FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Dale Liesch from Lagnaippe talked about how much city officials make - Midday Mobile - Monday 7-01-24

Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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there will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping there will be no booing and no unruly behavior with that this is painful and it will be for a long time that's right this man knows what's up after all these are a couple of high stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper no step too high for a high stepper this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106-5 where Sean's a tough guy I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean he took some licks he hangs in there yeah what's wrong with the video we got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good don't it did you hear what I said so this is a paid council I had no doubt about them that doesn't shock if you don't like it you're bad last question were you high on drugs last question where we go FM Talk 106-5 midday mobile glad to have you here on this Monday and with the the week being Independence Day on Thursday with Fisher House and other programming coming up you'll hear some of the folks you hear later in the week earlier in the week on this show one of them will join us here in just a second my buddy Dale leash from land yap land at but I want to read this just came across my screen here and I'll read it for you and then maybe get some reaction from Dale was it last week and week before we were talking about Putin went to North Korea right so he went there and it is in his meetings there in North Korea they had agreed to a like a mutual defense you know treaty and I talked about how bad that could be if something pops off on the Korean Peninsula like Russia will come to North Korea's aid and vice versa I guess out there well more on this story to this is just coming out today Vladimir Putin plans to send Russian children to summer camp okay in North Korea in North Korea can you on the text line let me know the worst summer camp you've ever been to at 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 I mean out of out of bomb Dan say all right it's summer camp time you're like oh gosh where am I going are you going to Pyongyang so North Korean summer camp what that must be like I don't know but that stories up there I'll pop it up on the Twitter or the X feed and we can get reaction from Dale leash Dale leash North Korean summer camp man I mean I would get it like a propaganda move right like if you're if you're mad at Putin and life is terrible for you in Russia you're gonna feel a lot better about Russia when you spend summer camp in North Korea right good I get it it's like Russia's gonna be great in comparison that's what a genius move that sounds awesome so they get resetting expectations it's like well people think like my children especially last couple nights think the air condition for some reason needs to go down to 68 but if you didn't have air condition for a week setting it at 78 would feel fantastic that is true that is true I was not a summer camp kid so I never I never once went to a summer camp but I mean my house was kind of like a summer camp because we had an in we had an in-ground pool growing up okay so I spent all of my days just outside you know dumping in and out of the pool jumping on the diving board it was fantastic so so I didn't I didn't have a bad summer camping experience because I had no summer camp experience so there you go yes wonder what they do in the North Korea yes Russia would be great good point I just if somebody can find out what will happen at the North Korean summer camp I will be interested I will they they scoreage they scoreage for groceries that's right today's activity is go go dig up roots and berries to try to eat for another day yeah find milk good luck it's the worst summer camp ever alright before we get into stories I want to give y'all accolades big pet on the back you know it's coming up y'all's nappy time when you award awards to all kind of people in Mobile and Baldwin County but y'all just had a I mean is this have y'all swept this Joker Alabama Press Association event over the weekend y'all won 13 awards for the state media nicely we did we did and we won most of the I mean I'm not trying to brag I'll go ahead brag brag brag we won most of the big like awards like first amendment award landing up we got first and second and first amendment award oh wow so so that is so that so that was that was great and then and then yeah we got best economic local economic coverage best local news coverage like all the categories you want to win we won yeah we did we did a really we had a really good night Saturday night down in Orange Beach the whole crew went we're always loud to not just and the life I will say the life of the party down there among the stuffy publishers that we have to deal with right down there so so it was great we had a great time and only hope to do better it's all we can only go up from here so we hope to do better next year well good work and congratulations to y'all thank you and the work it takes to do that it's nice to be recognized for it for sure thank you I told the folks when I said you're coming on next hour of like this hour I said so we will talk about some new stories but we'll talk about some old stories with more information and it's you and I singing this this hit record for us about the Mobile Civic Center you now have story out final bow groups make alternative plans as the civic center demolition nears so it's it's getting real as the kids say yeah I in fact I'm pretty sure that the distinguished young women's final distinguished young women final was deep was the last event to take place in the theater there they're moving on to the Sanger Theater next year and the year after and then we'll see what happens after that and and and I wrote the story basically because I figured that that was the last event so I asked got it confirmed the last at least the last major event so so we're at it we're at a point now where all that's left to do is tear it down right and it looks like the mayor's office is confident they're not confident enough to release the numbers publicly yet I'm waiting on that we might get more of that on tomorrow hopefully at the council meeting but but but but yeah they're confident that it will meet budget to the design process and the construction process will reach we'll reach we'll make the budget so it looks like we're gonna go ahead and go forward with Terence this sucker down and like I said first week of August but yeah and I just so I so I talked to talk to distinguished young women they'll have some quotes from them in the paper version of the story I didn't get to it so today so just keep that in mind but also I talked to some of the carnival people that lead the carnival associations and said yeah it's gonna be a time of change for us the not the weird we've never done before like we're used to having the change venues in a while but they've done it so that's the way they're looking at it seemed like the groups were pretty excited about what the new what the new arena would would bring and what the capabilities they would have with it so it was all a pretty positive story I just want to put out there that most most groups have made alternative plans for next year given that we're now I'm about a month away from demolition yeah I wonder yeah some we had talked about before as I thought you know maybe some of the groups that'll have an alternative sites will by the end of this in 2027 be like you know what we kind of like what we're doing now but you make a point to a new place everybody wants to go the new place but I wonder if people will be grandfathered in on you know what times that you know what days what nights they had their balls there you know I don't know if that's back in play or they're gonna stick to what had always been on the books that's a good question and I don't I don't know the answer to that I assume that there'll be some historical historical precedent because I mean I don't think the groups are gonna change when they parade and they usually like to have their balls on the nights they parade for the most part sure I just wonder if there'll be a kind of like here's a you know some group that's always went to parade and have a ball on a certain night won't go to the venue and say well I'll give you this much fun you know something I don't know I mean it's possible I know I know 10 of the groups are moving from the the Civic Center arena to the convention center and I know that that's gonna require some of them to do some juggling of times for the date so you might not necessarily have your ball the night you parade next year you might have it on a different night because somebody else has that night right another group has that night the groups that have traditionally had the convention center booked are gonna have a priority over the ones that are coming over there from the Civic Center so so I know that's gonna work out that way when we go back to the arena if they choose to do that we'll see what happens I know that there there's also talk of views and other venues that haven't been announced yet for some of the bigger groups too so we'll just have to wait and see all right Dale as we're talking mobile as well this was interesting and anytime people see like hey I get a chance to find out what somebody else makes for a living the story you probably get a lot of clicks your story paycheck to paycheck Stimson's office increase appointments and salaries over two years you roll it out tell us about the different kind of like there's merit system employee kind of break down the different employee groups with the city I don't know that I completely understand this so there are merit what's called merit system employees with where they you go through the personnel board you apply you're going to rate it on a point system and then those you know the finalists have the most points are sent to the the hiring group you know whether it's the city or the county or another city in the in the county and they they can choose from a list of qualified candidate to the score of the highest that if you're hired to the merit system you have the right to you know if you're fired for any reason you have you have the right to a hearing in front of personnel board could theoretically make the final decision on whether you were you know if firing you was the right thing if you were wrong in some way you see it a lot with you know you see a lot with some of the police police officers firefighters who feel like they were wronged by the city in the way they were handled and other other employees so I don't want to single out police and fire but those are the obviously the most newsworthy ones there's been some others there's been some others in the past two so that that's the merit system and and for a while that was the I think the main way people were hired for the city the may the mayor Sandy Stimson has a has about I think with 74 74 appointed employees who were paid through the general fund there are more and say you they are not merit they're a different thing not merit they are not hired through the personnel board they are hired by the mayor they work at the pleasure of the mayor's office and they can be fired you know for any reason and no have no you know have no reason to they can't appeal it basically they don't have the protections in place so so really that here's the thing so you typically you'll typically see cities and counties and the mayor's office go outside of the merit system for a specific position that they want to hire for or if they want to pay somebody a little bit more maybe maybe they'll be able to pay them more if they do it through the if they do it without the merit system then through the merit system I mean merit was set up you know years ago things have evolved jobs have changed descriptions of jobs have changed and you can go through the merit system and set up jobs if you want to but I think I think it's a lot probably easier more efficient to just just appoint the person to whatever job you have that's open and and go through that and it does allow you to pay them probably a little bit more than you would otherwise so like I said yeah they get 74 positions but are non-mayored employees are that are appointed by the mayor's office or the mayor and that's that's a 19 or 20 more than they had in 2022 it's about two million dollars more in salary than it was it went from like five million to seven million it over the two years so I really just wanted to highlight the fact that you know the government and you know you take inflation you take you know across the board raises all that into into account but the government is spending more money on employees than they did two years ago there's more positions that are appointed than there were two years ago and it's just something that I like to keep track of everyone once in a while yeah and you go through this with just I think one exception or whatever you can see as people have taken the new jobs with the city the pay has gone up you know in absolutely as somebody the new person takes over that job that new salary is higher except for I think one of the positions the public no the it was the director of the OPR I think OPR the OPR director is making less now than then Rob Lasky did when he did the job and he's now executive director public safety but that's I think that's the one exception where it's actually less than it was yeah you put out the number of people and this number it's funny last hour we're talking about the ethics law with Matt Simpson and David had chimed in $100 in what it used to be with inflation that might just be you know $100 meal might be a happy meal coming up someday but yeah you got it you got inflation here but there are right a few people and that make over $100,000 working with the city there I think I think I counted there was 30 so so almost half we're making over 100,000 a little less than half that's a pretty that's a pretty stark number and again I understand that you know not everybody wants to work in the political sphere and it's probably not you know you probably want to hire the best people you can so you got to pay for that I I understand that completely there's also a lot of people who live in the city that don't make that much so it's kind of it's nice to point that out I think and it's I think it's actually a community service to do that so yeah and why I like to do it yeah and we could do it so if people want to check this out see what everybody's making you can look at the story laying out mobile dot com we're buying folks too about getting subscribed for laying up yeah laying out mobile dot com like you said it's the website just click the subscribe button get signed up it's a dollar for the first month still I believe and and you'll get all of that sweet sweet nappy's content when it comes out later this month very good so so you so you want to be subscribed you get all the late breaking news all the all the stuff that we can't put in print is on the website so please do that the print edition is in the purple boxes all over town in the racks just pick that up Wednesdays and Thursdays when it comes out so like I said we love the support we love we love being here in Mobile hey before we wrap up to something we talked about during the newsbreak I think you're and we'll get people the text line let me know but you said you heard fireworks as early as when was it last night last night okay that's our buddy that's early I did June 30th I thought I live in Oakley and so we play this game me my neighbors is it fireworks there's a gunshots and I legit thought it was gunshots at first but I think it was fireworks people opening up the open up the pack early and sending those bottle rockets going all right so you're on the board is the number one I have not heard any yet so June 30th right now the leader Dale I'll let you know if you get bumped off the top hey what's the prize for that I'm very curious I've got some I got some I get some giant sparklers I'm nice nice all right John sparklers will be yours there he goes Dale Leish we're laying now we're coming right back this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065 I mean June 30th pretty early start to the in-town fireworks they all right now leading you know rolled through some of these texts here and still a lot coming in about the Jubilee discussion I had last hour represented Matt Simpson and to go to says I understand both sides of this it's it's it's fine this is one of these discussions I think it's good it's good it's good to have this discussion I see it a different way I don't think you're a bad person if you see it as you shouldn't have to have a license for Jubilee I think it's worth debating a discussion I think it's a good thing let's see summer camp summer camp here fire dogs had I went to camp in Iraq during the summer it was over 112 for the entire week no pool no lake to swim in lots of metal things whipping past your head zero out of five stars would not buy again yeah y'all went to long camps didn't you in the in the desert Pat says don't North Koreans average like $9,000 a year in income often only eating three to five meals a week I can see it now coming back from camp and hearing Putin say see this is what life could have been without me raining I don't know if they make $9,000 a year I don't know what that but he's gonna send Russian kids to North Korean summer camp the next time your kids complain about anything you say here's I'm gonna send you North Korean summer camp Maxima says the worst summer camp ever state trooper Academy Craig Field in Selma Alabama Bob says now Bob are you is this in Tennessee if it's in Tennessee I know that name of that place is Marvel and me if it's somewhere else is Maryville right but I've learned east Tennessee Maryville is Marvel he said so either Maryville or Marvel CYO day camp it prepared me to work in juvenile detention okay okay David said I'm in the country but I heard fireworks Friday okay David I am - we're not counting we're talking like the city folks when it when's their first okay well buddy says the city of Saraland shot fireworks has passed Saturday are they uh they trying to get okay that's official I mean like like the youths shooting off the fireworks bad to me it usually starts probably ten night tomorrow night but yet tomorrow night Independence Day Eve Eve and then continues till they run out of fireworks you know for the days afterwards you know until you know that old Timmy over there finally ran out of Whistlers or whatever where's the oh yeah I did so the summer camp is in it's in North Korea somebody's asking me where I don't know I don't know if it's in Pyongyang I don't have the didn't give me that detail here they said oh this is funny further in the story it says Gregory Gerof the head of Putin's movement of the first youth organization announced the plan despite opposition from Russian parents the Russian parents are saying please no welcome to Russia I'm gonna send you to North Korea summer camp yeah I did to it put that story up on the Twitter feed at FM talk one of the next week's five you check it out there coming right back more midday mobile this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 one thirty five FM talk one of six five midday mobile thank you Dave from Gulf shores simply two pictures here throughout the break one Dave you need to send that to like the weekly world news or whatever he said here's a picture of a sweet potato that I got when he was at the I guess in in the hospital in Foley when he broke his ankle and it's a sweet potato and he looked at it's the manifestation of Jesus right there Jesus in your sweet potato but Dave also sent me a picture he said showing to my mom was North Korean you have summer camp was that bad and he any he sent a picture I would do respect do respect it because I'm mama's boy and you bet so all with all respect what a beautiful woman wow wow yeah that's that's a cool picture too which one are you go circle that on the picture and send it back to me Dave which one are you that the three the three chillins that are on that picture in North Korean summer camp which by let me let me do this as we go into this segment show I can call this that stuff that Dalton came up with before tomorrow's show and I'm taking it number one he said he walked in from the hallway and said hey as you're talking about North Korean summer camp did you see that North Korea executed someone I'm like duh they do that like daily right here you go North Korea this is from India today North Korea publicly executes 22 year old man for anyone anyone listening to K-pop now remember we've talked about this in this the balloon things with the North Korean sending the balloons in the South Korea and South Korea playing the music back across the DMC they're playing K-pop that the the pop sounds of South Korea it said a North Korean man was executed for listening to 70 South Korean songs I wonder where the cutoff is he said 70 North Korea South Korean songs watching three films and distributing them claiming that he violated a law that bans quote reactionary ideology and culture so the man listening to K-pop watching three I guess South Korean movies and distributing them and he is executed once again ladies and gentlemen North Korea and also in stuff that Dalton came up with it I'm gonna take from him use this one with your friends and family and I don't have any kind of I'm gonna figure out how the joke goes exactly something like the DNC is in real turmoil now and what to do about President Biden they found a replacement though who is actually more with it and in better health they're bringing back Jimmy Carter something like that Jimmy Carter to replace to replace Biden they're finding somebody has a little more a little more with it when we're younger younger acting they're bringing back Jimmy Carter to we're working on it it's a it's a joke in in progress there David says did you see the deal that Airbus negotiated for parts of spirit era system that make their parts in the Boeing acquisition of the company I want whoever negotiates for Airbus to negotiate my next home purchase yes and how about Boeing being part of this space station story I mean just Facebook right you heard I think there's an update earlier that Boeing in space that they get there's been some little some little problem up there and the astronauts gonna have to stay a little bit longer here it is and the latest update here it's good a Fox has it yeah NASA astronauts stuck in space after years of commercial stumbles six thanks to catch you up but just said the NASA entered new chapter and prestigious history of space exploration when the shuttle was retired in 2011 space agency relied on Russia to get us cargo and astronauts at the International Space Station cost about 90 million dollars per astronaut for around trip guess we're probably not doing that anymore it said under former President Obama NASA turned to private U.S. companies create spacecraft to be less reliant on geopolitical adversary that's a good thing and then the Boeing company and Elon Musk funded SpaceX and were awarded contracts in the public private space exploration partnership but each company had several starts and stops during development it goes into it it says Boeing's Starliner spacecraft made its inaugural human man launched on June 5th but a series of issues in space have delayed the astronauts homecoming astronauts Sonny Williams and Butch Wilmore which those are good astronaut names who were aboard the Starliner remain at the ISS for the foreseeable future as engineers fix the helium leaks and thruster issues on the Boeing spacecraft before bringing them back to earth so the Boeing update they're Boeing in space and then fire dog says I wonder how many of those Russian parents will be sent off to a different kind of summer camp where you make big rocks into little rocks also would you like a nice cup of tea on the 15th floor at the local high-rise building yeah where you have you end up getting cement poisoning right all right let's bring it back to politics here at home I began the show talk about it came out of the weekend to axio story where Biden does his best work between 10A and 4P and I said yeah a lot of us do that but what's happening they're at camp David they're saying it's just a already scheduled event there you think you think they they've got it if they're going to make this change and this is what talk radio is made of you know all that what is about this but they're gonna make this change what's the cutoff for making the change how soon do they have to come out and and I mean Dalton this morning said you know maybe using the time of year and he does it for two reasons or patriotic around the Independence Day on the fourth and then you have the you know news black hole because most people are on the beach party in right that you let that come out kind of ease into the consciousness going into the following Monday does he step away now or do they keep if he they keep him in place of course it's self-serving for two reasons number one is a better chance for Trump to win and number two it keeps my prediction that he would still be the the nominee come November or the candidate come November makes that true we'll see what do you think there three four three zero one zero six will they will they make a move and then it's been nothing but winning I guess for for Trump lately coming off the debate which I he didn't win as much as he didn't lose right I mean he wanted for sure but the real story is how bad Biden did in the debate and then well the story that had a lot of people wondering on Friday what would happen today on Monday the Supreme Court has come back and it is it's almost like the case the other day where the Supreme Court said that the client the the plaintiffs didn't have standing you know the story kept going on on about and I will over and over again about the soft censorship coming from the executive branch over social media with what people dared say away from the government narrative on covid you know how that was done and I had that case that the Supreme Court six three came out and said they didn't have standing they didn't really make a judgment on whether the on the merits of the case but saying that the attorneys general from I think Louisiana Missouri didn't have standing on it then there's this one so the headline is Supreme Court sends Trump immunity case back to the lower court dimming a chance of trial before the election so this is a this is a winning a battle not a war right we'll see it but it is a if you're just politically pragmatic it's a good thing for the for the Trump candidacy so from the AP they said the Supreme Court today extended it extended the delay in the Washington criminal case against Donald Trump on charges he plotted to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss all but ending prospects the former president could be tried before the November election although I will say they they did the New York case and got that through and got every charge on him and what did Trump do just raise a lot more money and went up in the polls some but some polls he went down it says in the historic 6 to 3 ruling the justices said for the first time that former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for their official acts and no immunity no immunity for the unofficial acts but rather than do it themselves the justices ordered lower courts to figure out precisely how to apply that decision to Trump's case so I think happens here since it goes back in the follow-up story here from Yahoo News oh it's a roger story republished by Yahoo News says where's it going so it's kick back down to the lower court that lower court it's going back to said US Supreme Court's presidential immunity ruling on Monday sends the federal case accusing Donald Trump of attempting to overturn the 2020 defeat back to judge Tanya Chutkin for critical decisions that will shape the future of this historic prosecution Chutkin the judge of the US District Court of Washington will have to decide on whether a pair of Supreme Court rulings requires some of the allegations against the Republican presidential candidate be tossed out she will also decide the timing of the trial which will determine whether a jury hears evidence that Trump sought to subvert the last election before the November 5th election rematch with Joe Biden all right so said Chutkin previously promised to give Trump about 90 days to prepare for the trial once the case returns to her courtroom and trial expected to last six to eight weeks I guess that the smarties out there are looking at it and saying this is going to get it no problem beyond November probably well beyond November points out in the story to Chutkin born in Jamaica it was nominated as a judge by former Democratic President Barack Obama was assigned to oversee the Trump case in August of 2023 she has little to do with it for more than six months as Trump's bid for presidential immunity stalled in the activity until the Supreme Court ruled wonder if we don't see this case come back right so it goes there just can't make it will discuss it when we get back a decision and then it's gonna be brought back before the Supreme Court at a time of their choosing come right back to the story more on midday mobile this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five right now welcome back midday mobile glad to have you along and it's time to check in with my buddy Ron at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry a great conversation last week on the reasons for retaining precious metals as part of a portfolio right Ron as a hedge and we do that with people every day I was working with a customer up front on starting ahead and doing a little show and tell with them right when you call it John of course that's when I called you right in the middle of it would tell folks though kind of give me a like what you tell somebody like that person that's up front they come in say okay I don't know anything about it but I hear you talking precious metals why well first thing I want to find out is that a straight hedge or is it something that they may need to fall back on in case of an emergency you know an engine blows out in their car or something else that they need a quick money and they don't want to cash in their stocks or some other 401k in that case a lot of times will steer towards things that are really easy to liquidate versus okay to liquidate I mean there's some some items you can pick and choose easy to get cash other items you want to shop it around a little bit or it might have some business matter collectors value of course you just don't want to sell that just anywhere you want to make sure you get the most you can so straight bullion straight silver is very easy to flip and get your money back out of so we just first interview them find out what their goals are and then we'll start doing a show and tell so they can ascertain what items might work for them and of course how to tell where the items are real or genuine or fake that is a very good point what a price is looking like at the start of this week for gold and silver gold is almost exactly where it was when we talked Friday gold is trading right now at 23 23 and silver is 2951 so right about the same as it was last week and silver has been creeping back up towards 30 so still a great time we had a lot of people coming in today not just hedging just stacking just buying silver buying gold and first the first two hours of morning we're pretty much nonstop which is a great way to start a Monday for us yeah for sure tell folks about your hours this week too with Independence Day coming up yeah Monday through Wednesday is when we're open this week nine to five we'll be closed for 4th of July and Friday for the 5th of July and we'll be back on open back open on Monday the following Saturday we will have Saturday hours on the 13th because we are doing the first Saturday of every month but this month with 4th of July we're putting it off until till the 13th all right good stuff and tell folks how to find you we're located at 2204 government street the midtown mobile they can find us on the web at or give us a call 251725 1590 hey thanks Ron you're welcome Sean all right Ron checking in for mobile bait coins and find jewelry and he can get back to to his job we have there in person at the let's see okay go this one the lot here about the North Koreans summer camp now Putin so Tony from Sim says Putin is sending the children to North Korea and they come back he's gonna say now America's even worse than North Korea so quit your complaining and go fight the Ukrainians and the kids will say anything's better than that and go fight in Ukraine it might be a you know getting them steered towards the meat grinder there Matthew says I gave Trump money after his conviction just got a thank you card from DJT today and the old and it's the um like the like the emails you get right hey I'm Donald Trump the email and you specifically like hey I'm just doable money here the the immunity this is interesting I mean it is a win absolutely for Trump 100% win for Trump but it is not the end of the case right and it is it says here in the second paragraph the AP story in a historic 63 ruling the justices said for the first time that former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for their official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts now here's the problem is the bookends of this makes sense it's what's in between like I would the the president has does something within the purview of the executive branch right a presidential thing that they do that nobody would question that has immunity and something like if the president gets a DUI then that's not part of the job right you don't have immunity but the in between see it's easy to talk about the two extremes of this and say well that makes sense and that makes sense but what about the in between and I think this is where they're kicking it back to the you know kicking back to the lower court and I think this comes back to the Supreme Court I think it comes back in some other form and a new case will be brought around it you know whatever the judge Chutchin Chutchin Chutkin Chutkin whatever judge Chutkin decides whatever she decides then it comes back to the Supreme Court at some point but the point is it will be after the election now then you'll say right that you can't have this case go on if Trump wins then he in case can't go on while he's sitting in the White House I don't think said a further in the story about this lower court where it's going back to he said even before Trump's case landed in her courtroom Chutchin drew attention for giving some defendants who stormed the US Capitol in January 6th harsher sentences than than those sought by prosecutors so the judge went beyond where the prosecutor was said Chutkin remarks about the Capitol attack which is part of the indictment against Trump led to an unsuccessful effort by Trump's lawyers to recuse her from the case Trump who has frequently lobbed verbal attacks and judges in legal cases called Chutchin very biased and unfair that's all in capitals in a social media post last year as normal Trump stuff it said also this case is not Chutkin's first involving Trump in 2021 she rejected a civil lawsuit he filed seeking to block the US House committee investigating the January 6th attack from accessing White House records writing quote presidents are not kings and the plaintiff is not president so that tells me something in that where she says the plaintiff is not president but what if the plaintiff is president by the time this case comes back and also looking back to rulings from the Supreme Court last week undoing undoing a lot of what was used to go after January 6th right writers from January 6th so it's but that and maybe I'm reading too much through it and there may be some legal eagle they can tell me that that doesn't mean anything but the in the inverse true if she rejected the civil lawsuit back then and saying presidents are not kings and the plaintiff is not president does that lead you to believe that then if they are president the case gets put on ice until after that second term if Trump wins oh no but he I think war is not won but the battle has been won I think for Trump that this will not be going on as he's ready to uh you know get right up to election day so uh let's see here that David and Fair Hope Sean the important takeaway is that you and I don't have immunity please remember that this Fourth of July holiday if we get no immunity you know immunity but we're not president uh tester says what about Biden forgiving student forgiving student maybe that student debt um is that what you're talking about student debt or a specific student I would argue that uh that one may come up after he's not in office that may happen sooner than later still nobody has said they think you got a date those of you that think that Biden is out that their replacement when's that date when they would do squares or something people can buy you know get the calendar what date does that happen I must still take the uh cranky old man version just say it's not gonna happen Matt you said it's a foil to get y'all to tell me when it is gonna happen you can tell me on the text line at 3430106 we can talk about that tomorrow on another edition of the day will be old paul fine bomb show on the way next