The BIGG Successs Show
Get More Done by Finding Your Energy Source
A tool to help you overcome your energy crisis. Find a written summary of today's show at BIGGSUCCESS.COM. While there (or on this page), sign up for our FREE Bigg Success Weekly to get the tips and tools you need to be a bigg success!
Welcome to the Big Success Show. Today, we'll talk about how to get more done by finding your energy source. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. Mary Lynn, I was hoping you would just stop with how to get more. So we want more of everything, right? Hey, we got to do something to get something. You know, if you've listened to our show for a while, you know that I have a lot of dad quotes. My dad seemed to always be popping up something, and one of my favorite quotes of his is, he'd say, "My get up and goes got up and went." And why would he say that? Well, just, I guess, on a day when he might feel a little less ambitious than normal, perhaps. You know, it's funny. I was at an event recently, a friend of mine is part of the staff for a not-for-profit organization, a local organization. They had a big fundraising kickoff. And we might add that this was at 6 a.m. in the morning. It started at 6 in the morning, and the whole purpose was to get people to stop by, get some free coffee, get a free bagel, and then get this cool little family pack. Now, what I was leading to though, Mary Lynn, was 6 a.m. in the morning. It's not a time when you're not really accustomed to being up and really going at 6 a.m. Well, yes and no. I mean, I used to do morning radio. That's true. And you used to have to get up at 4 or 4.30 in the morning. But no, I don't have to get up that early anymore. Anyway, so I pull into the parking lot a little bit after 6. [laughter] And boy, there was my friend. And she was on the corner hopping up and down. Hey, free coffee, free coffee. And I don't even think she'd had any coffee. Wow. And so I just admired her energy. Now, why do you think she has so much energy at 6 a.m. in the morning? Well, I think she's a peppy person for one. Okay. I mean, she's always positive, always smiling. And I think she also really loves what she does. And she has a passion for it. And so she was energized. Well, that's awesome. Now, you're really talking about the mental side of it all, right? Right. But there's also the physical side, you know, because no matter how positive of an attitude I may have, if I only get 2 hours of sleep day after day after day, it might not be so peppy, right? That's right. And if you ate a bunch of fast food or greasy food the night before and you didn't get any exercise in, that's probably going to weigh you down a bit too. You know, I have a friend, Mary Lynn, who, he's the most disciplined person I think I've ever met in my entire life. And he doesn't drink coffee at all. He doesn't drink, you know. And so I remember asking him once, like, what gets you going in the morning? I said, you have to drink Mountain Dew or, you know, some, I mean, right. He says his comment was, he's like, well, Georgia, I usually run about, you know, 10 miles or so. And so I said, okay, you know, we obviously live a different life because I got to have my coffee in the morning. You know, we're not trying to give you any diet or exercise advice here on the show today. I mean, obviously if you're feeling very lethargic, it could be a medical issue and you should talk to your doctor. But we do have some tips today to help you get in touch with your energy resource. And we've got a tool we'll share with you coming up. Today, we're talking about having more pep. More of them and vigor, as my mom would say. Yes, being more energetic and we promised you a tool and here's something that we've been using. And, you know, I always hesitate, Marilyn, to talk about writing things down. It seems like that's one of the things you always see. You want to manage your time better. Keep a journal. You know, write it down. You want to lose weight. Write it down. You want to do this. Write it down. Well, here's a case where I really think it can help. And so what we're suggesting is that you start an energy diary. And as you go throughout your day, just record the time of the day, what activity you're working on, and then make some general comments about what you're doing and how you're feeling at that moment in time. You know, for example, I was feeling sleepy about mid-morning today. So I went to my little energy diary and, well, I got up earlier today than I did yesterday and I did not go to bed at the same time last night as I did the night before. So I wrote a little note to myself, sleeping habits. So I want to try and get myself in a better sleeping routine. Well, and as we were writing this show, I was telling you, Marilyn, that I felt a little sleepy. And as I'm looking at what I've been doing, I noticed that, you know, I've been up for about five hours. And I hadn't eaten until about a half an hour ago. And so one of the things I'm exploring is maybe I just need to eat more frequently, right? Because food is where we get some of our fuel. And so what's really good about this tool is that it allows us to analyze what we're doing. And so we can make a note when we're feeling really energized because it's important to do that too. I'm feeling really energized right now. Obviously, I'm doing something that I love to do. You're talking to me. Yes. So I make a note of when I do feel energized and also when I don't feel energized. Yeah, and even things like people you're dealing with, right? I mean, think about, I feel very energetic right now. Oh, when I look at my diary, I notice I just had a conversation with a very positive person or maybe I'm feeling drained. And I just had a conversation with that person who, you know, life is in turmoil all the time. Right. You know, what you're doing with his diary is you're analyzing what works best for you because no matter what's out there, what works for you is what works. And that's what you're really trying to discover. You can find a written summary of today's show on our site at BigSuccess. That's You can also sign up for our Big Success Weekly. It's free. And every week you'll get the tips and tools you need to be a big success. Next time we'll talk about how to deal with an upset customer. Boy, that's an energy drain. Not when you do it our way. Uh-huh. Until then, here's to your Big Success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING] (gentle music)