FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Caroleene Dobson for Congress - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 7-01-24

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01 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome back to the Jump 4 Show. The talk, 106-5. They're staying with us on this Monday morning. And Judy Barlow from the East Shore Public and Women's Club gonna be with us at 11 o'clock hour coming up here shortly. So make sure you stick around for that. But joining us now on the line, she is the Republican nominee and Alamo's second congressional district on the balloting at Shamari figures in November. But Carolyn Dobson is on the line with us. Carolyn, good morning, how are ya? - I'm doing great, thanks, how are you? Doing well, we'll give us kind of a progress report. Give us an update about how the campaign is going. - It's going well. I am just continuing to keep the tires hot all throughout the district. Obviously yesterday, March the end of the second quarter, we feel really good about where we are on a fundraising, from a fundraising standpoint, which again, prior to running for office, I didn't realize, but that's what the, a lot of groups and national party looks at. So we're really, really grateful. Thank you to all of you who have supported our campaign and our efforts. And again, just continuing to visit throughout the district, gonna be speaking to the Mobile County Republicans tonight, very grateful for that opportunity. And especially as we enter this week celebrating our independence and our freedom, it's so important that we fight for the state to keep America, the land of the free, the home of the brave and sure that we not only fight for opportunities for our kids, but fight to frankly restore some of our freedoms because the Biden administration, of which my opponent has been a part, has been frankly attacking our very existence and the freedom of our republic. - Well, let's get you to react a couple of things. First off, we'll talk about Biden debate performance. Kind of, well, and it matters, especially in your race, I would think because a lot of the way your votes gonna go is the way, I mean, Trump's gonna go or people just coming out to vote for Biden and then pulling the lever for all string Democrats. Well, I mean, I think that took, that took a significant blow Thursday night. - Yes, absolutely. And I've had several people say, oh, this must make your race easier. And I guess from the standpoint of demonstrating to the world the incompetency of our leader and the fact that there really is only one choice in this race for saving our country, yes. However, it makes this race even more important because it demonstrates that, you know, not only has my opponent been part of the Biden administration was an Obama act of light, you know, as it has been complicit in Merrick Garland's weaponized DOJ in promulgating policies that are leaning it on crime, you know, meanwhile, crime being on the rise in this district and throughout the country. But, you know, aside from the policy on a deeper level, you know, the wool was ripped from the eyes of the American public on Thursday night. And it shows that my opponent and everyone that served in the Biden administration was actively perpetuating the fantasy that Biden is a competent leader. And that's tremendously disturbing because it shows that my opponent is not a Southern Democrat, that's going to go advocate for the people of the second district. It demonstrates that he has already toed the party line, even if it meant, again, perpetuating the myth that Biden was competent and was able to lead our country. And again, that makes this race even more concerning because he has already shown that he engages in the group think and group speak in again, continuing the frankly falsehood of Biden as a leader that has his mental capabilities with him. And this, you know, even though my opponent no longer is part of the Biden administration, this continues. I was kind of interested to see, you know, what some Democrats were saying on Friday after the debate. And I looked on my opponent's Instagram account and there was a big happy Pride month, which kind of like, well, it's June 28th. Pride month has ostensibly been going on for 27 days, but, you know, now you decide to post about it. So that was kind of interesting. And then I looked on, you know, the president social media, Dr. Jill's social media and it was, you know, then decking out the White House for a big Pride celebration. And I'm like, okay, there must have been a memo that went out or probably, probably be a TikTok to all the Democrats and say, don't talk about the debate, just colors, rainbows, focus on rainbows, distract them with rainbows today. - Well, we know, so... - I don't know if you know this, I'm the editor at 1819 News and we, the story that I didn't think they would respond, let's just ask some of our figures campaign to respond to Biden's performance and they gave us a big no comment. So I mean, it's kind of telling, right? Like there's doubt about the trouble, I think, but they're not, 'cause he didn't give me the obligatory, we look forward to Biden winning a second term and he did fantastic. It was just, no, we're not gonna comment on that. - No, and again, I think that's what's really troubling here because again, you know, by being part of this administration, active participant, for three years, knowing that your boss is, ultimate boss is incompetent. How can you make the argument that your first and foremost allegiance is to the people of District 2? And don't get me wrong, I'm a team player, I'm gonna go fight for conservative values, but ultimately, first and foremost, my accountability is to God and then to the people of District 2, because they deserve a leader who is going to fight for them. And I'm that candidate. I'm raising my family here in Alabama, grew up in rural Southwest Alabama, moved back over five years ago, 'cause there was nowhere else on earth that I wanted to raise my kids, I wanted to raise my kids with Alabama values. And again, whereas my opponent has been in Washington since he graduated from law school and started leasing an apartment in the District 2 days before the filing deadline. So again, you know, if you're looking for someone who is going to, you know, walk, lockstep with a Democrat party, then that's my opponent. If you're looking for someone who is going to have the issues and the problems and the concerns of the folks of District 2 at the forefront of her mind, then that's me. - Joined by Caroline Dobson, she is the Republican nominee for the second congressional district contest to hear in Alabama. Caroline, this Supreme Court case, you know, all of this happening at once, but the law fair, some of the foundations of the law fair that's being waged. I'd like to start to crumble a little bit. - No, that's definitely true. Last week, certainly, I think was the answer to a lot of prayers on a lot of different fronts. And what we've discussed also, another victory from the Supreme Court was the overruling of Chevron. You and I have discussed, again, just the excess of the executive branch, the rampant regulatory overreach that we have witnessed in the past three years that has obviously, you know, damaged pretty much every facet of the economy and had a detrimental and disproportionate impact, especially on our small business owners throughout the district. And so the Supreme Court's ruling with respect to Chevron and the fact that, you know, we shouldn't defer in this circular logic to the very agencies that create regulations is a huge victory for the rights of private citizens of small business owners. And we'll have tremendous impact on fostering the growth of business, allowing private property owners to use and utilize their land in ways that they can best responsibly manage that land. So again, I think across the board last week was a huge victory for a limited government. - And this ruling this morning, given presidents a limited immunity with for official acts, I guess, as the immunity, as it applies to that and unofficial acts, no, but it's up to the lower course of the side. The whole idea, this notion that it was kind of like, well, we're not really, we just wanna get Trump in front of Trump, get Trump no matter what. And hopefully get some kind of court case before the 24 elections. So they really expedited it. And Supreme Court says no today. They go back and figure this out. And it's, I mean, they got some real problems here. Their whole path was the viability of Joe Biden and he's got his issues as we've seen and some of the law fairs starting to fall apart. - They got a situation here, don't they? - Yes, yes. The candidates are actually going to have to compete on their own merits or their own competency or the lack thereof. It's going to be a free and fair election. That's what we're fighting for on the right, which should be a given in America. But again, we've seen the left try every tactic possible, whether it's obviously the first tactic of trying to remove Trump from the ballot per the 14th amendment, then the law fair. And then again, which I am a little frustrated that there was such a shocked response to the debate because I mean, you and I know and it's the vast majority of Americans should have already known when Biden's own special counsel says that he's not confident to stay in trial. That was months ago. This shouldn't have come as a surprise to the vast majority of Americans. The fact that again, our commander in chief has dementia is not confident. - It's just like they could hide this all the way through November. Like this was never, I mean, maybe you get through the 2020 election cycle without it being a problem and somehow they kept Biden in the basement as they say or whatever. But Caroline, I mean, like here it is. I mean, you're running for the biggest, potentially the biggest office in the world and the thing that you could just like pull some kind of snow job here and distract the American public from a clear problem here. It was kind of folly. - Oh yeah, it's folly. It's also dishonest. It's an insult to the American people. And frankly, it's criminal. And everyone who was part of that, has been part of that administration has been perpetuating fraud against the American public. I mean, I have, you know, as you know, like you have young kids and one of my daughter's favorite stories is the emperor's new clothes. And I feel like we're living that, you know? Everyone's surrounding Biden just kept saying how mentally sharp he is and how with it he is. And if, you know, saying it just makes it so. But finally, you know, we've had the little boy in the crowd who said, it's not wearing any clothes. You know, he is not mentally competent. And, you know, it's about time. Frankly, you know, I think it's four years too late, but here we are. And again, the American people are going to get to decide if they want another four years of incompetency and weak leadership and, you know, our enemies who are being emboldened every day by the knowledge that no one's home in the Oval Office. And so, you know, that's a choice. Four more years of that or four years of President Trump, where we can once again unleash American energy independence, curb inflation and be strong. We can only have peace when we deter and we can only deter enemies throughout the globe when we're strong. - Well, let me ask you this question. Who's running the country 'cause it's clearly not their Biden? - Well, that's a million dollar question. And I don't pretend sitting here in Munner County today to have the answer to that. But I think, you know, if a lot of the press surrounding the debate seems to be indicative, it looks like it's Dr. Jill. - I mean, and in the Warner-Hercle off occasion, you know? - Right, right. - But you look at that, I mean, I don't know, Coach Tumbrel or Senator Tumbrel says it's the deep state. I mean, but we're not getting for a group of people who screech democracy every chance they get. That doesn't seem very democratic to me. - Oh, no, no, it's, you know, and again, it's just part of this group thing, group speak, virtue signaling, you know, they want to yell and scream that Trump is a threat to democracy. Whereas, you know, Trump, again, love him or hate him. He, and I absolutely believe we have got to get President Trump back in the White House. But, you know, even if you're a Democrat and you don't like Trump, you have to admit that he absolutely has his faculties about him. He is competent. And also if you, again, you actually look at his presidency, he was the very first president to create a regulatory bill of rights to literally curb his own power. How is that a threat to democracy? What's a far greater threat to democracy, again, is intentionally misleading the American public on a grand scale as to the ability of our commander-in-chief and his ability to lead, again, which is what the Democrats on a nationwide basis, but especially those in the Biden administration have been doing over the past three and a half years. - Carolyn, folks want to get more involved with your campaign, find out what you're up to, maybe offer a contribution or any sort. How could they do so? - Yes. No, it's going to take every one of us to prevail in November. And again, it is so important to not only maintaining but increasing Republican majority in the House to do so. So please check us out We also have accounts on Instagram, Facebook, X and True Social Dobson for Congress. And also come to the Mobile County GOP meeting tonight. Government Plaza, 6PM, bring some newborn diapers. It's an, instead of having, there's no admission fee, just a pack of newborn diapers to help support mothers in need in our community. Again, an example of the civic engagement and personal responsibility that those who believe in limited government like we do advocate for. - Carolyn Dobson, ladies and gentlemen, Carolyn, take your break of time. - Thank you. Have a good afternoon. - All right, we got to get a break here. We'll be right back. This is a Jet Force show and if we talk about 065. (upbeat music) ♪ The heart on the pedal ♪ ♪ Some devil mind him breaks ♪ ♪ Let it all hang out 'cause we gotta run ♪