The BIGG Successs Show

Reject This Fear And Succeed

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05 Mar 2008
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Don't let the fear of this hold you back from your dreams! Read the show summary at
Welcome to the Big Success Show. Today, we'll discuss the fear you must reject to succeed. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. As humans, we all face fear, and thinking as many people get mired in that fear. But people who succeed big learn how to overcome their fears, and one fear in particular seems to hold many people back. You know, the root of this fear kind of stems from childhood. You remember being made fun of, not being included, not being one of the cool kids, that was really me. Is that right, Mary Lynn? Yes, unfortunately. I don't remember that at all. Oh, must be nice. If only that were true. Well, as adults, it gets manifested by our fear of asking for the sale, reaching out to people, just in general, going for what we want. It's the fear of rejection. And you have to reject the fear of rejection today. How long did it take you to come up with that, Mary Lynn? You have to reject the fear of rejection. Are you rejecting what I came up with? Today, we're going to share four ways to do just that. Well, number one is this. Be confident. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. The benefit of this is that you won't flat out, except the rejection. You'll keep trying one more thing, and then one more, and that's what you have to do in order to succeed big. Yes, self-confidence is big here, and that's with two Gs, and we did the show not too long ago about building self-confidence. So, if you could use a little boost, click on the link on our blog today for that show. And the number two way is to understand that success is a numbers game. Exactly, because it takes a number of no's to get a yes. Well, that's a case, Mary Lynn, and no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yes. All right. Well, just to ask any published author, any successful salesperson, job seekers, actors, the list goes on and on. Look at no as a positive, because it means you're one step closer to that. Yes. And you know what no is spelled backwards, don't you, Mary Lynn? On. And upward, right? Yes. Number three, don't take rejection personally. This is closely related to the previous two, but the thing is the odds are very high that they're not rejecting you personally. It's the offer, the presentation, the design, maybe the wording, probably even their own circumstances, but any of a number of other reasons. And if you focus only on yourself, you'll never get to the most important one, which is number four. Right, the fourth way to reject rejection, try to find out why the rejection occurred. So, like what you were just saying, George, if you're taking it personally and just focusing on you, then you're not looking for the real underlying reason for the rejection. And so, what happens is that you just get stuck in this vicious circle, and you're more likely to get rejected again, because you get stuck in this woe-is-me world. Well, absolutely, Mary Lynn. And the thing is, with this question, what you're really trying to do is find out, did the rejection occur because of something you can control? Now, the good news is this. No matter whether that answer is yes or no, that's good information to have. If it's no, you know you can move on. If it's yes, then try again once you've made the necessary changes. Now, here's the thing, George. Even for those of us who are self-confident, who have mastered that fear of rejection, we still have difficulties from time to time with rejection. It can just get to you. So, coming up, we're going to share our recipe for getting over it. Today, we want to talk about why you must reject the fear of rejection. And we talked about four ways to do it, but the thing is, we're all human. And even the most positive thinkers have down times, especially after they face rejection, after rejection. So, Mary Lynn, you're a positive thinker. What do you do to get yourself out of the funk? Well, I got to tell you, I'm a competitive cuss. And so, rejection emboldens me, really. But I can get ticked off about it, too. So, to just kind of get back on even keel, I like to turn to my good friend, Rock 'n Roll. And there's a couple of songs that really work for me. "Keep Pushing" from Ario Speedwagon. That is a jam. And then, there's a great song from Foreigner that you never hear on the radio. It's called "I'm Gonna Win." And those songs just get me back on track. That's cool. And I remember, actually, when you got to ask the author of the song, "Keep Pushing" to play "Keep Pushing." When we met Kevin Cronin, and he said, "Yeah, I'd like to play that song. Is it exciting?" Well, I'll tell you how I handle it. My recipe is this. I just pout. And you look so cute when you're do. Actually, I find that if you can do something life-affirming, that often brings you out of it. For me, I love to escape to big water. There's just something about being around the massiveness of all of that with the waves and everything going on that makes anything that I'm experiencing seem kind of minuscule. If you don't have that option, nature of any kind seems to work. I also like to go for country drives. And if nothing else, I always can pull out one of my favorite songs, which is "Little River Bands," "Cool Change," and it just makes me feel free and gets me dreaming again, and then I'm ready to get back to work. How do you give yourself a lift when rejection is bringing you down? Leave a comment for us on our blog today at That's also where we have a written summary of today's show, and our link to the confidence game show that we mentioned earlier today. And before we go, let's get our big quote for the day. Our quote today comes from Louis Ferdinand Celine, who said, "I think all great innovations are built on rejections." So don't get bogged down in the pool of rejection when there's an ocean of opportunity awaiting you. So big water there, George. Absolutely. I think I'll go surfing. I'll get the lifeboat. Next time, we're going to offer some interviewing tips to a first-time manager who wants to know how he can get the information he needs to make a good hiring decision. All right, until then, here's to your big success. THE BIG SUCCESS SHOW AT B-I-G-G SUCCESS.COM [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]