FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-02-24

Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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[Music] Welcome back to the Jump 4 Show it up and talk about 065 251343 0106 is the text when we will have some time to get to the rest of your text here this crazy notion that we need to start taking kids away from their mothers because they get government assistance anyway we'll get to those here in short order but joining us now on the line he is chairman of every public and party John Wall is on the line with us chairman good morning are you I am doing well it's good to be on the show thanks for making time for us we always appreciate it well let's start here and kind of talk about what the heck happened Thursday night you think oh you mean with Joe Biden what with the debate I we know it was gonna be bumpy for Biden but I don't think anybody anticipated it it going that way did they I'm I'm still almost you can hear my voice right no I mean we all knew I realized I was watching the commentators afterwards I watched purposely watched it on CBS because they're one of the more liberal the commentators I want to see their reaction we all know as Republicans that Joe Biden has problems we've seen the memes we've seen the videos on Facebook where the president of Italy is having to help him as he wanders off at G8 events or wherever it is I don't think the Democrats had really internalized they thought that was a conspiracy theory they had not really internalized just how bad Joe Biden is with his mental capacity and so as I watched CBS commentators Nora Donald kind of leading the pack literally meltdown after that debate I realized just how much they live in their media bubble and you know elected officials out there's a DC bubble there's the Montgomery bubble there is also a mainstream media bubble and these guys really don't know a merit real American life they don't know truth they don't really know what's going on because they're stuck in their bubble and I think they had their bubble pumps Thursday night I think you're right and I closed the Bill Jackson and I got the kind of like a discussion about this he thinks they know all along and then did this was maybe maybe kind of a shock to him but they knew it was they had to pretend to be shocked by it when it happened but no I mean I think that there are some true believers in the mainstream media and they thought that this really was like Russian propaganda this whole cheap fake narrative from the Biden White House they they believed all that they take these people from their words or they least pretend to because you know we know how the game is play for access or whatever but yeah I think you're spot on here I think that they call them call them by surprise that they knew it wasn't great but they didn't realize how bad it was you know that only they do and they found out that Emperor has no clothes I look this is this is not an unusual thing and human society has always had this where you want to prop up your leader who you support and I understand the Democrats and the mainstream they want to believe these things you know reminds me of a Bible verse they became wanting to believe a lie they became willingly ignorant and I think we have this in the mainstream media like like nowhere else whether it's this whether it's they did genuinely believe socialism can work they genuinely think they know how to live your life better than you do it's real for them I think they really are these socialist dream you know they really are these people and they really believe in it it's crazy but it's true oh they took they took their Plato's Republic a little too serious and they said that there's like an elite class that that needs to be making decisions for everybody and then those are the smart people and the rest of you're just like worker bees or whatever and then we are it takes an emphasis away from like really the idea the emphasis on the on the individual and puts it toward a collective but with the very top heavily top heavy elite classes make it all your decisions for you and that's just that's that's what they think that's what they're taught to think and they talk about like the Academy and higher ed and whatever right a chairman that we look at it and we we think they're just being fed like talking points about about how good Democrats are but no it's just like it's really this like big government big liberal collective philosophy with a smart set that's making the decisions that you're taught and they believe that well that's exactly right and you know it leads a goose pass just a big government here in America it also goes to this globalist agenda because look somebody has to save us from climate change and it's not going to be the stupid peasants they have to do it and it's the greater good and it gives them a purpose for life they literally want to be the ones who tell us how to live how society should live what's a danger what's not a danger what's real what's not real and we should jump through those hoops we should just believe them and the mainstream media has gotten to this point where they they really anyone who opposes that becomes an enemy of democracy and that's why this is there this is our sacred cow what is what they say that's why they say democracy right maybe some of them are just ignorant or what democracy really is in the function or the form of government we have in America but they say democracy the ones that know because it puts that emphasis on the the will of the collective and it doesn't really it's not our form of government but that's why they keep saying repeating democracy democracy democracy well and we and I will say this we as a party have allowed this to happen if you go back and you watch like Ronald Reagan every time Ronald Reagan spoke of our nation he spoke he said power republic and we have lost it even our republican elected officials each say policy democracy part often and we are not I think you're right we've taken the emphasis off you know the mainstream media wants us to think of ourselves as a democracy as a because that leads to socialism as this group right it's a groupthink where our founders and the Republican Party certainly the Alabama Republican Party goes deeper and we want to look at people based as individuals and what is best for the individuals is what is best for our society and we believe in individual liberty we believe in putting the average everyday American first that's the grand American experiment and that's what we want for our future yeah well it's just like the gambling vote and given the people are right to vote well we don't do direct democracy this whole it's a conard it's not you know like we have like democratic elements and within our form of government but this pure democracy is not the way we we look at things in America and I think some of it's just stupid people in the news media just because it sounds like something they saw in a movie or whatever but there's like a very smart elite think tank kind of that you know almost like aristocracy and Democratic Party politics that things emphasize democracy if size democracy if size democracy because that gets you where you want to be towards socialism correct it's a move towards socialism but it's also where Democrats have always been when you think about a democracy it's a mob rule so in fact you know our founders had a very very negative opinion towards democracies I believe with Benjamin Franklin said it's two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner and that's so true and we see this from the Democrat Party because look they are the ones who thought the ruling class the majority should be able to enslave the minority this is not new from the Democrats that they've always had this view that they're ruling class their mob rule a democracy should be able to enslave and divide people that aren't in the majority and I think the mindset has not it's the same mindset like we don't see the fruit in the same way but it's the same mindset that leads to the same consequences division breaking people into groups and then a group mentality and group identity rather than respecting every single person as an individual meet the image of Almighty God well it's it's that yeah and you speak of that and one more point on this though that like they won't govern it to replace other institutions particularly organized religion faith or whatever as sort of the the guy post like you don't need to be played to your crazy mythological Jesus or whatever you you need to look to us in government and in the media and in the ruling class because we get stuff done we are doing stuff and and that is that I mean I I think that it's just dangerous for a lot of uh scriptural reasons but but like philosophically it's it's show it up it's society right it's why you have these these crime waves and all of this sort of bad decision-bakings in the economy at times right I mean I think getting away with that and making government your higher power is very problematic no that's absolutely right and you know once again at the biblical concept you cannot serve two masters and government knows that and God knows that you only have one master and and faith in God is competition to all powerful centralized federal government. The local communities are competition to a socialist district and a family unit this competition and all these all these good things local communities family units they think God they're under attack because they're competition to what these these media elites and our and the democratic elites want to do with our country. Last question I know you got a you got a hobby of speaking engagement here in a few minutes but uh uh November now with what we saw Thursday night and sort of this string of court decisions from the high court how do you feel about November? I mean it's hard not to be optimistic at this point um where you know Donald Trump is up in just about every swing state I was looking at the polling last night Ohio Ohio is in the bag Florida's in the bag but then Georgia we're in the lead Pennsylvania Arizona Nevada. I really think that this is looking very good and the battle now shifts though because we can't just win the presidency we also have to make sure that I'm worried because what I see happening is he's like oh Donald Trump is gonna win we see Joe Biden we see what he is and it's becoming a conversation about Joe Biden's health and I want to get away from that I want this conversation to be about the values that this that the party represents the value that the Democrats represent and and that that it's the values of freedom and liberty and the republican party's values of a faith family and freedom that best help people be successful and so I don't want to see this elections like it'll become about Joe Biden's health I want to see it become about issues and how that affects the American people. Chairman folks we'll find out more about the Alabama Republican party uh how could they do so? Well we always love to have people join us um we're on all social medias at Alabama Republican Party and then of course our website where they can sign uh oh do we hey hey yeah al gop. all right al gop. Chairman we appreciate it thanks for coming on Michelle all right uh Chairman John Wall there we had to cut him loose a little bit I heard he was having a little bit of a cell phone trouble but he's got a sweet to the um uh Huntsville uh Republican women today or friend uh I believe Tiffany Knoll up there running that group uh but uh that's um well I just appreciate him coming on uh Jason writes this where are these population issues bitch in schools urban crowded there's a home sort of Z where you go as a traffic jam you gotta get your head out of the city here Jason I mean maybe you've been in mobile or ball with county tool but make a trip up to the black belt I mean they're losing population every or some of these inner cities are losing population and I think where it really matters Jason is workforce participation then our workforce participation rate is down and what happens when you when you start losing that I mean it does show up in the economy there now there's there's a migration problem here and there's a lot of things and it's almost like the elite class want to make up for that population difference by importing human beings I don't know but that we're not we are growing in certain parts of the country but it's shrinking in other parts of the country and this is a trend in Europe it's just there is a the problem is that I mean we have and this is what we've taught think of it what you will but we've taught you know you wait to have children and I guess calls and problems and we're not we're not at a steady like healthy population growth Paul what do you think the possibility is for a major end of quoting in today uh squir overing uh democrat slash media are exaggerating their public publicize worries over Biden for some calculated reason they will read back quickly and stand with him I don't know that they will I don't the damage has been done I mean yeah like you still have James Carville you still have others running around out there talking about might needed to drop out you you you um I think they really were shocked but in the next morning it was kind of fascinating to watch and see how they had rallied back to Joe Biden but you still have some some holdouts out there that are like wait you're gonna leave us with Donald Trump as president because you're you Joe Biden guys are trying to hold on to power Ron Kline and other people like that uh Carl Bernstein and here's the sign you need to know guys everything you need to know what's going on Washington DC with Joe Biden's health is this over the last 20 30 years it's always been Republican administration still linked to the media because you had this sort of friction between the true believers in government the true big government idea logs and conservative administrations that are inherently anti-government anti- size of government reduction of government that's important so democrat administrations are all the same page Republican administration is a leak now you start to see democrat administrations this one in particular leak you didn't have that journal bomb but we'll be right back this is FM talk 106 five [Music]