The BIGG Successs Show

Increase Your Sales by Knowing the Answer to this Question

Broadcast on:
22 Apr 2008
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A technique to help you live the bigg life! Read our show summary at
Welcome to the big success show. Today, we'll talk about a question that helps you increase your sales. The big success show with George and Mary Lynn. Sell the sizzle, not the steak. That's what they say, right? The old thing. There's another one too. Features tell, benefits sell. I can't make any noises for that one. Features, of course, are the characteristics of whatever it is that you're trying to sell. And benefits answer the question. The most important question, what's in it for me? And today, we'll show you how to make more money by clearly understanding the difference between features and benefits. When you're selling anything, your product or service, your sell for a job, a loan, or even to get a date this weekend, you've got to focus on emotions, not intellect. And that's because people buy emotionally and then they justify rationally. Now, when you boil it all down, it's kind of funny. People buy for two reasons, to stop the pain or get the gain. That's right. So if you want to be successful in selling anything, pay the clear picture in your prospect's mind of how wonderful things will be after they buy what you're offering. And if you want to do that, you have to clearly understand the benefits of what you're selling. Now, that's not as easy as it sounds. In fact, we usually make two mistakes. Number one, most of the time we spend too much time talking about features and too little time discussing benefits. We know our product and our services inside and out, we have to translate those features into benefits and how it can help the customer. And I think the problem Mary Lynn is that we often don't fully understand the difference between a feature and a benefit. And what we end up doing is thinking of features as benefits, but they're not. Or we haven't thought it through fully enough, which leads to mistake number two, we stop before we get to the real benefit. And fortunately, as our show title implies, we're finally getting to it here. There's a there's a simple question that helps you get to the real benefit of what you offer. And Mary Lynn, that question is, and that means there it is. And we're going to tell you what that means coming up. Today, we're talking about features and benefits and a key question to ask yourself before you try to sell anything. And that question is, and that means, we're going to demonstrate this with a little role playing exercise. Oh, I love those. And it's not X rated. All right, so let's pretend one of us is a salesperson. And one of us is the sales manager. Wait, that's not how we practiced it, Mary Lynn. And we work for an insulation contractor. No, that may not sound that exciting, right? But when we get to the end of this, see if you're a little more excited about insulation. All right. So George, you want to be the sales rep or the sales manager? I'll be the sales rep. Great. I get to be the boss. Hey, you're not the boss of me. All right. So you're giving me your pitch and dive in. An adequate insulation is a leading cause of energy waste in many homes. And that means means your furnace and air conditioner have to work harder. And that means you may be spending too much money on your utility bill. And that means you could save money by adequately insulating your home. And that means you would have more money to do the things you want. Oh, and that means if you insulate your home, you'll pay for your next vacation. Bingo. Now you found a real benefit for me. So are you more excited about insulation now? Most people are. Even a product that seemingly has little sex appeal can be quite appealing. So keep asking. And that means until you get to the real benefit, the benefit for you is your sales will grow. And that means... Oh, here we go again. You'll live the big life. How's that? All right. You can get a written summary of today's show on our blog at big success dot com. And you can get the big success show delivered to you daily by subscribing to us and iTunes. We've got the subscription button on our site as well. Let's get our big quote for the day. Quote today comes from Dale Carnegie who said there is only one way to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it. And that means find the one thing that they really want that you can offer and then show them how to get it. Next time we ask the question, are you smart enough to say it simply? And until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G Success dot com. [BLANK_AUDIO]