FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Representative Jerry Carl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-02-24

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02 Jul 2024
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from Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porshough. I don't think Hank done it this way. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porshough on F & Talk 106.5. Thank you for being with us. On this Tuesday, a short and weak here in on the on the program, but it's sort of the Wednesday of this week coming up on the program here just a moment. We'll kick it off with Jerry Carl, but in the meantime, state representative Shane Stringer at about a half hour and then that 11 o'clock hour. We'll talk to Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall as we do usually on Tuesdays and programming 02513430106. That's how you get in touch with the show. You text me and I'll try to do my best to read whatever it is on there and respond to it. Just keep for for my sake as a guy who's just reading your text as they come in. Keep the vulgarities out of it. That's that's for you, Joel and Subridel. It just makes my life a lot easier because I can't read what you were saying on the air. Anyway, enough of that. Joining us now, as I just mentioned, he is our congressman here in the first congressional district, Congressman Jerry Carl, Congressman. Good morning, aren't you? I'm great, Jeff. I guarantee you no vulgarity out of me. I appreciate that. I'm G rated. It's hard not to slip up, especially if you're like reading these things coming in at you. I don't know like dropping an F bomb in a text message to a radio show really drives that point home, but I just it's it's obnoxious. Well, you do a good job. I appreciate your program. I truly did. Well, I appreciate you saying that. Speaking of things we can appreciate. Well, what's the mood in Washington, D.C.? I mean, I think a couple of, well, probably three significant blows that Chevron doctrine, I think, is so much bigger than we realize. Nobody's paying attention to that. No one understands the ramifications of that, especially to us on the Gulf Coast, especially to us on the Gulf Coast, because we have, you know, just a water issues, you know, drainage. We have issues and, you know, I don't want to burn up a lot of time getting into details, but, you know, you got a farmer's got a holding pond out in the middle of its field and every farmer does. Well, according to Corps of Engineers, that's navigable water. They wanted to want to take control of that and tell him what he can't do in that little temporary pond. All it does is hold water. Well, according to Chevron, they can't do that. So it just it changes the way we look at a lot of things and also some of these lawsuits are in process. So if I find an interesting see how it's going to affect a lot of people that have challenged, especially the environmental community, because they kind of make things up as they go along anyway. A lot of pencil pushers. I think they're going to be nervous for their jobs. I mean, what's the point? Not the government ever really downsizes, but I mean, like, I just imagine like your bureaucrat, what are you going to do all day now? It's not a nice thought as a taxpayer. You know, in Congress, like, you know, like, I'll speak for myself here, but like being in that town and just being around those people that worked in the bureaucracy, I mean, they really they really thought they had cloud power and able to, you know, change the world like one holding upon at a time. And now that's going away. Yeah, they, you know, when they run a bill, people don't understand I'm hadn't learned this up here. There's always there's always a catch in that bill. There's always something that you can sue somebody on. So whoever wrote it, seller want those where that suits at issues, the environmental groups that find out where that little glitch is at. And they will sue the government based on that. So they'll get these huge settlements. And by law, we can't find out how much they got. Maybe a million, maybe 20 million could be 100 million. We have no idea. But that money goes back to these environmental groups to do it over again. So these environmental groups are very rich and very wealthy from taxpayer dollars. And you say, well, your Congress, you should be able to do that. No, it's the courts that have done that. So through the Chevron again, it's going to open up a lot of avenues and give us a chance to push back on these bureaucrats. And because bureaucrats run this town, I don't, you know, we're just more just blowing up here on a Christmas tree. But the bureaucrats run this town and they always have and they'll figure out a way to always will. So but anyway, the Chevron is a very exciting thing for all of us. Yeah, I got to think so. Aside from that, the other two items, the Supreme Court going and, you know, just with the Trump immunity. And I don't know. It makes sense to me that the president, the president's regardless of your political stripes should have a degree of immunity. You should have to be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life, thinking that a DOJ, for one reason, to just write your view should are if it's just like, Hey, this is a way to score some political points to rally the base coming after you liberally. Yeah, so we were really, really, really close to come in the third world country. That is our chance to pull back from it. That is our chance. So if you've got a president, regardless who it is, whether it's Obama, Biden, Trump, if they have to make a decision, they need to make that decision on what's best for the country, not what's best for them. And if they have to look over their shoulder, no, they're going to get sued. The next a president that comes in because he's going to be from a different party. They're going to make an example and try to make him look bad. If we had to live under that umbrella, this would be a different country. So the people that are upset about why it came out yesterday, they're saying Trump won Trump's not the winner here. But you know, the average taxpayer in America, we were the winners, because we don't have to go through this every four years with the president, Sue and the past president. You know, he said something nasty to him during a campaign. So he's gonna find a way to, you know, stick it back to it. It happens. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. And I think Trump's going through it right now. I mean, the stuff that they've thrown at him. I mean, they are scared up on the field right now. I'm still up here back in a few minutes. I'll go in and I'll open Congress and say a few words and I'll close Congress. So I'm a congressman. I think in town, but but it everybody is scared. Not everybody, but the Democrat party is just there in shock, there in shock. And I'm confused. I couldn't see how any judge, especially conservative judge would agree to what was going on. So I wasn't that surprised. I actually had yesterday, I had two shirts on. So I walked over to the in front of the Supreme Court. I figured there'd be a big protest over there and I want to go get in the middle of it, you know, with a hat and a pair of sunglasses on. Just show my support as a civilian, you know, as a John C. public and heck, it wouldn't have by protesting. Absolutely disappointed. Well, there's still time. Maybe there'll be another chance on the future. I'll show up again. Well, and that I just the DC, the DC judges. I mean, it's just my perception that they're what I guess like we just had a nice circuit ever in the West Coast. It was way, way left. But somehow the Democrats have really commandeered that entire judicial circuit that really impacts government in a major way, haven't they? So DC itself, I mean, it is, it is a country within itself. The laws here that are on the books, they don't enforce on the doing force others. I mean, they're more, they're more vigilant here on a $70 parking ticket than they are. Somebody stealing stuff out of a drug store. On the joke is here, you got, you got to be bleeding and shot if you call the police for them to actually come and attend to you or help you mainly because they're so understaffed. Well, it's police department. It's not appreciated. It's not the, I mean, I'm kind of more the federal courts there, right? Like the federal courts of DC that adjudicate over like what you guys do and what the president does. And this is whole January 6th stuff too. I mean, it's, it's just infiltrated by, I mean, it's just full of stock full of liberal judges, isn't it? It is. And if I understand it, right, the party in control was supposed to control DC. DC falls under the congressional domain. We can say what they can or can't do. We don't get any details like speed limits and park instead and stuff like that. But, you know, on the federal courts side, it is so loaded with such liberal judges. I mean, it's like a lifetime to get that changed. So anything from a conservative standpoint that goes to the DC, you know, it's going to get kicked on the spring court. Guaranteed. Which it's just an impediment to allow a lot, you know, to any kind of a Republican who's in power, be it Congress or be it the White House. But anyway, I think that immunity ruling yesterday, you're right because because like in Brazil, that's what they do. The Supreme Court there has different sort of powers, but they go after past presidents all the time. And, you know, we don't need that. We don't need that. You know, that's right. No, we need to be looking at the future not in the past. And yes, we want people prosecuted that have done things wrong. I totally agree with you. But when you when you take Congress and you take the president and all their focus stuff like January 6 is a good example. When it's four years I've been here, all this, all this Democrats have done is whip us like a bunch of children over January 6. It happened. There were a handful of bad players. Let's get over it. Let's move on. We've got 34 trillion dollars in debt. How else do I focus on some debt here? How about let's focus on on getting the crime rate down in the country? But no, all they want to focus on is January 6. All they want to focus on is how bad Donald Trump is for the country. You know, it's it gets frustrating. It truly does because you feel like you're just stuck in mud. You can't get out. And I hope it's always been this way. I'm told it has not, but it really gets frustrating because it is, you know, it's one side trying to hurt the other side. It is just instead of trying to focus on what we're sitting here for, we're sitting here to represent the people. Do you know, there's there's liberals in my district that I should be represented also? Think about that. We're here to represent the people. So let's be realistic. Let's don't pick size. Let's do what's best for our country. Joy, but we've we've really got to get away from that. I'm joined by Congressman Jerry Carlier, the program Congressman. There's a few more minutes here for you to go. But talk about the debate last week and by just performing. I mean, what's the what's the fallout there, you think? So I read I'm a body reader. I think he came in there. I think he was over medicated. I was watching his heart rate was racing like crazy. I think it scared him. I think he froze up. I think they over prepared him. I think his short term memory due to his health issues is not what it should be. The fallout is horrendous. When you get CNN and all the CNN talking heads to turn it on the president, a Democrat president, you've really done something wrong. And I think for what they've been hiding over the last four years and during the last election, you know, they kept him in a basement and they were able to hide him for once it was brought forth. I think somebody set him up. I think the Democrat party wanted that exposed. They wanted people to see that. I think now they're trying to figure out who and how and and Sean Sullivan. I started this conversation some three years ago. I don't want him. I want him to stay and keep doing what he's doing. But they're going to try to take him out, the Democrat party will. They cannot step over Harris. They're going to have to work a deal with Harris. She's probably going to be the governor of California next cycle. Then they'll look at somebody like a Newsome or somebody that's got somewhat of a chance, not much, but somewhat of a chance to win. But buying his toast. I mean, his own people are turning on him. Democrats up here are just walking away from him. Yeah, I mean, it's it's all heard about the vote down line too. Well, it's all about power for these guys, but I can tell you, I don't I don't think Biden goes out without a fight. I mean, they get too much on the line here, right? I don't know. I agree with that and 100 100 encouraging him to stay in the fight. I should hope so because once his daddy gets out of office, Biden is free reign. I mean, they'll they'll come after Biden. Probably the, you know, the DOD will go after, excuse me, Department of Justice will go after Biden with everything they've got our punter. So yeah, he wants his daddy to stay in and they're encouraging him to stay in, but there's nothing left there. Have you seen his skin color change overnight? Well, that was that was quite a miraculous tan job there. Well, somebody said, you know, we got to make you look younger. We we got it. We got to get you a little more tan. I mean, so they're they're going to pull out everything they can to get it done. But it will primarily fall back into what the congressional and the the congressman up on the hill will incur will encourage him or discouraging. And they're going to be looking after their own career at this point. I'm just what they're more worried about. I'm telling you, we're going to have a congressman. We're going to have a Democrat Civil War. It's long overdue that they just need to they need to settle some scores amongst one another. And that's going to hurt them this cycle, I think. Yeah, and don't think for a second that that Warner and and and and I mean, all these Democrats that are wanting to run for president, they're going to feel like they've been cheated. So that that civil war is going to be right. You're correct, you're spot on right there. Cars, we got to get out of here out of time, but best of luck to you up there. I'll buy you slums from today. And we'll start again soon. Jim, have a great board. Everybody listen and just let's celebrate this country. Let's let's just let's celebrate. Congressman Jerry Carl there, we got to get a break here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. What I've been talking ♪ One, zero, six, five ♪ ♪ Just glitter and shine ♪