The BIGG Successs Show

Like, If You Want to be Liked, You, Like, Have to Read These 5 Traits!

Broadcast on:
19 May 2008
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Characteristics of the charismatic. Read our show summary at
Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today, we'll share like five traits that will like make you more likeable. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. Like Mary Lynn, you sounded like a valley girl. Like George, so do you. We better stop saying that otherwise. Like I think you're right. It seems to be a crutch for a lot of people. Like me too. Oh, credit me. Sorry. You know, we all know someone who we admire because they are just so darn likable. There's just something about them and you seem to sense it instantly and it draws you to them. There are a lot of factors that make someone likable. And today we're going to talk about a few of them. A friend of ours who speaks to my class often, he's an entrepreneur now, but he's been a great deal of time in corporate America. He says he's almost never met a senior executive who wasn't likable. So being likable is important personally, but it's also very important professionally as well. And there's five things that we've observed from meeting people who are very likable. First, people who are likable are confident. This exudes from inside. They're comfortable with themselves and as a result, you feel comfortable with them. Mary Lynn, we needed video for the way you did the exudes thing. I was exuding the word. Yeah, if you want other people to like you, you have to like yourself. That's the starting point. Second, people who are likable are welcoming from their posture, their body language, how you see them interact with others. They seem to be inviting other people to reach out to them. And third, people who are likable give you a warm reception. They have a good handshake and let's face it. They're certainly hard bad handshakes, aren't they? We've all experienced those. They smile at you and greet you sincerely. They instantly make you feel like a friend. Fourth, people who are likable are engaging. Sure, they have plenty to say, but they don't dominate the conversation. They ask you a lot of questions and listen attentively to your answers. They do take a genuine interest in you. And fifth, people who are likable are just plain fun. They're light-hearted. They don't take themselves too seriously. And that's often exhibited by a certain self-deprecating humor. They're able to just look at life through a lens that brings that comedic sense to the things that we all experience. George, that was one of the things I liked about you the first time I met you. Well, Marilyn, I liked that you liked that. Coming up, the underlying secret to being likable. Today we're talking about what makes people likable and we've shared five things that we've observed from people that we like. And here's the thread that holds all of these things together. The underlying secret to being likable, ready? Make other people feel good about themselves. That'll do it. Pretty simple, isn't it? But if you make people feel good about themselves, they'll feel good about you and they'll like you. And the reward is, and this is something I've learned from taking a genuine interest in other people, I learn more from them than I can learn in any other way. From what they do, to what they've experienced, to their philosophy on life, I almost always come away from a conversation enriched. Everybody has a story to tell, right? That's absolutely right, and it's better than reading. And we definitely haven't covered all the things that make someone likable. What have you observed from people you like? Share your comment with us on our blog today at Big Success. That's Big with 2G's And that's also where we have a written summary of today's show, and let's get our big quote for the day, George. Quote today comes from Mark Twain who said, "He liked to like people, therefore people liked him." So to connect with human beings, enjoy human's being. She's Marylin, you sound like Van Halen, all of a sudden. I'm about to rock out over here. Next time, we'll talk about the billionaire and the Batboy, what Warren Buffett learned from perhaps the most famous Batboy of all time. And until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC]