FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Dale Liesch on the Mobile City Council subpoena saga and Thomas Harms talks bears - June 21 2024

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21 Jun 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer we got? I mean, the beer we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a bade council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. Right. Here we go, FM Talk 1065. At midday mobile, we are live at the Western Command in West Mobile County on the farm today, doing the show remotely. So, but as always, I'll monitor the text line at 343-01-06-3430106. Put that in your contacts. That's how you get through. It does 56 hours a week of live local shows. So, maybe it's this show. Maybe it's the morning show. It's Jeff's show. It's playing living with a bill Finch. It's prep sports tomorrow. It's Eddie. Listen, hey, the evening shows. Keep that number handy 343-01-06. And a reminder, as always, if you have the FM Talk 1065 app, you can always leave us a talkback message right there, the microphone icon on the front page of the app. If you press that, let's your recorded message, then you hit send, sends it right here to the show. And we can play it back there on the air. All right. Coming up on today's show, we'll take it international in the second hour. As Jonathan McConnell from Meridian, you asked my buddy who has that company that puts armed guards, and I think all to a T, all of them retired military puts armed guards on ships, container ships, places like the Red Sea, Horn of Africa. And so, his business for a long time was, of course, Somali pirates, protecting ships against them. Now, at the Houthis and others into the mix, we'll talk to him about the latest from over there. That's coming up at 1.30. Also, Thomas Harms from the state of Alabama joined us. There's a bear aware event coming up next week. More bear sightings, of course, making the news. We'll talk to him about that, but are lead off better. And my friend, Dale Leach from landyap, Are you on the mend, brother? You feeling any better? Yeah, yeah, I just, I have a, you know, ear infection of a respiratory infection, but I'm not contagious. So I came back to work today, and I'm good. Yeah, that's what you're telling everybody. He's not contagious. Well, good. Not, not, not, not anything that, you know, not any sort of respiratory disease, I'm not contagious. I don't know about other things. Yeah, there's always a chance with Dale. It is other things. You know, I put out to folks too. If you thought there was a story that was, I'm getting some background there on you, Dale, but a story that demanded one, two, three, four updates here over at from a man Dale Leach. It's what we talked about Tuesday and Wednesday on the show. It's the clown show that hit the Mobile City Council. It was something. Now, of course, yeah, I remember you answered one of my things on Twitter. I was amused by what the closed captioning said when people were talking about subpoenas. But what was the material? Why did the people show up at City Council dressed as clowns? Well, it was, it was kind of too, it was kind of a form of protest, I guess. It seems like they were unhappy with former police chief Paul Parn getting subpoenaed for this investigation and his allegations against the mayor's office while others, while key employees were shielded from subpoenas. I think that was one of, one of the main complaints. So, so the idea was, it was a full protest. This is a clown show. You guys aren't doing this right. And we don't, we don't, we're not going to trust the outcome of it now, no matter what that outcome is. So, I think, I think that's what, I think that's what's up with, with the clown outfits. And really, it was just the wig. She's clown wigs, really. And well, one was a long way. But it's successful. It is right. It is successful. I mean, if you look at, like, it has us all talking this week, that group of folks supporting former chief Parn, they should teach a little course on media savvy because you want to get attention. That got it. Yeah, I mean, I actually led with that. That was the crux of my web story that for the council. And normally, you know, there's more serious things happening on the council. So, I probably would have put that further down, but I led with it. And yeah, like you said, it's Friday, we're talking about it now. It's going to happen on Tuesday. It's quite the, it was quite a display. And it's always going to, it's always going to get in rain after you just to go to the clown media council meeting, always. Okay, I would like to go back to this. There were a lot of us talking about this clown portion and this protest. But this comes on this question. You talked about, was it last week or two weeks ago? You were, you know, really breaking the news on this about former chief prime, getting the subpoena. But then what they say was a draft subpoena. You kind of, you did a great job of explaining it before, like it was sent too early before the council voted. Can you go back and give us the, what happened? Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and I've got a little update on that too that was in the story about the clowns. I don't know if anybody read that far down. But yeah, so what happened was January, I'm sorry, on June 4 before the council had actually approved subpoena power for that special counsel investigation. A subpoena was sent to, to fall prime. And, you know, and then the next week they actually approved the subpoenas for him and for the owners of 321(z) insights. We did a peer review study on the shotgunner report. So it was weird to, it was weird on, you know, because it was sent January, June 4 before it was approved. They sent the subpoena out. And then, and then we come to find out, you know, the week that they approved the actual subpoenas that, that he actually came in quote, of quote, voluntarily. So, you know, obviously he came in here on Facebook and refuted the claim that he came out, came in voluntarily because he was subpoenaed to do so. There are two things that I want to point out about that is sample subpoenas or draft subpoenas are not unheard of in the legal world. Like, if, if in a, in a civil concept, if you're going to a civil trial, you will send out that every witness will get a, a, a subpoena that says, you know, it'll have a cover letter that says notice of subpoena. And then you take the cover letter off, it looks exactly like a subpoena. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The only thing that tells you that if they draft or a notice of subpoena is that it's actually got the term notice of subpoena on a cover letter. So that's, that's one thing. And I don't know, I have not talked to Chief Prime as to whether he got a cover letter that he didn't provide in the Facebook comment. I would assume, I would assume that he did not, because he didn't, it wasn't in there. So I'll assume that this was, you know, since as a mistake, it seems I just was sent out the mistake. The June 4th subpoena does seem like it was sent as a mistake. And even Michael Linder, the counsel attorney came out Tuesday when I was writing the clown story and said, yes, that was a miscommunication between me and the special counsel on when to send it. But then he stopped by the idea that it was going to be like a sample, like a draft subpoena that they would send in sort of like the civil concept. But, but I don't know the specifics more than that. That's what, that's what they, that's what they have said. And so, the emphasis among counselors is that, uh, trying to maintain in voluntarily, even though he may have received something that either wasn't subpoena or looked like a subpoena, possibly by mistake. There's a lot of moving parts and a lot of, you know, what is in this whole thing. But that's the latest on, on that. So, so what last forward to, you know, fast forward to, that's why, that's why the clown show commentary. People, supporters of his work that I understand, you get, look, you get something that says subpoena on it. You're going to take that pretty seriously, right? Like, you know what? I've been around for quite a while and I didn't know there was such a thing as a, like a draft subpoena that really didn't mean anything that you would get before getting a real, I didn't know that. I had to ask, I had to ask the litigator that I trusted, a lawyer that has done this sort of thing before. I had to ask an attorney that I trusted, you know, whether that was actually, that was the same vote you were. I had never heard of such a thing. But apparently it is, it has come. The other, the other issue here that no one's talking about is that the city council is not a court of law, right? So, when you, if, if, if you're subpoenaed by the city council or the special, special council in this case, and you don't honor the subpoena, I mean, what happens is no court involves at this point. It's not like, it's not like, this is not a court document, it's not a textual court at, at this moment. So, the question is, so, okay. Okay. So the city council, okay, help me here. So the city council has this right of subpoena that they're going to be able to dole out to the, uh, Iran us and the, and the firm from Birmingham. But there's no backing to it. I mean, you have a power subpoena, doesn't it, wouldn't it be linked with a, uh, like some, like, why have a power subpoena that has no teeth, then this isn't really a power subpoena. Right. That is, that is the question. And this is, this is brand new. Like, I don't know. I've been around for the entire history of the councils and it started before I was born, or right after I was two when the, when the project was passed in the mid 80s. But so, so I don't know if it's ever been used in this, in this sort of thing before, but it's definitely new to me and a lot of folks in the area. So, I don't know what, I guess, I guess the, I guess you could file some sort of suit against whoever's not honored in the subpoena and get it to go to court. But that just seems like an extra step that I don't know if anybody would want to actually go through it. But we'll see if anybody challenges those opinions. I guess they're so far, so far they've only issued, they may issue one, I don't, I don't know, there's a possibility they could issue another one to crime in the coming days, days of this investigation. I was going to say coming weeks, but they were almost to the end. Like, I think made July as many as supposed to wrap up the, you know, supposed to wrap up this investigation in mid July. So, I don't know how much time we actually have left, but it's possible to try and get another subpoena or a real subpoena or a binding subpoena in the sun. And I know that they're trying, they've requested to send out the penis for interviews. They set what out for documents and send them, send them some more out to folks for interviews. But no city employee has been subpoenaed. Okay, but that's, yeah, there's, but no city employee. So where do we stand with that? So there, because it seems, I don't know who needs subpoena, but the idea that you would have this firm, you know, spending all this money, the citizen spending all this money for this firm that we wouldn't, I mean, if there's somebody who's a city employee that's, these to be asked a question that's germane to this subject, I think we fail if we don't, why do the report? Right. Well, the idea, the city, the mayor has come out and said that he will compel the employees to cooperate. You know, if they don't, they can lose their jobs. So he has come out to that they will, they will cooperate, you know, to the fullest extent that they, they, they can, I guess, at this point, although I would like to point out, and I think a lot of people are going to notice that like they've already kind of stepped on, you know, they've kind of changed the, a little bit changed the parameters of the investigation that the council was supposed to be in charge of and stuff like that. And they, you know, they struck the deal to not have any employees subpoenaed. And then you had the whole thing with the, you know, the, the mobile chamber employee coming out and saying, you know, oh, there's faster business with the subpoena employees. So, you know, I, you know, there's a lot of interference run by the city. So, you know, from the administration. So I don't know if you could say that they're cooperating fully, but they are, they have agreed to cooperate to start the subpoena, this part is, you know, as far as interviews and documents go. But we'll see what happens. Like I said, we got some mid-July to file a report here that they, you know, the special council could ask for an extension which would probably cost more money. And then you've got the, you've got the, you've got the city who's also working with an attorney to kind of, you know, give guidance on what to do during this process as well. So, I don't know how much that attorney's going to charge. I will report on that as soon as the city's digits to me. I don't think they've even had an offer letter to them yet or, or engaging a letter with their colleagues. So, as soon as they get that engaged a letter, as soon as I know how much they're going to, you know, this attorney for the city's going to charge, I'll take that out as well. Can you talk about that next time? Yeah, we'll be checking that out with you in this conversation and also over at Tell folks about picking up the paper copy of landyap and then being cool like we are and getting subscribed. Yeah, I want to point out we have kind of rebranded the website to landyap daily. And we just wanted to do that to kind of point out that there are new stories online. If you subscribe, there are new stories online every single day. And I think as many as, you know, a 50 or more, 50 or more in a week. So, we're really working hard. You know, there's there's four reporters in the sports editor. So, that's, you know, that's 10 stories. The person on average per, you know, more than that per week. So, you're really getting all you can ask for news wires from a local organization. So, please help us out. Subscriptions are a dollar for the first month. You know, we would really love the support. And then if you, you know, if you still want to get the newspaper, the hard copy of the newspapers, I know how that how good that feels to hold it in your hands and get the ink on your fingers. We have we have purple boxes everywhere. We have newsstands everywhere. Just check us out. You know, we'll we'll take all the support we can get. And we appreciate it. As always, Dale may not appreciate our conversations. And we'll talk again next week. Thank you so much. I'll talk to you again. Bye. All right. There goes the Elise from landyap. We're coming right back. More midday mobile on FM talk. One oh six five. With Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five. All right. Welcome back. Midday mobile Friday style here from the Western command on the farm studio. All is good three four three zero one zero six for a text. We'll get to those coming up in just a little bit. Also reminder just heard of my buddy Patrick jumps voice there with warrior legacy ranch coming up in August. You got a concert coming up to help fund warrior legacy ranch. You'll get more info just Google warrior legacy ranch. A great thing for veterans happening right here at home. Baldwin County. Good stuff. All right. Adam. Thank you. Adam's of westbound Bayway is backed up and clumping from the tunnel to two miles west of Daphne. What the heck? So well the westbound so westbound Bayway. So for those of you not around here, that's going towards mobile westbound Bayway backed up and clumping from the tunnel to two miles west of Daphne. How do you get to like just on the Bayway? I guess out there. You know what happened? Adam I talked about this the other day when it's coming back on Father's Day from we were over north of Loxley. I had a family event and coming back to Mobile and have you ever seen a school fish even when there's not a predator around them spook itself? You've seen that you know like just a big ball of bait and it all showers and moves even if there's not a fish there they spook themselves. I see that happening. It happened to us coming back on Sunday on the Bayway because somebody would see and I'm one of those fish in that case. I see brake lights. I think I was from Malbus to Daphne to see brake lights. Oh gosh I got to get over in the right lane. So I had the option of getting off in Spanish Fort to go the causeway and then a bunch of us did that and then other people were moving along in the left lane and then some people moved out in the left lane and then there were brake lights so they all panicked and got back in. We got on the Bayway. Same thing happened as we were approaching the halfway and getting off there by the foot of Chocolata when brake lights would happen and everybody would jump in the right lane. We almost doing it to ourselves right? So maybe that's what that bunching and that accordion effect is out there. Uh let's see. I don't know what that Terry just sent me said. Sean we picked the wrong college because Terry you're alum as well the University of Alabama roll tide said MIT has a pirate certification. I wish I would have been MIT material. I would have like if it just was not the math. The maths. I didn't have that so good. Uh let's see. Squirrel Vrine the clowns still look less ridiculous than most people walking around town. Yeah well and it is while it's got a lot of talk just look at it. It is a it's a it's a move a media move to get attention. It worked show up in the clown costumes and get attention. They also got escorted out of the city council meeting but they got the attention. Um I hadn't heard it. Jason said Sean the clip of Granny Gov now come on saying sweet home Alabama from the teak deck speech yesterday. Sure would be nice addition to the intro. If somebody can cut that out and send it to me that would be good or I can go back and I get that. I did not hear it Jason. I did not hear Governor Ivy speech from the teak deck of the Alabama yesterday so I missed out on a little bit of that. Uh we'll go back and and Dalton or anybody if you got it you could just send me a link here and then I can edit late Sunday night or Monday and I can work on that. All right roll it on with midday mobile. Thomas Harms is going to join us coming up in just a second. He's large carnival biologist for the state of Alabama large carnival well he's a bear biologist and a vent coming up in Sarah Land next week to be bear aware more black bear stories in the news and we'll talk about that with Thomas coming up plus hour number two Jonathan McConnell talking about the situation in the Red Sea and elsewhere all straight ahead and we're watching for SCOTUS decisions as well. You're listening to midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five. Right welcome back FM talk one of six five and midday mobile Friday style climb to have you along and good time to check in with my buddy David McCraery at LCM motor cars talking about the inventory from this weekend. What's going on for next week. Yeah Sean we got a couple of trades and we got a 2022 Camry just came in. We've got a 2015 regular KOF 150 the 2022 Camry's that new pale gray color that everybody really likes and it's probably priceless because of the Indian mobile. We've got a really nice explorer came in we've got a couple of jeeps we've got a two-door Jeep and a unlimited four-door hardtop so we've got plenty of stuff we just need the customers. All right well we tell folks about this how to find you and are y'all open tomorrow? Oh yeah well until two o'clock tomorrow. Okay so tell people how to find you in person then and then you know what I've done before with you is look at the stuff on the website or had you send me a text of a vehicle. Yeah we can do that I mean we'll be at office till six tonight. Two on Saturday and an eight to six next week. Give us a call at 2513750068. We'll text you any pictures you want. Do a walk around with you on FaceTime however you wish. We've finally got David Ash he's got an iPhone now so he's in the world. We've got you can come see us in person we're at 57.00 Highway 90 West that's one mile south of IPN exit 15A on the left hand side there or you can go to the website Thanks David. Have a good day bud. All right David McCrary checking in from LCM Motorcars and a new a new voice on the show good to get a large carnivore biologist for the state of Alabama Thomas Harms on with us to talk bears and a specific event coming up in Sarah Land Thomas thanks for your time. Thanks for coming on with us. I'm no problem. So first of all we'll set this and we'll this event is coming up next week in Sarah Land right so it's what's it called what's it called and where is it? It's called living with black bears. It's going to be um at the Sarah Land Civic Center on June 25th at 6 p.m. Sarah Land is helping uh hosted they're going to provide some for fresh refreshments and uh at place to have it at uh the end of that Sarah Land Civic Center at 6 p.m. on June the 25th and it's uh 716 May Street in Sarah Land. Okay yeah and that information is well up on the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division uh Facebook page. You know look at Sarah Land because I want to talk about the general area too for bears but Sarah Land is this uh combination of what has been I guess since I saw my first black bear in Alabama in the 80s in Sarah Land off Salance Road uh that there's been this population there at the same time the people population in Sarah Land is growing if you hadn't noticed so I mean we got probably more interactions than ever before. I mean that's correct I mean uh I am here locally too uh uh my grandparents lived uh so um Salance Road and and uh the way it's in the last 10-15 years I mean it's in term I would have never guessed that uh you can almost make it up to uh central and and not find and nagua from houses it's just boomed right like I said in the last 10-15 years it's just been a lot and uh and again the bear population has grown as well but a lot of it has to do with just the not people that have moved into the area so the interaction has um grown as well. Yeah because I wondered you know back in the 80s like if there would have been more talk I mean when we would say talk about seeing bears like I've never been a high school kid and people say oh sure you did I'm like yeah we do and but there were only a few you know not not a few but there weren't as many houses nearly as many houses as there are now now you have number one more people with houses out there number two people with their cell phones you can go through social media and uh people were just looking at bears right and left in in the sarahland area uh and I guess there's just more attention to it now. Well I mean there's a lot guys I mean it's like not just a growth but also where the growth is a lot of it isn't habitat that bears were utilizing a lot of it you know there's some swamps that have been drained and and and uh and you know what used to be a uh a more wet area uh there's houses and subdivisions that's been drained and ditched and and put uh in pound ponds uh uh as well and then also um I said there's everybody's got a phone everybody's got a camera and uh everybody's got a feeder uh like said in the 80s you know you know there was nobody said nobody put your feeders out nobody put uh all these different feeders and stuff food out and uh and back then too um uh trash you know trash pickup wasn't that you know they wanted me to trash cans they were a trash pickup with a lot of optical birds or trash or or took the trash to the dump it was a whole different world back then it is is now and uh the food source is different that the boy they live is a little bit different and um so that is it like so there's multiple different reasons why you're starting to see what you're seeing um with the their human interaction yeah one one thing and it would come back to the food thing uh but uh one of the things that may surprise i guess people to just look at and say oh well the bears are out in the delta we got this big delta you know they're out there in the delta not that they're not ever there but they're really not there in the population say are in the uplands in places like sarah land and you know expanding through ballman county and mobile county there they seem to be not in the big broad bottomlands you know and the thing is people get that directly golf you know the delta is huge you know it's a bunch of woods uh there should be plenty of bears amos and general out there but beyond to be if you know anything about the delta too it floods for most of the most of the more good portion of the year for from uh come uh christmas to to go out turkey season um it's no joke i mean it's yeah nothing's really living out there uh they can't swim there's not a lot of highland up there so it's not suitable habitat just to live you're you're in your out so yeah they're gonna come up to the upland areas and uh um and the thing is to these spot areas these these are cordal works for the bears good from one place yet and that's where a lot of their denisites are and that's state little bayu sarah is a big one and bayu sarah that's it's thick around bayu sarah those are where they're denis and that's where they utilize that from going from one point to the other and uh um but people are building houses right up to those and cutting right up into those those bottom lanes so that that is you know taking up some their habitat that they normally would be in a health swamp it's another one health won't put them big but people are the houses are being pushed by onto health swamp and some of it's being drained and and and and and utilize for more more more houses as well yeah and if you're just joining us talking to a large carnivore biologist for state alabama thomas harms about this event coming up next week in sarah land you have any idea and that had no bears room but any idea of the maybe core population around sarah land there i mean just give it in broad strokes how many bears you think we have i mean we we usually talk about it in two different populations the one in the um the north east and the one in the in the south west complete opposite to the state and the one in south east and it's um coverage mobile and bawling mundrow um talk tall washington uh this can't be in all that area and raise in mind we have it split one more is two different areas but two they're different which you call so species and and we'll talk about this is stuff that we'll all talk about at the at the um seminar as well um but um we're looking at about 200 200 bears within that uh southwest west region and with the core core of the bears and um what we call the population which is where you have your breeding females most of those are in the north mobile basically from sarah land north to uh get into the south part of washington county that's mainly where the core part of the the reproducing population is and and and and so that that population is the same one that sarah land uh to citronel uh you know out here where we are in western mobile county that's all kind of the same group that's all the same that's what we call part of the same population all this southwest region of the state is all there um the four to subspecies and uh um that that's all the same bears now on the food thing so i told you we come back to that and that is i mean for all critters all you know all living things food is uh the the most important thing but the bears i don't know it seems like more important at even getting higher calorie food is more important and that seems to drive the interaction right i mean these bears are they're they learn where there's food there's got a lot of calories in it they don't have to work to get i mean that's they're they're no different than us you know um uh gb z food that high calories you know it's basically like fast food um uh it's the us it's the trash cans are for them it's it's all processed hot you know high calories you peck on um fat real quick for for as harsher uh times and there's not a lot of food and it's just excited and it's the buffet you know you got a subdivision with a camera trash camera for the other or if you got in the back and you know a deer feeder uh on the back because you know all these subdivisions the subdivision but they there's a lot of wood here still where you have suburban animal uh wildlife coming in and you got a deer feeder in the back it's in this house got one the next house has got one and the kebau's down got one and i'm i've watched the sal do that she went down one side of the road behind each house and then crossed over and went down the other side of the house and just went from feeder to feeder to feeder and it's just easy um food cheap food that you couldn't pack on real quick um fat and um and now they even have to go very far yeah what what an option versus flipping over logs and looking for grubs and trying to find some acorns out there just roll up to the trash can and get the uh the the feast buffet going on there and that's right and that brings us to another point too is uh um you know you know typically bears are considered all of this carnivores and really these black bears are they're they're omnivores they they eat anything and and they really don't eat that must meet um uh ninety six percent of but they eat it's not that meat they're not what you'd consider a predatory uh animal um there are always two people that basically an oversized raccoon without the tail of the extra under pound um pay X saying the eight to saying yep come back to saying yeah and uh like i got a question here michaels asking are the bears he has in south broughton the same group that we're talking about for mobile county or the this that same group or where do you think they're all well i mean those bears over there um they're the same subspecies now they're you know we have the core population that's here and and and mobile but then we do have some bears that are trickling out of the panhandle of florida coming up and coming over and spreading out that way um so over there that that's a good chance those are bears that are there are coming out of yet connect county and scampia and those bears that have come and um trickling out of four there are some bears over there they're they're disconnected by the the delta and the main rivers uh but they're the same subspecies now we do hear stories you know every once a while people get a picture of them on the level of them uh swimming the rivers up in the delta but there's you know video and picture them swimming the bay too so occasionally they do make the get crossing oh yeah they'll definitely it is what we consider a a a border it's a spot where they don't you know they may not cross it's it's you know but they they can swim very very well i mean they um for years it's in my carers every every two or three years that they want to come across big bay or a little bay and uh um so i mean they can swim and they can swim along uh along distances um but it is used kind of as a you know they're different than we do is at the border it's a boundary and they are major roads can be the same thing where they just don't cross major roads or uh even though they can yeah i was thinking about that too as we talk about the population moves and uh but a couple years ago one was hit on cottage hill road like i think actually inside the city limits which was i think the first time i'd ever heard of one inside the city limits but i'm not far west of there and we have them in the county i mean i guess you not talked off the air that the majority of the bears here that i see are are boar bears and it seems like this time of year there's a lot of those traveling around right if people see bears a new place and maybe for a day or two is that probably a boar bear yeah typically if i'm getting a phone call i would say 80% of the time um it's a a juvenile male um just at the time of year and we do get some bigger breeding males that are best passing through a lot of times you'll get the ones that get seen a lot or or these young males they you know it's breeding season so the the salad has the the um yearling clubs um which you're about two years old they'll they'll kick uh uh are you in half i guess they'll kick these young out the salad the the the female usually stays around with the it's mom and she'll take on some of her home range but these males are are pushed out long distance and they're pushed out way from the mom and then they're pushed out even further from by bigger males and then they're just left alone kind of intended for themselves for the first time and i tell people that's just no different than they're they're kind of like a young teenager that's out on their own for the first time they're just young and dumb and ignorant and they just you know they they don't know what they're doing they don't have mama holding the hand anymore so they tend they bought two people's yards they tend not to show much fear to humans and um they tend to get in trouble a little bit more getting trash cans and doing things that they're not supposed to but they're just they're just young and and and naive and they just don't know understand what's going on yet and and uh i try to explain to people that and um once you use put it in a teenager term they'd be like oh my bulb i understand i can see that and those are the usually ones you see because they just they don't know any better yeah whether they're hiding yeah whether it's bears or or humans they'll always got patience for teenage boys just don't exist you know they tend to get in trouble real quick don't think yeah they do but there's not a bear ever ever when we were not eight yeah so it's uh it's funny how much is uh similar in that uh let me get that one last question for the text line too uh well actually too uh number one the size range of the like a mature uh boar bear male bear and a mature sow kind of give us ideas people are saying oh i'm seeing bears that are how big are they how big do they get yeah i mean the thing is people just like deer hunting are are fishing you know when people tell you they saw saw uh uh a buck or whatever it was it was this big and that or whatever name is you know you know but and they are fluffy uh the uh the first time we trapped a bear um we estimated estimated it on foot and it was way smaller than we thought it was because we you know we didn't know either because they're they look big and they are they are fluffy but they are deceiving um but uh a a and grown male we're talking about three to 350 uh well i mean around 300 pounds i mean uh um take 280 300 350 and it really depends on uh what time of year it is uh they can flip flop uh you know 100 pounds depending on depending on uh maybe not quite 100 pounds that they can they can flip flop depending on what time of year it is um during these these times during late fall when you know the mass crop with aprons and they rather get corn out stuff like that they can put a pack on somebody real quick for the for the winter but then come late winter early spring when there's not really much to eat you know they haven't really been eating you know they're they're down quite a bit but um then a female we're talking about 100 to 150 50 pounds um she's outside the outside though a very large dog um so so there there's a pretty big dimorphism between between the males in the areas in it there is and you mentioned to the fall i this is um a question that we've talked about on the show before about people say well yeah they're they're getting ready to hibernate but ours i mean they i mean they kind of sure get sleepy but i don't know i mean down here do we have any true hibernation going on they we don't have hibernation basically i explain to people what it is it's no different than us on those cold days you know we don't get no snow or any hardly any freezes but you know almost really cold days when you just it's windy and cold and you don't really want to go outside you just kind of hang out on the couch or whatever and bum around that's kind of what they do almost cold nasty days where um then when it they're the one of their their home rain dust rain because food shortages you know structure window they don't move around as much so um they may fizzy a salad that's pregnant she may she may only get down to an anchor to uh before she she has cubs and during that small time but um they just don't move around as much but on a really harsh days they just sleep in just like we would sleep in and um but um they don't really truly hibernate because the next day or two after a warm search warm back up they may start moving around a little bit more all right well this will just be part of the big conversation that y'all will get uh coming up next week once again tell folks though where is it and when is it for the black bear seminar it's going to be in um mr. lion's city center at 716 main street in terra land and it's going to be um this Tuesday june the 25th at 6 p.m. good stuff i also you know we'll be there too jenna we'll be there too talking about the research and uh we'll uh so that's jenna mals on he's talking about who's been on the show mals on we'll be there and that's right and our our power lands uh yeah uh rolfstones he will he will be given the speeches um the talk and um and and we're open to any kind of questions this is i want to help people too this is this is a joint thing that's where people that have questions um we want you to come and ask questions we want to help bears and and um and and how to live with them and how this is how the i mean this is something that's got to work out together and it's not just uh one side this but it's something that anybody has to deal with bears or wants to know about bears they can come to and there's questions you know they want to bring they can bring the questions and and it's uh more of a open community uh talk i would say all right well we appreciate it Thomas uh best of luck and we'll talk again soon yes sir all right all right there he goes Thomas harms with Alabama wildlife and freshwater fish region we're coming right back more mid-day mobile next this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1065 all right welcome back FM talk 1065 mid-day mobile on this front egg line to have you here 343 0106 uh look at uh text here uh on many of these uh yeah dirt digger who lives at uh right there at hell swamp yeah well not far from you where I grew up I saw my first bears and been that's the 80s and still still see them and lucky to see them I like them I think they're a good thing uh in in the right numbers right and john says are the bears vicious i i don't i don't think of us you were like some other critter trying to get to a cub or something like that the closest i've ever had to one every one of them i've seen in my life with my eyes once they see you or smell you are bolting faster than you know a white tail buck i mean they're just getting gone and they do sound like a dozer going through the woods when they're doing that but now i've had one stop per second turn around and look for about five seconds before they hold but so that's the closest uh yeah we'll give more to these texts when we come back at 343 0106 video mobile fm talk 106 5