Smile High Morning Show

Mon. July 15: Trump Assassination Attempt, Home Run Derby Tonight, Rockies First-Half, DaRon Holmes Tears Achilles

Trump Assassination Attempt, Home Run Derby Tonight, Rockies First-Half, DaRon Holmes Tears Achilles

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ Baby, now I got the flow ♪ ♪ 'Cause I know it from the start ♪ ♪ Baby, when you're broke my heart ♪ ♪ That I had to call my day ♪ ♪ I'm sure you're dead and winning ♪ ♪ Your love's on my way ♪ ♪ All those times I said that I love you ♪ ♪ Your love's on my way ♪ ♪ Yes, I try, yes, I try ♪ ♪ Your love's on my way ♪ It's... a copomania. Vikings wide receivers Mesopotamia. Rose Namayunus Tamynia. Trump shot Richard Simmons hot. Shannon Daugherty charmed Maniac Monday. - Oh! - Oh, this is... - Of the program, let's go! - Yeah! - Oh, my goodness gracious. - What do you think you are? - I am. - What do you do, baby? - Yeah. - What do you think you are? - Oh, Billy, that you! - Get him a beer, Billy's a Jew. - I got your D's. - D's nuts! - You said sir, what again is man? - It is, man. - Kyle Berry in studio, Alex Becker with me, holding it down, Danny is on his way in. We got a home run Derby, is that what you and Herlbot were talking about tonight? - Yeah, we got the Derby coming up tonight. - I can't believe that that's already here and that we're... Is it necessarily the halfway point of the MLB season or do they hold it a little bit later than... - A little bit later, yeah. - Yeah, we're a little more than halfway through this 2024 season. - And we got some Rockies All-Stars? - We got Raimack. - Let's go. - We got Raimack putting it on for the Rockies this year. - Okay, but he's not in the home run Derby. - Nope, nope. - Who all is in the home run Derby? Do you have the list? - I do, I do. So, eight guys, eight guys, it's Bobby Wood Jr., Gunnar Henderson, Alec Boehm, Pete Alonzo, Marcelo Zuna, Jose Ramirez, Adola Scarcea, and Teaskar Hernandez. - I like it. Watch out for Adola Scarcea. - Yeah, hometown guy. - And you mentioned Pete Alonzo holding it down. I'd say Pete Alonzo is probably the most famous name on that lineup. Usually you have a lot of bangers, it seems to be a lot of guys, up and coming guys on the list this year. - That's for sure, that's for sure. Kind of like the dunk contest. You got these guys who aren't necessarily the best home run hitters, but a lot of the younger guys going to put on a show tonight. Gunnar Henderson and Bobby Wood, those two guys I'm really stoked to see. - Watch out for Alonzo as well. Anything from the Rockies that you were excited about in the first half of the season, you know, heading into the all-star break. We have a promising short stop it looks like. - Yes. - Great catcher, but pitching seems to be the problem. We got our great catcher in Diaz back. - Diaz is it? - Diaz. What do you think we should do about it Diaz? - Diaz is it Diaz? - What is he? - What do you think we do about it Diaz? - Brent Doyle is a huge bright spot this year, the center fielder. He won the gold glove last year, so he was a great defender last year, but the bats really come around this year. He's stealing lots of bases. He's one guy I got my eye on for the future, and a Tolia. Tolia has hit 16 home runs on the year now. He had three yesterday, so another big name to watch out for. - Are you ready to move on from Charlie Blackman? - Oh, maybe. Maybe he's got one more year. I'd like to see him finish his career as a Rocky. In my mind, he's a top 10 Rocky of all time, and a guy who I'd like to see his play his whole career here, but at the same time, if it's the trade deadline and he can go to a contender, I'd also like to see him get a shot at competing for a World Series. He deserves it. - And are you excited about Freelen still? - Yes, yes and no. He's another good trade piece, but we've seen it with John Gray and Trevor Story, where they could trade them for good assets. They just end up don't, and keeping them, and I think they might do that with Freelen again this year. - Who is your pick for World Series winner? - World Series winner. I got to go with the Phillies to go back there. They look like the best team so far, especially in the National League, and I'm going to go with the Baltimore Orioles. I love this team. - What? - They're super young, and they kind of fly under the radar, I guess, a little bit, but Gunnar Henderson, Adley Wretchman, they got a whole collection of really good unsung players. The city's back behind that team again with the fan support, and they're really showing up and proving themselves in the best division in baseball. - I think it was two years ago, Danny was able to take JJ to Yankee Stadium to see Aaron Judge when he was on his historic home run. - Yeah, that was down in Texas, actually. - Oh, okay. Is Aaron Judge still on track to match or better his home run total from last season? - Oh, man. - Not last season, two seasons ago. - He's got to be right around it. - Do you think that he does it? - I don't think he's going to beat 62 again. That was historic. That was just incredible. But yeah, Kyle, you're right. He has 34 right now. I think he's going to be right around the 50 to 60 range. I don't think he's going to crack the 62, but I definitely see him hitting over 50 provided he stays healthy the rest of the year. - Do you think if Otani can get things going, that the Dodgers have a chance to make some noise in the West? - Oh, well, he's got to go. I mean, he's been really slugging. Mookie Betts right now is on the aisle. He got hit by a pitch in his hand. So he's out for a little bit, but the Dodgers have been good, but not quite Philly's good. And Otani's really the biggest reason why they are. His offense has just been incredible. But I'm never worried about the Dodgers. The division's so weak this year besides the Dodgers to where they're going to walk away or run away with the nationally West. I just don't know if they're as quite as good as the Phillies and maybe even the Braves if they can turn it on. - And wasn't the MLB draft this weekend as well? - Yeah, last night. - Are you excited about the guys that the Rockies got? They got a Georgia Bulldog. It looks like a third baseman/out fielder. I really wanted the pitcher, Chase Burns. He got picked second right before the Rockies were going to pick. So that was a bummer. This guy, he's good. Really good college hitter, but they've selected a lot of guys like this. Really good hitters that they're going to do well, but is it really what the team needs? Well, I don't know. I'd rather see them get a pitcher. - It's always pitching in Chris Field until proven otherwise that we're going to need to work on. - Right. This guy's obviously really good. Third overall, one like the Golden Spikes Award for the best college player. - I'm excited about that. - Yeah. - Have you been to any games this year? - I went to two Rockies games so far. - Two Rockies games so far. - Memorial Day against Cleveland. And then I went when they played the Brewers right before 4th of July, and they won both of those. So they're like 2-0 when I go to. - You're the good luck charm. - And the Rockies are, let's see, they would be 32 and 63 when I don't go. - Okay. - So maybe I need to go. - You need to go about 30 more times. - Yeah. - Do you plan on going to any more games this year? - Heck, yeah. We should go. - Yeah, we should. - We should get out there and enjoy the rooftop, the rock pile, whatever it may be, but course field, it's just a it's a jewel. We all know that, right? - Also a side note, you mentioned you went to the Cleveland Guardians game. That has been a really surprising game. - Oh my gosh. - They're rolling. - They hit their division. And they couldn't make some noise in the playoffs as well. - Yeah, they always benefit from playing in a terrible division, a really weak division, but man, they've looked really good. - Because Minnesota jumped out to that hot start and then Cleveland just kind of caught them and passed them. - Wow. - We all thought it was going to be Minnesota that takes that division this year. - Man, Cleveland's impressive. They have the Stephen Kwan leading the MLB in average big time, and their team, no one really talks about, but they're damn good. And Jose Ramirez is leading them again this year. - Also, you mentioned going to Coorsfield Denver Police Department is implementing lift and Uber drivers are no longer allowed to pick customers or riders up in that general area, the Blake Street area. They have to walk two blocks away. It's initialized this weekend. It's just to kind of keep crime down and like where crowds kind of gather for after the game, trying to get a ride home. That's when people start talking crap to each other and you get a bunch of drunk people together. - You man. - Yeah, exactly. So they're trying to just kind of keep all that separated. So I think it's a good move for Denver. It's going to be annoying for people. It's just another like thing you got to worry about when you go downtown, but if you're willing to walk a couple blocks, I think it'll be better for the crime rate in Denver. Hey, Danny's here. Hey guys. - Yo. - Yo, dude. - We were having some technical issues. Alex will do it live. I don't know what that means. I don't know. - Effin thing sucks. Okay. Sorry. Good job. - What a weekend guys. - Oh my gosh. - Wow. So I don't... - Okay. I don't... - Incredible weekend. Let me do this real quick. Okay. It was always going to be Argentina. The Rockies got their new Charlie. And Richard Simmons is dead, dead, dead. All on an assassination trying the best sports tuck radio supplying after Matt Munday audition of the program featuring Kyle. Sorry. I had to get that in. - Let's go. Mine was better. - We're contractually obligated. - Did you... What was your Trump stuff like? That's why I was going to ask you. I was concerned coming in here, especially without you to just lead with Trump. I didn't want to get a good morning snowplace. Say this. If Trump was dead, shot dead in the head. Play that whole thing, Alex. Do we have the whole thing? - Good morning snowflakes. How you doing? Great, great. I just wanted to say thank God for Donald Trump. I love you, Mr. Trump. Thanks for trying to save our country. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's too funny. That is like one of the funniest things ever. So say he's shot dead. Do we have... What day was that? Is that a weekday? - Saturday. - Saturday. - Will we have off today? - Yeah, Saturday. - Will we be off today? - No. - No? - No. 'Cause he's not the president. He's former president. - Oh, he's got to be. Probably. - I think we'd be on. - I think we'd be on. Do you think it'd be a national day of no work in the banks? We'd be closed and stuff? - No way. - We're going to do our business. - If he was president... - What would Trump want? - Well, the business. - He would want us to go back to work. - To go out, right? - Yeah. What unbelievable. - I know. Were you kind of looking forward to a day off today? Is that why you're asking your opening room? - No, no. I'm wondering if I could say this guy kills the president, the former president. - There you go. - You know, I just couldn't only imagine. I don't know. Biden would be taking heat like he would be... - I think we would have a show. - It would be unbelievable. We'd have a show Nate might come in before the show and say what. Hey guys. - Careful. - Danny? - Yeah. - Danny? - And then walk out. - That's all I ask to say. - Oh, yes, Nate, sir. - Yes, boss. - Be good. - Well, I'm back to the Rockies, guys. - Be considerate. - No, I am. - No, I know. - That's unbelievable. I just can't believe it. This guy... I heard this story. I did see some funny things on Twitter. People are having a heyday with it on Twitter or on X. They're saying, imagine if one of his security guards before the shots rang out yelled, "Donald, duck." - That's pretty good. - And someone else said that everyone's acting like Trump is such a gangster after he got up, after he got shot, and he's fist pumping. But everybody knows that if you would have shot at Biden, he wouldn't have even flinched. - Oh, that's a one shot. Okay, so listen to this story, this story here, okay? Carboy at Trump Bedminster, okay, where Trump was playing golf yesterday. - Yeah. - One day after-- - With no ear. - He got his ear shot, okay? 16 hours after nearly being assassinated, okay? Carboy said he was in high spirits, which was great. Took time to chat with a lot of staff, allowed us to follow him for a bit. There's a decently big group with him. Anyways, he was able to watch him put on the ninth green. Trump had a 20-footer with like a two-foot break, okay? Sure enough, Trump drains it and says, "The difference between me and the shooter is I don't miss." - Oh, okay. - Oh my goodness gracious. - Yeah. - Hey, this election is over. Someone said, "Maybe he should be using that time to golf to check in on the victims of the tragedy yesterday. Instead of golfing, he should be reaching out to the victims of the shooting." I mean, the tournament couldn't be so really, he had to get that round in. But yeah, so Doyle rules or what? - So it definitely rules. And no conspiracy theory, right? You think that was a real thing? - I think there's a real thing that happened. - No, I think it's a one and a half percent chance he set the whole thing up. - Whoa. - But I think there's a 98... Well, there's, I think there's a 97 and a half percent chance that there's a lot of crazy people in this world and this guy was able to pull this off somehow. The other 1% is Biden's people did it. I mean, how could you not think this stuff a little bit? A taste? A taste? I mean, we're talking about practice, man. No, but we're talking about like, we're talking about running the world. This is what we're running the, you know, the world. They're talking about this different. And then we get in the deep state. We better get to break. 303, 831, 1340, the hotline as well as the text line. It's wild out there, man. We got to like, like our guy Jerry says, or like... - Like myself, or like Marshawn says, is wild out there, man. - Oh, it's crazy. - It's so crazy out there. - Take care of your chickens, take care of your mentors, and take care of your... - Bread, bread. - Yeah. - Is that right? - I think not in that order, but yes. - It's like... - Those are the three freaking moments. - Take your vitamins, and say your prayers. - Now let me tell you something, brother. - Oh, my little baby. - All right, Danny, Kyle Berry in for Jeff, Gus, Kyle out all, or Jeff out all week, Kyle in all week. - Whoa. - And Alex Becker to an Alex Jones blog podcast. - You know, Alex Jones is crazy. - Oh, yeah. I didn't mean that. - And they were, so he was trending too, and Fiddy Sand was trending. Many men, that was funny. Many men wish death upon me. Damn, we mentioned Richard Simmons, another iconic legend died this week. We'll talk about her on the other side. It's Miley Sports. [MUSIC] - '80s. - Hey. - This is the SI Miami. - I love this blog. - No. - I mean, you said no. - This song has no words. This song has no words. It's from what show? I have no idea. Sorry, you don't know what this show is from. - No, Miami Vice. - Turn it up, Alex. I'll give you the zip code that they lived in. - 90210. Let's go, babe, Beverly Hills. - We're back, baby. - Nice. - Yeah, the work for that one a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, my bad. Now I see what you're doing. - Yeah. - This is an Otis Shenendordi. - Shenendordi. - And died this week in '57, cancer. - Back in the day, when we were at the old-- - Brenda. Brenda. - Back in the day, when we were at the old mile high sports studios. - We did. - They had a TV in the studio. - And did they ever. - And we would always have TNT on from the night before because of Inside the NBA with Charles and the guys. And that'd be the last game of the night on a freaking 1230. Then the next morning, Charmed was on TNT. So we would turn on the TV and Charmed would be on-- - And she was on the original couple series of Charmed. - Yes, you're support being replaced. - And you're supposed to go-- - You can do it. - No, I got it. I love her. She was in Full House. I mean, she was in... No, she was in... She's Shannon, not Shannon Elizabeth. - Shenendordi. - That is dead. I'm talking about the girl who replaced her. It's James Marilat's... Alyssa Milano. - You said Alyssa Milano. - I said... Wait, no, that's not right, is it? No, Alyssa Milano is married to Nicholas Shea. - Alyssa Milano ain't bad either. No, she's not. - Alyssa Milano. Show me a picture of Alyssa Milano, please. - That's Vanessa. - It is! It's Alyssa Milano. I nailed it. - Okay, Alyssa Milano is not married to Nicholas Shea. - She replaced Shenendordi and Charmed. - Okay, so-- - The character. - So we were supposed to switch it over to ESPN or NFL Network, but sometimes you get caught up in Charmed because it was on and Shenendordi was looking so hot. - We're almost under a spell of the show, Charmed. - They Charmed you. - If that makes sense. - While you're watching, you're like, "I cannot turn this off." - That's right. - Gets you lost in the sauce. - I mean, lucky Charmed. - My all-timer is probably Jennifer Love Hewitt, but Shenendordi is up there. - Man, I love you so much. Jennifer loved you. I just loved her so much. - Me too. - And I like the mystery. I never got to see her boobs. Like everyone else eventually, like-- - Shenendordi. - Shenendordi. - You never got to see Kelly Kapowski's boob. I'm still like, "What's going on there?" - Mm-hmm. - I guess we'll never know. - Never know. - But you've seen a lot of the others eventually. Like Elizabeth's shoe was a, like-- - You're like Elizabeth. - But then like later on with Kevin Bacon, that movie like Hollow Man of all movies, that see your boobs? I don't know. But once you've seen it, there's no going back. - No. And Jennifer Love Hewitt did an amazing job of not having to reveal them, ever. - Absolutely loved it. - Yep. Not like that one singer who was on stage, going back and forth with the long-- - Janet Jackson. - No, the long over the weekend with the long jean dress. - Oh, yes. - Yeah. - Well, I don't think-- - Morris. - Mary Morris. Let's go. - That's who was back, baby. - Yeah. - She had a rough weekend too. - Rough. - I think she, she's fine. She was wearing an undergarment. It was, she's fine. - It just looked like skin in the pair. - In the pair. - Mm-hmm. (laughing) - Ah, well, Eddie. (laughing) - So Richard Simmons. (laughing) - Oh, man. - Yeah, Richard Simmons, man. Weird wild stuff. - Oh, did you see the crazy stuff at Copa? - Of course I did. - So all these fans are just breaking in and crushing over the barriers. And then sitting in the seats wherever they want to watch the game. And then after that, cops come down row by row, kicking people out and checking tickets. - They had to put delay hours delay on this event, which is a big event. - And they destroyed the 72 club, the Miami Dolphins 72 club. - And we started saying just-- - This was America. This was America. - This was in America. - This was in Florida, bro. This is unbelievable. - Unbelievable what those boys did. - They stole bases. - They stole barriers. (laughing) - They stole seats. - They stole what those boys did. - And people. - It's unbelievable what they did. - And people that paid thousands of dollars were not being allowed into the stadium because they're like, we're at max capacity. And they're like, look, I bought my ticket. It's right here on Ticketmaster for $3,000. And they're like, yeah, sorry. And they're like, no, no, I flew from Texas so that I could be here. And they're like, yeah, you're not getting in. Well, anyways. - That's wild stuff. - Did you see the people going up through the air ducts? - Oh my god, that was great. That was like a die heart. (laughing) - He was like, come out in Spanish. He goes, come out to the coast, have a fuel laugh. Come to the coast, have-- - What's laugh in Spanish? - Oh, that's a good laugh. - I don't know. - I don't know either. - Well. - Tango El Gato Los Pantellones. Which means peace be thy journey. Okay, I think it's Sonoresa. - Sonoresa? - Sonoresa? - Sonoresa. - That's sweet. Oh, actually, it's you guys are wrong. I got it right here on my phone. It's on YeHo. Oh, it's on YeHo. - Why don't you talk about Jordan Addison? - Of course I do. It's the second time this guy's a dumb ass, complete idiot. He was driving, he's got a DUI now, and he was driving at 140 miles an hour. If I'm the Vikings, I do not let him drive. You don't drive. - How about you cut him? - He's a first run pick. - He's talented. - He messed up like a week after one of your teammates just got killed by a drunk driver. - Yeah, that makes it even worse. - That's way worse. - That makes it way, way worse. - Actually guys, who hasn't? I've done it a hundred times. - Oh my god, that's a thousand times. - Well, what's a big deal? Come out to the coast, have a few laughs. - Die hard, Mike Gundy. Damn, ain't Gundy, man. 'Cause I've done it right soon. Man, I've sure got a roadie right now in the car. I got a swim. I got a 99 bananas in the car. I got a swig left on a tall boy right now left in the car right now. In the F1. - Well, anyways. - Yeah, that's pretty funny. - I'm done joining Addison. So does he get suspended? - Does he get suspended? - For the first like four games of the season? - I would say, yeah, absolutely. For sure, you gotta smack him down. You gotta set a precedent a little bit. You guys can't be doing this. Man, you're rich and all that way. He's gonna be the next, well, you know, shoot. What if they have another death? - He was... - Remember the Broncos, like every offseason was like a guy was dying for a minute or two there? - Darren Williams, you know? Nash, who else there? - Shoot, there was... Maybe that's it, maybe a blue and a proportion. - They're like Kenny McKinley or something. - Good one. - Yes. - Well, anyways. - Jordan Addison fully asleep at the wheel and blocking a lane of traffic. So the cop walked up to him and was like, what's up? - He was asleep. - He was asleep at the wheel blocking a lane of traffic. - The crazy thing is... - He must have been... - That's like Tigerwood stuff. - Yeah. - He's like, "I'm picking up Tony LaRusa." - You know where you're at right now? - I wanna kiss you. - I got a tail. - What? - I don't care about the Vikings. No, that's horrible stuff, I hate that. You guys talked about the new Charlie Wright, the kid from Georgia. He looked, you said it, but I love both takes for one. This kid is like a phenom, but a college phenom. Can he go into the pros right away and just hit? I mean, I guess we'll kind of see. It doesn't work out like that. Like Alex said, the Rockies have tried this kind of stuff over and over and over again. ♪ I'll make it over 'cause it's all in my head ♪ - Yeah. But you're right. You just gotta draft pitchers. You just draft pitchers only. Because we can get Jeremy Bernice or Morneau or some bald buzzard at the backing of the career to come in here and mash grapes. We cannot find pitching. We can't force a pitcher to come or we can't sign them. And we probably can't even trade for them no matter what the stakes were. Can't do it, can't win with them. - Can't sign them. - I want winners. - Oh yeah, I could call. - And Gomber was supposed to work out, did not work out. - You're a Gomber. - What's up with Riley Pint? - We're waiting for him for how long? - It's over. I'm done with this guy. - They brought him up at one point and he was terrible. - It's a wrap. Soil's looking new phenom. - Let's go, Doyle. - And he's 26. - Can Doyle pitch? - He's a player. - Maybe he can do everything else. He's a gold glover and he's now in home runs. If he finishes around 25 or 30 home runs, a guy like that, absolutely loved it. He's my favorite player right now, Doyle. You've been to a bunch of games this year. I've been seeing you on Snapchat. - Well, we do some games. You know, the kids love it. Olivia likes to go. J.G. is kind of like now, just wants dad. I don't know, dude. 'Cause if it's not just you and me, I don't want the girls to go. Don't be mad. I'm probably just going to stay home. Is that cool? Don't be mad. I don't want you to be mad then. I'm like, really? It's good. But Gio's coming up. - J.J. is becoming emo. I thought J.J. loved baseball. - He does love baseball. - Too good for the ballpark, huh? Hey, well, I don't know if you knew this weekend, and we got state championships down at... You've been to that Aurora complex many a time out there on a tower. - Well, wouldn't you know it? They win the first two games. Sirelli not going to be there on Saturday. We throw an ace pitcher, okay? On Friday, we win those first two games, okay? Lose a like eight to five game battled grinded. Need to win to be among the final eight and the team's playing for Sunday. Some of the best teams in the state, right? - So the second game on Saturday coming up. - We're down a couple of runs. J.J. comes in in the third inning, okay? Pitches, 70 balls, those about 70 pitches. Six strikeouts is dealing. One of the best performances of the season. We win by one run in advance. We're a five seed the next morning. We lost yesterday, but we played a four call in sports team. That was just a frickin' sweet badass team. The only thing is we're a five seed. The one in two seeds in the eight o'clock game lost. - What? - So yeah, and then we're up two to zero early in this game. These four calls, kids, they're eating oats and grains and they can go to buckies and jump. Don't score any time they want. They're living this good life. - Beaver nugget, get kids. - Nick, how old are these? - They're like midland from Friday night lights. - Here's one's like-- - Oh, it's from Midland. - Oh, it's boys like-- - Oh, Joe. - I'm from Timnith. And it was kind of cool. I mean, they're a really great team for us. - Let's see where they then, if you were the five. - Four. - Oh, they were four? - Yeah, and I was like, do you tell the boys coach before the game or not? This team was just polished. We didn't have to rally. I don't know if it would've mattered or not. JJ had a great weekend. He was a star and I'm proud of him. I love the kid. - What game did he hit that double that you sent the video? - Friday. - Was on Fridays? - That would've been the first game on Friday. - Led off against a big boy pitch and one of the best pitchers we've seen all season. Led off runs out a hit to short. Next at bat, double scores two. Alex noticed on the video. My video of photography was really good. And JJ had a really great weekend. He had a bomb yesterday too. Like all over the center field extended head. He was great. I'm proud of him. And he pitched just like, he's got this little change. JJ's throwing like almost 60. Pop, pop, pop. And then he throws like this 42 little thing that everyone's like out in front of. - You've got to see. - He's just a football change. - Oh my God. Yes. And it's just like what he kind of came up with him and coach. It's just the way he puts ball in his hand. And he's throwing like every like fifth or sixth pitch. I don't want it too much. But he's like just, it was, he was just great. You can't even believe it. Just like you think it's a kid playing baseball. It is. - Good job JJ. - Yeah, he's good. - Congratulations. - Yeah, I'm proud of those guys. They had a good season. - So JJ would rather be getting some BP in instead of watching the Rockies. - Nah, maybe a little bit. - We went to boondocks this weekend. - I haven't been to boondocks in a long time. - No big deal. We were invited to the Emmanuel Sanders party there. - We met him. - Oh, at boondocks? Oh yeah, we did. - Where were you guys? Oh, don't worry about it. Just Jeff's thing. - Oh yeah. - CYFI. - I forgot about that. But yeah, Emmanuel's there. We partnered with him and Princeton and some of their peeps. Go-karts. Living the NFL lifestyle is, you know, it's just something that JJ and I are a part of. - Oh my God. (laughing) - Let's go to break, 303, 31, 1340. The hotline as well as the tech site, but we brought a boy landing. You know, it's just a fireman. It's just a really nice family. - He's on that calendar. - Not the sun. That'd be weird. - The dads. - Yeah, sure. But I, you know, Brandon's like hanging out with - Imagine that. (laughing) - The dads of fireman. (laughing) - The calendar. (laughing) - At the mall, you could buy those calendars? - No. Okay, we get it. - What do you get it? - Yeah. (laughing) - We get it. You got a couple. (laughing) - I told you, "God, hey, you want a Hooters calendar?" He goes, "Nah, you got any firemen? "You already have the firefighter one." He's like, "I don't really need two calendars." You already got the firemen one up, so. It's already tacked in. I don't want to put another hole in the wall. - I know that kid. Yeah, Landon. Yeah, I know his dad. - Yeah. (laughing) - Biff. (laughing) - Ah, Danny, jump in, Alex. On a aftermath Monday edition of the program. - And Kyle and Alex. - It's an assassination attempt. - Monday edition of the program. - Trying to assassinate this show. - She would kill him this show. - Damn, unbelievable, right? - Did you believe it? - It's unbelievable. - Why is it because Twitter, the next story, or because Kim Kardashian did a thing, and then something else, and Miley Cyrus was in the news. We're just over it already? - I'm kind of over it already. - Are we over it again? - Well, I think Trump did it to himself a little bit too. You get oversaturated with, "Oh my God, the drama with Trump." - No, stop it. - Alex, what? Alex just like, "Oh yeah, someone tried to shoot at you?" - He's an American. - Like, what's next? - After that, "Hey, someone blew up your house." - Hold on, hold on. - Hey, he took a bullet for the country. He took a bullet for his country, this guy. Better be careful, pal. - He's fine. - Back on? - He's golfing. - The other side, snowflakes. ♪ I don't know what else to do ♪ ♪ I can't go on that line ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's all in me ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Something's gotta hold on me lately ♪ ♪ Though I don't know myself anymore ♪ ♪ Feels like the walls are all closing in ♪ ♪ And the devil's knocking at my door ♪ ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ Out of my mind ♪ ♪ How many times ♪ ♪ Did I tell you, take a chaggy ♪ ♪ Could it be in your room ♪ - Check it out. ♪ Give it ♪ ♪ Take it into our own me ♪ - What's in me? ♪ Trying my best to ♪ - This is a nice one. - This is a good one. - It's getting close to being played though. - I'm over it. - Yeah, but it was really good, yeah. - Okay, thanks for being with us. We appreciate the interaction and the participation. Lots of ways to get involved with the show. 98.1, if I'm 107.5 HD3, stream us or watch us on - Totally wanna hear from you guys, interact with us, participate with us real quick. Mile High Golf Cars. They're an institution. They've been around forever off Lincoln and Parker Road, was in their, hadn't been in there in a really long time. And what like golf carts are now? It's not just like for the golf course. I mean, it is, but it's like something for the family, all kind of family to enjoy. They're super duper cool. There's a couple of families in my neighborhood who have them and it's just like, man, I wanna do so much with them now. - They're just fun. It's cool. It's got some wicked sound systems, you know, leather seats. And they're just, you know, shoot, man. What you're gonna spend on like a trip with your family for four or five days that you're gonna be mad about, you know, like come home, got nothing to show for it. 'Cause I have some Disney stuff you're gonna throw out and have a garage sale in five years. Go buy a bad ass one of these golf carts and these, yeah, they're just cool. I mean, they're just, they're just really cool. So you should go check these guys out. I really like those guys. - Like in my ride or West Coast Customs. - Yeah. - They could do whatever you want. - Well, we have fourth dimension, wrap some graphics as a, you know, relationship with those guys. I, you know, the collab of wrapping like a golf cart and some badass Broncos thing or nuggets. - There we go. - Nuggets, that'd be cool. - Nuggets. - Yeah, okay, that's cool. - Actually nuggets, are we mad at the nuggets? - No, I've now appreciated and kind of re-appreciated the championship we won again. I'm like, I'm appreciating it all over again. The championship that we did win because we know how hard it is to win championships. - Did the Deron Holmes Achilles injury kind of take the wind out of your sales for excitement about Summer League? - Yes and no. Strathor had a game winner or a game tire last night. He missed at the buzzer. They were up the whole game. I had plus two and a half. And that was the third leg of a big one. They won by-- - That's how he knows that. - Yeah, they lost by three. It was, I wanted to see just how that happened. - And last by two, I thought. - Last by three, trust me. - Strathor had a game though. He had 32 points. - Yeah, no, he should. So my point is, Strathor, if anyone's going to kind of get some of those extra minutes and be the next kind of Peyton Watson, so to speak, it's him. And Peyton Watson, though, has to be a real player now. Big boy player. - Had Pickett, look. - Jalen Pickett. - It's fine. - Okay. - Fine. I don't think he'll play a whole lot. - Really? - I'm not really surprised by on that guy. - I mean, especially if they sign Westbrook. - Well, I mean, if he's not super dynamic, he's not an incredible shooter. He's not an incredible scorer. - I like guys who work hard and do lots of little things. And I don't know his game like that. But I don't, you know. - If they don't bring Westbrook in, he's playing. - I'm hoping he doesn't play. - Pickett's playing. - Yeah, they'll figure something else out, I would say. Let's go out to the hotline, though. Really quick, not a lot of time. I can't make him wait one more minute. He's a mayhem icon. It's Ray Ray. Hey, Ray Ray. - What's up, Danny and Kyle Beringen. Alex, we're on the grass, get your happy mat. Monday, dance, Friday on. And let's go on a positive. Check out your own McDonald's special offers. Santiago's and Chubby's and Starbucks. They got it all going. It's great for the summertime, for all your youth and your kids. And the alley and the war veterans. And check out the beautiful elite women. We'll ride at all the gyms. And their hot beat, thong bikinis, posing and showing off their flash. Hey, that's going to help us to know stuff. Those Yankees and Orioles, I think, will be in the championship. Dodgers, they have health, health problem issues with their teams and their pitchers. And the soccer looks great. And the college rankings are coming up. My Notre Dame fine-nighters is going to look good. And the Air Force and Dion Sanders team with Goldberg's son in it. It's going to be good. Goldberg will be down at CU Boulder, checking out the games. So go check out Goldberg and get his autograph. What do you guys got to say, Kyle Beringen? - Man, I loved me some Goldberg. - Hey, all right, Bill Goldberg. - Hey, all right, Bill Goldberg. Remember when Bret Hart, Ray Ray, wouldn't refer to Goldberg? As Goldberg, he just kept calling him. Okay, Bill Goldberg, he tried to end. Hey, he almost ended Bret Hart's career. - Oh, I know, it was exciting. That's what they were trying to do. That's what we did in WCW. Try to injure your career. So you didn't have to come back and bust your head wide open and blood everywhere. Wasn't scissor cut or nothing like it is now. It's gone downhill. Our ratings have gone down on Monday Night Raw. I'm going to be on Monday Night Raw tonight. But the rain's got to be up and it's got to be all be real. If you need to change it like the NFL does, you know, you've got to fight different people. It's not the same people over and over. That's why our ratings are sinking. But we just keep going and we just, I just wrestled last night in Mexico, Saturday and Friday, and Sunday and Duffler, now I'm in Ohio tonight. So it's all great and enjoy your guys' show. And hey, Richard Simmons has great outfits on, man. I grew up with that guy back in the day and watching his shows and all the pretty elite women wearing their leader cards. Check them out. Come back, Ray Ray, come back. I'm going to let you smack it on your cat. Yeah, bye. Later. Thank you. I heard Trump bladed after the first shot. He kind of bladed. So it looked like-- Like CM Punk? Yeah, he's all like WWE stuff. Oh, I'm cut. Kyle-- I'm sorry if I'm a little [BLEEP] snippy. That's fine. There's a lot of crazy [BLEEP] tired. I totally work with [BLEEP] children. There's a lot of crazy sick people in this world of ours. Give your percentage likelihood that this was a setup on either side of the party. Or third deep state. 10%. Really? You said one? No. Well, I said like-- Two percent-- Well, I said one and a half percent Trump's party did it. One percent Biden's people did it. Maybe like seven or eight percent deep state, like you said. I think you're right on with your numbers. And also, I think he needs to up his security team. He needs to find security guards that are able to holster their weapons when-- Getting him 81. Yeah. Getting him into the SUV. Secret service kind of dropped the ball. She was like, hold on, I've got to put my bullets in. It looked a little amateur. Yeah. How was a guy able to get up on that roof right there? No one, you know-- Listen, guys, back in my day. Much about it. And they said that they saw him. They pointed him out, too. Yeah, they're like, look, there's a guy on the roof. He has a gun. He's aiming the gun at the president. He's going to shoot the-- Oh, he shot him. Guys, back in my day, I tried out for the Secret Service. And they told me, because I was 5'8", and I'm 5'10". I couldn't qualify. Look, look what's happened to the Secret Service since then. Thank you, my friend, diggity, diggity, diggity, diggity. Give me strength. Have you seen that tweet? Yeah. You saw that one? A problem? Just two inches short of being a Secret Service. Tell me I liked that tweet. Let me see here, if I could find it like I got a-- You can't look at people's likes anymore. I'm all right. All right, God. Oh, you can. My girlfriend will leave me alone, finally. My God, Becky. Oh, hold on a sec, here. Look at that like. So did I like this robot one, or save it? What? Then he was going to be a Secret Service agent. What's robot's handle? Oh, and he was-- At robot huddle. He would have been glad to take a bullet for our president. He said, oh, I would have to. For a president? Yeah, it was. What about for a former president? Any president, current or former? That has some allegations. That's fine. OK. That's for America I'm doing. I'm not doing it for him. OK. Ready? We're ready. Do I do it in Herlbut voice, or do I-- Herlbut voice? If she is truly 5'3, something has changed. I applied to the Secret Service upon my college graduation, but was quickly denied because I was 5'10" and 5'8". I would have taken a bullet for any president. Something rotten in the state of Denmark. Thank you, my friends. You got it, man. Diggity, diggity, diggity, diggity. Shut up, my friend. Yeah, here's just pretty good to you. You spend more time with him. Oh, wait. Herlbut said, hold on. We're back with the next tweet. Uh-oh. Oh, you ready? He's getting nastier. Hold on. I had auditioned with Shin and Dory once. Very professional and kind. No more suffering. #RIP. I think that might be it. I get the NFL with-- I had an audition with Shin and Dory once. Oh, if there's ever been such a-- I get the NFL. That's what it is. Just a Jersey audition with her? Just an audition with her. That's one step below of saying I dated her once. We're going to win. We're going to win on a day with Shin and Dory with one time. Yeah, right. Hollywood Boulevard. We walked into Santa Monica and got a twin to a beast. Well, thank you, Shannon. My friend. All right, let's go to break. He cares about his country. Yeah, I love David Hall, but he's a really good man, actually. And he's got all three of our backs. If it ever came down to it, he'd take a bullet for a while. No, not Jake Meyer. He told Jake to shut up. He's shaking out my front. Do you see Jake here? Enough to-- oh, oh. I don't. David Hallbut helped me. Jake Meyer's relationship. What it is today, the day out of business. Let's go to break. Kyle Berry in today, man. What a great one we're having. Wait, doesn't Jake from State Park? Mentor and tutor at Colorado Media School? He does. Wait. Why? What are you saying? That is the point. Your career's not over-reased. Oh, yeah. He's like a coach. He's like a uncle now. And a dad. Yeah, that's right. Thank you, my friend. All right, Danny, Kyle, and our guy, Alex. It's my life sports. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] The last great rapper. What? Oh, yeah. Oh, my god. No one will ever go down in his iconic-- you know what, like the Eminem, Kanye, Biggie JZ level again in a rapper, and Drake kind of doesn't count. Yeah, you're not putting Kendrick in that? Not at all. Not at all. No one will worry. There's people like who actually listen to the radio. A lot. Like, listen to the radio. They got all their six buttons. They go to mix and jam in, and they might have one sports one. They got the oldies, and they got KBCO. They ain't never heard of Kendrick Lamar song. I think Kendrick-- Because they don't play Kendrick Lamar songs on popular radio. I think Kendrick is close. And I think J Cole got close. I don't think so. I think you're way off. Kanye West is the last great rapper. Yes. I don't know why I'm so like-- What is the problem with that? I want to refuse to accept the level. Who is so iconic at a level? That's what I mentioned them. I never get with. They're not. Those guys are not. J. Kendrick Lamar is like on his way. Kanye is one of her J Cole music on the radio. Listen, whether you're me, I'm 42, whether you're 11 like J.J. or whether you're 22 years old. Maybe that 22-year-old had to go search it and find it on social media. But if that 22-- maybe here's where-- check this out. Maybe here's where I have it wrong. Maybe the 22-year-old isn't listening to terrestrial radio on a dial in his car. Maybe that's the case. They're taking away AM radio. Did you know that? If he is, if he is listening to the radio like that, regular radio, any station in town, he ain't listening to Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole either, because they're not popular radio. That's a nitchy. Kanye, his is transcendent. Kanye's music is going to be in movies forever and commercials forever being played off of being dropped. And you're like, ah, one of these bangers. Ain't no Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole bangers being played at weddings and things like that. Unless that wedding is hood. [LAUGHTER] Except it, that's true. OK. Please, thank you. Not much to lift. What do you got, Alex, for us? That was pretty funny. Your guy, your guy, the Carlos Alcaras, who you're in, a little bit of denial. One again, the fourth major title, 21 year old kid. He's the next great one. Strange joke event. We've talked about him as a great one. He's only 21, but a couple years, we knew he was coming. And he's different and built different. He put a domination act on Joker yesterday, kind of sad about it a little bit, because he's 37 years old. I bet you he wins another couple majors, but this thing is-- I think the doll's done winning majors. You're talking about Novak Jokeviz? Yeah, the original Joker. I think the doll might be done no matter what. He's done. The doll won't win again. And he'll play ceremonial. Maybe the next French Open as a swan song, but he's going to work his whole year off his body to get right for that. And he goes down early. It's a disgrace. You shouldn't even do it. And Federer's done. Federer's done. He talked about the last of the great tennis players is Jokeviz, the last of the great. It is. He is the last of-- Well, we thought after Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi that Jim Kerr, guys like that, that tennis would never be the same. And while there hasn't been another great American tennis star since those guys, what we had with those three, who each have 20 major championships 2020, we're not back in my day, Pete Sampras had-- But 22 and 24. I think Pete Sampras has like 14. 14 exactly. OK, he has 14. Pete Sampras to me is like Federer. And Pete Sampras like retired a little too early. You know, there's no competition left. He had conquered all. There was no bridge between him and those other three guys we just talked about. If there was, Pete would have probably strived and tried to win 17 or 18 and could have. So I think Pete Sampras may be still the greatest of all time. But also, I want an American to be the greatest of all time. But then after that, it's Federer. Then it's Jokeviz. And then after that, it's like Nadal Agassi, whatever. I mean, Nadal has 20 some majors, but 14 of them are in the same tournament. We got to go. Kyle, thanks for coming. I'd love to see you tomorrow. Great job. Hey, everyone loves you. Were you proud of Rose Nama Eunice? I was proud of Doug Rose. Doug Rose getting it done as the headliner here. Tickets were so expensive, I would like to go, but I never saw tickets cheaper than 200 bucks. Oh, my friends said he got them for like 75. Really? Where? Black market? Black market, yeah. All right, for Kyle, Barry and Alex. Back around, Danny Williams. We appreciate you guys, and we love you guys. Good night, Sheila. Good night. Good night. Good night. Thank you, Sheila. Bye, Jerry. Bye, Sheila. I'll never forget tonight. Bye, Jerry. All right, I want everybody to go inside. Bye, Sheila. See you, Jerry. Bye, Sheila. Bye, Barry. Bye, Sheila. Cut through the holes. Go easy and hold, what a hit you been. This talk, a real record, stop me.