FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

State Rep. Mark Gidley - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-09-24

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09 Jul 2024
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I'll speak my Southern English as natural as I please I'm in the heart of Dixie Dixie's in the heart of me And someday when I make it, when love finds a way Somewhere high I won't look out the mountain I'll just smile and try to say that my home's in Alabama And welcome back to the Jump Core Show with him talk on 065 joining us now here as we are at the Heninger Potato Festival The breakfast put on by my buddy House Speaker Nathaniel Edbetter Our Senate Majority Leader Steve Livingston But we got Mark Hiddley from East Alabama New member here, Representative Good morning, how are you? Good morning, Jeff. I'm doing great, man It's great to be on with you this morning Hey, we appreciate you coming by We'll just kick it off here, I mean this was this last session I mean, you're in your battle scars, isn't ya? Well, we did, it was, you know, there was a lot of things we had to deal with There were some things that came up that were, you know, we weren't expecting Like the IVF issue and that kind of thing We moved fastly on that, quickly on that But all in all, Jeff, it was a, I think it was a very productive session What we did for school choice, with the bill that I believe was very good On both sides of the issue, that protected public education But also gave families an opportunity to move around a little bit And give some choices to people maybe that need to move And different direction directors That was very, very, very good So, you know, all in all, I think we had a good session, we passed some good legislation It's already been mentioned here this morning about, you know, our budget helping With law enforcement and helping with other different things That is extremely, extremely important Our ETF budget, one of the things that we speak to That I was very encouraged with And I guess, for lack of a term that we won't You know, the Bible says we're not going to be lifted up in pride But I'm proud of this, just because of the accomplishment But the assistant principal bill that I sponsored That went through our house and has passed and the governor has already signed I think it was a very good bill, this allowed us to be able to put more Assistant principals in many of our public schools, which is extremely important Because discipline is an issue, and of course, that's not the only role that Assistant principals feel, but that was one main role And already some schools in my district, in my area are benefiting from that So anything we can do to strengthen education, to give tools to those people that work in that I mean, I have two beautiful daughters that both work in education And a son-in-law as well, and many people that I know And I work closely with our schools to try to stay in contact with them, to offer them anything we can do So I was really excited about that, and doing anything we can to help bolster our public education And private education as well, and give them tools that they can use to be more effective in the classroom So that was a couple of things, of course, you know, we stood up for life, we stood up for, you know, traditional marriage Susan DeBose, or some of the bills that she's put forward has been really great at protecting those things That we know are just the correct values So just to give you a little bit of that, we had, I think, a very productive session And very excited about getting back, you know, and seeing what we can do for the state of Alabama come February of next year Well, you just felt this last year, and I was up there every week Toward the end of the session, you started kind of feeling the fatigue And, you know, gambling took a lot of auction out of everyone's sales But, you know, you look at it at face value if you take the gambling and discuss it out of it I mean, it was a pretty decent legislative session As far as these conservative ideas that you want a Republican super-majority to put forth Absolutely, it very was, it was, I think, a very good position And you say something there too, Jeff, is I'm very proud of Alabama I'm very proud of our very conservative stand and how we fight for those things You know, one of the things that I said, Jeff, when I was running for office Was that I believe it's state governments that are going to hold our federal government in check with good conservative values Values that our country was founded on, and here we are today, Jeff And it's so excited to be in DeKalb County, I love DeKalb County But, you know, here we are celebrating the Fourth of July And, you know, the birth of the greatest nation on the planet In a few moments ago, when I offered the prayer over our meal this morning I reminded us of the fact that, you know, our country was founded on biblical principles That's not creating a religion, that is simply stating who we are as a nation That's one of our historical things that we know is true Is the fact that we were founded on biblical principles If you read the founding fathers, let me just share one quote with you right here Special sense is the Fourth of July this morning, and we're here This is from John Adams This is what John Adams said in response to the Fourth of July The day that recognized his our national independence And the little birthing of this nation He said this date will be the most memorable epic in the history of America I'm out to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations As the great anniversary festival It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance My solemn acts of devotion to God almighty It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade But shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires And illuminations from one end of this continent to the other From this time forward forever more So that's what John Adams put forth on the very first Fourth of July And what we still do Celebrating this nation, but here's the other side of that coin, Jeff If we don't fight for the values that made us great We will cease to be the great nation we are I have said this on the radio interviews I've said it publicly, privately, many ways That our biblical principles that founded this nation And whether you agree with it or not, this is who we are This is what we were founded on This is the fabric that put us together Those principles that put us this nation together That created the fabric of who we are If those principles are removed, we will unravel as a nation And that's not to create a religion That's not to create some denominational structure Or whatever and the nation command people to attend that That's what they came out from under In England, this is the free expression of who we are as a nation So it's extremely important And our state values And fighting for those and making sure we hold conservative, pro-life, pro-family values And small government values All of those things are extremely important I believe state by state in holding our federal government accountable So I think states hold a tremendous role in the future of this nation And I talk about this on my show all the time It's important for Alabama to take a lead here Because we are one of the more conservative states in the union But we're in this era All across the country, people look to government as a higher power now I mean, this is something kind of Maybe the last 30-40 years Where we've replaced our faith with Looking for solutions into our problems We now look to government We put government on this pedestal And you know, government's just going to let you down Elected officials, I mean, you know Putting them in stock and something like that It leads to this kind of perilous predicament we're in right now I think, I mean, look at the president and everything going on with that You can't do that So it's like, as far as the state of Alabama goes It's important to like, I think, reinforce these traditional structures Like the family, the church, and not look toward other Not look toward like these government solutions all the time Well, let's just look at a famous quote By what I believe is one of our greatest presidents of all time I believe definitely the greatest president of the 20th century That's Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan said the most dangerous words and the most scary words in the English language are We're the government and we're here to help, okay? And that's exactly right Now, what's the government to do? The government is to create a structure to make sure we stay safe To make sure we stay protected That's where the military comes in and all that kind of thing But as far as looking to the government for everything we need Jeff, you're exactly right That is the most dangerous place we can ever be Because we, and this is I believe the structures, Jeff, that I think our federal government has tried to create In many cases in the last several decades Is a society that is totally dependent on the government? When that happens, then we do become dependent on the government And that gives rise, listen, I just read a book a few months ago About socialism, written by one of the greatest authors on American history, William Federer I have his book, "America's Got a Country" that is a super thick book Of all the quotes of founding fathers and others He talked about socialism and the rise of communism and how it works And it works by the gradual control, getting gradual control in all different sectors of people's lives It is the responsibility of the public to make sure we keep things in balance This government was created of and for and by the people, not of and for the by government leaders And the more power we give to them to control our lives, the less power we have Let me make sure to next to you real quick, Jeff There's a very wrong scenario, a very wrong way that we look at our three branches of government You'll hear people sometimes say we have three equal branches of government We do not have three equal branches of government, they're not equal And they're created that way for a purpose We understand the president has certain powers, he has certain executive powers He has a little bit control over money, but not total control The Supreme Court has no law of making ability, and they have no purse strings at all But the legislature has the power to declare war They have the power to make law, and they also have the power of the person In other words, they control the monetary system Why is that? So we see three branches here, which is the strongest of the three, it's the legislative branch Why is that the strongest, it's the branch that's closest to the people It's the branch where the people say I want you to go in this democratic republic We hear a lot about democracy Democracy, democracy, democracy, we don't have a democracy, Jeff We have a democratic republic, we elect people to go represent us And why is that legislative branch the most powerful? That's the one where people should be, from just common life Go and represent the people in Montgomery, Montgomery, but also in Washington, DC So we understand that's the way it is, but we're turning this thing upside down We've got to write this ship, if we don't, we're headed to a problem It's our system, and this is my belief The focus is on the individual The focus is on your individual rights and liberties Whereas there's this push, and it's like a Western European kind of socialism or something Where the focus has become the collective And that's why you see all this policy and all these dangers What do they think in there, but the emphasis has become like it takes a village or whatever And it takes, what's important about that to me is like We've got to be like a bork here, we can't allow that to continue Oh, exactly, we cannot, and we've got to write that We've got to sit things back in order, we've got to understand how our founders And here's one of the things, Jeff, that I believe we have so straight from in the last 50-60 years Is we have moved away, we've watched the Supreme Court, starting in the 40s Move away from precedent that was set for 170 years in our country Beginning to, well, let me give you one example here One example is what we've seen happen in the religious freedom sector of our country With the overturning of what we know is the Lemon Law What was the Lemon Law? The Lemon was a law that was a court case But Lemon versus Kurtzman, 1971 It was a religious freedom case, and the Supreme Court at that time Took up that religious freedom case and ruled against religious freedom in 1971 But then they set their own standard in '71 about what, about the test they would use for future religious cases That is absolutely against the Constitution They threw out all precedent, used their own ideological views, set their own precedent And so this is why we saw the Ten Commandments kicked out, this is why we saw religious symbolism removed from public places That are a historical part of who we are removed by their ideology they created Not the president of our Constitution Now, thanks to Coach Joe Kennedy In his case it went to the Supreme Court after seven years That Lemon Law was kicked out And people are scared to death of that But that doesn't mean the gate state is going to create a government, I mean a religious system It means we have the opportunity to go back to the historical foundations of who we are as a nation And like I said, I want to go, we removed that fabric, we will see this nation unravel And so anyhow, I do see a few things seemingly, Jeff, that are beginning to write And of course people are going crazy over those things, many are on the left But still, I see some things that are handing And I look at it, Jeff, totally as the hand of God And this ship getting us back to where we need to be, because God is hands on this nation And he's got some things he still wants to do for America And we're joined by State where we're sitting, Mark Giddley here, we'll get you out of here on this I know you've got a roll on out of here, but this whole idea Where they're trying to break away, this is, you hear separation of church and state Separation of church and state But what's a secular left that's really promoting a lot of this? It's separation of morality and state, right? Exactly It's not biblical, because Christianity, for example, looks down on certain activities or beliefs or behaviors They want to associate that with being a judgment against a lifestyle, a particular point of view But that's not, you take that out of it And where they're like conflating that There's a lot of other religions, for example, that look down on best behavior So it's a moral question, it's the kind of country we want to live in And I think that's how they try to undermine these traditional things we've done for the last 200 years Well, Jeff, there has to be, in any society, if it's going to survive, there has to be a moral compass The moral compass I founders chose was biblical principles There has to be a moral compass, once you remove that moral compass, you totally lose your ability to know where your destination is And where you're going It's like the biblical reference in the Old Testament where the Bible says that they just, everybody just did what was right in his own eyes We realize that society cannot survive that way, that the children of Israel didn't survive that way And society can't survive that way So we have to have a moral compass, our founders understood that that was a biblical principle Let me tell you what John Adams said, John Adams to go ahead and quote him again John Adams made the statement, he said, "Our Constitution is created for a moral and religious people And is not sufficient to any other" So John Adams said, "We created this Constitution with that moral fabric of biblical moral principles If those things erode, this Constitution is not worth worthy anything As far as God in this country, if you erode the very principles of which it was founded Representative, you've been very kind to make time for us this morning, safe travels today, thanks for coming on Thank you, Jeff All right guys, we got to get a break in here, we'll be right back to say this is Jeff Before Showing, if you talk, This is where I've just been so fair, that stands where we jump so high And many clicked his heels He let go of a laugh, he let go of a laugh He should back his clothes all around Mr. Foldjangles Mr. Foldjangles Mr. Foldjangles Mr. Foldjangles (upbeat music)