FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Representative Barry Moore - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 7-03-24

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03 Jul 2024
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to get on me and want to know why do you drink, why do you love smoke, why must you live by the songs that you've grown? Welcome back to the Jump Force Show. I'm gonna talk about those 6'5". Thanks for staying with us on this. Oh, what's up to this Wednesday morning? Uh, a bunch of text you get to if you could try to squeeze one into five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. A surprise to the level of Game Warden defenders out there, big government. Anyway, but you can weigh in on that and we'll try to work them in at the very, very end here. Uh, joining us now on the line, he is the Congressman for the currently the second congressional district, the Republican nominee in the first congressional district from enterprise, so the Congressman very more. Congressman, good morning. How are you? Good, Jeff, good, and thank you for having me on. Just, you know, enjoying this hot weather, I guess we've been having a good bit of heat, getting a little rain, so that's good for our producers. Well, it's been a month, some conditions here in my part of Baldwin County today. Hopefully they dry out soon. But the holiday, let me ask you this though, man, since last time we talked, Congressman, let's go on into the world, just first year reaction to Joe Biden's collapse here. Yeah, just, you know, it was, I think we knew many of us, especially those of us in DC and even people who are just who were unbiased, just watching what they would see on media and where Biden would be doing these events and you could tell he just wasn't with it. I mean, he was turning the walk off stage where there were no steps and shaking people's hands who didn't exist and setting in chairs that may not have been on the stage. But so we all kind of saw this, but I was astonished really at how poor he performed. You know, I mean, we knew it, but I think even though the media in general starting to wake up because prior to that, they were all talking about how sharp Joe Biden is a, you know, he was sharp, sharp, sharp. The American people got to see that he's not sharp and he's not capable of lead the country and even her and his report in judiciary city. He's a, you know, he's an old man who has issues and that's why they didn't prosecute him for the sensitive top secret documents that he had. So the people who had spent any time with him and all are new and he just weren't looking at it with these rose cuttered glasses realized the man is in a bad shape. And I think the American people kind of saw it doesn't that during the debate. They were, if they didn't know it, they should know it by now. But they should have known it, right? And we were all this time, Congressman. We just were very, very reliant upon the media. No, that's that's stuff about by being out of it is fake news and turns out like the lack of critical analysis, especially this stage of the game. I mean, it's June before presidential election. They here they are scrambling at the last minute. I was actually amazed. I couldn't believe they agreed to a debate course. They had to, you know, they did away with the hot mics and the audience. And they just did a lot of things to try to help him succeed in the process to continue this cover up of what we know is his cognitive decline. And in many ways, I cannot believe we didn't know it, but I think again, it shows how fake the media is and how much they are in the tank for the DNC and the Biden administration, how they're covering up a multitude of cents. Yeah, for them, it's like in that town, DC, it's a social club. It really is a situation where like in people that are like cozy up to the current administration or the current Democrat administration hasn't been that way for Republicans in a long time. Just for access. And the problem is, like here in 2024, we'll go back to 2020 and COVID, but everything since then, like, we allow them to create these narratives and then like they become our governing principles. Yeah, and we know, and most of us know, and you know this for sure, with your time in DC and then the media media is so biased and that the power structure protects itself and the media goes along with it, especially if it's the uni party or the, the, the establishment like you said to just cozy up to them. And it astonishes me sometimes the same set of talking points, no matter which TV station or channel or radio you're listening to. So they're getting their marks and orders much like I think Biden is there getting them from somebody and they're all pushing these narratives and now when you, when you pull the veil back and you look at the man on stage and during the debate. And you realize he literally has no business in this position I think it weakens us globally too when you see the world leader of the most powerful country in the world. He can't put a sentence together and he can't, he can't carry out thoughts and it's, it's, it's concerning for our national security but even the direction of the country we knew he wasn't running the show. I think it was just his team and the people around him and this establishment swamp crowd that we know about here about Trump talks about they've been running this country and they're running in the ground. They're running in the ground and you don't dare question them but now all of a sudden like you said the curtains have been pulled back and we see what's going on. I mean, think of all the other things over the years that they have. They misled I think the public on and we were told if you dared to send your, your Russian Trump again or something of that sort and I think like now this house of cars they have built with this and somebody's supposed to. Somebody's Supreme Court decisions is really beginning to fall apart. I think it is collapsing before our very eyes and I think it couldn't come soon enough because what's happening in our country and what the American people are suffering through and what our allies around the world are seeing is that, hey, this country is in big, big trouble and our leaders don't know what he's, he doesn't know where he's at. And that's team of people that it's like they got a globalist agenda. They're not really about protecting Americans first or this country there. And that's the system that I think is in many ways running this administration. It's a globalist approach to everything rather than taking care of America first. And so, you know, I'm glad to see it collapse and it couldn't come soon enough. And I'm still astonished that 24 or 30% of the people said they're still supporting Joe Biden or thought he did all right in the debate. They must not have seen the same debate that many of us saw. No, but they're, they're always going to be on that side of things. But I, you know, Republicans have this opportunity here, Congressman. And while, like most of the conservative, right of center media and a lot of these mouthpieces have been like really keenly focused on what's going on in Biden world. What do you, are Republicans going to pull this off? And I'm not talking about just Trump, but I'm talking about the House, the Senate, even the state level, all these other down ballot things. Is this going to be what really makes a difference, you think? Yeah, I think so, Jeff, because if Trump does well, will do well as a nation and down the ballot will do well. And I think in general, if even if Trump wasn't at the top of the ticket that wasn't a Biden Trump battle at the top of the ticket, I still think the American consumers, the people out here who may just will go to work every day and they're not paying attention to the political. When they go to the gas pump at the grocery store, they're getting hit and they're getting hit hard and they know what we're doing is not working for them. And you coupled out with the crime and the border, which is getting more and more reported these crimes at these people that we've led across this border, these nine or 10 million however many it is now. I think in many ways. So you got inflation, if you didn't have Biden and Trump, but also just the insecurity, the wars, the potential wars around the globe, they're going on seven embassies that have been closed under Biden's watch we've never had that happen. So that just tells the people that we're in big, big trouble and regardless, I think Trump's the man, obviously, to help fix it. I love the fact that he's kind of an outsider. He's not a part of the establishment. But even the everyday Americans who just, like I said, buying groceries and getting gas. They're getting hit in the pocket booth and inflation is a cruel, cruel thing. It's a tax that gives nobody a break, no matter what your income level is. And so I think that we've got an excellent opportunity here as a party as a Republicans to let Donald Trump to win the Senate to gain more seats in the house. I had a friend of mine on the floor. He was from California was talking about these primaries and the way it went in California. He said, he thinks we gained 15 seats in the house just based on what he saw and how those seats typically they're close and sometimes, but I don't know what all he was tracking, but he says, it does not look good for the Democrats going into it. Well, tell me something here. And 2016 Republicans pull off the upset. Donald Trump wins the presidency, but they also carry the House of the Senate. And just like it seemed like nothing happened. You had this, like, weird. Because, yes, those people that were there, the Paul rhymes of the world, they were all part of the unit party. It was not really, and that's what I think Trump realizes. And then I think now he has an opportunity to, and he's a, he's a fast, fast learner is that we have to make changes within our own party, but also the bureaucracies. The thing that we're trying to do now, and I think it's, we need to figure out a list of regulations that we can undo immediately with the stroke of a pen from the White House and let the legislative process follow. But to get the regulations and reduce the things that are crushing the economy and quit the runaway spending, those calls and inflation. There are so many arrows in our quiver, if you will, some opportunities to do some great things. I don't see Trump. I think he's going to step on the gas. And it's what Biden did. Opps, I mean, he rebuilt the 90 executive orders that Trump had secured the border. And so those are things that we can do day one that the American people are going to see. There's going to be a response to that. The economy's going to respond. And Trump had three of the best GDP years, the best economic growth in our country and the history of this country until COVID hit. And so he has an opportunity to replicate that without some of the mistakes. And I think he trusted the system as, as a business guy, when you normally walk in, if you're the president of a corporation, you make a decision and the people down the chain and command execute those decisions. What Trump realizes, the people within that system just below him and on first and second tier management, directorships and secretaries, they're all part of the system, they figured we'll out last time. But I think we realize as American people to drain that swamp, you got to cut that mid level, upper level, the bureaucrats out decrease the regulations and get business back to normal like it was under his watch. And I think you'll see this economy recover. I think the country will be well respected. And I am looking forward to this opportunity to serve with him. I've never served with him as president of the United States. I think there's some opportunities to gain some ground here and make some differences. Well, that was like where I was going with this question, you know, that what do you do a day wanted? How do you force the, you're still, you're always going to have these establishment republicans, a Utah party republicans. How do you make them move? How do you make them say this is what we're going to do? Regardless of what 2026 looks like or any of that calculus, how do you get them going? Yeah, I think that comes from leadership, right? Strong leadership. I think from Trump and the White House, he can put a lot of pressure on our gas to do the right thing. But I see our numbers within the House Freedom Caucus. Those ranks too, there's a conservative, we've actually done approach because we haven't done in decades, we got five out. I mean, so the process in DC is changing. We've had to fight with Pelosi and Schumer and Biden for the last, you know, few years since I've been there. And so I think there is an excellent opportunity and we have the football. We will have the football in November. And I've said this before, as a party, the American people are looking us to make some significant changes and gain some ground to get, gain back some of the ground that's been lost under the under this tyranny of. Biden, Pelosi and Schumer. And I think that I think that our guys will be wise to do what the president and what the conservatives within our own party advise them to do. The American people will respond positively for that if you do, but they will certainly hold us accountable if we do not. So I think the midterm under Trump is going to be a telltale, but I think when he goes in, there's an opportunity for us to pick the ball up and move it down, feel and get closer to our goal. Showed by Congressman Barry Moore here for a few more minutes here on the program Supreme Court, very active in the last and very end of the term here. Just real quick, tell us, I mean, what did you make of some of these decisions? Well, I love the, I think it was an incredible victory for Trump on the immunity, I mean, clause because the DOJ without question has been weaponized against this administration. They were weaponized against Trump when he was running against Hillary, they, they have been weaponized for some period of time. Trump put some Supreme Court justices on the court system justice moves low sometime. And this has been frustrating for many of us, but going through the process and the court ruling to give him immunity. I think that it had to be a huge, just victory for his team, but for our country and for our nation. So that certainly there had been a kangaroo court system going on prosecuting Trump and the fact that he didn't walk away and he stayed in the fight says a lot about who he is and how much he loves his country. He doesn't need the job. Obviously, we just need him as a leader. And so the fact that they would stop at nothing to take him out. And he stood in the fight and the courts ruled in our favor. I think that just is one more thing on the tell of the debates. I think that just is more feel for our fire to proceed to get this man into the White House and correct the direction of this country. And I certainly hold some of these people accountable that are responsible for these travices, the travices of this weaponization of government going after the political opponent, the number one political opponent of the executive branch. The other big one, I think, says Chevron doctrine case really that really takes apart this mantles, the authority of the bureaucracy where they, I don't know how this came to be, but are able to write their own quote, quote, quote, rules that are enforceable like they are laws. And to make matters even worse, they're enforceable like laws and they're forcing the people that they regulate to pay for them. It's gotten out of hand and I guess finally the court stepped in and said, all right, enough of this. I tell you, I came to be through Congress and us not doing our job over these years and not having to want to handle these issues. We gave these bureaucrats within these agencies, he's on elected bureaucrats, the authority to act like the law, but they do not. The court says they do not have that authority. I can remember when I was flying to the sea during COVID, say federal law requires that you wear a mask and I thought to myself, I don't remember voting on that. So these laws that they, these things that they're calling laws, it's just these bureaucrats with the stroke of a pen. And that cripples our country, that cripples industry, that cripples freedom and liberty and opportunities for those folks. And because, you know, Reagan said it, I'll say it all the time. He said, the government's already on the comments. When it's moving, you tax it. If it keeps moving, you regulate it. When it fails, you subsidize it. These bureaucrats became regulators and their regulations became law in some ways and it punishes business and it punishes opportunity in this country. And so that might be one of the greatest rulings we've had in recent. I love the immunity case, but that right there itself, tying the hands of these bureaucrats because draining that swamp part of the process is limiting their power. And the fact that the courts lining up now with us in this situation, I think there's opportunities for us to take some of that power back, not just from bureaucrats, but also from the executive branch. I don't think a president, whether it be Biden or whoever, just, you know, can go out and just with the stroke of the pen, but we won't Trump to have the authority, but not, not in a way that they can abuse and it's not in law and the legislative process. There's three branches of government for a reason. And so there's certainly an opportunity now that the courts rule for us to take some of that power back from these bureaucrats, but also it gives Trump immunity to do the job he needs to do without, in some ways, just, I think these executive branches executive orders, the things that we've done over the years. We've lost power and the voice of the people is in Congress and every two years we're running for the house. You guys out in every day America, we lose our voice if we don't do our job in Congress, but I'm glad that the courts have said, hey, enough is enough. You bureaucrats quit making law by edict unless vote on stuff. Let's make it. Let's do it the right way and vet these things rather than just crippling industry because some bureaucrats in their thing. So that's a bad idea. And especially when you've got some people that are so woke within those systems, they can absolutely, I mean, they will stifle the economy and they will crush business. And we've seen that. And so I think that no doubt this is going to be a rule and it's going to play an impact in the economy. Congress, we've got to leave it there. We're out of time, but I hope you have a happy four foot July and hopefully you get shot again next week. All right. Thanks, Jeff. See you there. All right. Mr. Barry Moore there will be our back. Are we going to do what they say can't be done? Are we cutting a long way to go? And it's short time to get there. Time is kind of what no man did run. (upbeat music)