The BIGG Successs Show

How to Feel Rich Today

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19 Mar 2008
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The balance between these 2 factors determines how rich you feel right now. Read the show summary at
Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today, we'll discuss how to feel rich now. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. "Rich" is a very, for lack of a better word, "rich" word. When I say "rich," what do you think, Mary Lynn? I think "rich" is rich in all of his fancy little gadgets. But I think the common perception is that "rich" means "wealth." But it actually has many meanings. Yeah, it has to do with quality. That's a rich idea. Fullness, I have a rich life. Fruitful, he farms rich soil. And much, much more. It's way beyond the common perception. So today, we're going to talk about how to feel rich today, given the richness of rich. Well, there's really two factors here that are balancing against each other. One is our conditions, and the other is our expectations. If our conditions exceed our expectations, we're happy. We feel like we're living a rich life. If our conditions aren't what we expected, then we're unhappy. So today, we'll talk about what to do about that. There are two things you can do. First of all, change your conditions. Our second of all, change your expectations. And there's three ways to change your conditions. Yeah, first, change your attitude. It all starts with you. If you think you can't do something, guess what? You can't. It's really just that simple. And second, now that you've changed your attitude, you have to change yourself talk. Keep telling yourself, as they say in a lot of the Adam Sandler movies, you can do it. You have to say that over and over until you really, really believe it. And every time you tell yourself something negative, you're actually two steps behind. One, you've taken a step back because of the self doubt. And two, you could have taken a step forward. The third way to change your conditions emulates successful people. Even if you don't feel like you're successful, fake it. Do whatever you have to do to act like you are already successful. And you'll find that you'll be successful when you act successful long enough. Or to be happy to feel rich, you can change your expectations. And we'll discuss three of the many ways to do that. First, stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Man, I know the Joneses. Me and Mrs. Jones. You know, I read recently that people are actually trying to keep up with the gates is now. Wow. You know, and obviously we can't do that. It's your life, not theirs. What difference does anybody else's opinion really matter anyway? You're the one who has to be proud of you and your accomplishments. Second thing you have to do is set goals that are achievable. We're all big goal getters here, big success. But if you set the bar so high that all you do is work toward that goal, then you're not going to have a rich life because it's going to be mono dimensional. That's a big word, Mary Lynn. Thank you. I think that up myself. Very impressive. You've got to set goals that stretch you, but don't break you as you try to achieve them. And the third thing is to look at what you have, not what you don't have. And if you look back at where you've come from, how much you've accomplished, sometimes it's almost surprising and we become happy. Sometimes we hit a goal and then we immediately start working on the next one. That's obviously good, but you also have to savor the moment. Look at your relationships and all the things that you truly have to be happy for. And coming up, we're going to share two stories. One about a man who changed his conditions. The other about a woman who changed her expectations. Today, we're talking about how to feel rich and it really boils down to aligning your conditions and your expectations. A friend of mine used to work in corporate America and he said when he first started out right out of college, he got in with this group of people who complained a lot. They complained about their conditions at work about the boss, the company and they never gave an ounce more than they had to in order to keep their jobs. And then one day he got assigned to a project with this goal getter. And what he learned from this guy was he was amazingly positive and he also did a lot of little things that made him stand out when my friend started to emulate him. And before long, he got a promotion with a big raise. He changed his conditions to feel rich. And our other story, Sarah Susanka. She's an architect who's written 10 books, including the not so big life. She was a very busy professional, but she wasn't happy. And she was so busy that she didn't have time to figure out what to do about it. Then one day, unfortunately, she learned she had breast cancer. And while she received treatment, she didn't have much energy. She couldn't live that busy lifestyle, but she did have time to think. And she realized that quality, not quantity, is what matters to her. So what makes you comfortable matters, what impresses others doesn't. She changed her expectations and now she feels rich. And the good news is she's changing the lives of many others, which has rich rewards in itself. We have a great resource here at Big Success to help you determine and focus on what's most important to you. Our big goal planners workbook. It's free when you subscribe to our free weekly newsletter here at That's also where we have a written summary of today's show, a link to Sarah Susanka's book. And let's get our big quote before we go. Our big quote today comes from Oscar Wilde who said ordinary riches can be stolen. Real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you. All the things that money can buy comes with a price tag. All the things money can't buy, priceless. Oh, it makes me want to put away my Visa card, Marilyn. Charge it. Spring's here tomorrow, and so we're going to talk about three steps to make your success grow. And until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING]