The BIGG Successs Show

5 Ways to Stop Racing in Circles So You Can Succeed Bigg

Broadcast on:
23 May 2008
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What to do if working harder isn't working anymore. Read our show summary at
Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today, we'll share five ways to stop racing in circles so you can succeed big. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. The Indy 500 is this weekend and we're fans of racing, but the thing is, if you really think about it, these drivers are just going around in circles. Who was that Mary Lynn? You know, that is authentic sound from the Indy 500 I recorded during time trials. Alright. I thought it would add to the show today. Yeah, I think it does, except it's making my neck kind of, you know, bunching the cargo by. You know, the thing is, they do go around in the same circle again and again. And each time they've driven two and a half miles, but really, they just end up in the same place, right? True. The fastest one to do it 200 times to drive 500 miles is the winner, but once again, they still haven't gone anywhere. They finish in the same place that they started. Yeah, but George, the first one there gets to drink the milk. Well, that's true. And of course, winning races does take you places, but the point we're trying to make here today is outside of the racing world. If we just go around in circles, there went again. Don't look, George, and continuing to do the same things over and over again. We just end up back at the same place. And then we wonder why. So we try working harder, but we're still doing the same things. So what happens is we just get back to the same place faster. But the problem is we're still in the same place. We still haven't gone anywhere. We just keep going around in circles. We're in over again, never making progress. We have a lot of activity, but very little, if anything, to show for it. We can't move past this one spot and speaking of going around in circles. Let's get on with it. Yeah, we're kind of doing the same thing here. I attended a seven hour long time ago. And the speaker made a statement that I'll never forget. Here's what he said. If I continue to do what I've always done, then the best I can expect is what I already have. In other words, if you want something more than what you have now, you have to do something different. So here are five ways to quit going around in circles. Number one, get out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to try something new. If you never push yourself beyond what you already know, you'll never grow. You'll just keep going around in circles. Number two, identify what's holding you back. This could be anything from your workplace, to relationships, to your personal habits, to negative thinking, any number of things. What's busting your dreams? What's crushing your spirit? Discovering these things and moving past them will keep you from going around in circles. And number three, do the right things. You know where you want to go. Everything you do should be taking you in that direction. Anything that doesn't, doesn't need to be done, right? Determining your priorities based upon your long-term goals is a sure way to keep from going around in circles. And now that you're doing the right things, number four, work smarter. Think about how you spend your time. It's the most precious resource you have. Find ways to do the things you do more efficiently. Doing the right things, the right way, will keep you from going around in circles. And all of these things that we've discussed so far, these first four, they're all things you can do yourself. But sometimes, you need to go outside the circle to get outside the circle. And that's coming up. Today we're talking about going around in circles. And the thing is, unless you're a race car driver, in the Indy 500, going around in circles just doesn't pay. We've talked about four ways to keep from doing this, and they're all things you can do on your own. The fifth tip is to get help. Be it a coach or a mentor or some other advisor. If you've tried everything you know how to try, and you're still going around in circles, bring in some support. And don't be afraid to pay for it. This is an investment in you, so that you can win the race and drink the milk. Two percent for me, please, no skim. I'll take chocolate. You know, we're here every day, waving the checkered flag for you. So subscribe to Big Success on our website at And that's where we also have a written summary of today's show. Let's get our big quote for the day. Our big quote today comes from Barbara Schur, who said, "Real obstacles don't take you in circles. They can be overcome. Invented ones are like amaze." So to get to the winner circle, avoid the obstacles you create yourself. Next time, we ask, are you a leader or the leader? Of the pack. Until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC]