FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Quin Hillyer - Mark Ingram from Baldwin EMC School Supplies Drive - Mobile Mornings - Tuesday 7-09-24

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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news sports weather from Dr. Bill Williams traffic info from Kane and one of the Gulf Coast most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. According to the traffic report, you are about to be in an accident or something like that. It's the way it seems this morning. Yeah. And when I get off here at nine and I get out of here around 10 30, I'll be in an accident on I-65 one where you have to just be careful out there. There are wrecks all over the place. Major thoroughfares and otherwise. Yes, but it does sound like the road crews are once they get to an accident making pretty quick work of getting it off the road. I'm pretty quick. Keep it safe out there. It is a Tuesday. That means it's time to talk with our Tuesday guests. That would be Quinn Hillier. You can read his work at Quinn Hillier dot com or the Washington Examiner. Good morning, Quinn. Good morning, guys. So this time last week when we talked, the discussion was about the president and whether he would stay in the campaign for this upcoming presidential election. And really, whether he'd even stay in office after that disaster of a performance. And while there's been, I think so far, five House Democrats publicly called for Biden to step out of the race and then five or more privately, including some heads of committees on the Democrat side. Biden and Jill Biden and Hunter Biden, they all seem to think that the president should stay the course. Well, they do. And what really sort of is noticeable here is the lack of guts of more people, including Democratic senators to push by now. Look, this is this is slow. You have water torture. And the guys got to get out. And but I don't understand why anybody's afraid of him at this point anymore. Why anybody's afraid to step out and say, look, this is obvious. You've got to get out. I mean, look, if if if the entire, you know, leadership of the House and the Senate combined with Barack Obama and Oakland, if they all just said, Okay, you're not up for four more years. It would be so devastating to him politically. It would mean that he would have absolutely no chance of winning anyway. So it would force him out and then they would have a better chance of winning. So I don't know why only five. Yeah, it should have been more and a smart play from the president yesterday. I mean, if his intention is to stay in office and stay on the ticket, he pointed it right back at the Democrats and he said, I'm duly elected. I've won all these different primary races. If you're serious about democracy, you need to keep me in. I thought that was kind of a smart move from him in his letters than his letter to Congress. Well, it was a smart move, but it really wouldn't matter if all of them said that he's got a move, then he would be so crippled politically that even Joe Biden and even Hunter Biden would have to say, look, you're about to go down in one of the biggest line slides in history because you've lost your entire party support and he would have to get out if they really think that he is a drag on the ticket, then that's what they need to do if they have the guts. Yeah, I'm fine. It is interesting. This thing is just, you know, unfolding slowly, like you say, and and Dalton and I come in here every morning or what we've got four days off in the middle there. That was nice. But we're watching this thing and he's kind of like, OK, what's the next card that this one's going to play or that one's going to play the card that Biden played yesterday was feisty Joe, like get out of my way. And it's like kind of curious, like, wow, who's advising him? Who? Who is who is who is who is in his ear right now? Well, Joe is in his ear and Hunter is in his ear and and so is his longtime advisor probably Ted Kaufman, who's four years older than Biden is, but apparently still has his wits about him. But again, if Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries all came out. They could force him out because again, he would be so crippled that he could not go on. Yeah. All they need to do is make a public statement and and just say, look, Lance the boil and and, you know, start the healing. And I still think and I think you may agree, but that Barack Obama is still the most powerful figurehead in the party. And it's been interesting watching how the Obama team has kind of played this and you can see them leaking things, you know, through media, even before the debate, you had Michelle Obama and stories coming out that she completely dislikes the Biden family and that they that one of, I guess, Hunter's exes is her friend or something. That was before the debate. After the debate, it sounded like Barack was still team Biden. But now you have like Axelrod, Julian Castro, Eric Holder, some really powerful players in that Obama team that are coming out and saying Biden needs to step aside. But we haven't heard it from Obama, the former president, Obama himself, which is him really being cagey. But again, at some point, you've got to fish your cut bait. And at some point, if Obama really wants to snap and which I'm told he does, I've got some sources that say he wants Biden pushed aside, he needs to get off his butt and to say it himself in public. And where's the political? Where's the backfire? I mean, why so cautious on this? If the Obama's and the Clinton's pretty much hold the cards, why would they be so cautious about this? What do they have to lose? That's what I'm asking. That's what I'm asking. And that is probably also what's driving crazy. You know, basically the one's really smart political guy in the Democratic side, James Carville, who I wrote a column with last week. I never thought I would write a column with James Carville. But we figured OK, you know, the public in a bad way, the political systems in a bad way. Let's see what we can agree on. And the first thing we agree on is that Joe Biden must go and James Carville, although he until the debate, he hasn't specifically said that Biden has to get out. Now he's saying that, but he has been for two years saying, A, the party has gone way too far left and B, that Biden is not the strongest candidate and really should consider on his own step and down. Yes, they would listen to Carville. They would be in better shape. Yeah. And so I thought that you go ahead. Well, I was just going to say, yeah, in that article, I'm interested to hear how that goes down, how you mix your writing with Carville, whether you both send missives to each other and then kind of mix it all together. But Carville, obviously kind of stepping off the Biden train, you long ago stepped off Team Trump, if you weren't ever really on it. So this means both of you will be voting for RFK or how do you work this thing out? Look, I just write in ballots for Mike Princey to the last two times. I'm a conservative and I'm not about to vote for somebody who's not a conservative. But this is, this is bigger than who we vote for. This is about the future of the country and the future of the country cannot afford somebody in the Oval Office, leader of the free world in a very dangerous world who is basically senile. And Joe Biden is rapidly getting there. He's sort of in and out now. But by by age 86, there's no way. And and this is scary for the country. And we got to push him out. And forget Trump for right now. You've got to get rid of Joe Biden. You know, I'm a little surprised. Maybe it's kind of whizzed by my windshield and I've missed it. But I don't haven't read a lot of international response to what we all saw at the debate. As far as international leaders, not just the press. Yeah. And a lot of that that I read was only, you know, leaks and anonymous sources. No one's come out. No leader of a nation, it seems, that and then we have a lot of concerns internationally. So there's a lot of voices, potentially, they could have something to say about all this. But I'm not seeing any of that. Yeah, what does Zelensky think of that debate performance, right? Right. And he's a no, he's a no, I guess, a lot of a lot of these leaders don't feel like they're in any position to say anything. But yes, to me, it's curious that there's been pretty quiet on that front. Well, again, that does make sense for them to be cautious because they are dealing with the government of the most, you know, the most powerful, still the most powerful nation in the world, which is why they are communicating by links rather than direct direct comments. But they have more to lose than the Democratic officeholders and former office about. I understand their reticence, the Democratic office their lack of guts is pretty damning. Yeah. And I want to talk, maybe in this next segment about the Republican Party platform that was released yesterday, leading into the convention next week. But on this Biden conversation, this is a big week too, not just because of the calls he's facing to step down, but you have the NATO summit coming to DC. And notably, Victor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, is catching a lot of arrows right now as Hungary has taken over as president of the EU for their six month term. Orban goes to Ukraine to meet with Zelensky and then Moscow to meet with Putin. And then after that, China to meet with Xi Jinping. But the EU and America are tearing Orban up over this just from meeting with Putin. Is it disconcerting to you coin at all that? It doesn't seem like the NATO leadership or even the EU are making much effort to actually have and keep contact with Putin to discuss peace. Well, that's because Putin has shown absolutely no desire for peace on any terms other than complete surrender by Ukraine. And unless and until he does, it doesn't do a lot of good now. If they really thought Orban wanted peace that included Ukraine maintaining its existence and they thought that Orban would have some influence with Putin. They would be all for it, but they know where Orban's coming from. He's made Hungary basically a vassal state of China, which also entails cow-towing to Putin. So what good does it do for him to go to Putin? He's already on Putin's side. Yeah, and he ended up in China yesterday as he topped off. I mean, you know, when you thought he'd done all he could do to get everybody's attention, he shows up surprisingly. Hello, it's me in China. Did you see that? Yeah, and that's why I say he's making his nation a vassal state to China. We've got a guy at the Washington Tamara, Tom Rogan, who is a foreign and defense policy expert. And he has been detailing this for a couple of years now, at least 18 months, that Orban is totally in-hock to the chief of China. And it's horrible that the EU had is going to be Orban. Well, I just want to see this week, of course, you mix that in with everything else that's going on. And Biden, you know, said that he didn't get enough rest after his international trips when he had 12 days in between. How is he going to look presidential this week after everything he's faced these last couple of weeks? Yeah, and I don't know what I'm reading. The summit starts two days, like this is the kickoff. And Biden's got to be present for all that, I'm sure. It's 19 after eight o'clock with Dan and Dalton. I know you're not really all that crazy about the GOP draft platform. Quinn, we'll talk about that next, OK? OK, thanks. All right, more mobile mornings after this. Text line 2513430106. If you want to hop on. Thank you, Kane, 824 FM talk one oh six five and mobile mornings more with Quinn Hill. You're here in just a minute. This segment brought to you by 1 800 got junk here in Mobile Trebin and his crew have been doing great work for over 16 years on the Gulf Coast and well, they're great at what they do. You can tell that by just reading the Google reviews. I get to one of those in a minute, but call what 800 got junk and get a free on site estimate with all inclusive pricing and no hidden fees. And then you bring them out to your place of business or your home and they'll be in and out in no time and you can get on with your day. One of those five star Google reviews left by Mike just two weeks ago said kept the appointment the same day I called very helpful in cleaning out a lot of junk in just a few hours. Professional and courteous definitely will use again and there are at least 280 other five star Google reviews where people are just as happy with their experience with 1 800 got junk as Mike was. And you can often get same day service just like Mike did. They're already on their way. So set up your appointment. You can do it by calling the number 1 800 got junk or you can do it just the just as easily online 1 800 got junk dot com a twenty five Quinn Hill you Quinn Hill your dot com in the Washington Examiner and Quinn your headline reads GOP draft platform is pitiful. Just a quick civics class. Explain what a draft platform is and how this one differs so greatly from those who've seen in the past. OK well for decades and decades probably over a century. Both parties at the national conventions the delegates themselves and the delegates are usually sort of ordinary people that go to get elected just to the convention most you know a lot of them are not professional politicians. Sure. But this is sort of the grassroots expression of what its policy goals are to tell the party leaders and and it's you for decades it was very programmatic they would say we want to pass legislation that does X Y and Z or they would even name legislation they would specify the policies that they wanted and and it ended up that not a lot of the public credit but it also made it easy once the person got elected they would say look we have a mandate to do this stuff because we put this all out there in public and the public voted for us and therefore it helped them governed. So that's what a platform is and as I said I look I was there in 1980 for when Reagan first got elected I remember the platform fight in fact the very first time that Republicans came at his pro life in their platform was 1980 and I was part of the Louisiana delegation and it was a Louisiana lady that came up with the language that they used that platform was 75 and flea packed pages this platform that the Republicans came up with yesterday is 16 pages with lots of white space and now maybe the 75 pages was over kill attendance fans aren't very long now but but it's so pitiful it it it read like a high school sophomore running for a class you know running for class president or something I mean they they were no specifics it was all just totally cotton candy stuff like let me read you we are going we will protect Medicare ok we will protect Medicare and ensure seniors receive the care they need without being burdened by excessive costs ok I mean what do you do waiver magic wand that's a platform to say we're gonna give seniors the care they need without excessive costs anybody can promise that the question is how so the platform is vague it's very big very very vague it's it's all a bunch of cotton candy promises with no specifics and my point is look you don't have to maybe get as specific and have all the verbiage that they used to have decades ago but if you get into a platform at all the point of the platform is to give some specifics to show that you actually have an idea how you want to govern and if you're going to do it at all you know put something forward that that that just again it reads like a high school thing you're not a very good high school thing at that yeah and I can't help but think well I don't think that they're going to lose or gain any votes whether it's a 75 page densely packed report or the 16 page when you reference there but this does seem like it was made in order to win this election and when you have trump being hit over platforms that aren't even you know explicitly his like the Heritage Foundation one I think it kind of makes sense to limit the ammunition you give the other other side at least as far as winning the election goes well one reason that it's easy to apply the Heritage Foundation thing to trump is because uh the Republicans haven't come up with an actual platform of their own so that means the media is going to go grab the Heritage Foundation and and say this is what trump is for uh that's why you do a platform so nobody else can can do that there's a happy media in this part point and that missed the happy media gotcha Quinn thanks for your time again this morning thanks all right Quinn Hillier read his work at Quinn Hillier dot com or the Washington Examiner a lot of traffic accidents out there right now Michael on the text line says Beyway westbound is backed up from the tunnel to the Spanish Ford exit causeways backed up from the bankhead to the battleship slow going westbound either the Beyway or causeway this morning One in the world is going on in the Delta if it's off over six five over the mornings like going on the roads right now man it is absolutely crazy yeah we kind of kind of Liana got here about seven o'clock she kind of gave us a heads up I've been wearing a bunch of accidents out there just yet but she said everyone's crazy yeah it's a lot of cagey drivers out there yeah so we got the heads up and that was the preview to what's been a terrible traffic day today so just try and be as careful as you can be that is correct and it's that time of year of course we did some school shopping just last week as it'll be here before you know it fall and the new school year and gearing up the kids in Baldwin County for school is Baldwin EMC and on the line with us right now Mark Ingram the VP of public relations and corporate services with Baldwin EMC good morning Mark good morning guys Mark I know that you guys uh you're more than a power company you are very much a part of that community in Baldwin County I mean you do what you can besides trying to get the power back on or or uh providing power on a daily basis but uh you know your kids go to school there too and and uh it is a beautiful community in Baldwin County and uh but there's gaps that were kids and families need some help and that's what you guys want to do right that's exactly right you know our primary goal is to provide the electricity that's needed for Baldwin County but it's much more to that for us because we're a community involved organization and we always want to look for ways to to get involved in the community and to give back so we have our supplies for fast drive that kicked off on July 1st uh we know a lot of uh families have faced some financial hardships during this time uh with the economy and the cost of school supplies are going up like everything else so this gives us a chance and our community a chance to respond to the needs of these families uh while helping ensure local children in Baldwin County are set up for success uh for the upcoming school year which you know most of them start around um August 1st through the August 5th so we're looking forward to this supply drive and um we're glad that we got it kicked off and then run through July 31st and you guys have a pretty smooth operation here as well as uh you're working with the Palm Project which yes I guess this was a coalition of Baldwin County educators that put that together and then just that network I guess makes it easy to kind of distribute these supplies and be in communication with these school leaders it certainly does you know um participating with the Baldwin County Education Coalition the Palm Project was started several years ago uh to provide and reduce um barriers to learning and the program helps counselors social workers and principals provide the basic necessities uh for children uh like school supplies hygiene products and snacks so the Palm Project serves all Baldwin County public schools and uh the city schools of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach you know as Baldwin County we we've had it seems like we have a story or two every week talking about the growth of Baldwin County and just in the in the numbers and so you report the story and what 50,000 are estimated in the next decade will yeah they have projections of the population for the county being 300,000 by 2030 I think incredible so that changes the landscape of what you guys do mark it also changes the landscape what the schools are doing as the the county grows you've got schools that are filling up more quickly or you're you know they're busting at the seams and then you got new schools uh being uh you know constructed uh to to allow these students to not be so far away from uh their elementary or middle school uh there's a lot to take in here and and as you try to do the right thing with this supplies for success those needs are just going to continue to grow mark they certainly are you know we're we're looking at a lot of growth for our county over the next several years we you mentioned it uh there's a lot of schools under construction there's expansion at all the um public schools as well and uh we want to make sure that uh the students have the necessary supplies and it's not on the parents and it's not on the teachers because you know teachers feel that gap too but teachers are are facing the same financial hardship so this is a great opportunity for the community to get behind um this drive and supply the students with the things that they need and as far as dropping them off uh we make that easy as well too we partnered with the warth uh for the last several years so you can drop off your school supplies at any of our ball during the MC offices in summerdale uh bayonet or orange beach are at the warth store uh located at the war uh in between now and july 31st and we'll collect them and then we'll get them over to the bomb project they will certainly appreciate everything that is supplied to them and then they will make sure they get in the hands of the students that need the supply okay so you have until the end of this month july 31st to get these in all ball doing emc locations and the wharf and i guess for what type of supplies uh i know you haven't listed at baldwin but folk can probably use you know the generic list that you'll find in these uh targets and wallmarks that have the school supplies needed for different grades probably a generic list of that no specific books or anything but you also have all of that listed at the website we certainly do you know school supplies or or like composition of both rulers and debts cards crayons permanent markers color pencils all of the the things that uh students need to enhance learning and get them set up for that so you can go to our website also look on our facebook page as well and you can get that list or give us a call if you have a question we'll be glad to um get that list over to you oh all the things that helped make me a robust c minus student for all those many years that's who hey man thanks thanks for hopping on with us uh this morning mark we appreciate you and uh let us know how we can help okay thanks van adulte all right mark engram with baldwin emc and that supplies for success school drive uh all month long and uh like uh mr engram said there you could drop it off at any of the baldwin emc locations uh the one well you have a couple on 59 one in summerdale one in baymanet and uh also the baldwin emc office in orange beach and the warf store there at the warf uh all those locations you could drop them off until july 31st you know it was coming you knew that uh the fourth july weekend was going to be bloody in many in american city and chicago among them for sure and so there you go chicago's explosive fourth of july weekend left 19 19 dead over that four-day weekend more than 100 others wounded in shootings including multiple mass shootings across chicago in that four-day span the victims include two women um who lost their lives shielding children from gunfire on independence day bullets struck of all three of the boys with them ages five eight and eight um according to chicago police superintendent larry snelling he told reporters monday there was also a one-year-old at that location inside the home who luckily and thankfully was not harmed but was traumatized by the event uh those victims were all from a single shooting police responded to dozens over the weekend including an incident in little italy that left uh eight people who ended between the ages of 18 and 74 and now they're just you know the cities has lost its mind for some time now you can see just the uh just the wear and tear on the on law enforcement we need every single person to step up this is snelling again we need people to start coming forward we need people to take responsibility help us help you we want to take these people off the street these are not just numbers on pages these are these are citizens that was uh that was the mayor Brandon johnson said that snelling slammed the brazenness of a suspect who could barge into a home and shoot at women and children and repeatedly called on residents to come forward with information so there's part of the problem right you have these brazen acts and you don't have anybody saying it was larry you know or you know let's identify him and get him off the street uh he also took a swipe at some of Illinois's progressive bail reforms that allow more suspects out of jail before their trials and said his focus is on the victims johnson the mayor vowed consequences for violent criminals in place to blame on generations of disinvestment and illegally purchased firearms which he said uh are fueling a culture of violence we see it here and they see it certainly wait those were in chicago those firearms were illegally purchased can you imagine so no no gun control helping there with these uh specific illegal crimes gun control is not going to help this problem sorry um so now you've got the dent they've got the convention on the way yeah the democratic convention the people of the policies that are creating a lot of this havoc they want to make sure all this is out of sight quote-unquote yeah like when uh jeezy and ping went to san francisco yeah they cleaned up the streets with that crazy right so that's now they're worried not just about the criminal activity obviously all the violence obviously the children are being affected by this violence as well now they're they seem to are worried about the optics as well if they even have time to do that uh but to leaders says in the story are hoping to keep the city's violence problems out of view during the event with uh cordon off safe zones and a huge increase in security um jerry carl you know would tell us about what was like getting things we're getting crazy in washington dc there you have all the lawmakers live a bit of their lives in dc whether not uh in their home uh precincts and uh the the violence is just out of control in so many big cities and with all those politicians on their way to chicago they would rather not have them face to face with all the crime well of course chicago is a massive city right and uh they had to focus on them last week and more of the sports world with the nascar race in the streets of chicago he also had the uh pg a tournament that was west quite a bit west sylvus illinois so i guess it's a jondere yeah quite a bit away from chicago but still uh kind of the focus on the city and i've never been it seems like uh really cool city it's a beautiful city and because the downtown area um you've got all these bridges over the river i guess it's the chicago river but you have a series of uh bridges you've got absolutely beautiful architecture best thing we did in chicago when we were up there was the architectural tour which uh it was better than the cubs game it was better than any dinner we had it was really really amazing uh because uh chicago's got such a rich history in their architecture downtown along and it's it's spectacular uh but uh obviously um every now and then the criminals take the trains up and and create havoc uh michigan avenue the miracle mile i guess what it's called there shopping districts and things like that where they can really they can really uh just kind of ruin uh the opportunity for tourists who are in town and it happens more more often than you then you know back when we were up there it wasn't happening at that time well you're right about this convention coming up and uh the outside agitators that might come in as well yeah whether they're protesting pro-palestine anti-israel or you know whatever their cause may be uh you're going to have a bit of uh maybe a uh few things mixing together to cause a a bomb up there not a not a literal bomb up yeah but don't don't can it out because somebody terrorists are finding their way here where the the the warning signs are uh through the roof right now according to the fbi and then you've got you've got the immigration deal where you get more immigration uh housing opening up in the city of chicago where people were alderman in those districts or representatives had no idea that was even going to happen they're like what's going that and that's that's got to do with prittsker the uh the governor it wants to be a president as well he's on that list so you got you have um you have people in their own community fighting two things fighting the crime in their community now fighting off uh illegal immigrants who are in their city taking up space that used to be theirs yeah so you have a lot of you have a lot of resentment along with just everything else going on in the city of chicago it's uh it is a lot right now and uh while mobile had nowhere near the violent independence day weekend that uh some of these other cities did there were at least two shootings and uh one of those fatal that happened on independence day outside of academy uh just down the street from us but uh foxton has the the results here from a mobile police department citizen satisfaction survey okay i don't know if we've discussed these yet um but some interesting numbers so uh they polled only like 360 people responded to this poll but uh good enough sample group for some polls they said that uh as far as whether you feel safe in the city of mobile it was equal 36.9 percent said they do feel safe 36.9 percent said they feel unsafe in the city of mobile 26.2 percent said they feel neutral then when asked uh how satisfied they are with their interactions with npd officers which of course is a big uh discussion point uh following the the report from kenya brown 46.3 percent said they're satisfied with their interactions with mobile police officers only 15 percent said they're dissatisfied 21.6 percent had no contact with officers and 16.4 percent said they're neutral then when asked uh how satisfied they are with performance of mobile police department 51.8 percent said they're satisfied 27.2 percent dissatisfied and 21 percent neutral uh those line up with the way you feel uh about mobile police let us know on the text line 2513430106 good question yeah i i would say that my interaction with mobile police is pretty minimal i'd be in that 26 percent you know a little wave in traffic whatever but i don't have much uh much interaction no no it is uh 850 fm talk 106 five mobile mornings with dan and dalton and good have you long you can text you can call 2513430106 nice cane 854 coming to the text line just a minute 251 3430106 the segment brought to buy us in comer law the local personal injury law firm it's helped get fair compensation for a ton of people in our area and they've been doing it for decades from their office down on dolphin street and a reminder here in july it's how many children off for the summer and uh more people just kind of you know doing their summer thing that means more bicycles out there on the road and uh bicycle and e-bike safety at top of mind for Tobias and comer law this summer i have some crazy stats uh in 2022 there were 1,105 bicyclists killed in traffic crashes across america over a thousand and one year alone and bicyclist deaths are highest during these summer months between june and september and uh failing to yield to the the right of way is the highest factor in fatal bike crashes followed by bicyclists not being visible and uh it's of course important for you if you're putting the kids out there on bikes or you yourself are getting out there to ride responsibly and uh remember all of the rules that you've been given if you are biking and uh one of these uh tips they have on the website device comer fits my family to a tee right now said ride a bike that fits you yeah well the littlest one wants to ride the bigger girls bike which is way too big for her and my five-year-old she only wants to ride on the three-year-old's bike which is like way too small so we can't quite figure out the they have the right sized bikes they just don't want to be on them and uh i've seen with my own eyes how that doesn't always work out uh check out to buy us in comer law they have a great website with uh fantastic information like this to buy us comer you can also call for a free consultation anytime of the day two five one four three two five zero zero one maybe they need to see daddy get hauled off in a cop car you know because they're they're they're they are riding illegally not the proper bikes and they're not listening to you and suddenly a cop appears in your neighborhood sees all of this and arrests me arrest you yeah because i'm not sure it would faze him unfortunately i don't think it would from what you told daddy's gone let's not bail him out when you've told me i don't think it would uh let's see a real quick damiac he says the uh biding camp this is interesting appears to be in panic mode but don't count them out they are they could have a very crooked trick card yeah i guess when you know we're talking about biding being resilient if you want to call it that been very feisty yesterday and having that letter to the democrats and his appearance on morning joe like i'm not going anywhere i don't know yeah uh but you know what they can come face me if they want to yeah what's uh what might joe have on whoever is pulling the lever i don't know yeah i don't know if it's a a blackmail thing or if he's just using the democrats on words against them and saying hey i'm duly elected yeah i've won uh all these primaries can't take me out but you know this texture says a reason that they haven't been able to force biding out the texture says it's because they have pictures the fbi ci and doj have compromising evidence on most of the ruling cabal but does biden have compromising evidence on like obama yeah i don't know that'd be uh i guess that's for some fiction that they'll make down the road yeah god knows how the the whole house of cards is put together but the house of cards on tv was pretty diabolical yeah and i think this is too yeah the actual house of cards uh pete referencing quince disappointment with the republican party platform that was released yesterday yeah just 16 pages yeah uh and pete says more evidence that policy wonks are disconnected from voters that's yeah to show me the person who said i was going to vote republican i was going to vote trump but they just didn't give me enough in their party platform i wanted 75 pages of densely packed material you're not going to find that person and if you want to win elections which republicans have not been great at over the years no i i don't hate the move really pairing down the platform and making it kind of straightforward texture here if you're a decent citizen and maintain proper attitudes and good citizenry you would never have any interaction with the police and there are a few times you would it would most likely be due to being a victim and your contact with impedee would be positive more than likely yeah there you go there the i've been i've just been nominated as a decent citizen judging of what i said yeah you got it because you haven't had much interaction that's exactly what i mean while you're calling for me to be arrested uh all berry ironic it's eight fifty nine jeff paul show on the way