The BIGG Successs Show

Are You a Victim of Your Own Success?

Broadcast on:
07 Oct 2008
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4 tips to be more effective and efficient when your success grows. Find a written summary of today's show and sign up for our FREE weekly newsletter at BIGGSUCCESS.COM.
- Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today we ask, are you a victim of your own success? - The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. You've made it, you've arrived, you've reached that next level of success. - Woo hoo! - You've achieved your dream. - But, you're swamped. Now you have a seemingly endless list of things to do, and it all just keeps coming. - Minute after minute, day after day, week after week. - Oh. - It's sheer chaos. - You find yourself busier than ever, more successful than ever. But the question is, are you happier than ever? - And it seems that what's happening is that you've become a victim of your own success. You're too darn good, and look at what you did to yourself now. - It reminds me, Mary Lynn, of broadcast news where William Hertz's character says, "What happens if your real life exceeds your dreams?" - Well, and the result could be too much to do, too many clients and too many constituents. - And so what do you do about this? Well, the first thing to do is simply this. Congratulate yourself. Take a deep breath, a little pause, and just enjoy the moment. - Second, get away from it all for a day. I know, you're saying, "Oh my gosh, I'm so busy, "I can't do that, but here's the thing." You're too busy not to get away. - Oh, now that's an interesting way of thinking about it. - Well, think about it, your day away is gonna give you time to contemplate. - Oh. - Think about what's most important and what's least important. - Now, when I contemplate, I always have to rub my chin. - Go ahead. - But I usually think I should have a beard if I was gonna do that. Well, the third thing to do then is, so now that you know that those two things, what's most important, what's least important, you sort of got a ranking of all the activities you're doing. Third, hire an assistant, outsource, partner, joint venture in some way, shape, or form. Delegate, get it off your desk. Delegate those things that aren't the most important. - Now, you might be asking, can I afford to hire someone? - Ah, that's a common question. - That's the wrong question to be asking though. You need to ask, can I afford not to? Because the most important things, the people, the projects that only you can and should do, will get pushed aside by those less important things if you don't take this step. And fourth, set the expectations for the people in your life. You know, even customers can be trained. I remember in one of my businesses early on, and it scared me to do this, I admit, but we had a customer that just always demanded immediate service. And I finally told them, it's like, here's our choice. I can either give you the immediate service you want for a higher price, or we can do it this way for the price I've already agreed to charge you. Guess which one they chose? The lower price that we'd already agreed on. The thing is, you know, you can set expectations for the people in your life. You know, an example would be just, there's certain times when I'm available, there's certain times when I'm not. - We've just talked about the right things to do, but coming up, the right way to do them. - Today, we've talked about four tips on how to do the right things. Now we wanna talk about doing them the right way. And one of the best ways to do this is to actually look for a benchmark. Somebody or something or some organization that we can look to as a model of how we might want to behave. And it's interesting, I think, if we think of an assembly line, right? We all have sort of this group of products, be it shows to produce, in our case, email to reply to contacts to reach out to all of these things, they're flowing down this assembly line. Now, our assembly lines may be an hour or a day or a week, but the point is we wanna engineer our processes to move our product down the line in the most efficient manner possible. - So logically, think about what you do and the best way to do it and walk yourself through this whole process step-by-step as it exists today. - And that's an important point, Marilyn, is just do it the way you're doing it right now, but the next part is crucial. Now you wanna start looking for ways to save little bits of time. You know, I have a friend who runs a mega company, in fact, he's a multi-billionaire. And he said that, like with their company, for example, they found that it was taking them 60 seconds to get the package that they were shipping all labeled. And they went that down to five seconds, and that's exactly how they've managed their business to go to a Fortune 500 company second-by-second. - So start with effectiveness, make sure you're doing the right things, and then on those things, work on efficiency so that you're doing them the right way. - So you're doing the right things the right way, and now you're ready for even bigger success. - You can get a written summary of today's show on our site at Big Success. That's, and while you're there, sign up for our free Big Success Weekly to get the tips and tools you need to be a big success. - Next time we ask, are you afraid of success? - Not as long as the lights on. Until then, here's to your big success. - The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G (crowd cheering) [BLANK_AUDIO]