FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

US Senator Tommy Tuberville - Jeff Poor Show - Friday 6-28-24

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28 Jun 2024
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(upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. ♪ I don't think I'm done in this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ Good morning, and welcome to the Jeff Porsche show, and if we talk with '06, five. It's Friday, Friday, finally Friday. Anything interesting happened in the last-- - What? - 12 hours or so. I don't know. Maybe we can find some time to talk about that today. But yeah, we're going to hammer the debate. I told you guys this all along, and well, I'll save my thoughts on that for here just a little bit. Real quick, show line up before we move to our guests. We're kicking off the show with a guest here, by the way. Alabama Daily News is Todd Stacy in about 30 minutes. Phil Williams from right side radio at the top of the 10 o'clock hour. US Senator Katie Britt asking for time this morning to bomb the hour to 10 o'clock hour. And then as always, our returning champion, state Senator Chris Elliott will be with us in that 11 o'clock hour. He will stay tuned for that. But joining us now, always a pleasure. He is our senior United States Senator, as I like to call him coach. But Tommy Tomerville is with us now. Coach, good morning, how are ya? - Good morning, Jeff. Just like everybody else kind of got a little bit of a hangover from that debacle last night. You know, I knew it was coming to a certain degree. You never knew how bad it was gonna be, but that couldn't have been worse for Joe Biden. But you know, the big loser last night, Jeff, was American people. American people have finally found out what's been going on for the last three and a half, four years. Somebody behind the scenes, like the bombers, the Clintons, Schumer and Pelosi, they're running our country, and Joe Biden's been a puppet president. He's the same as he's been, he's gotten a little bit worse, but it was a disaster. President Trump did a good job of pretty much using facial expressions and staying out of the way. The rules kind of helped him in terms of not being able to interrupt, but it's a sad state of affairs. I don't know what direction that Democrats would go right now, but they're in panic mode, and the American people just need to understand the deep state is running this country, and they're going to continue to do it if the Democratic Party and the round-hose of the country keep electing them. - Well, I'll tell you what though, just you sit there last night and it is clear that the man who was allegedly elected in 2020 is not in charge here. He just, it was sad to see. I can't imagine, I mean, nothing like this has happened in like the modern television era of American politics, has it? - No, it really hadn't. And you can imagine there was a Zoom call right after that was China, Putin, North Korea, Iran going, "Hey, I'm about this idiot." And how about these people allowing this to happen? The greatest country ever, the United States of America, the American people have been duped, they've been conned. And it, I've been trying to tell people since I've been, I'm not a politician, you know that. And I, I saw it firsthand. And it just, it, every decision that these people behind the scenes have made has been to push this poor socialism and communism. And that had been pointed at Joe Biden, it's his fault. He's leading the border open. He's, he's doing away with gas and oil. It's his plan, but they're doing it. So they don't have to take the blame and they're blaming on Joe Biden. Now they're going to come in with somebody on a big horse and go and save the day. I don't know who it's going to be, but it ain't going to be Joe Biden. - Let me pose this question to you, coach. Then, you know, for the last four years, we've heard democracy, you know, the, the sort of like talking point they have turned our, our elections into how do they take Joe Biden out the ballot? Who was elected to be, and he's got all the delegates and then he, people, what did they go vote for him to be the Democratic Party nominee and to talk about democracy as it pertains to anything else if they go that route? - Well, they got a lot of work to do and they've been doing it behind the scenes probably for six, seven months. They probably seen it, the scene is coming. They were probably hoping he could do a little bit better than he did last night, but now they know they got to change the, change their quarterback, you know, in the fourth quarter here, right before the, possibly over time, but, you know, I just, I feel bad for the American people, but there'll be a deal done. You know, they'll pardon, they'll tell Joe, you step out and will pardon you and your son from all your steelins that you've done in the last 10 years and folks. I'm not saying that used to be saying it. I've seen the proof, and if you want to deny the proof, that's fine, but I've seen that proof. I've seen what they've done. I've seen what they've done to our country. I've seen what they've done to other people that's fought back, and it's just, it's a sad state of affairs, but again, we've got people behind the scenes, beat state that are manipulating every move that Joe Biden is doing, and it's grown us towards communism, and it's just absolutely the elite versus the middle class and the taxpayers of this country, and it's time to fight back and fight Donald Trump and he is, he's the only one that can get this straight. He's gonna have a short period of time, but we gotta get him in office and turn him loose and let him run these rats out of the hen house. - Now, you know, it's hard to say this, but like, we think of this like, well, how did they not see this coming? I mean, this is what everybody's been talking about for the last five years, Senator, that there's something wrong with Joe Biden right now, and they just set themselves up. Like, you know, the deep state is what the deep state really is, and they have the smartest people in the room, or at least they think they are. How does something like this even happen? - Well, they thought he probably could make it to at least five years and then make a move. He'd made it to three and a half. They knew they had to debate Donald Trump. They couldn't hide him, because they did that the last time of when he supposedly got 81 million votes, which both he didn't get 81 million. That was a debacle, but you know, they tried to hide him out, and now they got him out of the house and traded him in front of the world for an hour and a half, and he couldn't make it 13 minutes. I tell you what, I was listening to that going, "Hey, might as well turn this off." It is over. He has exposed himself, and President Trump, again, I thought he did good. He just, hey, he let him talk, and he come back, and of course they call President Trump a liar and all this, and he was spot on and everything he said. Again, we have got to get this country back, and we've got to take it back from these communists, and those people out there who listen to this, they're Democrats, and he's calling me a communist. You are, if you're voting for these people, because that's exactly the direction we're headed. - Enjoyed by United States Senator, Tommy Tupperville, here on the program. Well, I guess the next question is this, Senator, looking, you know, what is the globes reaction? 'Cause that's my, like, haha, look at Biden, and you know, this is going to really pave a way for Donald Trump to win, potentially, but you got to be thinking some of the adversaries around the world see this. What do they do with it? Yeah, well, they know they don't want Donald Trump in there, because Donald Trump will fight him, and he'll stand up for a country. Right now we have nobody standing up with our country. You know, these people, the same people that ruin Europe, mass migration, socialism, going to communism, crime rate going rampant, inflation high, we've lost Europe, Europe is gone. Now they're trying to take it back, 'cause they're changing back to people that actually believe in freedom, and free speech, and all those things in Europe. We're an experiment, we're an experiment that, hey, let's take the United States, or we got Joe Biden who doesn't care, we'll just let every immigrant in the world and just try to overrun the American people, bankrupt them, and then we'll have control, and we'll bring it back and control it, and run it the way we want to run it. That's exactly what's happening, and I've seen it, you know, up close and personal for three and a half years, and we have very few people on the Republican side that will fight back, because they want to get reelected. They're afraid to hurt somebody's feelings up there, or it's time to fight, and I'll tell you my colleagues, they better bow up, because we have got to get somebody in office in the Senate, in some of these democratic spots, where we can make decisions to get back on the right track, and if we don't take the Senate, and don't front wins, they'll impeach them in a year, they hate this guy, and so we have got a fight, it is, this is a fight, this is not a situation we can sit back and think that, oh, we've got good people on our side, and they're gonna make things better. I had seen those people, I had seen those people since I've been in Washington, D.C., I've seen one guy that's Donald Trump, and I hope he's got good people around him that are gonna lead him in the right direction once he gets elected, to get good people, you know, on his staff that will make good decisions for the taxpayers of this country, and forget about this social. - Speaking of people in Washington, D.C., I don't know, have you had a chance to speak with any of your colleagues, like, what's, are you even just even some staffers, or whatever, what's, I mean, I gotta think there's a little bit of, you know, you're gonna be a little stunned this morning, but what has been the talk of Capitol Hill? - Well, pretty much what you'd expect. We pretty much, we saw this, I mean, again, it's like a big family up there, you see everything goes on, but it doesn't get in the mainstream media, it protects Joe Biden and the Democrats, and if you do something as a Republican, of course, they stayed after me for almost a year because of the holes I had on the military because of travel abortion and the military. They will expose, they will go after you tooth and nail. You get ready to see the mainstream media now go after Joe Biden, 'cause this gon' be their plan. Obama and Clinton's and Schumer and Pelosi are probably calling today, meeting the day going, okay, let's turn the, let's turn the heat up on Joe, start coming together with a plan for a deal to make him and then figure out who we're gon' put out there on the chopping block to see if they can knock off Donald Trump. I don't think it's gonna work no matter who they put in there, but I think the American people now see a little bit of what's going on and say that's enough of this deep state and there's people in the FBI and the CIA trying to control everything in our country running it in the ground. - Well, aside from Biden and that kind of shocking display of like incoherence, what was your thought on Donald Trump last night? Did he do what he needed to do? Give us kind of a progress report there. - Yeah, of course, you hear Donald Trump one time, he's already told you game plan. He is not gonna deviate from what he's gonna do when he goes in about how he's gonna do it. I would have hoped that he would have done one more thing. People wanna know when they ask me all the time, coach, what about this 35-3 and in debt? How are we gon' cut back on everything and get it on a control? First of all, there are some places that we, in discretionary spending that we can cut back on to some degree. The rest of it's gonna have to be a slow rollback. You can't all of a sudden just cut the head off of it and say that this is the way we're gonna do it. But the thing that we can do, and President Trump has told me this situation, he says coach, the only way that we can get this country back is to get manufacturing back into this country. Clinton-rounded, Obama-rounded, they wanted to send it all out of the country. He said, we're gonna bring it back and we're gonna get people back to work where we have more tax payers, we're gonna cut down taxes, we're gonna let people have more their money, but we'll bring more money in because of the manufacturing, because of the jobs. That's the only way you can do it. And he's exactly right. And of course, he's a business guy. And this has been his plan all along. He tried to do it in his first four years. He will continue to do that in the next four years. Joe Biden said he brought all these jobs back. Joe Biden has hired more government employees than any president ever. And I wish he'd have brought that up. It is amazing. Ever before you say, oh, look at the employment rate. Look how many people got employed. Yeah, they're all government employees that work from home, that don't do a damn thing. And so we have got to get control of spending, but if we also have to grow at the same time and get people back in this country working and get manufacturing. And we've got a great location in Alabama to bring people back here and put them to work. Look at what's happening also. Look what's happening at Airbus. Look what's happening in all the areas with the port down in Mobile and the area down there. It is growing and we can continue to grow it and bring people in with better jobs. - Yeah, and I just, you wonder though, you know, kind of doubting the federal government right now. I guess we'll wrap it up on this and talking about, you know, what our expectations are. If you're just a casual viewer coach and you watched that last night, I mean, you got to be stunned, but like you got to wonder, it's got to take away a lot of that confidence and faith in our institutions and our federal government. And that, to me, is more of a threat to democracy than like the Hoodloods of January 6. - We have got a bloated federal government that does nothing other than spend money and hire people for votes. Donald Trump's exactly right. There's several of the bureaucracies that we have up there. When he comes in, he got to say, okay, department education. I've said this, you've heard me say this for the last six years, close it down in D.C., tell everybody, go get them a real job and send the money that's spent on education in D.C. back to Everstate. Let the states run their own education department. Same thing with other entities, energy department. And then also one other thing, get some of those entities out of Washington, D.C. It is a hornet's nest up there of thieves trying to steal every dime that the taxpayers send up there. It's time to, if we don't adjust now to what Washington, D.C., how it works, when it works and the money that we spend, it's over if we know it. And so now's the time. We, they exposed themselves last night of who they are. They're communist socialists that want to just control everything that you've got. This nonsense of defunding the police, men can have babies, open borders. I mean, it is a complete nonsense that they're trying to divide this country and make each other, hate each other. We need to get back to working together as Americans, I don't care who you think you are or what you want to do or what you want to be. You're an American and act like an American and help and pay taxes and make this country better and cut back on this bloated government we got. - Coach, you got to leave it there, but thanks for hopping on real quick this morning. That's really kind of important news cycle. We do appreciate it. - Grab a hold on for four months. You have to be ignorant. - I think you're right about that. U.S. Senator Tommy, a Tuberville there. We got to get a timeout in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Ford show with us at talk 106.5. ♪ I remember my first call ♪