FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

US Senator Katie Britt - Jeff Poor Show - Friday 6-28-24

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome back to the Jet Force Show. If I'm talking 106.5, thanks for staying with us on this Friday morning. 34 minutes after the hour. Come up in about an hour from now, our returning champion state Senator Chris Elliott. So please stay tuned for that. In the meantime, if you want to work in your text, you want any feedback about last night or reaction, text me 2513430106 will be wide open until Senator Elliott after our next guest. Speaking of our next guest, always a pleasure. Get our junior United States Senator on the program. Glad she can make time for us this morning. Senator Katie Britt. Senator, good morning, aren't ya? - Good morning, Jeff. I am doing well. Always appreciate the opportunity to be on with you and to be in front of your listeners, but I'll be honest with you. I am still processing what we saw last night at just a complete and total disaster, not only for Joe Biden, but truly I believe for our nation as a whole. - It's just absolutely stunning. I guess the question I'll lead off with is this. Who's running the catcher right now? - Well, I think we saw last night, it's certainly not him. And here's the deal. Let's rewind back to my State of the Union, when my response to his State of the Union, when I said he was a dithering and diminished leader and that our nation deserved better. Now, you saw me get attacked from the last, I mean, explicitly about that comment. I think what we saw last night proves my remarks to be true. What makes me so sad for the American people, for our country, for our standing in the world, is not that Democrats think that that's what they need for more years of and that he's capable of even serving four more months, much less four years. It's what that moment meant for our nation. Like you think about this, Jeff, all of our adversaries are watching this. You wanna know why the world is on fire? Exhibit A, what we saw last night, the weakness projected by Joe Biden has invited aggression from every corner. It is an invited migrant just plummeting over our border, obviously filled with terrorists, despite what he said last night. You look at the aggression that we're seeing in Europe, we have a war in Europe, we have just the Middle East turned upside down and you've got Iran taking advantage of us in every corner. You have China, literally everything from feeling our intellectual property, Jeff, to just looking forward to other ways to diminish America's standing across the globe. And that is occurring because of what we saw last night. Do you think that that man is capable of being commander in chief? Absolutely not. There is no way he's going to sit across from Xi Jinping and be able to put America in a stronger position when coming to deal with China. There is no way he is going to be able to sit across from Biden or Putin and find a way to end the war in Europe. I mean, there is no way that he can even create a vision for this nation and work forward to executing, which leads us to exactly your first question, who is pulling the strings? There is no doubt it is not him, but what we do know for a fact now is that there are power-hungry members of his family, of his staff, and of the Democratic Party that love the power that they have been able to have under your Biden's administration, because they are calling the shots and they don't want to let it go. Because if they did, if they wanted what was best for the nation, and if it would be him stepping aside, and unfortunately, we see that they want to hold on to that power, they want to hold on to pulling the strings, and they want to hold on to making sure that we have the weakest commander in chief in our nation's history. And I think we saw it last night, and it was a disgrace for our country. - Yeah, so I guess our question would be this. I mean, like, you think about this, Senator, and I don't know what your colleagues, or if you've had even an opportunity to like kind of bounce last night off of them, but whenever you pass your next appropriations package, or your next budget, or any kind of spending authorization, and you think about that, like this is what you're signing off, all of that too, I think that going forward it's not going to be, assuming, you know, we still got five, six months here, six months, I guess, of Biden going into 2025. I mean, are you, should we be a little worried here, or signing over so much, you know, the green line on so many things to the Biden administration right now? - Well, let me ask you this question. I mean, do you think that they allow him to stay? Do you think that the rumblings right now about his cabinet, and the 25th Amendment, and all types of things, you know, what do you think comes, if you're a Democratic operative, if you're a Democratic top, I mean, a top staffer, literally, what have you been doing over the last 12 hours? You've been trying to figure out how to get your back out from against the wall, and the truth is, there's no way to do it. And I think we have to be incredibly critical of what we're seeing from Joe Biden, and what we continue to see, and I think we have to continue to set the record straight when these different things come up. So for instance, last night, what we're seeing online from the liberal media is an attempt to pivot, to not talk about Joe Biden's total weakness last night, and the disaster performance, but to try and get pick apart things that Donald Trump said, and yet paying no attention to anything that Joe Biden said. You know, one of the first things out of his mouth, which I thought was a total disgrace, is how he said that no servicemen or woman had died under his watch. I mean, he just completely and totally neglecting the fact that 13 courageous servicemen and women died in his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. He's totally setting aside the three soldiers. He's still died from Georgia. He is setting aside the two. He feels it died. I mean, we could go on and on and on and on. That was a lie, but it was a lie what he said about late-term abortions, and we have just had this quote-unquote exercise on the Senate floor where we put things up for unanimous consent. The born alive bill gets what? Democrat blocked it. When you ask a Democrat how many weeks is too many weeks to take the life of a child, they won't answer the question. He lied on stage. I don't know what he was talking about when he said, Medicare that he's destroyed it. I agree with President Trump. There's probably a lot of truth to that statement. But what did he even mean? And so as we see these things, we've got to call him out. It's like his executive order right now that he has placed force on the border. It is a total joke. It tells us two things. First, Jeff, he knew all along he had the power to fix the border if he wanted to. While he's been telling us for three and a half years that he did not have the power, he absolutely did. He knew he did. He didn't want to secure our border and still doesn't want to secure our border. And as he continues to put these different executive orders forward, as he continues to put forth pieces of legislation, I think we have to continue to be vigilant and calling it out and realizing that there is no way that he is in charge and America deserves better. - Joy, bye. United States Senator Katie Britt here on the program. The other thing that occurs to me, Senator, and I've asked all my guests this morning the same question. So it's mounted off of you. But we talk about Biden being replaced and just like, I mean, it's not that far fetched at all, but only for this, for the last three and a half years. Ever since January six, it's been all about democracy and democracy this and democracy that I think they have really like bastardized the concept of the American government and conflating it with a democracy in the dictionary definition or whatever. But anyway, they have found a lot of virtue in democracy. And then all of a sudden, here we are, these late stages of a presidential cycle, and you're gonna take the elected nominee, for the democratic balloting process off the ballot and replace him with anybody at this point. How do you square that circle if you're a Democrat today? And I don't think that you can. - I don't think you can. Jeff, you're spot on, you absolutely cannot. It is totally hypocritical to pick a nominee that no voter pick at the nominee. But that is exactly what they are. It's just totally hypocritical. There are always just like we're seeing in our justice system to cheer the justice. There are various ways that they, well, this matters, but yet this doesn't. I mean, we see the inconsistency in their messaging consistently. It is just like they're pushed to stop a third party candidate. I mean, you think about that. That is just ridiculous. It's about pro staying in power. It's not about pro democracy. And so we continue to see this. We gotta continue to call it out and think about this too. They hadn't lowered the bar last night so much, right? So they're saying, oh, you know, basically, if you just string two sentences together and doesn't freeze at the podium, we're gonna take huge victory laps on that. He couldn't even do that. I mean, literally, the bar was so low. It was on the ground. And the president of the United States tripped over it. And he did it in front of the whole world. And that is the thing that I think people are not paying enough attention to, is we just showed the world how weak our leader is. And I think people will continue. That's why they've taken advantage of America and done things across the globe. They would not do otherwise. And I think there is only more of that ahead as long as Joe Biden is in office. And that is exactly why we need President Trump back in office that they cannot come soon enough so we can get this country back on track and restore respect and dignity and termination. - How do you feel about President Trump's performance last night? I think you left a little on the table, but I mean, I don't know what I do in that situation with your opponent on the other side, just in babble, bumble land. But give us your kind of assessment there. - Yeah, so I thought Trump was really strong last night. I thought he did a great job of continuing to bring things back to issues where Joe Biden has completely failed, such as the border. He continued to bring policies back there. Interestingly, like you watched Joe Biden continue to try to bring things back there too. And it's like, hey buddy, you have totally failed on this issue. I mean, we can start with fentanyl, leading calls of death between the ages of 18 and 45 in this country. We know exactly where it's coming from, from China, times its way to Mexico, across our border. And yet you will do nothing about that. You see him talk about terrorism and there is none. Well, I mean, did he not read his own clips? I mean, we actually arrested several ISIS-K terrorists just over two weeks ago. I mean, you just continued to see him flounder and then continued to see President Trump be strong. People know that under President Trump's leadership, our borders are more secure, our families were stronger, our streets were safer. People across the world respected us, our dollar went further. And that's what they want more of. And I thought he did a good job bringing it back to that and also not taking the bait. I mean, there were so many opportunities that he could have really dug in and commented on just the complete battling that we heard from Joe Biden. And yet he stayed on message and just kept pushing forward and making sure the American people know that there is hope, that his agenda will be put in place and that once that happens, we will all be better for it. I think he looked and sounded like a commander in chief and clearly we cannot say that for the other man that was on the stage. - Just a few more minutes here with U.S. Senator Katie Britt here on the program. - So the other motion that's kind of creeping in for me is I'm a little angry about this. I mean, like you and I especially have been talking about this a lot of, I think people on the right side of the aisle have been saying this and just kind of been dismissed as kooky, anti-democracy or whatever. I mean, you really went through the ringer with the state of the unionist response from the smug leftist. And I mean, it turns out like today they were wrong all along and this is what we had to go through these past few years is it's just being told that we're wrong or disinformation or whatever. I mean, what do you say to that? - I mean, Jeff, exactly. And the media has been pretending that this wasn't the reality, the entire time. I mean, they have honestly been lying. They have been intentionally covering things up. And I think their credibility has been completely and totally lost. I mean, for example, you can go look at today, Jeff. And you're gonna have to scroll for a really long time to find an article that is about the debate last night. We're talking about our commander in chief and that we are electing a new president. You had two presidents debating each other for the first time in 130 years. Don't you think that is above the fold billing, right? But the truth is they want to hide the performance of Joe Biden because they've been making excuses for it the whole time. Remember, just last week, we saw the White House come out and say, "Oh, these are cheap steaks." Joe Biden really isn't getting lost. Joe Biden really isn't cruising up. Joe Biden really isn't saying that. They're essentially trying to plant into the minds of Americans that this is all AI generated fake news. You know, let's rewind back to the last election when they use the news to suppress the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop. I mean, they have lost all credibility because they are unable to call balls and strikes. Donald Trump broke the mainstream media and none of them have recovered. And the problem is that nobody trusts them anymore to tell the truth. No one trusts them to call it like it is, and no one trusts them to give them the full picture. They have an agenda, it's a gender driven, and it is sad. It is sad to watch what has become so many of these men and women who are obsessed with the Democratic agenda, covering up for Joe Biden and not telling the truth. Real quick, we'll get you out of here on this Supreme Court decision's handed down today. I want to deal with January 60 other with the Chevron Doctrine, your reaction. Yes, I'm obviously still working to go through those and to process the things that the court has put out this morning, obviously started with Chevron deference and very excited to see the court at a 6-3 pull and rein in the administrative state. The administrative state is our greatest problem in this country, I promise you. We have unelected bureaucrats in every corner, every agency, every corner of government, and they are calling the shots, they are promulgating rules, they are putting forth regulation that ultimately hurts every day Americans. And so this ruling will help us rein that in. Now, one thing too, I want us to do, when we take back the Senate and we hold the House and Donald Trump wins the presidency, we've got to have a really monstrous first 100 days. And I want the Reigns Act to be top of the list. The Reigns Act will allow us to continue to make sure that we rein in the administrative state that the people, that there is accountability or accountability should be, you know, I ran for office and asked to be accountable to the people of Alabama. These people in the administrative states are accountable to no one and they are actually making more decisions that affect the lives of the American people than the people in Congress. And we have to change that. So it gives the power back to Congress, just as the Constitution intends. And so I am thrilled that unelected bureaucrats, you know, aren't going to be the lawmakers. I think it's a major win against the administrative state, but it's just the first one, we've got to keep going because we have to dismantle what I call the fourth branch of government, the administrative state. And so I'll keep looking at all of the different decisions that have come out and certainly look forward to talking to you in the battle. - Senator, we always appreciate you making time for us. Thanks for hopping on in the last minute, important new cycle, but we do appreciate it. - Yeah, and thank you for continuing to tell the truth. And like you said, when we tell the truth, just like we saw, they will come at us with arrows, but I think that means we are right over the target, we've got to keep marching forward. We are seeing today that exactly what we set up for the State of the Union was exactly right. And now the American people get to see it too. And so that's what we just got to continue to expose. - Thank you. - Senator Katie Britt, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back. This is FHIP Talk, 106.5. ♪ You knew when I fit home ♪ ♪ More than I could choose ♪ (upbeat music)