FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Congressman Jerry Carl talked about the Presidential Debate - Midday Mobile - 6-28-24

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28 Jun 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping there will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of High-stepping turk turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper no step too high for a high step This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1065 was shot a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the video? We got I mean the deal We got drink pretty good on it. Did you hear what I said? That doesn't suck You don't like it you're bad last question. Were you high on drugs? And away we go FM talk 10065 midday mobile on this Friday glad to have you along phone number three four three zero one zero six also The same for the text line three four three zero one zero six and it's always you can leave me a talkback message using the FM talk 1006 five app on On the way on today's show obviously a lot of talk about what went on last night and joining us here in just a minutes time We'll bring on aO1's congressman Jerry Carl Just went it probably got a lot of my reaction last night on the Twitter or over on X at FM talk 10065 we did the live tweeting during the presidential debate. I'll see this when The bottom of my very very low expectations for President Biden Where I was yesterday at this time the very very low expectations Now seems to be at an aspirational level It's a heck of a statement of what happened last night Obviously not good for Biden. We're gonna get into that. But also It wasn't I was embarrassed as a nation for Democrats Republicans independents the raterians I was embarrassed for our nation last night because I Think one of the things I retweeted last night was something to the fact of hey other countries at y'all go Y'all leave the room now. This is an inside family thing. We're gonna just have family time right now because it was that embarrassing to be Not just the politics of it, but the international politics of it. I thought it was a a very low place and and be surprised You know I'm sitting there watching that I go. I'm now watching what will be in textbooks or on the kids computers or whatever going forward The worst presidential debate we grew up, you know saying well look at Nixon and the presidential debate now is gonna be Look at Biden. I will say this after the aftermath of last night and him leaving stage and we could talk about Why you then take? Biden to the Waffle House Maybe because you're hoping people are so out of it at the Waffle House drunk the Biden seems cogent I don't know but I I end up feeling number one sad and embarrassed for our nation Because I'm first before anything in American, but second of all I do feel sorry For president Biden feel sorry that people inside his administration Jake Sullivan or whoever would said You know this is a good idea to put him on stage like that Joel Biden Joel saying this is a good idea. So yeah, it is with some sadness All right, and it is a time to bring out I we're gonna talk about a lot here with Congressman Carl But I at the beginning of what was it congressman a year ago or so? You said hey Sean They're gonna replace Biden. I don't know when but they're gonna replace Biden on the ticket. What you think that was a year ago It's been longer than that. I've been saying his name would not be on the ballot three years ago Okay, I just I've been watching the decay of his health and This common sense says you can't make it so you said okay three years ago I and so to place this everybody knows cuz I'll take my licks and I said Steadfastly I said congressman. I appreciate your opinion. I disagree with you I don't see why they switch and especially as you got to be the last six months I said they're not gonna switch versus mid-race. They will keep Biden into they believe in in Pushing him along through the general. They think somehow he can beat Trump because he did it before at this point I'm ready to give hand the trophy over here and saying I think you called it Y'all don't be so quick capacitance a trophy because I'll tell you this. I hope I'm home I hope you're wrong too. I hope I think what they're trying to do. They're trying to keep you propped up I think they've heard him under the bus last night. I think that was that was leadership and Democrat Party He didn't have to do that debate. It showed everybody what what I and what what we in Washington see and here All the time about it. It actually showed it to the nation. So it's almost stolen him under the bus But who does that Congressman like you know, I understand that the people that would be you know ready for you know those inside the Democrats that wanted somebody else and don't want Biden because they don't think they can win with him But they had to get it passed Inner circle people wouldn't they I mean even to his wife to to say How they would agree to it maybe you know the Machiavellian move inside the power structure of the DNC is one thing But his close associates you think they would have said let's call in sick. Let's not do this They had to know that was going to happen So I've got him on my TV right now and his wife's given all his speech He's standing over watching it too. Yeah, look at that He came out there like a stroke patient. So Sentence on it. So but but this is the problem there and right now. Okay, if he steps down they cannot step over The baby Kamala Harris, yeah, they cannot if they do they'll get all the blood votes against them They'll get the women's votes turn on they'll get all these votes against them And she is weaker than he is on the ballot. So if they make a deal with her I mean as she pulls worse than he does. Yeah, she pulls worse than believe it or not y'all she pulls worse than him but So if she does if she does agree to let's say step aside and they they're gonna Put a sweet bill together raise all her money so she can run for governor of California and probably win And she step aside that then you got you got, you know, you're looking at the Whiver from Michigan. You've got was it this year? Yeah Governor, North Carolina Cooper and of course, you haven't knew some And you know, I think new some is is the one that they would pick but again. I hope I'm wrong Oh, you were really right. I hope you can't continues because What happened last night was sad to watch even as a Republican even as someone that disagrees with all of his policies That was sad. That was elder care abuse. Yeah, what I saw and that's kind of where you know I went I feel the same way and I'm Embarrassed for our Republic, you know, I'm embarrassed What we look like in the world stage, but yeah, it goes back I know it's not just I believe I know the mechanisms at work to try to replace Biden inside the Democrats trying to find a winning horse But the close associates that let him go on that stage. I that's the one I can't figure out how I was watching brains in his forehead. I was working breathing pattern. I'm a body reader I read body. I mean, he was just he was all over the scale You know, if I want to solve him for that debate, I would have said get an ambulance Yeah, we're gonna call this sucker off. Let's take it in the hospital with some with some simple issues And we can call this thing off and get away with it But now this morning you got you got all these Democrats on the floor. There's a downbound. Don't worry They were worried to death and they should be because most voters go I don't have a general election go and pull us straight back So they're looking for Trump's name. They're gonna pull us straight back. So, you know, that's a great thing That's a great thing for us. You know, the donors last night all the money that these rates I mean, they're looking at this guy. They were told was going, you know Reinvent the wheel up here a second term and they're looking at I'm going my gosh, where where's our money going? And just when we're online, let's talk about that for just a second Okay, he falls under the old rules because of his age when he was in the Senate He literally gets to keep the money that he raised And the rule of thumb is they take that money and they put it in a trust and that trust can do things But our family members usually put in charge of it, you know after their death and so on and so forth It's separated from the candidate itself So my question is this nature is 300 million for this cycle and he steps out. Did he keep the 300 million? You gotta imagine Yeah, if he does, there may be one of his better business transactions using taxpayer money, but the Maybe he'll come off as a relationship with Ukraine at this point for 300 million And I don't know how that, you know, I don't know the Can you and I don't know for a fact that applies to this, but I'm just throwing On the question out there and I'm sure there's some scholars out there that can tell us exactly But because you can't move the money I know bright and politically if you have this account you can take it and give it to these other candidates I've seen that happen many times. I know that's legal you can say, okay That you can do that you can do you can get to the party. You can't get to an individual candidate. Oh, okay Just to the party. Yeah, yeah, you give them party course party will take an expensive back out the way they They fill in these three suspense, but what I don't think it's all provoked in what he could or could not do You know, the devs are panicking, you know, you watch that last night. I didn't watch any of Bob's knows No, I watch CNN and when they when you lose Van Jones when you lose Van Jones, Congressman I mean Van Jones was just you get I mean his He was kind of quiet when he responds to and measured and he was He almost wouldn't put his head in his hands is what the body language look like to me when you lose Van Jones. You're done That tells you they hid hidden it from their face, too But how many of the base people didn't know, you know, I mean they I mean just down to the you know I want to say just as recently as what two weeks ago when the video came out with former President Obama leading President Biden off the stage there at that fundraiser in LA and we saw what was clear as you know day and then they started in saying it was you know some kind of Deep fake and then by the end of Corinne John Pierre's statement She called it a cheap fake, but even at that point they're trying to say don't believe your line eyes I don't know if they've responded to it today, but I don't think they can say we watched a deep fake video last night Well, there's there's a lot of Democrats that have been scammed and they're not going to get it They may not vote for Trump. They may not vote at all. If they don't vote at all again those down ballot candidates like we have right there in mobile That's gonna hurt him and hurt him bad. You know last night at what what what Biden? I saw him losing I saw him losing the black vote. I saw him losing the female vote from some of his answers I mean Trump was pretty solid. He got weak in a couple spots, but I don't honestly think Trump Was was mesmerized himself of how weak Biden came out. I mean it was almost like I can't believe it. Let this guy out But it I saw he took some hard licks last night You know when Trump started pointing out that you know the the job market for the black African Americans And the income for for the african-american community You know how they come down under his administration it always comes down under the Democratic administration Democrats from the biggest sham It I've ever seen in my life. That's big a sham. Well, I think you talk about his Trump's response last night - that I mean obviously at the situation where the mics were muted that people thought would be a bad thing for Trump Dalton's brought it up and I agree with him and others I think it actually benefited Trump because I thought it was a great idea Yeah, I mean they thought it was going to be this Achilles heel for Trump, but I think it made him seem More presidential more on topic because he couldn't be jabbing Biden values and and who at that point? That's like getting in fight with the smaller person You're gonna lose either way if you win you beat up the smaller person if you lose you got beat But so just being quiet probably was a best choice Yeah, they gave Trump, you know 60 seconds or are longer to cool off a little bit too So I mean the debate last night was was embarrassing that not I'm sorry the country had to even witness that Me too, it is not up here. They see it is the number one conversation our Democrats friends are panicking You know here's real conversations at the bathroom You could hear me in the bathroom panicking Hey Congressman, can you hold on for a second? We're go the news and come right back. Love it Alright coming right back with a L1's Congressman Jerry Carl right here on the day mobile This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five At 12 21 FM talk one of six five at midday mobile we will get to your calls and text here about 10 minutes So I keep you coming continue our conversation with Congressman Jerry Carl Reacting first to last night's presidential debate the Congressman while I have you along to I do want to talk about I guess It's somebody said yesterday Jonathan Turley or something said Supreme Court waited for today You know because they didn't release the things other than things that were leaked The earlier days this week so today's like would they say the Super Bowl the World Series Championship and something else all in one day I mean they're dropping decisions one after another today. I Haven't seen any of the decisions today. So you've taught me off guard but but the biggest one today as far as I'm concerned Trump the the Immunity for the president is going to be the biggest one obviously right but the one I want to look at real quickly is the Chevron Really, but we're not talking about Chevron service stations or Chevron gas. We're talking about Chevron really that basically When it came out it says that the federal government does not have the right to make up laws or make up rules So this is so many things like the EPA and and all these government agencies that come in and they go I'll give you a good example. They come in and we're talking about bill and new bridge We've spent all this money done all this work And all of a sudden they show up they go oh by the way the Bayways too low You make an alteration to the bridge and to the tunnel you'd have to raise that Bayway by 60 now my question today is Does that fall under the Chevron rule? and we make them go to court and and explain why we have to do that because That's what Chevron rule says is you have to explain it government agency Just because someone does it doesn't mean that sorry you say it's wrong doesn't make it automatically wrong So how many millions of dollars that we save on that project? By starting to challenge stuff like this on the Chevron rule for women show me where it's Congress is giving you permission to write maybe a rate that bridge about six feet First to maybe better understand this so you know Congress passes a law then these things go into effect You have these government agencies to administer is it how far they can go in their interpretation in administrating their job is that? Exactly exactly They know Congress has given us you know Approval to do whatever we want to do no There's always we always try to build walls around what we give approval for other agencies to do we don't want These agencies taking over the country and that's what they've done So that's what the Chevron rule says if that rule was not given to you by Congress that that power was not given you by Congress Individuals groups have a right to come to court and say prove it Because it is not a rule until Congress says it is a rule Yeah, it's it's interesting how far this is why I mean this is like anything that's probably worth discussing It's nuanced. I mean we can't have Government agency come back to Congress for every decision They're making like you know where they're gonna what kind of vehicles they're gonna have or something You know I'm saying or whatever Low area that water gets collected up there when it rains real hard According to the core and what they have tried to push and promote that is navigable water So anything done within that that that water shed as they refer to it has to be approved by them Which requires an engineer to draw up an engineer to predict and can present it to them The Chevron throws out out the winter Just because it's in your field and it's a low spot that collects water This navigable water issue does not apply So I get excited about that because as a county commissioner. I thought that every year it came up So so many things we can apply this to gosh, I wish I had two more years up here I could I can kick a can over up here on some of this stuff Especially mobile and because we have so many issues and mobile so many issues involving counting because we're dealing with so much rain There's so much flat land that we've just been we've been pounding on by the EPA We've been pouted on by the core and they think they're right I'm not saying they're bad people are wrong people, but they don't have the power to do it But in this specific would they have to and I The spirit of this decision I Like I'm also though worried like does that mean the they would have to come back to Congress for every decision And then it would have to get in the gridlock of Congress to make You see I'm saying could they how do you do this without having them come back to y'all for every decision they're making? It doesn't have to be every decision. Yes, common sense wasn't applicable water on that one sure I'm just saying all you knows what comes up in the future, you know Is it is a formula that somebody then sues and then that kicks it back to the Congress or Well, no, Congress does not want to weigh in all losses, but what we would be asked to do is write write laws to To help either enhance it or take the power away And we love taking power away right now. That's why we did this one thing Trump focused on that's one things we as republican party our problem is getting it to the senate I mean we we've done we've written some powerful powerful stuff that ate that uh our house bill two On immigration also, it's sealed on the border. I know people get tired of anybody But it is a perfect perfect solution for the border We can't even even brought up in the senate So we don't like we don't care about the border. We've done our work. It's done But we can't you can't have everything challenged and brought in there aren't mechanisms to To do that, but I was telling the government agencies that it's not in writing. Don't do it That simple if you don't have the power don't stretch yourself further to make make that Something your agency Could or should do Within european unless you're willing to go to court and And backing up Yeah, there a theme of a couple of these decisions from the supreme court We just have a minute left here But another one supreme court expands cities power to remove homeless camps As they were we told before we got actually in some discussion the other day about planning jurisdictions I know it's a different thing coming from executive order But this is saying that cities actually can make a decision about homeless encampments in their city You know where before the feds were saying no, you don't get to make that decision What is the feds? What is that? What is that? Is concern? Let the city to run the city. Let the county run The state run the state And let the federal run run our business outside continental united states and defend us from from for more Less cities to be cities We elect people local local elected officials are the most important people in politics I'm telling you show them. I agree. Good mayor and good mayor is going to take care of that that homeless camp Want to see any federal government telling him what he can or can't do Believe me, you never have to twist my arm to talk about local politics are the the most important. I preach it all the time That's where the chevron rules can be so excited what we can do with it And an opportunity that it will open up to the citizens and get them their rights back Well, let's yeah, it gets you back here soon to talk about that specifically as well as we expand on that supreme court decision Congressman jerry carl. Thank you for your time. Thanks for hopping on with us today Thank you, Sean. Take care, buddy. All right. We'll do there he goes. Uh, congressman carl And we'll come back and get your calls and text at three four three zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six and uh We'll go another so another one the supreme court cases two is the uh court saying government's theory for charging hundreds of capital riders with obstruction was too broad This is pretty interesting as well as we'll get to it. We come back right here on mid-day mobile You (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]