FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 7-2-24 changes in New Jersey view of Trump, Obama's drone strikes, w out congress etc.

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03 Jul 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information sharing his thoughts on today's politics and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Hello, hello, hello out there everyone in the Radio Land. I am George Williams and this is D. George Williams Show. I'm so glad to be back behind the mic today and folks, we have a lot to talk about. A lot to talk about. These Democrats, aka demon-crats are crazy. They are absolutely crazy. They don't know what to do, folks. They don't know what to do. Our number here is 251-343-0106. You can give us a text at that number and we will look at that text and see if it's appropriate for radio. But anyway, we're going to be here and we're going to be talking about those Democrats and starting with the White House and folks, it is crazy, it is really crazy. They are absolutely sick. They are crazy and if we could get every Democrat out of office in November, if we could win all the seats, that would be fantastic. We need to bring the America back to where it used to be, where it used to be before Obama and Biden. Unbelievable, unbelievable, all right folks, what are we going to talk about? I guess the hottest thing, they are about five different subject matters. The latest thing is the Supreme Court decision and if you look at the liberal news media, all you hear are lies and excuses. Oh, he has a cold, okay, well let's get back to the Supreme Court. Well, the Supreme Court says that he has, the president, not he, the president, and talking about every president, future presidents, they have unlimited immunity for official tasks while they are in office and they have, they talked about the civic duties a couple of years ago, so that wasn't touched in this ruling and so if they are out of office, they have it's not complete, not complete immunity, okay. So everything that Trump did is when he was in office and this is what the phony prosecutions are all about in New York and Florida, or there are two cases in New York and in Florida and in Georgia and Washington DC, they are all phony, trumped up cases facilitated by corrupt Democrats, corrupt Democrats, attorneys and judges, okay. So I think the decision by the Supreme Court will put a stop to all of that. As you know, Trump is supposed to be sentenced on the phony charges that he was convicted of in New York on the 12th of this month, now July and so now that case, the sentencing will be postponed until September and I personally think it's going to be kicked out, okay. Because those were trumped up charges against the former president. Calvin Bag should be jailed, the T.C. of James should be jailed, those are the two New York attorneys, prosecuting attorneys, the T.C. of James is the attorney general for the state of Florida, Calvin Bag is the district attorney for New York City. Now President Trump is on the road to victory and guess what, he's going to win, folks. He is definitely going to win and remember on the, I think it's 8th of August, he will be back in Alabama, Trump will have a rally in Coleman, Alabama. You know he had one there a few years ago, I attended that and I will be attending this one in August, so folks, let's get ready for Trump victory but we've got to get everybody out there to vote, we've got to get everybody. You've got to vote, now we're going to have a lot of Democrats voting for Trump, a whole bunch but you've got to get out there and you've got to vote and we've got to put this man in office and get Biden out and we're going to be talking about him later on because he doesn't know what he's doing, he does not know what he's doing, alright we've got to call him, let's see who our call is, call him, hello, welcome to the George Williams show. Good evening Mr. Williams, good evening. Can you hear me? Yes I can, this is Bob from, Bob from New Jersey. Okay hold on, I can't hardly, Philip, turn up the volume please, if you want to speak your phone. Are you on speaking phone? Now I just took what, now I'm off. Okay because your call is very goggled, okay, how about now, am I better? Okay that's better, okay, okay, so where are you calling from? I'm calling from Northern New Jersey. Oh great, great, my home, Northern New Jersey, that's where I grew up at. Oh very good. What do you have for us, I know you can't wait for the November 5th because when I lived in New Jersey it was a red state and now that it's a blue state, well it's purple, it's not blue after the last election. So what do you think about all of this Biden and the Democrats and what they're doing to harm America? Well you know there's so much to cover here, you know, I grew up as a Democrat in a democratic city and over the years I've changed my opinion because of the party has changed. Okay. When I was a young man the party was behind the blue collar workers which my family was in the urban city in Patterson and they were further working, I would say lower middle class people and things that were legislated helped us all. Regardless of race color it was a totally different era but the as things have changed, the party, the Democratic party has swayed way of course and I therefore felt it was more appropriate for me to become a Republican which I am now, I voted, just voted in the primary for Donald Trump and I will continue to vote for him. I did watch the debate the other night and honestly I felt you know a lot of people were saying well I feel bad for Biden, no I don't feel bad for Biden I feel bad for our country. We're in a situation where this was not a one time opt, he unfortunately should not be the commander in chief of this country. I agree with you, I agree with you. He said he grew up in Patterson you know that was my home, oh okay, that was my home. We might have bumped into each other. We may have, tell me what do you think about Patterson now, I've been here and nothing but bad things about where I grew up at and it's terrible especially with the Muslims taking over the city. Well again you know at my age when I grew up in the city it was all industrial, again blue collar, the schools were certainly, there was no color, it was a diversity at its best of all races, colors, creeds, right and different neighborhoods but everybody respected everybody, everybody got along and it was just a great place to grow up, it was a very safe town. I remember as, let me cut you off and we're going into our first break so just hold on until after the break and then we'll continue, okay. You got it. All right folks, we'll be back with our guests after these messages, our call right after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome back, welcome back folks, I'm George Williams, your host and we are on the mission. Now we have on the line a caller, he said his name is Bob and he's from New Jersey, especially my old city, Patterson, New Jersey where I grew up at after I left Mobile at the age of 10. Bob welcome and we thank you for your call. Well thank you for having me, thank you Michael. All right folks, Bob what do you think about this debate last week? Well it was quite obvious that Mr. Biden, President Biden, he's not up to the task. Okay, that's true. You hear me? Yeah, I got you. I'm up to the task and the things that he was asked and his answers, I mean really it's an insult to the American people, I mean the one answer, he beat Medicare, he beat Medicare. There was no one, and this is probably the biggest insult, there was no one killed under his watch and you have 13 soldiers in Afghanistan and not too long ago there were three Navy seals I believe off of the coast of Yemen. So you know how do you just forget about it and if you really truly don't have a memory for that then again you should not be functioning. You know my litmus test would be this, if I were hiring for a position, for a school teacher, a principal, a maintenance person, whatever the position is and I had two candidates come before me and those were the two candidates and I interviewed them, how could I possibly hire Biden? Yeah. So in a bigger sense, how can we possibly look at that and hire him again to be president? Right, right. I mean it makes absolutely no sense and the press secretary was on today and she can talk to talk but you know her thing is well look at all the things that he's done which I totally disagree with but that's her prerogative but I can't sell you on the future as to what you've done in the past when I saw what happened the other night and that's what they're trying to do now, they're trying to say all the good things he did which I totally disagree with as the jump off point to now elect them for another four years, it's a poor argument and they've got a problem which again is their problem not ours. Now let's look at New Jersey. What do you think about Senator Menendez in New Jersey, he and his wife are on trial for corruption, can we get a Republican to take that office? What do you think about that? Yeah you know what, I think that's a possibility. I think what's going to happen, I think the down ballots are going to be extremely strong on behalf of the Republicans and this presidential election, I think people in general, again no matter who you are, where you are, what your politics are, if you have a family and you're paying the taxes, fuel, gasoline yesterday here was 3.19 in the morning and the afternoon it was 3.49, it went up 30 cents, you know food, you know I go to the supermarket, it's just my wife and I, I'm retired but young people with families, I don't know how they can feed a family with today's prices and you know it's always, everything is always inherited, well Trump created it, well you, if that is the case, which it is not, you have three and a half years to fix it and you haven't. So what's the answer, continue that down this road? That's a good question, that is a real good question. So in your opinion, and I have, I'm sure we have the same opinion, our economic situation have gotten so terrible over the last three and a half years. It's terrible, it's hard, it's hard, you know, just, and again everybody go shopping, you're in the supermarket, a bag of potato chips that was $5, I mean, it's unbelievable. You know, a meat, you're looking at $25, $30 a pound, I mean where'd you ever see something like this? And again, salaries have not kept up with this inflation and any shape been in reform. So rents, and here in my area, you know, just a simple one bedroom apartment, you're looking at a start of $2,000 a month without utilities. For one bedroom. For one bedroom, two you're up to $25, $3,000 and that's the standard here. Some people can't afford housing, they can't afford to buy a house, and now they're forced to go into these rentals, which the prices of them is exorbitant. So again, you have a family between food, car insurance here in New Jersey is ridiculous, as well as, you know, home insurance. You know, our taxes are extremely high here in Jersey. So it's, families are struggling. Wow, wow, and so you're retired? Yes. Wow, and let me ask you another question. How is the crime now because, you know, I'm down here in Alabama, and even in the Mobile area, Birmingham area, a crime has gone up so high. Yeah, when, you know, again, I look back to my, when I was young, and again, in a highly urban area of Patterson, as young kids, we, I used to take a bus at eight years old downtown. My mother used to put me on a bus and I used to go to the YMCA. I wouldn't have a 15-year-old across the street. I mean, it's, the things are just different. The way, even I'm in a more rural county, but in Jersey, you know, to prosecute somebody, you have to, you have to have all your eyes and teeth, eyes by the teeth crossed. It's very difficult to prosecute crime is, it's, it's out of control. It's that I personally, and my, my, I used to go to New York once in a lot of plays and so on. I refuse to go. I won't go anymore. Wow. And that's because of the crime. Absolutely. Absolutely. That's unfortunate, but it's true. Wow. I tell you that, that is tough. Yeah. I have to come back up there, you know, I've still got a couple sisters up there and these things that these, and I'm going to be up there for my high school reunion. Uh-huh. And I know it should be well armed coming up there. It's, it's, well, you know, hey, listen, you know, we're not far from Newark, which is one of the car-jacking capitals of New Jersey, if not the United States. Right. I mean, it's, it's out of control. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. What do you think about the Supreme Court ruling? You know, it's, it's a, you know, I always say elections have consequences. When Trump won in, in, in 2016, he put in Supreme Court justices. Right. They happened to be conservative. If Hillary Clinton would have won, she would have put in liberal justices. Right. Okay. So the, what would a ruling have been on behalf of the liberals as opposed to the conservatives? It's a reality of politics, however, however, the immunity they're giving him and, and I'm listening to what it is, it, you know, you had these pundits on some of these channels saying he is now the king, he'll be the king and he can do anything he wants. He can kill people, send assassins, and I, I mean, you know what, these people lost their money. I mean, that's not what they're saying. That's not what they're saying. That's right. They're saying, if you're working under the auspices of your position, right, and you, Obama, should he have been prosecuted for all the drones that he sent into Iraq and other areas and kill people without Congress's approval? Right. That was a prosecutor for that, and he shouldn't have been, but, but, so this is not a new concept. Right. Right. Well, that, that's, that's very true. What do you think about New Jersey not having IDs, need an IDs to vote? I mean, when I was there, a lot of Africans came over and Europeans came over and, and, and, and, and in my opinion from what I observed and I was in law enforcement then, and, and military reserve, they, they, you know, you need ID to vote. Why haven't New Jersey enacted that law? It, it, you know what, to, to me, it's insulting to someone to use the excuse that they can't vote because they don't have an IE date, excuse me, an ID, who, who, who, you drive a car, you rent, you rent, you have bills, you have identity. How could you not, you can't do anything without identity? Right. You can't have a bank account without identity. Right. So, and, and I think unfortunately, they, it's, to me, it's insulting people to think that they can't get identity, and therefore we should give them a pass without identity to vote. It's, it's, it's absurd. Right. Right. Well, Bob, I appreciate you calling in and, and letting our audience know what's happening up there in my old hometown in, in that state and New Jersey, and, and feel free to call again. We really, we really appreciate it. I think I will. Well, it's, it's been a pleasure to keep up the good work. All right. Thank you. And make sure, make sure all your listeners get out there and vote. All right. Thank you. Bob, from New Jersey. We appreciate that folks. Thank you, sir. All right. Bye bye. All right. We're going into our second break here, and we'll be back after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2513430106. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back everybody. And I am George Williams, your hosts, and this is the George Williams Show. Our number here is 251-343-0106, and we are on the mission. I, you know, I'm so glad that Bob called in folks and, and gave us his opinion from the Northeast up there in New Jersey, my hometown, even though I was born in Mobile, I left here when I was 10, and my mother, father and their eight children went to Patterson, New Jersey. So that's where I, I grew up at. And it's good to get a call as from all over, and especially where you grew up at, and things have changed, folks. You hurt him. He said he was retired, and how difficult it is, especially over the past three and a half years with under this Biden administration, gas prices, food prices, just to rent a one bedroom apartment, he said, how much that costs, it's unbelievable, taxes, and not having a requirement for individuals who want to vote to show ID. Now, why would they have no ID's required for voting unless they wanted to cheat? Think about that. You need an ID card for everything, even the NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, okay, NAACP, when they have their convention of state meetings, they require an ID card, but yet, when a state require ID card, they get on them and say that you shouldn't need an ID card to vote. Think about that. Think about that. What's the Democrats? Why wouldn't the Democrats want voters to show ID card, other than the fact that they are going to cheat? This has been happening for years, in my opinion. They have been cheating, cheating, and cheating. Why would you fight that? Oh, no ID card. Well, a constitution, and now they're trying to get rid of the constitution. Look at the Supreme Court ruling. They made about four different rulings last week, okay, which were very important. And now you get somebody like AOC, Congresswoman AOC, talking about she's going to introduce regulation to impeach the Supreme Court justices. There should be a resolution to deport you back where you came from, I believe in some place in Africa, Ms. AOC. Then she was teed off about Trump coming to Bronx, going to Bronx, which is her home city, Bronx, New York, which is part of New York City. There are five boroughs to make up New York City. Bronx is one of them, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, said no. So why would they not require ID to vote? The Constitution says, in order for you to vote in any election, any election, that is the city, county, state, you must be a U.S. citizen. You must be a United States citizen to vote, in my opinion, that is not happening. It's being facilitated by the Democrats, to not allow voters to present an ID. And that thing about, those lies about not being able to get ID is nothing but a lie, nothing but a lie. Anybody can get an ID card in every state in America, every state. So if you're in a state that does not require ID, you Republican candidates, you better try to change the law to require everyone who vote in your state, your municipality, your county, and your state that everyone should have an ID card, everyone. And then you should require that new voter lists, dead people should not be allowed to vote. So everybody who is on the roster to vote, you have to make sure they are alive. You have to make sure they are a resident of that state. Because here's what some people do. If they have like a summer home in Florida or, you know, two homes, then there's a possibility that they can vote twice. One in one state, one time in another state. So if you're conservative, independent, even a moderate Democrat, if you get into office, you should make sure that everybody who vote in that state is required to show identification. Now, what we have in America is we have a lot of legal residents of the United States. And they are given an I-151 card, which is a permanent resident card. Then from there, they are supposed to wait so many years, and then they could become citizens. And only then and after then can they vote in any election in any election can they vote. So if I was in New Jersey right now, where I grew up at, I would be pushing to have my state, the legislatures, pass legislation that will require ID card to vote. Now, you notice you never, never folks here, Democrats talking about ID cards for voting. You've heard some say, well, you don't need ID card, especially if they are in a very urban area, okay? You don't need ID card, then there's a great possibility that they are having or allowing people to vote who are not United States citizens. And you always hear Democrats say, well, they didn't prosecute anybody. Hello there, if you have a Democratic prosecutor, have you ever heard of a Democratic prosecutor prosecuting someone for election fraud? No, no, because that prosecutor is elected by those individuals. He or she is a prosecutor. They don't care how they get into office. All they care is that they are voting into office. So they don't mind the fact that non-U.S. citizens have voted for them. They don't mind that. So they're not going to prosecute them folks. They're not going to prosecute those individuals who vote illegally. And this is what's been happening in those Democratic cities. Now, we've got that problem in Birmingham, Alabama, in Montgomery, Alabama. They tried to take over Mobile, Alabama, but we didn't allow that, okay? They are furious, the Democrats, that we have ID that we require ID cards, identification to vote. Matter of fact, I think they just took the state of Alabama to court because they're trying to, they had a new law in the governor of K.I.B. signed it, which says that you cannot participate in helping people to vote for pay, for pay. And what do we mean by that? I mean, Democrats have a lot of individuals out there who go to people and say, we want you to vote absentee, we want you to vote this way, okay? And they get paid for it by the Democratic Party or some of the Democratic organizations. But the new law in Alabama says you can't do that. You can't do that. They are plenty of people who can help without pay help individuals if they want it to vote, if they want it to vote. So, and guess what? They're taking Alabama to court for that. Who is doing it? The Democratic Party and the Southern Poverty Law Center, they've taken Alabama to court for that new law. Why? Why? And I'll tell you another thing that happened in these urban areas where people vote. If a black person goes into a predominantly black area in the primaries, you could vote either Republican or Democrat in the primaries. You ask for a Republican ballot or a Democratic ballot. And we've had blacks right in Mobile to go to that area and ask for a Republican ballot. And the black people are at the desk, I call them receptionists, and they say, "Oh, no. You don't want no Republican ballot here. Take this Democratic ballot, okay? That's one thing that we have to stop. We must stop that." So, what I'm doing is going around and having my radio show and I'm with the Alabama Menorah GOP and we're talking to probate judges, and we're telling probate judges, "Don't put two Democrats at a polling station together. The receptionist, where you go in, you show your ID and then get that ID to the person next to them and say, "Okay, give them the ballot. Don't put two Democrats together. Put a Republican in a Democrat." So you can keep an eye on each other. These are some of the things that are happening. And after this message, I'll continue to educate you on what else is happening in these urban areas we bear at back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 251-3430106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. All right. Welcome back, folks. Welcome back. This is the George Williams Show, our number here is 251-3430106. Before the break, I was talking about what was happening in the urban communities. A lot of you people don't know out there, you listeners don't know out there, that if you're a black Republican in these urban areas, you're not liked. And I'll give you an example. If you had a black person running against a white person, a conservative and a black person was a Democrat, if you put that person's sign on your lawn, on front of your lawn, on front of your house, they're ripping down. They're ripping down. I mean, me, I've been threatened by being a Republican, a black Republican. I've been threatened. Of course, I don't let that bother me, folks. But suppose it's someone, that's a middle-aged couple, and they're in an urban area, and they want to put a sign on in front of their home, and every time they put it, someone can buy and rip it off, rip it off, okay? Before they get threatened, we've had black Republicans to be threatened, because you're a Republican. And I know of a situation in Birmingham, Alabama, where this church had about 1,500 members, a black pastor, a black preacher. And once he told his congregation that he was a Republican, over 500 parishioners left that church, because he was a black Republican. Hard to believe, but it happens, folks, and it's happening all the time. Not just in Alabama, but I know in New Jersey, Florida, where I was living and worked the area as a special agent in the Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach area. So black Republicans don't have it easy in the urban areas. They really down, really down, and sometimes it's very dangerous. But you know what? We need guts. You need guts, and you confront them, and you don't back down, and that's what the Republican party needs to do. Now these Democrats, they are like a gang, again, they're gang up on you. They will gang up on you. But we Republicans have to stick together, and it's about time you, independents, and you Democrats realize, because this administration is hurting you, too. It's not only hurting Republicans, it's hurting you Democrats, and you're independents. So you have to get some guts, and the most important thing, folks, is we've got to get out and vote. If you're in a state where you have early voting, I know Florida hasn't. Get out and vote before election day. We used to tell our folks, our voters, Republican voters, to wait for election day to vote. Now we're telling them, no, get out early. It's much easier. It's much easier. If you are in the state where they have early voting, you go by maybe one person's in front of you, and you can vote, and you're out of there in 10 minutes. But if you wait until election day, we have lines of folks, lines. So don't wait, don't wait, and if you know anybody who needs help, who needs help in going to the polls, or if you know anyone who needs to vote absentee, then go ahead and help them. Go ahead and have some. Get an absentee ballot, they'll send it right to your house. So don't wait to vote, folks. Get out there and vote and help people. Take them. Take them to the polls if they don't have a vehicle, or if they're older. Take them. Help them out. The Democrats do it. Why shouldn't we as Republicans do it? We need to do that. So, Bob, we really appreciate your call, and folks, we are in a terrible situation. We're in a terrible situation. The Democrats are going to cheat, but we have to stop them. And why I say that is because they don't want IDs. Now remember, if you are a legal resident, you will have ID and you will have drugs license. But you can't vote. You cannot vote. And what I was told that quite a few legal residents are voting. And these urban cities. If you're in an area and you know of anybody who is not a United States citizen and they are voting, take a picture of it, take a picture of it. Then that will go to the state chairman of the Republican Party. And then you can have proof that that person voted because every illegal that votes is taking away your voting, taking away from the person that you want in an office. So we have to do that, folks. We have to do it. One thing because a person is a legal resident that they can vote, they cannot, they cannot. They must be a U.S. citizen. And I think there should be a moratorium on anybody who is a legal resident who wants to be a U.S. citizen, let's put a moratorium on it for now. Let's put a moratorium. And that's what the Democrats don't want. They want legal residents to become citizens right away. And they push for it, they push for it. Let's put a moratorium on it. Let's put a five-year moratorium on it. That's what we should do before you become a U.S. citizen. From now, from this day on, you must do that. If not, they are going to take over, folks, and you see what's happening now. You see what's happening now. Look at Biden after the Supreme Court ruling yesterday, he went on the air, and he wasn't using his brains. He was reading from the teleprompter and talking about how fair the Supreme Court, how unfair they were for that decision. Now this man is too dumb to know that that is helping him, that decision is helping him. It's going to help him in the future. But his handlers figured that was the right thing to say. So they wrote it on the teleprompter, and that's what he's repeating. That knowing that he's subject to this, he's subject to it. So it's going to help him stay out of jail, stay out of prison. So that's why I say this man knows not what he's doing. He's oblivious to everything around him, and his wife, especially his wife and his family, are all involved with keeping him in office, no matter what, because they love, they love it. They're making money. Look at the money they've made from him being the vice president. Look at all the money they've made. Of course they're on the Air Force One, all these special privileges. This is what we have to stop, and the only way we're going to do it, folks, is on November 5th. So get out there, help people, get to the polls. We need to say American from these idiots. We need to do that. Let's do it on November 5th. All right, that's about it, folks. It is about it, until next week, I'll tell you, like I always say, Vaquan Dales, everyone. [MUSIC]