FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Friday 6-28-24

2h 4m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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(upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. ♪ I don't think I'm done in this way ♪ ♪ I don't think I'm done in this way ♪ I told you guys this all along, and well, I'll save my thoughts on that for here just a little bit. Real quick, show line up before we move to our guest. We're kicking off the show with a guest here, by the way. Alabama Daily News is Todd Stacey in about 30 minutes. Phil Williams from right side radio at the top of the 10 o'clock hour. U.S. Senator Katie Britt asking for time this morning to bottom the hour to 10 o'clock hour. And then as always, our returning champion, State Senator Chris Elliott will be with us in that 11 o'clock hour. You want to stay tuned for that. But joining us now, always a pleasure. He is our senior United States Senator, as I like to call him coach. But Tommy Taberville is with us now. Coach, good morning, how are you? Good morning, Jeff. Just like everybody else kind of got a little bit of a hangover from that debacle last night. You know, I knew it was coming to a certain degree. You never knew how bad it was going to be, but it couldn't have been worse for Joe Biden. But, you know, the big loser last night, Jeff, was American people. American people have finally found out what's been going on for the last three and a half, four years, somebody behind the scenes like the Obama, the Clintons, Schumer and Pelosi. They're running our country, and Joe Biden's been a puppet president. He's the same as he's been. He's gotten a little bit worse, but it was a disaster. President Trump did a good job of pretty much using facial expressions and staying out of the way. The rules kind of helped him in terms of not being able to interrupt, but it's a sad state of affairs. I don't know what direction that Democrats would go right now, but they're in panic mode, and the American people just need to understand the deep state is running this country, and they're going to continue to do it if the Democratic Party and the rhinos of this country keep electing them. I'll tell you what, though, just you sit there last night, and it is clear that the man who was allegedly elected in 2020 is not in charge here. He just, it was sad to see. I can't imagine. I mean, nothing like this has happened in like the modern television era of American politics has it. No, really hadn't, and you can imagine there was a Zoom call right after that with China, Putin, North Korea, and Iran going, "Hey, how about this idiot, and how about these people allowing this to happen, the greatest country ever in the United States of America. The American people have been duped. They've been conned, and I've been trying to tell people since I've been, I'm not a politician, you know that, and I saw it firsthand, and it just, it's, every decision that these people behind the scenes have made has been to push this poor socialism and communism, and that they've been pointing to Joe Biden, it's his fault. He's leaving the border open. He's doing away with gas and oil. It's his plan, but they're doing it, so they don't have to take the blame, and they're blaming on Joe Biden. Now they're going to come in with somebody on a big horse and don't save the day. I don't know who it's going to be, but it ain't going to be Joe Biden. Let me pose this question to you, coach. Then, you know, for the last four years, we've heard democracy, you know, the sort of like talking point they have turned our elections into. How do they take Joe Biden off the ballot? Who was elected to be, and he's got all the delegates, and people want to go vote for him to be the Democratic Party nominee, and to talk about democracy as it pertains to anything else if they go that route? Well, they've got a lot of work to do, and they've been doing it behind the scenes probably for six, seven months. They've probably seen this coming. They were probably hoping he could do a little bit better than he did last night, but now they know they've got to change their quarterback, you know, in the fourth quarter here, right before the possibly over time. But, you know, I just, I feel bad for the American people, but there'll be a bill done, you know, they'll pardon. They'll tell Joe you step out and will pardon you and your son from all your steelins that you've done in the last 10 years and folks. I'm not saying that just to be saying that I've seen the proof, and if you want to deny the proof, that's fine. But I've seen that proof. I've seen what they've done. I've seen what they've done to our country. I've seen what they've done to other people that's fought back, and it's just a sad state of affairs. But again, we've got people behind the scenes, deep state that are manipulating every move that Joe Biden is doing, and it's grown us towards communism. And it's just absolutely the elite versus the middle class and the taxpayers of this country. And it's time to fight back and fight Donald Trump. And he is, he's the only one that can get this straight. He's gonna have a short period of time, but we've got to get him in office and turn him loose and let him run these rats out of the, out of the in-house. Now, you know, it's hard to say this, but like we think of this like, well, how did they not see this coming? I mean, this is what everybody's been talking about for the last five years. Senator, that, you know, there's something wrong with Joe Biden right now. And they, they just, they just set themselves up. Like, you know, it's a deep state is what the deep state really is, and they have the smartest people in the room, or at least they think they are. How does something like this even happen? Well, they thought he probably could make it to at least five years, and then make a move. He'd made it to three and a half. They knew they had to debate Donald Trump. They couldn't hide him because they did that the last time, only supposedly got 81 million votes, which folks, he didn't, he didn't get 81 million. That was a debacle. But, you know, they tried to hide him out, and now they got him out of the, out of the house and trade him in front of the world for an hour and a half. And he couldn't make it 13 minutes. I tell you what, I was listening to that going, hey, might as well turn this off. It is over. He has exposed himself and President Trump, again, I thought he did good. He just, hey, he let him talk and he come back and, and of course they, they called President Trump a lot, a lot, and all this. And he was spot on and everything he said. Again, we have got to get this country back, and we got to take it back from these communists. And those people out there listening to this, they're Democrats. And he's calling me a communist. You are, if you're voting for these people, because that's exactly the direction we're headed. Joy, by United States Senator Tommy Tupperville here on the program. Well, I guess the next question is this, Senator, looking, you know, what is the globe's reaction? That's, that's my, like, ha, ha, look at Biden and, you know, this is going to really pave a way for Donald Trump to win potentially. But you got to be thinking some of the adversaries around the world see this. What do they do with it? Yeah. Well, they know they don't Donald Trump in there because Donald Trump will fight him and he'll stand up for a country. Right now we have nobody standing up with our country. You know, these people, the same people that run Europe, mass migration, socialism going to communism, crime rate going rampant, inflation high. We've lost Europe. Europe is gone. Now they're trying to take it back because they're changing back to people that actually believe in freedom and free speech and all those things in Europe. We're, we're an experiment, uh, we're an experiment that, hey, let's take the United States. Oh, we got Joe Biden who doesn't care. We'll just let every immigrant in the world and just try to overrun the American people, uh, bankrupt them and then we'll have control and we'll bring it back and, and control it and run it the way we want to run it. That's exactly what's happening. And then I've seen it, you know, up close and personal for three and a half years. And we have very few people on the Republican side that will fight back because they want to get reelected. They're afraid to hurt somebody's feelings up there. Well, it's time to fight and I'll tell you my colleagues, they better bow up because we have got to get somebody in office in the Senate in some of these Democratic spots where we can make decisions to get back on the right track. And if we don't take the Senate and don't front wins, they'll impeach them in a year. They hate this guy. And so we have got a fight. It is, this is a fight. This is not a, a situation we set back and, and think that, oh, we've got good people on our side and they're going to make things better. I hadn't seen those people. I hadn't seen those people since I've been in Washington DC. I've seen one guy that's Donald Trump. And I hope he's got good people around him that are going to lead him in the right direction once he gets elected to get good people, you know, on his staff that will make good decisions for the taxpayers of this country and forget about this socialist. Speaking of people in Washington DC, I don't know if you had a chance to speak with any of your colleagues, like what's, are you even just even some staffers or whatever, what's, I mean, I got to think there's a little bit of, you know, you're going to be a little stunned this morning, but what has been the, what has been the talk of Capitol Hill? Well, pretty much what you'd expect. We pretty much, we saw this, I mean, again, it's like a big family up there. You see everything goes on, but it doesn't get in the mainstream media. The media protects Joe Biden and the Democrats. And if you do something as a Republican, of course, they stayed after me for almost a year because of the holes I had on the military because of travel abortion in the military. They will expose, they will go after you tooth and nail. You get ready to see the mainstream media now go after Joe Biden, because this is going to be their plan. Obama and Clinton's and Schumer and Pelosi were probably calling today, meeting the day going, "Okay, let's turn the heat up on Joe, start coming together with a plan for a deal to make him and then figure out who we're going to put out there on the chop and block to see if they can knock off Donald Trump. I don't think it's going to work no matter who they put in there, but I think the American people now see a little bit of what's going on and say, "That's enough of this deep state and there's people in the FBI and the CIA trying to control everything in our country running it in the ground." Well, aside from Biden and that kind of shocking display of like incoherence, what was your Donald Trump last night? Did he do what he needed to do? Give us kind of a progress report there. Yeah, of course, you hear Donald Trump one time, he's already told you game plan. He is not going to deviate from what he's going to do when he goes in about how he's going to do it. I would have hoped that he would have done one more thing. People want to know, and they ask me all the time, "Coach, what about this 35 tree and in debt? How are we going to cut back on everything and get it under control?" First of all, there are some places that we, in discretionary spending that we can cut back on to some degree. The rest of it's going to have to be a slow rollback. You can't all of a sudden just cut it off, cut the head off of it and say, "This is the way we're going to do it." But the thing that we can do, and President Trump has told me this situation, he says, "Coach, the only way that we can get this country back is to get manufacturing back into this country, Clinton-oriented, Obama-oriented, they want to send it all out of the country." He said, "We're going to bring it back and we're going to get people back to work where we have more taxpayers, we're going to cut down taxes, we're going to let people have more their money, but we'll bring more money in because of the manufacturing, because of the jobs. That's the only way you can do it." And he's exactly right. And of course, he's a business guy, and this has been his plan all along. He tried to do it in his first four years. He will continue to do that in the next four years. Joe Biden said he brought all these jobs back. Joe Biden has hired more government employees than any president ever. And I wish he had brought that up. It is amazing. Ever before you say, "Oh, look at the employment rate. Look how many people got employed." Yeah, they're all government employees that work from home that don't do a damn thing. And so we have got to get control of spending, but if we also have to grow at the same time and get people back in this country working and get manufacturing, and we've got a great location in Alabama to bring people back here and put them to work. Look at what's happening also. Look what's happening at Airbus. Look what's happening in all the areas with the port down in Mobile and the area down there. It is growing, and we can continue to grow it, and bring people in with better jobs. Yeah. I just wonder, though, kind of doubting the federal government right now, I guess we'll wrap it up on this and talking about what our expectations are. If you're just a casual viewer coach and you watched that last night, I mean, you've got to be stunned, but you've got to wonder, it's got to take away a lot of that confidence and faith in our institutions and our federal government. And that, to me, is more of a threat to democracy than the Hootles in January 6. We have got a bloated federal government that does nothing other than spend money and hire people for votes. Donald Trump's exactly right. There's several of the bureaucracies that we have up there. When he comes in, he got to say, "Okay, department education. I've said this. You've heard me say this for the last six years. Close it down in DC, tell everybody, go get them a real job, and send them money that's spent on education in DC back to Everstate. Let the states run their own education department." Same thing with other entities, energy department. And then also, one other thing, get some of those entities out of Washington, DC. It is a hornet's nest up there of thieves trying to steal every dime that the taxpayers send up there. It's time to, if we don't adjust now to what Washington, DC, how it works, when it works, and the money that we spend, it's over if we know it. And so, now's the time. They exposed themselves last night of who they are. They're communist socialists that want to just control everything that you've got. This nonsense of defunding the police, men can have babies, open borders. I mean, it is a complete nonsense that they're trying to divide this country and make each other hate each other. We need to get back to working together as Americans. I don't care who you think you are or what you want to do or what you want to be. You're an American and act like an American and help and pay taxes and make this country better and cut back on this bloated government we got. Coach, got to leave it there, but thanks for hopping on real quick this morning. This really kind of important news cycle. We do appreciate it. Grab a hold, hold on for four months. You have to go be interested. I think you're right about that. U.S. Senator Tommy, a Tuberville there. We got to get a timeout in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Ford show with us at the top 10065. We're at the first car, my heroes have always been cowboy and they still are singing. Sadly they search out one step in my heart themselves and their slow food and cream. Welcome back to the Jeff Ford show with up and talk 10065. They just stay with us on this Friday morning. Yeah, so about last night real quick before we go to our next guest, Todd Stacy coming up in the next segment by the way. And if you want to weigh in and I'll try to work these in the best I can, text line 2513430106. What did I tell you guys this whole time? Biden's playing from behind. And is there anything that he has done in the last two, three, four years to make any of you, especially you out there, uh, uh, care, screeching care and, uh, uh, yes, well, James, I, you say you don't like either one of them, but I suspect you'll be voting for Biden no matter what. Uh, just the usual gene. Is there anything to make you think that Joe Biden was going to make him any kind of deficit? And especially as we sit here right now, you guys thought that the 34 count conviction in New York state was going to be the, uh, the, the, the napalm that took out the Trump campaign. You forgot to like defuse your own suicide bomb here. I, this, this, this is like, I, I'm believable. But as his coach said, I mean, this is going to happen eventually. No, I, you know, here's the thing guys. Here's the thing about this debate happening right now. You're creating divisions in the Democratic party. You could say, well, I hate that it was so early and people might forget my November, but the Democratic party is divided here. You had the mayor of, uh, I mean, the governor of Pennsylvania Shapiro saying he buying these stuff down this morning, a morning Joe, you're making Brzezinski pushing back. You have, you know, you have people who, they're kind of split right now and they have painted themselves in this corner with democracy. And they're going to, if they try to take the nomination away from Biden, they're subverting the will of Democrat voters. How can you have both? Um, I guess we knew this was coming. I just didn't think it would like slap us in the face like it did last night. And, uh, if anything, it makes you sad for your country, but I'm kind of angry about it. And I don't know why. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. What if it talked for those six, five? Yeah. I've thrown away the blues. We're caught in a trap. I can't walk out. Because I learned it too much, baby. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show enough and talk about a six five. Thanks for staying with us. On this Friday morning. Appreciate you listening. Text line two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Uh, I will get to those. I see him piling up over there and, uh, I will try to squeeze a bit, uh, probably either the next segment or the one after that will do our best. Still to come, by the way, Philly, former state senator, uh, hosts the right side radio at the top of the 10 o'clock hour. Uh, our junior US senator, uh, Katie Britt will be with us at the bottom of the 10 o'clock hour. And then at the 11 o'clock hour, our returning champion, state senator, Chris Elliott. So please make sure you stay tuned for them. Joining us now on the line, uh, friend of mine, uh, run the publisher of Alabama Daily News and the, uh, host of Capitol Journal and, uh, also calling in from our Nick in the woods is boarded down at Orange Beach. Todd Stacey, Todd, good morning. Are you? I'm great, Jeff. How are you? I'm, uh, uh, surviving. Uh, the weather not really a good beach day. Is it a, uh, Todd? Look, it's a, uh, a bad beach day is better than, uh, a good day, basically anywhere else. Yeah, we're here in Orange Beach. Um, the Alabama Press Association has a annual conference, uh, here at the Perdido, uh, resort. And so it's something we look forward to every year, hang out with some of our fellow publishers and editors. And so yeah, can't complain about being in Orange Beach. Yeah. Well, uh, uh, hopefully the traffic cooperates. That's the only, uh, hiccup about being down there, but hope you, uh, hope you have a good time. Uh, let's kick it off here, Todd. I, I've never seen the, like, what happened last night. I never even heard of anything happening. Like what happened last night at the presidential level. I've kind of stud that, uh, that went the way it did. Yeah. I mean, I guess that's kind of my reaction too, but, but if you think about it, when I really kind of searched my thoughts, I'm really not surprised. We, we've known for a while that President Biden has, has been declining just in his faculties, uh, for years, uh, really, in his entire term, you've seen it. He's just gone, you know, kind of slowly downhill, in terms of being able to string a sentence together. Um, and then you saw that last night. I think one interesting takeaway is that, you know, so much of the media, um, certainly White House officials, um, Biden surrogates, what have you, have been basically denying reality that, oh, he's fine. He's actually whip smart. He's, um, you know, really aggressive in meetings and men behind the scenes. He's just, you know, terrific. That was not true. It was never true. And a lot of reporting in the mainstream media kind of boosted that message. You know, don't, don't believe your lying eyes, right? And so I think it's interesting that many on the left are like, surprised, right? Well, who was that guy? What, what happened? It's been happening the whole time. It's not as, it's kind of this, you know, conservatives, Republicans, whatever have been lying about it. It's been true the whole time. I guess it's not that I'm stunned it. I mean, that's the, the state we're in. It's just as, as these like sort of political professionals out there would allow him to have gotten in that situation and agreeing to a debate doing it, negotiating rules, taking a week off before the debate and going to can David and putting him in that situation. I mean, you, you know, Todd, if that's me running the Biden campaign, I'm calling it sick last night. I don't care what they say. There's no way he's taking the stage at all, knowing what I know about his Bethel condition. Now, I mean, there's just this is the worst case scenario. You're absolutely right. And I mean, every decision that was made, I mean, even the debate negotiations, no audience, you know, the, the microphone situation, all of that, as we saw last night ended up being an advantage for Trump. The one thing I can say about, you know, Democrats, the White House, maybe the one good decision that they made was to have this debate in June, so that maybe there is an off route. Maybe they can replace them on the ticket, because they, you know, if this debate was in September or October, that wouldn't be possible. Now, obviously, that's kind of the chatter. Maybe that's the one silver lining that they have, but absolutely agree it was a mistake to put him on stage like that. I mean, honestly, Jeff, it's a mistake. And you got it. This is the president and his family. He shouldn't be running. He really shouldn't be running. And you know, if you're a Democrat, if you're, you know, really, you really want to Democrat in the White House, you want to defeat Donald Trump, well, then Joe Biden is the biggest liability for that. And I'm not, I'm not saying I don't know another answer. I mean, obviously, the vice president is not a great option either. But this was a mistake. And it was so clear, so evident, just the reality just laid bare last night. And that's why the entire world is talking about this. Well, I'll say something else about this. I didn't think Trump had his best debate either last night. And I tell you what, I'm liking he's in this too. Temple, one caveat. At 2008, Auburn, Mississippi State gave me remember three, two. And it was just, it wasn't a great display, but Auburn ended up winning. But the caveat here is if Mississippi State had gone in as the unanimous number one media pick to win the national championship that year, you know, like Donald Trump had an okay debate, but there's a lot to, I think he left on the table. It could have done a little bit better and really solidified himself, but he didn't, I guess he didn't really need to given those circumstances. But like I said, I, I, I see this last night is obviously a double U for the Trump side, but it wasn't because Trump had like this really, really great stellar performance. I agree. If you watched the entire debate, Trump's performance wasn't terrific. There were plenty of times that I was really confused about what he was saying. And he kind of stepped in a couple of times. But what he did do is have a really good first 20 minutes. He had a really good first 20 minutes. And that's when most people are watching a lot of folks after that first 20 minutes turn off. And that's just kind of what the data traditionally suggests. So he, he had a really good first 20 minute. And by that, I mean, you know, and again, go to the microphone situation. He's not allowed to interrupt Biden like he did four years ago. That was a mistake when he did that, you know, he kept it together. He seems reasonable, relatively speaking. And that's all he needed to do. And what, what Democrats needed from this election, they need this election to be a referendum on Donald Trump, because something, just like in 2020, Trump doesn't do well when it gets, if it's just about whether or not you want Donald Trump, you know, being president, that's when that's when he gets in trouble in swing states. Well, now they flip the script. This election is not about Donald Trump. This, this is an election. This is a referendum on Joe Biden. And that's what they can't have. That's, that's the disaster. That's the worst case scenario for Democrats. And so that's kind of not take away. It's no longer a referendum on Donald Trump. It's a referendum on Joe Biden. And I don't think Joe Biden wins that. No, I agree. We're joined by Todd Stacey Alabama Daily News here on the program. Todd, tell me this. How nervous is Shimari figures this, this morning? I mean, I think that that AL2 race, since we have straight ticket voting in Alabama, it's really the coattails of Biden or Trump are really are going to be whatever pulls each of the respective nominees along and probably to the W. I mean, I think he's got to be worried this morning. Oh, there's no question. I mean, first of all, I've talked to plenty of Democrats who are involved in that race. And they're very confident, you know, just going back to the historic voting trend. You know, nine times out of 10, a Democrat should win that race. But, you know, you've got Joe Biden at the top of the ticket. Voter enthusiasm on the Democratic side was already low. But yeah, how do you motivate folks to come out? Now, I'll say this, you could, you know, if we don't know what the polling is going to show, we don't know how the trends are going to go at. I mean, we can speculate what you don't, what Republicans don't want is to get so overconfident that Trump's going to win this election that people don't come out and vote, right? Thinking, oh, who cares? He's going to win Alabama. You know, it doesn't matter. You don't want that overconfidence to impact your side. But yeah, I mean, absolutely, you know, down ballot races are going to be impacted by this. So they, the figure's campaign has their work cut out for them in terms of structures, motivating voters, you know, Congress matters, the majority matters. But look, people vote for president. That's what they, you know, that more, more people come out to vote for president than anything else. And yeah, it's going to be tough for Democrats to motivate votes to come out and vote. Well, yes, the question is, we'll figure stick with Biden. I mean, you've, we've seen a number, Josh Appearo in Pennsylvania, a bunch of media guys. It's time for Biden to step aside. I, if I'm in that situation that he's in, I'm probably leaning that direction at least. Yeah. And he doesn't necessarily have to come out and say Biden needs to get off the ticket or anything like that. If I was to mark their spells and that's involved in that campaign, my immediate message would be, you know, okay, we know that the presidential election is in doubt, right? We know that there might be, you know, another Trump presidency. That's why it's so much more important, you know, to, to win the majority in, in Congress, right? They, there's a message there. If you really do it well, they could message about this is why it's so important. Can you imagine? You know, I'd say they'll probably do something smart like that. But figures is already distant themselves from Biden a little bit, you know, all of his, in the primary, all of his campaign materials into status, his work in the Obama, uh, Justice Department, right? The Obama White House, the Obama administration, not the Biden administration, which obviously he works in the Biden administration. He didn't hear that a lot. It was always Obama because obviously he's more popular than Biden. So he's already distanced himself a little bit. But yeah, this is, this, there are going to be down ballot consequences. And so in the next weeks and months, you know, we need to be looking at that. And I think some national media too, we'll be looking at races like AL2 to see, man, this, this disaster debate performance from Joe Biden, is that going to impact down ballot races and ultimately impact, you know, maybe decide the majorities in the House and Senate? Well, if I'm Carol Lee Dobson, now you look at the other side of that race. I mean, that's all I'm talking about, right? And I think you run hard against Biden and Biden's deteriorating state or whatever you want to call it. And like the thing she's done and I suspect to really ramp it up here when we get it to the fall is like remind people that some of our figures was kind of he was part of the Biden administration, right? He's part of Obama administration as well. I totally suspect. I mean, that that would be the approach I would take if I were them. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Paul Shashi is looking at his jobs right now. You know, if you're Carol Lee Dobson, every time you say, Shammari figure's name, you put Biden in the same sentence, right? You say the Biden figure's ticket, I mean, every single time. And I mean, they're savvy. They're going to do that. Just as much as figures needs to distance themselves from Biden, Thompson needs to connect them all the time, every time. And that would be an effective strategy, I think. Yeah, and I suspect we'll see a little bit of that tied up real quick. We just got a couple of minutes here, but state politics and just kind of blew up this week. We're still fighting about gambling and who did what and who said what? But the way that was gone about down here, Mayor Kenan at Orange Beach, where you are really worried about the possibility of casinos at Baldwin County and what that does. I mean, I feel like this issue may may live till 2026. Yeah, look, I mean, immediately after the session, the gambling plan just fell apart kind of spectacularly. I mean, we all covered it and we're all aware. And so nobody even could conceive of it coming back because it was just such a tough defeat. But now I'm not, now that some time has passed, just has settled, there are talks about bringing some kind of gambling plan back. And you can also see like the mistakes that were made throughout the process by the gambling proponents. I mean, one of the biggest ones was, you know, in that conference committee, they inserted this language about electronic gambling machines that really could be interpreted as like virtual table games. And that's what got, you know, poor Spanish, Greek Indians really aggressive in their opposition because that's real competition for them. So, you know, little things like that, or they seem little, but they're a big deal, that absolutely impacted a vote. And so, you know, could you see tweaks to this package, you know, done differently, come back? I think you could. So I definitely expected to at least come back. Will it have the same pomp and circumstance? I don't know. But I mean, they're not going to stop trying on this. Yeah, it's just it's carrying over. And I know the yield will, maybe it's gone by next year. But, I mean, like, do you see this scenario that assuming they don't do anything with it in 25 or 26, does it become a discussion around sort of a campaign situation? Yeah. If they don't pass something in the next two legislative sessions, it absolutely will be an issue on the campaign trail. I mean, how that works out, I don't know. Well, we don't even know who the candidates are going to be. I mean, most assume that Will Antwerp will run Steve Marshall also. I mean, Marshall is interesting because he's, you know, he's not shy about his opposition to expanding gambling in Alabama. And so if he's a candidate and gambling is an issue, that could be really interesting to hear his arguments. Some of the more traditional Republican, you know, going back to Bob Riley and all that. And so that could be interesting to see how that plays out in the primary understanding that the lottery is still hugely popular, even amongst Republicans. So how do you parse that? But yeah, I could see it being an issue on the campaign trail. Todd, we got you out here before we go. A capital journal, I assume this evening and tell them how to sign up for your newsletter. Yeah, capital journal tonight, Randy Scott, my colleague Randy Scott, he's hosting the show this week. So please give it a watch 730 on Alabama Public Television. And yes, you're going to want to sign up for the Alabama Daily News Daily newsletter. It's really easy. Just go to You can right there on the home page enter your name and your email and you'll be on the list. Todd is always, we appreciate it. I'll start to get sick. All right, that's good. All right, we got to get a break here. We'll be right back. This is a Vivtok. 106. I need my wrist. Come into your line. I got you every night from the heart of your radio. I play a little sad and I play a lot of play. And if you all change the song, there is open everybody. I'm ready. Oh, man, I find the love just as true as mine. Look it back to the Jeff Port show that for talk 106.5, they just stay with us on Friday morning. Phil Williams, a right side radio coming up in the next segment. So hang out, stick around for that. 2513430106. You want to be a touch with the show? Just shoot me a text. Let's go to order here. Chris, Jeff, you have the opportunity to make every Alabama, MMS life better by starting the conversation with Katie Britt about keeping daylight savings time permanent. Please start that with it. It's just probably not very topical today, Chris. But I mean, I'm, we'll do something with it. Just not today. There's bigger fish to fry. Tim Jeff, we have a family member this. Some of the same problems as Biden. I can tell you what you saw last night is probably as good as it gets, even though they would be giving up a bunch of power leverage that they've been working for their entire lives. There's no way I would have put my sick family member under that much pressure. I, I just, I can't believe that as well. I mean, they knew this. The original sin guys was committed in 2020, probably 2019, but 2020, when they decided that Biden was the only person who could beat Donald Trump in that election cycle. I don't know why, why the party elders, why the people smarter than you and I determined that. But that's what happened. That is why you wound up with Biden, because Biden was going nowhere in Iowa and New Hampshire. And by turning it to South Carolina, I mean, it took like a James Clyburn sort of lead effort. Lord knows what kind of deals were made to get Biden when South Carolina and turned that whole presidential run around. Uh, anything who thinks that the debate that force might find surprised, the Democratic leaders understand the Democrat ways. They knew exactly how it was going to look at it. It has become very calculated on their part. And the question is, how will the plan play out? So much for the expert. The best was the Democrat part when I pass over a black woman for a white male full stop. It stopped Biden's Kamala Harris. That's her choice. All right, we'll be right back. This is a fifth talk with O six five. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Port show. I don't think they've done it this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Port Show. And if you're talking about those six five days, you're sticking around on this Friday morning, two five one three four three zero one zero six. That's how you get touched with the program. I am going to get through these texts over the course of the next two hours. Just I will squeeze them in more wide open at the top of the 11 o'clock hour. So if you have something really profound, you would like to say that is your chance. And then so give it a shot if you would still come on a program about a half hour from now. Our junior United States Senator Katie Britt. And then in that 11 o'clock hour, we'll have our Friday regular returning champion state Senator Chris Silly joining us now and he's very accommodating. Let me tell you moving stuff around. No one could have foreseen this new cycle, I guess. But overstate Senator Phil Williams host a right side radio. Senator Good morning. How are you? I'm good. My brother. How are you doing? Well, it's just like drinking through a fire. I was just morning, but but I I feel a little exonerated. I mean, like it's just we all would say it is for a while. And I mean, there's some Democrats in the media, I guess. I guess we're seeing really who the true believers in conventional wisdom are. And the people who just have been playing along this whole time, but it's about a house of cards is falling down. Oh, listen, man, when I wake up in the morning and I wind up agreeing with things that Van Jones from CNN and Kyle Whitmire say, it's like the world has been turned on its ear. But but yeah, I think the whole weekend that Bernie scenario in the White House has become more than ever. It's well, I don't know. Like, yeah, you know, and Senator, here's the thing is what I had been saying this whole time watching this presidential race got unfold. I mean, first off, how is Trump beating Joe Biden with, you know, the felony convictions and having been impeached twice? I mean, you know, paper binds the incumbent. He ought to be way up. And but on papers on how we determine things he was behind. And you said, you think, well, based on that, I mean, why is anything can Joe Biden do to make up ground? I think last night, just like said, there's nothing he could do to make up ground is just like capable. No, I think I think last night he lost what ground he had left. I mean, when the Democrats are openly calling to replace their top candidate, and you got to know right now the down ballot is just running around that the candidates who are at the lower end of the ballot running for office in the Democrat ticket are just having a complete come apart right now themselves because they recognize that the coattails that people ride on straight ticket voting may crush them. But listen, the end result is yeah, you and I and many others have been saying for months, years, that what we are seeing is not really a presidential caliber person anymore. Whatever acumen he had in the world of politics, it's been gone for a while. He's being propped up. It's like the third term of Obama. I've hesitated to use that phrase much, but I think it's real. I think there are policymakers in the background that have been pulling the strings and Biden was easy to manipulate. And they just put him in there as a figure. They just I guess they under are overestimated his ability just just to do this little bit like a senator. If you and I are running to the Biden campaign and they would never ask us to well, let's just say hypothetically, there's there's no way he would have taken that stage last night, right? Like there's just an absolute he would I would have had him calling sick or whatever it took. But there's no way that he would have ever engaged to the debate with Donald Trump. I would have said, well, we're just like getting on the stage with the convicted felt whatever it took. And now I mean, the damage is done. Yeah, it is. And you know, and but dementia is also it's an illness that considers it's horrible. It's also triggered by events and stress can trigger symptomology even more. You know what he may be fine sitting on the beach at Rojoba or talking to his family over dinner, but the stress of moments exacerbate symptoms and it creates, you know, gridlock in the brain sometimes and it and and I but I look at it and think, here's the thing, it's the very least your family and close associates know, because nobody loved this man enough and I'm getting real when I say that there's nobody loved this man enough to let him retire with dignity. What they're doing to him right now should qualify as elder abuse. And it's really sad to watch. I mean, that's what I was thinking that all time is like they had to know the I mean, it just seemed cruel, right? A good old Donald Trump for not taking too much advantage of it. Obviously he had to just just given that circumstance, but like it's not like we're sitting here today and there's a bunch of Trump surrogates out there. Oh, look at the look at the brain dead Joe or whatever. I mean, I thought Trump didn't have his best to bait the performance. No, but I will say I thought he handled that situation about as well as you could. He did. You know, I said the same thing this morning I was talking to my son. We got the grandkids here at the house. I've been making Captain America waffles all morning, by the way. But we were having that conversation earlier that it's apparent that Trump did not have to meet the same levels of standards that he normally would in the bait. Trump Trump really had to keep that even keeled. I have a grasp of the issues and I can't get provoked. That was a win for him if he did that. Biden on the other hand had to surpass all expectations and overcome the fear and anticipation of even his own party and he failed miserably at that. If Biden had come out there and just had differing answers from Trump but a grasp of the of the moment and didn't stand there looking slack jawed and glassy eye the whole time, he was going to he was going to have a great night, but he couldn't do it. And that's because they've they've played him out further than he can go. You can look back though, Jeff, four years ago when he was campaigning, even then he was better than he is now. We were worried about it back then. Over time, dementia progresses. Stress makes it worse. And you're talking about the most stressful job in the world that we all depend on. And here's the other thing that infuriates me if I can go one second further. They're worried to death about Kamala Harris. Yesterday, a dim strategist was quoted in, I think he was watching the examiner and said, Kamala Harris is not ready for prime time. Well, by God, you put her in the prime time seat. That's what the device president sits around waiting for four and heads of state to die for funerals and to replace the president if needed. That's what they do. That's what she's there for. And they put her in as the sous chef and she can't even cook. That is their fault. But the reality is they don't know what to do right now. I mean, I think they got a plan cooking, but it's about policy. It's not really about the person anymore. It's just a thing like in any normal administration in American history, Senator, the the vice president would sense out this power vacuum, or right? Like there's obviously we have a weak president right now. He is not really not running the show. There's somebody else who's pulling the strings behind the scenes. And we could talk about who that is or what that is. Or, you know, there's all kinds of speculation out there. However, if that scenario is really playing out, you got to be thinking like a vice president, like it hadn't been like a Dick Cheney or somebody or even Joe, maybe even Joe Biden, when he was with Obama, I mean, you would have filled that void. Harris has showed no interest in that. I mean, they can barely get her to show up for a ribbon cutting or anything like that. It is just the most. It's not it's not dysfunctional. It's just it just seems a little lazy or something this administration at its upper echelons. Yeah, I mean, look back when standing there at a press conference in the early days of the administration, Biden declares her to be the borders are, and she never went to the border. And she never held a meeting about the border. And she never held a press conference about the border. It was as if that never happened or they wanted to forget that it happened. Makes you wonder if you even knew it was going to happen to the press conference. But that kind of behavior is indicative of her position in the entire time. She has made pretty much a three and a half year effort of going on softball podcasts and giggling and talking about things that people can't figure out what they do and have relevance for. And then standing by Joe Biden on the occasional press conference, it's it's it does not inspire the kind of confidence that anyone would need to to see an advice president ready to step into the role. But that's her job is to step into the role. I'd go back even further, Senator. It was like she in that second, the presidential bait during the 20th to 20th cycle. So 2019, she remember she she landed a couple of punches on Biden, a particular race issue. And she she rocketed up to the to the top dog in the in the polls and then like just kind of sat there on it did nothing and was not like didn't really cap. I mean, it was just kind of a lack luster build on that that success effort. And that told us all we needed to know because, you know, a couple of months later, having been the front runner, she's bowing out and the presidential bid just went nowhere. And I you look at that, you're like, well, she just she didn't want it enough. She didn't work for it enough. I think the same applies to her vice presidency. Like they needed to check some boxes. They needed their that's what Democrats do. They love historical symbolism. And she accomplished that. But beyond that, I mean, what will she be remembered for? She'll be remembered for the vice president that they never wanted to see take the seat. You know, and this is like, okay, let's let's have conspiracy theory conversations here. And I'm not prone to conspiracy theory, to be honest with you. But I look at it now and think it is in such disarray. They have to have a candidate with a personality and a profile able to beat Trump in order to keep the Obama policies going. And part of me thinks about the only way that Kamala Harris could assert herself as, you know, the one is for her to lead a charge to evoke the 25th amendment. Now that's like the pair conspiracy theory. I don't think she'll do it. I don't think she has the brass to do it. But but the reality is, if she wanted to establish her bona fide to the general public as someone who can take charge when needed and I'll be there for you, the only way she could do that is to help disarm this situation that the Dems find themselves in and lead the charge. But she better have her act together. She's gonna do it because that's gonna be a heavy lift. Well, I don't notice she wants it that bad. I feel like she's, you know, the vice presidency is good enough and running for president going to all those like, uh, court dog, state fair events in Iowa and pancake breakfasts in New Hampshire. That's that's not for me. I, you know, I got better stuff to do and running again. I mean, she just, when you see that Senator, I think that she just, she's always taking the path at least resistance. No, I agree. And what I would imagine is really happening is if there's going to be a forefight at the B and C, if Biden is not going to be able to be, you know, or Jill Biden or that matter, not going to be able to convince to step down, which is one of the, that's what they need to have happened. They need for a voluntary step down to go take care of his son and hunter and live with his grandkids. Who knows? Kamala Harris is still a problem for them. And the only way they can do that is to make sure she has a nice cushy job on a couple of great boards that pay her a pretty arch stipend. And then speaking engagements and then we'll, we'll give you a million dollar book deal that nobody will ever read. I think it's, I think it's the father here though. Uh, I mean, the, the Democrats have done this. Why don't we be talking about the last four you ever since? Well, the last three and a half years ever since January 6, 2021. It's just like this emotional, triggered impassion, the democracy and democracy, the virtues, even though we don't have any democracy, exactly. But this has been democracy, democracy, democracy, and then Joe Biden's played this up in policy speeches or whatever. How do you go from that point? And then when I'm talking about 25th amendment, I'm talking about floor fight at the DNC or whatever. If you have state yourself out as being the pro democracy, will the people party? How do you just, you know, how do you, how do you turn Joe Biden into Charlie Grattic here, just yanking him off the ballot and put somebody else and subvert the will of the voters and continue to make these charges about democracy and democracy ending a Donald Trump's president? Well, and I'll tell you how it's, you know, they're the, they're the king and queen to spend. But I'm already seeing it. This morning, Bill Crystal and several others who were either Never Trumpers or pro Democrat are already saying the words in order to, I think that one of them might have been Joe Scarborough, that in order to preserve democracy, we have to get a better candidate in the, in there before the DNC. So what they're already saying is, he's no longer capable. And it's about preserving democracy. And that's going to be the reason why we may have to make that hard call. And so I, I look at it, man, and say, that's going to be their mantra. They're going to say, we've always been about democracy. This is about saving the nation from the tyranny of Trump, but that's a hard hard sell. Oh, it is, man. But you're totally God. It's all they got. You know, there's an old adage in the practice of law, you know, and I'm an attorney that says, if the facts are in your favor, argue the facts, and if the laws in your favor argue the law, if nothing's in your favor, just bang your hand on the podium and do the best you can. Senator got to leave it there. But thanks for coming on. Thanks for being accommodating with the time. Yeah, bro. I appreciate you. Y'all were a great day. You too. That was former state Senator Phil Williams host the right side radio. We'll be right back. This is up in talk. 106-5. Looking back to the Jeff Porte show it up and talk 106-5. They should stay with us on this Friday morning. While Supreme Court just, you know, as if the last night was bad for the American left, the Supreme Court handing down two decisions that are definitely going to hurt the cause here. This Chevron doctorate is probably the biggest because it's taking power away from the bureaucracy, essentially saying that courts, lower courts, have been leaning on the rules or whatever you want to call it from federal agencies, their interpretation of law, and saying that you can apply that to your court decisions. And the Supreme Court said, no, you're not going to do that anymore. That is not how this country works. It just it really takes a bite away from the American federal government bureaucracy. The other one, January 6, the defendants not having to face obstruction charges. One of the charges are going after Donald Trump for all, January 6. The House of Cards is collapsing in a serious way, guys, for Democrats. I mean, because, like, for them, it's this whole discussion about policy and all this stuff about politics and the crazy Donald Trump. I mean, that's all just their means to achieve an end. It's about power. It's about centralized government. It's about government being a deity in your life and being the almighty in your life. And the last 15 hours, really serious blows being dealt there. See, Adam Kidziger on CNN right now, looking like he's about to cry again. Isn't that funny? How he goes from a Thursday morning endorsing Donald Trump in Thursday night. It's, I mean, he endorsed Joe Biden in Thursday night at all. He's he's out there calling for him to step down as a Democrat nominee. This is just it. This is not a good day for Democrats. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. I'm not really chuckling. I'm kind of angry, though, that the remember the, the deep fake or cheap fake or whatever and this whole narrative and anybody who questions Biden's ability, you were like influenced by Russian propaganda. All of this, like, fiction, this conventional wisdom that was forced upon us by the media. And like me talking about it and then being castigated for that and working in a company like Breitbart for all these years, that was attacked maliciously. And it turned out we were right. I mean, this is what the American right needs to say, Hey, we weren't the ones making the stuff up. A funny story here., not really big. I see they've since added some stuff at the bottom of their page. But earlier this morning, I kind of making the rounds on the state media. Really wonder how is covering the Biden debate disaster. And the only mention of Joe Biden under debate at about eight 30 this morning was the Waffle House stop. She's not taking it. Well, are they? They know this was a bad, bad night last night. We'll be right back. This is F.B. Talk 10065. Now, if you're leather jagged means to you what this hat means to me, that I get. I miss my son not to do the things I've done. Walk away from trouble if you can. You're gonna be in your week if you turn the other cheek. I hope you're old enough to understand. So, welcome back to the Jeff Port show and F.M. Talk 10065. Thanks for staying with us on this Friday morning. 34 minutes after the hour come up in about an hour from now, our returning champion state Senator Chris Elliott. So please stay tuned for that. In the meantime, by you want to work in your text, you want any feedback about last night or reaction, text me 251340106 will be wide open until us, Senator Elliott, after our next guest. Speaking of our next guest, always a pleasure. Get our junior United States Senator on the program. Glad she can make time for us this morning. Senator Katie Brit, Senator, good morning. How are you? Good morning, Jeff. I am doing well. Always appreciate the opportunity to be on with you and to be in front of your listeners. But I'll be honest with you. I am still processing what we saw last night at just a complete and total disaster, not only for Joe Biden, but truly, I believe for our nation as a whole. It's just absolutely stunning. I guess the question I'll lead off with is this. Who's running the catcher right now? Well, I think we saw last night. It's certainly not him. And here's the deal. Like, let's rewind back to my state of the union, when my response to his state of the union, when I said he was a dithering and diminished leader and that our nation deserved better. Now, you saw me get attacked from the left. I mean, explicitly about that comment. I think what we saw last night proves my remarks to be true. What makes me so sad for the American people, for our country, for our standing in the world is not that Democrats think that that's what they need for more years of and that he's capable of even serving for more months, much less for years. It's what that moment meant for our nation. Like, you think about this, Jeff, all of our adversaries are watching this. You want to know why the world is on fire? Exhibit A, what we saw last night. The weakness projected by Joe Biden has invited aggression from every corner. It is an invited migrant just plummeting over our border, obviously filled with terrorists. Despite what he said last night, you look at the aggression that we're seeing in Europe. We have a war in Europe. We have just the Middle East turned upside down and you've got Iran taking advantage of us in every corner. You have China, literally everything from feeling our intellectual property, Jeff, to just looking forward to other ways to diminish America's standing across the globe. And that is occurring because of what we saw last night. Do you think that that man is capable of being commander in chief? Absolutely not. There is no way he's going to sit across from Xi Jinping and be able to put America in a stronger position when coming to deal with China. There is no way he is going to be able to sit across from bottom or Putin and find a way to end the war in Europe. I mean, there is no way that he can even create a vision for this nation and work forward to executing, which leads us to exactly your first question. Who is pulling the strings? There is no doubt it is not him, but what we do know for a fact now is that there are power-hungry members of his family, of his staff, and of the Democratic Party that love the power that they have been able to have under your Biden's administration because they are calling the shots and they don't want to let it go. Because if they did, if they wanted what was best for the nation, and if it would be him stepping aside, and unfortunately, we see that they want to hold on to that power, they want to hold on to pulling the strings, and they want to hold on to making sure that we have the weakest commander in chief in our nation's history. And I think we saw it last night and it was a disgrace for our country. Yeah, so I guess my question would be this. I mean, you think about this, Senator, and I don't know what your colleagues, or if you've had even an opportunity to bounce last night off of them, but whenever you pass your next appropriation package, or your next budget, or any kind of spending authorization, and you think about that, like this is what you're signing off, all of that too. I got to think that going forward, it's not going to be, assuming we still got five, six months a year, six months, I guess, of Biden going into 2025. I mean, should we be a little worried here signing over so much, you know, the green line on so many things to the Biden administration right now? Well, let me ask you this question. I mean, do you think that they allow him to stay? Do you think that the rumblings right now about his cabinet and the 25th amendment and all types of things, you know, what do you think comes if you if you're a democratic operative, you're a democratic cop? I mean, a top staffer. Literally, what have you been doing over the last 12 hours? You've been trying to figure out how to get your back out from against the wall. And the truth is, there's no way to do it. And I think we have to be incredibly critical of what we're seeing from Joe Biden, what we continue to see. And I think we have to continue to set the record straight when these different things come up. So for instance, last night, what we're seeing online from the liberal media is an attempt to pivot to not talk about Joe Biden's total weakness last night and the disaster performance that they're trying to pick apart things that Donald Trump said, and yet paying no attention to anything that Joe Biden said. You know, one of the first things out of his mouth, which I thought was a total disgrace, is how he said that no service men or woman had died under his watch. I mean, he just completely and totally neglecting the fact that 13 courageous servicemen and women died in his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. He totally setting aside the three soldiers. We still die from Georgia. He is setting aside the two Navy fields that died. I mean, we could go on and on and on and on. That was a lie, but it was a lie what he said about late term abortions. And we have just had this quote, unquote exercise on the Senate floor, where we put things up for unanimous consent. The born alive bill gets what? Democrat blocked it. When you ask a Democrat, how many weeks is too many weeks to take the life of a child? They won't answer the question. He lied on stage. I don't know what he was talking about when he said Medicare that he's destroyed it. I agree with President Trump. There's probably a lot of truth to that statement. But what did he even mean? And so, as we see these things, we've got to call him out. It's like his executive order right now that he has placed forth on the border. It is a total joke. It tells us two things. First, Jeff, he knew all along he had the power to fix the border if he wanted to. While he's been telling us for three and a half years that he did not have the power, he absolutely did. He knew he did. He didn't want to secure our border and still doesn't want to secure our border. And as he continues to put these different executive orders for him, as forward as he continues to put forth pieces of legislation, I think we have to continue to be vigilant and calling it out and realizing that there is no way that he is in charge and America deserves better. Joy, by United States Senator Katie Britt here on the program, the other thing that occurs at me, Senator, and I've asked all my guests this morning the same question. So, it's mounted off of you. But like we talk about Biden being replaced and just like, I mean, it's not that far fetched at all. But only for this, for the last three and a half years, ever since January six, it's been all about democracy and democracy. This and democracy that I think they have really like bastardized the concept of the American government and conflating it with a democracy in the dictionary definition or whatever. But anyway, they have found a lot of virtue in democracy. And then all of a sudden, here we are, these late stages of a presidential cycle, and you're going to take the elected nominee, the Democratic balloting process off the ballot and replace him with anybody at this point. How do you square that circle if you're a Democrat today? And I don't think that you can. I don't think you can. Jeff, you're your spot on. You absolutely cannot. It is totally hypocritical to pick a nominee that no voter picked at the nominee. But that is exactly what they are. It's just totally hypocritical. There are always just like we're seeing in our justice system to cheer the justice. There are various ways that they, well, this matters, but yet this doesn't. I mean, we see the inconsistency in their messaging consistently. It is just like they're pushed to stop a third party candidate. I mean, you think about that. That is just ridiculous. It's about pro staying in power. It's not about pro democracy. And so we continue to see this. We got to continue to call it out and think about the two. They hadn't lowered the bar last night so much, right? So they're saying, oh, you know, basically, if you just string two sentences together and doesn't freeze at the podium, we're going to take huge victory laps on that. He couldn't even do that. I mean, literally the bar was solo. It was on the ground. And the president of the United States tricked over it. And he did it in front of the whole world. And that is a thing that I think people are not paying enough attention to is we just showed the world how weak our leader is. And I think people will continue. That's why they've taken advantage of America and done things across the globe. They would not do otherwise. And I think there is only more of that ahead as long as Joe Biden is office in office. That is exactly why we need president Trump back in office that they cannot come soon enough so we can get this country back on track and restore restore respect and and dignity and termination. How do you feel about President Trump's performance last night? I think you let the little on the table, but I mean, I don't know what I do in that situation with your opponent on the other side, just in babble, mumble and but give us your kind of assessment there. Yeah, I thought Trump was really strong last night. I thought he did a great job of continuing to bring things back to issues where Joe Biden has completely failed, such as the border. He continued to bring policy back there. Interestingly, like you watched Joe Biden continue to try to bring things back there too. And it's like, hey, buddy, this you have totally failed on this issue. I mean, we can start with Sentinel leading calls of death between the ages of 18 and 45 in this country. We know exactly where it's coming from from China times its way to Mexico across our border. And yet you will do nothing about that. You know, you see him talk about terrorism and there is there is none. Well, I mean, did he not read his own clips? I mean, we actually arrested, you know, several ISIS-K terrorist just over two weeks ago. I mean, you just continued to see him flounder and then continued to see President Trump be strong. People know that under President Trump's leadership, our borders are more secure, our families were stronger, our streets were safer. People across the world respected us our dollar went further. And that's what they want more often. I thought he did a good job bringing it back to that. And also not taking the bait. I mean, there were so many opportunities that he could have really dug in and commented on just the complete battling that we heard from Joe Biden. And yet he stayed on message and just kept pushing forward and making sure the American people know that there is hope that his agenda will be put in place and that once that happens, we will all be better for it. I think he looked and sounded like a commander in chief and clearly we cannot say that for the other man that's on the stage. Just a few more minutes here with US Senator Katie Britt here on the program. So the other motion that's kind of creeping in for me is I'm a little angry about this. I mean, like we you and I especially have been talking about this a lot of I think people on the right side of the aisle have been saying this and then just kind of been dismissed as kooky anti democracy or or whatever. I mean, you really went through the ringer with the state of the unionist response from the smug leftist. And I mean, it turns out like today they were wrong all along. And they just this is what we had to go through these past few years is it's just being told that we're wrong or disinformation or whatever. I mean, what do you say to that? I mean, Jeff, exactly. And the media has been pretending that this wasn't the reality the entire time. I mean, they have honestly been lying. They have been intentionally covering things up. And I think their credibility has been completely and totally lost. I mean, for example, you can go look at today, Jeff, and you're going to have to scroll for a really long time to find an article that is about the debate last night. We're talking about our commander in chief and that we are electing a new president. You had two presidents going, you know, debating each other for the first time in 130 years. Don't you think that is above the fold billing, right? But the truth is they want to hide the performance of Joe Biden because they've been making excuses for it a whole time. Remember, just last week, we saw the White House come out and say, oh, these are cheap steaks. Joe Biden really isn't getting lost. Joe Biden really isn't cruising up. Joe Biden really isn't saying that. Essentially trying to plant into the minds of Americans that this is all AI generated fake news. You know, let's rewind back to the last election when they use the news to suppress the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop. I mean, they have lost all credibility because they are unable to call balls and strikes. Donald Trump broke the mainstream media and none of them have recovered. And the problem is that nobody trusts them anymore to tell the truth. No one trusts them to call it like it is. And no one trusts them to give them the full picture. They have an agenda. It's a gender driven and it is sad. It is sad to watch what has become so many of these men and women who are obsessed with the Democratic agenda covering up for Joe Biden and not telling the truth. Real quick, we'll get you out of here on this Supreme Court decisions handed down today. One deal with January 60 other with the Chevron Doctrine reaction. Yes. Obviously still working to go through those and to process the things that the court has put out this morning, obviously started with Chevron deference and very excited to see the court at a 6-3 pull in, rein in the administrative state. The administrative state is our greatest problem in this country. I promise you, we have unelected bureaucrats in every corner, every agency, every corner of government, and they are calling the shots. They are promulgating rules. They are putting forth regulation that ultimately hurts every day Americans. And so this ruling will help us rein that in. Now one thing too, I want us to do, when we take back the Senate and we hold the House and Donald Trump wins the presidency, we've got to have a really boasterous first 100 days and I want the reigning act to be top of the list. The reigns act will allow us to continue to make sure that we rein in the administrative state that there is accountability or accountability should be. I ran for office and asked to be accountable to the people of Alabama. These people in the administrative states are accountable to no one and they are actually making more decisions that affect the lives of American people than the people in Congress and we have to change that. So it gives the power back to Congress just as the constitution intends. I am thrilled that unelected bureaucrats aren't going to be the lawmakers. I think it's a major win against the administrative state but it's just the first one. We've got to keep going because we have to dismantle what I call the fourth branch of government, the administrative state. And so I'll keep looking at all of the different decisions that have come out and certainly look forward to talking to you in the battle. Senator, we always appreciate you making time for us. Thanks for hopping on to the last minute, important news cycle but we do appreciate it. Yeah, hey and thank you for continuing to tell the truth. And like you said, when we tell the truth, just like we saw, they will come at us with arrows. But I think that means we are right over the target. We've got to keep marching forward. We are seeing today that exactly what we set up for the state of the union was exactly right. And now the American people get to see it too. And so that's what we've just got to continue to expose. Thank you. Senator Katie Britt, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back. This is FHIP Talk 106 5. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] two five one three four three zero one zero six text line were wide open until the bottom of the next hour so I will do my best to get through as many as these as possible. Pete says it's starting to look like a set up. Let's see Tony writes this I definitely got support Democrats but shame on Biden's family and his party for wanting to hold up the power so bad they abuse an elderly man. Well, maybe there's some troops in this that. The pressure just got to Biden last night and that's when you know that the onset of the dementia said I give these people way too much benefit of the doubt sometimes. But I'm just going to present this possibility that maybe he was fine up until the bait time and he got on stage and the lights and sort of the setting and then you know it it triggered it triggered something. But clearly at this point if you see that last night you can expect him to go forward can you? What if that was your what if that was your your dad. What that was apparent or something I couldn't live with myself. Two five one three four three zero one zero six. Let's get a break it here. We'll be right back. This is the chipboard show. We'll have to talk about those six five. From Bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. Back to the Jeff Porsche show them from talk one of six five. They stay with us on this Friday morning to five one three four three zero one zero six. That's how you get touched with the program. Stay Senator Chris Elliot coming up in about a half hour. Probably going to touch on this. I mean the remarks from Tony Cannon Orange Beach mayor earlier this week on this program about gambling and the threat of gambling coming to Baldwin County. If you do it with a constitutional amendment. So we'll hit on that. We'll get back to some state stuff in about 30 minutes. But what happened last night? All of us dumb people on the right. Turn out we were correct. All of us toothless rednecks out there. Turn out we were we were spot on about this one, weren't we? President Biden having a not what I would call stellar debate performance last night and the problems there and the left. I guess the bigger news is sort of the split on the left right now. Should should Biden stay or should he go. And I don't see how they recover from this because he's going to tell you. This is what I've been bringing up with my guest all morning. The party of democracy. How January 6 was an assault on our democracy. How Hunter Biden's laptop was about rushing this information who hated democracy democracy this democracy that truck gets in charge. He's going to do away with democracy. We have our authoritarianism and you just you just don't know what you're getting into. They pulled they try to go about pulling Joe Biden off the ballot. If they try to do that. How do you how do you say your for democracy by taking to do the duly elected Democratic nominee. What all the delegates taking him off the ballot forcing him off the ballot even people are going to be skeptical of this. I don't know that there's like die hard Joe Biden fanatics out there. But man, do you give a talking point to your opponents. It's funny watching this to Democrat party true believers and the like never Trumpers. The never Trumpers are the ones who like really won't buy pulled off the ballot. The Joe Scarborough Bill Crystal whatever. You're sure never Trumpers just the real kind of left the philosophical just misguided Democrats. They have a different sort of approach here. They're like, maybe here, you know, he can correct this and well, let's not pull the trigger so fast damage control mode. Anyway, enough of that 2513430106 is the text line. I want to get through some of these text as much as possible here. Let's see, blah, blah, blah. Michael, the biggest court case. The cycle was just announced the ending of the Chevron doctrine. Uh, let's see. The entire presidency, especially should be that no matter what candidate they sub in, they can't just behold it to the puppet masters that could control Joe Carl C. B. Carl, I've been mad for over three years. And I can't say why in one word, I can say why in one word, Afghanistan, Dan. I really hate today had to debate early because it exposed Biden and now they got time to replace him. I wish I wish they had been September October revelation. Um, continuing on air, Mr. Plot, how big is the Chevron rolling? Pretty big. Um, Chris, why did Trump not point out to buy that 40 years in the Senate, the fixed attacks issue, giving the ritual loophole would have said it's your fault failed Senator. Yeah, I think Donald Trump less of things on the table there. And now he'll have time to kind of tighten it up. But, uh, that's just, you know, that's just one man's opinion. I'll see here for those people who wanted to sign me for president. You saw him last night. He's for real that from Martin, Florida, man, it's hard to believe the little, hold on, we'll go like a little further here. This is why debate was held before all the current candidates were even chosen by their respective parties. They knew this was going to be play out and it would be a reason for them to get rid of Biden. Two plus bammer. Uh, the Democrats, these Democrats stretches as we can see really are not that bright. I agree. Like, there's no way. Absolutely no way Joe Biden takes a stage if I have anything to do with that. Thankfully, I don't. But if I'm in charge of that campaign, he's, or put it in the, uh, if he's going to be in the hospital, whatever it takes. Uh, Blue Moon. Right. This Democrats. Exactly what they wanted to do with the debate was to embrace Biden. So he and the voters can see he's stuck down. They knew he'd flop. They know they can't beat Trump. Yeah. Here's my problem with the set up theory. Uh, it's, it's not what they do. They overthink they would never give Trump a chance to look that good side by side with Joe Biden. I just don't believe it. I think probably what happened is that they had him prepared. He was going to be fine. They went through it. Camp David, all of it. And they, they felt good about where they were going into last night. And the pressure got to him. I mean, once you, once those lights hit you, once the, um, well, once you're just there in this empty hall with two moderators and Donald Trump, a guy, I think maybe they have this. This is so so crazy. How intimidated is Joe Biden by Donald Trump, personally intimidated. You built him up to be this evil, this, this dark force for everything that's bad. You built him up, built him up, built him up, and it may be like you start believing your own propaganda. And there he is. Like this guy, this, this total, like, uh, also mythological anti everything bad. And there he is right there before you. You've been done nothing but talk bad about him, villainizing. Watch your, your allies talk about how terrible he is. And there he is right before you. I think he's finding out a little, little flustered and that kind of triggered some of the stuff we saw last night. Uh, Matthew, my prediction is that Joe House of kind of medical emergency in the next 60 days and have to resign Kamala Harris because presidents to complete Joe Biden's legacy quote, and gives the gyms the checkbox of having the first woman president United States Democrats then nominate a new team for the November election run to run against Trump. Unnamed Dexter, I think they put Joe Biden on the stage so the American public can see his cognitive decline. Uh, that way they are justified for replacing him and do not look like complete morons. There is a reason for everything that Democrats do. Guys, I'm going to tell you this, look at Washington DC, knowing these guys who are in the Democratic Party and even some in the Republican Party, they are not as smart as you guys give them credit for. These are very mediocre people that they went to the right colleges. They learned the right things. They made the right connections and networked. But they're not as smart as you think they are. That was like the biggest, like eye opening experience for me in Washington DC, all those years. Well, sitting side by side with these Ivy League kids and realizing like, God, they're kind of dumb. Are, you know, like the trust funders or whatever, and they don't really, that I haven't really thought about these things before. They just accept everything. They're not critical thinkers. The Democrats are not as bright as you think they are. Nobody in politics is as bright as you think they are. I am. I mean, it has. That's why I'm so jaded about all this. Marty, not a good day for Democrats. Jeff, I'm in the camp. Today is not a good day for the American people. I don't take any joy when I went this last night. You shouldn't either. Well, do I sound like I'm having a, it's an idiot. I mean, there's joy in life every day, Marty, but regardless of what you see. But I'm not, I'm not like, I'm angry about it. Let me just say you want to be sad. You go be sad. You need to be angry about it. You've been misled by our institutions and thinking that this was a qualified individual to be the leader of the free world. Hollywood let you down. Wall Street has let you down and your political classes let you down. That big fundraiser that Biden did with Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama and all that money, he raised $28 million. That's Hollywood right there trying to run your life, run your politics. They let you down. Be angry about that. Don't be sad. Total nomination last night, but I do get frustrated with Trump doesn't give more details. He's got my vote, but he's actually my prices are high. My tax cuts help. How he's going to fix everything and would attract new voters can't just keep saying the borders wide open. I agree. I just, he can tighten up the policy just a little bit. Say, hey, look, that inflation reduction act that you were out there pushing was nothing but a spending giveaway package. And that's why you're at the grocery store paying $10 for a dozen eggs or whatever, whatever the market rate is for household staples. That is why. That is why. That is why. What do you have to say about that? It's just things like that. It matter. Now, the moderator is going to push toward abortion January 6 election denial, but you the way I thought that he handled, they just ignored their question. Some of the questions he should have ignored, but for the most part, the gotcha questions in this format. He just walked around them on. I'm not going to answer that as stupid or whatever, but not, not even acknowledged the question. At this point, should we feel bad for Joe Biden, who is really doing this job from an unnamed texture? I feel bad for Joe Biden. Matt, I know it might have been considered snarky by some, but it made me laugh when Trump called Biden Brandon, quote, unquote classic. Pull by, but then what? Why do we get his replacement? The M's need to go with our name texture. We're not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic. I know that, but stick with me. had no comment earlier when you checked him because they had not received the talking points yet from the left. They have no opinions of their own. The echo chamber is all they know. These are like, these are the not of all the not smart, like people. This is like the kids who didn't make the good grades. Like, yeah, one guy went to Columbia School of Journalism. And he's working at He's been a mobile forever. When there's, it's since there's not an event at a waffle house for him to hyper racialize. Let me school journalism. This is where you get off. That's the, the, the elses are C plus students. I think they're C minus students at We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk about 065. I said, Mr. Many thanks. He said, you don't have to call me Mr. Mr. Mr. The whole world called behind. He said, can you make the whole time and play sing? [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] The Democrats are best when they stick to their old tried-and-true playbook of just like catering or just, I don't know, just going out of their way to play up identity politics and all these left-wing tropes that are horrible in nature. But it's much better that these trick plays. They've been trying to run here the last four, five, six, seven, eight years post Obama. Let's see, we got just, I'm going to make it through these text. Almost done here. Navy chief right says why Republicans are not starting a 25th amendment procedures today? Because they want to face Joe Biden in November, Navy chief. In my opinion, Tapper and Bash were very even handed to my surprise. I don't think so. I just, the nature of the questions are just left-wing conventional wisdom, climate change, and, you know, I just like, well, you accept the app coming to the election if 24 out of 25 experts say so. Things like that. That's not really, I don't think this world of America really is right now. See, three must read stories for the left. If there's no clothes, chicken little, the boy who cried a loaf. Thanks, not buddy. Anyway, assuming you want to get them in, we still have some time for some text to find one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, what kind of hurry up offense there. What was it, Stan White used to call it, what NASCAR on you there, getting those out of the way, but the story lies today. It's all federal politics. So we're getting some state politics, so as you listen to this next segment with Senator Elliot, but the Supreme Court striking down of searching charges against January 6th defendants. A lot of people are having their, they're going to get their felony evictions taken down. Also, I mean, I think we're still got some other decisions like presidential immunity and what not coming. I guess I will come Monday is what the Supreme Court saying. The Chevron doctorate is really big. I mean, it's going to change the way they do business in America. Striking that down. So the way that has been is the, you know, what Congress doesn't pass in the way of laws. They bestow the power upon bureaucrats to make rules, you know, rules about the amount of like chlorine that the federal government says you should have in your swimming pool. I mean, would Congress pass a law for that? No, but we'll leave it to the EPA or whatever to determine that number. And that's just like one example. And did you apply that to like every little nuance of the American economy where these bureaucrats write these rules? And did they go to a court of law and the law, the judge who's presiding over the case or the jury or whatever has to look at it and say, you know, they have to treat that as sort of the guidelines that they have to adhere to. And what's pre-courses said, no, you don't have to do that. That's not the basis of a court decision. Don't you not to put those in your jury instructions. You're to do, you know, because these rules could be unconstitutional or they can be, they can contradict federal statutes. And it's got to change the American economy, especially the legal profession, by the way, in so many ways. All right, we'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show it up and talk 106.5. Smile and smile and they go all by defense. The judge will leave it up to you and get it in. Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show it up and talk 106.5. They should stay with us on this Friday. What's what's in this Friday morning text line. We'll try to work them in given time. 2513430106. We do appreciate you listening joining us. Now we do this every week. Our friend, our returning champion is I like to call him state Senator Chris Elliott joins us on the line. Senator, good morning. Are you? I am doing great. It has been a busy week for sure. So much for the offseason. Well, it's, I mean, like, I don't know, you're, you're right there kind of front row seat. It's, it's the, the throws of tourist season. And I just, I don't know how far you have to travel beyond your home base there. But you really, you really sense it in Baltimore County all over. It is, it is tough. It's tough getting around. It, you know, there's just so many more people here. And that's what my colleagues, you know, in the rest of the state don't always understand. You know, we always try to put it in terms of they get it. But, you know, we have an iron bowl here every weekend and they come in and they come out and they, and they move around on all of our side roads and everything else. And it's a blessing, but it's, it's got it. It's challenging to see. So we're, you know, we're definitely in the habit of, you know, when do you go to the grocery store and when do you not go to the grocery store and how that works out. It's tough. But I tell you, and you said something a couple, it might have been about a year or two ago, but it's funny how check out time in Orange Beach. Check out time anywhere on the Gulf Coast from, I don't know, apolatical all the way to Dolphin Island has impacts on the state highway system. Is it that incredible? It is. And I'll tell you, you know, I hate it for the folks in Clanton, but see that in Calera, see that. But I also, it drives home the point to my colleagues in the northern part of the state, how important the beach is and how important Baldwin County is, because that's where they're coming from. And so that bottle and that moves, moves up and moves through I-65 and gets bogged down. And that's why, you know, when Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth talks about, you know, the need for widening of I-65, how important that is for the whole state for that entire artery to continue to move people, you know, efficiently back and forth up and down the state. And two Alabama's beaches here in Baltimore County, because that's where they're going. I mean, it's that bottle neck between Birmingham and Montgomery. Once they get to Montgomery, I mean, everything kind of pans out. There's like everybody's got their secret shortcut to the beach from that point forward, right? But like, it's all funneled into right there between Birmingham and Montgomery, and it's all driven by tourism. But look, it is. And there's some spots out from South of Montgomery too, especially if you get a wreck or anything like that that really causes problems that you're right, that the North of Montgomery, Birmingham, you know, those areas in there get really problematic. And how about, to their credit, is doing some work there, but we need to continue to make sure that we, you know, we continue that work on I-65 and do exactly what Governor Ainsworth's talking about doing, which is widened in '65. You know, here in the South, in two, you look at, you know, you drive around Baltimore County too. You know, you see a lot of Texas tags, a lot of Louisiana tags. All you got to do is go to the beach and see all those LSU fans. Those folks aren't using 65. They're coming across 10, so that's got to be a priority as well. I mean, I was coming back from Jackson, Mississippi the other day, missed you there, by the way, but you feel it. Like you're coming in on 98 or 45 there and everything kind of funnels in going over the Africa Town Bridge. And it's like grand central station right there, where the bank hit tunnel, the interstate and all that comes together. And like, I mean, so like, you know, this isn't just even just a bottle of county thing. I mean, you guys in Mobile, a lot of that backup's coming from the other side of the tunnel. Well, and that's commerce. And again, that's something when we talk about tourism tax credits that we passed year before last. And in other things like that, the tourism industry here, especially in Baltimore County, is commerce. It doesn't look like, you know, shift change at all still or shift change at Mercedes in advance. But those, you know, those those condo check in and check out they that's commerce and it drives a huge amount of revenue to the state of state of Alabama. The sewer spent just shot nine billion dollars in Baldwin County last year. And if you think about that from a taxable revenue standpoint, that's incredible. And so, you know, that just has to be recognized as commerce and we have to keep that commerce going in order to, you know, keep all the same movement. So it's not just folks being inconvenient. It's what what happens to that customer if they have a bad experience. Speaking of a misguided transportation policy, I promise it's been too long on this, but what are your thoughts on Amtrak and any kind of state investment as it pertains to mobile. I think you, I am not in favor of that project. I'm not in favor of the state putting any money in that project. There is, there is, you know, there are real places where that money needs to go. And I think this is, you know, this is a hobby for some people and, you know, good for them if they like trains or riding on trains. But I testified before the, the, the federal service transportation board, you know, against this project. I think it's going to cause problems. And, and, and on addition to that, I think it's, you know, there are open ended commitments associated with this project. And I, I know I've talked to, you know, heard some city council people and mobile talk about, Hey, it's not just a million dollars. There are open ended commitments where the government, you know, the local governments or the state is serving as a backstop against, you know, Amtrak's projected revenues, which is a scary place to be. I mean, these folks should be on the hook for two, three, four, five, ten times what they think they're going to be paying. And that's a, that's not good fiscal conservatism right there. You, you don't know what you're going to be on the hook for. And, and oh, by the way, Amtrak's never met reverent projections. So it's going to be worse than whatever they say it's going to be. Yeah, that three million. I mean, a turn line and like, I don't, I ain't a loser or something will be better use of that money than what they want to do with it. But that's where you probably know where I stand on it. Hey, so I don't know, Bill says show the last few days, but this kind of came up earlier this week. Mayor Kenon worried about the potential for casino gambling in Baldwin County, particularly at the beach. Yeah, for whatever reason that a constitutional amendment is done and it does it. I guess it does it specifically say no casino gambling within how many ever miles of Baldwin County or the beach or whatever. Tell me this. Well, it's caused a little bit of a stir. What do you make of that at his comments because I tell you, like did the goal yesterday or day for yesterday when I had him on. Well, let's find out how traffic was going. Now that the toll's gone. It was like kind of a throwaway question, but he was pretty amped up about the way gambling had unfolded in particularly the way members from Baldy County voted on that. Well, Rick and a true conservative and he's got a set of principles that he lives by and I talked frequently and he's a tough guy. He doesn't doubt himself and he doesn't doubt his beliefs. And he, and I think it's fair to say, he believes that gambling is bad for, you know, for the city of Gulf, excuse me, almost made a mistake to see more in speech. But in for Baldwin County in general, and I can agree with him. I don't want to see to see those here in Baldwin County. That's why the house version of the bill was not acceptable to me. It came out with an amendment on in the enabling legislation that's purported to preclude gambling from the, you know, it might occur in in the Baldy County. The problem with that is it's just a majority vote in the Alabama legislature to change that. And that's a simple thing to do. That's all we do all day long or we're in session is essentially change the law. And so that would be a very simple thing to do. One of the things I worked on in the Senate version of the bill was to make sure that that language was even tougher and that it was in the constitutional amendment, which would have meant that the borrower's much higher and that the constitution had to actually be changed in order to allow gambling and Baldwin County. Yeah, but Jeff is this process went on. You know, I made the analogy the other day that for your listeners that watch the TV show Yellowstone. This is similar to that. This is very similar to Yellowstone. This is fighting for your way of life and what casinos and gambling and those interests will do to politics and to our way of life for here in Baldwin County in Alabama. And so my concern is that even with it in the constitutional amendment, I don't know that that's not enough protection that once they start really making money and throw them that money around the politics that they couldn't just change the constitution in 10 or 20 years. I mean, I was doing the best I could to try to get those protections in and I was successful in doing so, but I'm still not sure that was enough protection because I don't want to screw up on. Thank you. Well, what do you think the, what do you think the public opinion is here, Baldwin County? I mean, I always assumed, and I, you know, growing up in Alabama, but it kind of falling politics like. And at least the southern half of it, one of the like Republican holdouts, right? Like it was never like a big George Wallace or it was never like even old school Alabama Democrat and gambling even back then before Democrats were like, they are today. Whoa, I mean, it was always just kind of a Democrat thing, right? And that Republicans just didn't do that. But now like you have members and I don't know if it's a change in the culture or what, but it's a change in the culture or what. Yeah, but it's a little striking, Senator, like Shelby County, maybe some of the North Alabama Republican holdout places and Ballet County has, has, have attitudes changed or what's going on there, you think. The Holland County is still very conservative and even the folks that are moving here are still very conservative. They may come from California. They may come from Washington state and they come from, from, from Michigan. You know, I met a former Minneapolis police officer the other day that left the police force and moved to Baldwin County. They're conservative when they come here. They are political refugees from whatever liberal policies are happening wherever else, you know, wherever they came from. The Baldwin County is still very conservative and let me be clear on this. There's nothing conservative about gambling. The, the, the extra government spending, the extra entitlement programs that we need more money for this, the, you know, for, you know, retirees or, or schools or what nothing is conservative about gambling. But what I hear from my constituents here in Baldwin County is, is twofold. One, we really do wish we could find a way to get a lottery, but we don't want any of this other stuff, not even a hint of it. And so if you can figure out a way to get us a lottery, that would be great, but not at the expense, absolutely not at the expense of widespread expansion of casino gambling in the state of Alabama. They seem to draw the hard line. But, but you, I mean, the way I've grown to understand it, you're never going to get just a lottery. You're always going to have to deal with the other. That's the only way it passes. It's the only way because it requires three fits on the Alabama legislature. And you've got to get enough votes to tag along, right? So like, whatever, whatever I hear, like, well, we'll just, I just want to clean lottery. That's for now for the foreseeable future. Senator, it's just not obtainable. I agree with your analysis and if that's the case, then so be it. And that's when I talk to my constituents when I speak, you know, rotary clubs or the Eastern Shore Republican women or wherever, I talk to them, you know, what? Okay. So I can't achieve this clean lottery. I don't think the politics will line up to make that work. And their answer is, well, okay, but don't do all that other stuff just so we can have a lottery. Don't ruin our way of life. Don't, don't, you know, invite in all the things that American and enumerated, just so we can go get a scratch health ticket or a lottery ticket. Don't do that. And, and so I think that's the mood of, of certainly the voters, at least in her Republican primary, involved in the county. They'd like to have a lottery, but they don't want all the other stuff that comes with it. If that's the only way we can get it passed. I just, I don't, it feels astroturf to me. I don't feel this grassroots, organic thing, even for just a lottery. And the way you get the public supporting it is, if someone just happens to respond to some kind of survey that there, there are so few people out there who are just like hell bent on this. I'm not, I'm just not feeling it. Maybe I'm the one out of touch, but I don't think people are like, you know, it would be great if a Montgomery would get off its butt and pass us a lottery. I mean, every now and then you'll hear that, but it's not something people are thinking about on a daily basis. Not, not at all. And, and certainly when you explain it to people and you say, listen, you know, the only way to get this done politically is to, you know, just to encumber that this with all these other, you know, these other things that nobody else wants. I mean, it's almost parasitic, right? And the, and the lottery conversation is a host. And, and the parasite, you know, they're hanging on to the host won't let the lottery go because they know that they're, they're meal ticket, right? And, and they got to go with the lottery. And so they'll kill the lottery in order to keep, you know, their piece of it, you know, living. And, and it's just, it's a, it's one of these things. It just makes me shake my head. It's such an unsavory conversation to have. And, and when I explain to people and talk to them about, you know, the reality, political realities, they say, yeah, it'd be nice to have the revenue to do this or, you know, or, or be able to go, you know, buy a lottery ticket. But it's not worth all that other stuff. What I don't hear is, oh, we need to figure out a way to get the government a whole bunch more money and grow the size of government and do a bunch of entitlement expansion and stuff like that. I sure don't hear that from my constituents. Well, I don't even hear. I mean, I hear this for some of my, my, my texture is like, well, that money's just going to other states to be spent. But, you know, there's this mythology that if you build it, they will come and referring to the lottery because the reason, like Florida, Georgia did well with the lottery early on, because no one else had any people would travel from out of state. No one is, if Alabama finally gets a lottery, and, and, you know, everybody has a convenience of playing it, but the idea that it's going to generate as much revenue as it anticipated is kind of a conard. You are spot on. I mean, the idea that, you know, that I hear sometimes, well, we could build the I-10 bridges, you know, if we just had a lottery or we could do the West Alabama quarter or we could pay you all I-65 or we could fix, you know, all, all of our education, you know, challenges. And everybody could go to college for free and all these things that we could, everything we could do, if we just had a lottery is not accepted. This is not a fantasy. It's, you know, it's 300 million dollars in the lottery. You start adding all these sportsmen stuff and casinos. You know, you give away all your, you know, you give away all of the good things in the state and what makes us, you know, Alabama and sell out. And yeah, you get a billion dollars. What are you going to do with a billion dollars? I mean, I'm not saying that's nothing, but you can't, you can get a fourth of an I-10 bridge. You know, you know, you can get half of a West Alabama quarter. You just can't, you can't fix all of the problems with that. So all those people that say, you know, if we just had a lottery, we could fix this, or if we just had this revenue, we could do that. You know, I challenge you to start putting a pencil to paper and, and realize just how, how, how far that won't go. And to your point about Georgia and Florida, they're different. Florida just passed 111 billion dollars state budget. Our two budgets combined are 11 billion dollars. We're just, we're just under a billion dollars shy. We just have so fewer people and it's just a different, it's different. It's not the major American cities and things like that. You know, it's just, it's right. But the Florida lottery, you know, back in the 1980s, when it was kind of a new thing, the deaths when you struck gold is in 2024 or whatever. No one's like, no one's like, oh, wow, I'll be able to lottery now. Well, let me, let me book my vacation for a Coleman or whatever. I mean, it's just, or anything, any other kind of gambling. It's just kind of old hat now. It is. I think it is. And, and, and I just, I think that the dangers that come along with it, just like Mayor Kenning said the other day, are just not worth selling out. We will, we will end up changing our, you know, the lifestyle, our sense of place and what we've developed here, this family friendly environment that is thriving in Baldwin County. You know, we're adding the 7,000 people a day. They're not coming here for no reason. This is a great place to raise a family. And I don't want to mess that up. And I don't think adding gambling or, or casinos or even a lottery makes us any less, or, excuse me, any more attractive. I don't think that, that does anything for our brand at all. So they're going to leave it there, but we always appreciate your time. And let's do this again real soon. We will do it. Thank you. All right guys, we got to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show on FIT Talk, 106.5. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]