FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 6-25-24

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] Stayed up late again watching TV with my best friend. Laughing at the late night show, I don't know what's wrong with me because I know I need my wrist. But if I don't stay about night, sleep on day, I ain't in my best. Hey! We'll go back to the Jet Force show that we talk 106.5. They just sticking around on this Tuesday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. We get to a couple of your text here and before the show closes. But joining us now is Chairman of the Republican Party. John Wall is on the line with us. Chairman, good morning, how are you? I'm doing well. It could be on the show. Thank you for making time. We do appreciate it. We'll kick it off here. Any expectations about the Thursday night debate? They seem to be all over the board, but I don't know what to expect. This is really out of the ordinary this early in the cycle. No, it really is. And I think this debate is going to be a very important cornerstone of this campaign for both candidates. This is a make or break moment, especially for Joe Biden. I think he's got to find a way to explain to the American people why they should still vote for him, even though pretty much every one of his policies have been a complete disaster. And I think we see that already taking place. And I was actually talking with a moderate news source earlier today, and they brought up-- he's taken a week off of the campaign trail to prepare for this debate. Donald Trump's not taking any time off. And they're like, do you think Donald Trump's not taking it serious? And I said, I think it's the opposite. I think what you're seeing here is you're seeing what true leadership looks like. When you're sitting in the Oval Office of the White House, you don't have time to take a week to think about what you're going to do. You've got to make that decision. And whether you love or hate Donald Trump, something we all know, he's going to get on that debate stage. He's going to be himself, and he's going to talk directly to the American people, and he's going to be honest. He's not taking a week to think up how to fool the American people. He's going to step right out there, and he's going to tell us what he thinks. He's going to talk about the issues that are affecting this country, the border, the economy, and how pretty much every area of American life. And I cannot point to one as a whole that is better now than it was four years ago. And I think that's where Donald Trump is going to be in this debate. And Joe Biden's going to have to have answers, and if he does, and I think we'll continue to see him slip in the polls. Now, you watch the polls like I do. Chairman, my thinking is this, and I know that the trade is a little bit in Biden's favor, but this is as bad as it's going to get. I mean, at this point in time, those who are responding to these surveys know about Trump's conviction in New York. And for Joe Biden to really benefit, I mean, he needed a big, big, big, big swing here. He didn't get it. And I think this is probably like rock bottom for as far as the sick. I mean, as far as the 24 campaign goes, I mean, other things could happen, obviously, between now and November. But things are going the way they're going. This is going to be the worst of it. They're in good shape. I mean, I can agree. I think, look, we as a party and especially our candidates have got to get back to talking about the issues and how they affect the American people. The mainstream media want to get us off on talking about personality, talking about court cases, talking about global warming, whatever it may be, they want to bring personality and personal aspects into it. And I think we really just need to say no. We need to stop falling to the trap of allowing them to dictate the conversation. And I think what we're seeing is the American people who are waking up to this and really saying, look, no, what we're concerned about is the fact that we can't put food on the table. We're concerned about the fact that our communities aren't safe because there's drugs and human trafficking flowing across the southern border that the Democrats are not just letting happen, but they actually reverse things that Donald Trump put in place that protected our country. They reverse those and purposely want this flood of illegal immigrants, flood of crime, flood of drugs coming across the southern border. And I don't think there's any excuse for that. I think foreign policy, people feel less safe now than they did four years ago because ironically, they are less safe. The Democrats party in the Biden administration has been a complete failure on foreign policy. So I don't know. I think you have all these things that are so obvious for Republicans to point out. We've got to get away from allowing the mainstream media to set the narrative, talk about the issues and go directly to the American people. Forget talking to the media. It's when you're talking to media, you're not talking to that host. You're talking to the public. And if our candidates can do that, if Donald Trump can do that. And I believe he will. I think it's very, very hard for the Democrats to keep the control and a lock on the vote's situation cycle. Well, you know, I spend a lot of time like, what do you do if you're a Democrat right now? Do you think, I think it's coming, Chairman? And Democrats have kind of been able to use it to their advantage in the past. But the summer months tend to be, especially political election cycles for some reason, tend to be kind of a rocky place in our inner cities with crime. And I mean, the BLM summer, the Ferguson summer, all coming like within, you know, right around presidential elections. Looking at this, I don't think the turmoil in the streets is something that Democrats want right now. They're in charge. And that to me, I mean, you talk about the woke stuff really pulling well with those, I think crime and the threat of crime and public safety, especially what we're seeing in Montgomery right now, is it going to be an issue for voters in a presidential election? I think there's no doubt. And look, who is the party that stands for people's rights and freedoms? wants to protect people, wants to help them have a safer life, wants to close them in order, you know, wants to improve the economy. Most, even most Democrats recognize that it's a Republican party who would do a better job with the economy. And I think that's why we've got to serve being bolder. Candidates have to be bolder. And you brought up the world policies, you know, the parental rights and making sure that our children are not socially engineered and, you know, not just, I'm not just groomed, but literally indoctrinated with socialism. I think those are issues that are going to be such a key factor in that we as Republicans have got to grab onto our candidate to have to talk about them. But the Democrats are going to grab onto the abortion and reproductive rights. And they're going to try to drive that, that, that train all they can. But if we as Republicans recognize our social issues on our side, that actually pull more intensely than abortion does with independence, both more intensely with, you know, with moderate Democrats, and it definitely pulls stronger with Republicans. We have the better social issues to use. We just have to start using them the same way the Democrats use their social issues. And the way they're going to use it, I mean, we saw, I think we first started seeing it yesterday with Kamala Harris. It's going to be abortion and they're going to, I mean, bring out these just horrible stories of these young ladies who are raped and they live in a state where they couldn't get an abortion. They had to go travel or whatever to get an abortion. But this is the way they're going to go. It looks like to me, they're just going to try to bank off of the 2022 cycle. I don't think that works here. I mean, it's going to work, but it's not the, the electorate is so much different in a presidential cycle. Well, look, if we have to slam them right back and say, look, first of all, you want a federal government who, who respects and thinks that life is precious. Every single country in the history of this world who did not respect the right to life has ended very poorly. It's critical that government respects life. By going past that, it's also critical that we respect rental rights. It's critical that we protect our children. Look, I think one of the most powerful things that you can do is show how the Democrat party has embraced not just the socialist agenda, but a sexually-listed agenda that they're trying to force on young children. And it doesn't matter whether you're a Republican, it doesn't matter whether you're a Democrat, it doesn't matter whether you're, you're straight or gay, if you're a sincere person and you watch that agenda, you're a horrified by it. And I think the numbers that I'm seeing with the polling, the, the, the, when I'm talking to parents, when I'm talking to teachers, this issue is literally horrifying to the American public. And yet we have a Democrat establishment who don't just embrace it. They don't just accept it. They are pushing it. And it's critical. They have to have it because they know that they have one window, if the next generation is completely boiled alive and comes out full on socialists, they will own this country forever. And so this is it. This, the next 10, 15, 20 years is going to define whether we as a country stand up and they know we want to continue to be a constitutional Republican, recognize our creator and that our rights come from our creator. And when we're going to reject this idea of socialism, that government control our lives. Or do we let them get our children? And then we leave America forever. We're, we are in that battle. I think we're, I think this is more important than anyone. We cannot overstate the importance of this and how critical the next few elections cycle are. And it starts right here in 2024. I mean, it's, it's a culture, it's, it's a cultural thing. What do we, what do we in this country put up on a pedestal where we're, we're growing away from organized religion, whatever it may be as your higher power to the government. And that the government is the solution to our problems that we don't look to God. We don't look, we don't even look to ourselves. We look to, we look to Uncle Sam to come in and solve our problems. I think that's the mentality of a lot of people. And maybe this haven't been alive enough, but if you rely on the government that much, it's going to let you down, but yet doesn't stop their voting behavior. Well, and we have to remember this indoctrination through the education system and through the media and entertainment, it didn't just start, you know, 10 years ago with this radical push. It's been, it's been an effect for decades. And it's so easy to fall into the trap of looking to, looking to government. You know, you, you don't like what your neighbor is doing, but let's do zoning and control your people. What about property rights? You know, you, you look at Social Security, Social Security is not that old. It was put into place in the, you know, in the 40s and 50s. So many things that our country and just the last generation or two has moved so much more to this, this trend away from personal responsibility. It moved away from the family unit and then communities working together. And I always highlight this, in order for socialism to work, you have to have a small powerful government that people look to as God, almost. But in order to do that, you have to take away the competition. And that's self-sufficiency, that's a strong local community, that's the family unit and that's our faith in Almighty God. And I think that's why we see every one of those areas of our lives being attacked by the left. They're undermining those pillars of society, those things that are put in place that are so important that, that help us be self-sufficient, that help us be successful. Look, socialists don't want a strong middle class. They want to have everyone, they want to have peasants and serfdom where everyone is equal but equally poor. And I think we have to embrace the American dream, we have to explain how this grand American concept of freedom and liberty and the American public being in charge, why that made such an amazing nation and why it's so important that we embrace it, we understand those principles and we don't just hold onto them, we have to go back to them because we've already blocked them in so many areas. One more question on the abortion, what is, because I think that Republicans need to go on offense here, they need to be more aggressive, I think the mistake of '22 was running away from it and not really talking about it, or not even going on offense or talking about just how radical the modern democratic party is on this issue, they sort of give them a free pass to have no restraints and they, Republicans just take hit after hit, body bullet or body blow from the left on this, they've got to do better, right? Oh absolutely, and look, and not just defend but sit back, like I was talking about, no one wants a government that doesn't respect the right to life. Life is sacred, life is precious. And I think we as Republicans, that's better to have explained, look, the reason we believe in the right to life if they're unborn is the same reason we believe in protecting your right and freedom as the American people. We want to protect your first memorize, just taking the memorize, we also want to protect your right to life. And it's going to aid you throughout your entire life, like this is a fundamental concept. We believe in people and the individual, and that part of that is the right to life. I think we also have to really communicate the message that abortion is a tragedy, because the majority of the American people agree with that, 70% of the American people agree that no woman wants to be in that place and abortion is a tragedy. And if it's a tragedy, then let's find solutions besides that tragedy. All the Democrats have to offer saying, "Oh, we want abortion, we want to kill babies." But okay, let's have Republican Party be the party that wants to help people, help mothers in need, make adoptions easier, and have actual solutions for this tragedy. And I think if we can frame it in that context, and we can show that we care and our pro-life fans and our policies around women in need are actually come from a place of compassion and a place of protecting every single individual, if we can communicate it in that way, that we don't want to control people, we want to protect and help people. We win on this issue, and it's the Democrats who are actually the radical ones. They're the ones who want to be able to have abortion up until the day of birth. They're the ones who have a radical policy, they're the ones who are being aggressive on this. We're coming at it from a kind, respect, and a loving position, and if we can flip that on, we actually win on this issue, and that is actually the truth, and we need to be bold about it, and we need to not be afraid to talk about these quote unquote controversial issues. I don't care if it's abortion. I don't care if it's transgender, if it's transgender, it's a meat push in our children. I don't care if it's our education, if it's parental rights, we need to be bold on the social issues that are happening today because that's where the battle for the hearts and the minds of the American people are. And Chair, we'll wipe it up on this, we've only got a minute here, but AL2, how is that going? I mean, look, you know, I've always been the pessimist on this. I think this was created to be a Democrat district, but I'm telling you, this is a winnable feat. The policies of the Democrat Party are so bad, and the people, the average everyday Americans are hurting under these policies. And I think that record from the Democrats of the Biden administration and the U.S., you know, and other things, are going to give us a chance to win this U.S. congressional state. And we're going to work hard, we're going to fight for it, and I think it's a possibility. Chair, folks, you want to find out more about the Alabama Republican Party? Do you think you guys are up to tell them how to do so? Yeah, no, we welcome engagement all the time. So we're on all social media at Alabama Republican Party, and then our website where they can sign up for the volunteer or for updates is I'll check that out. Chairman, we appreciate it. We'll do it again next week. Always good to be on the show. John Wall, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back. This is F.F.Talk, 1065. ♪ The night angel sleep tight darling ♪ ♪ He blows your pretty brown eye ♪