. This just feels like-- it feels rather emotionless. I just can't do the job. But it may not be long for this world, guys, because-- there's no reason to think that Joe Biden's going to throw the hell-married pass here. Down by, like, two touchdowns in the fourth quarter. And we've talked about this before with Donald Trump. Just kind of steadily running the ball up the middle, up the middle, up the middle, up the middle, getting the first down, getting the first down, kicking a field goal here, getting a touchdown drive there. And he started way behind. I mean, you know, if you go all the way back to 2021, post-January 6, it looked like, well, that was a fun run. But little by little, Trump and Republicans have been kind of chipping away. Maybe he didn't have the big gains in 2022 like we were anticipating. But it's just been blocking and tackling, blocking and tackling, doing nothing much you got to do. And then all of a sudden, wow, Donald Trump's back in this game. Wow, Donald Trump just took the lead. And Joe Biden can't even find-- he can't even throw the ball in the ocean over here, you know? There's no reason to believe that there's anything that's going to spark the Biden campaign right. I just tell me something. If anybody out there listening and you could think of a scenario here to where Biden could stage some kind of rally. So that tells me that Democrats kind of know this. I guess back to the sort of-- there's no cult of personality. No one gets warm fuzzies from Joe Biden. And they know that they're back to the corner here. They jump ship so much for that narrative about democracy. So I'm interested to hear what you got to think. But I think the Biden coup is over. I think a lot of Democrats are kind of like, well-- and you see this from maybe internationally, too, this shift in foreign policy, the shift in the treatment and attitude about the United States. Let's listen to Francis Martel, regular on this program, talk about it. And foreign leaders are kind of maneuvering as if Donald Trump's going to be elected in November. So make it out what you want. But I find it all sort of-- I think the Biden coup talk, we see-- it's going to play out in the media still. But there's just no-- there's no path. There's just not enough energy there. And like I said, the AOC, the squad members coming out, supporting Biden, kind of tells us what we need to know about that. 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6, you want me to touch with the program. Hit us up on the text line. The RNC platform, the people are people tracking this. And this is very, very, very important. The platforms are typically meaningless, OK? But for the first time in a long time, there's no federal abortion ban on there. The watered down language on abortion, watered down language on abortion, and not having anything there that would restrict it. A lot of people on the right, not everybody, but a lot of people on the right are upset about this. The pro-life, there's sort of been a cottage industry of pro-life activism for 50 years. Ever since Roe v. Wade, now that Roe v. Wade has gone, these pro-life groups, they're trying to figure out justifying their existence. But they seem to be a little perturbed about this platform, not including anything, any language for any language banning abortion federally. And Republicans seem to think this is a loser, who out there-- anybody out there concerned about this? Let me know, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. Are we getting-- as Republicans and conservatives, get a little wobbly on these social issues? LGBTQ and pro-life. I'm worried about the pro-life stuff. The same sex marriage needs to be about a lost. And the only people still fighting it are like Roy Moore. But these ideas about life getting-- not just put to the back seat and getting like token acknowledgment from Republican officials, but now it's going to be like, this is not going to be a hill we're going to die on anymore. And is there enough pro-life activists or voters out there? Is this sort of just where the culture is taking us, a more secular culture? 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. But the platform just comes a little bit of a stir there. Still fighting about Project 2025, are you hiding that in your basement or left wingers about Project 2025? We're told that this is a very, very sinister thing going on in America, that the Heritage Foundation is up to no good here, and they put out a-- so you probably see this over and over again. You probably see it made ads. But they need something to make ads about. Being a against Trump wasn't enough. People's pick out a right wing think tank. Let me explain this to you. Heritage is a concerted think tank watching DC-based. It's some very smart people. We've had them on here. The problem with Heritage guests, though, they just tend to not. They tend not to call in when they're supposed to. But anyway, I digress. They've been around for a long time. I've been there. Like I said, I used to go there every week when I lived in DC. They call it the bloggers briefing back in the day, and conservatives, online journalists, if whatnot, would meet there. But I know it well. But every presidential election cycle, they put out sort of like, well, if John McCain wins, if Mitt Romney wins, Donald Trump wins. So it may not be called Project 2016 or 2017, I guess, in that case, Project 2009. But I think tanks do this. They say, OK, we're concerned with policy and less concerned with politics. Politics is partisan. We have to be nonpartisan as a think tank. But we think that the country will be better off if we implemented this sort of health care policy, this sort of transportation policy, this sort of national defense policy. And they have all these ideas to make the world a better place. And they write these big policy briefs and talk about it in depth, about environmentalism, and why, you know, going down this pathway is a bad way to go. And sometimes it moves the needle most of the time. It doesn't. In this case, Project 2025 is nothing of the out of the ordinary for a group like this. They put in their policy agenda. And what the Democrats have done, they said, well, they're looking around, what are we going to run on, guys? And they go out to Heritage, but they try to tie this Heritage thing to Donald Trump and make it sound like it's some kind of sinister thing. And it's what Donald Trump's going to do because all right wiggers eat the same, read the same back of the same cereal box for breakfast every morning. Therefore, this is what we're going to get. And they're running against that. It's insane what they're doing. But I imagine for a lot of people are probably buying into it, unfortunately. But that's what they do. Nicole Wallace Watchers, Rachel Maddow Watchers. 2-5-1-3-4-3, 0-1-0-6. She wouldn't be in touch with the program. Hit us up there. We'll be right back. This is the JetPort Show at FMTalk1065. It's where I drank my first beer. It's where I found Jesus. Where I drank my first car. I tore it all to pieces. I learned the path to heaven. There's full of sinners and believers. Welcome back to the JetPort Show at FMTalk1065. They just stick it around on this Tuesday morning. 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. That's how you get in touch with the show. All you're going to do is text me. Texting is the best way to correspond with the JetPort Show. Let's get through a few texts here. Do you think the migrants are going to vote for Biden? Guys, I don't think about-- put yourself in the shoes of a migrant. Just happy to be here. Happy to be out of El Salvador, or Venezuela, or wherever they came from, right? And what I think, you want to fly into the radar as an illegal immigrant, you're not going to go out and register to vote. You go show up at a polling place, wait in line. It's probably pretty hard to get these illegal immigrants to vote. Now, in some places, it may be a little easier. But I think for the most part, that's a problem that will really show itself in our politics, probably 10, 15, 20 years down the road. Immediately, I don't think so. Now, we've had an immigrant problem since even '86 and symptom of Zoli. But I decided to hear that these hordes of people are crossing the southern border and they're registering to vote, I don't think it's the problem. The problem's twofold. It's long term, and it's long term. And number one, eventually they will vote, or their offspring will vote, or whatever. But number two, census. They're going to move people around, and these immigrants will go to these blue states and bolster their numbers and their representation in Congress. That's where you need to be worried, in my opinion. Martin, mine can be forced out regardless of what he says. It should be soon. I just don't think so, though. Why can they replace him with-- it doesn't do-- I mean, Biden's already done some permanent damage, Martin, to the Democratic Party's brand. Well, by replacing him, you lose the moral high ground on what they proceed to be as the moral high ground on, quote, unquote, democracy number one. Number two, you create a civil war with a Democratic Party. Who knows what that leads to? They try to remove Biden from the ballot. What does that look like? There will be consequences. It will not be pretty. It will be a lot of tears. And if they go through all this trouble, will they still be Donald Trump? Probably not. So therein lies the problem. And I think Democrats are kind of like, well, we got to take the loss here. We got to take the L. What's the best way to take the L without doing permanent damage? So we'll see. That's my theory, though. Blue moon right says they really want to brand it out. They would have him commit suicide, as they always do. It was all a deterrent. And what do we say that the Bidens are kind of part of the deep state, if that's what you're getting at? Blue moon. Dan, the squad has been promising six months for a long time. Jerry, according to your uncle Quinn, the platform is the most important issue in the election and the platform is terrible. Well, brother Quinn, I don't know that he is the most reliable barometer these days on what's going on within the Republican Party, especially if you're pinning up heads for James Carvel. More power to him. Johnny, speaking of platform several cycles ago, the Democrats were being referred to as the guy. Their platform in an effort to calm people. They attempted to replace the reference to God. It was interesting to watch the up-and-down vote failed continuously in the end. Even if the voices were overwhelmingly known, the speaker changed it to say yes, or wanted to place God in the platform against the conventions of witness, wishes. And I remember that. I remember the voice vote, the booze, the Democratic Party, very secular, guys. We'll be right back. This is F.I.B. Talk, 106.5s. [MUSIC PLAYING] Count what I just-- [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Show. If you talk, what, 0.6.5? We're still at Hittinger, Alabama, the potato fence. Well, they're doing every 4th of July. And I guess we're going to guess coming by. But joining us now here is Secretary of State, Louis Allen. Secretary, good morning. How are you? Morning, Jeff. Good to see you. You, too. Well, I saw you. We were Mississippi. You're right. Catching fly balls. But I still got a strawberry on my knee from that slide in third base. Ooh. It was a great slide, right, Jeff? I took my three-year-old there. It was hot. Come on. It's June 22nd. It was the hottest day of the year. I'm glad you brought your son. Titted in the morning. Yeah. We stayed for the whole thing. No, we went all the extra innings and all the innings. We pulled it out. And then as soon as he gets in the car, he's out the whole way home, back to Mobile. There you go. There you go. But it was fun and glad you could make it over. It was for good calls and appreciate leaders. Start Hagan and Garland and Senator Gudgeon, all those guys that put the thing together. And, of course, the leaders of Mississippi. Yeah, well, here we are, 500 miles away from there or so. Well, that's not supposed to be going on. I mean, the election season and, you know, typically, I don't have a politics, a kind of a subdued time. But this is what's going on nationally. We're about to go vote here in November. And you've dealt with this controversy. I guess, really talk about the way some of these federal agencies are sending out voter applications. And you've been on top of that. But you feel like you've got to handle all things right now? Yeah, so November 5th is quickly approaching. I mean, it's going to be here fast. And, like you just alluded to, the federal agency sending out the voter registration forms to anybody that comes in contact with them, no matter if they get the benefits or not. And so that's a bad problem. But we have worked very closely with our probate judges, circuit clerks, sheriffs, and our boards of registrars really closely because, you know, the voter file maintenance is the foundation, the bedrock of election integrity. And if you can't get your voter file maintenance right, if you can't get that right, it can get off in a ditch quick. And so we have been working those really hard. We've exchanged data files with Tennessee, Georgia, and Mississippi so far. Once we exited the electronic registration information center and replaced it with an Alabama-based solution, and so we have been working extremely close with boards of registrars, putting out guidance, doing our dead level best to take care of voter file maintenance because it's important. American citizens are the only individuals that need to be voting in our elections, plain and simple. And so we are, every day, with our staff, when we come into work, we know the assignment. And we understand it, I've heard it from people up and down the state when I go speak. Election integrity is a top priority, and it's a top priority for me. - Yeah, I agree with that. Well, the legislature saw some things that kind of helped out on that part, right? - No doubt, I want to thank Speaker Ledbetter and Majority Leader Livingston who hosted this event this morning for their help, shepherding through strong legislation to fortify elections. Number one, SB1, dealing with ballot harvesting, and particularly the application portion of the absentee process. And Jeff, I just want to say this to all your listeners, absentee voting is important. And we've got to take care of it because a lot of people use it. But we don't need these people from out of state, even from in state that want to manipulate the process of our absentee voting. And that means making money off the process and pre-filling these applications and doing those things that will decrease the confidence of our elections. And we want to make sure people have confidence. We protect those that are disabled with this bill. We put the federal language in the state, in the bill, in SB1, that protects. If you're disabled, you can choose anybody that you want from start to finish to help you with the process of absentee voting. If you're overseas and military, you're excluded from the bill. But let me be clear, any voter can choose any person to help them with their application. They just can't be paid for it. The person assisting cannot be paid. And so we put felony provisions, not just misdemeanors, felony provisions to be strong deterrence to anybody it wants to traffic these ballot applications and manipulate the process. - Ooh, let's talk about absentee ballot fraud over the years in Alabama. 'Cause it's like, you heard these media types. There's no evidence that there's ever been any absentee ballot problems here, but I can think of like-- - Yeah, there is. - Gordon, Alabama, right now Alabama. I can think of a bunch of instances in my head. - Sure. - Where does that mythology come from? - Even our opponents, Democratic Senator in the state Senate, admitted in an open hearing that when you have fraud in the elections process, it's in the orbit basically is what she said of the absentee process. So we know it, we've seen it. And if you go back, the Heritage Foundation has a list of all the states that have convictions. If you look at Alabama, it's basically all absentee voter fraud. And of course, when our opponents were opposing this bill, they're like, well, point us to where it's happening and well, we don't have a law that, you know, is a strong deterrent with penalties. That's what we're trying to do now to put into place with SB1 is to make sure we've got strong deterrent felony provisions lay it out, plain and simple of what can and cannot be done. - Well, the other thing that occurs to me on this, Secretary, is that it's going on. But some of these counties, they just don't prosecute it because that's just the way they do things there. And, you know, we're gonna operate on our own terms. So you have the prosecutors or you have law enforcement. There's just like the gambling issue. They choose not to enforce that law. And it's a misdemeanor or whatever, anyway. So they'll just roll the dice and take the chance. So do you feel like this provision now is going to be something that's going to be enforceable in these parts of the state where they don't care? - Absolutely, absolutely, I do. You know, if I'm not mistaken, SB1 puts felony, you know, it is the first of its kind for felony. - The felony thing is a big part of it, yeah. - And I think it really is going to raise the intent of the DAs that we'll take a look at if there's some kind of complaint. And if we get complaints, which we have a complaint page on the website, if anybody, any of your listeners, you know, if they make a complaint, we don't have them, you know, we can't investigate, we can't prosecute, but we can pass it along to the AG and then the DAs and then the ethics commission. And that's what we do. And so we're staying on top of it. You know, we stay in close contact with the DA. I was down to the DA association not long ago. And, you know, so it's, you know, it's good to have relationships and to work really closely together. - Well, tell me if you see something like this, now it ended to be maybe 10 years ago, eight years ago, something like that. It was Wilcox County and Perry County in the Democratic primary, I think a probate judge race or something, and you just had this, like, abnormally high absentee ballot number, like 38, 40% of the votes cast were absentee ballots, where it's like normally 2, 3% or something, right? - Right. - But you see something like that, what do you do? - Yeah, so we saw that recently in a few counties where you had abnormally high absentee voting, 21% in one county, 16% in one county, 18% in another county, and the statewide average was 2.9%, give or take a few points. So that's where SB1 is really gonna have effect, in my opinion, and it's in effect right now. - Well, tell me, let's play this out. Do you see a number like that? Well, what do you do? - Well, first of all, we've got to have a complaint. We've got to receive that to the office, and then we'll pass that along to the correct authorities once we vet that, and then we'll push it out and say-- - But do you run into the same problem where it's the local prosecutors? Like, yeah, that's what we do here, and they just shrug it off, I mean, like-- - Well-- - You had to get the AG involved. - Well, you boast, boast, and you just push and push, and say, "Hey, we need you to look into it." This is something that I think is, it needs to be top priority. It's a top priority for us, and we're gonna push. - Joined by Secretary of State West Allen here for just a few more minutes, but you feel good. Bended office, two years, and some change. - A year and a half. - Year and a half, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - A year and some change, yeah. - It felt like two years from the election a couple of years ago, right? - Yeah, 'cause we were sitting here two years ago, right? - Yeah, yeah, right, right, right. - But you feel good about how things you've got to do on that-- - No, no, Secretary of State has a lot of other things besides elections, but just all elections, you feel like you're in a good place. - We are, we're in a very good place. We have been working extremely hard when I got, you know, went through and took my oath. That first year, you know, like seven, eight months, we just kind of locked down and got our arms, rolled our sleeves up and got our arms around everything. I wanted to learn everything I could. And so that's really important. The staff we have is top notch. I mean, they're first round draft picks. And we all think alike, we all lock arms in the same way, and we march lock step with each other about election integrity and other things that we take care of in the office. So that's really, really important. And the more I travel around this state, and I hear from people, Jeff, about election integrity, you know, when I pull up to the state capital, it's not lost on me, the gravity of the situation and what we've got to do and what we've got to protect and the people of this state, the five million people that call Alabama home and the values and principles, the conservative principles that we've got to protect and look over, and I just want to make sure that I represent Alabama with class and integrity and never disgrace the office. And I tell people, when I walk into a meeting of the other secretaries of state from around the country in Washington, D.C., it's not West walking into the room. It's Alabama walking into the room, and I want to represent them in a way that they can be proud of and know that I am fighting for our conservative values and principles that made Alabama great and makes Alabama great. And so we're extremely proud to be in this position and it's something that I will never take for granted. - And, you know, we'll kind of wind it down on this. After 2020, and we saw what kind of went on nationally, the election integrity issue really hit the radar for a lot of people, you know, people just don't trust a process. And I know, like, what I always say is like, well, Alabama's not that, okay? It's not Michigan, Detroit. It's not any of these other places, but, you know, there's still a little, you know, it could happen there. It could happen here. And that's really kind of changed the role of your job, hasn't it? - Yes, there's a lot of eyeballs, excuse me. There's a lot of eyeballs on these offices, and we realize that, and that's why we don't arise and cross our T's. We follow the law, we follow the constitution, when what has been laid out in front of us, and Alabama does it right. We do it right, we're number two on heritage's, you know, strength of elections, election integrity. And so we take that, we take, moved it up from six to number two, since I've been in office. And so we take pride in that. And, you know, paper ballots, we pass the law to make, make sure we always have paper ballots. Our tabulators can never be connected to the internet per state law. You know, this be one issue, you know, banning ranked choice voting. We can never do ranked choice. That's why we pass the law to prohibit it. You know, these other things are so important to fortify the elections. - And on a county-by-county basis, is it uniform? I know this was like it was a discussion, like you would vote one way in one place, and another, it was another method, but are they all kind of the same now? - Yes, so it is. And there's, you know, the discussion was about ranked choice voting. Why am I need to, well, listen, that causes chaos and confusion. It takes time longer than we do now to tabulate votes. We wanna make sure we never introduce that type of voting in Alabama. And, you know, it results in spoiled ballots. It makes winners out of losers. - Right. - And we just don't, I just believe in one person, one vote. And if you have to have a runoff, it focuses the electorate on who the two candidates are to represent them in the, you know, in the general election. I think that's important, we wanted to protect that. But the probate judges, you know, they've been fantastic to work with, they used to be one, so I can kind of talk their language when they have a question. But yeah, it's uniform across the board. They have laws to follow, and, you know, they do a good job. - Well, and talk about that relationship because coming in as a probate judge, and then a lawmaker, and now secretary, but the probate judge role, and the top election official in the county, and how that election official really deals with the state. - Yeah, so, you know, on the ground, those probate judges are administering the election laws. They are appointing poll workers. They are training poll workers. They are putting the ballot together. They are proofing those ballots, printing those ballots, certifying the tabulators to make sure they're ready to go. They are working alongside the circuit clerk who is the absentee election manager. They're working alongside the sheriff, who handles the chain of custody for the ballots when they take them out. And then also when they get delivered back to the courthouse, and they're working with, they're very closely with the boards of registrars. And what the secretary's role is, is to help provide guidance, and any kind of other resources that they may need, or any kind of stumps in the road that they may run into. You know, we have excellent legal counsel, Mike Jones, is in our office. - Right, right. - Right, and one of the most brilliant attorneys in Montgomery, in my opinion, Meredith Blackburn as well, works in our office. - She's fantastic, so we help with guidance, what state law says, and then any other thing they may need to be successful. - Well, last question, in the last cycle, the after reapportionment, and some of those precincts not being quite right, and some of the maps not really being right. I know it's a function of like the board of electors or the registrars, the auditor and the ad commissioner to govern or get, you know, their persimmons. But do you feel like that problem's been resolved? - We've made a lot of headway introducing the GIS software system to these counties that didn't have any kind of computer program when they lay out their maps, their county commission maps, their state house maps, their state senate maps, their school board maps. You know, using a pencil and a magnifying glass to get people, it's just not working, okay? So we made available through have of money to help America vote again, act federal money to provide computer software. - Right. - And we've got 34 counties now on board at using that program, and it is pinpoint accurate for Jeff Boor's house, where you live. It is pinpoint accurate for where I live. I mean, it is gonna get people in the right district and the right precinct because we can't have anybody show up on Election Day and receive the wrong ballot. That's just uncalled for, and we're not gonna have it, and the counties have been good to work with to get this institute. - All right, well, Secretary, thanks for stopping by. - And yeah, safe travels, thank you. - Thanks for making time for us, Mr. Chair. - I guess we'll be right back. (upbeat music) ♪ Everybody at the bar begins ♪ ♪ Everybody at the bar begins ♪ ♪ Everybody at the bar begins ♪ ♪ I gave you my heart ♪ ♪ And I tried to make you happy ♪ ♪ And you gave me nothing in return ♪ ♪ You know it ain't so hard to say ♪ ♪ Would you please just go away ♪ - Welcome back to the Jeff Horst Show with FM Talk. 10065, thanks for staying with us on this Tuesday. Morning 25134301, 016 to be in touch with the show. All you do is text me and I'll do my best to respond whatever it is that is on your mind. Still to come on the program about an hour, 45 minutes from now, Mark Giddley, a state representative from Hope's Bluff in Etowah County. Big picture stuff kind of there, not really talking state issues, we do a little bit, but it's worth a listen. Then in the 11 o'clock hour, our Republican party chairman, John Wall, we'll get a couple of texts here, probably had to carry most, we got a text, most of these over into the next hour. Chris, hey Jeff, would you normally give Joe Biden the keys to his Corvette? Let him go for a spin in it. I mean, like Chris, if it's his car, what can you say? Probably I would advise against it, but I don't know, I'm not one of these guys that we need to start like confiscating stuff. You know, if it's his. That's not for me to decide. I'd case more of a state authority thing. I don't know, it depends on the, if he could drive, okay, to what you're getting at here, why is he running the country if you wouldn't trust him to drive his Corvette? Pat, we're getting around migrants, both legal and illegal every day, I can tell you they don't vote around here. Yeah, that's what I, I don't think they do either. I, a long time ago, Pat, I was a construction worker. They didn't seem very interested in American politics. A lot of the illegal labor that was on the job site, just happy to be here. Toothless bammer heard of a vet say that they're still in plenty of time, the longer this goes on, the bigger the golden parachute for the gold or the Biden crime family. I don't know, I, they seem to have played a little fast and loose. Is anybody like, look at this and think, dude, how is that, you know, how are they getting away with it? And you and I are like, well, they're Democrats, and Democrats get away with everything. But, I don't know, I think, I think maybe there were some things here that were maybe just a little bit too far. That's why, that is why Hunter Biden's having to fall in a sword right now. That's why Hunter Biden got convicted or will be even more than just this kind of weird gun charge. We'll see, damn Yankee. Who's to say the Democrats are already having a little in their search for the vote and they warehouse with thousands of Carlos Martinez bones. Maybe it's some places, but it's it's hard to pull off. I am telling you, they can pull it off in probably blue states that we're going to go for Biden already, damn Yankee, if I had to guess. Let me right back. This is the Jeff Pore show on the flip talk, 106-5. ♪ What you do with me ♪ ♪ When you don't believe in what I've seen ♪ From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Pore show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ Welcome back to the Jeff Pore show. What if I talk 106-5 out number two down underway? Thank you so much for listening. Text line, I need to be attached for me. All you do is text me to five, one, three, four, three. Here we go. James, the official troll of the Jeff Pore show. The rich, that's the rich. Having a Republican on your show, wanting felities, rationality, ballots. He had the legislature he serves and they have no blanking ethics. L-M-F-A-O, you can't make this crap up. James, what are you like trying to take the tired judge, Thomas argument and apply it to the Alabama legislature? James, do better. And then James, the hypocrisy of him saying, election integrity yet said nothing about Trump's called to Georgia. Jeff, come on, man! Step up and don't be little. Trump's lack of integrity. James. First of all, I don't really care about Georgia. I always thought that stuff in Georgia was all just a... It was just a way for you guys to go after Trump. I mean, you just say what you want, but that's the way it seems to me, you guys. You guys put a little fast and loose and just Trump told you to drink bleach and Trump told you this, look, what's Allen is the Secretary of State of Alabama? Trump was questioning the election process in Alabama, then we would have had a discussion about that, okay? But there are people who are concerned and obviously fighting kind of weird, they see something going on in like Utah or wherever and they worry about it happening here in Alabama, so like they want to take action to make sure it doesn't happen here. And that's what we were talking about. So you just, you guys on the left of James, you can say you're not a lefty, but you are. - Yeah, the trigger point of the Secretary of State in Alabama is a, it's an easy one for you, I see. But also James, that was a pretty taped interview. Once again, let me explain this, you're listening. I was up in DeKalb County last week for an event that the Speaker of the House puts on and the Senate Majority Leader. Every 4th of July, they asked you to come up and do my radio show. And I said, "Well, I don't have a 4th of July radio show." But they said, "Okay, how about come up and pre-tape some stuff?" And that's what we did. So what's Allen was there? So was Jack Williams, who has pledged to come on this program. Anybody out there know Jack Williams very well, Senator Williams, they should say, running for ad commissioner. Telling me to go on to Jeff Porchow, but he said he would come on the program, but wanted some preconditions. And I don't know how to feel about that, but we'll try to work it out the best we can. But they put on the big advantage, there's a bunch of politicians, a bunch of policy makers up there, a bunch of interesting people. And we pre-taped that interview with less Allen. So you can yell at the radio, I guess, if you want. Paul, Wisconsin, Michigan are the big ones that Biden needs. Interesting legislation of both of those states, loosely. Think about Biden, though. I don't think they're gonna contest. I think they're just gonna be barely able to hang on in like New Mexico or Colorado and some of these other states. They're gonna be a spread very thin. But here's the thing about those two states, Paul, that you mentioned. Well, probably any other state, Georgia included. Pennsylvania, the scrutiny's gonna be intense this time around, from the right. It's not, they got away with one, I think in 2020. They're not gonna be allowed to pull it off again. Personally, I just, they changed everything, they changed the rules of the game. And essentially what happened, though, was Biden just barely won. A Biden that was in much better shape, health-wise. He didn't have the baggage of his last four years, but he just still didn't barely won. And everything that Biden has done, name something that, where Biden's helped his cause, and I don't think there are any. There is anything he can say. And you tell us the economy's better, but like people still, they don't feel it. They sense it when they go to grocery store, they're paying a lot more. But their jobs aren't paying more. Farm policy, maybe there's a few like Ukrainian sycophants out there. But you had those guys already. Yeah, P.O. the pro-Israel crowd, even those on the left. What does Joe Biden have to run on other than he is not Donald J. Trump? And there's gonna hold out there. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Okay, let's just play the other side right now. And offer this to me, if you can, pretend you are for Joe Biden, and Joe Biden beating Trump. Don't tell me about Big Bad Orange, man. We've heard this trite before. Pretend I'm not from here. Give me like some policy W's. Give me some like things that Biden has done that would make him a have better standing as a candidate in your view. I don't think he can. I think this is very, very problematic for these guys. Mark, why don't we just put together a very large group of people to get ice stickers, to put on our vehicles and park them at polling places. That should fend off quite a few illegal voters, probably because that would be illegal. You can't misrepresent yourself as a government official and driving a government vehicle. I suppose you can just put stickers that say ice on them, and that would be a deterrent, but I don't know. I don't think you're going to get me able to pull that off. And my guess is the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division would probably come knocking at your door as if you were engaging in some kind of voter intimidation. That's what I would, that's what I would be worried about with such a tactic. All right, moving along here. I also said James Ed Hoff, a former Senator from Oklahoma, who dies at age 89, was a good guy, got to know him during my time during Washington, D.C. He was, he ain't a guy named Mark Marana, who's been on the show before, like we're like a one-two punch against the global warming alarmist. And they really were like over the top at times. And we'll see here, if you were, we'll see the first hour, I think the Biden coup is over. A lot of, a lot of marquee Democrat politicians that weren't like rallying around Joe Biden earlier, starting to rally around him now, and probably tells you what you need to know. The NATO summit, this will be fascinating to watch. What will the NATO summit look like with Joe Biden there? Will he, will he interact with the world leaders the same way he reacted down at an enormity, which is not going to help his calls at all. Few other headlines here, Hurricane Barrow, a global warming alarmist really playing that up. And the heat. There's a Obama pollster out there. This is a political story this morning, it's on my list. But what you would call an Obama polling firm is pushing a poll out there, showing Harris and Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump. So this is another one of these things where it's just kind of silly season. Hillary Clinton coming back is not going to happen. And guys, on these Democrat polls, you need to add about five to 10 points. So, yeah, Hillary and Harris may do a bit better against Trump than Joe Biden, but just right now, the country doesn't want Democratic leadership. It's just there, they've had it. Big spending and an unfettered immigration policy. What I would like to see if Trump wins, I don't have like high expectations that he's going to be able to get a whole lot done. The Republicans screwed him when he won in 16. I don't know, will they screw him again? Probably won't be as easy. You don't have a Mitch McConnell there or a Paul Ryan. Won't be that something to watch, but what you would want, I think ideally, yeah, let's put Trump in a place where he gets much accomplished, but Democrats in the national media and our national institutions, I think need to get like the message here. Then this is, did this, this leftward trajectory and they go further and further left and dabbling in all these different issues. And they don't, they're not, they go further for a lesson. They're not just like, they don't, they're not getting it. Well, they get it if they lose this election. They didn't get it in 2016. Well, they get it this time. I don't know, that's, my hope would be that we'd stop seeing all this, whoa. Yes, we'll be right back. This is a Jeff Moore show and I've been talking. I don't think so. ♪ Yes, we are big tigers ♪ ♪ Yes, we are hill raisers ♪ ♪ People get out of our way ♪ ♪ Wherever we go ♪ ♪ Come into your life like I do every night ♪ ♪ From the heart of your radio ♪ ♪ I play a little sad ♪ ♪ And I play a lot of play ♪ ♪ And a few old change songs ♪ ♪ There's open everybody ♪ ♪ I'm the radio man ♪ ♪ I find the love ♪ - Lookin' back to the Jeff Moore show and I've been talkin' one of those six, five, eight, you're stickin' around on this Tuesday morning. Man, I tell you what, I put out an APB for Jack Williams to come on a program and boy, the response rolling in immediately, so thank you for all those who are helping out on that. Marty writes this, the big difference is time, but I will have to run on his record. The record is his answer. Yeah, well, but let's take so that from the record, is there any, Marty, is there anything in the Biden record? It is a positive. Seriously, like, I don't know. I try, I give Biden a bit of a further doubt, forget that he's old and out of touch and forget all that. What is something good that he has done? There's nothing. Somebody, and they'll tell you like, well, the economy's on this bad, is you say it is, but the problem is like, no one believes you, like they don't, the inflation problem is a tax on the middle, on the middle lower class and they feel it. That, if Hillary does come back, just throw up all that Russia collusion blank in her face since it was her doings. Yeah, Hillary's got problems as a candidate right now, and I can't see that being an option. Jerry, what's the deal with the story of something with the DOJ looking at Alabama prisons again? The DOJ, Jerry never stopped looking at Alabama's prisons and they're listening to the state tell them, well, we're working on it, we're working on it, but yet like, they have done nothing. I am, Jerry, they have done nothing to stop somebody eighth amendment violations in these prisons, or maybe they've paid lip service to it, but they are occurring every day, people are getting killed in our prisons, during COVID you had guys dying of a drug overdoses, even though these prisons were supposed to be a lockdown, it's a corrupt rotten system. There's no answer for it. We want you to call it the National Guard to get in control of these, 'cause the prison guards are just as bad as the inmates. I mean, there's a sort of a gang system. I can't tell you, over the years, because of me having a radio show and a platform on various media outlets of relatives coming to me about their loved one who made a mistake in life and is in prison and in Alabama and the hell they're going through. And we don't talk about it much, but it is happening. Not that prison's supposed to be an easy go at it. And any of you think you ought to be hell on earth, okay? The problem is this, those of you who are like key party constitutional conservatives, Bill O'Rites types, you're violating the eighth amendment. The eighth amendment counts as much the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth and seventh amendments. A judge, a court as determined, Alabama's violating the eighth amendment. They gotta get a handle on it. And they pay, like I said, they pay a lot of lip service to it, but it doesn't look like they're doing much to fix it. My name, Pastor Jeff, the pinhole doesn't swing freely in both directions anymore. The lunch has definitely overplayed their hand, but has rigged the game against a reaction against it. Yeah, somewhat, but like that pendulum just got to come crashing through. In our system of government, they can keep that pendulum from swinging the other direction, I think. But it's very hard to stop it forever. Now, they want to stop it forever. I mean, then we have to go in like a Chinese or even North Korea kind of some kind of authoritarian regime. But it's just it's that's your approach to government. Just keep the pendulum on one side. It's not long for this world in an American form of democracy. Democracy, a constitutional representation in a republic. It's going to swing back the other way. All right, back, this is F.P. Talk with O6-5. (MUSIC) (SINGING) (SINGING) Oh, I'll speak my southern English as natural as I please. I'm in the heart of Dixie, Dixie's in the heart of Dixie. And someday when I make it, when love finds a way, somewhere high on the lookout the mountain, I'll just smile and try to sleep at the home. Then I'll abandon her. Welcome back to the Jeff Korst shoulder from talk on O6-5. Joining us now here as we are at the Keninger Potato Festival, the breakfast put off by my buddy, House Speaker Nathaniel Edbetter and House our Senate Majority Leader Steve Livingston. But we got Mark Hiddley from East Alabama. New member here, Representative Good morning, how are you? Good morning, Jeff. I'm doing great, man. It's great to be on with you this morning. Hey, we appreciate you coming by. Well, let's kick it off here. I mean, this was this last session. I mean, you're in your battle scars, didn't you? Well, we did. It was, you know, there was a lot of things we had to deal with. There was some things that came up that were, you know, we weren't expecting like the IVF issue and that kind of thing. We moved fastly on that, quickly on that. But all in all, Jeff, it was a, I think it was a very productive session. What we did for school choice with the bill that I believe was very good on both sides of the issue. That protected public education, but also gave families an opportunity to move around a little bit and give some choices to people maybe that need to move in different directions. That was very, very, very good. So, you know, all in all of it, we had a good session. We passed some good legislation. I sort of been mentioned here this morning about, you know, our budget helping with law enforcement and helping with other different things that is extremely, extremely important. Our ETF budget. One of the things that we speak to that I was very encouraged with and I guess for lack of a term that we won't, you know, the Bible says we're not going to be lifted up in pride, but I'm proud of this just because of the accomplishment. But the assistant principal bill that I sponsored, that went through our house and has passed and the governor has already signed. I think it was a very good bill. This allowed us to be able to put more assistant principals in many of our public schools, which is extremely important because discipline is an issue. And of course, that's not the only role that assistant principals feel. But that was one main role and already some schools in my district and my area are benefiting from that. So, anything we can do to strengthen education, to give tools to those people that work in that, I mean, I have two beautiful daughters that both work in education and a son-in-law as well. And then many people that I know, and I work closely with our schools, try to stay in contact with them, to offer them anything we can do. So, I was really excited about that and doing anything we can to help bolster our public education and private education as well and give them tools that they can use to be more effective in the classroom. So, that was a couple of things. Of course, you know, we stood up for life, we stood up for, you know, traditional marriage, Susan DeBose or some of the bills that she's put forward has been really great at protecting those things that we know are just the correct values. So, just to give you a little bit of that, we had, I think, a very productive session and very excited about getting back, you know, and seeing what we can do for the state of Alabama come February of next year. Well, and you just felt this last year, and I was up there every week. Toward the end of the session, you started kind of feeling the fatigue and, you know, gambling took a lot of oxygen out of everyone's cells. You did it. But, you know, you look at it at face value if you take the gambling discussion out of it. I mean, it was a pretty decent legislative session as far as these conservative ideas that you want a Republican super majority put forth. Absolutely. It very was, it was, I think, very good position. And you say something there too, Jeff, is I'm very proud of Alabama, very proud of our very conservative stand and how we fight for those things. You know, one of the things that I said, Jeff, when I was running for office, was that I believe it's state governments that are going to hold our federal government in check with good conservative values. Values that we, our country was founded on. And here we are today, Jeff, and because it's so exciting to be in DeKalb County, I love DeKalb County, but we're, you know, here we are celebrating the Fourth of July, and, you know, the birth of the greatest nation on the planet. In a few moments ago, when I offered the prayer over our meal this morning, I reminded us of the fact that, you know, our country was founded on biblical principles. That's not, that's not creating a religion. That's, that is simply stating who we are as a nation. That's, that's one of our historical things that we know is true, is the fact that we were founded on biblical principles. If you read the founding father, let me just share one quote with you right here, a special sense, it's the Fourth of July this morning, and we're here. This is from John Adams. This is what John Adams said in response to the Fourth of July, the day that, that recognized his hour national independence, and the little birthing of this nation. He said, "This date will be the most memorable epic in the history of America. I'm out to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance. My solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, but shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more." So that's what John Adams put forth on the very first Fourth of July, and what we still do, celebrating this nation. But here's the other side of that coin, Jeff. If we don't fight for the values that made us great, we will cease to be the great nation we are. I have said this on the radio interviews. I've said it publicly, privately, many ways, that our biblical principles that founded this nation, and whether you agree with it or not, this is who we are. This is what we were founded on. This is the fabric that put us together. Those principles that put us this nation together, that created the fabric of who we are, if those principles are removed, we will unravel as a nation. And that's not to create a religion. That's not to create some denominational structure or whatever, and the nation command people to attend that. That's what they came out from under. And in England, this is the free expression of who we rise a nation. So it's extremely important, and our state values, and fighting for those, and making sure we hold conservative, pro-life, pro-family values, and small government values. All of those things are extremely important, I believe state by state, in holding our federal government accountable. So I think states hold a tremendous role in the future of this nation. And I talk about this on my show all the time. It's important for Alabama to take a lead here, because we are one of the more conservative states of the union. But we're in this era, all across the country, people look to government as a higher power now. Right. I mean, this is something kind of, maybe the last 30, 40 years, where we've replaced our faith with looking for solutions and to our problems. When that looked at government, we put government on this pedestal, and I, you know, government's just gonna let you down. Elected officials are, you know, putting, just putting them in stock and something like that, it leads to this kind of perilous predicament we're in right now. I think, I mean, look at, like, you know, the president and everything going on with that. You can't, you can't do that. So it's like, as far as the state of Alabama goes, it's important to, like, you say, I think reinforce these traditional structures, like the family, the church, and not look toward other, and not look toward, like, like, these government solutions all the time. Well, let's just, let's just look at a famous quote by what I believe is one of our greatest presidents of all time. I believe definitely the greatest president of the 20th century. That's Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan said the most dangerous words and the most scary words in the English language are, we're the government, and we're here to help. Okay. And that's exactly right. Now, what's the government to do? The government is to create a structure to make sure we stay safe, to make sure we stay protected. That's where the military comes in and all that kind of thing. But as far as looking to the government for everything we need, Jeff, you're exactly right. That is the most dangerous place we can ever be, because we, and this is, I believe, the structures, Jeff, that I think our federal government has tried to create in many cases in the last several decades, is a society that is totally dependent on the government. Right. When that happens, then we do become dependent on the government, and that gives rise. Listen, I just read a book a few months ago about socialism, written by one of the greatest authors on American history, William Federer. I have, I have his book, "America's Got a Country" that is, is a super thick book of all the quotes of founding fathers and others. He talked about socialism and the rise of communism and how it works. And it works by the gradual control, getting gradual control in all different sectors of people's lives. It is, well, it is the responsibility of the public to make sure we keep things in balance. This government was created of and for and by the people, not of and for the by government leaders. And the more power we give to them to control our lives, the less power we have. Let me make sure to next to you real quick, Jeff. There's a very wrong scenario, a very wrong way that we look at our three branches of government. You'll hear people sometimes say we have three equal branches of government. We do not have three equal branches of government. They're not equal and they're created that way for a purpose. We understand the president has certain powers. He has certain executive powers. He has a little bit control over money, but not total control. The Supreme Court has no law of making ability and they have no purse strings at all. But the legislature has the power to declare war. They have the power to make law. And they also have the power of the person, in other words, they control the monetary system. Why is that? So we see three branches here, which is the strongest of the three. It's the legislative branch. Why is that the strongest? It's the branch that's closest to the people. It's the branch where the people say, "I want you to go in this democratic republic." We hear a lot about democracy, democracy, democracy, democracy. We don't have a democracy, Jeff. We have a democratic republic. We elect people to go represent us. And why is that legislative branch the most powerful? That's the one where people from should be, from just common life, go and represent the people in Montgomery, but also in Washington, DC. So we understand that's the way it is, but we're turning this thing upside down. We've got to rot this ship if we don't. We're headed to a problem. Well, it's our system and this is my belief. The focus is on the individual. The focus is on your individual rights and liberties, whereas there's this push. It's like a Western European kind of socialism or something, where the focus has become the collective. And that's why you see all this policy and all these dangers. What are they thinking there? But the emphasis has become like it takes a village or whatever. And it takes what's important about that to me is like, we've got to be like a bork here. We can't allow that to continue. Oh, exactly. We cannot and we've got to write that. We've got to sit things back in order. We've got to understand how our founders. And here's one of the things, Jeff, that I believe we have so straight from in the last 50, 60 years, is we have moved away. We've watched the Supreme Court starting in the '40s, move away from precedent that was set for 170 years in our country. Well, let me give you one example here. One example is what we've seen happen in the religious freedom sector of our country, with the overturning of what we know is the Lemon Law. What was the Lemon Law? The Lemon was a court case, but a lemon versus Kirchmann, 1971. It was a religious freedom case. And the Supreme Court at that time took up that religious freedom case and ruled against religious freedom in 1971. But then they set their own standard in '71 about the test they would use for future religious cases. That is absolutely against the Constitution. They threw out all precedent, used their own ideological views, set their own precedent. And so this is why we saw the Ten Commandments kicked out. This is why we saw religious symbolism removed from public places, all of those things that are a historical part of who we are, removed by their ideology they created, not the president of our Constitution. Now, thanks to Coach Joe Kennedy and his case, it went to the Supreme Court after seven years, that Lemon Law was kicked out. And people are scared to death of that, but that doesn't mean the gate state is going to create a government, I mean, a religious system. It means we have the opportunity to go back to the historical foundations of who we are as a nation. And like I said, I want to go, we remove that fabric, we will see this nation unravel. And so, inhale, I do see a few things seemingly, Jeff, that are beginning to rot. And of course, people are going crazy over those things, many are on the left. But still, I see some things that are handy. And I look at it, Jeff, totally as the hand of God, riding this ship, getting us back to where we need to be, because God is hands on this nation. And he's got some things he still wants to do for a move with America. And we're joined by Stephen Sandmar Giddley here. We'll get you out of here on this. I know you've got to roll them out of here. But this whole idea, where they're trying to break away, this is your separation of church and state. Separation of church and state. But what the secular left is really promoting a lot of this. Separation of morality and state. Exactly. It's not the biblical, they want it because Christianity, for example, looks down on certain activities or beliefs or behaviors. They want to associate that with being a judgment against a lifestyle, a particular point of view. But that's not, you take that out of it. And where they're like conflating that. There's a lot of other religions, for example, that look down on best behavior. And so it's a moral question and it's the kind of country we want to live in. And I think that's how they try to undermine these like just traditional things we've done for the last 200 years. Well, Jeff, there has to be in any society, if it's going to survive, there has to be a moral compass. The moral compass I found or chose was biblical principles. Right. There has to be a moral compass. Once you remove that moral compass and you totally lose your ability to know where your destination is and where you're going. It's like the biblical reference of the Old Testament where the Bible says that they just ever been and just did what was right in his own eyes. We realize that society cannot survive that way. The children of Israel didn't survive that way and society can't survive that way. So we have to have a moral compass. Our founders understood that that was a biblical principle. Let me tell you what John Adams said. John Adams to go ahead and quote him again. John Adams made the statement. He said, "Our Constitution is created for a moral and religious people and is not sufficient to any other." So John Adams said, "We created this Constitution with that moral fabric of biblical moral principles. If those things erode, this Constitution is not worth the anything as far as God in this country, if you erode the very principles among which it was founded." Representative, you've been very kind to make time for us this morning. Say travels today and thanks for coming on. Thank you, Jeff. As we got you to break it here, we'll be right back. This is the Jeff Horst Show on the TikTok 1065. ♪ Grab his pants and fare that stands before we jump so high ♪ ♪ And then he clicked his heels ♪ ♪ He let go of a laugh, let go of a laugh ♪ ♪ Shook back his clothes all around ♪ ♪ Mr. Vogue Jangles ♪ ♪ Mr. Vogue Jangles ♪ ♪ Mr. Vogue Jangles ♪ ♪ Dance ♪ ♪ I hear you singing in the wire ♪ ♪ I can hear you singing in the wire ♪ ♪ I know it's just a line of you ♪ ♪ You're still on the line ♪ Welcome back to the Jeff Horst Show on the TikTok 1065. They're just sticking around on this Tuesday morning. A little bit of breaking news here. And this is as far as state politics go, but a Democrat lawmaker, Kelvin Lawrence from Haneyville in Lowndes County are rested on two felony charges. This according to Attorney General Steve Marshall's office, just put out the release. No further details are being offered. So I represented Lawrence in Jackson for the legislature's vlogging. But yeah, Kelvin Lawrence, as we'll see, the indictment alleges that Lawrence with the attempted defraud falsely made completed or altered a builder's license, but forgery, a criminal possession of a forged instrument, or class C felonies, punishable by one year and one day to 10 years in prison. That's a big deal if they proceed with it. Also, the case is being prosecuted by the AGs, special prosecution's division. So Democrat lawmaker arrested here today on two felony charges. We'll see what the reaction to that is. I don't know, you just kind of like, well, whatever. But Kelvin Lawrence is under scrutiny from the Attorney General for prosecutors. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, still to come on a program. I'm a Republican party chairman. John Wall will be with us. And that's about 45 minutes or so. So stay tuned for that like going on. The convention being underway next week. That will take a lot of interest there. Something else that I'm hearing this from Trump World. Yeah, believe it or not, I do know people. The way this Biden-Koo story is kind of playing out, they expected this to go on and on and on. And longer this story goes on in Biden World, the more damage he does to his campaign effort, right? This is probably why Trump has not named his running mate yet. And it looks like JD Vance from Marco Rubio. But isn't named his running mate yet? Because you want to get a big bounce out of that. You want to get a big bounce out of the new cycle. Now granted, the left wing media is going to find reasons to go after these two gentlemen, whichever one is named. But that's the strategy here. They're trying to play it just right time and just right to get to maximize the positive out of it. Let's get a break here. Very fact, this is a good talk. One, two, six, five. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between. An insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor Show. I don't think he ain't done it this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Poor Show. What if I'm talking about one of those six, five? I'm number three now underway. Text line would be a touch of the show. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. That's how you correspond with the program. Silla Cup, John Walsh, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party in about 30 minutes. So stay right where you are. In the meantime, a little bit of news here. Calvin Lawrence of Wounds County. It's the last county before you get to Montgomery going up 65 at Haneyville, where he yells from. Lawrence was arrested on two felony counts. Of a alleged forgery. And we'll see where this goes. But that's the news. And I don't know. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Let's see. What kind of text messages do I have? I've got a bunch waiting on me here. And the textured judge is wrong. We need democracy, not a one-man dictatorship. Democracy, Paul, how did Dibs resist the 22 wave? They were smart about it. As soon as the Dobbs' decision was handed down, Paul. Planned Parenthood went on the offense. I mean, they raised a lot of money. And well, think about Planned Parenthood. There's a lot of non-profit political non-profits out there. Planned Parenthood action fund, they're true believers. I don't understand the pro-choice movement. I'm not pro-choice. I'll not speak on their behalf. But what I do understand that they put that money to good use politically. A bad use morally, but politically, they got a lot of female voters engaged. Look, I had one very prominent Republican female politician explaining it to me once. And I'm curious to see the female voters out there, especially if you have a daughter. And somebody rapes your daughter as horrible as that may sound, but horrible as that is. And then it gets her pregnant. What's the appropriate course of action? Now if you're, you know, the pro-lifers would say, well, every, you know, every life is life regardless of how it was conceived. It all warrants protection. But like in that emotional state, like one of the most precious things you could have is your children and they were violated. And now you have the state, the government telling you, you cannot abort that child. You must carry this child. How do you feel about that? And I think, and these cases are rare, but they're very, they're very easily used to manipulate a political reaction. And look, I think women voters will say maybe they are our pro Republican or conservative, but in the back of their head, they hear this. They see this. They think this way and they go vote for a Democrat for that reason. Now my opinion is like, well, I mean, we got to make tough choices. The politics be damned. Policy is more important. But politicians don't see it that way. They say politics. You got to get in power to do, to enact positive legislation and, you know, we can't be absolutist. But the pro-choice guys, the single issued pro-choice Planned Parenthood types sought this out, made this an issue, and they blunted the red wave of 2022 from it. Republicans just did not turn out the vote. They should have. I mean, Biden's been, it was a disaster even in his first two years, but the backlash, there was way more backlash to Obama than there was to Joe Biden. And that, and that remarkable on a textured Democrat talking to everybody that Donald Trump wants to be a dictator, Biden and Jill and Hunter are saying they're not going to leave that kind reminds me of a dictatorship. There is some irony there. James, the official troll, the Jeff Porsche, numbers don't lie, the bank of coal members believe the economy is trash. Okay, yes, they do believe that. How about tilled me? Other than groping women by the privates, what did Trump do? Nothing. Listen, I, I mean, the economy, James, all we got to do is compare the Trump economy to the Biden economy, even with COVID. You just compare the two and you know, does Trump deserve the benefit of having to deal with an economy pre-COVID? Does that mean the COVID stuff was thrown in there, but the policy response, particularly for the Biden administration with the inflation reduction act to non-reduce inflation, all of these measures that did not work, it throwing more money at the problem, a stimulus and whatnot, it's only caused this hyperinflation and that's what people feel. They didn't get a check from the government or if they did get $100 from the government, well, I mean, you know, they're paying way more than $100 and added expenses since then. You just can't, you can't tell me Magacope members are the only ones who are feeling me by the economy. Otherwise, Biden would be up right now. James, no matter what you say, this is, this is the reality. Biden should be up big on Trump under any other normal circumstances because Trump convicted on 34 counts twice impeached. The baggage of January 6 are trying to put on him. All of these different things, even the grab women by the, the privates, all of the stuff that you wouldn't throw it at Donald Trump, James, our chair, our man, man, whatever, make your list, make your long list of gripes about Donald Trump, James, and lay it out. Why is it Joe Biden beating him? That's the problem. You can't, the candidate, you say you're not a Biden guy, but the Biden, Biden ought to be beating him. He's got the power of incumbency. Biden's getting smoked. He's going to get smoked in this election. And James, I don't know what party you, you got to pick a party. But the Biden, the Trump opposition wing of the Democratic Party, which is all of it, is letting you down. Jason, Mr. Gillies, a tremendous speaker and a great guess. Hope to hear more from him. Well, thank you, Jason. Pat, that guy talks like a preacher, drawing out words longer than needed, getting amped up when he specifically wants you to listen. He's been taught to speak in church for sure. And a texture, when do you think Trump will release his vice presidential pick? And I address this a little bit earlier. I would be, I bet you it is soon. I bet you, I think it's possible for it into the week. Well, it's what's what Tuesday I bet you could get it before Friday. Just depends on this Biden coup going on. You know, like what they want to do to Joe Biden, if that continues to have legs, money, Democrats or synonymous with criminal activity. Jerry, please explain the meaning of democracy. Two walls and a sheep deciding what they want for supper. And then Jerry, well, I don't have a daughter, but I have a granddaughter, and I'm not going to have the state tell me that I can't abort a rape. Not sure that's going to matter, but that's what the state says. Well, I assume Jerry, you would just go to another state where abortion still legal. But yeah, Jerry, the problem is though, not everybody's willing to figure it out like that, they're just willing to vote. And they don't, these cases are really rare, but they are used, they are co-opted by the let the Democratic party to get votes. What should the, well, what's the right response to this? Chris, Jeff, rape is not a victimless crime. There will be a victim, one, the woman, and the other is the child. Mr. Doug, pass a law that all rapists must use a condom. And then adds, I'm mocking our dumb lawmakers. And any text or paper ballots in the commies never win again. Well, let's get back to this idea. What if should Alabama have exceptions for abortions? Now in 2019, when they passed this law, this abortion ban, Terry Collins explained it. The idea was Roe v. Wade was the law of the land. What you had to do was you had to force the Supreme Court to decide what protections an embryo, a fetus, well, what, what do they get? And that's why we passed an exceptionless abortion ban because it is no less a life if it's conceived in rape or incest than it is if it's just conceived any other way. Pat, do you know what those cases are? Do you know why those cases are somewhere because of the hospital? We're getting tested for diseases as such after rape to give you an option for the plan B pills. If it's not too late, the Republicans don't care about that part. But but they don't. It's not about Republicans, Pat. It's Democrats imposing this hypothetical on the electorate and saying that apparently there's this other case like what if it's like a family member or something? Well, if the dirty uncle does something and the daughter has to carry the child, it doesn't she's scared doesn't tell anybody. I mean, there's all these circumstances that you and I I mean, as guys here, maybe we don't think about but as a mother, maybe as a father, you know, you think about that lose the needle and Democrats are very smart and savvy and evil in some degree. Did they use this to get votes? That's the way they operate. I mean, I'm not talking about I mean, there's all kinds of different kinds of things that are classified as rape. In fact, I don't I don't understand it. I've never been raped. I never will be. But like what that does, the emotional toll and then how how women react to it. The way they internalize it, but maybe they are contemplating it and it's too late for the morning after pill or the plan B option or whatever. And the way the democratic party in the left is taking that to say, well, you know, you don't have any say in this male white male. And they're making it sound like that, you know, we're a bunch of like theocratic crazy right wingers that aren't understanding this the way we ought to understand it. But whatever it is, and this gets back to Paul's question, it works. It works for Democrats. Now, I don't know if it works in a general election, but it's certainly worked in the midterms, especially after Dobbs. 2513430106. I'll get to your text, Terry, after the break. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff poor show. I have to talk about those six, five years down flat long before you take this cowboys hat. Now, if you're leather jagged means to you what this hat means to me. I miss my son, not to do the things I've done. Walk away from trouble that you can. It won't be in your week if you turn the other cheek. I hope you're old enough to understand. The sun, you don't have to fight to be a man. Looking back to the Jeff poor showed up and talk one of those six, five, 24 minutes after the hour on this Tuesday morning programming, though, coming up on tomorrow's show, Joey Clark from Newstalk 93, one of Montgomery and former secretary of state John Merrill, the last of our pre-taping interviews will run tomorrow. So make sure you tune in for that. One of the guests to be named later as well. Let's see here. We got here. We got one text. I know I want to get to here. Okay, Jerry. I was referring to putting a bullet between the eyes of the person to community actor rape. My apologies. I don't think a vigilante open vigilante justice is the right way of discussing that. Jerry, Pat, I'm just explaining their rare cases. And yes, I say Republicans don't care because just two weeks ago, some tried to bad plan me pills. I have no clue how I would fill if my daughter got raped. I'd probably be in prison soon after. And then, I think, you know, like, I understand, but there's a voting and electoral reaction there too, right, Pat? The plan be these are more professions. It was the court, right? What people need to understand the morning after pill is a contraceptive, not a more efficient. What do I mean by that? That you could take medication that creates a reaction where a you don't have the it makes the the conception process, the fertilization and attachment to the uterus less likely or impossible. And that's the idea. But like if your daughter gets raped, what none of these things are 100% effective. We don't know what you're going through when you're thinking about this stuff. Besides putting a bullet between the guy's eyes as Jerry would. That is the that's the concern for a lot of female voters and Republicans have a good answer for it. Even if it's a rare case, Republicans need Republicans need a better explanation or better answer, better response. I don't know what that is either. The Ronald Reagan approach. Yeah, I don't believe this is an acceptable response. I believe in the states determining the outcome. The more power we can take away from the federal government, get to the states the better. Well, not if the state is committing if that one particular state is committing genocide. I don't believe in that. I think the federal government has a role, especially in something as big and as important as what is life. You know, the we need the we as a nation need to decide definitions. These big important quarters foundational cornerstone type ideas about life when life begins. I don't think it needs to be left up to the Wyoming legislature to determine that. I'm just sorry if I'm not there. I'm not there on this 10th amendment argument at all. This is a big deal. This is much bigger than the states determining for themselves. Governor Nordam and Northam in Virginia, the former government on blackface there. Talking about committing abortion after birth, which I would in that murder. And we're going to leave this up to the states to the side. The country needs to come together or come together to some kind of consensus. We don't have to agree with it, but it needs to be determined by the federal government. I just I don't like that that approach that we're going to leave it up to the stage because. On the stage about the drug trafficking, they drew the child in Baltimore County, but it's not reported that the drug driver was the illegal alien. If he was an author, a football player would be reported thinking what that cost us. Well, and I think we know what's going on there. I don't think it's even a liberal bias. I think it's a fear of like, well, we need to be careful. We don't want to be that kind of side. More. Much more than this. I did it my way. Yes, there were times. I'm sure you. Welcome back to the Jet Force Show. If I talk for those six five, they just stay with us on. On this Tuesday morning. Text. If you want to get in the way of time, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero six joining us now. It is Tuesday. We do this on Tuesday's. We got our member Republican party chairman and John Wall with us. Chairman, good morning. How are you? I'm doing well. It's good to be on the show. Hey, thank you for coming on. We do appreciate it. Let's start here, Chairman. I mean, watching the way things are kind of going and going heading into the conventions here. I mean, it's just been a. It's been a heck of a news cycle for Republicans, hasn't it? No, it's been very good. And I actually come to you this morning from Milwaukee. So we're we're getting things on the road. Good things moving. Hard to believe we're only a week out from the convention right now. It seems like I guess you want this to go on. Well, we're calling it kind of this turmoil within the Democratic party as long as possible for Republicans to really do anything that were, you know, Republicans are resigned to kind of watch this this civil war between Democrats right now. No, and I think that's really good for us because, look, the bottom line is and I don't know how the Democrats figured out they were in this position now, but either way, whichever way they go, it's going to be a very serious they're going to have very serious problems. Whether you keep fighting, whether you replace them, there's going to be people unhappy. They don't have a consensus. They don't have a really strong group. They don't they don't know what the best option for themselves moving forward is that indecision is exactly where you want your opponents on the Republican side. We're concise. We know what we want. We know our candidate. We're all behind our candidate. We're moving forward. And I think that gives us a real advantage of ending November. Yeah, that their problem, Chairman, is they they may have polling and data and everything that tells them what they need to do to win, but right now the harp thing for them is just getting everybody to go along with whatever the program. I mean, this is like they're heading into battle and they don't have like really a consensus on what the tactical response ought to be. They they're doing some weird thing with Project 2025. That's not going to work. I mean, they're really they really get some problems. Well, you know, you brought up Project 2025 because I'm hearing more and more about this and what I'm hearing from everyone, whether Republican or Democrat, is people are confused. What is Project 2025 in the bottom line? Yeah, they're trying to say, okay, what will America look like if Donald Trump gets reelected 2025 and and they're trying to pin all these negative things. The trouble I think this is going to backtrack on those people's minds are going to go well. It's going to look like what 2017 looks like, which means lower gas prices, lower cost of living, a more secure border and a safer foreign policy. It's hard. It's going to be very hard for Democrats to paint the picture of what a what a Trump presidency is going to look like in 2025 that is actually a big negative to people because we see what a Trump presidency is. This is not a this is not a hypothetical. We know we know what it's going to look like. We know the fruit. So I think this is going to fall flat on their face, to be honest. Yeah, I mean, even if it is on paper effective, people just they're not this is not what they're losing sleep over. Democrats always try to manufacture things and it's it's like it's very linsky, I guess, but but but now is not the time for that that they got they have bigger problems and these little gimmick trick plays that they're running. Maybe they work, you know, and some circumstances in a midterm cycle, but I'm watching this and I saw it once just terrible about all of it. Chairman is just how much the media and everybody playing from the same sheet of music is so obvious. It's so contrived. It's just so like, wow, they got they had to actually had a meeting about doing this. And that that's like, but but I agree, it's going to fail, but it's it's easy to spot these sort of things as they develop. Yeah, you know, talking to someone the other day, it kind of sad what we've seen happen to the America, American media. It's so obviously biased. There's there's not even an attempt anymore at journalistic integrity. But I guess just completely one side it completely biased and worse than that, it's it's negative. But like if if you have it to whether on the state level or the federal level, if you have a truly conservative person who really believes in in the foundation principles of our country and freedom and liberty and in base, you know, one of the biggest things that was attacking people with faith or if they have religious you know, convictions and how anyone who actually stands up for what's right, it's attacked so brutally by the media. And that really I realized that a while back just how how much of a tool the media is for scary things, whether between Republican and Democrats or even within Republican circles but within the public say the Republican primary, like they're going to hit the true conservatives and they're going to hit the people who are actually standing at the fighting and and try to steer that process. And I think the the unintended consequences we as American people have got to be vigilant. We've got to realize almost to the point of if the media saying it, assume it's wrong. And I think it's really sad that we've reached that point. But it's really where we're at today's journalist journalism. But it's like we're not supposed to notice that, um, you know, what July 7th, 2024. And if you watch these these public affairs programs on Sunday morning, uh, seeing an ABC CBS, NBC, all have questions about Project 2025. Did they just happen to, uh, you know, are they just like, we're all independently, they all independently came to the same thought, the same ideas, the same things on the same day. Right. Yeah, no, no, we all know. We all know, you know, I'm reminded he was a Democrat, but there's still something to clean here. There's an old quote from, um, I, uh, Roosevelt, as in a Roosevelt, and it says there are no coincidence in politics. And that is so true. They don't even hide it. I mean, it's like insulting, but, but, but this isn't the first time they've done this. And I tell my listeners this all the time, Chairman, when you, when you see these kinds of talking points, they're talking points. That's what you need to, uh, or recognize when you see everybody talking from the same, uh, using the same lingo, the same, um, the same, uh, words or whatever to describe something there. There, there's somebody in a communications role for the campaign is sending them these talking points. It's just not a coincidence. This is like, Hey, we would like you to say this. And if you could do this for us, that maybe we could get you some FaceTime with Tony Blinken or Kamala Harris or whatever, and they go along with it. And that's sort of the state of journalism right now that it just kind of works that way. Yeah, no, that's definitely right. We've become it's, it's punditry rather than journalism. Um, you know, it's all become an opinion piece, um, rather than actual true, true journalistic integrity. But I mean, and this is not new. You know, I remember back, well, you know, in 2016, um, early on in the 26th race, before Donald Trump got into it, um, you know, there were some emails that were, uh, went public from between CNN and, um, between CNN and Hillary Clinton's campaign. Where Hillary Clinton's campaign, we're, we're asking CNN go after Rand Paul because Rand Paul is being us in the general election polls. We don't want him as a Republican nominee. And that was that open. Like those, those emails got released, but it was the communication between Hillary Clinton's campaign, Athena would, was that open and direct? And if you had a candidate for president on the Democrat side, being that open and direct with, with the mainstream press, imagine how much more from actual city Democrat, uh, president. And so I think you're right that this is, this is not genuine. This is not something that's natural, no natural spontaneously selected in the media. It's all pre-programmed. It's all thought out in advance and in an attempt to attack. Yeah, I love, though, it is not working. The American people are seen directly. No, they're not. I mean, but that's why like, they're, they're doing the same thing over and over and over again. And it just, it's, it's crazy how they haven't learned from their mistakes. But, um, anyway, Chairman, uh, my frustration is with the media and the left-wing establishment. And this is what it is. It's not, uh, uh, those will probably persist forever. Tell me this. Uh, let's talk about R&C coming up and, um, the platform and, and I guess you're aware of the controversy there. But what do you say? I mean, I don't think these platforms really matter, but there's a lot of people upset about the abortion language. Yes. No, and, and look, the platform does matter. Um, you know, I, I, and it matters because the Republican party is not great because of our name. We're, we're, we're not great because of, uh, being the grand old party. It's about the values we represent. And if we ever lose sight of those fundamental values, we have to lose sight of what makes us who we are, what makes America what we are. You know, the, the, the, these fundamental concepts that all better created, you are, and now with any of the rights that come from our creator, um, we, we lose, we lose who we are, and we lose a chance to save this country. So in that regard, I think it's incredibly, incredibly important and privileged areas, um, for the party to stay grounded in the right principles and, and fight for those principles. And, and our elected officials don't always do what they're supposed to do. They don't always follow our platform, but we can always point to the platform and the party standing for what's right. Well, this is this platform. I just was looking over a little while ago. It's a good platform. There, there are obviously a couple areas that I, I do not like or that I wish would be stronger. Um, but overall, I think it is a strong platform that talks about the right issues and, and does keep us in a, in a, in a strong position. Do you worry that, uh, you know, the Republicans are abandoning the, the pro-life cause? I mean, and I'm not saying that they're, they'll say the pro-life, they'll pay lip service to it. But let's remember like this pro-life movement's really brought Republicans to the dance. I mean, if you go all the way back to 1980 and Ronald Reagan ended building this coalition of Republicans of conservatives and bringing the social conservatives in. And now it feels like, well, the culture's changed and we don't really need them as much. But I mean, well, what do you think of that? Well, look, I think this is incredibly concerning. I think you were absolutely right. I think the, already there's a, there is a contingent within the, within Republican elected officials that want to get away from this issue. Um, and I think it's coming a lot from our, from the consultants, from the conservative consultants who, who are say running points that this is the issue that's hurting us. Well, I would submit to them the issue, why it's hurting us is because they are not communicating a clear and concise message of why we're pro-life and why a pro-life position matters. So yes, this, this issue is a problem for Republicans, but it's because of how we've handled it over the last two years and it allowed Democrats to define it. And the mean means for media. We've, we've accepted the premise they have set up. And I think that's where we as we're probably going to go to do a better job are like the officials or consultants on the party itself. We cannot allow our enemies to define the talking points on our issues. We need to be for ourselves, reject their premise and talk directly to the American people. And we need to do that on the issue of pro-life. This platform is not as strong and pro-life as the last one was. And I, I, I think, I think that's a mistake. We said, I think we have to get that we have to hit it head on. We have to talk about it. We have to explain why we are pro-life. Don't just try to bury it. Don't just try to water it down. Let's actually talk about why it's important. Well, even the abortion ban, that federal abortion ban, been in there for 50 years and now it's not. I mean, do we, should we read into that? Is that the direction of things now or what do you think? Well, that's what I was saying. It said, it said, I think what we saw was not a literally, we can in the pro-life position itself. The platform still mentions that we're pro-life, so much that we're, you know, we're against abortion. We want to, you know, make things, you know, find other routes beside the abortion. I think what has been taken out is the stronger rhetoric and the more in-depth conversation about it. And I think that's where we need to, we, we actually need that language. We need to be talking about the direct policies. Why it's important. Why, why government should always respect life. You know, when you think about world history, governments that don't consider life precious usually have a very bad end. And I think this is a fundamental, a fundamental issue that you cannot escape. You cannot run from it. You cannot compromise on it. Life is sacred. And it is literally one of the number one duties of government to protect and secure life, because without life, all other rights are worthless. I mean, at some point in, you know, does this, does this approach, does it, does it have an impact? Does it, do you start seeing, do you dis-spirit the social conservatives, and maybe you don't have them as active in the, in the process as you need them, especially as close as our politics is in this day and age? I, I absolutely, like, look, you know, we saw this, we talked, we talked a lot about that, um, the State House District up in North Alabama, House District 10, and we know what happened there. You know, Democrats talked about the issues that extended their base, or the Republican candidate did not talk about the issues that excited the Republican base. And we saw the power of turnout in that special election. Now, special elections are gonna, are far more about turnout than a regular general election. I get that. At the same time, it highlights how important turnout is to elections. And I think that's what we have to remember. When you're running a race, it's not just about convincing moderates. You don't have to go to the middle. It's about turning out Republicans. And we're, we've won recently, as a Republican Party, the areas where we have been, where we haven't impressed or over performed. Many areas like Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, talking about parental rights and the social issues and what's happening in our schools. It's been, you know, Ron DeSantis and Florida talking about, you know, pushing back on the woke agenda and protecting our children from these woke policies. And I think we've got to recognize that in order to win, you can't just go to the middle. You have to excite the Republican base. You have to talk about the issues that are affecting people. And I think if you do it, and you do it wisely, you actually pick up independent Democrats. You just have to hit the issues that on and explain why we believe what we believe. Chair, we've got to leave it there, but we're going to be watching the proceedings going into the RNC real close. Folks want to find out more about the Alabama Republican Party? Where could they look? Well, we, we have a lot to say connected and look, the next couple of weeks are going to be busy with the convention. Follow us on our social media, social media accounts at Alabama Republican Party. And then, of course, our website, Chair, stay safe. We appreciate it. Absolutely good to be on the show. All right, we'll be right back. This is a flip talk. 106 five. A good time. Welcome back to the Jup4 show. What if I'm talking 106 five? They just stick it around on what's the left of this Tuesday morning. Coming up on Wednesday's program, Joy Clark from Montgomery, Newstalk of 93-1 News and Views. He'll be with us for Wednesday regular. Also, we have a John Merrill interview that we will air tomorrow. It's a good look at Alabama political history over the last maybe 50-60 years that we talk about there. It won't be just election fraud or whatever, but it sort of goes in a different direction. Jerry, if we make any exception for rape, I really believe that the person responsible should be put down. The same slimy people who fight the rights of criminals for the rights of criminals are the ones who defend the right to kill babies. Joe, the harder the media puts the story, the less likely it's true. The more the media covers up a story, the more likely it's true. Simple as that. If I'm Terry, at the state's banning abortion, that's a democratic process, but the state local governments need to be proactive in providing support programs for unplanned pregnancies. Agree with that. Terry, cut up here shortly. Midday mobile. You get Sean Sullivan. Sean, what's it got for today? I do like that Axiom there. The more, I forget who it was on the text line you just said, but the more they promote a story, the less factual it is, the more they hide it, the more factual it is. It could be true on the fringe. It's not like I'm bouncing that around in my head. Well, they had to work harder to convince the public maybe that this is what's really going on and they cast aspersions or they cast some kind of motivations that aren't necessarily true. Yeah. Of course, but you know that this is the best Biden ever. This is the best, I mean, that's his super power is his age, right? But even the media are like, I don't know. There's some problems here. We got to work through, right? No, I'm just saying it took, you know, took a while for it to get to that point. Of course, Joe Scarborough changes his opinion about whether Biden should run. It's I don't I didn't see anything today, but I mean, it's been over five days, six days, three different opinions there back and forth. Yeah. And then if you see him go away because Mika's mad at him, then he's, uh, he's of the anti Biden opinion that day. Yeah. So it depends on how Mika is. I'll tell you what, if you don't want to do this, whatever this weekend, I'm gonna come out here and say he shouldn't run that works. Yeah. Coming up, Ben Raines joins me in hour number one, hour number two, April Marie Fogel. I got stories about rat traps and male theft. I've got, uh, which is fascinating, by the way. Also, what Blue Anon is saying about the ABC audio from the Stephanopoulos interview, they're saying the audio engineer was trying to mess with Biden's levels. And that's, yeah, so to never put a letter out to never do any interviews with ABC anymore for Biden. So it will dig into some audio fun coming up. You might like that. But Sean, I mean, there's some truth to that, but I thought it was going the other direction. It's not true to it. They had to run the mic level so high because he was whispering. So it's fixing. Yeah. So the gate limiter was, you know, I'll nerd out a little bit. Yeah, but they were trying to help him. This is what I thought. Yes. And it just picks up all the room ambiance. We got a mic back in the back. It's the same thing. I got to get out of here. It's been a pleasure. Sorry for us for God's sake. Goodbye. This has been the Jeff Pore Show it up and talk about oh, six, five.