The BIGG Successs Show

Build Your Brand By Promoting Others

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2008
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An example that's also a great resource for you! Find a link to the resource we talk about along with a written summary of today's show at BIGGSUCCESS.COM.
Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today, we'll talk about how to build your brand by promoting others. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. We started Big Success about eight months ago. Hard to believe. Isn't it though, Mary Lynn? And I got to tell you, I am just amazed at the number of great people we've met since we started it. Great, the people we've met who listen to our show, read our blog, people that we've met at conferences. It's just been so fun. Yeah, and one of those people that stands near the top of the mountain or at the top of the mountain is Liz Strauss. And she is known as the Queen of Blogging. All right, she's over at and she's also the queen of conversation. In fact, her blog has more comments than any other blog. Yeah, it's incredible, and by the way, I also hear that Liz is an SOB. And so are we. That stands for a successful outstanding blog. Yes, and Liz came up with that moniker. That's right. Well, Liz recently held a blog fair. And this is so cool. If think of an auto show, or you've got all these cool cars lined up. I tried kicking the tires once. I got thrown out. I think you kicked a model. Okay, so but Liz decided to do this with blogs and allow other people to promote their sites on hers. Yeah, and it's just a great resource. You can check out 260 blogs right there on one page and there's a lot of them I didn't know about and I've actually subscribed to a number of them. And you know, it got us thinking about the benefit of promoting others and it just shows your customers that you care about more than just money. Yeah, and Marilyn, an example of this is, you know, with my service businesses. We went out to people's homes and their offices and perform services on their real estate and we really encourage people to call us no matter what their question was or the problem was. And I will tell you, in many cases, it wasn't something that we did, but we would refer them to someone that we knew was good and our customers really appreciated that little service, even though we didn't make any money from it in the short run. I guarantee you, we made money from it in the long run. And here at Big Success, we try to do the same thing. We will seek out professionals to interview who are experts in their field and who can give you our audience insight and advice in a way that we couldn't do it alone. Yeah, and I mean, we basically, we just try to find people who know more than we do, right? And that's not hard to do. Not that off. Well, it's people that know something deeper about a subject, perhaps, or peripheral to it. So the point is, when you promote others, you also promote yourself because you're the hub. And coming up, we're going to share an example of how it can pay to work with your competition. Today, we're talking about how we were able to promote Big Success on someone else's site and the benefit that comes from promoting others. Sometimes the people you promote are your competition, but that can pay off too. Yeah, and there's this, I think, somewhat new concept, although it's been practiced for years, just not really talked about openly, and it's called co-opetition. And give you an example of that. We were talking the other day with a guy who owns a restaurant. His restaurant sits in a little cluster of restaurants right between our huge university campus and our downtown area. Which is a thriving downtown atmosphere? That's right. But one of the things we talked about was how he couldn't afford by himself to advertise in the college newspaper, even though there's about 40,000 customers there for his little restaurant, right? But the thing that he could do was, he could band together with his fellow competitors, and as a group, they could advertise their little cluster of restaurants so that the kids going out on a date could hit their restaurants before they go downtown to enjoy the nightlife. Well, George, that is such a smart idea. And I remember seeing his eyes light up when you suggested that because he did see this as an opportunity to work with his competition to bring more people into his restaurant. Well, and so the point is, sometimes you build your brand not necessarily by promoting others, but you build your brand by promoting with others. You can get a written summary of today's show on our site at Big Success, that's Big with 2G's We also have a link to that blog show we were talking about that we participated in and look for entry number 114 because that's us. That's right. And next time, we talked to a young man who found his passion by working 52 jobs in 52 weeks. It's quite the story. That's right. And I have to say, that's not something I've experienced. Until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]