FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 6-26-24.

2h 7m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think Hank done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning, and welcome to the Jeff Porsche show. What up, and talk? Well, 065. We made it to Wednesday, hump day, halfway through the week. Congratulations. Thank you for listening, though, by the way. Let's kick it off here. 2513430106 is the text line. And you want to give any feedback, comment, complaint, suggestion, whatever it is that is on your mind. Utilize the text line. Come up on today's program. Y'all's favorite former congressman, Parker Griffith, North Alabama guy, but the official Democrat response of the Jeff Porsche show here in coastal Alabama, as we like to call it. That's coming up in about 30 minutes, about an hour and a half from now, and that 1030 block, Joey Clark, News Talk 93.1, our Wednesday regular going to make time for us. I mean, for reasons other than state government is in the news a lot lately. And I don't know. We'll talk to Joey. He's there. He lives in Montgomery. Does he feel safe? There's a lot of questions here. And I was telling the guys in the last hour, there's the typical spiking crime that happens in the summertime. Like I said, kids are out of school. There's just kind of a lot more idle time on people's hands or outside. But you couple that with just the mismanagement of their police department. And I would argue to some extent it's true universally in Alabama's bigger cities, particularly in Birmingham, to lesser extent mobility, even lesser extent, Huntsville. But you couple that with sort of a-- be it a morale problem or just whatever it may be. And you're going to have this sort of situation. It's just like they were talking about in the last hour. The radar tells them that the police presence has checked out. And I'm not saying that there is a criminal a little bit that's going around and committing crimes. But there's also a tendency to just human behavior to go. And I don't know, fire arm up in the air and just do who will have activities without somebody saying, hey, don't do that. You're going to jail. That's a problem, Montgomery. I think Stephen Reed is panicking. You would have thought the paralysis coming out of that drive by exchange up there would have gotten him to acknowledge a problem. But they won't. See, they're just kind of spiraling out of control. And we're only to June. We get to August. Can you imagine what that looks like? If I'm Carol Lee Dobson, I'm talking about the criminal element in Montgomery, Alabama somehow. I'm working into that message. But Joey's coming up in the 10 o'clock hour. Our speech mayor, Toni Kidon. I'll find out how the season's going. But I'm particularly interested now that the toll's gone any noticeable changes there? A little guy and I, a couple of weeks ago, went to the Luke Bryan concert. It was a Saturday. There were two. It was a little Friday night, what a Saturday. And I mean, the traffic's still what it is. You're still waiting, waiting, waiting. To go down 59 and the beach express. It just seems like the beach express, a little more traffic on it, obviously, without a toll. But what's that doing to the beach itself? Especially back there on the backside on Canal Road. We'll talk to Mayor Cannon about that. Some other things going on here in the 11 o'clock hour. As I said earlier, 2513430106. I feel like this is a kind of a reoccurring deja vu situation. But the Supreme Court a decision day. Terminators in, so we're going to get some rulings this morning. Potentially, we'll see. I don't know. I watch the news, and I stand here, and I watch it. I watch it, and nothing happens. So we're keeping an eye on that, obviously, the debate tomorrow night. I'm kind of with this mindset. I don't think Biden's going to be as big of a factor. I think he'll be pumped up and loud. I think the real skirmish will be Trump versus Tapper and Bash. Then I think that the Trump campaign knows that. That's why they're already working the rest. Look, these guys in the media, they quote Scarface. I mean, they get high on their own supply. They look at their experts and their neck in the woods as infallible. It's just like the Hunter Biden laptop. And all of these Intel guys, and now that we know the House Oversight Committee showed that the CIA worked to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop. But that's good enough for mainstream media types, like J Tapper, to say, well, this is incredible. We're not going to talk about this. And it's just deference to that kind of authority, and not at least given the benefit of the doubt, or be it skeptical of authority, but just playing along with the Intel community. Who's never misled this country before, have they? No. Did Trump's got to deal with? Well, everybody knows that your speech on January 6 is what led to the January 6 chaos and riot at the US Capitol. Well, we don't know that. Well, that's what died out of 10 Intel agencies are saying. Well, that's the way they work. They just roll. Well, why are those guys saying that? Maybe they have a political motive. Hey, we're not here to debate that. Hey, we're going to go round and round on stuff like that. It's just got to be like, oh, my God, why is Trump? Why did Trump ever agree to this? Biden's going to be over there grinning, and he'll just-- they're just praying he makes it through to debate, I think, at this point. I don't know why. Whoever's advising him, why they decided that this was a good idea. This is a miserable, terrible idea. Supreme Court allows White House to press social media companies to remove disinformation so they can engage in heavy-handed tactics to censor. We're still waiting. Abortion, we're still awaiting Trump's immunity claim. They call it disinformation. But that's what we run into here. And then this information turns out to be true. This all stems from COVID. And you had skeptics out there who didn't think the protocol that they were enforcing down mandating was the right way to go. There were vaccine skeptics. I'm not a vaccine skeptic, but if I wanted to be under the First Amendment, should I be able to be? Well, no, we had to shut that down. We don't need that kind of misinformation or misinformation, but they like disinformation a lot. Apparently that's OK with our Supreme Court justices. I guess as a policy matter, the White House could press for whatever. They just can't mandate, hey, you need to take this down. But you get those guys an inch, it'll take a mile. A couple of elections last night of note, Jamal Bowman, obviously losing and Lord Bobert winning the Kinbuck seat. Guys, I don't know what to make in the Bobert situation. They always count her out for some reason. But I think that's just inside Washington, inside the Beltway mindset that she's-- and they don't get it. The Bowman's still is very interesting because two, three cycles ago, Democrats were worried that the AOC wing of the party was gaining ground. That were on defense. You had a lot of guys around New York City worried that this sort of progressive socialist approach to campaigning was going to unseat these long-term incumbents. These long-term incumbents in New York City in particular. And now you're seeing-- I think the pendulum's swinging back the other way. And this is just in the Democratic Party. They've dabbled in there like a few years of far-left wing European-style socialism. And members like the squad are now-- people are just tired of it. The AOC won her primary. Ayanna Pressley looks OK. I think Cory Bush, I have told, looks like the next target. She could lose. But this sort of wave of socialism that came through the Democratic Party, at least. For right now, as far as Democratic candidates go, they're wanting to get back toward the middle. And that's one to watch. Because it's these kind of fringe movements that do generate the enthusiasm. They might not have the numbers, but they're activists, or supporters, or voters are the loudest in the room. And they seem to kind of like not be as engaged, not be as interested right now. And I think Joe Biden was baking on some of that, to be honest. I think that he was looking toward that wing of his party to push him through November. But without that, there's trouble here. Text slide 2513430106, if you want to be in touch. One more thing here. When there's blue on blue, we've got to talk about it. But the Alabama Democratic Party, the chairman Randy Kelly, sort of the puppet of Joe Reed, angry at the DNC, angry at the Biden campaign, that they're not taking the delegates that the Alabama Democratic Party was sending to their convention. But instead, kind of hand-picking them. I don't know why they would pick a fight with Joe Reed and Randy Kelly at the Biden campaign, especially with Chamari figures on the ballot. I had to be thinking of this point. This isn't really shaping up the way I would have thought. But Chamari figures, at the time when he were on the Democratic primary, maybe that was where is he in sort of the political spectrum, we don't know he could probably be whatever he wants, because he's a blank slate. But he didn't work for Obama. He worked for Biden. Does he gravitate? Does he head toward the middle? Does he head toward the old school Biden-centrism? Or does he have to go back to the left? And I think if he's forced to go left, Dobson can win that thing. I don't know, she's got the numbers against her. But there just doesn't seem to be every Democrat, particularly in the state, really on the same page. Now, and she's not a particular-- the other thing about-- Caroline Dobson, she's a blank slate as well. But she's not a caustic figure. She's not going to be something that Democrats are-- this sort of affluent liberal New York Times crossword puzzle, tree hugger, Democrats in Montgomery and Mobile are going to go out to vote against either. There just isn't rouse that kind of sentiment. So interesting times in AL2. We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk 106.5. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Look about to the Jup4 show on the Fondock 106.5. They just stay with us on this Wednesday morning, 251-34301-06 is the text line, unnamed texture. Poor Jeff. Don't mind showing us true colors when it comes to read. Does he, S-M-H? What are you suggesting there, tough guy? Just come on out and say it. Ah, let's see here. Josh writes this. It's ignorance, Democrats, liberals, knowingly or unknowingly only listen themselves, ignore, or just don't know about things like the minute and a half shooting audio in Montgomery. I told my liberal associate about the shooting of Montgomery, I thought it was made up. The other half called me a right wing extremist name. It's true. It's like, OK, the media get to pick and choose, the mainstream media pick and choose what they cover or the way they cover their sources. So my side of the media, which is Breitbart, in 1890 news and talk radio, OK, well, we're going to come in and do the job and report the things that the media really aren't like that clip of the audio, of all the gunfire going off. Well, it's old 1890 news. It must not be true. OK, it's crazy, right? Well, why not consider for a moment that it is true? Because I don't automatically reject everything I see on, or even Alabama political reporter or the Alabama reflector, any of these left wing socialist calf-comi rags that are out there. You may read them with an ounce of skepticism, but like, when you have something tangible like the dang video, like, that's hard evidence. No, it must not be true at all. Unless guys that a cross-dressing mayor commits suicide, then it's all in there. We'll pay attention to you, I guess. But that's what they do. You're right. You're absolutely right about that. Then they did this in the election last year with the New York Post, and it's a tactic that Democrats have, and they have the leverage because they control the mainstream media. And the mainstream media in this country and in the state, guys, they're dining off the past. The mobile press register, the hustle times of Birmingham News, 20, 30 years ago, yeah, they were the papers of record, even the Montgomery advertiser. They were all the papers that's no longer that. But the apparatus now is dining off of that legacy. And he can apply that to NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post. They're dining off the past. People get their news from other places, but the New York Times is a Wilson, New York Times. Whoa. But it's a New York Times. It's a shell of what it used to be. But when people hear the brand name about the New York Times, that's what they think. That's the way they look at it. Fire dog. They are skeptical of authority if there's an R in front of their name. Yeah, fire dog, you're right, cuz we're done the vaccine last year. And remember all the Kooky Democrats say they were gonna trust a Trump vaccine and then that same vaccine six months later, they are like, you must take it. It's like the cult of the vaccine. Joe, sometimes I wonder about Trump, why you would even agree to such a stupid, stupid debate, especially with the CIA people that do not like him. I think it's a gamble. I could go either way on that. Joe continues this whole debate tomorrow to make mine look good and Trump bad. Why Trump would agree to such a stupid debate? I don't know. I think in backfires, I don't think Biden's gonna come out looking great. Neither will Trump, but it's a war shock test. People will see what they want to see. First there were 51 intelligence officers signed off on the 100 by laptop state. It was rushing this information. Now we've got 16 Nobel economists say Trump is an inflation bomb. I see that from Florida, man. That's just so ridiculous. You consider that the Nobel Prize economists are like Paul Krugman who predicted in 2016 at Donald Trump won. We'd have a global depression that we would never get out of and instead the economy went the other way and he was wrong, discredited, yet he's still out there. - Before you take this-- - Well Barry Pike. - This is up to talk 106.5. - Now if your leather jagged means to you what this hat means to me, then I get it. ♪ Promise my son not to do the things I've done ♪ ♪ Walk away from trouble if you can ♪ ♪ It won't be in your week if you turn the other cheek ♪ ♪ I hope you're old enough to understand ♪ ♪ The sun you don't have to fight to be a man ♪ - Welcome back to "The Jumpboard Show." That's the block for "The 6.5." ♪ For everyone ♪ - Thank you for listening on this Wednesday morning, 34 minutes after the hour. So come on the program. Joey Clark from News Talk 93-1 in Montgomery and then Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kidon will be with us as well. So make sure you stick around for that. But joining us now, I know he's your favorite out there. He's the official Democrat in response to this program. Got a little early, so who knows where this is gonna go, but former Congressman Parker Griffith with this Congressman. Good morning, are you? - Yes, good morning. Yeah, I hope your audience is well and enjoying the hot weather. I know it's maybe getting a little stormy down your way, but up here it is dry and we need rain desperately. The corn is looking a little wilted. But, you know, we've got so much on the horizon politically, you know, not to mention the debates tomorrow and what's the strategy? Who's gonna stumble? Who's gonna fall? We're all gonna be watching. I think locally, statewide, it'd be interesting to hear what the take is in Montgomery. It's the mayor down there, apparently, he's over his head. - The son of your buddy there, Jaree, huh? - Oh, yeah, yeah, well, he's well dressed. He's what I call the elite black that's completely out of touch with his constituents. And his police department and his information is poor. And he's out politicking around the country and not paying attention to what's happening in his own backyard. But Montgomery's, it needs to be really, really careful that it doesn't turn into a New Orleans or a Memphis. - Well, I'll tell you what, Congressman, you dodged a bullet there with Stephen Reed. I didn't throw that dodge a bullet thing intentionally there. But you really did. I mean, could you imagine Congressman, if Stephen Reed had run for that second congressional district and he probably would have been the nominee, I would think, and now you're going through the situation of Montgomery and he's the nominee for that seat and he's the sitting mayor. Ooh, I mean, you got to get trounced right? - Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And, you know, there's not a lot of pro-reed feeling in your area down there. Vivian Figures was one of the few African-American representatives that did not shy away from telling Reed that she could carry Reed up and stand up in front of him and carry him up. And so, when Reed made some of his comments about her son, she probably put the word out on her constituents that Reed was not to be paying attention to but I think, I think Montgomery is just borderline unmanageable with as Reed as Stephen Reed is, and he is, he is weak. It's just not good for the city. Of course, anybody with the wherewithal has exited the city. And it's too bad. - But I tell you what though, with Montgomery, Congressman, the legislature is trying to get in the middle of this and I'm not crazy about their idea of like a state appointed police chief or something like that. But like, I don't think we're that much further away from like having to call it a national guard or something. I mean, I say this, when I saw the pictures of that RSA building, the green rooftop building with the gun, you know, the bullet holes in it. I was like, okay, now you're messing with David Bronner who's kind of the, he's kind of a peacemaker up there. You're not gonna, you're not gonna do this to his stuff. And, but the point is now, they did the Saphoenix City in 1955 when they killed the incoming attorney general there. Robert Patterson, but if it becomes a situation where, yeah, that kind of destruction to government property, state government property that was leasing that building and you start seeing these members of the legislature who can't go from the state house to their automobile without the threat of gunfire. I mean, how far away are we from calling it like a national guard to kind of settle that situation down? - Well, a reads response to naming interim police chief or security advisor was so weak and an intellectual solved nothing. It's just disappointing, but this is America. You know, we elect the people, the rulers. And if we make a mistake, we've got to fix it, but it can take several years to do it. - But I just, this, we'll move on from that, but like Stephen reached the real damage to his political future, right? Like he was an old cover and I mean, I would say not far off of that situation is Randall Woodfid. I mean, he's got no problems in Birmingham, but there's a Randall Woodfid and Stephen Reed. Stephen Reed's got this water park. I don't know how awesome that is or not. I'd never hear any buzz about it. But Woodfid, with all the problems that Birmingham has, he has like a portfolio of things to kind of show for it. Said that, you know what I mean? Like things that are going good in Birmingham, there's not a lot good going on in Montgomery. People are leaving to go to Prattville and Pike Road. And I think like Woodfid is maybe he isn't on the ascent, but he's not doing damage, but Reed is just, he's battered right now. Yeah, Reed, Reed is not a manager. I've been around reading enough of listening to him. He's got a little bit of a temper. He's got a little pouty brat and he's been sheltered. - Well, we heard the- - Reed's kind of a hot house plant. - That's certatively recorded audio of him. Just hammering his own people. He didn't need to win the black vote. And he was like, yeah, I can do black everything in Montgomery, but you won't have green anything and saying that all the money is going to go to Pike Road in Prattville. Just totally like immature things to say in front of other people. And I mean, maybe there's some truth to it, but you don't say it the way he did and it came back to haunt him. - He's out of touch. He's out of touch. He may be an African American elected official, but he's basically an elite and he's out of touch with the mainstream Montgomery people and apparently cannot select or surround himself with competent individuals. - Yeah, from Montgomery, I don't know, it's definitely a political cesspool right now. - So something else I got to get you to weigh in on here, Congressman, is this kerfuffle between the Alabama Democratic Party and the Biden campaign. And so I guess Rainy Kelly, who's just a puppet of Joe Reed, they had the idea of who they were going to send as delegates to the convention as the Biden campaigns. And nope, we'll send their own and they pick their own. And I kind of laugh at it, but what's going on there? Do you think? - Oh, I think Reed, Joe Reed runs the Alabama Democratic Party thinks he can get away with giving the finger to the National Democratic Party or to the Biden administration. And he's old, worn out, and his influence is declining. And he's making a mistake by taking on the Biden administration or the National Democratic Party, thinking he's going to win by playing what he's always done, the race card in DC. And the race card's worn out. Joe Reed is stuck on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, the Civil Rights Movement, or the unfairness that's happened to him and others. All of that was a legitimate complaint, but you can't govern that way. And the Democratic Party is in disarray. And your Democrats are not together because Kelly is not a leader. And Joe Reed is about Joe Reed and desperately holding on to power. - Well, tell me something like, if not Joe Reed, then who? And we saw, if not Joe Reed, and how that played itself out, it didn't really work out that well. I mean, Chris England, they started out with like, you know, a lot of promise there. But then like shortly thereafter, it just fell apart. Like they didn't know what they were doing at the Alabama Democratic Party headquarters. And when it was also over there, I mean, they just brought back the old band. - Exactly. And Reed was not gonna let anyone succeed determine not to. And there's not much we can do as far as the Democratic Party is concerned because the Democratic Party is not firm in what they want to accomplish. If you ask somebody, one of the Republicans want to accomplish, well, they want to retain power. They want certain things that they're gonna go after and they're determined to get it. The Democrats don't have a goal. They don't have anything that they really would sacrifice to get. And they're still thinking that people care whether they've been victimized or not, which they haven't been, but that's their story. So I think Reed's got to go home. Kelly's a... Kelly's like he suggested, I'll pop it. And there's really no place for the Democratic Party to go. We've got some capable younger potential leaders potential leaders. - I don't think it's just open. - I was gonna say, I don't think it's Tabitha Eisner. - No, but she thinks well, she writes well, she may not be the front man, but she could be a very positive influence on the party. - She's crazy. - What are you talking about? - No. - Just because you're crazy doesn't mean you're not smart. - No, stay away from her Congressman. - You're gonna get yourself in trouble with her. - No, I understand, I understand she's got some weaknesses, but she's a thought provoker. - And she's provocative, yeah, I guess that's the one way. - Hey, real quick, we're at a time here. The... Jamal Bowman losing in New York last night. - I think you're gonna lose another squad member or two before it's all said and done. It looks like the adults are kind of trying to get back in charge of the Democratic Party in America. - Well, it's a mountain to climb. Thank God Pelosi's gone, at least she's not speaker. They may be trying to get back in charge, but if all of their energy is not that the social issues, they're not gonna go anywhere. - What about is it's just social issues, LGBTQ and all that. I also think it's like this idea of like universal basic income, all these like kind of European socialist ideals that were kind of the hot topic for about 15 minutes, four, five years ago. I think they're on the way out that I think... - They are. - I think people are like, yeah, this is right now kind of sucks. I mean, you do that and we have this inflation and then you get your hand out from the government, well, it's not gonna buy you a whole lot, you're better off just getting a job. And people are kind of coming around to that way, thinking that also there's no denying this. You and I were talking about this all fair. I mean, the anti-Israel thing is really nodding. If you want to get in power and retain power and change the country's economic model, being the Israel stuff's a distraction. - It's total distraction. And the idea that a Congress person is gonna change Mide's policy between the Palestinians and the Jews is just happy talk. They can't do it, they have no way of doing it. It's not issues, that's how Bowman lost. You know, he's pulling the fire alarm at the Capitol. He's anti-Israel and none of that. Bill just, you know, none of that created a job, educated a child, provided health care. Didn't do anything for his constituents. He's out there on the wrong things. And I guess the voters said we're gonna put this guy in that we know and done, yeah. - All right, so we got you out of here. We appreciate it, but thanks for making time for this program as you always do. - All right, we all have a good day. - Former Congressman Parker Griffith, the official Democrat response of the Jet Force show. We'll be right back. - This is FHIM Talk, 106.5. (upbeat music) ♪ More, much more than this ♪ ♪ I did it my way ♪ ♪ Yes, there were times ♪ - Welcome back to the Jet Force show, up in the talk, 106.5. Hey, just stay with us on this Wednesday morning. Joey Clark coming up in the next hour. Sticking around for that. ♪ But I see ♪ Wayne! - Worthy Jeff, the only thing, the thing about Mr. Figures is that he can campaign as anything that he wants to portray himself as right. He's kind of a blank slate. And then he is sworn in and he can be a socialist or fascist as he wants to be at that point. He's too late for the voters of Alabama. But the thing is, Wayne, he can also, and this is true for Carolyn Dobson, who's a blank slate as well, these candidates can also be portrayed as anything you want them to be. And this is where it comes down to the talent of your campaigns, the messaging, and understanding the media in Alabama that covered this race. You can paint your candidate as something that they're not. Or they could be something that they're not. But it's important that you try to figure out ways to control that narrative. And I don't really see either of these campaigns really doing much of that. Granted, it's June and the elections in November. But what I think about it, if I were running this race and I were the Dobson guys, and she's done a little of this if she's hidden at it. So my fingers was a Biden administration, do you, Jay, high-ranking official, served with Merrick Garland? That's the heart of the deep state. I mean, some ways Garland's kind of a figurehead, but like he's right there in the middle of that. Our deputy team just sat for Merrick Garland. And that's where a lot of the decisions, the decision to raid Mar-a-Lago and things like that are made. And at some point, and she's got to run in that lane, she needs to draw attention, probably what's would be better for her is have some surrogates out there coming on talk on her behalf, but also talking about what a loser Shamari figure is. I'm not me saying he's a loser. He's obviously an accomplished young man. But that's the way, if I'm running that campaign or if I have any say, that's the way I might approach it, I guess. 'Cause he's a blank slate. Don't let him pick and choose what he is. Make that decision for him. Now, he could return to favor with her. But I don't know. I don't really see much of any of this from any of them, but however, it is, only June. We'll be right back. This is episode talk, one of six five. (upbeat music) ♪ Then let a strong people I don't even know ♪ ♪ And awful is coming over the moon ♪ - From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor Show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ - Welcome back to the Jeff Poor Show. I have to talk one of those six five out of two, now underway. Gonna be in touch with the program. Get out your smartphone, your flip phone, your palm pilot, your, even your iPad, I suppose, or what is it, the Amazon Fire? Text me, two five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, a lot of nasty grams this morning, but I am perfectly capable of handling such critics. I comment, complete, suggestion, whatever's on your mind. Coming up at about 30 minutes, Joey Clark from Montgomery's News Talk, 93.1. News and Views, they're up that way, check it out. And then in the 11 o'clock hour, he's the Mayor of Orange Beach, a fan favorite, Tony Kennan, who is a personal favorite too, by the way. We need more Tony Kennan's out there. So that's coming up in the 11 o'clock hour. Make sure you stick around for that. We got a bunch of texts that I need to dispatch here as promised. Okay, Tim, Jeff. Okay, I know he's full of BS and talks out on both sides of his mouth. But how can Biden claim to be a devout Catholic when he supports abortion and he's not even supposed to be using contraceptives? And from Tim, Tim, I don't know that he's a devout Catholic. Is he? When's the last, I mean, you see Pelosi, take communion. But like, when do you think the last time Joe Biden was in church? When do you used to see a lot of that? You even saw that from Barack Obama. But other than like, showed up in a black funeral, where has Biden been just going to like a regular church service? How do you feel about that? Do you think that even matters? Oh my God, separation of church and state. But there's some optics there. I mean, even Bill Clinton, I mean, go back. I like some Barack Obama. They would show up in church settings on occasion and just a normal church setting. Like I said, not a black church on the bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama, even Hillary. Joe might not really see much of him there. Ah, Daniel, I like to offer my, let's see. It's not meant to be read on air, but Daniel, thanks. Thanks for the offer. Ah, see, toothless bammer. It's not a debate, Parker. Hold on, quote. Pat, I'd like to try to figure out what figures is building in my neighborhood. They bought some city property. It used to be a pool. I see center blocks, it's said, so not likely a house. If I hear, I'll let you know. Damn Yankee, I have several professional colleagues that work in Montgomery and those green roof buildings. No one that works in that Montgomery, Elizabeth Montgomery, due to the low crime and low property values. Yeah, people have moved. But Montgomery, Montgomery and Bill have done a great job of keeping their cities together. They didn't have the white flight that Birmingham had in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Guys, when I was a little child, Hoover, Alabama, was nothing. It was like a Green Valley drugstore and a gas station or two. When they built the interstates, they found it. And when Wallace finally finished the interstates, through Birmingham, and they finished Interstate 459s when Hoover took off, and they put the gallery in there and it created a big tax base, opened up in '86. But the interstates opened up in like 83, 84, somewhere in there. The River Chase Gallery opened up in '86. It was like one of the seven wonders of the world. And it created this tax base and built Hoover up to what it is today. Now, the gallery is nothing. But all of that was possible or made possible by the desegregation in the city of Birmingham and the whites leaving Birmingham to live in the suburbs. We moved to Birmingham when I was a kid in '89. So I missed that, but we used to travel to Birmingham all the time and kind of kept up with what was going on now, granted, I was like 10. That's what was going on in Birmingham, Alabama. It never happened in Mobile and Montgomery. And it wasn't until maybe 10, 10 years ago, 10, 15 years ago, when you started seeing the exodus to Prattville and the Pike Road, which is another suburb, that's, that's really only just taken off. It's a new city, a new municipality, what to do with this in the state. Now, Mobile, I mean, the boom on the Eastern shores, obviously people moving from Mobile to Baldwin County. But Mobile's still able to do things annexed to the West soon. It'll be all the way to the Mississippi state line, I predict. But people are still living out there and they kept it together, mostly kept it intact. And Reed just hasn't. Reed hasn't really like figured this out or he has, but maintaining power is more important than maintaining population in Montgomery. I don't know. I mean, you're right, Damien K. Now, these are cool places to live in Montgomery. I mean, Montgomery downtown Montgomery, like right there were the Renaissance Hotel and it's changed. It used to be just kind of a sad downtown with abandoned storefronts. But they really did put some effort into making that a downtown district. And people do go and then there's Cloverdale. We're sort of the elite is sort of the way I've described it more on the lines of like a spring hill, but with a few more bars and restaurants. Well, a lot of the elite in Montgomery and in state power reside. If they haven't bought their little horse farm out in Pike Road yet. But I mean, East Chase, everything's moving out further and further away. And there's some people guys in Montgomery, it's not just Pike Road of private. They're willing to drive all the way to Auburn, City of Auburn. City of Auburn is very good schools. I'd swear a lot of professors should go and you can imagine that sort of pedigree and that sort of culture there is that you have really solid academics. And a lot of people in Montgomery are just like, OK, we'll live in Auburn. And I'll make the hour drive each way. But nothing is bringing people back to Montgomery really right now. If you want to live in the nice parts of Montgomery, it's very expensive. And if you just want to live in like kind of your average middle-class neighborhood, well, it's not safe anymore. And there's no real response to getting that back in line, at least not yet. Initially, yesterday, maybe it just wreaks a desperation. It's like the trend of Montgomery was as such under Todd Strange. And keep in mind, I'm a guy in Mobile and I'm watching this from afar. The trend of Montgomery with Todd Strange was it was leaking a little bit. But what Stephen Reed came into power was sorted. It just he just opened up the floodgates and out people went. And there's no real like action or response to that. Name texture adults coming from a Trump, man. I don't even need just like the your coded text. And you do this name texture. You're about to be whoever you are with the 376 prefix. You don't respond to anything I'm talking about. I respond to it directly. Yeah, well, when I said adults in the room, taking back over the, uh, the, the Democratic Party, I am, I am. I think a lot of Democrats will agree with me that the child like behavior of the squad is on the wane. Uh, Gene speaking of malcontents, how quickly you forget the 800 million dollar fine for facts, news reporting. The Trump is so great. Why attack the moderators? It was a fine. It was a, it was a settlement. They, they chose they could, I think they could have beat dominion. But it was a settlement, not a fine. It's facts. Right, Gene. And then Gene continues for eight years or told a Bible is going to destroy our country. So what happened? I think he did. I know Obama did irreparable harm to this country because he, he kind of, he took advantage of an economic calamity in 2008. And created this notion that Keynesian economics was an acceptable practice in America, like you stole it from FDR. Remember the stimulus and those jobs were really is quite a shovel ready as we had hoped, but also Obamacare. I mean, nothing. Our healthcare system is a disaster right now. Well, so many people are covered at work. What's covered? Yeah, they're covered, but they're the healthiest in the society and they're mandating the healthy people have health insurance to pay for the, the, the older sickly people like myself. Is that fair? Well, I'm not, I guess I'm not quite as old, but the point is it's, it's a redistribution model for showing people to have health insurance. They never use it. But the people who use it aren't really paying into the system and it, it doesn't, that's what Obamacare essentially is. And it's taken, it's subsidizing it. So, well, you have a lot of people who are getting covered. It's also making cost increase. It's this Frankensteinian model of public private. And I don't think that works. You either got to be all private or all public. Tim, we used to like to watch the monkey smoke, ziggurat, cigarette symptom, but got rezoo James, the official troll of the Jeff poor show, Gina, myself, are the only ones who make valid points on this show. I, I, Jean, I don't, I don't think they're valid. Quite as valid. Sometimes you make a valid point, but, but what you guys do, you just complain about the host. If you come at me with like, no, this is what happened or this is, this is, this is, but you come at me with like dawn to kind and all of this had hominem. James, you come at me with stuff like that. And it just detracts from like winning the debate trophy. Not that winning the debate trophy. No one wins the debate trophy on the Jeff poor show. I might award a, a consolation prize or something someday. Uh, Mr. Black, can you imagine how they don't attack the moderator crowd would be acting at the debate was a little fox moderated by Hannity and Ingram. Or, or even like somebody who's kind of right leaning on Fox, but not. Not all outright wing. I don't think these guys will see it. They get the benefit of the data to be a quote, unquote moderates, but they're not. They have a, a DC New York City establishment mindset. When it comes to politics, the deferential, the deference to the authority figures. The difference to those in power, so they get invited to the right parties or have the right sources. That's the problem with this, like to see an anti media ideologically yet. They're probably somewhere left not like MSNBC, but they are way too willing to just accept whatever's given to them. We're back. This is after the talk. Well, there's six, five, you will, the customer of the Indian. Eat the girl so far away. Then it cradges out the Nashville and it turned that car around. He said, this is where you get off, boy, because I'm going back to Alabama. As I stepped out of that Cadillac, I said, Mr. Many thanks. He said, you don't have to call me, Mr. Mr. Hold on. Call me. Hi. Look about to the jump for shoulder from talk one oh six, five. They just stay with us on this Wednesday morning. Text, I would be attached to program two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Joey Clark produced talk 93 was news and views coming up in the next segment. One more from James, the official troll, the jump for show. I can't wait to leave the Republican party. I could see your under disappointment in no way. I want to take for Jeff Portalee, the Republican party would be, I don't know. Like this is like start openly calling for a civil war or something like that. I don't know. Are if it goes the other direction and like. Tells me, well, like we need a race war or we need, we need socialism or something some convoluted backwards thinking thing that Democrats are doing right now. I eat Republican parties. Probably where it needs to be. I mean, 20 years ago, or even longer than that, I guess, um, you know, we, the, the Society of Reagan, Republicanism was really in vote, but it was like there was a cold war going on and things are a little different with the, the, the foreign policy approach. Then it's this notion of us having like. Where were you start? Well, you lower the tax rate to starve the beast. Well, that got blown out of the water because now we just run up deficits and debt. Well, the low tax rate, so you can't really starve the beast anymore, then this idea about the tax rates, when they preach about corporate tax cuts, I think that's so tone death. I get it, you know, this trickle down economics theory. But it's so easy to debug. And plus we live in a world today where the big mules and corporate America have such an outsized influence to the corridors of power. That it's, it's hard to really trust policy makers like the chamber of commerce because everything just seems like policy means to improve the bottom line of corporate America, the share price or whatever Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average. And I think people got tired of that. That's oddly enough and that's where Trump comes in. It was like, well, we're going to stop, you know, the immigration that the cheap labor, the quest for cheap labor is being driven by corporate America by Wall Street. Where we're going to stop this exodus of manufacturing and whether he was successful or not, remains to be seen. But that's sort of the politically, it is very effective. It's much different than even George W. Bush. I mean, George W. Bush economic policy essentially is just kind of centered around tax cuts. But it was at a time when there was taxes to cut. It's not as if the United States has embarked on a lot of tax increases. We just have this inflation problem. Let's just sort of a tax in the middle class. I mean, you won't be able to pay their fair share. Well, you just inflate the money supply. They get expensive for everybody. You inflate your way out of debt. But all the pain is because now you're having to pay more for everything. That's how the system gets even. They make your correct Barack Obama did a reversible damage to the country. Do some research power. He did, I think. He just said in motion the series of events, especially on health care. Leo, Jeff, would you please explain to the Democrats that might listen to your show that corporations will pay taxes. They just pass them on to you. That's true. But like when they do cut taxes on corporations, they're not passing on to savings to us either, Leo. This is the thing where Republicans got to be careful here preaching the corporate tax cut gospel. Because it's not as like, OK, corporations are being taxed. So we're going to lower prices. It just shows up in the share prices on the ballot sheet. The shareholders feel it. When you raise taxes, yes, they go up in price. So it's what you do that. You got problems. We'll be right back. This is effort. Talk about a six five. Next time. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the Jump 4 Showed up and talk 106.5. It's your stick around on this Wednesday morning. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six is the text slide. I'll get to those in short order. Cut up here at about an hour. Orange Beach Bay or Tony Cannon will join us. So stay tuned for that. Joining us now, you get kind of the go to guy for a lot of what's going on is how much attention this is all getting. The saw game, Montgomery, just with a crime. And every day it's another sad headline. But Joey Clark from Newstalk931's News and News joins us on the line. Joey, good morning. How are you? Doing great. Good morning to you, Jeff. How are you doing? Doing well. Thanks for taking time. Well, how's it? What's it like going out at night wearing a bulletproof vest? I just stay home. I presume stay home. This isn't a JJ Kale song. Like it's, I mean, the most recent thing that happened for folks who don't know was a massive unauthorized block party over a thousand people, which you need to permit for. None of that was followed. And at that huge block party, somebody stopped by and just shot it up. I think 362 rounds were found on the scene. Thank God. Nobody died. Nine were shot. Four others were injured in the mayhem that ensued. But it's that sort of thing where you're welcome to Montgomery. It just keeps happening every week and every day almost. Yeah, well, and I mean, this has been the talk right now. And because there was that clip, that video of it. Holy cow. I mean, just Joey, and then this week, this is like the line of highway incident. And what I think is going to be the difference maker should have been that block party. But when you start messing with those green rooftops around the Capitol, that's what people start saying. We got a problem here. Look, man, you mess around with David Bronner's property. And you make it to where it seems like that the state can't conduct state government business because of the threat of the crime coming into the Capitol district part. Go, Hill. I think that's when you run the risk of like even a national guard situation or something. I was telling the audience, my audience yesterday that we have to keep in mind. It's the seva state government. You're right with somebody like Bronner or any of these lawmakers who maybe thought they were insulated from what was going on in larger Montgomery, they're not. And then, you know, throw in also, you have a city in the United States Senator who actually lives in Montgomery. The kids go to school in Montgomery. And these folks are not going to take their, they're very aware of the problems. And they're not going to let the city just, you know, go to crap without taking some action. And I know there's a package of bills being quietly. Well, not so quietly put together by different lawmakers. And I don't think they're just throwing wild ideas out there. I think they're meeting with every concerned, top official agency like, this is, you're right. I don't think those bills, I don't, by the time we get to session next year, I don't know that, because what I think is going on in Montgomery now, Joey, and you're there. So this is me speculating. I mean, you got this combination of a understaffed police department and criminals are aware of this. They sent it, you know, the onto regular patrols, maybe like you had 10 years ago. But in addition, that's just the summer months. And, you know, schools out, people are outside more. It's just this recipe with the lack of police presence and sort of the usual, you know, kind of spike in summertime criminal activity that's leading to this. I mean, it's escalating exponentially. So what that's like, my sense of where it's going. And I don't know like what the legislature, what reading, Grumman, Will Barfoot are proposing. God bless them for doing that. You know, but we're talking way, way, way, way, way, way down the road, February, March of next year before they even get to talk about it. What is going to happen right now, I wonder. Yeah, well, and then that, I guess the only measure would be something like calling it the National Guard. And I mean, it is getting bad. We're in, it's a combination of low force levels. We're in the middle of a leadership change. Yesterday, a fellow named Jim Grayboys was named the interim chief. And then a special advisor was named Batisse. I think he was the mobile boy. Yep. And so, but Grayboys being named, he is the fifth person in that job, that chief seat in the last like four or five years. So it shows how inconsistent, how volatile just leadership has been at the department. And then I think that you combine it with also the reality of there are a lot of kids and young kids in this culture where I think is more gang violence or glorifying violence. There are glocks, which is on the streets, rapid rates of fire, interact in accurate guns to boots are already illegal. And then throw in what I worry is a bit of a measuring contest with all the different levels of government, like people aren't communicating. So the county saying one thing, the city saying another thing, the state might be insane, another thing. And if that's going to be a downward spiral, maybe the only solution is to call in the big guns, be like, you know, we're taking back control of the city streets. Well, just just to secure right there where all those government buildings are. I mean, you you have a you have a RSA building getting shot up with bullet holes. I was talking to a couple of members kind of about this, like they they don't like it. I mean, they they're worried, you know, even to them that parking deck right there by the State House and, you know, some of those the spaces around in there that they don't think they're even immune to what's going on in the city right now in a semi secured sort of location. Tony, when these people who are very powerful, yeah, they can propose bills and make grand gestures on the bully pulpit or whatever, but they also make things happen behind the scenes. And this seems wild. It seems crazy. But I think something like a national guard or even an increased Alia response or something is about to go down right there around the Capitol. And for folks who are saying y'all are you're overreacting and like what's ever going to happen out of these folks, they're not in the crosshairs. Well, there was literally, and you mentioned it earlier, already an incident in Montgomery where a woman just gets randomly shot sitting at a stoplight on it went a highway. She's now paralyzed from the breastline down for the rest of her life. And it's like, could that happen downtown easily? I'm not saying the odds are high, but they're too high compared to what they probably should be. And God forbid anything would happen like that. I think that would end up being a national story and just an embarrassment for the state embarrassment for our capital city. And I really do worry though, Jeff, that there is just a lot of posturing going on right now and not a lot being done. Everybody wanted to point the finger at a particular thing that serves them. Yeah, I don't I don't buy this like constitutional carry or Glock switch stuff like as if the criminal element is like, well, what's going to go shoot up this this big block party up in North Montgomery, but I don't have my gun permit today, maybe tomorrow after I get down to the courthouse. I mean, I don't believe that I don't buy that for a moment. I, you know, that's not that's not what is going on here. Did you you don't have this going on in central Alabama? You don't have this going on in Andalusia or Colvin or wherever this is very specific to Montgomery to lesser state Birmingham, but Montgomery is the hotbed right now. Well, and I recently had on the chief deputy for the Montgomery Sheriff's Office, Kevin Murphy's also former chief police there in Montgomery. And he, I asked him straight up because he was very much against the constitutional carry bill. He wanted to keep the permits, him and the sheriff claiming this is a valuable tool for their office and for all policing in the state. But I asked him, okay, we know that's your history. You didn't want this to pass. Would you blame this law? And he said, no, it hasn't been in place long enough. The number of homicides were going up before this law was ever implemented. So even somebody didn't want the law change is being honest saying, no, it's not the law change that is causing this uptick in homicides in particular and gunshot victims, which when you throw in the strain on Montgomery's medical system, which is supposed to serve a lot of the rural areas surrounding the summary, it's pretty intense. You know, it's one thing to look at homicide numbers, but when you look at hundreds of people getting shot in a year in a fairly small city, nothing's just trying on your hospitals. I ask you, so to Joey, how long have you been in Montgomery now? Other than a four year stint in all of my entire life. So 30 something here. Have you, have you, have you wrestled with the notion of moving to Prattville or Pike Road? Oh, yes, I've thought about it. I'm not for personal reasons. I'm here in Montgomery to help with the lesser Manning family, but I've thought about I don't have huge roots here other than just growing up here. And it might be beyond a pipe road and Prattville just. Well, I just, I look at it at a lake. Who wants to move to Montgomery right now? Right. Even in Birmingham, the weird thing about Birmingham is it has its problem. Birmingham is so spread out that compared to Montgomery, but like people want to, I don't know why I want to live in Avondale. People want to live in these little neighborhoods around Birmingham. There are people moving to Birmingham. There's more people leaving it than, but no one is like, hey, you know, I think about where I was going to live and Cloverdale. I mean, even even the good neighborhoods. You don't really hear that anymore. Well, I'll put it in personal terms. It's just me and my 87 year old grandfather left here in Montgomery. Everybody else has left my dad's now living down on the coast near where you're at. My brother and his beautiful new young wife is a doctor and she doesn't want, is not interested in coming back anywhere near Montgomery. Or is my brother and aunts and uncles that used to live here went to Auburn and went to Charlotte, North Carolina. Everybody left. And especially after their kids started graduating from high school, they sold no reason to stay in this city. And honestly, talking to them, I can't blame them. And I know my family's not unique in that judgment that they're now making. And Montgomery is getting smaller. It used to be a city over 200,000. We're now clearly a city under 200,000 people. And I think there's cool things in Montgomery. I mean, I'm all that to remember, Joe, you are too. Well, that where the Renaissance is downtown Montgomery, I mean, it was it was tumble leads rolling down the street there. I'm her street and all of that. I mean, there was nothing there. And here in the last 10, 15 years, it's really kind of turned around. I mean, you see these little pockets of like things that have potential, but it's just going to be snuffed out if people were afraid. I mean, guys, we're talking a lot about Montgomery, but that shooting going to Atlanta, highway, it would be the same as just somebody was sitting in a red light right there on airport and university, just mining their own business and got caught in the middle of gunfire. A place you don't really think about like being a really violent place and be paralyzed. That's what's going on in Montgomery right now. It's out of control. Absolutely. And you're right. There's a lot of history in Montgomery, a lot of great assets in Montgomery, but there's something where the city is not running and firing all cylinders. And it's one thing to talk about policy ideas and personnel issues. My deepest worry is that the mayor's office is not talking to the city council, the county commission, and like everybody again is kind of pointing fingers. And I'm at the point of somebody to step in and hear a lead. And I don't really care who it is at this point. Well, Stephen Rico on Twitter and fighting with like news anchors and all of this weird stuff. I just, he's not, he's so petty. You saw, I mean, we could go back to that, the, the, the audio of him talking about black everything, green nothing. And he's not a personality suited for this job. The one big, his one big accomplishments, what the white water, the white, well, the water park there, other than that, why? Well, and the water parks is county state function too. Like it took, it was all levels of government. No, I don't know his accomplishments. I mean, he would take credit for meta setting but data center here too. But again, that's a state project as well. And I think just to be blunt, Mayor Reed, but more so his chief of staff, Chip Hill, are more built for their political animals. They think of it in terms of PR and propaganda and not in terms of actually administrating in an effective way. And if I was advising mayor Reed, I'd be like, you need a new point person to actually run the Dagom City. You can handle your chief, your chief's a campaign manager, not a chief of staff. And he's not a very great one either. He's kind of a loose cannon douchebag, but that's my worst. Chip Hill is a douchebag. Okay. There you go. I don't, I don't know him that well. I've just not been impressed with his, his track record and the statements. You say that on radio, Joey? What the track record? You know what I'm talking about. But anyway, join my Joey Clark News Talk 93 news and views. Why you're distracted with your city collapsing and you're new dystopian future, Joey. How much do you care about presidential politics these days? Oh, I kind of like it as a bit of a reprieve. And honestly, I think Trump in his latest rallies has been hilarious and kind of back to all form. And so I'm strangely looking forward to this debate coming up Thursday night. I've been enjoying the culture around the debates. It seems like people are having fun again. It's reminding me of 2015 2016. Yeah, because the Trump rallies, I mean, I've been to, I don't know how many, I would tell most of a bit Florida during the 1516 cycle, a bit to a bunch elsewhere. And it really was kind of more of a concert festival sort of atmosphere. We got past 2020 and they became angry, bitter. You had a group of people who were the election deniers or whatever you want to call them. And then you had the vaccine skeptics and they just booed and jeered everything. And it wasn't, it wasn't just kind of mocking the system. Like, look at these idiots and put me in charge and I'll fix all this. It was dark. And now I think the 2024 stuff is like getting back to 16. Yeah. And I think he, he's looked more relaxed than I've ever seen. I mean, even in 2016, especially more of these podcasts does and don't underestimate them, folks, like Logan Paul's podcast is massive. The online podcast, he just did massive audience. And he, you get to see him in a setting where I've been surprised at how relaxed he is, how he even self deprecating at times. I've been suggesting he just needs to go on like a tour of fast food and local restaurants in the country and bring a camera crew grill a style and put that house campaign ads because the man's in his element and something like that. I don't know. I think that's the sort of Trump that's going to win people over who are still undecided. Well, I, I think you're right about that. Joey, we got you out of here. We're out of time, but a real quick folks want to check you out online. How can they do so? At the Joey Clark on Twitter, X and Joey Clark live on YouTube. Joey, appreciate it. We'll talk again soon. Thanks, Jeff. All right, guys. We're going to get a break it here. We'll be right back. This is F of dog, one of six, five. ♪ The tears he said he stayed paged ♪ ♪ I'm depending on your son ♪ ♪ To pull the family through ♪ ♪ My son is all left up to you ♪ ♪ And I can't get to sleep at night ♪ ♪ The barking lot's so loud and bright ♪ ♪ D.C. hasn't worked in 20 years ♪ ♪ Probably never made a single person cold ♪ ♪ But I can't say the same for me ♪ ♪ I've done it many times ♪ ♪ Somebody take me ♪ We're going back to the Jeff Port show that from dog one of the six, five. Nature's sticking with us on this Wednesday morning. How are you, Mr. Mayor Tony Kitty, coming up in about 45 minutes on the program. So stay tuned for that. In the meantime, you want to get in two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. That's how you get in touch with the program. It's been a lot of time talking about Montgomery this morning. I just, it's, it's, it's crazy to watch. This is a lesson. Don't have mobile. Don't ever like the guy like Steven Reed. I don't know what his qualification story, he was a probate judge for a hot minute, but his biggest accomplishment, I think, was being born into the Reed family. And it's not a black and white thing. Sam Jones, with all his faults and flaws, was a hundred times more competent than Steven Reed. And I keep saying this, I don't understand how he's mayor. And then people say, well, you know, it's because he was African American. Well, no, there were other African Americans on the ballot. And the voters up there went with Reed. And you get the government, you deserve, I get it. The people were realizing it was this hard to run a city. And it's somebody like mayor Reed to be in over their head. That's a problem. I think they've hit the panic button. And this is the, there ought to be a lesson here. For those of us watching this, don't let this happen in your hometown. Gene Bush was able to leave it, have a tax cut because Clinton let the surplus of $1.5 trillion, they started two wars and housing went into the gutter. And the housing went into the gutter because of the interest rate situation. And I think some of the deregulation of mortgage lenders, adjustable rate mortgages. This idea of did everybody is entitled to live in a house or have a home and a mortgage, even people who have no prayer or paying off their housing note. That's why, well, we could get more than that later. We'll be right back. This is a femtalk, one of six five. ♪ Living on the road my friend was gonna keep you free and clean ♪ From Buck's pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think Hank done it this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche show and if we talk with those six five out, number three down, we're not going to roll it here on this Wednesday morning. 2513430106, Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennedy coming up in about 30 minutes, always a fun interview when Mayor Kennedy speaks his mind. So please stay tuned for that in the meantime, 2513430106, you want to be in touch with the program, text us, and we will respond to whatever it is that's on your mind. We'll do our best. Sometimes it's, there's no response to be had because it's pretty ridiculous and I just, I'll say this, I am just glad somebody out there is listening. It means the world to me. Text line. Mr. Platt, one more thing, Jeff. If Trump gets elected, it manages to pass with no taxes on tips bill on the federal and DTH state of Alabama would replicate it for state taxes. No, guys, these guys are pretty, I think greedy. Wake up to tax revenue. Rana sounds, sounds, I mean, I, the way these, these budget chairman, they're not willing to part ways with much of the way a tax relief. Now, here would be the question, if the federal government cut taxes on tips with the state, would the state take that tax break and recognize that as income to sometimes state of Alabama does that? I don't know. Taxation can be convoluted, but those four cells, I mean, even those these guys are Republicans, they, there's a reason they put such an emphasis on fiscal responsibility and paying our bills and budgeting and not reducing the size of government and returning money to you. There's just too much power at stake. I think that's maybe a good government supported their police department and actually punished the criminals. They could take back the city. I grew up there. I can't believe how it has changed. I mean, it's true to that they're not supporting their police department. Are they have a, they have a weird idea of policing the BLM movement, this new area of policing that we need social workers or that the emphasis, not the de-escalation is like a bad thing. But you over, you got to have like, it's the current and stick, you've got to show that there are repercussions or consequences for bad behavior. And there is a movement of footed this country right now that wants to undermine that. That doesn't think the, the punishment is a deterrent. And even if we wanted more punishment and more laws, you don't have a prison system in this state. They can handle more inmates. They actively look for ways to keep people out of the criminal justice system in Montgomery in Jefferson County, in Mobile County, it's overwhelmed. It's to the, it's to the degree that you have two standards of justice. You have the urban standard of justice at Alabama and you have the rural standard of justice at Alabama. And the rural standard of justice is a lot harsher than the urban standard of justice because in the urban areas, you just don't have a system that can handle all of the criminal behavior. So you can't tamp down on it like they do in rural areas where they're a lot more strict. Our institutions let us down constantly. Those of you who worship at the altar of government, did you think government can solve all your problems? Did you think finding a higher power or finding spirituality toward God toward your problems is a bunch of hocus pocus baloney and you look toward government instead. The city of a government is the best example for you. You put your stock in something like that in man-made institution, you're going to be let down. Toothless Bamber writes this. I had no idea. Logan Paul, that kind of audience huge and then writes Ray Dagan was elected the same way. Yet everybody fooled that he was a new Democrat because he'd come from a private business, a competent executive, Comcast executive, he fooled everyone. He was an incompetent con man. Well, Nagin, Nagin is handling a Katrina and then sort of the corrupting influences there. He was destined for a fall. On any texture, you fly to Sam Jones. He put the serious at the serious day. He used to housing board for resource for his personal campaigning and violation of ethics laws and connected himself such a way that a cruise ship would come to the left of a bill. It was an embarrassment as well as well as not competent. Montgomery's mayor may be pathetic, but Sam Jones was perhaps only a bit better. I said he was only a bit better, but I mean, he talked to any texture, talked to some police who served in both administrations and steps and in Jones. I'm not saying it was it was far from perfect and where Jones failed in some areas and a lot of areas. I mean, steps that has been a night and day improvement, except on the public safety and where they're doing patrols or what steps it had done. Now, this is all kind of relayed to me through various sources, but sort of the approach to policing versus then and now. On any texture, Jeff, how come the United States can't come back on foreign aid to help balance our deficit? Because it's not a lot of it's not enough money there. It's a lot of money going to Ukraine and things of that nature, but the unfunded liabilities are in entitlements into social safety debt, social security, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare, whatever you want to call it. You want to make a meaningful reduction in debts and deficits. That's where you look. You look right there to the unfunded liabilities and those entitlements that are driving the debt. Foreign aid, a defense spending to some degree, but it still pales the comparison to the social welfare system we have in this country. Look, we've come a long way with the new deal in the early part of the last century, but at some point, LBJ took another big leap with the world poverty and we haven't really into poverty, have we? It's this out of control government benefit system that just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until you rein that in to figure out ways to rein that in. And whenever somebody tries like a Paul Ryan or even Bush or whoever to try to figure out how to fix these problems, it becomes a third-rail issue. And Republicans lose, but it's like prescription drugs under Bush. I mean, he expanded the entitlement state. You got to figure out how to take it in the other direction. It's not far in aid. What is religion is not a man-made institution, but you don't worship the religion. You worship God. You look to God. You look to higher power on name texture. Religion is just a vehicle to get there. You're not worshiping the church building. You're not worshiping the pastor. You're not worshiping your bible. You're not worshiping the 10 commandments. You're looking to a higher power. You're not looking to government. You're not looking at like one politician who's going to rescue you from problems or a government institution. No one's telling you to look toward religion, I guess. I think it's more of a spirituality question. A moral code like, and the results don't lie, but we did not have the violence that we have now. We were given a lot of religion up in government to be more secular. And I think that's part of the culture problem. When we take it to the extreme though, we take it. It's not just this weird interpretation of church and state. This is weird interpretation of church and everything. Everything. It's working so well to separate the church and state and government. Let's just say separation of church and culture. Separation of church and business, separation of church and everything. And that is, I think, led to like a moral deterioration. Well, I'm an atheist and you're saying I can't be moral. I disagree with that. But like, what are, where do you define your morality as an atheist? You just kind of make it up as you go along. Like is there, there's not like a, there's not like a, some kind of holy text for atheist. You just kind of go off a feeling. But like, I'm telling you, the problem is looking toward government as a higher power, whatever you you think of as a deity or because people look at government and government elected officials as sort of their savior. And that's not a good way to go. I mean, it's just like, whereas we used to look to God in prayer, we're looking to like Joe Biden or Barack Obama or even Donald Trump. And I'm probably like 30 seconds away. Like right now, I can, I hear James pecking away on his phone. Well, go on the car and try to sell Bibles. Well, so what? It's not as if everything is either in this camp or in that camp. I mean, it's multi-dimensional. I'm just glad I've always wondered if we could pick a number for just say a hundred thousand, it's just a hundred thousand dollars retirement income. We just take those people and people who make more money that pay them out for three years. What would they qualify for and then just cut them off? I wonder how much that would say Social Security. Well, if you got to pay into the system, shouldn't you get something back though, Mr. Platt? Why should why should you say you're making, I don't know, whatever your arbitrary number is and you retire and you don't get the Social Security check for someone making, let's say you're right at the number with someone making a thousand dollars less and they qualify. Like why if you paid into the system, then you should get something in return. I'm tired of this wealth redistribution stuff. But that's what we live. You know, we have a we have a progressive tax Asian in America, but if we're we're going to tax in the name of some kind of government benefit, did everybody ought to be eligible? And it won't be that way. That's the way we do things in America right now. Uh, during the year, Obama gave Iran money to attack our allies in the Middle East and Biden was in on it too. You can't buy your allies. They were obsessed with Iran. The Obama administration, the Obama administration disciples have always had like this Iranian obsession. Like that's that's like the it's not the Saudis. It's it's not Iraq or Syria. It's it's solving the the Iranian issue and figuring that out. I just I never I don't understand. It's almost irrational. And then dirt digger edgy. Thank gosh for listening. I appreciate the best job you do. Keep us in four. Well, you're very kind dirt digger. We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk about a six five. Good morning, I'm Shimon and Baker for WK RG News five, a shrimp boat that sank in Mobile Bay this month has been removed from the water on June 1st of water spout hit the boat called Old Navy near Fair Hope, causing it to cap size. The captain Mike Bishop died his deck hand marked Henderson survived after treading water for at least six hours. The boat remained submerged for three weeks upside down stuck in the mud. Divers from Noliz Marine used airbags to raise the boat and were able to tow it successfully to shore. The parking garage under construction at the Civic Center in downtown Mobile will not be ready in time for Mardi Gras. The project was originally scheduled to be finished by the end of January, but that is no longer the case. The new anticipated completion date is sometime in late March after Fat Tuesday on March 4th. Grammy nominated musician Post Malone is coming to the Wharf amphitheater in Orange Beach. Hope of warm on Thursday, October 17th with music from his new album. Tickets go on sale Monday morning at 10 o'clock via Ticketmaster. For WKRG News 5, I'm Shimani Baker. It is time to get real with Shannon Hesse, the qualifying broker at Wise Living Real Estate in Fair Hope. Shannon, how long a term do people usually stay in one house? According to key findings, almost 66% of Americans are homeowners and 47% of Americans have lived in their homes for six to 10 years. But what's interesting to note is that it really is dependent upon the generation that you come from, life. First-time home buyers, the average age for first-time home buyers, 27 years. And most of the time, their goal is to live in that home for a short amount of time, two to five years, and then step up to their next level of home. But what's interesting to note is the pandemic created the perfect environment for home transactions. So a lot of people bought houses and they got those fantastic mortgage rates. They now don't want to give up. Shannon Hesse, she's the qualifying broker at Wise Living Real Estate in Fair Hope. And this is time to get real on FMTalk1065. Find out more about Shannon at Sean Sullivan with another great reason to have coastal HR handle your payroll and employee benefits. So earlier this year, one of my children showed up in a doctor's appointment without her insurance card and called me in a panic meeting the policy number. Of course, I was on the air at the time, didn't have the new card yet. So I gave her the phone number to coastal HR. And in just a few minutes, she had what she needed. And I was right back to work. If you're considering outsourcing your employee benefits, talk to coastal HR, they're local, right here in Mobile. They answer the phone and do I need to say more. So get back to business with coastal HR paid for by Christian Care Ministry. You know, a lot of times you have to choose between something high quality or something that saves you money. But if you could get both, why not? Especially when it comes to health care. And that is meta share. You get both. Many families say 500 bucks a month with meta share. And that's huge. But it's also true that people wind up way more satisfied too. The member satisfaction rate for meta share is double that of the typical health insurance plan double. That's because meta share works. It has for more than 30 years. It's a community of Christians who have shared more than $5 billion of each other's bills. People love having telehealth, they love the huge PPO network. So yeah, really, you can save a ton and like it better. Imagine being happy with how you're taking care of your health care. So if you're self-employed or part of the gig economy or you just want to plan, you're happy with, you can call right now and get a price in two minutes. Here's the number. Just call 855-51-Bible. That's 855-51-Bible 855-51-Bible. Here the latest about plane living for Alabama and the Gulf Coast with Bill Finch. Really interesting insight into how we think about the world and how we deal with nature. Bills are a now nature expert and has been involved with Alabama conservation for more than 30 years. He acts as if the world revolves around plants. Amazing. Which of course it does. There you go. Plane living for Alabama and the Gulf Coast. Sunday mornings at 9 on FM Talk 1065. [Music] And I'll go back to the jumpboard shoulder. If we talk 106-5, they just stay with us on this Wednesday morning. It takes like 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Coming up on tomorrow's show, Mobile City Councilman Josh Woods going to make time for us. First time is the first or second time as a city councilman. I think we were able to write after the election. I don't know if he was officially sworn in or not. But he'll be with us. We're going to talk about some of that Amtrak. But maybe we'll try to work in some of the discussion about what's going on with the Paul Bryan situation as well. But I know Josh for years. And now he's a city councilman. So we'll hear from him. April refocables. We do a third stage. And I'm working on him one more guest sometime at 11 o'clock hour. So we'll get into that. Tim, Jeff, the thing I can't figure out about steps it is he wants to be in control of this investigation. Why doesn't he just run its course? I don't know the answer to that. But I know there could be a tendency to want to micromanage. I mean, the obvious reaction is going to be this. It's going to be, well, what's he hiding? And that's the risky runs by being involved. It's just you're going to have skeptics out there. That's going to be a problem. I don't know. I don't know the answer. Why he needs why he's he is showing any, any appearance of being involved in that city council investigation. Uh, Mr. Plot. No, the system was ripped off. It's a sad fact. So we're going to give you back every dime you paid it to the system. Just else. Sorry, no, it's not fair. But we, what are we going to do? You're going to tell some poor person you're going to start to death because we've got to pay Donald Trump, uh, Social Security check. Anyway, brother, enjoy the chats. My still is getting sharper, but I, I, but I don't think it's right. And I don't think you're going to get buy in from people. Listen, in this country, we have the American dream. A lot of people set out thinking they're going to strike a rich of a million heirs. Whether that's probably not going to be the case for a lot of people, but they don't like, I mean, there's a sort of a, uh, this sort of idea of justice and our system that, you know, the government ought to be blind to your income, also to your race, to your ethnicity, to your religion, to your sexual preference, even. And I guess whatever gender you want to make up. Well, why, why is income? Why does income put you in a special category? None of those other characteristics do. What, why does your ability to earn money to be exceptional at something puts you at a different category than the rest of humanity in a country? That's, that's a problem. That's just not American. That's just not the ideal here. That's where I think you got the problems with trying to put money or some kind of income requirement on these entitlements. I don't think that's going to work. It's, it's, it's not a fair system. I mean, thanks. I have a Trump supporter. We had health care problem before Obamacare. We have a half care problem after Obama. I have a daughter who was a type one diabetic. I did help with the cost of insulin. Republicans tend to talk a lot about problems, but do a very, not do very much, exception is Trump Obamacare didn't upset me because of Republicans have plenty of time to fix it. They didn't. I expect the liberals to fix things with liberal solutions. Republicans need to stop talking so much and prove something. Your income is what determines your surroundings. I reject that. I think, I think liberals look toward government to be the solution and conservatives need to look toward the individual to be the solution. Stop waiting for government to fix all your problems. Government isn't very bad at what it does in a lot of categories. It's good at military and some things like that, but it's very bad at just solving your everyday problems. I'm sorry about your health care situation, but you've got to figure out how to put yourself in a position to handle that. That's the, it's, it's pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. It's self-reliance. Look, we don't have a hundred percent self-reliance system in America, but that's your dissatisfaction with Republicans is because they don't think the government is the solution and liberals do. So maybe if you're looking for government to fix your problems, you go vote Democrat. We'll be right back. This is FIT Talk. One of six, five. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the Jeff Force Show at the top of the six five. Thanks for staying with us on this Wednesday morning. Text line. We'll get a few more in before the conclusion of today's show. If you want to try two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, zero, six. Joining us now, one of my favorite guests. I think I'm not alone there, but he's a mayor of Orange Beach. Tony Kidd joins us on the line. Mayor. Good morning. How are you? I'm well. Good morning, Jeff. And thank you for having me. Thanks for making time. We do appreciate it. Well, I can't get off here. We had the throes of another launch summer here, tour season, then your way. How's that going? It's going really well. I'm blessed, but I got a great bunch of staff that know what they're doing and do a great job as long as I stay out of the way. So we're on autopilot and I feel real good about the summer. Well, the reason I want to get you on now, I mean, some changes, subtle changes, but well, changes for those of us who make the trip to Orange Beach on a regular basis, but no toll there at the at the wharf at the bridge. How does that change things for you guys? Well, the goal going away makes it easier for employees to get here. Obviously, saving them money. It's easier for people are not easier, but it makes it more something that you want to do to come over for a day trip or for lunch from on the north side. It's good for our residents. It's good for everybody. So you know, it's been a blessing. I just wish it had happened a long time ago. Well, have you seen like a change in traffic flow? I guess is what I'm kind of getting at where maybe that part of canal roads a little busier than it had been or I mean, is that creating any new logistical situations? Not really, but you are correct. But a significant part of our traffic is construction traffic. You know, we just have so much building going on Monday through Friday, you know, we now have a 330 traffic, you know, traffic issue. We now have a five o'clock traffic issue, seven o'clock. So, you know, it's just things are changing development, which is hard to difficulty manage and be fair every way around. But this is just a lot of cars. But, you know, funny, I went to Dustin last Saturday for some reason, and I don't ever hear anybody complain about us again, because anything east of us is so much, so much worse. It took me an hour to move 10 miles in Dustin. So, you know, we're at the end of an artery. So, we pretty much only have traffic that's intrinsic to Orange Beach. We don't have the flowing through east, west artery that they have to contend with and Panama City and everybody over that way. Yeah, my wife and I lived in Dustin for a year and a half, not too long ago. And any really, like, certain days of the week and certain times when people are moving about, like just planning on staying home, are we were close enough. Luckily, we could walk a lot of places. Yeah, it was miserable. It was. But again, it's just not traffic there in Dustin vacationing, it's traffic moving from the west all the way to Panama City down to Appalachia Cola. So, you just add in everything that you have there in Dustin, plus all that's moving through, you know, it's just we have nothing like that. Nothing like that. Yeah, it's not like a thoroughfare. I mean, I guess you could make it a thoroughfare if you so choose, but Highway 98 there going from Pensacola like you see that much call it even beyond is a thoroughfare where people drive along and reach traffic. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. It was a mess. Well, tell me this. And I heard some of a contractor. I mean, like, now that the state's kind of taking over that bridge and taking over, I mean, is this kind of like kind of hamstring some of the construction traffic getting on at off the island using that bridge? Have you heard anything of that sort? I have not. You know, there's the typical delays on Friday afternoons coming to town. There's the typical delays when you have condo check out and check in on Saturdays and Sundays. But Monday through Fridays until after lunch is fairly predictable. It's like most towns. You got a you got a morning traffic period, heavy traffic period around eight, then you got a free 30 traffic period and a five. So you just you got to know that you got to work around. But it is slightly heavier just because it's so much construction traffic. And I think people are back to taking longer vacations than they were a few years ago where they've cut them down to three, four or five days. Now people seem to be a lot of folks who are going back to a weeklong Saturday Saturday stay or something of that nature. Yeah, so your bag is consistent, but it's it's a lot of all at once. Well, let me ask you this because I consider Elliott. I talk about this all the time. The new bridges are putting in. I mean, in some ways, maybe that's going to help things, but I don't know. Like if we had known then when they started building that thing, what we know now, may we have done something different. Well, you know where I stand on it. And I'm disappointed we didn't go that route. It costs one and up cost the taxpayers $200 million force over with. But you know, what's done is done. And again, there is a silver lining. The toll is gone away. Cannot complain about that. I do. It does bother me that all those years they kept accusing us of not wanting to build another bridge or doing this because of the money we made off the toll was not our bridge, but we got 30 cents the car. And that was just absolutely not true. We always said we were perfectly willing to give up essentially $50 million. If there was a saying and efficient effective traffic design, we just never saw one that made any sense. So in what has just happened, we end up giving up a 50 million. But we could have given that up in 2018 when I made the suggestion for a whole lot less. But you know, definitely they're here to there. The silver lining is it's free now. So we just and it's pulling. It's pulling well. It's just really not any any worse than it has ever been any summer. Well, tell me this though. And how much are you involved in these plans and these discussions like does the state come say, Hey, we want to do this or do they just show up and do it? No, you know, I'm a little disappointed in that you've got folks sitting in offices telling us what our traffic patterns is and how we should manage it. And, you know, they live in their textbook world with their big book of rules. And, you know, say, no, guys, there's a better way to do this. And but for the most part, you know, 50 50 50 of the time they'll take into consideration, the other 50 they're going to do it their way no matter what. So it's hard to say. But I know this after 16 year, well, almost 20 years, I do know our traffic patterns. And I do know what it takes to move traffic and keep it flowing efficiently as best we can. And sometimes I think they listen to the local folks a little bit more. They might get a better product. So they also wanted to talk to you about it and we'll get more into it in a moment. But as it pertains to this whole bridge getting people on and off the island situation, any event of a tropical weather system, a hurricane or whatever, and evacuating orange beach at Gulf Shores. I mean, is this situation with this new bridge coming online in the next several years? I mean, do you feel better about it at least from that standpoint? Oh, well, it can't hurt. Can't hurt at all, you know, but either way, you're still taking traffic off the island to a choke point somewhere. And I think everything would counterflow northward, but it still comes to a choke point where, to me, the most more efficient way would have been added flames to the current span and keeping everything flowing for lanes northward without without that intersection, without having to, you know, merge people in. But again, unless the storm pops up within 24 hours of the Fourth of July, we can get folks off the island if they want to leave. The problem is most a lot of folks just won't leave. They'll want to leave. So I feel confident that even today, we're going to get 48 hours notice that we need to evacuate. And in 48 hours, we can easily evacuate this island. Well, it's kind of a fascinating thing to think about. We haven't thought about it in several years, I guess, what since it's just Michael or anything like that, but we're kind of do, aren't we? Yeah, you know, it's like during the old school, I learned that serendi prayer on grandma's walls, not just the plaque. You really do have to deal with the things you can control, and you've got to let go of the things you can't. And we're prepared. After going through an old field, a hurricane's a piece of cake, I'll be honest with you. So we're prepared for it, and there's nothing we can do to change the pattern of any hurricane that comes in the Gulf. So I just pretty much ignore them until they're threat. Then I do about it. Sure. By Orange Beach, Mayor Tony Kinen here on the program. Mayor, I didn't say we're going to talk about this, but I do want to bring it up and ask you. Yeah, the gambling discussion's coming gone. And I know for a hot moment there, there was some talk. Well, if they do something here, it might open to possibility someday of them either putting a a full fledged casino near Orange Beach or even at the beach, and some things are done to kind of maybe put some guardrails in place. Do you feel good about where that is? Did you won't see that someday from the state? No, hell no. Forgive me. I don't want to see a casino within a hundred miles of all in town. And once this, once the constitution has changed, then location, how many is completely at the whim of the legislature? And anybody that supports casinos down here, I'll do my, I never get involved in other races. I will do my best to get them out of office because there is nothing about a casino that's socially redeeming me. Now, I'm not even taking, I'm not looking at it from a moral perspective because I love to play poker, but I know casinos bring nothing but trouble, prostitution, crime, stuff, drugs. During the old field, I talked with pretty much all the matriarchs and patriarchs of Pelosi and Gulfport, and almost everyone over until person said the same thing. The biggest mistake they ever made was bringing the casinos to their toes. It just ruined their communities. And in any government that thinks they got to have gambling dollars to balance their budget, they all need to resign and get somebody into the knows how to run a business. So, when I hear that crap, when I hear about how it's revenue, well, the first off, the revenue never goes where it's supposed to. It's going to end up in New Jersey, Atlantic City, or Nevada, or some other big gambling cabal. So it's all nonsense. It's a fraud. It's a fake. And all this stuff about how good it does is just absolutely, me, it's a lot. And I think if you research it, the research backs that up over and over and over again. It's just so much money from the gambling lobby and so much pressure these people cave into it, and it sickens me, it truly sickens me. But now, that's something I get hot about real quick, because it would absolutely ruin our community. Well, we are. Mayor, I mean, I'm a resident of Baldwin County. And I just sort of fear, though, that like, look, you say that there's no way it'll ever happen to Baldwin County. But I don't know that I believe you. And that's not the one lawmaker about this. Like, look, you have a bunch of money grubbing lawmakers in Montgomery. Once they face a personal crisis, and they need a quick quick jolt of cash. And the way they handled the BP oil settlement, we have a track record here of behavior. Absolutely. What is to stop them from because the way that I was on the air in Huntsville for almost two years, Mayor, and the way people around this state look at mobile and Baldwin counties, they think everything's to beach. It might as well be Venezuela. They don't really care. It's the same reason you don't have the toll. I mean, the I Ted bridge done. It's like so separate from the rest of the state in their mind. Why's the stock these guys are saying, well, we need this money. And we had this company XYZ that will give us a shot of cash. Let's put one, let's put a casino there near Gulf State Park or something. You are absolutely correct. Because I said once is eliminated from the constitution constitutional issues, it is at the whim of the legislators, legislators. And Alabama's proven itself in a lot of ways to be no different from from the federal government. And I and the legislatures that kept saying, oh, we're going to protect ball and county. We're going to they were so full of it. It's sickened me because they if they didn't know that we were at risk once it was removed from the Constitution, then they should not be representing us because they're either ignorant or incompetent. All the liars, but none of the three is very complimentary. So no, it wants once that door is open, buddy, they're coming and they're going to do everything they can get down here to the beach, just like they did in Mississippi, you know, just like in New Orleans. And we'll turn into the dump that all the rest of them are. I mean, sickens me again. Yeah, because you just have so many people coming through there, how can they not be thinking justino gambling would make a killing and fully orange beach, go shores or wherever? I mean, they're just kind of waiting for that mentality to die out. I tell you what, Mayor, though, and I'm a little surprised. I mean, in Bali County, traditional Republican politics here and you got a delegation this dot. I mean, you got a few members here that are hard knows, but they're not, they're not anti gambling like you were talking right there. Yeah. And again, I never do that because they certain ones presented themselves as social social conservatives. And we're starting to say now, well, they're more social liberals, rhinos are maybe they're just Democrats with sheep clothing. I don't know. But the thought that they would even consider justino's involved in county or allow the situation to present it so that it could happen. Again, they're they're not on my list for reelection. I can promise you that. So now, I'm sure I'm not making any friends there. But again, I go back, I'm not making any kind of moral judgments on gambling. I mean, that's for adults to decide. Lottery, that's sort of a different animal all together. You know, that's something you do at home or something that doesn't affect others. For the most part, I mean, you can make the addiction argument, but but when you start talking about casinos, you do the research. There is nothing, nothing socially repeatable about a casino in any community whatsoever. But I'm realizing, which is like ball and county supposed to be extremely red cat. Well, we got a very liberal google a a driven google that thickens me. So, you know, where the social conservatives then ball and county fighting to turn that school board around to a very socially conservative school board or conservative. There's a lot of things wrong. I don't, sometimes I don't know if it read, but I think we may be just more peak than we are read. Well, let me ask you this over a little time, but like, you've got a lot of new people moved to ball with county and we always kind of like talk about it. Is there a shift underway in ball with county? I know, actually, I don't think so. I meet a lot of people that have moved here. And I'm, you know, I'm very vocal about, you know, our quality life is because of our red city values and our red county values and our traditional conservative values. That's what makes us special. And if you don't like that, don't, don't come here and try to change us. Go back to where you came from, which is a dump for the most part. So, it's really funny, most folks come in and say, "Hey, how you doing this album?" We moved from California and York, really. I look at my smile, I say, "Well, glad to have you. Did you, did you bring your guns with you?" So, they immediately know what I'm asking. And they start laughing and they say, "No, we're here because we believe in what y'all believe in." So, I believe, you know, I label ourselves a sanctuary city for conservatives and for traditional values and family values. And I think that's catching hold because people are looking for sanctuary away from the absolute craziness in blue cities. And we have blue cities right here in this state that's sick of me. But, you know, that's out of my tag grade. But I think we are doing everything we can do to make this a sanctuary city for conservatives. Mayor, we got to leave it there, but you're always a great addition to the program. We do appreciate you making time for us this morning. Absolutely. Thank you all for having me. I appreciate it. Call me anything. Thank you. Orange, reach your mayor, Tony, kid in there. We got to get a time out in here. We'll be right back. This is at the talk. One of six, five. Just to send it on down the line. The first thing I remember knowing was a lonesome whistle blowing and the youngest dream of growing up to ride on a freight train. Everybody can jump or show it up and talk about those six, five. They're just sticking around on what's the left of this Wednesday morning. Real quick, Mr. Platt. I had to go to Devas Destin. I'll take my boat. Well, I guess 98. 98 can be tough as speaking if somebody who live there. Uh, they've textured, but it's only needed for things that are too large for private companies to handle an interstate commerce, public safety, infrastructure, delivering the mail. Maybe, I don't know, even that other options. And then, finally, I'm going to put Mr. Mayor down as a solid, maybe for a beach casino. Yeah, I don't think I'd do that. Anyway, I come up tomorrow. We got Josh Woods, Mobile City Councilman and April Murray Fogle of Alabama today at sometimes 18, 19 news at a guest to be named later. But you need to stay right where you are because the real show, all this undercard stuff, Mobile morning, so Jeff Porsche, all that stuff is about to give way to the feature of it. A midday mobile shot, Sullivan, what you got for today? Jeff, that's so much pressure. That's so much pressure. And I love pressure, actually. So yeah, bring it on. Yeah, midday mobile in just a couple minutes. John Sharp in hour number one, coming up in hour number two, Erica Thomas from 18, 19 news. Got a couple of stories to get the show started. You know, the Supreme Court rolling on the challenge by the administration's effort to influence social media. We talked about that back in the day, a lot on the show. We're going to talk about what the Supreme Court said, and maybe where we stand with government influence, you know, if they say, Hey, we're not telling people what to say, we're just making them aware. I just kind of like a godfather tactic. So we'll talk about that. Also, are we looking at popping off war between Israel and Lebanon proper that in the news internationally, that and a whole lot more coming up on midday mobile? Are we are we ready for another global conflict? I am not. I am not. And I am been born about this since October, eight, since October, eight, but our military, I don't know. Well, the DEI stuff is good. So they're ready to go as long as it's inclusive. Well, we may not be ready on the battlefield. We'll have one hell of a drag show. I got to get out of here. It has been a pleasure. I will try to do better tomorrow. Sorry, fellas. I forgot to say goodbye. This has been the Jeff Porteau. I'd have been talked one oh six five.