FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 6-25-24 Escambia County Republican Party, Jackie Gay

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information, sharing his thoughts on today's politics, and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Hello, hello, hello everyone out there in Radio Land. I'm George Williams, your host, and this is the George Williams Show. We're so glad to be with you all on a Tuesday afternoon. It's the evening now, folks. Our number here is 251-343-0106. And if you have someone who wants to get us over the internet, they can get us at Now, you can also, folks, if you want to call us at the station here at that number, you can, or you can text us if you don't want to call. Just give us a text and it's right in front of us and we can read your text. If it's appropriate, we will definitely respond to it, right? All right, folks, we got so much to talk about. The world is messing up. Those demon cracks out there. You people are crazy. You really are crazy. You destroyed our country. You destroyed America so much different than what it was 20 years ago, 30 years ago. It is so different, not for the good, but for the worse, for the worse. And we're going to find out on Thursday night doing the debate. What will the Democrats, what will Biden be talking about? And if he's constant enough to even debate, some of the people have suggested that he take a drug test prior to that, prior to the debate. But anyway, there are two hosts. I mean, think about this, folks. The hosts hate Trump's. They hate him. They hate him. They hate him. They hate him. And you know, they probably already got the answers. Okay, the questions that they're going to be asking, and I'm sure they're going to go off script and they're going to be asking questions that are not on that list. So it's going to be very interesting. I think President Trump will prevail. He's going to be cool. People say, well, he talked a lot. And I tell him, look, the guy is from New York. I grew up in Patterson, New Jersey, right across the river from the George Washington Bridge. And Trump is usually dealing with those unions up there in the buildings industry. And he doesn't take any crap. That's the way he is. And he's not afraid. He is definitely not afraid for a challenge. And that's why you can ask him questions all day. And he'll stand there and he will answer them. Quite the differ with Biden. You ask him a question and he'll stare or he'll get angry at you for asking him that question. That is the way he is, folks. That's the way he, and look, it's not his fault. The man has got dementia. He's got an amnesia. I have a brother-in-law. It's the same age. And he's going through the same thing, going through it. And I blame those folks, especially Joe Biden, his wife, okay, for allowing him to do that. And I blame the Democratic party for doing that. But now it's a little different, okay? I'm part of the Alabama delegation to the Republican Convention, which will be on it next month in July. And we know who we're going to put as our candidate. And that's Donald Trump. But the Democrats don't know yet. They don't know. They don't want, majority of them don't want Biden to run, okay? They do not want him to run. And they definitely don't want Kamala Harris to run. They definitely don't want them to run. And they can vote somebody else off of the floor. They don't have to vote him to be their candidate. They definitely don't have to vote. So what are they going to do? Are they going to vote him in or are they going to vote Newton? I don't think they'll do Michelle Obama. I don't think so. I don't think she'll take it. But I do think that they want Governor Newton to run in Biden's plays. And think about it. And they don't want to melt hair Kamala Harris to be our next president. And let's say Michelle Obama, okay, they nominate her and she take the nomination toward then her running mate is going to be Kamala Harris. So you're going to have two black females running? No, I don't think so, folks. I don't think so. And the other big question is who's going to be our Republican vice presidential candidate? Who would it be? That is a good question. Nobody knows. But we can guess and I'm hoping it would be either Senator Scott or former candidate Ramma Awami, one of those two. One of those two because I really like them both. And they are both presidential material, vice presidential material. So any one of them, I think, will be his selection. I'm hoping, I'm hoping. I tell you who else I like, comments from Brian Donald. I like that man. I don't think he'll be the nominee though. I don't think so. And, you know, I was watching Fox News and they're talking about Hillary Clinton and Barack, Hussein Obama prepping Joe Biden for the debate. Now, folks, I don't think anybody can prep Joe Biden at this time. But I don't think that he's cognizant of what's going on. And you could tell that over the last month, last month, you can tell. And think about this, the over those documents, illegal documents, the special prosecutor said he wasn't going to prosecute, recommend prosecution for Biden because he wasn't fit to stand trial. Think about that, folks. If the president of the United States is not fit to stand trial, how can he be fit to run this country? Think about that. And the Congress and the Senate want the transcript, not the transcript, because they've authored the transcript of when Biden was interviewed by the special prosecutor. They want the recording. And guess what? Mike Gollin, the United States Attorney General, will not turn it over. So they've held him in contempt of court, contempt of Congress. Okay. Why won't they turn that recording over? To Congress. Why won't they? I think, and a lot of other folks think that it's because it will show his deterioration. They will show it. Those recordings will show it. Okay. This is a shame. This is a shame. Like I said, my brother-in-law, same age as Biden, he has dementia, which is Alzheimer's. He's doing some of the same thing that Biden is doing. And I'll tell you who else has it. Bruce Willis, the actor, he's got the same thing. And his family has taken him out of the public. So Mrs. Biden and all the Biden family, you should be ashamed of what you're putting him through right now. You should be ashamed. Now, they're holding out mainly because they don't want to my hair to be the president. Can you imagine her being the president of these United Nations? She'll be worse than a Barack Hussein Obama. And he was terrible. He was terrible. So they're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't, folks. But we'll just have to wait and see because the Democratic Convention is in August and Chicago of all places. And it's going to be interesting. And this debate is going to be Thursday night, folks. Let's wait and see what happens. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Your texts and comments at 2513430106. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Our number here is 2513430106, folks. By the way, doing our third segment, we're going to have a very special guest. And you're going to like her. And we're going to be talking about a few important items that that we're going to be involved in in the very near future. Now, all right, we're speaking about President Trump. Now, just to let you folks know out there, on the 14th of August, Trump will be back in Colman, Alabama. He's going to have a big rally up there in Colman, Alabama on the 14th of August. So get up there, folks. I was at the last one, and I will definitely be at this one when he comes to Colman. And that's going to be a big one. And I'll tell you another thing I'm trying to do, folks. I am trying to get the toughest chef in America. Well, he's retired now, but he's from Maricopa County in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm trying to get him here as a speaker for the Alabama minority GOP in Mobile, sometime in October. So we're working on that. And when the sheriff comes here, we want a big audience, as he is an outstanding man. And a lot of people don't know that he is before he became sheriff in Maricopa County in Phoenix. He was a he's a legend in the Drug Enforcement Administration. Joe Apaya, he's a legend. And he retired from DEA. Then he went to Phoenix, and he became the Maricopa County Sheriff for over 25 years. And he is the same person, his deputies, special investigators, who proved that Barack Hussein's birth certificate is fake. And as a result of that, they trumped up some charges against him. Just like they're doing President Trump, as we speak. Okay, the same thing. And I messed up, grew up jewelry, convicted him, and President Trump pardoned him. So he and the President Trump are very close. As a matter of fact, two weeks ago, President Trump had a rally in Phoenix. And he only called one person up there up to the stage and allowed him to speak. And that was Joe, Sheriff Joe Apaya. And I spoke to the sheriff this morning, Sheriff Apaya. And so he should be at the Milwaukee Republican Convention. Okay, next month. And so I'm talking to him about bringing him to LA, South Alabama, Lower Alabama, folks, to address the minority GOP. Sometime in October, we want to get him here before the election. And we're out recruiting minorities for the Republican Party. Or we're out talking to them about not voting for the Democrats. And believe me, there have been a lot of them who have told me they are not voting Democrat. And that's a fact. That's a fact. So I would say if anybody is running for office as a Republican, now is this time to run. I really mean that. And likewise, in District 2, that's the district that the federal court created to try to get a black Democrat into that position. Now, why a black Democrat? Why not? Why not a black Republican? Why not just a black person? Okay. So that's the reason the court realigned District 2, congressional District 2. And it just so happened, Michael Fingers, Vivian Sun is running. And he's running against our Republican candidate, Carolina, Carolina Dobson. So we need to get Ms. Dobson elected in that position. I don't want to see another Democrat win office nowhere in America, nowhere. I don't care what state, what district, what county, they don't deserve to be an office. They don't deserve it. And I hope the individual running against AOC up there in New York in Bronx. By the way, what a rally Trump had in Bronx. And she was furious. She was furious that Trump came to her area to hold a rally. We had all of those thousands of people there. And, you know, Bronx is a heavy minority area. And just to hear those minorities say they're not voting for Biden. That upset the whole court, that upset the whole court. So, and the Democrats don't know what to do, folks. They do not know what to do. They know that they're in danger right now. They're in big danger. So they're lying, they're getting ready to cheat. They're getting ready to cheat like they did before in 2020. And, but we are not going to allow it this time, folks. We have, we have put into play a, some defense against a lot of their cheating. Okay. And, hopefully, it won't be like it was in 2020. And then you look at some of these other states, New Jersey. I left here when I was 10. And we went to pass in New Jersey, my mother, father, and her eight children. And when I got to New Jersey, it was red. It was red up until Governor Christie was elected. And then all of a sudden it turned blue. It turned blue because New Jersey didn't have, and they still don't, a voter ID law. And they have a lot of illegals in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts. Okay. A lot of illegals. And a lot of, of individuals who are not citizens. You could be legal, but you're not a citizen. Okay. You come, come here under I-151. I wonder, folks, how many of these students that you see out here demonstrating against Israel, how many of them are voting? And you know they can't vote. You know they can't vote these students from other countries, but you know some of them are voting. You know that. But legally, they can't vote because they're not citizens. They come in, they come here under a student visa, student visa. And a lot of them stay here. A lot of them are illegally here. But somehow another, the Democrats will try to get them, make them legal or make them a vote. Legal or not legal. Big problem, folks. Big problem. Big problem. And look at Biden. He said he's going to make 500,000 fast track for citizenship. Especially women who've come over here and have babies. And that's, that's, that's one of their, their, their ways of staying here. Get over here and have a baby right away. That's your ticket to staying here. This has to stop, folks. We got to start picking them up and taking them back, sending them back to from which they came. Oh, by the way, Mr. Braggs, who prosecuted President Trump. Well, all of those violent demonstrations, they had a Columbia in New York. He let them go. He's not prosecuting them. He is not prosecuting them. Why not? Why not? He processed, President Trump, but he won't prosecute those individuals who broke into some of those buildings at Columbia University in New York. Why not? And why isn't he prosecuted a lot of those illegals who have fought with the police, who have done committed other criminal activities and let them out of jail. Why? This man should be this boy. He actually should be in jail. Braggs should be in jail. With these two James, the Attorney General for New York should be in jail. But you know what, folks? Trump will prevail. Trump will prevail. I think, in this debate, he's going to maintain his cool. And he's going to be like an A student, okay? He doesn't have to yell. He doesn't have to scream. All he's got to do is talk like I'm talking to the audience, the TV audience. There's not going to be any in the audience there. That's all he has to do, and answer the question. And then you got Joe Biden. I don't know what he's going to do. That is the big question. I call him. We got a whole, we got a call on how we'll get you right after the break. So just stand by. We'll be right back, folks. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Your text and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back, folks. I am George Williams, your host, and we are on a mission. As I promised you earlier, we will have a special guest, and we have her right now. Jackie, how you doing? I'm doing great, George. All right, great. It's good to have you. Folks, this is Jackie Gay, and she is the chairman of the Escambia County Alabama Republican County Committee. And I have to say Alabama because you have an Escambia County in Florida where Pensacola is at. So she is the Escambia County Alabama Republican County Chairman. Jackie, it's good to have you on. Thank you, George. Right. Jackie, tell our audience a little bit about yourself, and then we'll go into other details. Okay. I am the chairman of the Escambia County Republican Party and have been the chairman since 2016. George, is there a way to stop that vibration? Yeah, I'm listening. Do you have your... Are you on speaker? Or are you... Tell them that this is my regular... No, I'm off the speaker. Okay. All right. Now, I think that was it. Okay. Okay. All right. I think that's... Okay, it has stopped. Yeah. It's stopped in the chairman there since 2016, and of course, I do a lot of other things up and just being the chairman there, but we have grown the Republican Party in Escambia County too. We are the predominant party in that county now. We have since 2010, we've worked hard to elect Republicans. It used to be a very Democrat party there, and always the same was you can't win as a Democrat. So, I mean, you can't win as a Republican. So, people would run on the Democrat ticket, but now everyone wants to be on a Republican ticket. Right. There. So, in our last primary in March, our voter turnout was 86% Republican and 14% Democrat there. Wow. Wow. So, I think that tells you a lot there. Right. And we have a great candidate running this year. We only have really one major race in our county this year, which is a school board race, which seems insignificant, but it's really not. Okay. The incumbent currently in that office is a Democrat of 36 years. Wow. And it's a... It's going to be a close race. It's about a 50-50 district, but we feel like that district has grown a little bit more Republican since six years ago. And then we have an opportunity to win this time. And we have a great candidate. He's out knocking on doors. He's shaking the bushes, and he's doing a fantastic job. So, we're really excited about our candidate running for that race. His name is Greg Dawkins. Right. And so, we are hopeful that we're going to be able to win that race. We're going to do everything we can to win it. Good. And then, we plan to also help congressional district two win their race by maybe knocking on doors in Monroe County, probably. So, at least want to do that. I've had people calling me, say, "How can I help?" So, we'll be working on that as soon as they get to schedule it, which Polly, I'm thinking, will not be until September of what they're going to do with that. But I've been in touch with the chairman over there, Becky Cornelison. We've talked about it some. So, we're excited about doing that too, because, you know, as a chairman for both the candidates, I'm about that, but I'm about the whole state and about the whole country. It's not about me. It's about all the voters. People that represent us. It's electing good candidates. So, that's basically, I'm involved in a lot of organizations. I'm in two women's Republican clubs. So, Eastern Shore, which is headed up by Judy Barlow, who does a fantastic job. Right. And the Azayah City Republican women headed up by Marilyn Kearney. And she does a fantastic job also. Some involved in that serve on the state committee also. And I serve on the standing rules committee, which determines whether county bylaws are correct, when they're sent to us for review. And George, you're a part of that committee. Yes, I am. So, always good to help and have good comments to make on that. That is a very important, important part of the party, too, that our counties have their bylaws in correct order. In case the issue comes up, they will be able to take care of that. So, I've been doing that about two years, two to three years now, I guess. I think we've been on about three years. So, that's just a little bit about me. Great, great. And you will be traveling to Milwaukee next month. That's right. And delegate. Right. And I'm very excited about that. And I'm also very excited that you're my alternate delegate. You know, we came to the meeting on May the 4th. I had no idea you were going to run for alternate delegates, so I was happy to find out that you ran under my spot. So, I think that you and I are going to make a great team in Milwaukee. I'm looking forward to serving with you, George. We appreciate all you doing the party. Yeah, we're doing our best. I have a few notes about the convention that have written down. Just to inform people just a little bit about what goes on there. Yes. This may be the most important election of our lives. It's the job that R&C's committee on arrangements to plan a blockbuster four-day convention that will be broadcast across the world. They will host upwards of 50,000 guests in Milwaukee, including the delegates who will nominate the next president and vice president of the United States. Thousands of delegates and alternates will be selected by 56 states and territories. They will travel to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 15th through the 18th, 2024, to meet and select a Republican nominee for president. And I had a little rundown of the schedule. Most of everyone will arrive there on Sunday, and there will be like a kickoff reception and a welcome party. Then we're going to the serious business on Monday, which will be a chairman breakfast and orientation. We'll have two convention sessions, and we'll have an after party at a rooftop restaurant. Tuesday will have breakfast again at the hotel, which will be sponsored by our own U.S. Senator Katie Britt. They will have a casual lunch at a beautiful waterfront restaurant, then a convention session, and then we'll end the night with Oklahoma GOP at a sports bar there. Wednesday's breakfast at the hotel with a program, and Wednesday is a pretty big day. We'll meet with 20 other Southern GOP groups, state groups, on the American family field, and then we'll have our convention session, then we'll have a big party at the Harley Davidson Museum. I'm looking forward to that. I don't know if you've looked at any pictures of that. It's a huge place, and they'll have dinner and we'll have live music there. So that should be a lot of fun. And then Thursday, which is the most important day of convention, that will have breakfast, and then lunch at a late front brewery, and convention fest with street vendors. And the reason that is the biggest sign, obviously, is because that's when President Donald Trump will be nominated for president, and then he'll announce his vice president who will also be nominated that night. And I went in 2016, I remember how great that night was. And it was just, it was mesmerizing. If you know what I mean, you were there. It was unbelievable. It really was. I remember the big sign up there over the top, I took a picture of that. They sure did. I think I have a picture of that too. Right, right, right. Definitely looking forward to being in Milwaukee. I am too. But you know, President Donald Trump, he's always been about serving the American people, you know, even with the price he's paid. He's whether some of the worst storms and since 2016, he's still fighting for you and me. And he's the man in the arena. Actually, you know, my husband Jim does pottery. A lot of people know that. And I had to make me some pottery mugs. I said, well, you do me a white mug and put Trump 2024 on one side. Well, I did the writing, but, and then on the other side, I put the man in the arena because he actually is a man in the arena. Right. And I drink out that mug every day at home. Wow. But I want to say something, one thing too, that we just need to remember. I know voters are listening. I know there's probably undecided voters out there right now. Please think about what the last four years have been like and what the four years before that were like before President Biden got in there. You know, Democrats are just bad for America. They'll never put America first. And they'll never acknowledge the accepting religion of people in America. Right. If you take a pie and you keep cutting in small, you know, you have to keep cutting in smaller pieces for everybody to get a part of the pie. Not everyone's going to get a slice of that pie. And that's where we're at in the country, right, you know, right with inflation and that kind of thing going on with the legal immigrant slowing into the country. This is what's happening. Democratic party does not care about the middle class of America. Right. The inflation reduction act has imposed higher energy prices, which has continued to fuel inflation. So with the policies being pushed by the Democrats, our country is just strictly headed for the abyss. Right. I mean, we have to get President Trump in. What we're focusing on in the Scambi County is getting new voters registered who have moved in town or maybe some have lived in town and never voted. Trying to get people out to vote. I think those are the main two things. Do you know 30% of Christians actually get out of vote? Right. And so I'm hoping we can maybe do some things through the churches locally there. To make voter awareness a little bit more in the Scambi County, because, and it's not just our county, it's all over the country that that's the statistics on that. Right. So. Well, how can someone get in touch with the Scambi County Republican Committee? The best way to do that is to just text me or call me on my cell phone. Okay. Two, five, one, eight, zero, nine, four, three, two, two. Right. If I don't answer, just leave a message. Right. Right. Right. How, how, you know, I've been coming up there since 2006. And I was up there when we had no Republicans in office. Right. Right. Yeah. You guys really turned it around up there. And now we got just about all Republicans. And they're doing such a such a great job. And like you said, this congressional district too, this new district. So you're going to be involved in that from the Scambi County? Yes, we are. Okay. Okay. We'll be involved in that. All right. Because that district is extremely important. Not just our, not just our state, but just nationally too. You know, we need to get a large number of Republicans obviously elected Congress. So we need that to happen. And we really don't need two minority districts in the state. We don't happen to do that right. I agree. I agree. And I think a lot of our people, you know, over in some of the counties are already hurting and suffering some because they don't really have good representation. And if we don't win the CD2 race, this will only add to that problem that they have. Right. Right. So we're going to support them all we can. Right. Now, the Scambi County executive committee is also on the, on the web, right? Well, no, we were just on Facebook. Oh, just on Facebook. Okay. Got you. Got you. Got you. It's called, it's the Scambi County, Republican Scambi County, Alabama, Republican Party. Right. It's a Facebook page. Okay. Great. Great. That's it. And we do keep that page up pretty regularly. We post all our meetings on there. Okay. Pictures of our meetings. In fact, there's a picture of you and me George on there. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I was at the last one. That's right. Yeah. That's great. All right. We appreciate you coming on and talking about the Scambi County executive, Florida executive committee and the upcoming convention. I mean, I can't wait. I cannot wait either. I just ask everyone to remember that, you know, one of them, I don't miss any of Trump's rallies. I listen to every one of them. So I hear everything he says at every rally. Right. But my favorite statement that he makes, and it's so true, is they're not coming after him. It's just standing in their way. Right. They're really coming after you and me. We have to fight to take America back. Right. And make this country great once again. All right. I agree. I agree with that. Definitely. All right, Kathy. We really, really appreciate it. And I'll see you next month. We'll talk wrong before that. Okay. Oh, yes. We'll talk again. All right. Thank you for having me on today, George. I really appreciate it. All right. All right. Thank you. We'll be right back. All right. All right. All right, all right, I'm all right. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Your texts and comments at 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6. Now making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back, folks. We are on the mission. Our number here is 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6. And I really appreciate our. It's going to be a county Alabama Republican term. This Jackie Gray. She's done a fantastic job over there in Escambia County. And I keep saying the Escambia County, Florida, because a lot of folks around here know Escambia County, Florida. But they don't know Escambia County, Alabama. And that is at Moore and Brewton up in that area. So that's why you have to distinguish between the two counties. Okay. And we appreciate it. And she and I will be in along with the other delegates will be up in Milwaukee next month. And where we will officially nominate President Trump to be our representative. And we are all wondering who will be our vice president, presidential candidate. We don't know folks. We don't know. But we can hope and we can guess. We can guess. We can hope. All right. Now, you know, we talked about and I remember I had this Laticia Jones several times on the show and she was in Pennsylvania and Georgia during the right after the 2020 election. And they were there to try to verify some of the votes. And the Democrats wouldn't let them in in both cities, Philadelphia and Atlanta. And a lot of us alluded to cheating, cheating, cheating by the Democrats. Now, now, now, but let me tell you something, folks, in my opinion, there were grand, cheating on a grand scale. Now, in the same thing happened in other states. And I just read, well, I'll saw it on today on Fox where they had the new sheriff of Maricopa County and the district attorney arrested someone with a device, a device that will download all the information, personal information, other those machines. And they had a pretty long, they held a pretty long press conference. We related the related to that 2020 election and and subsequent to to the election. Now, folks, we kept saying all along the people are cheating. And you saw it in Pennsylvania, you saw it in Michigan, you saw it in Georgia, Arizona, several states, several states. And but the hardest thing to do is get the district attorneys to prosecute. That's the hardest thing. And that's why we haven't had many prosecution related to election integrity. We haven't had many, but this is just one example. I mean, it's three and a half years later. Okay. And I think one of the number one corporate corporate is these election ballots that they send them. Stacey Abrams did that in Georgia. Okay, unsolicited ballot. That needs to stop. That needs to stop. Because I had a, I have a very good buddy, his mother and father living outside of Atlanta. The father died three years. I'm sorry. The father died three months before the 2020 election, well, three weeks before the 2020 election, the mother received an unsolicited ballot for herself and her husband, her dead husband, from that group, Stacey A. Abrams group, and she filtered out and sent it in. Unfortunately, she sent it in for herself and her dead husband. How many times have that happened, folks? And you know, they counted it. You know, they counted it. This is one way the Democrats and I call them demon crafts, because they're nothing but demons who do things like that. Okay. How many times have that happened with these states that allow mailing ballots? Now, that's a difference from an absentee ballot. Okay. That's a lot different. And why haven't these democratic states have legislation for ID cards, ID, if you're going to vote? Why haven't they done that? Because like someone told me the other day, they want to cheat. They are allowing illegals. They are allowing non-U.S. citizen, which includes, includes everybody. Even if you're a legal resident, you still can't vote, folks. You're not a U.S. citizen. You may be on track to becoming a U.S. citizen, but you're not a U.S. citizen, and you're not supposed to vote. You are not supposed to vote, and they are allowing this to happen. So, what do we do about it? My thing is, we need a lot of Republican workers in all of these states, especially in the urban areas, to be there at the reception desk when someone comes in, present their names or what have you. I was going to say present their ID to vote, but quite a few states don't require, okay? So, how can they determine who is eligible to vote? And they're doing this on purpose, folks. These are in mainly democratic states, democratic states. Why won't they pass laws? Look, you need an ID for everything, and this is here in the United States. Even the NAACP, when they have their state meetings, require ID, okay? So, if the NAACP, which you know what that is, the National Association for Advancement of Color People, it was created in 1909, okay? And they're the one that's fighting it, for voting. Now, you require them, you require their ID to attend your conferences and your meeting, but you don't require ID to vote. You don't want that. So, what a bunch of hypocrites with the NAACP, including here in Alabama, okay? NAACP and the sudden property law center just follow lawsuit against Alabama, because Alabama is saying, you can't take a person and fill out their ballots and fill out their sheets. You can't do that. And they're doing it for money. A lot of group, democratic groups, are doing that for money, okay? And they filed a lawsuit against the Alabama legislature and the governor, okay? But yet and still, they require ID for you to attend their meetings, especially their state meetings, because I've been and I had to show my ID card, my driver's license. So, this is what's happening, folks. And imagine the democratic states, the irregularities that are going on in the voting. So, one thing we got to do, don't wait until last day to vote, folks. If they have early voting, get out there and vote. If they have early voting, if you can't make it, then request an absentee ballot. But vote, vote, vote. And we're going to keep saying that. Get out there and vote. Get off of your rough, your duffs, and get out and vote and don't wait until last day. If they got early voting, get out there and vote, folks. We'll be back next week until then, Vicon dales, everyone. [Music]