The BIGG Successs Show

Plant the Seed This Spring for Your Bigg Success

Broadcast on:
20 Mar 2008
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3 steps to make your success grow. Read the show summary at
Welcome to the Big Success Show. Today, we'll talk about planting the seed this spring for your Big Success. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. Today's show is inspired by the fact that it's the first day of spring. Hella, lose ya. This is my favorite part of the year because the plants start to sprout up the trees. They get little buds on the branches. The air smells so fresh. And the flowers start to bloom. Now, unfortunately, we have to admire those across the street at our neighbors because I'm not really good at planting things that come up in spring, but it's beautiful anyway. Well, and we're sitting here in the Midwest United States, and before long, the farmers will be planting their crop for this season, which got us to think it. There's some similarity between a farmer planting and our everyday lives. Yeah, just like a farmer, we have to plant in order to harvest. That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? It does. But what exactly does that mean? Let's break it down. Well, a farmer plants a seed to harvest a plant. And so it goes with us. If we want an output, we need an input. You control the output by focusing on the input. In other words, if we want a result, we have to take action. You can't control the result. You control the activity. So you focus on the activity, not the end product. Focus on planting, not the plant. Today we're going to look at three steps to plant the seed, and we'll also give a personal example of it, how we've used it here at Big Success. And to illustrate our point fully, we're going to count down. Okay. So point number three is you plant. You have to actually do it. Follow through on everything that's led to this point. And we'll talk about those, but all of those things just get you ready to do this. But unless you actually do it, you won't have anything to harvest. That's right. And we're talking about individual activities here. Activities that get the end result you want. In general, you want to focus on activities that are going to yield the best result and avoid the activities that don't get you what you want. Absolutely. And number two is prepare to plant. To be ready to plant, you have to gather the needed resources and lay the groundwork. There's work to be done before you can plant. For the farmer, that means buying the seed, getting the fertilizer, preparing the ground for planting, and many, many more things. Right. And for us non-farmers, depending on your situation, it's doing things like research, preparing collateral materials, getting your resume updated, creating that business plan, making a prospect list, finding potential strategic partners, designing promotional material. These are just a few of the examples of the many things that you'll do to prepare. And preparing does take a lot of time and effort. Yeah, it does. And number one, you have to plan to plant. If a farmer waits until now to start planting the season, he's got a real uphill battle. That's the reason we counted backwards, in addition to just showing you that we could. Good for us. But you see how much effort it's taken to get ready to plant, and we haven't even talked about the planting stage. Yeah, you've got to think about the who, what, when, and where, and make sure you know the why for each of those, and also think about what if. So thinking like a farmer, who's going to plant what crop, where and when will it be planted? You said that so succinctly, Marylin. Thank you. Well, thinking like a non farmer and thinking back to number two, preparing, we said that you may do some research. As an example, are you going to do the research yourself, or maybe you could just pay to have it done. In either case, what research do you need? Where will you find that research, or the person who will do the research? When will the research need to be done by? These are all questions that you'd want to answer as part of the planting stage. And coming up, we'll give an example of how we use this three-step process at big success. Today, we're talking about planting the seed for your big success, and we've discussed the three-step process. We promised you an example of it. That's right. Here are big success. We put out, each week, a weekly newsletter, and five shows. That's our end result, and that is a lot of work. And as long as we focused on that end result, it was a constant struggle. And then, George, we implemented this three-step process. Yeah, so first, as we said, we planned our work. Now, basically, what we did was we set up a production schedule, and what that did was it mapped out what needed to be accomplished every day, not every week. And we found that that small little thing helped immensely. And second, we prepared. We had to pull together our topics. How were we going to frame our topics? What kind of information do we have? Do we need to go get more information? So we gathered all of our materials together, and now we're ready. That's right. And so third, we did it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be hearing this show, right? So the thing is, you have to plan to harvest. You have to do the actions in order to get the result. And speaking of our newsletter, you can sign up for our free Big Success Weekly on our website at That's also where we have a written summary of today's show, and let's get our big quote for the day, George. Our big quote today comes from William Arthur Ward, who said, "Faith sees a beautiful blossom in a bulb, a lovely garden in a seed, and a giant oak in an acorn." So remember, actions produce results, belief produces actions. And next time, we'll talk about seven ways to tap into your creative side. I was hoping ways to tap into my green thumb, but... Until then, here's to your Big Success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING]