FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Apryl Marie Fogel talked about Viral Video about manners - First Cars - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 6-25-24

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to, um, keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that? "This is painful, and it will be for a long time." "Don't you, baby, that's right, this man knows what's up." "After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper, no stepper, too high for a high stepper." "This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065." "Well Sean's a tough guy, I mean I think everybody knows that, you know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it?" "Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a bad council, I had no doubt about them." "That doesn't suck." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question, were you high on drugs?" "Last question, kiss my f*ck, this is fine." "Here we go, FMTalk1065 midday mobile as we get started with this hour, too, an update from the traffic story on the Bayway last hour, and Leanna updating us, and it looks like coming in on the text line as well. Their lifelite, the medical helicopter, has landed on the Bayway, eastbound Bayway is closed. Again, eastbound Bayway is closed, and the lifelite, they're on the Bayway. So God bless those folks as we look at this situation out there, we'll let you know as it gets to moving again, but once again eastbound Bayway is closed. We've been, what, 30 minutes or so of that out there, so do take the calls away or just stay where you are, because right now the eastbound Bayway is closed. All right, good to get this show host, author, journalist, bomb, provocateur on Twitter back on the show. Our friend, April Marie Focal, joins us, hey. "Hi, great to be with you." Good to have you on as well, and this, so there's a lot of things I miss, that April Marie does not miss, and I was looking at the subject we talked about today, and I figured we'd talk about the debate coming up, this, that, and the other, and so I get this from April Marie, she said, "Yeah, but what do you think about, what do you think about that viral story about the lady who picked up her husband from the airport, and then got out of the driver's seat, and let the husband get in the driver's seat, and then I looked at this thing on Twitter, this is insane, 9 million views, okay, I'd say that's viral. What's the story here? What's going on? Okay, so a lady goes to pick up her husband from the airport and gets out of her, kisses her, and then immediately goes to the passenger's seat, and the world is losing their mind over this because I guess for some people this isn't standard, but this is, this is just what happens, right? Like, I can't imagine in my head a circumstance in which I, you know, I come to greet you, pick you up at the office, and I say you being a man, and even just friends, I'm going to have the man drive every time. And apparently this isn't standard, I didn't know that. I think it is, it's standard, I guess it has been in my life. I've never, it's one of these things like, when I open a door for a lady, I don't think about it, it's somewhat reflexive, right? It's home training or those kinds of things, and I have always defaulted, unless there's some reason, right? I mean, it's not like there's no reason, but yeah, I will always drive, whether that be, you know, a girlfriend or my mother, you know, or why, I mean, anybody that I would, I would naturally drive unless there's a, I don't know, I mean, there's some reason, you have somebody needs to drive, but what's happening on Twitter is people are saying that what, that that's sexist or something like that? That's sexist, yeah, like what, why would, why would the woman do that? Why not just, you know, go to the airport, let the man get in, you kiss him and you drive off with the woman's home at driver's feet, and I, I, unless the man is drunk or otherwise incapacitated, I once had a friend who had a couple of DUIs, couldn't drive, so he got a pass. Well, that's, yeah, but, but aside from that, I refuse to drive men. I just, I think it's one of those traditional gender role things where it's the man's responsibility to drive. But luckily for me, I don't have too many people in my life who are just terrible drivers. I guess that would change things, right? Like if you were constantly side swiping people, or I didn't feel safe with you. But otherwise, a hundred percent of the time, I'm a man is driving. Okay. So that's the ride home from the airport. The one where there were challenges in my past is the, hey, I can drive, long road trip, right? And I remember hearing that about me, they're like, she would say, Sean will not, you know, you get to wherever, you get to Disney or whatever and those, how was the ride? Well, he wouldn't get out of the driver's seat the whole time. But they didn't, it wasn't major. It was just pointing out that I would say, yeah, it was kind of reflexive. I just, I was like, no, I got it. I got, unless I mean, I was falling asleep or something, you know? Yeah. And that's one of those, if you're going on a long cross country trip and you are maybe taking turns, but, you know, that's different too, but a big pop around town, even an hour or two. And I think it's not that I'm just a weak little lady who doesn't like to drive. It goes back to the men are protectors and providers. And there's just a protective role to the man being in control of the vehicle. I'm looking at a text here, Mr. Plot on the text line, and I wonder if he interjected this into the Twitter or the X, you know, that I'm looking at the back and forth here on this. He said, it's not about sexism. It's about respect for women. I wonder if that would blow some minds out there, say, out of respect for women. It's why you would drive. Yeah. I wonder if it's not a disdain. It's not in diminishment. It's out of respect. That's interesting. Well, this is one of those areas where feminists have ruined all the good things, right? Oh, I can get my own door. I can see my own bill. I can drive my own way. Well, yes, I am perfectly capable of doing all of those things too. I just don't want to. And I think it is a kind of respect for the man you're with to do it. I've got two sons and a daughter. I'm teaching my sons to hold the door and I'm teaching my daughter to stand at a door because I feel like it is a matter of respect and kindness. Yeah. It's, and I wonder that it's how you see the, like Mr., I think Mr. Plott's text is interesting because it depends on where the mind is. Somebody might jump to a conclusion like I look here on Twitter, people saying that that is the band saying that the woman is somehow diminished or not the same versus saying out of due respect for this person, I'm going to do this task, right? I'm going to, I'm going to shoulder this load. Well, and it's, how are you, how did you get to this point where this is what you're doing, right? Because you get part, you know, if it's one of those, oh, women drivers, you're just the worst. You're awful. Move over. I'm not getting in a car with you. That's a very different position than sweetie. Um, you know, I'm, I'm going to drive, you sit back and relax and, you know, play on your phone and change the music and all the things, but I think it's, it just 9.2 million views for this one, what should be to me non-controversial thing? You know, you, you do the talk radio thing, you, you, you, you watch this stuff. These are the subjects. Pretty interesting. Cause right now, and we will talk about the debate, but I could sit, we could talk about, you know, two wars on the planet, other war, you know, wanting to pop off, Julian Assange, we could talk about the state of the dead of the country and, and they get some calls and then you get text and you get, uh, some Twitter activity, but you mentioned things like this and it just goes berserk that at a key level with all those other things going on out there that this is what people are more, that they got an opinion on that they're interested in. Well, because you know, other things going on, there's always a kind of, as you said, there's always something going on, right? And it's when there's, when there's something immediate, a sense of immediacy is about it. I want to hear about it and I want to talk about it. The Julian Assange thing is interesting, but, um, but this is, this goes to how are you raising your kids? How are you raising your grandkids? Have you talked to your son lightly about what he's going to do when he's old enough to be driving girls? You know, do you talk to your daughter, but when she goes on a date, these are, these are everyday things that we just sometimes, uh, you know, take for granted, I suppose. Okay. With us, there's a whole other subject that we can start that over at Twitter that the older child, my daughter was pretty interested in getting a, getting her license, not as interested as I was, but still interested in getting the license, getting wheels. The younger, so she's 18, but by younger and the kids his age, some are, are, are interested, but like, I'm like, Hey, y'all want to drive the car around the farm? You would do this. They're like, yeah, okay. I'm like, I like, when I was at age, all I could think about was the freedom of getting off the BMX bicycle and getting to dad's truck and going for the night, you know, and you, not to it. There was a study about this that I just saw, I was looking enough because I bookmarked it on Twitter. There was a study about this, all of the things that we were really excited to do, that our kids are like men. And part of the reason for that madness is their parents hadn't given them that they haven't let them off the leash, right? So they don't understand the great wide world that's out there once they have that independent. They're not all excited about the independence. They're perfectly content sitting on yourself to play in Xbox, right? And I want this, I'm going to get in trouble here, but I've got, you know, I've been in my house. I've got a decently long, decently long driveway. My kids will steer down the driveway. Like my 11 year old is in constant conversation about what her first car is going to be. And she going to get it when she's 15 or 16, which by the way, it's going to be a Toyota or a Camry or, you know, some equally 1990s reliable vehicle. Yes. The fact that they get, like I jumped to this with my daughter, I said, you're just assuming you're getting your own vehicle. You know, I got a dad's extra, you know, I drove when I was allowed to drive something a long bed. You talking about unsexy two wheel drive, two wheel drive, long bed, bench seat, Dodge Ram, that was what I was allowed to drive because he had a company car so I could drive his regular truck. So what? And I only could drive that. You want to know how that would have been hotter, the only thing that would have made that hotter if it was a Dodge Dakota. It was the right. And I'm old enough it actually had the Ram hood ornament on it. That was the old days. That's awesome. Look at through a text here too, T-bone says, let's see if he is not trying to start a problem, I don't think he said it's not about sexism, it's that women can't drive. That's what I said earlier, those are fight more there even if your woman can't drive what you got to do is you got to pretend you're doing it, you know, to be kind, right? Like, hey, sweetie. I just want you to sit back and relax in your head all day long. You can, you can be like and, you know, get away from the clutch, you know, but you can say that out loud, that's just me. This texture says, if the flip side here, if the feminist were to drive with my wife, they'd let me drive too. There's a ton of these coming in, we'll get to these later on in the show. I do want to talk about it. So y'all go check this out on April Marines, you've retweeted it. I know I'd send it out as well if people want to go find and get into this string conversation over on Twitter. Yeah, it's just at April Maria, A-P-R-Y-L-M-A-R-I-E. I'm just surprised that this is a conversation worthy and that people are, like, genuinely have hurt feelings about this. It's probably useless. No. It's probably worse. No, do not drive. It annoys me. Yes. So much. It is a pet peeve. Who would you let drive the car? Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Well, Donald Trump, I'll run people over, Joe Biden will buy this into a ditch. So there you go. You've made that choice. And speaking of the debate, no studio audience there to say, I think that, I think it's stacked against Trump, obviously, but I don't know how he's going to riff without having reaction. I know we can do it, but gosh, that guy feeds off of energy, even negative energy. Look, one of my favorite debate moments in the history of debate is Trump and Hillary talking about tax breaks and how Trump has taken advantage of the tax, but do you remember that moment? I do. It is cemented in my brain as one of the best moments because he didn't have to be, he wasn't aggressive. He wasn't. Um, he was kind of like, he just, I don't think it was so good. I didn't have a word for it, but he was like, yeah, I take advantage of every tax break I can get. I have to pull every trick allowed and your donors and your friends have you. And if you wanted to fix it, you could have beautiful, beautiful moment, if that's honesty. That's honesty. Yes. Yes. If Trump shows up for the debate, the Trump that, uh, that, you know, speaks truth to that, like that, um, then we're going to be in good shape. If he wins it in the way in which, you know, he, he says, um, discipline things like that. We're going to give everybody who gets a college degree of green card, then he has shot himself in the foot and he's in trouble because I think he needs, he needs the momentum coming out of this. I did wonder with that story, the time like, you know, we, we need the brilliant people, we'll give you a green card. It seems to be the same kind of stretch that I, that I've really, I commented on Biden administration. What was it a month ago? They all sudden, they said, oh yeah, we're going to get real tough on, uh, the border. And I said, number one, it wouldn't, didn't mean anything, didn't go through, but the politics of that, I don't think that would have got, there wasn't somebody out there that heard that and said, well, I guess he is going to get tough on the border. I'm going to vote for Biden now at the same time, he peoed, you know, the people on the left and the people that fund the Biden campaign. Same thing here with Trump. It's like a unforced error. Why even, why even say that? I mean, you're not going to get people who weren't going to vote for Trump to all of a sudden go, well, if he's going to give people with a, you know, getting a college degree of green card now, I'm going to vote for him. I don't think either one was a smart move politically. I think that, yeah, both of them, both of them will just walk right into a mess of their own making. And you're right. It didn't help either of them with what they needed or what people wanted to hear. And good God, I was like Trump's dreamers plan. This is just Trump, you know, Trump giving us his own version of dreamers. And I'm not okay with this because then we're going to end up with all of those, it needs even two year degrees. And here's a problem. A degree, what it used to be, you can go get a degree in just about anything right now, right? If you put a DEI stamp on it, I studied, you know, African feminist knitting, you know, male private part, Trump wants to give that person a degree, green card, that's good. Well said, April, people would engage to these conversations with you online. How do they find you at April, Marie, on Facebook and Twitter, that's a tier YL in their I E. And Sean, in case no one told you lately, you're overdue for a vacation. I need to get there. Okay. You heard that. So when I'm out, you'll send those texts like my Sean gone, it's because April Marie needs to come in and say, just spell me for a while. All right, we'll work on it. I'll be texting you soon. Bye, darling. All right. There she goes. April Marie Fogle, we're coming right back. More Midday Mobile. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. I got 124 FM Talk 106.5 and Midday Mobile heads up here. Maybe there's never been a better time to get on an electric bike than when it's, what is the heat index right now? I got 102 or something out there. So my buddy Clint Jamison, the adventure with bicycles, heard me talk about him over time. He's now increased his stock of e-bikes to 75 at any given time. Sometimes it's over that, but it's never below that. He used to be 50. Now 75 at any given time, a bunch of different makes, models. And there are different, same thing with regular bikes, right? You have bikes that are better for on the road or on the street or a hybrid or off road, those kind of things. Same thing's true in the e-bike world, but in addition, different e-bikes have different components, different ranges, the batteries. So there's a bunch of goes to it. The great thing is, my buddy Clint is like a genius at this stuff. So if you go in and say, "Here's what I want to use a bike for," he's going to be able to point you in the right direction, the bikes that are top shelf, quality bikes, and the ones that he knows works for people who have the same needs you, or whether you're taking them when you take the RV somewhere and you want something just to get around town or you're taking them off road, using the woods to go hunting, or you use them just to get around town. He's got the e-bike for you and also 400 of the non-e-bikes in stock at any given time. He is right there at the corner, the store is, and he's probably there right now because he's always there. At the corner of Little Flower and Airport in Midtown, kind of Kettie Corner to cross from Bruce Chris, the website This is the guy I got my e-bike from, I want you to go check it out and do the same. Adventure Earth Bicycles, everything inside to get you outside. A lot of text here on this, see, I mean, this just like Twitter, everybody wants to talk about this story. If you didn't hear, April Rae was talking about the, she said, "Hey, did you hear the thing that's going viral?" I'm like, "Duh, I don't know." And it was, this first tweet was, "This lady just picked up her husband from the airport, kissed him, and immediately went into the passenger's seat." And then 9 million views later, people are back and forth about that. Do you think that that is, a lot of people say, "That's normal, we're out of respect for women," or this or that, and then people say, "Well, that's sexist," your thoughts on this, on the text line. This says, "I'm a professional driver." This textor says, "I'm a professional driver, and when I'm off, my wife drives everywhere, I tell her she can't afford me to drive." That's true. You've been driving all day from work, so I get it. And you'd have to bill your wife, and then you'd have to, yeah, that's like it. Let's see. The real Sam says, "I also walk on the side of the street while walking down the sidewalk with my wife." Yep. I do the same real Sam. That all comes from, you think, it comes from home training. Gosh, my parents are old school, and I learned those things, you know, sometimes with a smack to the back of the head, but I learned them after time. Let's see. Chris and Daphne says, "It's a pleasure and a kindness to open a door for a woman. It makes me feel good." Yeah, there's that part of it, too, right? Like I tell my kids about charity. Dad, why don't we do this? I said, "Because think about how good you feel after you help out other people." They're like, "Yeah, you're kind of right." Let's see. Pat says, "I drive my wife's car more than she ever does." Firedog. My man said, "My first chick magnet car," which, by the way, I have a friend who has a vehicle still called the Chick Magnet, and it's not a Chick Magnet. He said, "My first chick magnet car was a 1978 Chevy Caprice station wagon." My man, Dad had the reason I got to drive that the old Dodge pickup truck is Dad got a company car, and he had the Caprice Classic. They get a new one like every two years or whatever. My favorite was the baby blue Caprice Classic with the white top and the plush cloth interior. It was a stylist in the 1980s. Let's see, Ben says, "I don't mind driving at all. Just don't tell me how to drive." Well, there is a question, too, is if you're driving, do you control, I think you control the radio. That's a... If you're driving, you control the entertainment. Maybe you got me in arguments over time, but then I said, "Well, I'll just turn the truck off." John says, "Those who say women can't drive, may Danica Patrick have mercy on their soul." There you go. Yes, on many reasons. I'm still updates coming from the Bay Way. I think it's still... We had that report a little bit earlier, and I know cheese wagon trying to say, "I haven't gotten those updates. I see where you're texting. I don't know if it's opened yet, but y'all, eastbound Bay Way was closed," and there was a... Yes, and Leanne is saying what? It's open. Okay, it's open. They're moving emergency vehicles out of the way. So eastbound Bay Way is open. All right, very good. There we got the update. You're right back to your text and more stories when we return right here on Midday Mobile. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. But when 35 FM Talk 1065, Midday Mobile, we'll be able to have you a long time to check in with my buddy, Blaine Price, at Paris Tractor in Robert'sdale. Okay, Blaine, it's two of us that spend time on equipment. If you needed a reason to sell a cab tractor or a skid steer that's enclosed with air conditioning, Mother Nature has done that job for you. Absolutely. Right now, it's not hard, but because I tell you, I went home yesterday and turned out the fence, and if I wouldn't have had that cab, I would have been drenched in sweat. I'll tell you that. Yeah, the other nice thing about it, too, is if any of us have run equipment for any period of time and you hit the yellow jacket nest in the ground and you happen to be in the enclosed cab tractor and you watch them just throwing themselves against the glass and you laugh and laugh at them, it's a nice moment. That's right. You wouldn't be laughing if you were on that open cab right now. No. I've been there and I've been lit up by them, so how's the inventory right now on equipment with air condition? The inventory is great right now. We've been getting in that the enclosed cab, high-flow skids doers here lately, really been moving some of those enclosed cab tractors as well. All this qualifies for that zero interest financing, but also we have also been trading a lot of tractors, zero-turn lawnmowers, enclosed cab skids doers, and some excavators here lately. If you're not in the market for brand new, we do have use and that we are all able to be financed as well. Also, if you're in the market for a tractor, you own a tractor, even if it's a different color tractor than Kubota, we will trade it in, so feel free to stop by and see this. If you're not interested in purchasing a piece of equipment, we have a fully stocked rental department as well that has all the different tractors, skids doers, excavators, trailers, a little bit of everything, man lifts, all the way down the handheld tools. We've got a little bit of everything for everybody. All right. We'll tell folks how to find you. Well, right here, a pair of tractors in the middle of Robert's Hill, Highway 59. You come by for Monday through Friday, 8-0-5, Saturdays, 8-0-noon, or you can just call it, 2-5-1-9-4-7-4-1-7-1. Appreciated Blaine. We'll check back soon. Thanks, Sean. All right. There it goes. Blaine Price at a pair of tractor over in Robert's Hill. There's a lot of text to get to here. Well, let's try to get to these and then we'll get to a couple -- we'll hit the Julian Assange thing a little bit, maybe, if not, we'll dive into it tomorrow. So, Mr. Plot on the text slide sounds like he's the same as I was. He said he turned 16 on a Friday. His parents didn't get home until it was too late to go. The driver's license is bureau, so he had to wait the weekend and guess what? They're closed on a Monday. He said, "My mom thought she was going to have me medicated when he turned 16." Yeah. So, how about this one? You want to get -- here's a punishment for you, right? So, I didn't get in mind until -- I wanted my driver's license more than I wanted air, Mr. Plot. But I screwed around and maybe had a -- what did we call -- a "get together." Mom and Dad were not -- had a party and got caught having the party. And one of my labors of Hercules, punishments, was a six-month delay on getting my driver's license. I was already the youngest kid in my class. I graduated when I was 17 and a six-month delay. I'm getting ready to be 52 and that one still burns in there. Anem Textures said, "I'm a traditionalist and I understand April Marine Focal Stance, but no one is driving my car but me unless it's a long trip. Why be bothered by the other driver's preferences?" It doesn't have meta said. The wife and I have taken turns driving in the past, mostly due to one being designated. Nowadays, I will drive until the wife starts her criticism of my driving. Then I give her the keys. I drive all day for a living. The wife is half-blind. She distracts me pointing and cringing at cars and traffic that aren't even close to us. But you're going to be in trouble. He said, "My wife is driving so poorly over the years did help me keep from being alcoholic. I don't want to drink a drive so I stopped over indulgence through the years." There's a benefit, silver lining to it. T-bone said, "I used to walk on the traffic side with my wife until I realized the reason." This textures says, "Manners are like Christianity. It's free and priceless." Lisa in Robert's Tale said, "Oh my gosh, I drove my granny's baby blue caprice classic." Remember that dad came home with that, what, 80, probably 85 or so? A company car, four doors, we could lay up there in the back portion where parents today would cringe to even see that. As kids, in the back seat, the ledge up there, you go lay up there and then if they had to apply the brakes, you went rolling forward. But it was fun because you fell into the cushy seats in the back of the caprice classic and you laughed. Let's see, Ashley in Loosedale says, "My husband's parents had a 75-old's mobile station wagon white with brown interior, not a chick bagged it." So Ashley, from the ladies' perspective, the boy comes rolling up in the 75-old's mobile station wagon. You weren't like, "Man, that's my guy." Let's see, CB Carl said, "My high school ride was a 1974-door Delta 88 inherited from my grandmother, the girls couldn't wait to see the back seat." What about buddies who didn't get delayed? It was older and didn't get delayed by six months for his driver's license. He had a 1976 Grand Torino, but it was, I think, the two-door and each door is like my grandmother used to have a, with the Grand Marquis two-door and the doors were like eight feet long each. There you go. This is Igeri, I said, "Just want to give a shout out to Miss Leanna. Great job. Ooh-rah." I will say good job as well, I'll let you, Maureen, say, "Ooh-rah," but I second what Gary says out there and you can get a sampling of all the things she does for us when you go to the Facebook page, and that is, so check it out there. She is the reason to get all those things that you're commenting on throughout the day. They're on there. All right. We're going to do the phones at 3430106, and Matt is up first. Hey, Matt. Hey, guys. Hey, Sean. Hey, Matt. Hey, Matt. Those usual, man. Thanks. I think I must have the best dad ever when I was back on when I was 14, up in Birmingham, my dad would let me take his car, his daily driver, and get gas for it, and on Sundays, and he had a '69 Camaro and, man, I was in heaven, and drove that car forever. Doing my driving test in it, and still in my garage today. '69 Camaro. I'm driving up a long bed, y'all picture this day, two-wheel drive, not even four-wheel drive, long bed, bench seat, Don's Ram, and you're driving a Camaro. Well, you know, it was '78, they were just old cars, and he bought it in 1970, so you know, there were a lot of them around. That is cool. Anyway. That is great. And you held on to it. All right. Good thing ever. All right. Good stuff, man. So that's, okay, you win on that one, on the cool vehicle. For sure. That's a big win. But that's one of the ones I would have. We've had this conversation before on the show. I've never had a car in my life. I've had SUVs or trucks, but hold on, I've never had a car, but one day, if kids are up and grown and all that kind of stuff, I wouldn't have a weekend firebird or a Camaro or something like that. I might be able to get into that. Now, I might not be able to get out of it. I've noticed when I get in people's sports cars, how if you're used to getting in and out of trucks, you don't develop the muscle. It seems like you're laying on the ground when you're in one of their sports cars and you got to get up. You're like, so maybe I'm getting too old for that. Right? This is a great place to go and look at the difference of opinions popping on social media about this. How do you see Julian Assange? Is he a true sayer, somebody who did what needed to be done, who pulled back the veil of what governments do behind closed doors? Or is he somebody that put people in danger, Americans in danger, others in danger? The story from NBC News says, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was released from a British prison and is on his way to a remote Pacific Island on Tuesday where he'll plead guilty to a conspiracy charge as part of a plea deal with the US Justice Department, according to court documents. The agreement will free Assange and end the years-long battle over the publication of a trove of classified documents. I wonder how this deal was worked out because for a long time, the idea was that if Assange was outside of that confinement, he might have a bad accident and die. That kind of idea that that many governments out there wanted him dead says Assange was charged by criminal information, which typically signifies a plea deal with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information according to court documents. WikiLeaks posted footage to Twitter of Assange boarding a plane at the Stanstead Airport near London at 5 p.m. on Monday, so 12 p.m. Eastern in the States. A letter from the Justice Department official Matthew McKenzie said Assange would appear in court in the northern Mariana Islands, a US-controlled territory north of Guam, and at 9 a.m. local time there, because of course, on the other side of the international date line, to plead guilty. The plane believed to be carrying Assange landed early Tuesday in the Thai capital of Bangkok to refuel. He will later arrive for what could be a final court hearing after spending five years in British jail. Remember that before, where was he? He was in the embassy, wasn't he, using the Ecuadorian embassy? Said the islands are 3,400 miles north of Australia, Assange's country of citizenship, where the Justice Department expects he will return following the proceedings. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the case has dragged on for too long. There's nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration, and we want him brought home to Australia. End quote. I was wondering about that too, if the Aussies had some tip of the hat to the United States, I guess he didn't do anything, I don't know if he would be able to prosecute, if he'd be prosecuted in Australia, but doesn't look like it. So Julian Assange, I guess he's going to be out. Your thoughts on that, is it, should he have been freed much sooner, or should he never have been freed, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6, coming right back. It's Sean Sullivan on FMTalk 106.5. If they're going to do the service, feel good. Yamaha Master Tech on staff, 50 years in the business of working on boats. And the knife thing too, is not only do you get your engines serviced, but work on everything from the bow to the stern. So not just getting the engines running correctly, but bilge punks, running lights, steering all that on the boat, having it just right when you go on the water, they do that at Blue Water Yacht Sales and Service. If you do the work yourself, I know Kelsey in the parts department, she is fantastic. You can call her and give her the serial number to the engine, and she's going to have the parts you need. And if she doesn't, she did tell me, she said, "Hey, if for some reason, Sean, there's like some crazy part we don't have." If you called the order in before 11 o'clock in the morning, she can have the parts come in by the next day. So you're looking for parts to do your own work, whether you're looking for an impeller or something bigger, or even if you're trying to get the yamalube that you need for the boat or the oil, they've got all that at Blue Water Yacht Sales and Service. Plus, a bunch of new boats would check out while you're there as well and do that. They're online, BlueWater Yacht, see them in mobile on the Beltline or at Orange Beach Marina. All right, go to the-- let's go to the phones first, and then we'll go to the text line. And first up, Fireball. Hey, Fireball. Oh, John, ain't nothing to it, just like my paycheck. I hear you. I'm good, man. So what's up? John, beneath your heart, I had two magnet cars. Okay. '69, not for one. Nice. And I had a '78, '28 Camaro. Man, you did have the sports cars, man. Both of them were so fast that I'd outrun the wording Lord with the Bible on the back seat. [LAUGHING] Let me tell you about the-- let me tell you a first story about the '78, '28. I then had two ants, my braid ants, and both of them weighed over 300 pounds apiece. I feel like this was set up. I think I'm going to fall into a set up. Go ahead, Fireball. No, no, no. This is true story. So we was at church, and my one ant asked me to give her and her sister a ride home. Okay, the biggest one got into back seats. [LAUGHING] John, we all was dying laughing, me trying to get my great ant out of the back seat of that Camaro. [LAUGHING] Yeah. You had to winch her out, or would you do? No, we did. [LAUGHING] [INAUDIBLE] I'm maneuvering her around till we gather out. It's quite a thought. The end to-- the end to a lap is so hard, I could hardly get her out of the back seat. [LAUGHING] That's true. [INAUDIBLE] True story. It's a heck of a story. Fireball, I appreciate it, man, and I'm just picturing that. Thanks. I'm picturing that. Oh, my gosh. If Porter into the back seat, now getting her out, that's a challenge. From the text slide here, Charlie said, "My mom couldn't get off in time to take me to the DMV to get my license, so I took my dad's other truck up there on my own. They asked where my parents were, and I pointed it outside, and they said, "Okay, I took the test and passed, but the computers were down, and it took a week and a half to actually get my license." My mom said, "You should be angry, but you passed, so I guess you'd get a pass." So you drove up without your license, Charlie, I understand that. I understand the desire back then to get your license. It's a big time. The text slide was a problem when I 10 haven't moved in over 30 minutes on the Bay Bridge. There's probably still a holdover there texture from the eastbound Bayway, the accident earlier that had life flight out there, but they have opened that back up now. The CT bone said, "I learned on my grandfather's Chevy III on the tree, between my jerking on the shifter and the quadruple clutching. The girls were mostly safe." Chris at Orange Beat said, "On my 16th birthday I rolled out in 1976 Grand Torino, and a midnight blue with Pearl, White, Starsky, and Hutt Stripe on a 351 Windsor way too much car for a 16 year old. That's true." Even like the family cars back then, I just had muscle, I just had muscle. Back to talking about Julian Assange, let's see, Mr. Plott says, "He is married to an Australian woman, I guess." No, I don't think so. Stella Assange, I think she is Swedish or from Spain or something. I think her mom's from Spain, her dad was Swedish or something like that. I don't know if she's Australian citizen. He goes on to say, "If people think he's getting away with something, just remember every time he does anything that aggravates his wife, all she has to say is, 'Well, why don't you ask Pamela Anderson what she thinks about it.'" Martin said I took Driver's Head with a new 1968 Dodge Charger, 383, and a Coronet, 383, took my test in my mom's 66 Chevy Caprice, 396. Royal blue, black vinyl top, black interior made perfect on the test. There you go. And then Fireball, Marty says this, and this is probably factual. It puts you all together. Marty said Fireball was a Quailoo dealer. Anyone that had a '78 Camaro was a Quailoo dealer. Oh my gosh, we should do a whole show. I wish I had some kind of cool muscle core for my first car, but no, the only thing I could do is if I was good and did all chores, mom had a maxima that I could talk around to for date nights, it was a four-door white maxima cloth interior butt. It had a sunroof. Huh? Yeah, get that baby out and cassette player in it in the whole nine yards. But that was only for like a Saturday night date, right? The songs thing, it goes on to say, can people ask him, "Well, what's next?" I don't know what's next. Once he gets in to Australia, that quote there in the story, it sounds like they're not going to prosecute. Australian Prime Minister said the case is dragged on for too long. There's nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration, and we want him brought home to Australia. I don't know if that means there's not anything more coming from this, but it's yeah, and there it is. The signs have been held in the high security Belmarsh prison in East London for five years, and he had previously spent seven years in self-exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he reportedly fathered two children into his asylum, withdrawn, and he forcefully carried out the embassy in 2019. So 12 years, he's been inside. It's going to be interesting, does he then show up, does the signs start showing up on TV shows now? Do everything I could, but does he end up armed with Tucker or somebody like that? It's going to be interesting to see if he goes into a life of quiet and stays out of mainstream, or if he becomes the darling of podcast and TV shows and all that out there, I'll be watching for it as well. The debate, I think I will, somebody's asking if we're going to be live tweeting or live Xing, whatever it would be now, during the debate. I think I will. That's at FMTalk1065. Of course, that's coming up on Thursday as they take the debate stage. No studio audience, if we've talked about that, no studio audience, and the mics are off when you're not the one talking, I think that's going to make it a little more boring, but that's there. But yeah, we probably will be, or that we being me will be on the Twitter feed on Thursday night. You see this as people are prepping to, this is, so, you know, Trump's out campaigning doing his thing. Well, Biden's cramming for exams, I guess at Camp David, and so he's prepping for the debate. We'll see what happens on Thursday night. I know this Paul Feynbaum starts next. We'll do it all again tomorrow. Another edition of Midday Mobile, right here at FMTalk1065, y'all have a good one. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]