The BIGG Successs Show
100 Tips to Succeed Bigg!
We celebrate our 100th show / blog. Read the show summary at
- Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today, we'll discuss 100 tips to succeed big. - The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. - And this is a special show today. It's episode number 100. - Cheers. (laughing) - Can you believe it, Mary Lynn? - We've come a long way, baby. I remember back in September of 2007, we had this idea, but we weren't sure how we were gonna bring it to life. - Yeah, but we did, and in November 12th, 2007, Big Success was born with our first Big Success Show. And I have to tell you what I think is most fulfilling is just hearing from all of our listeners. And one of my favorite quotes is, "The Big Success Show is my daily mojo." It really gets me going in the morning. You know, people listen to it on the way to work while they're working out, walking between classes, all sorts of things. - Right, and I love it when people tell us that they laugh because we try to provide a lesson and a laugh in five minutes or so. - And are they laughing with us or at us? - Hopefully, a little of both. But you know, this stuff doesn't have to be so serious. - Well, it doesn't, but we do actually try to give practical suggestions that people can take away and use it every single day. - And it's great to hear from people who say, "You know what, I was listening to your show today, "or I read your blog today, and what you suggested, "I used, and it helped." - Well, and we don't know at all, we don't pretend to. In fact, you know, Mary Lynn, I usually assume that I know less than anybody in the room. Unfortunately, it usually turns out I'm right. - But we do value your comments and your suggestions, and it's so easy to do. You just click on that comment link at the bottom of every one of our posts and type in what you're thinking. - Hey, I can even do that. - Yes. - Well, the thing is, today is a milestone for us, and you know, we've talked about milestones, for instance, on climbing the stairway to success. - Yeah, and we do practice what we preach because in that show, we said, you know, when you hit a milestone, you've got to give yourself a treat. And so today, we're taking some time to savor the moment. And so we're celebrating 100 shows, and that's the reason why we promised 100 tips to succeed big in our title. Well, here's the thing, we've already delivered on that promise. - Yes, we have. Go to our big quotes page, and on that page, you'll find a link to the show where that quote is featured, and you can count them for yourself right there. There's 100. - Just one problem, Mary Lynn. - What's that? - I don't have that many fingers and toes. (laughing) - Well, the thing is, we promise 100 tips on average, I would say we give about three tips per show, so the reality is, there's actually over three times what we've promised on that quotes page. Check it out yourself. - All right, and coming up, a couple of highlights from our first 100 shows, plus a special announcement. - Today, we're celebrating our 100th show, and we've promised you a few highlights. - One thing we talk about here at Big Success is when you come up to an obstacle, find a way around it. Prime example, around Super Bowl time, we wanted to do a show about fumbling forward. And we wanted to highlight the most famous fumble of all time, but we couldn't get the licensing permission to air that radio broadcast. So, we recreated it ourselves, and here's a little clip of that. - Casper is there, he jumps on the ball, touched down Raiders. - Oh, look at that. - What I just saw, neither can the ground, 52,000 people all on their feet stunned. - You know, George, in all my years of radio broadcasting, I'd never had the opportunity to be a sports broadcaster, and so that was very fun. And you know what, finding that creative solution really proved to be more rewarding. - It did, but I also learned this, Marylin. I know Howard Kossell. - What? - Well, pretty soon I may have that to pay, I don't know. Well, and on another show, and probably more than just this time, we've proven, or maybe I should say I've proven, that I'm not necessarily the best role model. We did a show on multitasking called Can You Walk and Chew Gum at the same time? And unfortunately, I showed all of you that I couldn't. Here's that clip. - Oh, George, are you okay? - Man, that was quite a trip, not a good one. - What the heck is going on with you? - I don't know. - So we're up. - I was getting ready to talk about our next show title, but I'm almost embarrassed to say what it is now. Next time, we're gonna ask, can you walk and chew gum at the same time? - Well, I guess we know the answer for you. - Unfortunately, I guess we do. (bell rings) Oh, now that was embarrassing. - We're not gonna sign you up for dancing with the stars anytime soon. - Oh, I don't think you had to worry about me going there anyway. (laughs) - You know, on Leap Your Day, we talked about a growing trend. People traveling while working. Leaping from place to place is what the show was called. Speaking of taking a leap, here's that special announcement we promised. On a personal note, George and I got married that day. - Yes, we did. You know the good thing is, Mary Lynn, I only have to remember the anniversary every four years. - You planned it that way. You know what, we started big success to bring together a community of like-minded people, to help each other succeed big. And we may be the conductor, but it takes an orchestra for the music to be sweet. So here's one thing you can do to help, help spread the word about big success. - Yeah, tell everyone you know, any way you wanna do it. Tell your friends about it. It won't cost them anything, right? - Right, and when you hear a show or read a blog that you think someone else would enjoy, send them the link. There's an easy way to do this. Click on the Share this button at the bottom of each post. There's a number of options there, including email it to a friend. - And we thank you all so much for being a part of big success. - You can find a written summary of today's show, along with all the links to the shows, the pages, and everything else we've mentioned today, at And let's get our big quote for the day. - Our big quote today comes from David Joseph Schwartz, who said, "The person determined to achieve maximum success "learns the principle that progress is made "one step at a time. "A house is built one brick at a time. "Football games are won a play at a time. "A department store grows bigger, one customer at a time. "Every big accomplishment is a series of little accomplishments." - Your accomplishments may seem tiny on their own, but when you put them together, they're mighty. - Hey, you're talking about the tiny mighties, I'm Ari Lynn. - At least not the tiny whiteies. - Next time we'll talk about five laws of stratospheric success. - Until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]