FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Eastern Shore Republican Women's Judy Barlow and Malinda McGee - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 7-01-24

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01 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Buck's Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor Show. I don't think Hank done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back to the Jeff Poor Show. And if we talk 106.5 p.h. Stay with us on this Monday morning. We will try to get your text in 2513. 00106, let us know what's on your mind. And I'll do my best to respond to whatever it is that's on your mind, given time constraints. But hour number three now underway. So without further ado, we got two guests in here. We have Judy Barlow, who is the-- she is the president of the Easter Shore Republican Women's Club. And we have Melinda McGee, who is the first vice president here. So the rarely-used second microphone is up today. Hopefully it goes off without a itch. But ladies, good morning. How are you? Glad to be here. Good morning, Jeff. Thank you for having us again. Hey, thanks for making time for us. Well, we'll kick it off here. Just got to throw you a general question. Like, how's the club going these days? How is the business in the Republican Party in Boulder County? You know, it's going great, Jeff. We are getting a lot of positive feedback with everything that's going on in our nation and across the states. And in our community, a lot of people are looking to us for information and for leadership. So it's going great. And we have some great programs coming up. And that's why Melinda came along with me today to talk about some of our upcoming programs that will be really good for our community and our state. Well, would you get that in just a moment? Well, we'll have you here for a little while. Let's start with this, though. The world of politics, and Judy, who's running the country right now? You know, your guess is as good as mine on that one. The Bidens, when you watch the debate the other night, that was just off the rails. There are a group of power-hungry people that are behind President Biden right now, including his family, the aides, the people that are working with President Biden in the White House. The deep state. The deep state, yes. And they are pulling the punches. And I liken it like this story, or when we see a cartoon, you know, we all have family members or friends that may have dementia or Alzheimer's or problems as they get older. And we love our family, and we take care of them. We get them the help that they need. And that is not the case here. We've given President Biden the key to the car. He's got us in the car with him. They've left the house. The back door is open. The windows are cracked and the front door is unlocked. He has the keys in his hand to our country and the checkbook. We would never, I mean, having the checkbook and free rein to the spending that's going on, that's creating the inflation that we have right now, we've got to take the keys away. Did either one of you feel any kind of, I don't know, pity on how I just like, yeah, how did Donald Trump not just laugh in his face, right? And, I don't know, whoever's up, put him up here, is doing not just the country, the sort of just the bad person or whatever for putting this beleaguered human being up there from the country to be mocked, to be shamed. And, you know, if you are a true believer in crazy democratic causes, you just set that back at least four years. It's crazy what they did the other night is show the world, show our people and the entire world what we're dealing with right now and the difference, the dithering part that's going on and the lack of decision-making, the lack of a true commander-in-chief, which you saw in President Trump the other night in the debate. You saw somebody actually stand up and act like a commander-in-chief. He did not attack. He talked about his policies, his agenda, what we've done right in 2016 and during his term, when we had a great economy, we had low, low, low inflation, and we had a great military. We don't have that today. We saw last night, just overnight on the news as a result of this, maybe not as a result of this debate, but world leaders are watching us and they know that now is the time to be making some changes. >> Well, and think about this, Judy, the changes that they make, I mean, last minute, kind of hurried up and the Democrats said is, anything they're trying to do right now to save the situation, it puts the country in threat under some kind of threat here. Like, they said, "Well, crap, we're about to lose." We did throw some Hail Mary's here. Think about the potential cost of that. You can't do that, you have a sitting president that is the nominee from the Democratic Party. I guess you can do that, but the consequences and the turmoil and the chaos that's going to happen, if they try to do that at the convention and put somebody else in his place, Vice President Kamala Harris is next in line. She has lower approval ratings than President Biden does, and what has she done so far? She was kind of in charge of the border, and look where that's landed us. Well, I don't know, even when she ran for president, she was pretty underwhelming. Like, she had a shot at being a nominee. - That's right. - You know? And I think she just kind of mailed it in there at the last minute. Let's talk about this real quick before we move into the club business, but R&C coming up, you're going to be in attendance for what you expect. - Yes, we are excited. This will be my first one as a delegate, so I'm super excited. We have six people going from Baldwin County to his delegates, and then four as alternate delegates, so that's the middle of July, and we're making plans to do that. We will be working on the Republican Party platform and other business matters that we need to do as the Republican Party, and then we will culminate it by nominating Donald J. Trump as our Republican nominee for president, and Alabama will be first out of the gate with the nominations coach, or Senator Tommy Turrivill as our chairman of our party. So we will be the first step on the stage to bring the nominations forward. - Yeah, so he and I guess they did it a little differently this time with the nominations. You had, rather than put them out there for the public to vote on, but you did it kind of internally this time. - Still open process, anybody could have compromised, but it was a process that kept it kind of within the family. - Right, well, we chose, and we looked at the people within the party, and the people that ran, anybody could run, but we tried to make good decisions going forward, and it's about our families and what we're looking for as a nation going forward in the Republican, and putting the Republican party first. - Joe Biden, Judy Barlow, Melinda McGee, both of the Eastern Shore Republican women. Melinda, let's talk about what we got coming up, some of the things going on with the club. Walk us through what, if you're just listening, and maybe you're wanting to get involved, you live on this side of the bay, or my side of the bay, Eastern Shore, but talk about some of the things y'all are doing here. - Well, you just heard Judy talk about just how impressive it is with all of the individuals from our club that are gonna be going to the RNC. And we just want everybody to know that we focus on the key issues not only locally, but at a state level and on a national level. And our July speakers are really exemplars of that. We're very excited about our speakers that we have coming up for our lunch meeting and our evening meeting. For lunch, we have Stephanie Bryan, the Tribal Chair and CEO of the Port Creek Indians. She has an extreme influence over, you know, statewide matters. The Tribe owns over 40 businesses that have a huge economic impact on the state. And Stephanie also serves on several national boards. Then for our evening meeting, we have Sheriff Hoss Mack. So Hoss not only is dedicated to our community and has served us for 18 years diligently, but he's the former president of the State Sheriff's Association and a member of the executive committee for the National Sheriff's Association. So just tying that all together, you know, we just, we want to share at all of those levels, all the important things that people need to know and get that information out to them. - So in the change in the program here, Melinda, right? You got your lunch meeting, you've been doing forever, but you're gonna be doing some evening events too, 'cause people who work, you can't get to the lunch meeting. There's another opportunity, right? - Absolutely. And just to continue the strength of our club and to make it accessible for everyone to attend our meetings, we wanted to reach out to members and prospective members in the northern part of the Eastern Shore to allow them to attend meetings close to home. And also those folks that do, you know, have difficulty making it to the lunch meetings. So our evening meetings are held in Spanish Fort at the original Oyster House. Those are on the third Tuesday evening of each month. And we just had our first one at the original Oyster House and it was a great success. We had a great turnout, everybody enjoyed it. And we look forward to continuing those. - Well, and that's good. You know, people don't know. Even if you're in Spanish Fort, you're coming down to Fair Hope, better pack of lunch. I mean, it's a haul, right? Even though the distance is a crow flies, it's not quite that far, it's just... - We've got a lot of people coming in and there's a lot of traffic sometimes. - And in and out, I mean, you know, there's many times I come down that way. Like you get to that, you get right there to Spanish Fort, right there at Rausses, and then it's still still got another half hour to get home. So, but there's, I guess, the point being, try to make it as easy as possible for people to be able to participate in your organization. - Absolutely. And we're celebrating our 35th anniversary this year. And we just want to continue to grow. And we want to make sure that we outreach to everybody on the Eastern Shore because our club does serve all residents of the Eastern Shore community. We have a great base in Fair Hope and we are excited to have them, but we want to let folks in Spanish Fort and Daphne know we're here for them too. And we've got some great leadership in our club and have demonstrated that we are one of the leading clubs in the state and have the information they need to know in a year as important as this one is. - Judy, let's talk about the mighty Alba Strike Force. So historically in Alabama, a lot of the elections have already been kind of decided. Gotta go Republican, gotta go Republican. So what we've been doing, we've been exporting our resources to other states. I need to think back to Georgia with Herschel Walker, Florida, with some of the contests down there, presidential, you know, looking at it as a swing state. What, I'm gonna get to use it this time here, even in our listening audience and the Sacred Congressional District. - That's right and as I talk about this, you can go to our website, and find out more information and sign up for the mighty Alba Strike Force. In this instance, we have a two prong approach. Actually, there are swing states all across the United States that we're gonna be looking at, whether it's with the mighty Alba Strike Force or whether it's, there'll be strike forces all across our nation working on different states and different pivotal districts. CD2 is a pivotal district and an election for this next time with Caroline Dobson, our Republican candidate going against Chamari figures, who's the Democratic candidate. When they redo our district and our lines to make the, to make congressional district to a Democratic district, we knew that we had to bring forward a strong candidate and the reason this is important is because when we look right now at what's going on nationwide, we have a slim majority in the House and we're able to get a few bills passed and over into the Senate and there they sit because Schumer is in charge, Biden is in charge and the Democrats have a stronghold so we're not getting anything passed through the Senate. We need this race and this race has been watched by the people in DC and people across the states because it's that important that we keep that district red and we need a strong Republican in that district that's gonna represent the people of that district and the families of that district. - Yeah, well, I mean, they designed it for a Democrat to win but it may not work out for them. So real quick, before we go to break here, we did have kind of a rough one with Jerry Karl and Barry Moore. You feel like everybody's kind of rallying? I mean, I know Barry Moore's Democrat opponents, probably not but do you feel pretty good about everybody kind of coming back together after the all those pretty contentious primary fight? - It was and, you know, they designed it to be that way and we've moved forward. We're behind our Republican candidate, which is Congressman Moore and we will support him and we will support Caroline Dobson going forward. We stay behind our Republican candidates. - Let's get a quick break in here. Got Judy Marlon, Melinda McGee for the Eastern Shore Republican Women's Club for a couple of more segments. So y'all stay tuned. This is the Jeff Moore show it up and talk, 106-5. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ I didn't mean to treat you bad ♪ ♪ Didn't know just what I had ♪ ♪ But honey now ♪ ♪ I don't wanna take my brown eyes ♪ - Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show. - Welcome back to the talk, 106-5. Thanks for sticking around on this Monday morning. Quick programming note come up on tomorrow's show. State Representative Shane Stringer as well as John Wall, the Alabama Republican Party Chairman. We'll be with us. Representative Stringer needed today. I typically hear him on Monday, but we moved him back at his request tomorrow. So there's a lot going on to talk about there with him. Sort of legislative things. Especially his crime is spiraling out of control and Montgomery into Alabama legislature, taking it upon themselves to sort of address that potentially in the next session. Real quick, Joe Riots Jill is not a doctor by the way. We'll see you as a doctor, Rit. So I guess she is a doctor, just not an MD. Michael, did I miss something in civics when a president came down to clear a war? Coach told us that only could only be done by Congress. It doesn't really declare war anymore. It's kind of an antiquated one, two, three, four, I declare war, they'll do it that way. See a name texture points you're excellent. The system doesn't deserve to last a name texture. Unless the year Democrats will be crazy scotas for the immunity decision. Matthew, the liberals and Democrats are losing their blank on Twitter this morning because of Trump and the scotas decision. They seem to have a bad couple of days after Thursday night's debates disaster. Then this weekend, they went crazy trying to save Biden and that didn't help. Thankfully, the American people have a great BS detector and can see straight through them lies. And then finally says how much is Oasis for y'all? How much is membership in Eastern Shore Republican women? I looked at the website but got an error message. And so membership is $50 per year. And that is gonna cover your club dues, your state dues and your national dues to get a lot of great information for 50 a year for an active member. Reminder, active members are ladies who are not a member of another club. We also have an associate membership. We welcome the guys and individuals that are part of another club that want to participate in ours. And that's 15 per year. - So yes, and the shoot me, shoot me a text and I'll try to get something in print there if you need it. - In the meantime, 2513430106, Judy real quick back to CD2 talk talk to us, voter registration drive, just getting people engaged in the process. And look, let's say what you want. I mean, getting votes out for Trump too. But this is what I kind of think about CD2. Whoever is winning that presidential race and the second congressional district will have coattails and that will be who is the next member of Congress for that district. - Yes, and that generally does happen. And with a strong election like we have this shaping up, I think that that will work. But we have to encourage people to get out and vote. A lot of people think their vote doesn't count, but it does. And we've put a lot of safeguards in place across the nation to make sure that we can limit as much of the cheating as possible. But when you're looking at CD2, and when you even go back to the primary that we just held or we chose our Republican candidate, which is Carolyn Dobson and the Dems chose Chomori figures, even the Republicans showed out more and had more votes than the Democrats did. So that's pretty impressive to show right there. And when we look at, we lost a lot of Mobile County to District 2. There are 23,000 unregistered voters in Mobile County. And the projection when I talked to Joan Reynolds yesterday as she's working with Al Gop, is they think that if we can get 5,000 unregistered voters voter to register as Republicans, then we can win that race. So it is entirely winnable. We just need to get out there. We're working with Mobile County GOP from Baldwin County because it's in state. We can do this. We can make this happen. - Well, you got to make it happen. I mean, it's the balance of Congress. I mean, like, if there was ever a time for these groups in the Republican Party to really work, I mean, this is it, because you haven't really had a general election situation that's been contested. I haven't maybe dug jobs, but that was different. - Right, and we can do this. - All right, well, let's get a break in here. We got Judy Barlow and Melinda McGee from East Shore Republican Women. For one more segment, that's the next segment coming up. So stay tuned. This is the Jet Porchola for talk 4065. ♪ Right, I'm over Spanish ♪ ♪ Forward into mobile ♪ ♪ My hometown ♪ ♪ Mr. T ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Sitting here at the floor ♪ ♪ I've been about to open up a big old can ♪ ♪ Good time ♪ ♪ Unwild ♪ ♪ Falling and out of love ♪ ♪ In the same night ♪ ♪ Can't say I got a whole lot of cares ♪ ♪ In the red neck of heavy air ♪ ♪ Getting crazy ♪ ♪ I'm getting hammered ♪ ♪ Sitting right here ♪ - Welcome back to the Jet Porchola for talk 4065. Thank you for sticking around on this Monday morning. We still get some text in here. 2513-4301-06, Jerry Mobile. It's close to the gap on Montgomery when it comes to crazy stuff as the AG. So you think about the report, the mayor sent him about the chief of police issues. I'm gonna tell you statewide that the mobile police drama is not getting any attention. It is all about the dystopia that we know as our capital city. And I mean, people just fearin' for their lives. And this is to be expected, Jerry, just the seat of government, seat of power. I mean, you're there finding bullet holes and things of that sort of government buildings. It's a war zone of Montgomery, and it's not improving anytime soon. And finally, one more here before you continue on with Judy and Melinda. Pat, my wife signed up to vote online when I registered and yet at the drop office during a baby checkup. She has yet to be approved. I don't know what's going on with that. I think you had to check with the probates judges office or I don't know what to tell you there, Pat. Anyway, real quick here, Melinda McGee, the first Vice President, East Shore Republican Women and Judy Marlow, both with the President of the Eastern Shore Republican Women's Club. Melinda, first off, aside from the ESRW, you got a couple of magazines now. You're kind of a media tycoon of some sorts over here. Talk to us, tell us how that's going and people wanna check it out where they can find it. - Well, very blessed with the support that we've received. I'm the editor for Social magazines for Alabama. We started up Social Eastern Shore in 2022. Got just great feedback and it just went tremendously. Last year, we launched Social Coastal. Our editor for that publication is Eva Kesey. It's doing great as well. So we have coverage all over Baldwin County now. And just wanted to mention that in our June-July issue, we actually have a great article on Sheriff Mack. So make sure you pick up your copy. The name of the article is Blessed or the Peacekeepers. And that's what the magazine's all about. It's about the do-gooders, the change makers, the leaders in the community. So about good things and good organizations, they're doing great things for our community. We cover local charity events, support them, and then all of our articles are about people, charities that are just making our community a better place to live and work. - Well, yeah, y'all check that out. So new stands, you see it everywhere, everywhere on this side of the bay. But if you're over here, pick up a copy or one more thing. Judy, you have, you're beginning to dab a little in the podcast arena. Talk about that if you would. - Well, when I became chair of the legislation and research committee for the National Federation of Republican Women, they wanted me to do podcasts. And that's just simply interviewing people. Like Senator Ted Cruz, I interviewed him last month and talked to him about the border and what's going on. And when you look at Texas, Governor Abbott, Senator Cruz, Chip Roy, who is one of the congressmen from there, they have done an outstanding job protecting the southern border that's in Texas. And you can actually see, when you look at the numbers that they say that have decreased, that's because they're going over into California. They're going over to San Diego or San Diego and coming in, and they're coming in in all different kinds of ways now. So I talk to people like that. I hope to talk to Senator Britt while we're at the convention. I would love to talk to some of our other leaders, our senators, Governor Bargem is on my list also, to talk about the economy, which is one of the issues that we are focused on on the national level is the economy, the border and the illegal immigration. And then parental rights is really important to us as Republicans and just just our families and safeguarding our ability to choose education, to choose mental health, to choose the upbringing of our own children is important to us and the Republican Party. - Yeah, 'cause you hear that all the time. Parental rights, it's become kind of a buzz word, but like assigning a definition. Well, what exactly parental rights, quote unquote, are being threatened by the government or anybody else? - Well, you know, and the bill that we looked at and researched on that is, I think it's, I'm afraid to say, maybe three, five, seven, one Senate bill, but it's Tim Scott, the senator that brought that bill forward and it's sitting in the Senate waiting to be approved. But it's looking at the rights of the parents just to make decisions on education. And we just passed an education bill in our state this past session, which was a great thing. But it's letting us have the decisions to make on education, on mental health, on just different things for our own kids that you wouldn't think we'd be having this discussion today, but yet here we are. - Yeah, well, I mean, and we're kind of, I would say spoiled in Alabama. Well, there are times when I feel like the state oversteps its boundaries with things, but while you look around the country and there's some places it just, they would have, the state, if it could, would be the provider and raise your children for you and indoctrinate them. The belief system, I think it's just totally alien from the American mainstream. - Yes, and when you look at what's going on right now, again, actions speak louder than words. So look at what the Democrats are allowing to happen and go on in our nation right now. When you look at all of these protests that are going on on the college campuses, you have a right to peacefully protest, but when they are harming people and when people are being threatened, and when our own young men are lifting up the American flag that has fallen on the ground, because they are stepping in at that point and wanting to make a difference. We see young people now that are joining us, that are wanting to make a difference because they can't afford a house now. They may get their college cost paid, but they can't afford a house, they can't buy groceries, they can't buy gas, they can't store the family right now in the economy that we're living in. So look at what's happening and then make your choices in November. - I'm gonna ask both of you this question and the selection. Now, I think the economy nationally is a big, big deal and that's going to guide the vote, but whenever I talk to candidates out there running for whatever, they tell me they're hearing a lot about immigration, which here in Alabama, neither winning areas for Democrats to Joe Biden, but what do you think it is? Are we looking at like a, if you're Carolyn Dobson, what are you hammering the most, you think? - Well, I mean, I think both of those are important concerns. I mean, people are suffering right now and you'll see that a lot of the key issues, really they tie in together. I mean, we've got the immigration border issues and people are spilling in here and we've somehow now are taking care of them when we have our own US citizens that need help that really are in a difficult time. But safety is something that's key for everybody that they think about, but just day to day, just surviving is really a problem for everybody and immigration's part of that as well. - Right. And Judy, the economy though, I mean, I had assumed your membership probably notices this, just going to the store, going to Walmart, going to the grocery store, going, even to go change your oil or whatever, gas pump, et cetera. I mean, the inflation, like you had to be living under a rock not to be feeling the impact to that as it applies economically. - And that is true. And that's one of the things that we looked at when we were looking at bills and what we're trying to do, our senators and our congressmen really continue to work hard to put forth bills that will lower taxes. We've got a tax relief for American Families and Workers Act that they've put forward. It's sitting in congress. I mean, it's sitting in the Senate. We have the Reigns Act, which Senator Britt mentioned the other day on the radio. That act reduces what others can do to affect the laws that Congress have put in place, undo regulations. You look at the fishermen in the Northeast that just won that court battle where they came in and said, you can't put people on your boat, their boats and make them pay for you and make them pay for your lodging and make them be responsible for you. They're doing undo regulations on us and we need to get rid of some of the regulations on the small businesses. - And that's such an important point about that, but Chevron doctrine though, that they were telling people who fishermen, they were telling them that they had, they were creating out of a fiat, this regulatory regime. And then not only were they doing that, guys, the way this was playing out, they were charging those people to put them up, to enforce their made up regulations because they said, what did the budget? So you guys out here, you just citizens trying to make it, make it into meat, you gotta pay for us to come and play this regulatory role. - That's right, they had to pay, the fishermen would have to pay for that regulator to come on board, watch the number of fish that they caught and they would have to support that person, pay that person a fee per day and actually be responsible for that person to be on their boat. - That's the kind of government that, I mean, these little things kind of slipped through the cracks but you guys like realize like what the federal government had done there and the intrusion. So this stuff matters like, yeah, Alabama's going to be a red state and so on and so forth but we're still gonna be governed by this type of government. I mean, this is the type of people in government who look at government and then just are overstepping their bounds on a regular basis. - That's right and we need to get rid of some of those regulations. So that's the Raines Act is one of the things that we're looking at on a national level through the National Federation of Republican Women and then I talked about parental rights and then when we talk about the border, there is a border bill that our House of Representatives, our Congress put in place last year in 2023. So when Biden tells you that we won't do anything, that the Republicans won't do anything, that is incorrect. There is a bill sitting, it's HR2 that's sitting in the Senate. There's a companion bill, a Senate companion bill that's also sitting there that we're asking to end asylum to build the border wall to oppose amnesty in some of the forms. So we are trying, our senators are trying and our congressmen are trying even in this environment to make a difference. They're trying to put forth bills that are sitting there. So the good news is they're continuing to work on our behalf and we have a super strong bench of Republicans, you know, working hard for us, Senator Katie Britt, Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas, Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee, Ted Cruz from Texas. And the Democrats, again, are going after our people because they don't have a record to run on Jeff. They have to attack us and try to make us look bad. - It's, I mean, this is such an important point that they don't really have much to run for. I mean, a lot of bad stuff's happened over the last three and a half years. And there's not like, hey, look what we did, look what we did, look what we did. They got to run against something and they operate on this notion that more people will vote against something than for something. The problem with that is they are in charge. They run the Senate, they run the White House, they can't run against themselves. This whole like, we were talking about it earlier in the program, the House of Cards is collapsing. I mean, the court rulings and the go after Trump and then Joe Biden kind of protecting him, people are starting to see what's behind the curtain now. - You know, one of my members came up to me the other day and she said, you know, they must think we're a special kind of stupid. And we are not, we are not. We are very intelligent, hardworking American families that want the best for our families and our nation. And it's gone beyond a black and white, a Democrat versus Republican versus independent nationality. It's people now that are banding together and saying, we have got to fix this. - Well, our institutions are totally let us down. About a minute and a half here. We'll just recap real quick. People want to get more involved with the club. How do they get in touch? Where do they look? Give us some details here. - Well, we will get our country back and we've got to pray for it. We've got to believe it and we've got to work for it. So if you want to get off the sideline and do something and feel like you're part of making that happen, we encourage you to learn about our club. You can go to, you can attend one of our meetings. Now we've got one daytime, nighttime. And if you have questions, please email us at - Yes, it's hard not to be able to get involved if you want to, but the club is going good. And this is a good way to kind of get started and understand what's going on, not just locally, but nationally, right? - That's right. And if you think you're ever interested in if you ever have political aspirations, come join us and find out what it's about, what the pathway it takes to make that. Or if you want to be, if you are a female and you want to be a leader, you want to have more of a leadership role, that's one of the things that we focus on also is empowering our women to be future leaders. - And that's why we're excited about Stephanie Bryan coming in and talking to us. - Yeah, and important, delicious. Ladies, it's been a pleasure, but I'd like to make time for us one more time on website. - And Jeff, thank you for having us on again and for letting us get the information out there to your listeners. - Well, and the McGee, Judy Barlow, thanks for coming by. - Thank you. - All right, we'll get one more break in here. We'll be right back to says the Jeff Force Showed at the talk, 106.5. (upbeat music) ♪ I'm a highway man again ♪ ♪ Or I may simply be a single drop of rain ♪