FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

FM Talk Fishing Report 6-27-24

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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And thanks it's time for the FM talk one oh six five fishing report brought you by our friends at grander marine McCoy outdoor company and McConnell Buick GMC and the star of the show my man cat and Bobby Everskato from 18 fishing adventures. Hey Bobby. Good morning. Oh man. Hold on for a second. Let me get these here melting mittens and sweatshirt off. I'll hear you a little better. A little chilly. It's a little chilly out here this morning. You're killing me Everskato because it is like you know what you most of the year I'm jealous of you. You're working on the water. But right now air conditioned studio is a better place. I mean it's been crazy hot. Let's talk about what that does. Has it made any difference in where the trout are. Oh yeah especially on days when we don't have a lot of wind which have been few and far between but actually over the weekend we had a couple days was where it wasn't terribly windy and man. It's it's just amazing how much that water temperature affects the fish and the fact that you got a you might have it on a calm day you might have an hour to water and it's just so warm right now they just pretty well just shut off and you have to slip out to some of the deep structure which are gas rigs and wrecks and so forth and water deeper than eight feet and anybody that's been in a swimming pool this time of year you'll know when you dive in on the deep end. You know that that's what we're talking about is that first foot or two or three of waters warm but there's actually cooler water down deep and it holds more oxygen therefore the fish stay active in the deeper water. So you know that's what you want to do is you know if you like fish and shallow like you and I do or you and I like fishing no matter what you know fish and shallow get it done early there and you know get out to those deeper structures and eight feet of deeper water and you know a lot of babies is kind of a not a must this time of year but it certainly helps especially when you're doing a slip core fishing or tight line fishing around set structure drifting those things around that's going to get it really done well into the day for you. You know we had I had a fell and I can't remember my trips kind of run together but it doesn't take long for people to get overheated I know we talked about this a bunch of times but it's scary stuff out there and you know you get out there and somebody you'll notice it real quick because you're quiet is the first thing and the next thing you'll do a quick fishing and sit down that's when it's time to say guys let's pour a little water on them and take a little boat ride and they'll come back don't let it get to a point where they're white and pasty and not sweating anymore then you're in trouble so you know keep yourself and you know it's kind of obvious keep yourself hydrated too and one of the things that they talk about don't wait until your thirsty to drink you know guzzle some water particularly water before you even go out on your way out man slug yourself full of water so that water or your hydrated where you're supposed to be it takes a little while for your body to get that hydration to the right places when you drink it so make sure you're hydrated even before you get out on the wall that's so important this time of year. It's a great tip too to drink it on the way out because once you get somewhere in your fishing you don't want to you know stop fishing and drink it so yeah absolutely on the run out to chug those bottles of water is a good thing. And then of course on the heels of what you just said to one of the things do I make sure I got bottles of water out and open on the deck of the boat so you're not oh wait wait I get in the ice chest or whatever just have it where you can just grab it grab it real quick get a couple hits of water and get back to your fishing you know we know what happens we all get get a good bite going and we forget about all that stuff but if you keep it handy right there take a sip or two between fish. You'll be in good shape and then the other thing too obviously these are afternoon thunderstorms I know about a weekend it's supposed to get a little bit more of that a little later in the day. So those things come up so fast and this time of year when it's hot they have a lot of lightning in them that's the real bad stuff so you got to be careful with those two. Yeah be aware of that plenty of plenty of good fishing but you got to be careful this time of year. Yeah and so get out I mean the key is that if you could get out early if you can wake your crew up get out early it's a little cooler out there and the chances are you know that I mean they're still thunderstorms in the morning but some mornings are better than others out there. That's right you know and in this time of year two really it's you know you're better you're better fishing window no matter what the moon phase the tide phase is your best fishing window is going to be a day break. You know so that's another good reason if you're going to fish this time you go out there get it done and get someplace cool and shady a little later in the morning. Well said people want to get a trip booked with you how do they do it. Just go to I'm Sean is our website that's also our social sites and you can get us on any of that we can get you booked up. Thank you Bobby we'll talk again next week. OK my friend thanks for having me on as the FM talk 10065 fishing report brought to you by our friends at Grandor Marine McCoy outdoor company and McConnell Buick GMC. Thank you.