The BIGG Successs Show
Have A Problem? SOLVE IT!
Learn this easy to remember 7 step process to problem solving. Read the show summary at
Welcome to the Big Success Show. Today we'll discuss the seven steps to solve any problem. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. Recently we talked about the ancient Chinese secret for solving all of your problems. And it's really a simple two-step process. Put all of your problems away into individual compartments. And then step two, pull one problem out of the time when you're ready to deal with it. What we love about this secret is that it really seems to make things seem more manageable because you're not looking at all of your problems all at once. Yeah, and so today what we'll talk about is what to do once you pull that problem out. A lot of people get overwhelmed with all of their problems. But the other problem we often have is that we don't actually have a process for problem solving. And the process we're going to talk about today is timeless, but we're putting our own spin on it. It's a seven-step problem-solving process. Yeah, but we've made it easier to remember. We have an acronym, solve it. I like that. So step one is the S, statement. You've got to state exactly what the problem is because until you've defined your problem clearly, you can't solve it. Step two is the O, the big O, as I like to call it, the O, which is origin. You have to isolate the root cause of the problems. A lot of times we end up working on the symptoms rather than the problem itself. And you have to find the problem in order to solve it. The next step is the L list. You've got a brainstorm for possible solutions. And the key word here is brainstorm. We're not analyzing yet. You've got to get all of your ideas on paper so you can solve it. I've had a number of brainstorms in my life, Mary Lynn. Yes. Mostly thunderstorms, tornadoes. Cold front passing through. Something like that. Step four is the V, which is verify. You have to determine the pros and cons of each solution. Because until you've done that, you won't really know what's best, and you have to analyze it in order to solve it. Fifth is the E, eliminate. You've got to get rid of all but the single best solution. You've done the research, now you've got to go with the best option in order to solve it. So that's the solve, Mary Lynn. But now, if you notice, all we've done so far is gather information and come up with a solution. But we are at a natural cut off. That's right, because coming up, we're going to take action, the IT of solve it. Today, we're talking about a timeless problem-solving process, and we've created a seven-letter acronym to help you remember it. Solve it. So far, we've discussed the first five steps, the solve portion. Statement, origin, list, verify, and eliminate. Now, we're ready for the IT, because George, you know, it happens. That's what it says on the bumper sticker. That's what Forrest Gump said. That's true. Well, step six, the "I" in Solve it is implement. Work your solution to make your solution work. You have to take action in order to solve it. And our final step is the "T" test. You've established benchmarks so you know whether or not your solution is working. Check periodically against these benchmarks. You've got to keep an eye on the problem to make sure that you solve it. So the next time you have a problem, pull it out, one problem at a time, and solve it. Isn't that simple, Mary Lynn? I want another problem to come my way to sound so fun. I could probably give you one. Yeah, I know. You can get a written summary of our show today on our blog at We've got a nice layout of Solve it. It's all spelled out for you nice and neat, so you can print that off. And if you found today's show helpful, make sure you pass this on to your friends so they can solve it. And let's get our big quote for the day, George. Our big quote today comes from Voltaire, who said, "No problem can stay in the assault of sustained thinking." And that sustained thinking is most productive when you use an organized process. That's how you can take any problem and solve it. And next time, we'll talk about the fear that often holds people back from their dreams. Oh, I'm afraid to ask what it is. Until then, here's to your Big Success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]