FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Todd Stacy on the down ballot effect of Biden's disastrous debate performance - July 8 2024

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09 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone. And I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. Baby, that's right. This man knows what's up. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys. And you know what to say about a high stepper, no step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the video we got? I mean, the deal we got great, great to go, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a main council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. All right, so way we go. FM Talk 1065, midday mobile on this Monday. Glad to have your long lots of talk about today. Hopefully you had a great independent stay extended weekend. Hopefully you got some time off and look like around off an island where I was. There was like a whole bunch of y'all. So people out having a good time and talk about that later on. Also, coming up, you've got speaking of like the July schedule. Got the blues over in Pensacola. Got the word Martin Young Anglers tournament, Alabama, deep sea fishing rodeo. All boom, boom, boom coming up in the next couple of weeks. So we'll be talking about those going forward as well. All right, so we get started on today's show. I want to this is a subject we've talked about on the show some, but we always lean on our buddy Todd Stacy with Alabama Daily News and Capitol Journal to actually delve into this without just theorizing and maybe talking to people out there that have a better idea about what could have happened, what could happen to AL2, right? The AL2 race. So with Dobson and figures and how could that be linked to what was an abject failure of President Biden in the debate the other night? So without further ado, let's bring on our lead off batter this week. Todd Stacy from Capitol Journal and Alabama Daily News. How was your, how was your independent stay? What'd you do, man? It was great. It was great. I stayed in town. I had a great cookout with some friends and, you know, enjoyed a Capitol fourth, the fireworks from, from Washington. But, you know, when it's in the middle of the week like that, especially on a Thursday, it kind of takes out any kind of travel I could do because Fridays are a big recording day for Capitol Journal, but still had a great time, hot dogs, ribs, potato salad. Wait a second. So did you actually, you grilled out, I mean, you're a media person. So you didn't do like a Chuck Schumer thing where you had a stage picture to act like you were grilling. Did you really, I mean, you really grilled. Absolutely. Um, yeah, yeah, you got to love that picture because he puts the cheese on like a, like a raw hamburger patty. Put it, go ahead and put the cheese on there. That's, that's going to be a. You back now. Yeah, we lost you for a second. Todd, you there. Hey, Todd, are you there? Yeah, I'm OK. There we go. Like, you know, I know we got a lot of else to talk about, but back to the Chuck Schumer thing from, yeah, I can. I got you loud and clear back to the Chuck Schumer, we'll get to some other stuff, but back to the Schumer thing from Memorial Day. Like you worked, obviously in Montgomery, you worked in Washington. He worked around who lets that happen. I mean, does that say to you that there's no one on that staff that goes, you know, that's not how it's really done? It let alone the Schumer. Do you have a bunch of people who work for them that don't know what, like, it really looks like to grill food? I don't know how they let. I just don't know how there's no gatekeeping on that. Yeah, that's pretty bad stuff for. Um, the worst thing is maybe not that Schumer himself doesn't know how to grill, but there's nobody in his orbit and understand that that's a pretty obvious mistake. Yeah, that's you're telling on yourself a little bit, but also, like, first rule in politics is just be yourself. I mean, you if you're trying to be somebody else, you know, the law is going to catch up with you, right? Um, just be yourself. I mean, Schumer was born and raised in New York, lived there his entire life. He doesn't have to be a country boy girl out King, you know, it's okay. Bingo be yourself. Yeah. I mean, I've said that at all level politics and we've seen it, you and I've gone at laying fear on certain campaigns in the past where candidates for trying to be something they weren't. Yeah, if you're like, I don't want Chuck Schumer to win anything, but he's a New York guy. So just be New Yorker. Be getting that, you know, be getting a slice of pizza, walking through town, do it, you know, just be yourself. Yeah, just be yourself. Let's talk about Congress here on the house side here in today's email from Alabama Daily News, who said, like, could Biden's debate performance impact the AL2 race? And you've dug into this here, uh, to, to, to kind of other than just people going, I don't know. I think it's bad. What, what are people saying here? What's Alexander Willis saying? Yeah. So we've had this question ever since the debate, you know, this has been a 10 day freak out amongst Democrats and rightfully so. I mean, I think a lot of them were in denial. I certainly think the press played a role in kind of allowing the Biden campaign to sweep how, how bad he has gotten under the rug a little bit. But it was out there for everybody to see. And it's, it's obviously impacted Biden's polling numbers. You saw that in the New York Times poll. We've seen it in a very similar signal poll. Um, these are, I mean, when, when these polls start all aligning with, with Biden losing support, it's a big concern, especially. So, you know, you've got congressional Democrats all meeting, I guess tomorrow, but they've already had some conference calls. Some of them starting to come out to say we need to replace Biden at the top of the ticket. They're certainly thinking about the White House, of course, uh, understanding that if the race, if the election was held tomorrow, Biden would almost certainly lose and certainly lose by a lot. Right. Um, and that's going to be a big uphill battle for him to come back. So they're talking about the White House, but they're also talking about the down ballot races, Senate and House, because it's both situations. It's going to be a very close election in terms of will Republicans hold the majority or will Democrats hold the majority? It could come down to just a handful of seats. Well, one of those seats is Alabama's second district because it is truly a purple district. It's a toss up. You might even say it should be lean Democrat, but in this political environment, it's probably more of a toss up. And so, especially if you look at the demographics, both in that New York Times poll and in the signal poll, we're going to do some more reporting on that signal poll, you know, the enthusiasm amongst Democrats to get out and vote is really eroding. And it's eroding with the very people that Shamari figures needs to get out and vote on election day. Um, and that is black men. There's a huge erosion of support for Biden among those among black men. Now, will that translate into black men not supporting Shamari figures? No, but it might impact their enthusiasm to actually going to vote period. So suddenly it becomes a, it was always going to be important for Shamari figures to get out the vote amongst Democrats, but his, his job becomes a lot harder when Biden's at the top of the ticket, as feeble as he seems, nobody's excited, knowing that Trump is probably going to win, that just drives down turnout. And so I think it's going to be a challenge for Shamari figures to get people excited to say, you know, this is a really important race that, um, we'll decide the control of Congress. But again, with the president really being a drag on that ticket, it creates a real interesting situation in Alabama too. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder also, this is obviously just speculation, but let's say it does work in Dobson's favor and we have the Republican win this district that according to the, uh, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, of course they said it was about black voters in Alabama. Obviously what they were saying is Democrat votes in Alabama. Um, if, if we Dobson wins and now we've got two years of Dobson in there, there were a lot of people that did not get into the primary on the Republican side in AO too, that surprised me, or I thought, you know, not that I knew their intentions, but I thought there'd be some others get in there. I wonder if you'll see an all out free for all on the Republican side going, holy cow, it is winnable. And some of the people before that would have like not, you know, not been there to try to, yeah, there's, but I'm not going to run for AL2. There's no way the Republicans going to win if Dobson wins. I wonder if we turn around in two years, even though you had the, the incumbency on her side, you see a bunch of Republicans in some primary here. I just wonder if it's not going to open up the floodgates. I really doubt it. And that, in that, uh, hypothetical Dobson winning, um, she will have somehow found the secret sauce to, you know, there are obviously a tons of circumstance is there, but she will have, um, really unexpectedly won a very tight and, and, and, um, you know, purple race. I think, you know, if Republicans were smart, they would rally around her, say, this is the one that can, that can actually win this race. Now you might, you're always going to have some, um, folks, kind of from the fringes that might want to get in and challenge from the right. I don't think any of that would be successful. Um, if you, if you've got a winner, man, stick with it. Um, but I mean, you're right. There were some candidates that could have possibly gotten in the race. Some down there in Mobile, particularly, but, um, if they, if the Republicans are fortunate enough to win overcoming, you know, some, some significant odds to win in Alabama, second district, man, you, you dance with the one who brung you. Uh, just joining us on the Todd Stacey, Alabama Daily News and Capitol Journal, and I want to talk about a Capitol Journal show from this last week. Uh, let's, uh, first of all, talk about the, uh, people know his name, I think because he saw on Jeff's show with some regularity, uh, but from the other end of the state, uh, Senator, uh, Gudger had a jet ski accident. Here is he okay? Yeah, really tragic. Uh, you know, on, on the 4th of July, they're out at Smith Lake up there in North Alabama and a bad jet jet ski accident. This is Garland Gudger, the state Senator from Coleman, um, really well known in the state house just for being a good guy, one of everybody's favorite Senator. Um, and you know, it's not hard to picture him out on a jet ski. Having fun with his family and his son was out there and he just, there's a freak accident, um, it, it resulted in, uh, I think I read where we reported a three broken vertebra, six broken ribs, collapsed lung, uh, lots of internal bleeding. So that's, I mean, think about that. That's a pretty bad wreck, that's a pretty bad injury. But he's got airlifted to UAB hospital in Birmingham. The, the doctors have been treating him. He's fine. He's going to be fine. Obviously you think about those injuries, it takes a long time to heal. And he's, he's, he's probably going to be a long road, but he's been texting and up and, and, and, you know, starting his recovery since the thank, thank God. It could have been a lot worse. Absolutely. Uh, let's talk about this. People want to keep up with what's going on and keep referencing this email. How do they get the email from you? Well, it's really easy. We, you know, we've been talking about this, uh, second district race talking about Garland Gozier, all these stories we report on a daily basis and we, and the best way to get that is through the email, uh, just go to a L daily That's the homepage and just sign up, put your, enter your email and your name and you'll be on the list. All right. People check it out there. And of course, Capitol journal, they want to check it live Friday night. But if you're a, you know, my thing is the YouTube, I mean, that's, that's been the easiest for me. Yeah, it's easy to go to YouTube and just search Capitol journal. All of our episodes are up on there, at least for the last couple of years. Uh, it's kind of a new YouTube channel. Um, and the easy thing you can do is just click subscribe and they'll alert you every time a new video posts. Yeah, that's what I do. Cause I need, I need a nudge there to remind me of that. Todd has always made our appreciate our conversations. We'll talk next week. All right, man. Be good. All right. There he goes. Todd Stacey. We're coming right back. Mm hmm. You're listening to Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk one oh six five. Call Sean now at three four three zero one oh six. All right, that 12 24 FM talk one oh six five Midday Mobile on this back to back to work Monday after the Independence Day holiday. You can grab a few text here. The school Vrine said what happened to midday mobile being on YouTube. Uh, the channel's up there. We're going to make sure it's getting loaded. I got to see, uh, we'll, we'll check here. We will. What would they say on TV? We're, we're efforting. We'll effort to see the uploads there, but we do have that YouTube channel for the station for the day mobile. You can check it out there and, uh, thank you for the reminders. Grovering. Uh, let's see here. Chris and orange beach. Uh, you've got to ask a question. How on the hell can anybody in their right mind let the dementia. Bill grandfather be in the White House want to stay in the people that want to stay in power, right? I mean, what are the options for Hunter and Jill and close staff if, uh, you know, Biden steps down the, uh, the gravy train stops, but I agree with you. I'm just saying where they are. It just saw a headline here that said, um, that the black caucus is going to be. Yeah, the congressional, uh, black caucus chair is backing Biden. I guess that means the rest of the, the caucus will be doing it as well. Uh, we'll see. There's, you know, last week when I gave you the story about that, uh, Democrat rep out of Texas being the first one to ask for Biden to step off the ticket. I said, that is the first domino coming down. And now that list is, uh, it's grown. So we'll get some time. We'll get some more into that story. I do, you know what we're, what we're talking about this. I do want to get into the story. And Dan and Dalton talked about it. And if I had longer with Todd Stacy, I was going to talk to him because he's been on the other side, you know, he's been like, he is in Capitol journal and Alabama daily news now, but he was chief of staff and worked for, uh, different elected officials. So the question about way, the headline here, radio station cuts times with host who revealed she asked Biden questions fed to her by the president's team. This is one of those interesting stories too, because you can go, this comes from the New York post. Okay. So you can go look at something that's, uh, from a liberal bent and the headlines different, we'll try to get to what's, what's true here. Okay. I don't know this particular situation other than the fact I am jealous of the call. This is W. You are D out of Philly word and eight, come on eighties kids word up cameo. Um, so to fill the, uh, Philadelphia radio stations cut ties with a host who admitted to asking president Biden questions that were supplied to her by his team, uh, Andrea Lawful Sanders, who previously hosted the source on W. R D 96.1 FM scored the first post debate interview with Biden last Wednesday. However, on Saturday, she revealed to see it ends first of all with Victor Blackwell, never seen the show, uh, that she was fed questions by Biden's team and use four of them as her only queries to the president, Sarah Lomax, W. You're these radio president and CEO said Sunday she was not involved in negotiations for the interview and, uh, they, they, they, they fired her. They, well, they parted ways, whatever. It said, um, did, uh, from the station here, W, R D radio is cultivated trust with our audience over the 20 year history. This is something we take very seriously agreeing to pre-determined set of questions, jeopardizes that trust. So the part way she's out now, the, the, like most things, the nuance is important and what's in the middle is usually closer to the truth. You do interviews with Politico's and they will send over. This happens at all levels. They will send over talking points, things they want to talk about, right? And I've never done an interview where they say, here's the question to ask. So I'd like to see the list. If they truly center over a list that says, well, President Biden, do you think you, whatever, right? The, the, like, you're just reading their question. That's a no go. That's a no go if you're, and I'm not even journalist. I'm a commentator, but it's a no go in this business. But if they sent over a list and said, here's the things that President Biden wants to hit on. And you could say, you know, and I think she said she took four of the eight or something like that. That's not, like I said, I don't know if she had like really written questions, but if it was just the topics, that's kind of normal. And I think there's a lot of people maybe in media right now that are attacking her that, that have done the same things themselves. In my world, it works this way. If you sent like, okay, I'm going to get whomever on. And we're going to get Trump on, right? Had Trump on it. So he wants to, although he talks about whatever, but he wants to talk about these things. He's okay. Well, we'll talk about those things. I also am going to have to, you know, I got to ask a question about this, this and this, and you'll hear back from them and say, okay, so I'm like, I'm going to talk about those three of the five subjects. And then I've got these two that I want to put in. They're like, okay, so it goes back and forth before one of these interviews happened. Now, if it truly is that she just said, okay, I'm going to read the questions you sent me specifically verbatim, then that's a no go. But I just wonder if this is not like a sacrificial lamb situation. They're saying, ah, we, we're not going to do this. When this kind of stuff is not that rare. It's not that rare. So it's, like I said, other than just kind of guessing what she saw from the White House, I mean, the story is not as simple before. Do you think a lawsuit comes out of this? Or she gets paid to not follow. I don't know. Also, as we look at some national politics, how about this for a headline? The United States to pay Panama to deport migrants. Instead of, you're going to pay Panama to do it. You got that story and a whole lot more on the way be right back. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five. Right. That 1235 FM talk one oh six five midday mobile Mondays down. Glad to have you along. Let's check in with my buddy playing price at Paris tractor in Robert sale where I can imagine the crush of people coming in like last time we talked. Y'all were doing this, but it was like four days for the price of one for rental. Yep. Yep, Sean. We we got all of our rental equipment back off that holiday with that that three days for the price of one. So we got most of our real equipment back now. We're getting it turned around and people are back in here taking it back up this week to take it back out. So we got a little bit of everything. Crackers, skidsters, excavators, pretty much you name it. We got it in our rental department. So if you're looking to rent something, definitely give us a shout. Yeah, let's talk on the buying side too. Cause it's not too far until hunting season gets here. Heck, we're planting chufas right now. And people thinking about whether they're getting a tractor for work around the house and farm or at the hunting camp and they've been daydreaming about it. It'd be nice to have a new tractor that runs and that's a kaboda that's good. Y'all got a heck of a deal right now in the L series. Yeah, on the L series, if you come and purchase the L series with at least two implement can be any two implements, whether it be a box, blade, a bush haul, set a pilot force, whatever, all that qualifies for zero interest finance and through kaboda, but also we're going to make that a little bit better by throwing a three seven by 20 trailer to, to form up that package deal for you. I like it. So if people want to be ready for this fall, they can get this going right now here in July. How do they find you? How do they get in touch? We're right here in the middle of Robert'sdale, right here in the middle of the town just look for all the older equipment. Um, or you can give us call it two, five, one, nine, four, seven, four, one, seven, one or visit our website at Good stuff, Blaine. And we'll check back soon. Thank you, Sean. All right. There he goes, Blaine from over at Parastractor in Robert'sdale. This text coming in. Rec, I 10 westbound just east of this from Adam. Rec on I 10 westbound just east of the Grand Bay exit. Thank you for the heads up there. So traffic is stopped, they say. Rec, I 10 westbound just east of the Grand Bay exit to get to a few more of these. I got a name and a voice, you know, joining me here in just a second, Dr. Marianna says he's a black woman. Of course, the black caucus is going to support him. Yeah. From if you heard that clip of the weekend that came out where Biden was, I don't know what he was trying to say, but he said at some point that he was a black woman, which, you know, in today's world, you identify however you want, right? And, um, then this texture said, if they're telling you what questions to ask, it's an advertisement. I'm smart and they're telling you the topic they'd like to discuss. It's an interview. Yeah. So, and that's what I don't know in this situation, this radio station. If, if she did just read the questions as written, like Corinne John Pierre wrote the questions and she just read them. That's not a use of technical, uh, journalistic term here. That's not cool, but it is a common thing for publicans, Democrats, uh, libertarians, whatever, they'll say, Hey, so and so is coming on. Here's some things they'd like to hit these subjects. Oh, it's the economy. It's inflation. It's a foreign affairs. Oh, they want you to know that they're, uh, backing a bill that does such and such, that's a, that's a normal, it's a normal thing. But yeah, reading some pre-written questions. So I think there may be some more meat on the bone in that story. Uh, we'll, we'll, we'll check it out. All right. Uh, here he is holding over his day that started at about two 30 this morning. Sometimes, you know, it's, it's at this point in Dan Brendan's world. It's like it's 11 o'clock at night. Well, uh, yeah, I'm waiting for Carson. Yes, it's wrong. By the way, did you wait late, my, my full throat. I love you this morning after the five day weekend or whatever. We it's good. It's a Jeff seems to be complaining about that. Really. Yeah. So, you know, Jeff is now going to have to work all holidays, but the rest of us. Yeah, man. We had a nice, it was great. It was great. And I did. I got a chance to, I know you were talking about the Clotilda exhibit and you're going to have further conversation about the legitimacy of it all. It's funny. It's ironic. Really that this Saturday, I had a little time on my hands and thought, well, I haven't yet. So let me go and check this out. The Heritage House, right? The Heritage House. Yeah. And I've got a friend who is part of all that Darren Patterson, a journalist here in town. And so, you know, I was almost past two to go. I was embarrassed to run into Darren and say, I haven't been there yet. So I go online, get a ticket, get out there. Everyone's as pleasant as it can be. It's not a bad turn out. There's other people there. And I would highly recommend it. What I didn't know was all of what I thought was legitimate information that I learned from my visit to the Heritage House. It's kind of like a step-by-step chronological view or visit through all this, the entire, because we've read the history. I mean, have you read in history books? Are you like read Ben Rain's book, the one on slave ship or all that? But to have it as a museum where you can see it. It was really cool. And you heard voices and I think that they were legitimately the voice of. He said, could you let us write? Yeah, because near the, I guess at some point, he became almost, he made a hat. He may have had an air of celebrity around him. Absolutely. Yeah. People would come down from New York to interview him, things like them. So things I didn't even know to hear his voice was kind of haunting, right? Yeah. To think that he traveled as a young person on a slave ship. To what he went through, let alone, I mean, I think if you hear voices from the past like that of anybody that will learn something like that, it is haunting. Yes, and it's local. It's here. It's, it's, it's well done. I know the history museum is there overseeing it. They've no doubt had played a role in the presentation. So I enjoyed it a lot. And then this morning, suddenly I wasn't aware of this. I guess Dalton already was. But he hits the story about the guy who's refuting all of it. Oh, I was inundated with it from the time that hit, W You know, I was, you know, I was by phones popping off and I'm going, listen, I'm doing four years of life stuff, y'all. And but I was like, what is this? They're like, Sean, have you seen this? Sean, have you seen this? So I look at this story and it's of interest to me that here's a guy from the Wall Street Journal who was with the Wall Street Journal for a while, but does have a dog in the hunt. That's the not saying that that means this Eric Klonius is maybe I don't think he's right, but at the same time he has he has a reason for people to believe the wanderer that he talked about is the first. It's almost like, you know, they're competitors, historical competitors. Yeah, you would have what we were last or we were, right. You want to separate and maybe get somebody that now the closest we can get to in this town, you know, our people, journalists and who believe one thing. And that is that the Clotilda, the story is legit. And it the this was not a fantasy made up. And this was not something that they can't verify. That's why I'm going to be very interested to listen to your guests today. So so my man, John Sledge will be on a little after one o'clock and then tomorrow Ben Reigns, who both of those guys have been on with me many times. And I'll talk about John and talk about with Ben. If I was talking to someone from the Wall Street Journal, if they were asking, you know, well, Sean Sullivan, who's had these people on, what's your take on it? I'd go back to there's one piece of information, too, if they're saying that this if they're saying the Clotilda didn't exist, or they're saying the Clotilda wasn't the last slave ship, right? There's two parts of that, too, because some people, oh, I didn't. It did in the ship that they found second. The reason I have a lot of faith in that they found the Clotilda is most many people have heard this or read this. So Ben and I were talking while he was in this process. And he had gone down to archives for the city of Mobile and got the schematic, the blueprint, you had, you know, ship rights, right? You didn't have mass production ships back then. Right. You contracted the ship, right? They're designing the boat. So every one of them, even if they were similar class, was built differently. Yeah, for different purposes. So he had what he was working off of was a blueprint of the ship. And then you go to the ship and you go, okay, is this X number of feet long? Is this deck this high above this? You know, those kind of things that it's not like if you said, well, you know, you found a two, you know, Ford Ranger pickup trucks. Now you'd be like, well, they're the same. He seemed was individual. So that was one of the things that to me gave the ferocity when he finally found the second ship and they went in and he painstakingly went through, it's, this is this long, this is this wide. And he's looking at the schematic, you know, the ship I put out back then. So to me, that gave the recipe. The other part of this is the, okay, well, it was, it was just a hoax that the, you know, the hotel existed, but it wasn't the ship that was used to bring this in. And I thought it was interesting in the people. How do you just were at the heritage house? How do those people, did they, did they just dream that they were on that ship? I mean, well, I mean, I love this guy and loved it. Cross examine or interview this guy from Wall Street. Yeah, I'm going to try to do. I would, I would, um, I would say that probably what I would want to do now is revisit and, and watch the entire presentation again. And it's also one of these presentations, Sean. You can take, you can take away from it, whatever you want. There were documents on the wall. I didn't read them. Like, uh, you know, I was going to do a book report. I noticed they were documents. I noticed what they, they would, they proposed to me, right? And I know, and then what was most compelling about all of this, Sean was the people angle of it. They told the story, but they told the story in people, people's names, people who then grew up in mobile, people who then, um, went ahead and, and they, they designed and, and, um, and, uh, basically founded Africa town. Absolutely founded Africa town. I mean, it's, it's, it's that that's quite a story. So, because you look through the story here and I know a lot of people are complaining, uh, they're pay walled out on this WSJ story. Okay. I was, you know, like a lot of publications got it. Yeah, subscribe to get, get stories. Now they're trying to make a living, um, but they go through and they, he, he does. He writes a straw man argument here versus a steel man, this, uh, Cameron McBurder from Wall Street Journal is talking about this. He, he picks the things that there may be some question about, which is, which is fair and then focuses on the, and, but missing are these things like you're talking about. They're just not even brought up. Yeah. Exactly. And I mean, you, you don't, well, I can say it, I didn't walk out of there. Of course, no knowledge of this guy's story. There's no way I walked out of there thinking anything was, you know, there could have been a fabrication here or there. Who knows? It's storytelling from a 260 years ago, whatever. Right. So you, you, you're probably going to have something in there's that, that's a little color or, or zaz or whatever. And maybe as the story is told for years and years, but the basic understanding of what happened, who these people were and what they did and where they came from and how they were rounded up and, and, and, and put on the clue tilde, there's nothing that there's no way you wouldn't walk away from a heritage house as I did Saturday around one in the afternoon thinking that happened. And, and, right. I mean, if this was, and that's where we can get into with John Sledge, I want to get into with, with, with Ben, even if people want to pick at corners of things, you don't see this net, you're telling me that this didn't happen. Right. And, but, but Dan Patterson in that story says there are people now, now, in Africa, down here, yeah, the dispute. People also think the earth is flat. Yeah. By the way, text line for Ricky. It's three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, five. The earth is coming. Yeah. I avoided several of his texts this morning. Oh, man, I'm, I'm, I'm looking forward to them. Uh, but it was, it's going to be interesting. So John's going to join us a little bit and we'll talk about it with Ben tomorrow. But this, I would just, I mean, this guy is not this colonial sky is, is not telling the truth, but you do have to look at the fact that he has his whole narrative that he, well, there's benefit to him. Okay. Bono. Right. That, that you discount the story. The close tail to sure. But listen, I'm open to all sides of it. If I can get him on the show to tell me why we're wrong as I want to learn. And you know, you know, that would be a great guy to get on for you, especially because you're so well versed on the close till the side of thing. And I just would like to also, I'm not going to say I strongly recommend, but kind of I do. I mean, you should, you should go experience that. You should go see that, hear that, feel the story. It's, it's presented. It's not over the top. And at the same time, it's presented very much the idea that the people existed here they are, here were their names, here were their American names, as opposed to their African. There's a lot there that I think is really, you know, when you walk away from, say a movie, you walk away from a movie and you're thinking, man, they said, what was it about the movie? I'm not quite sure. I'll have to sit down and sort that out. But I really enjoyed that movie. That's how I felt. You didn't have to be there more than an hour or so. And little did I know that that morning under the Africa town bridge, they were doing this ceremony that they do each year. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the timing, man, you're timing. Pretty good about that. Pretty good ones. All right. I'm going to let you get to sleep now. No, no, no, no sleep. Who's gathering? OK, news gathering. And then, of course, you'll check Dan out tomorrow morning when he gets in here at 2.30 in the morning. Goes on there at 6. Thanks, buddy. All right. There he goes. Coming right back more mid-day mobile. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is mid-day mobile with Shawn Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right. At 12.53, FM Talk 106.5, mid-day mobile, checking with Anna. Mobile Bay Coins in fine jewelry. As we get this week started after the Independence Day holiday, extended time, you have a job, a good relaxing time as a crew. Anna, you're good? Oh, yeah. Yeah, the Fourth of July weekend was really nice. I got to see some fireworks and set them off myself. So yeah, it was a beautiful weekend. OK. Are you like just setting off like bottle rockets? Or you set off like the big cakes, you know, with all the different expo-- like, what's your thing? Like, what's your vibe? Little things that crackle and, you know, barely leave the ground. OK, well, listen, it's a building. I don't dabble in any of the danger stuff. Oh, come on. OK. Well, I want to, as we get started here, kind of talk about what's going on at Mobile Bay Coins in fine jewelry. I talked to Ron a bunch about precious metals and the prices and hedges and all that. But you're the guru on the jewelry side there as well. If somebody is looking for jewelry for themselves or a gift item, why do they come to you versus going somewhere else? Well, we do get a lot of the state pieces in. So you can get something very unique that you can't find anywhere else. But, you know, the big box stores, they always mass produce what I like to call clone jewelry, you know, a tack of the clone, a little nervous. Right. So a lot of the jewelry ends up looking very similar, very like. But with us, you can find pieces that have, you know, historical value or have different types of stones that are unique and vintage. And right now, I actually have Christmas in July. Basically, you can start putting stuff on layaway that you couldn't before because normally I wouldn't start until like, you know, October for people to put stuff on my way. But you can come and start putting stuff on layaway for Christmas already. All right. We'll tell folks how to find you to do just that. Yes, sir. We're at 2204 government street, midtown mobile and just a block west of Little Flower Catholic School in church. All right, Anna. Thank you. We'll talk soon. That's OK. All right, Anna, checking in for Mobile Bay coins and find jewelry. Update two, I guess, it's been a few minutes here. But if something's changed out there, let me know because Adam had told us back on I-10 westbound just east of the Grand Bay. Exit has traffic stopped there. So we'll be watching that. If something changes there, we'll pass it along. Joshua says has an article about the Supreme Court ruling on camping ordinance for the homeless in Mobile. There seems to be a liberal bias point of view to this article. It's starting to disagree with it when they ask for a subscription. Do you know why Mobile is being used as an example? Instead of Montgomery Birmingham or Huntsville, if we have more homeless in those cities, then I blame Biloxi and Picola, just a somewhat educated guess. So the story, so you have the-- we talked about Wall Street Journal story. So that's the lead, right? So my friend John Sharp, that story will go straight through to But some, probably the sexier stories, right? Go through that paywall, like, I don't know, 70% of the stuff online you're looking for for subscription based. I'm going to talk about that, Joshua, later in the week, I think. I was sending text this morning about getting an interview booked about that. Well, John and I will talk about it at some point. Because we, last week, remember when that Supreme Court decision came out and said, I wonder how this is going to apply for Mobile and the camping on public property thing. And we had talked to Councilman Ben Reynolds. I'm going to try to get all those folks together and talk about this going forward. But that is-- Bobil being used there, I think, is because there was that ordinance and that discussion from Councilman Reynolds about it. But we will. We'll try to get your questions answered on that this week. So just hang with us, and hopefully later on in the week we'll be doing this. All right, Dan Manki says, history is often not 100% accurate. Look at the Rosa Parks bus story. It was partially staged after Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat on a bus nine months before Rosa Parks on the same bus route. Yeah, we've talked about that several times on the show, Dan Manki. The-- as you look at history and the honoring for Rosa Parks, I would say you don't take Rosa Parks out of the place of honor, you add Claudette Colvin. The reason, of course, I mean, most people know, so Claudette Colvin was the first one to refuse to give up her seat, but because she was unmarried and pregnant, they thought that it wasn't a-- it's image, right? They didn't think it was going to be a good image to have an unmarried woman, pregnant woman as the advocate for the bus boycott. So Rosa Parks became that. So both things are true, right? One doesn't make the other thing not true. One makes it accurate. It's just not-- the whole story is not told. So I grew with you there, Dan Manki. I just-- listen, I'm going to get into a conversation with John Sledge, and Ben Raines on this Clotilda thing. And my question would be, is there some way-- is there some way that we could have gotten it wrong? Right? That-- I mean, steel, sharp, and steel, right? You have to ask the questions, is there some way we could have got it wrong? And hopefully they'll be able to tell me, yes, no, or we'll get a-- this guy from the Wall Street Journal, like I said, I'd like to get him on. But I will point out that he has a reason to have the Clotilda not exist, because then he gets to have the story about the wanderer, the last flagship, is that his motivation? I don't know that. I don't know what's in his heart or mind, but it's just something to throw into the mix. All right, be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]