The BIGG Successs Show
Great Athletes Have One. So Should You
A great resource to help you become the bigg success you dream of being! Find a written summary of today's show at BIGGSUCCESS.COM.
- Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today, we'll talk about a resource that great athletes have, and so should you. - The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. - Mary Lynn, you and I were talking recently about the difference between a mentor and a coach, what is their one? And we decided, yeah, there actually is. You know, a mentor is someone who definitely advises you, great memories of my mentors, but there's not that contractual relationship. It's not a for-pay kind of thing, like there might be with a coach. - That's right, and we've had a number of mentors and coaches over the course of our careers, and now here we are on this Big Success Venture, and so we've been using mentors and coaches to help us move along. - Well, and that's part of what prompted our discussion, I think, Mary Lynn, and one of the things we've concluded is, I mean, I value the mentors I've had in my life tremendously. I value the coaches I've had tremendously. - But the amazing thing is that with your mentors, it seems like because you're not paying for the service, you actually may end up taking a little less away than you do from your coaches. - And you're not going to go to your mentor as often, because you don't want to abuse- - Absolutely. - Your mentor's time and wisdom and knowledge that they're willing to share with you for free. - Yeah, 'cause it's all their goodwill, right? You don't want to take advantage of that. - We found a great quote about what a coach is from Bill McCartney, who coaches at the University of Colorado, he says, "Coaching is taking a player "where he can't take himself." And you think about all the great athletes of our time, your Tiger Woods, your Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps with the Olympics. - Yes. - They all- - But you miss George Kruger. (laughing) - Well, we're just talking athletes at the moment. - Oh, okay. - They all have a great coach. - That's right, and I think as all of us are thinking about brand me, brand you, our personal branding, moniker, coaches can do the same thing for us. There's a whole lot of advantages. And the thing about having a great coach is it saves you time because they help you make sure you're doing the right things. - And with our experience, big success is our baby, right? We work on it, we work on the operations. - Boy, it was rough delivering it. (laughing) And it's rough as you watch it grow and as you continue to care for it. And so we found that it's really good to get an outside perspective, to reach out and let somebody else who's looking in help us focus on what we need to be focusing on right now. - Because we could get very emotional about it. We're very passionate about big success and the coach helps us maintain that objectivity. I've also found, Mary Lynn, that boy, when you're meeting with your coach every week, it really keeps you on your toes and you spend more time working on the business, you make sure you do it because you have to prepare for that weekly session. - It's like you've got assignments and you've got homework. - That's right. And I'm used to being on the other end of that homework. I like that pattern. (laughing) - At least you don't have to grade. - That's true. - But isn't that good though? And the coach is asking you questions that you're not asking yourself and they make you come up with the answers. (laughing) And they don't just say they'll be like, yes, but what does that mean? It just keeps guiding you and you'll find yourself looking at your business or your career in new ways and ways that you never would have uncovered on your own. - And as the quote said, or you said earlier, Mary Lynn, with a quote, you find yourself going to places that you wouldn't go yourself. - Coming up, how to find a coach that's right for you. - Today we're talking about the difference between a mentor and a coach and why coaches can make a huge difference in getting you to that next level of success. - And we've learned a thing or two about finding a great coach. I mean, you could Google. - That's true. - I'm looking for a coach and you can find people that way. And even if that's how you do it, you're going to try and find a person who is where you want to be. - Yeah, and a perfect example of this is a guy we're talking to. We haven't hired him yet, but it looks likely that we're gonna hire him to be our coach and we met him in a convention recently and he is exactly where we want to be in the near future. And so to hire him and be able to see how he's done, what he's done, 'cause not that long ago, he was where we are now. And so he's gonna be able to help us bridge that gap. - That's right. Now another coach we've had was referred to us and it's Liz Strauss, she's awesome. We started following her blog. So that's how we got to know her initially. And then we found out that she was hosting a conference. We attended the conference. We got to know her even more. And then it wasn't even a question after that. - That's right. - We hired her because we knew that she could help us with our branding and she did a phenomenal job for us. We learned so much. So I think it's great to find someone in your industry, follow them for a while because technology today allows you to and get to know them that way. - I guess the bottom line is mentors are very valuable. Coaching and still catching on for everybody outside the athletic world. But coaching services are something that are delivered at a very small cost relative to the big payoff that you'll get from finding the right coach. - You can get a written summary of today's show on our site at Big Success. That's Big with 2G's And while you're there, make sure to sign up for our big success weekly. It's free and every week you'll get the tips and tools you need to be a big success. - Next time we ask, how honest should you be with your employees? - Until then, here's to your big success. - The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]