FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-02-24

2h 3m
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02 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche Show. I don't think Hank done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porsche Show. And I've been talking 106.5. Thank you for being with us. On this Tuesday, a shortened week here on the program. But it's sort of the Wednesday of this week. Coming up on the program here, just a moment. We'll kick it off with Jerry Carl. But in the meantime, state representative Shane Stringer at about a half hour. And then that 11 o'clock hour, we'll talk to Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall, as we do, usually on Tuesdays. And programming 02513430106, that's how you get in touch with the show, you text me. And I'll try to do my best to read whatever it is on there and respond to it. Just keep-- for my sake, as a guy who's just reading your text as they come in, keep the vulgarities out of it. That's for you, Joel and Subridel. It just makes my life a lot easier, because I can't read what you were saying on the air. Anyway, enough of that. Joining us now, as I just mentioned, he is our congressman here in the first congressional district, Congressman Jerry Carl. Congressman, good morning, aren't you? I'm great, Jeff. I guarantee you no vulgarity out of me. I appreciate that. I'm g-rated. It's hard not to slip up, especially when you're reading these things coming in at you. And I don't know, like dropping an f-bomb in a text message to a radio show really drives that point on. But I just-- it's obnoxious. Well, you do a good job. I appreciate your program. I truly did. Well, I appreciate you saying that. Speaking of things, we can appreciate-- well, what's the mood in Washington, DC? I mean, I think a couple of-- well, probably three significant blows that Chevron Doctrine, I think, is so much bigger than we realize. Oh, my gosh. Nobody's paying attention to that. No one understands the ramifications of that, especially to us on the Gulf Coast, especially to us on the Gulf Coast. Because we have just the water issues, drainage. We have issues. And I don't want to burn up a lot of time getting into details. But you've got a farmer who's got a holding pond out in the middle of its field, and every farmer does. Well, according to the Corps of Engineers, there's navigable water. They want to take control of that and tell him what he can or can't do in that little temporary pond. All it does is hold water. Well, according to Chevron, they can't do that. So it changes the way we look at a lot of things, and also some of these lawsuits are in process. So if I find an interesting to see how it's going to affect a lot of people that have challenged, especially the environmental community. Because they kind of make things up as they go along anyway. Yeah, a lot of pencil pushers, I think, they're going to be nervous for their jobs. I mean, what's the point? Not the government ever really downsizes. But I mean, I just imagine like your bureaucrat, what are you going to do all day now? It's not a nice thought as a tax payer. Well, you know, in Congressman, like, you know, like, I'll speak for myself here, but like being in that town and just being around those people that worked in the bureaucracy, I mean, they really, they really thought they had cloud power and able to, you know, change the world like one holding upon at a time. And now that's going away. Yeah, they, you know what? When they write a bill, people don't understand. I've hadn't learned this up here. There's always, there's always a catch in that bill. There's always something that you can suit somebody on. So whoever wrote it, someone knows where that suits at. They choose the environmental groups that find out where that little glitch is at. And they will sue the government based on that. So they'll get these huge settlements. And by law, we can't find out how much they got. Maybe a million, maybe 20 million. Could be a hundred million. We have no idea. But that money goes back to these environmental groups to do it over again. So these environmental groups are very rich and very wealthy from taxpayer dollars. And you say, well, your Congress, you should be able to do that. No, it's the courts that have done that. So through the Chevron again, it's going to open up a lot of avenues and give us a chance to push back on these bureaucrats. And because bureaucrats run this town, I don't, you know, we're just, we're just blamed up here on Christmas tree, but the bureaucrats run this town and they always have and they'll figure out a way to always will. So, anyway, the Chevron is a very exciting thing for all of us. Yeah, I got to think so. Aside from that, the other two items, another Supreme Court going and, you know, just with the Trump immunity. And I don't know, it makes sense to me that the President's, the President's, regardless of your political stripes, you should have a degree of immunity. You should have to be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life thinking that a DOJ, for one of the reasons that it's just retribution off, it's just like, hey, this is a way to score some political points to rally the base, coming after you, criminally. Yeah, so we were really, really, really close to coming the third world country. That is our chance to pull back from it. That is our chance. So, if you've got a President, regardless who it is, whether it's Obama, Biden, Trump, if they have to make a decision, they need to make that decision on what's best for the country, not what's best for them. And if they have to look over their shoulder, no, they're going to get sued the next President that comes in because he's going to be from a different party. They're going to make an example and try to make him look bad. If we had to live under that umbrella, this would be a different country. So, the people that are upset about why it came out yesterday, they're saying Trump won. Trump's not the winner here, but the average taxpayer in America, we're the winners, because we don't have to go through this every four years with the President suing the past President. He said something nasty to him during a campaign, so he's going to find a way to stick it back to him. It happens. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, and I think Trump's going through it right now. I mean, the stuff that they've thrown at him, I mean, they are scared up on this hill right now. I'm still up here, back in a few minutes, I'll go in and I'll open Congress and say a few words and I'll close Congress. So, I'm the only congressman I think in town, but everybody is scared, not everybody, but the Democrat party is just there in shock. They're in shock, and I'm confused. I couldn't see how any judge, especially a conservative judge, would agree to what was going on. So, I wasn't that surprised. I actually had yesterday, I had chores and t-shirts on them, so I walked over to the, to in front of the Supreme Court, I figured there'd be a big protest over there, and I want to go get in the middle of it. You know, with a hat and a pair of sunglasses on, just show my support as a civilian, you know, as a John C. Public and heck, it wasn't a by protest, and I was really disappointed. - Well, there's still time, maybe there'll be another chance on the future someday. - I'll show up again. - Well, and that, I just, the DC, the DC judges, I mean, it's just my perception that, they're, I guess like, we just had a nice circuit ever in the West Coast, it was way, way left, but somehow the Democrats have really commandeered that entire judicial circuit that really impacts government in a major way, haven't they? - So, DC itself, I mean, it is a country within itself, the laws here, that are on the books, they don't enforce on, they're doing force others. I mean, they're more vigilant here on a $70 parking ticket than they are somebody stealing stuff out of a drug store. - Well, yeah, the joke is here, you got to be bleeding and shot if you call the police for them to actually come, and attend to you or help you, mainly because they're so understaffed. - Well, it's police department, it's not appreciated. - It's not the one, I mean, I'm kind of more, the federal courts there, right? Like, the federal courts of DC, they adjudicate over like what you guys do and what the president does. And this is whole January 6th, too. I mean, it's just infiltrated by, I mean, it's just full of stock full of liberal judges, isn't it? - It is, and if I understand it right, the party in control was supposed to control DC. DC falls under the congressional domain. We can say what they can or can't do. We don't get any details like speed limits and park instead and stuff like that. But, you know, on the federal courts side, it is so loaded with such liberal judges. I mean, it's like a lifetime to get that changed. So anything from a conservative standpoint that goes to the DC, you know it's gonna get kicked on the Supreme Court. Guaranteed. - Well, it's just an appendiment to a lot, you know, to any kind of a Republican who's in power, be it Congress or be it the White House. But anyway, I think that immunity ruling yesterday, you're right, 'cause like in Brazil, that's what they do, the Supreme Court there has different sort of powers, but they go after past presidents all the time. And, you know-- - Why do we need that? - We don't need that in the essays, right? - No, we need to be looking at the future, not in the past. And yes, we want people prosecuted that thing wrong. I totally agree with you. But when you take Congress and you take the president and all their focus stuff, like January 6th is a good example. Last four years I've been here, all this Democrats have done is whip us like a bunch of children over January 6th. Then happen, they were handful of bad players. Let's get over it, let's move on. We've got $34 trillion in debt. How else do I focus on some debt here? How do I focus on getting the crime rate down in the country? But no, all they wanna focus on is January 6th. All they wanna focus on is how bad Donald Trump is for the country. You know, it gets frustrating, it truly does, because you feel like you're just stuck in mud, you can't get out. And I hope it's always been this way. I'm told it has not, but it really gets frustrating because it is, you know, it's one side trying to hurt the other side. It is just, instead of trying to focus on what we're sitting here for, we're sitting here to represent the people. Do you know there's liberals in my district that I should be representing also? Think about that. We're here to represent the people. So let's be realistic. Let's don't pick size. Let's do what's best for our country. - Joy-bye. - And we've, we're really gotta get away from that. - Joy-bye, Congressman Jerry Carlier, the program Congressman, there's a few more minutes here for it to go. - But talk about the debate last week. And by just performance, I mean, what's the, what's the fallout there, you think? - So I'm a body reader. I think he came in there. I think he was over medicated. I was watching his heart rate was racing a lot crazy. I think it scared him. I think he froze up. I think they over-prepared him. I think his short-term memory, due to his health issues is not what it should be. The fallout is horrendous. When you get CNN and all the CNN talking heads to turn it on to president, a Democrat president, you've really done something wrong. And I think for what they've been hiding over the last four years, and during the last election, they kept him in a basement and they were able to hide him for once it was brought forth. I think somebody set him up. I think the Democrat Party wanted that exposed. They wanted people to see that. I think now they're trying to figure out who and how. And Sean Sullivan, I started this conversation some three years ago. I don't want him to stay and keep doing what he's doing, but they're gonna try to take him out, the Democrat Party will. They cannot step over Harris. They're gonna have to work a deal with Harris. She's probably gonna be the governor of California. Next cycle. Then they'll look at somebody like a Newsom or somebody that's got somewhat of a chance, not much, but somewhat of a chance to win, but buying his toast. I mean, his own people are turning on him. Democrats up here are just walking away from him. - Yeah, I mean, it's all about the vote down line too. - Well, it's all about power for these guys, but I can't tell you, I don't think Biden goes out without a fight. I mean, they got too much on the line here, right? - I know, I agree with that. And Hunter encouraged him to stay in the fight. I should hope so. 'Cause once his daddy gets out of office, Biden is free reign. I mean, they'll come after Biden. Probably the DOD will go after, excuse me, Department of Justice will go after Biden with everything they've got, or Hunter. So yeah, he wants his daddy to stay in, and they're encouraging him to stay in, but there's nothing left there. Have you seen his skin color change overnight? - Well, that was quite a miraculous tan job there. - Well, somebody said, you know, we've got to make you look younger. We got to get you a little more tan. I mean, so they're going to pull out everything they can to get it done, but it'll primarily fall back into what's a congressional and the Congressman up on the hill will encourage him or discouraging. And they're going to be looking after their own career at this point. That's what they're more worried about. - I'm telling you, we're going to have a, Congress, we're going to have a Democrat Civil War. It's long overdue that they just need to, they need to settle some scores amongst one another, and that's going to hurt them this cycle, I think. - Yeah, and don't think for a second that Warner and I mean all these Democrats that are wanting to run for president, they're going to feel like they've been cheated. So that Civil War is going to be right. You're correct, spot on right there. - Congress, we got to get out of here out of time, but best of luck to you up there. I'll buy you some loans from today, and we'll start again soon. - Jim, have a great fourth, and everybody to listen. Just let's celebrate this country. Let's just let's celebrate. - Congressman Jerry Carl there, we gotta get a break here. Be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. I've been talking 106.5. (upbeat music) ♪ Just later in chat ♪ ♪ Don't you see I'm a dime a soul ♪ ♪ I should've died out a long time before ♪ ♪ Happy to be on a dime a soul ♪ - Welcome back to the Jeff Moore shoulder from talk 106.5. They just stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Coming up in the next segment, state representative Shane Stringer. Been a few weeks since we've heard from him, but we will talk to him. There's some things going on, law enforcement and state agencies and the discussion among legislators about Montgomery in particular, but they went just, well, maybe they would, but it doesn't sound like they're leaning in that direction, passing just a local bill and from Montgomery, but it sounds like they wanna fix a problem in Montgomery and then perhaps learning him as well, but the law they use, the statute that they would create to do that would apply statewide. So, and then I, you know, maybe pritchered or somewhere like that would fall under state control at some point and who knows, like how do you fix that situation? So we'll talk to our representative Stringer here in just a moment. Also in the program, John Wall, that's what's later at 11 o'clock hour. After the representative Stringer were wide wide open for the entirety of the 10 o'clock hour, so hit us up on that text line 2513430106, gonna talk about some of the things going on in Washington. I think that's where most of y'all's focus is right now, especially mine, Firedog writes this, the other secretary is 200 minions can't write 74,000 regulations per day anymore, kill all these useless departments starting with education. That's the easier said to done. It's hard to lay off government workers. It's hard to downsize government, but to me, the Chevron doctorate shows at least a potential for that. So yeah, I think a president is gonna take president Congress to downsize government. And you'll hear the sob stories. I mean, these guys, these guys are the Democratic Party. They are like true believers in government, in government, in your life, and government influencing and impacting everybody's life as a force for good. You don't need Jesus, you need Uncle Sam is what you need. I mean, think about that. But that's what they believe 'cause they don't, it's a secular kind of worldview about the role of the state in your life. 'Cause it's human beings, we all need a higher power. Well, like the communist, they actively opposed organized religion and the old Soviet Union. These guys don't necessarily actively oppose it like they did over there, but they do. There is an undercurrent there of anti-religion, especially anti-Christianity. Because they want you to look to them for solutions. And they, I mean, they honestly, I think are true believers at, or true non-believers, that there's no God, they're agnostic or whatever. And as you can pray to your Jesus, and you can pray to your magic Jesus in the sky, but that's not gonna feed a child, that's not gonna save a school, that's whatever. That's problematic. In so many different ways. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, we're right back. This is the Jet Force show at the top. One, zero, six, five. (upbeat music) ♪ Carry on, carry on sweet Southern comfort, carry on ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ When me a song could us look under the sun ♪ ♪ Like I'm so drinkin' money, don't love your no-go ♪ ♪ People said it was useless ♪ ♪ Let me blow all the fools ♪ Welcome back to the Jet Force show at the top. One, zero, six, five. They just stay with us. On this Tuesday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Hit us up on that text line, I'll get to your text. Like I said, we're wide-opening at 10 o'clock hour, so we will, we will further our discussion. And then, still to come on the program, by the way, the Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall or Tuesday regular, so stay tuned. For that, I'm joining us now on the line. He's usually on every other Monday, but we had to move things around, and we're always, always grateful he can make time for us, but a state representative, Shane Stringer, is on the line. Representative, good morning, aren't you? - Hey, doing great, yeah, thanks for having me. - Hey, thanks for making time. Well, back to the state of Alabama here, I guess, for a few moments, but let's talk about this, and you and I talked kind of offline about this last week a little bit, and what's going on, the criminal behavior, criminal activity in some of Alabama's big cities, primarily Montgomery is what we're looking at. Reed Ingram, Will Barfoot, are looking at some kind of mechanism that would create a situation like an accountability act we have from the public schools, that if you are at a certain point when you're policing in your municipality, then the state will kind of come in, put it into like a receivership or something, and run your department until it gets put on the right foot, and I don't have yet a chance to look at some of the bill or the legislation that's been filed. We've had Barfoot on, we've had Reed Ingram on, and you and I talked a little bit about this concept, but now that it's sort of evolving, I mean, what do you think? Is there a better solution to Montgomery than what they have? I've not had a chance to look at the bill, but I have spoken with Senator Barfoot about it, and had a pretty lengthy conversation with him and some of the others up there, and they've got some good intentions, and they are absolutely working hard, trying to find some solutions to what's going on at Montgomery, and they, of course, do not fall for the concept that Constitution Kerry had anything or has anything to do with Montgomery's problems, that they've just got some internal issues within the city that needs to be addressed, and they're trying to come up with ways, and talking with them, I think there might be a path for what they're wanting to do, which is basically when you got a city where the crime seems to be completely out of control or running rampant, that you go in, and they're looking at sending them, trying to find leadership for the police department, not just a temporary chief, but maybe temporary chief and staff that would be able to go in there and kind of restructure the department and turn things around and get it going in the right direction, and I think their concept would work, 'cause just replacing the chief or putting, somebody like that in place is not gonna be the solution, 'cause sometimes the problems is deeper than just the chief, and sometimes the issues you have, you've got loyalty that lies there with the chief and his staff and the ones under him, so sometimes it takes more than just that change, and that's what they're looking at and considering, and this would be like a temporary measure or whatever, and in truthfully kind of like a worst-case scenario measure to go in and address these concerns and issues, and they pretty much feel the same way as I do, which is quit trying to blame everything on the gun or on the Constitution carry deal, let's go ahead and call it what it is, man, that's a criminal problem, and let's address that, and if the current police leadership can't handle it, then something else has got to be done, and we can't sit back and let the citizens continue to be victimized and not do nothing. - Darrell Bailey, who's the district attorney up at Montgomery, I mean, he blamed, I mean, culturally, he put that on, you know, parenting, and how a younger, much younger, some of these gun violence perpetrators are getting, but I don't think he said, he put it on the legislature, and he doesn't say constitutional care, it's kind of interesting that he wants to like, raise the penalty for, if you commit crime and you're using a firearm, you're using a gun, then that would be an enhancement to the penalty, whatever that may be for whatever crime you committed, and he said he's offered this, and the legislature's kind of shrugged it off, what do you make of that? - I totally agree with him, you know, I think that's the way you address it, you address the problematic people, you know, I've had to remind people over and over the, the second amendment is not a group right, it is not where, you know, a handful of thug individuals go out and cause problems, and rob and steal, and kill people, and so we take everybody's guns, that the second amendment is an individual right, you take away when an individual does something that takes his rights away, his or her rights away. I've said all alone, and pretty much all of the Republican legislature will say this, you know, less enhanced penalties, and not only enhance them, let's enforce these penalties, and let's take these people that are using firearms and crimes, and let's make mandatory sentences, or let's do some true sentencing instead of sentencing them, and then to 10 years, and then six months later, they're out of jail, you know, because in the name of jail overcrowding, you know, that is got to be addressed and dealt with. I agree with what he's saying, and, you know, I wouldn't say it's the legislature's problem, or, you know, fault all in one, because that's not true, 'cause I know, like I said, most of the Republican legislature will tell you that, you know, instead of addressing everybody, let's put more harsher penalties on the ones that are doing it, let's not only do that, but let's force them to stay in jail in prison until their sentences, and when there is actually consequences to their actions, then you will start to see things change and get better. Of course, until then, it's, you know, the whole state, and it's gonna be harder for a little while, we're gonna have to address even more people in the prisons, and, you know, more of correction officers, and that kind of stuff, but the fact is, we cannot continue to let these inmates out, early regardless of the overcrowding in the prisons, we have got to find a way to address the problems within the prison system to address, you know, all of this. Every bit of this is multiple facets to this problem. There's not just one issue to the Montgomery violence crime, or mobile violence crime, or anywhere else. It's lots of where you've got social issues, you've got community issues, you've got police and community, you know, where we're lacking police officers, and down on that, and morale of the police department and officers are down at times, so lots of problems and ideas, but we've got to find something to address it. - Well, where do we put, I mean, prison jail overcrowding, prison overcrowding, a lot of this is, it feels like it's forcing a lot of judges, and here, to look for ways to reduce these sentences. And it's not necessarily that the judges have, like, found some kind of religion in being, like, Alabama, Apple seeds, version of incarceration or whatever, but it's just, you don't really have a place to put them if you stiffen the penalties, which, you're probably right, I mean, it needs to happen, but then like, what do you do with that person once they're convicted? - Well, you know, you're exactly right, but I'll tell you this at the end of the day, like being in law enforcement, I am constantly reminding my officers that have worked for me over the years, when we make a case on somebody, we finally catch somebody that's been doing burglaries for six months, and you finally get enough evidence to charge them with one or two, and they go to court, and they get down there, and the court system's overcrowded, and, you know, the DA that's handling the case, or the judge decides to minimize it or offer some kind of plea deal to nothing pretty much, and it's discouraging for the law enforcement officers, and, you know, from time to time, I'll hear a detective or an officer say, well, I'm tired of it, you know, I do my job, I do what I'm supposed to, and then they just let them out. Well, I remind them, I'm like, you continue to do your job, it is not your responsibility with the prosecutor or the judge does, your job or the corrections far as that goes, your job is to solve crimes and to take the cases before the courts, and that's what they do, and if we continue to do that, we're fine. It is up to, it's not the judge's problem to worry about the overcrowding in the jails. That is absolutely not in their purview. They need to stick to, you know, enforcing and judging these cases based on the evidence that's presented to them, and then take the appropriate steps based on what the law says they can, and then it's up to DOJ to handle it from, I'm sorry, DOC to handle it from there. - Well, I've listened to prosecutors talk about this and they, even some judges say, look, we gave them the status, but corrections and the bureaucracy that deals with, and I know Chris England and those guys are upset with the parties and parole's board or whatever, but a lot of times these guys are getting out, you know, they're finding ways to kind of navigate the system and get out early, and a lot of that's just, it's in the name of either overcrowding or just a, perhaps, a bureaucracy that lends itself to these early release, like how do you, what do you do there? - You've got to have some checks and balances in place. I mean, there's got to be, when you get somebody that gets out of prison or jail before it's their time, and somebody, whether it be a part in parole's, whether it be corrections, you know, we dealt with that a couple of years ago when the officer was killed in North Alabama, April Weaver, Senator Weaver brought a bill to address that where they were giving the corrections, were given these inmates ungodly amounts of good time to get them out of their jails or their prisons to take the stress and pressure off of them. There has to be checks and balances in place that holds somebody accountable when they do that. Whenever there's something that's not done proper or legal, we need to hold the right people in charge of those divisions, whether it be part in parole's, whether it be corrections, whatever the case is, we should be holding people accountable that's working this system to let these people out before their sentences are up. And until there's checks and balances to hold people accountable for their actions, I mean, and that goes for the people's running the prisons or running the corrections or, you know, running law enforcement or the courts. They, until there's checks and balances in place, you know, people are gonna do what they can do to lighten the load on them or lighten the stress on them. And at the end of the day, you know, all of these jobs and possessions are high stress and typically they're pretty high paying. So, I mean, you have to take the good with the bad. And if you're willing to take this leadership role over corrections or overpartum parole's or over a police department or the courts, you've got to be willing to take the responsibility that comes with that and that's making sure that things are being done properly. - The other thing that Darryl Bailey talked about, a capital journal was this, that there's a backlog that these judges are not getting to these cases. You know, the backlog in the courts, the prosecutors are overwhelmed, the courts are overwhelmed, you're talking about having a jury trial and these are long sometimes, you know, that there's just a backlog here and that's a big part of this. Like, what do you do there, you think? - And I've heard that. I've heard it over the years and I've seen it. I mean, that's when AOC and some of the different sources for revenue are going to have to step up and address the concerns and are the issues in some of these problematic areas like Montgomery, they're going to have to find ways, if they have to hire a part-time, you know, judges and prosecutors to get this caseload called up for the time being, we, you know, we adapt and overcome. We have to do what it takes to keep our community safe and we find ways to do it. I mean, the primary goal and focus of government and whether it be on a local, state or federal level is to keep our community safe. Without safety and security, we have nothing. So we have got to find ways to do it. I mean, we can sit back and make excuses and sometimes it's not excuses, it's the truth. I mean, about why we can't do this or why we can't do that or we can find a way to make it happen. And we can do things that, you know, we may have to think outside the box, but we can find ways to address the problems and issues. - Well, last question that would get you out of here. Politically though, I mean, like how big of a deal is this? Do you think it doesn't show up in the, like, I don't know, the election in a few years? Like, this has got to be something, you look at Alabama right now and you look at, I mean, education's always there, infrastructure's really kind of made a push. But I think like people just get fed up with crime. And I think this is going to be like a big, but potentially a big campaign issue, but certainly it's got to, it's going to be like one of the motivations of getting people out to the polls and like what Republicans have done since they've been in charge since 2010. I mean, things don't seem to be improving. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the perception at least. - And that's true in some areas, but I've also seen in some areas where they've actually absolutely made a difference. You know, and those saying presence and of law enforcement prevents crime and that's an absolute fact. And, you know, it's a matter of making sure that your community is safe and seeing your officers and, you know, if a bad guy's coming through your community and he's seeing your cops, seems like everywhere, then they're least likely to try to do a crime of robbery or something in your community. But yeah, I absolutely think that it could come back in the election cycle. You know, we've seen it over, I've seen it over my lifetime where, you know, the issues of the community of the citizens always are brought forth in elections. And like you said, whether that's in the form of infrastructure, it's time we address some of our depleted roads or whether it's crime, you know, whatever the concerns of the citizens, they will let you know. And, you know, the government, we are supposed to meet the needs of our communities and our citizens and that changes from time to time. We've lived in a ever-changing world and everything that we're doing, you know, so it is, you know, we've seen over the last, I guess, four, five, six, seven years where, you know, there's been a decline in law enforcement and you're not seeing as many applicants come in and that's played a part and that's, you know, that's one of the many parts I'm telling you about that that come into these situations, but you've also seen where officers are prosecuted for everything, anything and everything, just to appease the community sometimes. That's detrimental because then the work product of the officers slow down because they're concerned or scared that they're gonna get in trouble. So there's a balance to be found in all of this, you know, all the DA in Montgomery County for what he's trying to do. I totally agree with that and think that if they could, you know, come up with some way to make it stiffer on the bad guy, the ones, the bad actors, let's address them and, you know, not just address them, let's address them soon, man. Some of these younger ones that are getting caught with guns and stuff, there's gotta be a way to that's out doing crimes with those guns. We've gotta find a way to address them and deal with them sooner than later. - Representative, we always appreciate your time. We gotta get out of here, but thanks for coming on again. - Yes, sir, thanks for having me. You all have a blessed day. - All right, stay representative Shane Stringer there. We are back, this is FM Talk, 106.5. ♪ Go inside ♪ ♪ You got to know when the hold up ♪ ♪ Know when to hold up ♪ ♪ Know when to walk away ♪ ♪ Know when to run ♪ ♪ You never count your money ♪ ♪ When you're sitting at the table ♪ ♪ There'll be time enough to count ♪ ♪ When the deal is done ♪ ♪ ♪ - Look at my camera, more show on FM Talk, 106.5. They just stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Text line, 2513430106, one of them will be wide open here. And for the next hour and some change, so keep your text coming, we do appreciate any of the feedback. A few things are getting into the next hour, so they want to stay tuned. I mean, just a media reaction to Biden, but... They're using yesterday's Supreme Court announcement to sort of try to steer the narrative away from Joe Biden and his problems to imperial presidency. But what kind of gets me about this whole discussion? When you listen to them talk, they talk as if it's a foregone conclusion that Donald Trump's gonna beat Joe Biden in November. They're kind of interesting, right? Now, we'll have to wait and see if that comes to be. And it's got a pretty good shot at coming to be, but it's fascinating how they've changed their tune. And it just doesn't... No one's talking about what the second term for Joe Biden looks like. If you notice, like, there's no forward-looking optimism or realism or whatever you want to call it there. 2513430106, you'll be right back. This is "The Jeff Pore Show." I left him talking, one of six, five. ♪ You've had a long song to do ♪ ♪ 'Cause when no ♪ (upbeat music) From "Bucks Pocket" to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's "The Jeff Pore Show." ♪ I don't think I ain't got it this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ Well, welcome back to "The Jeff Pore Show" at the top 106, five hour number two now, underway. Next slide, 2513430106, if you want to be in touch with the program, all you gotta do is text me a few things going on. By the way, still to come on the program. John Wall, the Alabama Republican Party Chairman, about an hour and a half from now. A lot of this happens as we have spoken. We were what to expect. And believe it or not, a week ago, we were talking about, well, what do we expect to debate Thursday night? And even if you knew Biden was going to be terrible last week, there is no way you could have predicted it was going to be this bad, right? Why am I wrong? I think I'm right. I mean, it was pretty invisible, to say the least. Anyway, so we will, we'll think about that. We'll discuss that with Chairman Wall here in about an hour and a half or so. Let's see here, text slide 2513430106. So, there's a lot of smart people out there and some people who are just just faceless rampant speculation. If Biden drops out, we are in the window. This is the window for Biden to drop out right now. Between now, and I'd say maybe Friday, sometime during the day on Friday, I want to say that. Okay, so it's a dying news cycle. You watch your cable news, the A talent is not there at the desk. It's a fill-in or it's the guest or not the... It's not your A, like I said, A-list guest there. So if this hits the news, yeah, it's going to sting. It's going to be bad, but this is a little bit of a cushion at least. Now, I think, yesterday, I likened it to jumping off like a 30-story building and having a pillow to land on, but this would be something we've never experienced in America when the candidate of a major party exit stage right at this point in the election cycle. Or I guess in my case, it would be exit stage left. Anyway, none the less that this is the window right now until probably sometime Friday. I suppose it could happen over the weekend, but in all likelihood, we're looking at sometime this week before the week's up. So keep an eye on that. We're looking at sometime before the week's up with Biden, perhaps getting out of this. And that's from a lot of smart people. The one thing, let's talk across the talk about this. If Kamala Harris were to be the apparent, the heir apparent, is she's still going to be the new nominee. Why do you? She's got lower numbers as a Biden, but here's what's important. Under our campaign finance law, no one else could recoup the money that Biden's raised to this point. Only Kamala Harris, if they put Gavin Newsom in there, if they put anybody else in there, then what happens is you're not going to get, you're not going to get whatever they've raised, how many ever millions of dollars, they had a big blockbuster number for this quarter. So, and the idea that Biden would just kind of seed that cash to whoever is probably not going to happen either. Some other things. And that's why we need to keep an eye on Kamala Harris and right now, this window. Some of these going on in the news that we need to talk about. Obviously, the fallout from the Supreme Court decision yesterday, giving Trump partial immunity. There is a freak out underway, guys. So, I guess we heard Zoe Lofgren. She's a Democrat from California. Been in Congress forever. Was on MSNBC yesterday. And it's like this panel discussion of like, smart people, talking about like, well, what does this mean exactly? And you've heard the, the, the, the imperial presidency's underway. But at least you're floating this idea that, well, if we're having the imperial presidency with Trump, we might as well, imperial away right now. We might as well do things that the, the Supreme Court sees as authorized by the Constitution for the president to do with the grant of immunity. Do you not think from one moment, the Joe Biden is not looking at that decision that his people aren't looking at that decision and thinking, well, we need to say that we think this is bad. But in the meantime, it does give us a little more power. But there, the problem there in damage control mode, I suppose that this were like 2022 and the Supreme Court ruled this way. Then the Biden administration will be looking for new ways to use this power. They are in a, they're in a tough spot right now with Joe Biden even staying on the ticket. So I would look for any big leaps into uncharted waters from this administration or from the campaign. And the other thing, who was talking to, it's Congressman Carl and Joe Biden's complexion is really, he's now the bronze wonder, it seems, but a lot of spray on tan going on there, which I'm sure is going to ingratiate himself to a certain state who would say, I don't know what, but that's what they, they, they, he did look a little white pasty into debate. And now he looks like he just got back for vacation. I'll just get through some text here. Paul Katjariot's right, a decision was made that it was time to say that you press no clothes on. Then we kind of knew this already. Who didn't know that there were problems there? The satisfaction is this. We're finally seeing, we're finally getting to see the media have to own up to it and acknowledge it. But we all do this and they do it too, but there's no, there was no denying it after the debate, but there was sort of like a, oh, that's just a Russian propaganda or whatever, before the debate. Now they have to own it. John, God gives us the wisdom to choose a government that will help solve our problems. This is a government that will help problems solve and not go to Washington or my government is King and Queens. But yes, but unfortunately that's just not how it works out. No, John, and you're right, but we have this sort of progressive secular, it's like Bill O'Reilly when I say it, secular progressives or whatever, but that your God isn't helping you. You're not getting satisfactory results from Jesus. Look to us, and this is invention of man, which is a government. And they do think that they're not like worship me like a deity, some may be, but they generally think that your faith is sort of a cutesy little thing that you do, and you know, we're just gonna sneer at that. But if you really want results, I mean, nothing says like a prosperity like a wick coupon or an EBT card, right? Or whatever, it may be a new road, a new bridge, a new school, we're delivering results. That's, I mean, there's a mindset there that all your religion and faith and all that is, like I said, it's just a, you're a bitter clinger, you got your gun, your Bible. But you really want results, you really want to get things done, you look to the government. That's what they believe, these people who work in the bureaucracy really deep down believe they have that power for good. And that's problematic on so many levels, but that's what you gotta deal with in America right now. Rather than have your faith instruct you and serve as some kind of moral guidance, we're looking for like government to instruct you for moral guidance. And the moral guidance isn't like you should do this 'cause it's the right thing. A lot of times is you shouldn't do this because you'll get locked up because the government has more guns than you and you're always gonna lose to the government. And that's why you hit these basket case situations. Uh, Tim, Jeff, I think needs to be more needs to be done to protect the people who are defending themselves but having to use a firearm criminally and civil. The police are not going to be able to keep up with it so you'll eventually have to start protecting yourself. I hate to say it, but before it's over with, it's gonna be like a Clint Eastwood Western movie. And then it's fair enough. And there's some of these places where you have like a Stade Your Ground or whatever wall, but where that's been challenged cow written house. Like there is a philosophical view. And I never, you know, it gets back to the, why do we have a second amendment? Why have a second amendment? Why aren't Democrats campaigning against the second amendment? Oh, because we'll lose. But if you think gun ownership ought to be a privilege and not a right and then talk about repealing the second amendment, there's a constitutional process for that, but they won't. But then, but it gets back to this is just philosophically, they don't want you, Tim, to think of yourself as able to protect yourself. They want you to depend on the government from protection. They want you to depend on the government to look after you that empowering the individual. Well, you don't know what the individual is going to do. They're crazy. They like Jesus and stuff. They're right wingers and they got their like, appeal to heaven flags and their, their, their tea party. Don't treadle me. That stuff is icky. We need responsible, sober minded adults that are going to protect you and not do anything crazy or irrational. We're very parental of them, isn't it? Tammy, you cry about Montgomery, you say if you watch the mobile news, there are shootings that did bodies literally every day. I mean, that's what they do with the local news. In Montgomery, it's got way on the hand. Now, mobile's not a, it's, it's, it's not a cakewalk. But Montgomery has, it's so bad. And this is why we're spending a lot of time on talking about what's going on in Montgomery in the city of Montgomery, not in the state capital side of it. Because what they will do is the legislature will act and they have, there's a supremacy there over the cities to be municipalities, that is, and they'll take over a police department. Text to line 2513430106, she'll be right back to see this is the Jeff for show at FFTF talk, 106.5. (upbeat music) ♪ A couple guys in first class on a flight ♪ ♪ From New York to Los Angeles ♪ ♪ Kind of making small talk, killing time ♪ ♪ flirting with the fire fender ♪ ♪ Oh, my love ♪ ♪ Can this really be the end ♪ ♪ If you're stuck inside a movie ♪ ♪ With the mental spoons again ♪ - Welcome back to the Jeff for show at FFTF talk, 106.5, thank you for staying with us on. - Just stay away from me. - On this Tuesday morning hump day for this abbreviated week, no show, obviously, on the 4th of July, nor the 5th of July. I'm going to head up North Alabama, it's become a tradition for yours truly, but the speaker of the house, Daniel Edbetter, does a... He and Steve Livingston, who's a state senator up there in the very north eastern quadrant, a kind of very Tennessee, Georgia border there. They do a breakfast every 4th of July, I think it's kind of a... It's out of the way by like 9, 10 o'clock, everything's wrapped up. To get there, you see a lot of elected politicians statewide. Lieutenant Governor was there last year. We're going to try to do the show up there to maybe get some of these lawmakers on a pre-tape some of it and probably run it sometime next week, I suppose, and it'll just kind of be more generic, well, not generic, it's not the right word, but more broad kind of discussion about things going on around Alabama. So we're going to give that a shot on the opposite end of the state. We'll see if it comes together or not, but that's the objective there that... And speaker of Edbetter, kind of sort of like the role that the new leader, Stadhagan, oh, two years, he's into his term here, but leader Stadhagan's done for us. It used to be we would do our show at Ledbetter's office when he was leader. So when the session was in, we'd get to a little space there at the State House and we kind of made it a weekly thing this year. Maybe we'll get back to that next year. We'll see. Anyway, enough of that, that's what they'll expect coming up on a program and we'll be out Thursday and Friday, my understanding. Now let's see here. Well, Damien, he follows up. Well, the National Guard is an option what are they waiting for? Start with Montgomery and Prichard is next. It seems like the nuclear option. I mean, like you got to ask something Phoenix City level, right? An assassinated, a presumptive attorney general. And now I think it could happen. And listen, Damien, I don't think they're that far away because when you start shooting up government buildings, state government buildings and the state government can't function because of gunfire, then you absolutely had to consider the National Guard. Now, Prichard is a little different. There's not a lot of essential functions of government going on there like there is a Montgomery. You know, the governor and the executive branch has to be able to operate down under the threat of violence. So that's what sets Montgomery apart from all these other crime-red areas in the state. That, but that's forcing the Alabama legislature to look at it and say, you know, well, maybe we need to get involved here. But I keep saying this to these guys, well, the legislature doesn't really meet again 'til next year. What do you get to do between now and then? Talk about a bill that you have or you think the governor, this governor's gonna call a special session just for this. But the Montgomery situation, Damien is unique. And it really hit like, oh, this is really serious and they're not doing much to remedy the situation. They're just giving us a bunch of happy talk. (mouse clicking) When that RSA building that the state leases from RSA in that window at the top with the green roof at the bullet holes in it, that's a problem. And we'll see if the state does something that, you know, they're not gonna take a small measure here. But you heard Representative Stringer talk about it and I think it impacts whatever they do, will impact mobile directly on this entire state. 2.13430106, you got 1234567, seven texts or so to get to, we'll get to those on the other side. So stay tuned, keep 'em probably do appreciate the feedback. This is the Jet Force show on FM Talk 10065. ♪ I still am ♪ ♪ And look the same ♪ ♪ You watch us see ♪ ♪ Ain't nothing to do ♪ ♪ 'Cause I was country ♪ ♪ It's where I drank my first beer ♪ ♪ It's where I found Jesus ♪ ♪ Where if my first call ♪ ♪ I tore it all to pieces ♪ ♪ I learned the path to heaven ♪ ♪ There's full of sinners and believers ♪ - Look back to the Jet Force show on FM Talk 10065. JH, stay with us on this Tuesday morning, TechSci.2513430106, you know how to get touched. The program, we just text me and we will do our best to respond to whatever it is that is on your mind. Fall out for Biden yesterday or last week. Still, the polling is starting to show. One thing I wanna say is really stress about that in those polls guys is, yes Trump's gaining some ground, but it's not the 10, 15 points that some people are expecting. Everything's sort of baked in. I said this, head into the debate. If they carry Biden off on the stretcher after that debate, he's still the nominee. I still believe that, but what this has done, it's really created a civil war within the democratic party. A long overdue civil war. Look, political parties do this from time to time. They go through these situations where like, you've got to get back to what, what does the party stand for? And Republicans had to go through this back in like of the 2016, 2015 when Trump arrived on the scene and was the Republican party, was it Reagan conservatism, was it neoconservatism to George Bush and the IEDA, that the best path to global prosperity was exporting democracy. That didn't work out, right? You try to put in a Gersonodian democracy in Iraq and they're all gonna vote for their religious leader. And the Shiites and the Sunnis are still gonna fight over that. So back to this point here, then then the next thing that came, I mean, between the end of the Bush era, the 2010, so that two years. So they got back to basics. So the Pat Buchanan wing rallied and we got back into like what they call the paleo conservatism. The tokenservatism really came to be because 9/11, right? That people were scared and we were sligging for ways to prevent the next 9/11 from happening. But that waned and the Democrats really weaponized that. So anyway, like Republicans had their civil war, they got the 2010 team party back to the basics. Remember John Boehner reading from the Constitution? Everybody had to all four to 35. Well, I guess it was, yeah, all four to 35 members. Some didn't participate, but they all read like a part of a few sentences and they passed it around. And the tea party was coming back, baby. And we're getting back to like a set. We're gonna party like a 1776 or 1784 or whatever. And we're gonna get back to basics. And then that lasted for 15 minutes. And it was just like Washington DC doing this. Washington DC thing. If people got kind of tired of it, Obama wins re-election, 2012. And then the real civil war is sharp comes along. Like, what are you guys doing? And it was a message that resonated. And you had these different groups within the Republican party having like a almost get three way fight. Yeah, like the Quinn Hillier. You a Cameron Smith sort of types in the Republican party who just they didn't like the, this Bulgarian from Queens and the crazy things he was saying and tweeting. They don't like any of that. He's unfit for the presidency. The core is the priority here. And we just had to be dismissive of that. And this, this, this step toward populism was just, it wasn't conservative, we can't be for tariffs or, you know, we had to have free trade and all of that. And then you had this other side that was still hanging on to the Tea Party. And I would say Ted Cruz sort of symbolic of that. Mark Levin, they're still like in Tea Party mode. They rejected populism and then it's good back to the guys like that, you know, and so you had that. It didn't really too emerge victorious by a big, big margin was the Trump wing, the populism. And then eventually he was never ever able to win over the Never Trumpers, but Trump was able to kind of bring the Tea Party wing, as I would call it, back in and unify the Republican party there. You lost a little bit, you lost a lot of neoconservative, it was shady, I mean, all those guys that were all Bush people, they left, they went, they, they're bouncing back and forth now. Joe Scarborough, who never really found an ideological home, right? Anyway, so here we are. That's what the Republicans had to go through. It was ugly, it was nasty, it was brutal. And it caused probably a lot of elections and they're still fighting into some of the social issues, just where should Republicans be on abortion? All that time, and this was going back to 2008 and beyond, but it took from 2008, I would say, when Obama took over and neoconservatives have showed that it wasn't going to be a winning message anymore, all the way to 2020. It's still underway, but all the way to 2028 or so, or 2018 or so before Republicans sort of really formally all unified behind Donald Trump. Let's not jump on to presidency. And it was unexpected, they started to work to come back together. So, so 2017 at the earliest, but it took almost, it took at least a decade, a better part of a decade to bring the Republicans back together in a whole time, guys. Democrats never had that fight. And, you know, you bring up, you build the political movement with addition, not subtraction, but if you keep adding and adding, nobody's going to agree on everything. And now you look at the Democratic Party and there are clear divisions within the party. And right now, this Biden stuff is only going to make it worse because you're going to have people in the Democratic Party who thinks he's gots to go. And you've got, you still got this lingering Israel Hamas question that the Democrats haven't really resolved. And aside from that, you've got environmentalists, you've got the LGBTQ activists, you've got all of these different groups. And while they're generally in agreement on the Orange Man bad, the Orange Man bad, it's Orange Man bad wins again. What happens then? But Democrats are way, way, way overdue to have a civil war, just to kind of settle some scores, figure out what the Democratic Party stands for in 2024 because right now, the head of the Democratic Party, the ideological leader, no one knows what he is. He's scrambled, he can barely complete a sentence. We know he doesn't like Trump. What do you think his Israeli policy is? On the border, what do you think their border policy is? We see what it is in practice. What is it when he can't state it? No one knows what Democrats believe in because they believe so many different things. And at some point, that's got to figure itself out. It's just the law of nature. If you want to have a political party, it's got to stand for something. And no one really knows. We know it's left of center, but there's very core specifics that you got to figure out. Israel is one of them. For some reason, the activist way of the modern Democratic Party, the left in this country has become like fanboys of Hamas. But I don't get it at all. And can a mainstream American party abandoned Israel? All right, we got you through these texts. Sorry, I got a little overdid there. How do you texture? Does it all the campaign money go to Biden and Harris campaign? So if he dropped out, it would stay with Harris. Yes, that is true. That's why you've got to look at Kamala Harris is probably if Biden were to step aside. I guess I think we're in that window. But if Biden were to step aside, then Harris keeps to keep the campaign money they have raised to this point. She's got to be, that's why she would be the odds on favor to be the nominee, because if you did bring in somebody else, unless Harris and Biden were willing to seed that money over to a new candidate, which I don't think it's likely at all, but all that campaign money would be used by Kamala Harris. And a text or what happened yesterday with today's court is worse than the president debate by far. I don't think so. Not for you guys on the left. You guys over reached on the left. What y'all did was, when he started playing this law fair game, did you think this was going to go on forever? Did you think that the institutions in this country, the adults are going to be like, go ahead DOJ, start prosecuting Republicans. Some of the prosecutor Republicans you don't like like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, but we'll let the guys that you do like about to content the Congress, Eric Holder, Merrick Garland, not be prosecuted. You can prosecute Donald Trump for documents, but don't prosecute Joe Biden for those same, those same violate those same rules. Did you think that that was going to go on forever in this country? Do you think it was just, I mean, that's what you need to like. These guys need to ask themselves, do some deep soul searching, even if they think they're on in the right ear. Do they think that they can do this that way forever? And it's not an ideological, well, to a degree it is, but it's not an ideological question of right or left. It's like, why is there a set of rules over here for us and a set of rules for them? And regardless, if they can argue that that's not the reality, but that is the perception, that's the perception they had to deal with. Martin, during the debate, Biden looked like he was decomposing right in front of us all. And they've texted her, "How long before the Democrats have a golden cap displayed on the National Mall?" But it was supposed to be like something like gender neutral, Calf. It won't be golden, it'll be rainbow. Third digger, Democrats are not going to get rid of the best pumpable strings to have it. Biden take America, taxpayers of money, pass around all over the world, Trump knows. He doesn't sure, show up to dollar, we're gonna turn into a third world country. If Trump's did like the Biden's, they would have been in jail, Democrats are selling us out. John, do you just show one of the lottery states and ask the legislators how much longer are we gonna remain on the hunger strike? No. You want a lottery, John? Let's move. Is that important to you? I don't even want to move from Alabama, I don't blame you, but if the lottery is like the big deal to you, just go to the state where there's a lottery. Just go to the state where there's a lottery and let's see here. Jerry, I have a hard time believing that the sorry politicians are anyone, any more valuable than anyone else. It's not the politicians about government, we're just talking about government function, we're talking about the courts, we're talking about public safety, we're talking about just getting your entitlement benefits out on time, making sure the bills are paid. It's not politicians. Jerry, when I talk about Montgomery and the function of government, the politicians aren't even there, it's not session, I mean, yeah, you got the Washington governor to AG, the treasurer, the auditor, the governor, but it's not about protecting politicians, it's about government functioning and the chaos that would ensue if government didn't function. Leah, morning, Jeff, until the state stops paying women to breed, why do you have to do that? This problem will never go away. Single parenting is the problem, I don't think so. There's something culturally there, they're not like, Leah, I don't know about if you know much about biology, but there's not, the procreation exercise there is not going on because someone's like, hey, it'd be a great idea if I got pregnant, had a kid so I could collect from the government. I don't think that is the, at the moment, motivation, but maybe that was, maybe, Leah, talk about the birds of bees sometime offline. Are they textured or quite hilly or is it wacko? Donald Trump broke a lot of people, guys. Paul, what do you think the possibility is are for a major event between now and the election? I think it's too far gone. I don't think you can do that, and to have the success. I think it's way too far gone. I don't think you can do that, and to have the success. I think it's too late if you tried, if you tried to have another pandemic or something of that magnitude, it's too late for that. If it's a war or something, it's just going to be worse for Biden because you trust Biden to wage a war, and Ukraine or wherever? We'll be right back. This is Evan Paul at 106.5. And there's. Countable, it's just, I give you my heart and I try to make it happen. You gave me nothing in return. You know, it ain't so hard to say. Would you please just go away? Welcome back to the Jet Force show. It's up to talk one of six five. They sure can be with us on this Tuesday morning. John Walker up in the next hour, about a little more than a half hour from now. He's the chairman of the Alabama Republican Party. We'll hear from him about what's happened this last week. Damienke, the lottery thing keeps coming up because everyone is pretty sure politicians are doing something wrong and they are. It'd be Mark K won't give Alabama lottery. What else are they are going to do for us? But Damienke, you listen to this show pretty regularly. You're never going to get just a lottery in the state. The lottery keeps coming up, but I think a lot of people would be okay with just the lottery. You don't understand or at least you don't acknowledge this reality and I don't know what to tell you that you're never going to get just a lottery. What kills the lottery every time? Damienke is that the gambling interest, the casino guys, the sports gambling guys, the dogtrack guys, the sports cricket Indians, go down the list. A lot of gambling interest out there are trying to leverage the lottery that you really want, that you covet, which is a strange thing to covet, but whatever. If you want it, you want it, we should have it, but you're not going to get it because they want to add all these other riders on to just the lottery and that's why it kills it. It is a bad feel, it's a bad government to use something the public wants is leverage for something else. And Damienke, this is like, I don't know what to tell you, but you need to understand in Alabama, gambling is constitutionally prohibited. That's the interpretation. There's no way around it unless you change the constitution. And I think we universally agree that changing the constitution is something that ought to be hard to do. It should be easy. You can't just have a legislature show up in Montgomery and have a 50% plus one vote to change the constitution. The way it's changed constitution, it takes three fists to the legislature. This is where it's always been problematic. To get to your vote, you're right. But some of you say you don't have a right to change the constitution. You don't unless the legislature bestows it upon you. And then they have that ability. So all these people talk about giving the people the right to vote, it's just a lazy talking point, like we're stupid or something. Some of you believe that we're not a direct democracy. And a direct democracy, there's no virtue in that. And everybody's saying taking power away from the representative of the republic and giving it and making, turning it into a direct democracy that the more we do with that, the better government we have is nonsense. Quit your job if you're a lawmaker saying that and just go do something else. Because if you were being elected with a duty or responsibility to represent your constituents to try to delegate that to the people is not this form of government we have. You don't believe in our form of government, don't be in it. Three-fifths vote and then at 99 we learn. Vote to the people, they voted it down. You don't get many opportunities. So like Auburn and National Championships or something, I don't know, you don't have a big statement at Montgomery leading the charge for the lottery, unfortunately. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porsche one at the talk, 106.5. ♪ What you do with me ♪ ♪ When you don't believe for what I've seen ♪ (upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ (upbeat music) Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche show. It's up to talk, 106.5. Hour number three down upon us. 2513430106 is the text line. We're talking about it all. Nancy Polish, it looks like she just got out of the showers on MSNBC right now. But anyway, we got presidential election, we got Supreme Court. We're talking crime in Alabama, particularly Montgomery, but what happens at Montgomery? It will pass it along, it will impact the entire state. But it's also kind of interesting to talk about. And then we're stuck back with gambling. And I want to get back to that. I mean, just like for one moment, listening to this back and forth between representative Simpson from Daphne and Tony Kin in down at Orange Beach. Passives is right. The conference committee bill, not the bill, but the constitutional amendment laid out specific places where there could be casinos in Alabama. It named the counties and he's correct about that. But before all that, before the conference committee report came out, this is what I think Kin was getting at. The house bill, the first house bill that passed, the one that did any win and Chris Black shear shepherded through, the one leadership twisted arms, told members they had to walk the plank. And vote for this, or it was going to be a rough quadrennium the rest of the way for them. The only protection for Ballway County was an amendment that representative Simpson had put in the enabling legislation. Which correctly pointed out by Senator Elliott and other people could be undone with a simple majority vote of the Alabama legislature. And the idea that once you do away with that constitutional amendment, that protection that was voted for by members of this delegation in Ballway County, you'll leave it up to the discretion of the Alabama legislature to determine if they could put a casino at the beach. That's what we were talking about. Even with the amendment in the enabling legislation, it had to be in the constitution. And the constitutional amendment was done by the conference committee. That was eventually approved by the house in kind of a flash vote before the public could even read the bill. They didn't want to wait a day. They had to move on that bill and they had wound up biting them because they didn't have the votes in the Senate. They were moving too fast after that conference committee. I would have done it differently if I'm trying to pass that bill, but they don't come to Jeff Poor for advice ever on these things. Anyway, that being said, that's why I was, uh, that's why I wanted to kind of clear up because there was a, there was an effort to, I guess rectify that. But the bill, the house passed, and members of the Alabama House delegation, the one they supported, that was crafted in the lower chamber, only protected Ballway County with a legislative fix, not a constitutional fix. It was voted for by what, four members of the delegation at the time, I think Alan Baker, he changed his vote to no later. Stringer was a no. Easterbrook at the very, very top of Ballway County was a yes. We know Francis Holt-Jones, Donna Givens and Matt Simpson were yes votes. Fiddler was a no vote. That's what we got here. Uh, I need to text you. The truth is that welfare has ruined the American family system. That world poverty is not really, the world poverty isn't really working, is it? Do you blame, uh, LBJ? (silence) Look, was it the late Charles Colonel Hammer used to say? A lot of good things came out of the new deal in FDR. We created that social safety net. You, you couldn't have people living in these third world impoverished conditions. There had to be something. What Republicans have come to do in the last, well, ever since Reagan, ever since 1980 when he won, has stopped the growth of that. Because you look, it didn't really grow. Like in the Eisenhower era, that was, that was just beef up to military, military, military, military, industrial complex. Uh, Kennedy, (silence) was still fighting communism. Didn't wind, uh, we, we, I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm skipping a few here. But with LBJ, it became about kind of continuing the new deal. Democrats had been successful, new deal Democrats, have been successful with that. Well, let's, let's see what we can do here. I think that's where things really jumped to shark, but it wasn't like Nixon was rolling this back after LBJ. And it wasn't like, and Carter certainly wasn't. It took Reagan in 1980 to say, hey, let's put the brakes on this. And that's sort of the modern view of a conservative. We had the new deal did some good things, but whoa, whoa, whoa, here, let's not continue to grow this socialist state. (silence) And you're right that, that jump into shark era of the world poverty has ruined the American family system, it seems. Gene, so Trump has shredded the GOP platform, what's left of the conservative ideology? Well, I never said that, no one's ever said that Trump was a conservative, conservative, conservative. (silence) No one's ever made that claim, or somehow, but he's, but he's not the screechy liberal either. Deficit spending certainly a problem with Trump. Some of the protectionist stuff doesn't really fit into the conservative ideology, the think-thank crowd. (silence) That's, that's the struggle there. But he, he's not, he's trying to preserve the American idea. The American dream. 'Cause I think the left would have us all be in a collective and be in big cities and we would all like, it takes a village kind of mentality. And there's less of an emphasis on the individual. But the, the, the, the populace, Trumpy and kind of winged Gene is this. Hey, what happened to the America I grew up in? You know, the, the nuclear family and the, the, the, the, the, the, the father providing for the family, you didn't have two parents having to work to exist. We'll get back to that, stop some of this immigration, stop changing the culture. They'll say Merry Christmas and have big fireworks displays on the 4th of July and do a lot of things that are very pro-America. Jeff, I don't think you understand my point at all. It's from Leo. All children borned single mothers that cannot afford to feed. They should be taken away and put in orphanages or adopted out. The single mother should get nothing from the state. And it's never Leo, that's, that's crazy. Leo, you think about that taking, taking a child away from a mother. Now we do have a, if you aren't neglecting your child, there are provisions to take the child away. But you got to like define that. Plus, getting out of the shower there goes, well, she's on, she's on with Andrea Mitchell and MSNBC and it looks like she forgot to dry her hair. Andrea Mitchell needs a nap, by the way. I know none of you, some of you are like, what are you talking about? And you probably never watch MSNBC during the day. I think yesterday she was on and she was nodding off during her live shot. Jerry, have you looked into the latest update of the New York case? I'm hearing that the case is going back to the courts. Yeah, it calls, I don't know if they will consider it. But if the immunity statute or the immunity somehow Trump will still apply this new immunity he has as president to that New York case. And I don't think it has a chance, but it can at least delay things and delay sentencing and force the state of New York to back off here. Because here's what I think New York is thinking, Jerry, think about this. They've gone all in on this law fair and they're breaking the glass in case of emergency, they're doing all of these things regarding law fair and they'll never be able to do it again if they do it now. So what they should have done, this is what, I guess this is the point, like, well, someday we may need to go this direction and we're going to do, we're going to go this direction now and it's going to be an offer not because the presidential candidate or nominee could barely string together two sentences. I think there's buyers remorse for this judge or for some of these guys that had decided to exhaust this nuclear option and it's going to be for not and just like the 2020 election, there's going to be reforms, things are going to change. Look, the Georgia legislators are already acting on Fannie Willis and you're not going to have this option in a lot of states. You want to have that option someday. What do you think, does it matter you need to win? I'm telling you, that's what I think you're seeing a little bit of that. I think there will be no gambling and Alabama till the big mules get a large portion. I don't know by that. Scambling is not, what does gambling bring to the economy? Gambling takes money out of the economy where you have money for entertainment in your budget and all the different places you could go, spend that money and that's economic activity. Gambling is much different. It takes money out of the economy. I share some of that money spread back around, but a lot of that money goes elsewhere. It goes to a, maybe it's a corporate entity, maybe it's just the Porsche Creek Indians or all the investments they have globally. I need to text you, yes. George W. Bush expanded the social welfare state by adding Medicare drug coverage. That is true and there was a lot of pushback from conservatives on that. George W. Bush was not, by any stretch of imagination, a standard bearer, I think of conservatism. He did the tax cuts and that showed that because George Bush did the tax cuts right before 9/11. 9/11 not happened. The US economy would have been really, really hot. Leo still added, until you start taking the kids away from seeking mothers, the shootings will continue an increase. It's not going to work, Leo. We do have some civil rights, some constitutional protections that would prevent that. And their digger, the Democrats would left us writing trains and taking our automobiles, a living of solar wind energy, no gas in government house, working for them. It's called socialism. To be right back, this is FM Talk 10065. Hey, yes, we are, big diggers. Yes, we are hill racers. People get out of our way, wherever we go. Coming day to a line like I do every night, from the heart of your radio. I play a little sad and I play a lot of play and a few old, cheap songs. There's open everybody, I'm ready to land, I'll find the love. So we're back to the Jeff Porte Show at the Fatauk 10065, 24 minutes out to the hour. John Wall could be up next on the program, programming note tomorrow. I stay the week as we head into the Fourth of July holiday, getting a little early, our returning champion and hater of Chaucer and Beowith. State Senator Chris Elliott will be with us to take things off. Joy Clark, our Wednesday regular, and then we'll wrap up this week with Congressman Barry Moore from the Second Congressional District, soon to be the first, I believe. So that's coming up on tomorrow's show, Leo's correct. We have to pass a credit check for everything in part of life. Why not? For having kids, people breeding themselves and their communities deeper in the poverty helps nobody. What are you going to do with all these, all these babies are taking away there, guys? Do you think orphanages are just like, what are you going to do with these children? Well, how are you going to do that? Do you think it's a good idea to put the government in charge here? You can't stop it. I mean, you're talking like this is something the government can impose, they play God, you just know. This is not the kind of country we live in. Like, this is not perfect. But if you like the system, then you're going to have to deal with out of wedlock children. And who gets to determine what is financially reasonable? Let me tell you a little secret. There are people that are gaming this system. They're single mothers, you aren't really single. The baby daddy kind of, they function in a husband-wife situation, but they haven't made it legal because you take a hit. It seems like that the government needs to look at. You can't just start taking away children from, you know, born out of wedlock in poverty. And it's just this, that's crazy. We just have to deal with the problem as it confronts us. And there's other ways to do that. I mean, economic prosperity, trying to educate people to show that like, look, there's an incentive to do it in the right thing. Uh, tell me the effect legal aliens coming in, this taking jobs and sending their money back as on the economy. It does, but probably not as big as like some, it's made out to be. But it shouldn't be happening. I think it's the point. That mandatory of a sector means that the boys become mid may take longer than others. They, they crack down on dead meat dads, but I, I, I, guys like, yeah, we're really talking about violating some serious civil liberties and rights here. Square over and people need to stop having kids. It's that simple. They won't spend, they want to spend a dollar moral mill, but they're happy to blow tons of thousands of dollars on one kid after another. I do have a population problem here in America. I think you, I mean, you guys like kind of like talking about this and the entitlement state, but we're going to run into that speed bump. They've hit Europe. We need to encourage the family. They need to figure out ways to encourage family, the family unit. Now we, we got off track here with this weird sort of feminist wave. You don't need a man. You could be your own woman and girl power. But what we find and I think studies back this up is that when you have a nuclear family intact and you have less of a chance of this crime problem, prison or school to prison pipeline or whatever. So, so what do you do there? How do you incentivize that? You can't just take children away. If the IRS gave parents a tax deduction or one kid and another kid number two, but a tax bill because of kid three, what are you Chinese with three, four, and five each time increasing? No, we got any because people are trying to do the right thing and raise children. Sometimes things happen. This is frustrating. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Port show on FIT Talk 10065. [Music] Look about the Jeff Port show on FIT Talk 10065. 251343. 0106 is the tax fund. We will have some time to get to the rest of your text here. This crazy notion that we need to start taking kids away from their mothers because they get government assistance. Anyway, we'll get to those here in short order. But joining us now on the line, he is the Chairman of the Almond Republican Party. John Wall is on the line with us. Chairman, good morning, are you? I'm doing well. It's good to be on the show. Thanks for making time for us. We always appreciate it. Well, let's start here and talk about what the heck happened Thursday night, you think? Oh, you mean with Joe Biden? What went to debate? We knew it was going to be bumpy for Biden, but I don't think anybody anticipated it going that way, did they? I'm still almost, you can hear my voice, right? No, I mean, we all knew. I realized it was watching the commentators afterwards. I purposely watched it on CBS because they're one of the more liberal commentators. I wanted to see their reaction. We all know as Republicans that Joe Biden has problems. We've seen the memes. We've seen the videos on Facebook where the president of Italy is having to help him as he wanders off at G8 events or wherever it is. I don't think the Democrats had really internalized. They thought that was a conspiracy theory. They had not really internalized just how bad Joe Biden is with his mental capacity. And so, as I watched CBS commentators, Nora Donald kind of leading the pack literally melt down after that debate, I realized just how much they live in their media bubble. And, you know, elected officials have it. There's the DC bubble. There's the Montgomery bubble. There is also a mainstream media bubble. And these guys really don't know a real American life. They don't know truth. They don't really know what's going on because they're stuck in their bubble. And I think they had a bubble pump Thursday night. I think you're right. And I, because Bill Jackson and I got kind of like a discussion about this, he thinks they knew all along. And that this was maybe kind of a shock to them, but they knew it was they had to pretend to be shocked by it when it happened. But no, I mean, I think that there are some true believers in the mainstream media. And they thought that this really was like Russian propaganda, this whole cheap fake narrative from the Biden White House. They believed all that. They take these people from their words or they least pretend to because like, you know, we don't have the game is play for access or whatever. But yeah, I think you're spot on here. I think that they call them call to buy surprise and they knew it wasn't great. But they didn't realize how bad it was. You know, I don't think they do. And they found out that Emperor has no close. Like, this is this is not an unusual thing. And human society has always had this where you want to prop up your leader. Who you support. And I understand the Democrats in the mainstream, they want to believe these things, you know, reminds me of a Bible verse, they became wanting to believe a lie. They became willingly ignorant. And I think we have this in the mainstream media, like nowhere else, whether it's this, whether it's they they genuinely believe socialism can work, they genuinely think they know how to live your life better than you do. It's real for them. As they really are these socialist dream, you know, they really are these people and they really believe in it. It's crazy, but it's true. Oh, they took, they took the Plato's Republic a little too serious. And they said that there's like an elite class that that needs to be making decisions for everybody. And then those are the smart people. And the rest of your just like worker bees or whatever. And it takes an emphasis away from like really the idea, the emphasis on the individual and puts it toward a collective, but with the very top heavily top heavy elite classes, making all your decisions for you. And that's just that's that's what they think. That's what they're taught to think. And they talk about like the academy and higher ed and whatever, right? A chairman that we look at it and we think you're just being fed like talking points about about how good Democrats are. But no, it's just like, it's really this like big government, big liberal collective philosophy with a smart set that's making the decisions that you're taught. And they believe that. Well, that's exactly right. And you know, at least it goes past just a big government here in America. It also goes to this globalist agenda, because look, somebody has to save us from climate change. And it's not going to be the stupid peasants. They have to do it. And it's the greater good. And it gives them a purpose for life. They literally want to be the ones who tell us how to live, how society should live. What's a danger? What's not a danger? What's real? What's not real? And we should jump through those hoops. We should just believe them. And the mainstream media has gotten to this point where they really anyone who opposes that becomes an enemy of democracy. And that's why this is their this is our sacred cow. What does what they say? That's why they say democracy, right? Maybe some of them are just ignorant or what democracy really is in the function or the form of government we have in America. But they say democracy, the ones that know, because it puts that emphasis on the the will of the collective. And it doesn't really, it's not our form of government. But that's why they keep saying repeating democracy, democracy, democracy. Well, and we, I will say this, we as a party have allowed this to happen. If you go back and you watch like Ronald Reagan, every time Ronald Reagan spoke of our nation, he spoke, he said power republic. And we have lost it. Even our republican elected officials each say, call us a democracy far too often and we are not and I think you're right. We've taken the emphasis off, you know, the mainstream media wants us to think of ourselves as a democracy as a because that leads to socialism as this group, right? It's a groupthink where our founders and the republican party, certainly the Alabama Republican Party goes deeper and we want to look at people based as individuals. And what is best for the individuals is what is best for our society. And we believe in individual liberty. We believe in putting the average everyday American first. That's the grand American experiment. And that's what we want for our future. Yeah. Well, it's just like the gambling vote and giving the people a right to vote. Well, we don't do direct democracy. This whole it's a conard. It's not, you know, like, we have like democratic elements within our form of government. But this pure democracy is not the way we look at things in America. And I think some of it's just stupid people in the news media just because it sounds like something they saw in a movie or whatever. But there's like a very smart, elite, think tank kind of, you know, almost like aristocracy and democratic party politics that thinks emphasize democracy, if size democracy, if size democracy, because that gets you where you want to be towards socialism. Correct. The move towards socialism, but it's also where Democrats have always been when you think about a democracy, it's a mob rule. So in fact, you know, our founders had a very, very negative opinion towards democracies. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin said it's two wolves in a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. And that's so true. And we see this from the Democrat party because look, they are the ones who thought the ruling class, the majority should be able to enslave the minority. This is not new from the Democrats that they've always had this view that their ruling class, their mob rule of democracy should be able to enslave and divide people that aren't in the majority. And I think the mindset has not, it's the same mindset, like we don't see the group in the same way, but it's the same mindset that leads to the same consequences. Division breaking people into groups. And then a group mentality and group identity rather than respecting every single person as an individual meet the image of Almighty God. Well, it's sad. Yeah. And you speak of that. And one more point on this, though, that like they want government to replace other institutions, particularly organized religion, faith or whatever, as sort of the the guy post, like you don't need to be playing to your crazy mythological Jesus or whatever you you need to look to us in government and the media and in the ruling class, because we get stuff done. We are doing stuff. And that is, I mean, I think that it's just dangerous for a lot of scriptural reasons, but like philosophically, it's it's show it up. It's society, right? It's why you have these these crime waves and all of this sort of bad decision-makers in the economy at times, right? I mean, I think getting away with that and making government your higher power is very problematic. No, that's absolutely right. And, you know, once again, at the biblical concept, you cannot serve two masters and government knows that. And God knows that. You only have one master and faith in God is competition to all powerful centralized federal government. The local communities are competition to a socialist system and a family unit, this competition. And all these all these good things, local communities, family unit, faith in God, they're under attack because they're competition to what these these media elites in our in our democratic elites want to do with our country. Last question. I know you got to you got to hop against speaking engagement here in a few minutes, but uh, uh, November now with what we saw Thursday night and sort of this string of court decisions from the high court. How do you feel about November? I mean, it's hard not to be optimistic at this point. Um, where are we you know, Donald Trump is up in just about every single state. I was looking at the polling last night. Ohio, Ohio is in the bag, Florida is in the bag, but then Georgia were in the lead Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada. I really think that this is looking very good and the battle now shifts. So because we can't just win the presidency. We also have to make sure that I'm worried because what I see happening is like, Oh, Donald Trump is going to win. We see Joe Biden. We see what it is. And it's becoming a conversation about Joe Biden's health. And I want to get away from that. I want this conversation to be about the values that this, that the party represents the value that the Democrats represent and that that it's the values of freedom and liberty and the Republican party's values of faith, family and freedom that best help people be successful. And so I don't want to see this election cycle become about Joe Biden's health. I want to see it become about issues and how that affects the American people. Chairman, folks, you want to find out more about the Alabama Republican Party? How could they do so? Well, we always love to have people join us. We're on all social medias at Alabama Republican Party. And then, of course, our website where they can start. Uh oh, the way. Hey, yeah. Al GOP. All right. Al GOP. Or chairman. We appreciate it. Thanks for coming on. Michelle. All right. Chairman John Wall there. We had to cut him loose a little bit. You heard he was having a little bit of a cell phone trouble, but he's got a sweet to the Huntsville Republican women today or friend. I believe Tiffany Knoll up there running that group. But that's, well, I just appreciate him coming on. Jason writes this. Where are these population issues, bitch? And schools are overcrowded. There's a home shortage where you go as a traffic jam. You gotta get your head out of the city here, Jason. I mean, maybe you've been at Mobile or Baldwin County to him, but make a trip up to the black belt. I mean, they're losing population every year. Some of these inner cities are losing population. And I think where it really matters, Jason, is workforce participation. Then our workforce participation rate is down. And what happens when you start losing that? I mean, it does show up in the economy. There's a migration problem here and there's a lot of things. And it's almost like the elite class want to make up for that population difference by importing human beings. I don't know, but we're not we are growing in certain parts of the country, but it's shrinking in other parts of the country. And this is a trend in Europe. It's just there is a the problem is that I mean, we have this is what we've taught. Think of it what you will. But we've taught, you know, you wait to have children and I think it's causing problems. And we're not we're not at a steady, like healthy population growth. Paul, what do you think the possibility is for a major end of quoting in today? Squirrel ring, Democrat slash media are exaggerating. They're public publicized worries over Biden for some calculated reason. They will read back quickly and stand with him. I don't know that they will. I don't the damage has been done. I mean, yeah, you still James Carville. You still have others running around out there talking about might needed to drop out. You you you. I think they really were shocked. But the next morning it was kind of fascinating to watch and see how they had rallied back to Joe Biden. But you still have some holdouts out there that are like, wait, you're going to leave us with Donald Trump as president because your your Joe Biden guys are trying to hold on to power. Ron, clean and other people like that. Carl Bernstein. And here's the sign you need to know, guys, everything you need to know what's going on. Washington D.C. with Joe Biden's health is this. Over the last 20, 30 years, it's always been Republican administration still lead to the media because you had this sort of friction between the true believers in government, the true big government ideologues and conservative administrations that are inherently anti government, anti size of government reduction of government. That's important. So Democrat administrations are all the same page. We're probably going to be the stations a leak. Now you're starting to see Democrat administrations. This one in particular leak. You didn't have that during Obama. We'll be right back. This is FM talk with oh six five. Welcome back to the jumpboard showing up in talk one of six five. They just stay with us. So what's left of this Tuesday morning coming up tomorrow in the program. They sit here to Chris Elliott, our returning champion, Joey Clark from News Talk 93 ones news and views in Montgomery and Congressman Barry Moore of the second congressional district that's on tomorrow's program. Pat even Democrats can finally see by it. It's not who should be running the country. I don't think that matters to them. They don't care who's running the country or what's going on. There were more worried about losing to Donald Trump. Did Joe Biden as a candidate can't beat Donald Trump? See, this is where any heard Chris Coons, the Senator from Delaware say this, that bites the only person who could beat Donald Trump to them. It's not about the idea or the philosophy or the governing philosophy. It's about the person. They're not talking about issues. They're talking about people. They kind of get into it a little bit with some of these court decisions, but primarily it's the focus on the individual. They're not talking about great liberal policies or whatever. I mean, no one's really paying attention to that anyway. And you're getting a little bit of that with Trump though, but more Trump is like economy was good when I was president. This wasn't immigration problem. I mean, you're getting more such it there. And Democrats don't really, they're just swinging away at like Trump. And that's, I think, is a bad way to do a campaign. And that's why, like, it's a lot of different things going on, primarily Joe Biden. Personally, anyway, stuff of that coming up here shortly. Midday mobile. Sean Sullivan, what's he got for him? You're spot on there, but I would say, because you also mentioned that does happen with Trump. It's way more. Is Sullivan running the show up there? I don't know if Jake's, I don't know who's running the show. Biden obviously could take a week off to be a camp David to prepare, which I love. The new thing is he was overprepared. I think that's what Clyburn said the other day. That's why he messed up because he was overprepared for the debate. But I mean, the idea that he could be like at camp David for a week, and obviously he still gets communication stuff, but the government's going to run fine without him. So it isn't about, it's about whoever's getting to run the show behind the scenes. But I will say on the Trump side, I agree with what you said, because there are people who will come to Trump and say the economy was good. The border was at least better than it is right now. So, but there's a lot of people also that it's a cult of personality on both sides. Whether they, I would say on the case of Trump, it's because people love Trump way more than anybody loves Biden. The love Biden is very, very small. The hate Trump is high. The love Trump is high. So Trump scores high in both superlatives. Yeah, but I just, you know, but to say that it is the individual, the Joe Biden is the only person who could beat Trump. It's not our ideas, it's not our policies, not that that matters. It's the individual. I think a seeding something that, yeah, maybe your, your cookie liberalism isn't really, really where you need to be right now. You think that might be too tough for them to take into controlling. Hey, you know what, we remember when we used to have, this would be Democrats talking, remember when we used to have working class Americans, remember when we had the people in the Rust belts and they lined up for us, when did we lose them? What could we do to get them back? They don't talk about that, they just go further left. So, for example, like Kamala Harris, why couldn't Kamala Harris could carry the the banner of Bidenism? Whatever the hell that is, just as well as Biden, because it's not about the policy, right? They're just trying to hold on to power and they're seeding the policy argument away. They're not even talking about it. I think that's what's hurting them. I think that is correct. I think that's probably part of a bigger discussion out there. How much of our politics has become about person, not policy, but we'll do that in the future. Todd Stacey joins me in a little bit, also April Marie Fogle and a lot more coming up on midday mobile. Y'all stay tuned for that. As for me, I have to get out of here. I will try to do better tomorrow my way out for the week. Sorry, Phyllis. Once again, I forgot to say goodbye. Thanks a reminder there, squirrel. We'll be back tomorrow. This has been the Jeff Moore Show on FIT Talk, 1-0-6-5.