The BIGG Successs Show

The Natural Way to Save Money

Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2008
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The financial and health benefits of spending time outdoors. We even broadcast our show today from the great outdoors!Find our written summary along with the links to the surveys we mention at BIGGSUCCESS.COM.
Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today we'll talk about the natural way to save money. The Big Success Show, with George and Mary Lynn. We recently saw a study that showed that nature-based recreation in the United States has been declining for the last 20 years. Now, Mary Lynn, that was after a 50-year increase, consecutive 50 years, but it's now now about 25% over the last 20 years. So that's why we're doing our show today in the middle of nature. We decided to camp out. That's right. How awesome this is. I've got to tell you, Mary Lynn, this is definitely as close as I get to roughing it. Not that much of a camper, but we've got the fire going here. We're roasting marshmallows. In fact, hey, this one's ready. Mary Lynn, pass me a graham cracker. You got it. There you go. But before we get into those s'mores, George, we've got to talk a little bit more about this study. We've got a show to do, sorry. Prices are going up for everything it seems, and that affects our fun money. Yeah, and the fun money is often the first thing to go as we look for ways to stretch the family budget. You know, the cool thing about nature is that for the most part, it's free, and it's all around us. We're all close to parks and places to enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer. Not only that, George, but it also offers many benefits. Here's a few that we've come up with. I find that no matter how significant my problems may seem, when I get out in nature and see just all that magnificence. Mary Lynn, it just seems like the problems I have are very insignificant. That's true, and when I'm out in nature, I don't have a signal on my phone, so I can't take calls. I can't check my email, so it's nice to disconnect and pay attention to different sights and sounds. Hey, I like that owl. I don't have a ringtone like that. It was almost like it was rehearsed. I know. He's pretty good. Well, then there's that lasting quality of nature, and Mary Lynn, remember that big old tree we saw on our hike today? Oh, yeah, it was beautiful. And we come in on how old it must be, and all of the things that it's withstood, the storms, the changing of the seasons, animals peeing on it. He's talking about you, no. Or making it their home, okay? And speaking of critters, it can also be fascinating just to watch them, like the squirrels that were chasing each other around on that big old tree. I think they were in love. The hawk we saw floating in the sky, and even the ants amazed me with their organization. Oh, ants, the original social networkers, right? What a good point, but they do their networking outside. Well, sometimes they get inside. That's true. We don't like it when they invade our territory. That's for sure. But studies have shown that being in their territory, that being outdoors has some incredible health benefits. In fact, even just seeing the outdoors is beneficial. A little while ago, George, I read a study that showed that hospital patients, when they have a window in their room, they recover much faster from surgery than those without one. Isn't that amazing? Just having a window view. And that same article, I remember you showing it to me, and it cited numerous sources that said that lower stress and decreased mental fatigue result from spending time outdoors. Well, I know I am completely relaxed. Okay, or it was. Yeah. That's a little close. Say, well, apparently, just relax. It's just a wolf. It's not the big bad wolf. Okay, Mr. Brave Guy. In that case, coming up, we're going to feel like kids and eat some s'mores and discuss what the outdoors can do for kids. We're at the big campground enjoying nature, and we've been talking about the benefits for growing ups. Now, let's look at what it can do for kids. Well, check this out. In the same study that we mentioned earlier, they said that when kids get outside, it helps them pay attention better, be less demanding, it's even been shown to reduce symptoms of ADHD. Yeah, and going back all the way to where we started, Marilyn, Americans are spending less time outdoors, right? And Miracle Grow, the best known garden fertilizer, they just did a survey and they said that nearly 70% of parents say their kids spend less time outdoors than they did when they were kids. I'll tell you what, George, my parents wouldn't let my sister or me in until it was dark. They wanted us to get all that extra energy out of her systems. Is that why you brought me out here? Maybe. Well, I think it's worked, Marilyn. I'm feeling pretty comfortable right now. Oh, my God. Marilyn, I think that wolf's getting close. That's enough nature for me. Yes. Let's get out of here before that wolf gets here. Hey, who's afraid of the big bad wolf? The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]