The BIGG Successs Show

Paying Attention to These 4 Things Pays Off

Broadcast on:
02 Jun 2008
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Focusing on the right things for your bigg success. Read our show summary at
Welcome to the big success show today. We'll discuss four things to pay attention to that will pay off The big success show with George and Mary Lynn There's an old saying and I just heard someone say this the other day in fact the saying goes like this I'm so poor. I can't even pay attention It's pretty sad though because paying attention doesn't cost you anything. That's right You know, Mary Lynn what's even funnier though as I reached a point in my life where I realized I was so poor because I didn't pay attention I see Well, there's a lot of things competing for our attention especially these days But it's important to pay attention to the right things to succeed big and today We're going to discuss four things to pay attention to number one pay attention to your finances You're the CEO and the CFO of the most important organization in the world you ink That's right. And if you're in a relationship, maybe your significant other is taking care of the financial duties The point is just like any other successful organization You want to make sure you have more income than expenses and the problem that a lot of people run into is they don't pay attention to their finances Until there's a problem too much month not enough money And it's a much more difficult situation than if you just pay attention all along and we do have a number of links on our blog today To resources that will help you pay attention to your finances better and number two pay attention to what needs to be done A lot of people spend a lot of time paying attention to what they want to do Big goal-getters focus on those things that will advance them toward the life of their dreams It's easy to get sidetracked and a lot of people have this sort of attention deficit disorder when it comes to focusing on their goals They keep bouncing from one idea to another idea to another idea and never really make progress on anything and people who succeed big zero in on what's important What's going to get them one step closer to their ultimate goal to that vision? They have a success and again We have a number of links on our blog today to some articles and posts about finding your focus and number three pay attention to people And I can't tell you how many times in my life I've had a problem and I've been stewing over possible solutions and you know that may have happened for days weeks I think in some cases even months and in a short conversation with someone they would say something and boom I had the answer you need to pay attention to me more often It is amazing what you can learn from people and listening to others is key for several reasons now The one you just mentioned George, but also by listening you may help find a solution to a problem Someone else is having and you know what? They won't forget it when you do not to mention the opportunities that result from these strong relationships You begin to build and once again We have a number of links on this topic on our blog today and coming up the most important thing to pay attention to that pays off Today we're talking about things to pay attention to and so far we've discussed three now We're going to discuss the one. That's the most important. Yes number four is pay attention to yourself That's right. We always put ourselves last on the list Don't we it's vital that you keep yourself energized and inspired and I'd have to say at times as a business owner You know you're running your business time is just so precious There's never enough time in the day and it was easy to let days and sometimes even weeks go by without really replenishing my spirit And I found that I needed to read or listen to things to keep the cobwebs out of my head to keep me inspired Keep me pushing so that I could keep other people going. That's right, and that's one of the reasons we started big success It's five minutes or so every day to get your mojo going so pay attention yourself by stopping by big success every day You'll find a written summary of today's show on our blog at big success That's big with 2g success comm and again We have several links to resources regarding today's topic and if you have some tips to share by all means do so We'll leave us a comment and before we go Let's get our big quote for the day our quote today comes from Edward di Bono who said an expert is someone who has succeeded in making Decisions and judgments simpler through knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore it pays to pay attention to the things That pay off next time we'll interview the man who opened the runway for deaf pilots It's a truly inspirational story. Yes, it is and until then here's to your big success The big success show at B I G G success calm You (music) [BLANK_AUDIO]