The BIGG Successs Show
Is Your Schedule Overloaded Like A Dishwasher?
Get more done by doing less. We share 4 things we do to keep our schedules from being overloaded. Read our show summary at BIGGSUCCESS.COM.
Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today we ask is your schedule overloaded like a dishwasher? The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. Some couples argue about which way the toilet paper should be rolled. Some couples argue about which way you should squeeze the toothpaste. That's right. Well Mary Lynn we have our own little disagreement I guess. Maybe we're unique. We argue about how full the dishwasher should be. You see George likes to put so much in the dishwasher and now granted you are a master at packing the dishwasher. Well thank you I'd rather be a master packer than a master a lot of other things. But you will pack it so full that not all the dishes can get cleaned. Well and Mary Lynn tends to just kind of half fill it up. I would say three-fourths. And then you're wasting water so we're spending money we don't need to. Well we end up spending money re-washing those dishes that don't get washed in the overload. Well and see now you're into our impasse. But the thing is this whole dishwasher discussion got us thinking about our schedules. Yeah my theory is if you put too much into your schedule just like the dishwasher you can't get it all done. Well and I do agree with that Mary Lynn and I actually have to say I'm guilty of overloading my schedule sometimes almost like you overload a dishwasher or I overload a dishwasher. But you know what they say if you want something done give it to a busy person. You know they say 80% of the work gets done in 20% of the time and it is amazing when you're super super busy it seems like you are more productive. Well but the thing is when we get too overloaded just like you get frustrated with the dishwasher being overloaded now then. Well we can get frustrated that we're not getting more done that we feel we're not accomplishing what we set out to do and it can get discouraging. And even paralyzing that's true. So there's four things we've learned to do to keep our schedule from being overloaded and that's coming up. Today we're talking about how our schedules are like our dishwashers and if you overload them it can get frustrating discouraging and even paralyzing. And there's four things we wanted to talk about that we've learned about scheduling. Number one plan for reaction time and George you've told me when you were a manager you would pack your schedule so full but forget the fact that you were going to be dealing with your employees issues as they popped up during the day. That's right I think you know I've seen my managers make the same mistake it just seems like when you're dealing with other people whether it's customers employees whatever it is you have to plan for more of your time to be reactive. And closer you are to the front line the more that's important. Number two understand our pattern San George you're more of a morning person I'm more of an afternoon person. That's true. So we don't work together at all. So plan the most important and time consuming things in your schedule for when you are most productive during the day. And number three work at human capacity and boy this is a tough win Maryland because you know my dad who's one of my heroes he always thought he could get more done in a day than he could get done. And I think he taught me well. So make sure you're not planning 10 hours of work if you only have eight hours to do it. Just realize that you're human to and there's gonna be times when you need to cut back and take us a little bit of a break. And finally sometimes it pays to procrastinate and we have a prime example with this show today. Yeah and yesterday you know we were trying to get this show done and quite honestly we just didn't have the energy we needed to do it. Well I wasn't feeling well. To be honest 100% I really wasn't. Right you weren't Maryland and the thing is we just felt like if we kept going we just weren't going to have the product that hopefully we have now. And hopefully everybody listening will agree. So we decided let's just put this off for one day. There's no reason why it can't be done tomorrow. Sometimes it does pay to procrastinate. So there are our suggestions from our experience on how to keep the schedule from being overloaded. But George I apparently I still got to work on you when it comes to the dishwasher. I knew you were gonna come back to that. You can get a written summary of today's show on our site at Big Success that's big with Next time we'll talk about how to promote your business by helping other people promote theirs. Until then here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G (music) [BLANK_AUDIO]