FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Should Biden step down - Law 251 with Lacy Smith from Tobias and Comer Law - Mobile Mornings - Monday 7-01-24

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01 Jul 2024
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News. Sports. Weather from Dr. Bill Williams. Traffic info from Kane. And one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. Morning from Dan and Dalton, if you have talked 1-0-6-5, six minutes after eight o'clock. On mobile mornings and sunny today, then for the rest of the week, into the weekend, including the 4th of July on Thursday, it looks like it's just going to be summer-like, which it should be, but that just means a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon, nearly every day. But, Doc said it'll be clear enough Thursday night, the way things appear now, for fireworks, wherever you are. We have the whole list of everything. Mobile in Baldwin County, all the different Independence Day events, fireworks. We'll get that to be before Independence Day. That'd probably be the best time. Number one on our three big, yeah, that'd be nice. Number one on the three big things, talking about some Democrats laying the groundwork for Joe Biden to make a dignified exit from the presidential race, also. We had his family was together over the weekend. You had the bizarre day after the debate when he seemed energized and, like, he had control and command at the microphone where the night before, and he didn't have command or control of itself. No, dismal. Ben Jones crying on the set of CNN. I mean, it was just a dismal performance, and so where do you, where are we right now? This thing rocks back and forth. The first, you know, so on Friday, you and I were looking at each other like, we've got to, how do we address this on the air? And I guess we just let them know what we give them the facts or listeners, and then we also opined on what that event looked like to us, which was like nothing that ever seen before. And the listeners pretty much agreed. So it seemed like he's got to go, right? But now, do you getting some sentiment that some of the powers it be or say no, stick with them? And, you know, outwardly, you have Obama and Pelosi, and I would still call Obama the face of the Democrat party. I don't know if everyone agrees. That's fair. And I don't think it's unfair to say he's been and still is pulling a lot of strings. You know, there's been some note made, but not a whole lot of people seem to have an issue with the fact that Obama stuck around in D.C., which is not something that presidents traditionally do, truly head back home. And why is he sticking around D.C.? Well, you know, maybe he has a job to do. He might have a job to do. I would say so. But you know, is that how he really feels that Biden is the man for the job? I would think probably not. But it's all about how things look, right? And we know that the media immediately after the debate and really even through the weekend, although some started to change their tune as you'll lay out here soon, I'm sure. But they seem to be nearly unanimously saying that was terrible. I think we need to find somebody else. But all of the politicians, for the most part, except for, you know, some of the lower tier politicians, all of the big names are saying, where are you guys crazy? This is Biden's to lose. We're keeping him in there. He's going to win this thing, whether it was Obama or Federman or whoever it may be. So I'm really putting the light on Trump. Yeah. Yeah, they are. And so Trump, he actually responded on truth social. And there were a number of ways that Trump could play this, play this whole Biden thing. And I'll get to one, one I saw on Twitter that I think actually might not be the worst idea. But this is what Trump's response was on Saturday, Saturday morning. He said, strange things happen in big time politics. And believe me, this is big time politics during my debate on Thursday night with crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country and the person that is illegally and strictly for political gain trying to put me in jail. I watched a man firsthand choke under tremendous pressure, the likes of which he has never seen before the strain of the illegality being used by his injustice department, the FBI, local attorney generals, the attorneys general and DAs have put an additional strain on him. Quick news, CNN just announced that at 51.3 million viewers, it was the highest rated show in the history of CNN. And that doesn't include other places it was shown. This was a monster show and it could be plainly and openly felt on stage. Trump says his speech on Friday was better, which you referenced, and he seems to be coming out of his trance. But America must ask itself with all of the many dangers around. Do we really want a president who chokes? I don't think so. Ma'am, okay, so that's interesting. Here's the thing too. There's a lot of talk about Biden the candidate. Should he move on with his candidacy? To me, the larger is he was Biden the president. That's the president of the United States. That would kind of sunk my heart Thursday watching it all was to whatever degree he's the most powerful man in the free world. And he was it wasn't laughable because more frightening than anything that that's the president of this country. That's how it hit me. You can talk about should he run again or should we, you know, Democrats, are you going to pull him so you can get somebody else in there that's going to be a more a better candidate? That's really not the point to me. It's like he's president right now. That's in the present. Yes. Should he step, not step down as a candidate, but to step down as a president. Right. And that's why, you know, some people have been pushing to invoke the 25th amendment now and say he's not fit to lead right now. And you know, just watching some commenters on that they said that that amendment was more for failing physical health. And it's much tougher to judge someone's mental decline. Although we all see it, right? It's like something we can see, but not necessarily measure specifically. And but there are ways to do that. There are tests you can take that are considered the real deal. This measures whether you're in decline or what level of decline that you're suffering. And we've seen it with all presidents, right? Even Trump, you know, you get your doctor in there. Maybe not necessarily your doctor before you got into office, but someone who is maybe likely to kind of bend the truth towards your favor. You know, we watch the NFL combine and all of these different sporting events where they measure these people down to the 10th of an inch. And they know everything about their bodies before they spend big money to bring them on their team. Is it too much to ask whoever the president is that we get kind of a rolling update, actual, you know, actual critical report on how their health is, or at least Congress, Congress at the very least should be getting at this, you know, with presidents at this age, you know, I think that's fair at the same time. What in the world are we doing electing people who are 80 years old? I mean, why are the choices where they are? I guess it's what I'm saying. There's kind of ridiculous. Right away, media, left media, really focused on Trump. So on opinion piece over the weekend, there was more than one opinion piece. Well, the Philadelphia Inquired, the most famous piece that said that Trump should step down because of his performance at the debate, ignoring Biden. That wasn't the Babylon B, that wasn't the onion. No, that was a real story. Yeah. And that crazy. Also, you know, you can watch something and you can have a certain political sway and or point of view. And you can, you can throw darts on what Trump said here and there. And here's, you know, the problem that Trump causes himself, I think is this because, you know, you can call him in some lies, but it's more hyperbole than anything else bragging about everything. And, you know, he, he just can't help himself from doing that. And it's, it there's thought about it over the weekend. For Trump, there's rallies speak, say whatever you want, you know, everybody's jumping up and down with their mega hats, happy to have you in their town. There's rally speak, but then debate speak the way you choose your words in a debate. It's got to be a lot more refined. Well, it wasn't. So he, so instead of all of the, the focus being on Biden's dismal performance, they were able to take, you know, whether it was warranted or not, he gave them ammunition to talk about his performance as well. And that's where I think Trump does a disservice to himself and to his chances on winning. He has no line. He's got no wiggle room with the press. He doesn't. Yeah. So he's got to be concise and on point, or they're going to take him apart, which they did in the one opinion piece that I read and then they fill it up, you inquire actually saying that Trump needs to step down, which was obviously it had to be more just to get, you know, to, to, to, to such and puts the points on the board, just bring, they were just bringing attention to their own newspaper and such a ludicrous statement after what we saw Thursday. Yeah. And you know, I saw one theory online, and I wish I remember who posted it, but they said, you know what Trump should do. He should get ahead of this. And he should say Biden is just not fit to be president, not fit to be president right now, not fit to be president in the future. And that Trump should implore the Democrats to pick another candidate. And that way, if they do, they'll be doing what Trump asked them to do in a way. So that's like a kind of quick win, if that is indeed what they end up doing. But then also, if he were to do that, he would look like, you know, the bigger man and that he's more worried about our country's hands, who whose hands America is in right now. Yeah, that would be interesting. It doesn't seem that he's going to go that route. And you know, a lot of Republicans are taking flack for possibly invoking the 25th amendment, because who, you know, Biden looks so beatable right now that injecting any kind of wild card into this race would be a risk for Republicans, whether it's Whitmer or Newsome or Kamala or Hillary or a shell Obama, whoever it is, it's not Joe Biden, right? And the way things are looking right now in polling, I mean, you're saying Trump could possibly, and I don't know how likely this is to happen, he could possibly pull New York and New Jersey. It's how bad things have been going for the Biden can. I mean, that's, that's quite, that'd be quite an upset. And so the Biden campaign, as you said earlier, they referenced past polling during the primaries, where, you know, Biden had a not much better numbers, but better numbers against Trump than any of the other Democrat candidates. But again, that poll was taken before Thursday long time ago. I mean, Thursday just changed everything, I think. Now, did it change it like dramatically enough where we're going to see the birth of a whole new idea? Like Biden's out now now what? I don't know. It certainly changed people's opinion on whether Biden should a be the president of the United States in the present and be be the candidate in November. I don't know to what degree I don't know what the powers that be are going to do now that you have this problem. It's a problem. How do they react to the problem? How does America react to the problem? And there's a lot of people that think that there's just this grand conspiracy, you know, and I don't disagree that the deep state that there are a lot of career federal bureaucrats who have worked up immense numbers of immense amount of power, and they use it to suit their own means, right? But I think that both political parties are much more in disarray than people really are willing to let on. I think that the Democrats really don't know what the hell they're doing. And honestly, the way this thing worked out, I couldn't help but think about it this weekend in order to turn this into a positive thing for Democrats and for a chance to beat Trump in November, you had the debate last week. You have Independence Day coming up Thursday. Biden was at Camp David this weekend with the family. They were supposedly discussing it. And then you had all of these other different leaks like, Oh, they're not even going to discuss his campaign. It'll just be a passing conversation. He's in it for the long haul. And you have other people saying, no, they are seriously thinking about having him bow out. If he does that, and he does it, Independence Day. So you have it's a it's a news dump, but they're also if you were to do it this week, make it look like it's the patriotic move. He's doing it for America. Wow. The dementia has said in much worse than he had hoped. And it's an awful thing. Even he knows we have no choice. Even he knows. And they do it this week. You have Independence Day. They get you get four or five days to kind of get their ducks in a row, send off all these other potential candidates. You put some balloons out there. Put some balloons out there. I don't know how they're going to work around Kamala though. And if he steps down now from the presidency, you have your first female president, you have your first black president immediately. Well, Obama, I'm sorry. You have your first black female president, first female president at all. Anyway, how are they going to get around her if she's not the one that they want to be the candidate so much to consider. And suddenly, they've got to consider it immediately. That wasn't the case before Thursday night. No, it wasn't. It is 821 with Dan and Dalton. Morning from Dan and Dalton, 825. Mobile morning. So, if I'm talking one or six five and text line, you can call. But if you prefer to text to zip it to us, you can do that. And many of you have a look at some of these two five one three four three zero one zero six to mobile mornings and all the shows that are live on FM talk one oh six five. Yeah. And we were discussing the difference in debate Biden and rally Biden the following day. Yeah. Chris and Orange Beach says it was classic dementia. They have good days and bad days. The debate was a bad day. The next day, good day. We cannot have somebody running the free world in that condition. Aussie similar statement says that's how typical dementia patients are. Good one day then bad for the next five days, etc, etc. Textor here says he wasn't in a trance just can't function without teleprompters. Very scary. And that was another big part of his rally Friday. Of course, he has teleprompters in front of him, right? One of the new lines of defense here from the Biden team. They said that he is seen as prone to absent-minded gaffes and fatigue outside of six hours a day between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and while traveling abroad. So they're saying that I think they're saying he has the problems while he's traveling abroad and then from 4.01 p.m. in the afternoon until 9.59 a.m. the next morning. Those are the rough hours for Biden and early morning. Yes. From shorter stairs when boarding Air Force one to guiding him on Johnson over concerns about his gate and proclivity for appearing lost. His team has reportedly been forced to step up its efforts over time to shield him more and more. And some of these reports they said that the top Biden aides were shielding even others who work in the White House from how bad it's gotten for Biden. I've read that. And so art as well as a nation or just as an individual should you or I be ticked off. Well, yeah, because I think these people are just covering their own ass because we've seen it from out here. We don't work with Biden. We don't work anywhere near Biden and we do it. Right. People have been saying it for months that he's in this bad of condition. So a lot of this are just people covering their own rear ends. A lot of people being surprised by all this because they consume their news from an area that wasn't covering it that way. They were only covering up the they really it only came into the conversation of mainstream media when the cheap fakes thing came out or she was Korean Jean Pierre was kind of forced to address it all. And she addressed it all not by. Yeah, he's he's he's struggling. No, by you guys are creating these cheap fakes. Yeah, don't believe you're lying on. Right. Basically, a texture here says Biden has done enough damage already just being president. We don't don't need four more years of destruction. No, I mean, goodness, a damn Yankee says Trump backed off when he saw Biden stumble, which is proof that Trump is human. I also think it's proof that Trump played the game the smart way Thursday night to tone it down. And I do think that the rules is where he does the Trump team was that they would work against him in that debate. Think helped him out because if he hadn't been muted, I think he would have stomped all over the moments that became viral where Biden couldn't think couldn't talk if he was allowed to interrupt or make make an issue about it in the moment. If he did, that would have looked worse for him. I agree. And it might have made it look like he was bullying. Yeah, but I think Trump has become more politically savvy over the years as well. CB Carl says, there's a guy who hunts with us who's in his 80s. When he took a cognitive test, they asked him to draw a clock face. When he did, he drew it with Roman numerals. CB Carl says, I wonder if Biden could do it with Arabic numerals. Joel says, not going to happen. Joe Biden is going to ride this thing out because he's not running the show. I don't think he's running the show, but I also think him not running the show would be more incentive for him to not ride it out. They're going to knock him on out of there if they can. That's interesting though, talking about the clock and the Roman numerals that the older you get, the more Italian you become. That's a phenomenon I was not familiar with. Martin says Biden, doctors, et cetera, can only prop him up for so long. And what we saw during the debate was just a small sample of his bad side. Think of all those times he's not on camera. That's frightening. Tusker says the Democrat party is a dumpster fire and the debate just added gas. You know, who's really worried about Biden being on the ticket are all of the other Democrats who are on the ticket. Just think of our district two race coming up here and how much presidential turnout matters to those who are down ballot and how close this district two race could potentially become. Now, 18-19 news in their last report, they said, Shemar figures hasn't really commented on the debate from Thursday night. But you know, a lot of these candidates who are in really close races, they would love to see someone else on the ticket. No doubt. 830 FM talk, 106-5. Mobile mornings with Dan and Dalton. 834 FM talk, 106-5. It is a Monday. Right now, it's time to head to McConnell automotive and talk with Louis Arrata. Hey, Louis. How you good morning, guys? How are you? We are great. Another hot week on the way here. And what you got going on out there at McConnell? I know you have a bunch of great vehicles, both new and pre-owned. Well, we got a bunch of stuff going on. We are expanding our collision center, which kind of might have been there. They can see a lot of construction work back there. We are getting that going and don't forget if you have that up with all those afternoon thunderstorms. If you have that unfortunate accident, give us a call at 2-5-1-4-7-6-4-1-4-1. Thomas and all the guys and the girls back there take care of all your needs and we have a great collision center back there. If you have that unfortunate call and say, "It's total." Hey, man, we got a great selection of pre-owned and new cars out here. I mean, General Motors is pumping out some trucks. I mean, we are getting trucks in here every day. So, we have half tons, three quarter tons. We can start ordering 25 trucks now. So, if you have been waiting on that 25, just give them a call over that new car side, 25-1-4-7-6-4-1-4-1. They'll tell you what the new stuff is and the new stuff coming out. So, we're just going to have a good day and hope everybody is safe and great 4th July. We're not going to be here, but we'll talk to you all Wednesday and tell you what we're going to do. That sounds good, Louie. We appreciate your time. Hey, come see us. Thank y'all. All right. That's Louie Rata. Go see him. McConnell Automotive, Dolphin Street, just east of I-65 and the website, He's not been in the news for a while and now in the news for reasons he'd rather not be. He sounds like a historic Scottish golfer, Lightning McLean. No, no. I didn't know where you were going with that. Did they do a movie about that golfer, Lightning McLean? Well, Lightning McLean was the car in cars, right? That's right. The cartoon movie, which that's one I want my girls to start watching, because I like that movie. Yeah. So anyway, Lightning McLean, you may not remember, but you voted on it. And that became the name of Mobius and I guess Alabama's first ever electric garbage truck. That's right. And so how are things going with Lightning McLean? Not real well. It doesn't seem to be going too great. Not real well. Brendan Kirby with Fox 10 to the deep dive into the garbage truck here. He dove into the truck. He dove in. And so time flies. The city bought this back in 2022. Yeah. Seems like it was just this weekend. I was wasting my time coming up with names for it, which no one voted on. I did make the finals though with Sparky. Yeah, that's right. I do remember that. So Shonda Smith, interim executive director of public works said over the last year and a half. They said we've had it out on the road a couple of times, but I think it's probably been in the shop more than it's been on the road. She said while the vehicle had a modified route covering less territory than what the other roughly 30 garbage trucks handle, it was not able to hold a charge long enough to finish its route. It went into the shop in November. They installed a new part. It returned to service in January, and then they got a good January, February, March, and a good quarter of a year out of it. But in April, went out of service again so that Mac trucks could install a second-generation battery with a larger charging capacity, but they acknowledged it's still handling less than half the load of a standard diesel-powered garbage truck. So how was none of this known before this truck was put into commission with much fanfare and a voting for the name and all that? You know, I mean, it's like, wouldn't that just be like math numbers knowing how long it would charge and how long it would be charged for? I mean, it's about my pay grade, but when this wouldn't other cities that have lightning, McLean's rolling Cincinnati and Topeka, don't we have past evidence of whether there would have been a problem or not? Yeah, you know, I haven't done a deep dive around the nation, but you would think that, like, San Francisco would have a whole fleet of electric garbage trucks right up their alley. And I could see the op, I could see why the city and everyone involved here would be optimistic, because it would be a cool story, right? I mean, just to have something a little different, but then again, you're also talking about the money spent on it. It became a celebrity, right? It was like a celebrity EV truck, and it was a big news story at the time. Yeah, Brendan writes in his article a state grant from the proceeds of a nationwide settlement of a lawsuit alleging Volkswagen cheated on emissions tests. So I didn't know these two things were tied in here. Yeah, the cheating led to the grant, correct? Right. And well, half of the $600,000 purchase cost, some of y'all out there, no better than I. What's the cost on your standard diesel garbage truck, 600,000 for all lightning, McLean? And Kirby writes, "In addition to the feel-good environmental story, the truck brought expectations of another type of green benefit cash." See, before this, they thought they were going to save a lot of money rather than refuelling it with diesel, and at the time, gas was going through the roof, so that makes sense. Dana counts. So before this Mac trucks, fleet sales, and e-mobility manager said diesels at 80 gallons, filling up the tank at 80 gallons, $6 a gallon compared to $15 to $20 to charge the truck from completely dead to full charge. But little did they know they'd have to add in the towing costs and the shop work that was going to need to be done on this thing. Smith, let's see here, Smith, this would have been Shonda Smith said, "The city's comprehensive warranty with Mac trucks has covered all of the repair costs, but she acknowledged the city has lost some staff time with workers trying to fix problems and that mobile has had to hold on to an older garbage truck that was due to be retired." So they're making the old guy work because the young guy can't show up to work on time. I thought I was going to be out of here by now. Probably a lot of people feel that personally. Like, man, I was supposed to retire, but they can't get someone on. They could do my job. So I just have to stick around. Yeah, this young kid isn't cutting it, right? There's probably people on the job right now watching a young guy is supposed to take their place and they're just so lax in their attempt to fill the shoes. They have to keep on working. And also, your comparison to Lightning McLean and the president of the United States, I think that was spot on. Yeah, it only works well certain times of the day. I've been known to lose his charge when he's out there on his route. Sounds very, very familiar. Very similar. Yeah. Will Lightning McLean be camping up, holding up at Camp David? Or what's similar camp can we have as it discusses its future with its family? Somewhere in Tillman's corner where he's been charged over and over again. Brendan writes, and this was actually what we were just talking about. He said cities across the country have reported problems with their electric vehicles. According to Fox News, three out of the five electric buses that Asheville, North Carolina purchased in 2018 were idle as of January. Wow. Because of software issues, mechanical problems, and an inability to obtain replacement parts. Half of Colorado Springs for e-buses were not running. So you wonder of those. So three of the five. So in Asheville, North Carolina, how many transit buses do they use? What's five out of, what's the fleet? But that's, it would seem to me that's affecting that might be enough to really affect their routes. Yeah, you had Philadelphia tried this before Mobile purchased all Lightning McLean. In 2020, according to Fox News, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority in Philly pulled its entire fleet of e-buses out of service. But, and I'm, you know, the technology keeps advancing at a rate that you would think at some point, they'd figure it out. I'd get it right, but it's, I think a lot of taxpayers are saying, don't make us the guinea pig. Yeah, let's get this thing working somewhere else and someone else is dying. Yeah. Yeah. And then we'll talk about it. At least for Mobile, it's but one, Lightning McLean. And so we've got a, you know, fleet of garbage trucks, otherwise diesel powered, actually, for the most part, doing their job every, you know, whatever day they need to. Yeah. Also, I wanted to get into this. Maybe we'll have more time tomorrow because I see we'll have Lacey Smith on here in the next segment with Tobias and Governor Law, the Pat Tillman Award. This is what ESPN awards annually, I guess. And it's the Pat Tillman Service Award. And for some reason, and ESPN has been really bad with their awards with every last few years. Yeah. They are giving the Pat Tillman Award, US hero, died in combat, former NFL player. Left and NFL career in mid career to go fight the war and had probably more effect on recruitment into the military than just about anyone in this generation. Any individual, for sure? Yeah. They're giving that award to Prince Harry, Prince Harry, who abandoned the monarchy, which I guess that, you know, points, good points for that. But what has he done to earn the Pat Tillman Service Award? You know, so as I was looking at the news this weekend, I think I saw that headline and I assumed there was fear over the fact that he was being considered for the award, like, you know, the nominees. So I just kind of, maybe we'll talk about it. Maybe we won't. I never read the story. Yeah. So when you told me this morning that he was given the award, I was as shocked as anybody. Mary Tillman is Pat Tillman's mother. She said I'm shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award. They're recipients that are far more fitting individuals that are working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans. Wow. Dan and Dalton FM talk one oh six five coming up. We'll wrap up the show with Lacey Smith with Tobias and Comer Law Law two five one on the way right here on mobile mornings followed by the Jeff Porsche. Stay tuned. And welcome back FM talk one oh six five and mobile mornings Dalton or we're here and time for another edition of law two five one and welcome back into studio Lacey Smith with Tobias and Comer Law. Good morning Lacey. Hi Dalton. How are you? I am great and great to see you again. Love when you come by and talk with us in a very important topic this week and it's fitting as the kids are out there out of school for the summer and that means well a lot of things if you're traveling around. It means there's going to be more kids out and about. Maybe they're going to the pool. Maybe they're going to grandma and grandpa's house and we know the way they like to travel right and that's bikes. That's right and now e-bikes becoming more and more popular and I know you have some stats that can also be very dangerous with the kids on these bikes right whether it's kids or adults bike safety is definitely paramount national statistics show us the most recent year we have is 2022 but that year 1,100 people were killed in bicycle accidents. Those deaths are highest during the summer months as you mentioned that's when kids are out of school and as we might discuss a little bit kids have a little bit different reaction time and just their skills are a little bit less but the highest months for deaths on bicycles are in the summer months between June and September. Failing to yield the right away is a huge factor also just bicyclists not being visible to drivers on the road and then there's different kinds of accidents you have people just falling off a bike which is the most common but there's also the more serious and more fatal very often are the ones where they actually have a collision with a car but you know regardless of the reasons for a crash prevention is huge and can save a lot of lives and there's just some simple steps you can take to just to minimize your risk or your child's risk of being injured in a bicycle accident. All right and I know a lot of adults who don't seem to know the rules of the road in vehicles and I presume most of them have you know driver's licenses so they should know children who are on bikes it's probably a great time to start teaching them if you hadn't already what yielding is what stops sign you got to stop even if you're on your on a bicycle and how that could keep them from being injured or worse just knowing some of the rules of the road but also I know some children make fun of it but wearing the proper protective equipment too when you are on a bike. Right rules the road are certainly important and they apply to cyclists just like they do to vehicles. It is Alabama law everyone under the age of 16 who's on a bicycle is required to wear a helmet so that can kind of take some of this thing out of being the bad guy if you're a parent it's the law you have to wear your helmet but that's also the most effective way to prevent fatal bicycle accidents. Another thing that there might be some confusion about is you know I was a child in the 90s and I could swear to you that I was taught if you're on a bicycle you ride in the opposite direction or opposite lane of traffic so you're kind of meeting a head on that's actually incorrect. Bicyclists should be traveling the same lane as you know so right hand side of the road just like a driver of a car should. So you know just refreshers and reminders with your children you know also being aware of the people around you you know your children should be aware that drivers aren't always going to be looking out for them especially in the iPhone age. They might be distracted so they really need to watch out for themselves first and follow the rules of the road. Talking with Lacey Smith with Tobias and Comerlaw for another edition of law 2-5-1 here and we've talked previously about golf carts and kind of how it seems like those exploded in popularity five ten years ago and neighborhoods all around here and the road road of rules of the road aren't always being followed in those and you often see kids way too young to be driving in those and a kind of new method of transportation although it's not necessarily new but it has certainly exploded in popularity here recently are the e-bikes and we talk about them here often they're very cool I mean they're awesome and I wonder if maybe a lot of parents and grandparents probably don't know the kind of speed that children can get up to on those e-bikes and also anytime you're talking about someone on a bike the faster they go if there is an accident the harder they fall and with these e-bikes I'm sure you've seen some more around just like I have but maybe even more important that the children on those bikes or I mean the anyone not just children but really know what they're doing right to keep themselves out of dangerous situations right um the e-bikes like you said have exploded in popularity and that's definitely the cool way means a travel for anyone you know around my son's age and you know while they are useful for getting up hills some of them have like the jets and bikes and some other brands have these throttles that can you know get them up to 15 to 20 miles per hour and you know going downhill with a throttle even increases that so certainly you know and then again their reaction time you know when it comes to controlling a bike or that's traveling that fast some children don't have the capacity for that so it's important that they you know get used to the bike before they just take off outside of parental supervision on those but you also want to make sure they're having those helmets on um you know I've I've had some adult friends who have had bicycle accidents and they post on Facebook about how their helmet ends up cracked um much better to have your helmet cracked than than your bones or your head so um make sure helmets are by far the easiest and most accessible way to protect yourself on a bike yeah no doubt about that and just like the car seats you guys have told me about if it's cracked if it's been in an accident previously get rid of it because it doesn't have that same kind of safety value that a fresh helmet or a fresh car seat does and let's talk about also the other side of this too and that would be people in your regular old car your regular old truck and um while bikes aren't always supposed to be on the road you know think highways inter- there are crosswalks those bikes are allowed to cross those crosswalks legally just like people are and I think it's maybe another thing that especially with these e-bikes moving so quickly someone turning right in a car might not see that person coming up from behind them that's about to cross that crosswalk especially if they're moving fast on an e-bike just kind of another thing for folks and vehicles to think about as they try to stay safe on the road stay safe on the road you talked about texting while driving that can get you right there of course yeah distracted driving is a huge driver of accidents across the board whether it's you know running into pedestrians or running into the car behind you so um and again you want to tell especially your children that um unfortunately not everybody is is following the rules of the road and putting their phone down when they're when they're driving but yeah just with the e-bikes and how much those are exploding in popularity and mobile um you know just make sure you're taking that extra second to look around um your surroundings before you take a turn and certainly try to share the road um you know maybe kids should be in bike paths or on sidewalks but oftentimes they are either crossing the road or especially in neighborhoods um you know sharing a line of traffic with you and um you know there there's no hurry there's no rush in the world that can replace um you know so a precious life that's on one of these bikes of course um just share the road with them take a breath pull around them when you can but um you know safety first for everybody on the road well some timely information here of course with it being summer a lot more people are out and about and uh with Independence Day um probably going to be a lot of bicycles out there and and e-bikes as well so this is some fantastic information just something for folks to remember uh whether you are the one on the bike or e-bike or it's your child or you're driving around the car how that could be life-changing and just a split second notice uh the website to buy us and you have this information there along with so much other great stuff uh things that people need to know things that people want to know as well but I know if someone has a question for you guys maybe they have uh something they want you to look into they can call for a free consultation at any time and uh that number two five one four three two five zero zero one but I know they can contact with contact you on the website as well correct um you know we've got means for anybody to submit an inquiry online um or you know you can call and leave a message and we will always return your call as soon as possible but yeah our website is the easiest and um most efficient way to get in touch with us and um that's to buy us at all right sounds good well uh Lacey hope you hope the family have a great rest of the summer can't wait to see in here again and thanks for coming in for another additional law two five one thank you all right Lacey Smith Tobias and Comer Law check them out online to bias you'll find our podcast here law two five one there and on our website as well fm talk one oh six five dot com coming up next to the jeff pore show he joins us next right here on fm talk one oh six five no representation is made that legal services performed are greater than the quality of legal services of others.